Bio and Trailer: Skeleton Werepyer *Updated*

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Reader bio and arms

Name: F/n L/n

Age: Younger then Ozpin and Salem but appearance of a young adult around 17-20 in age.

Race: Demi-Undead

Before the curse: White hair, mild tan skin, half human/dark god, and innocent

After being cursed: White hair, ghost pale skin, half undead/dark god, and protective

Family for the story:

Mother- Victoria L/n (deceased)

Father- God of Darkness (Waiting to judge humanity)

Dark mother- Salem (Curses you after something happens to you)

Likes: Lien, human/faunus girls, peaceful days alone, long moonlit walks, and his job.

Dislikes: Salem, Ironwood, maiden blood, taking innocent lives, Jacques Schnee, bullies, his father, White Fang new way of life, being disturbed, and people touching his weapons.

Attire for huntsman:

Attire for mercenary work:

Sleep wear:


Blood mimicry- You bite people to learn their semblance and you can use it anytime after but you must be able to consume the blood.

Soul block- You can negate others from using semblances as if they were corpses.

Call of the beast- You call upon your wolf nature to communicate with all manner of creatures from animals and Grimm.

Dark wrath- You let your inner darkness explode in rage and become a walking tank of destruction.



Night vision

Godly regeneration

Godly speed

Godly strength

Mind control

Power steal (You can remove both semblances and maiden powers through a bite and store them in a vial)

Mind reading (Only those you bitten or turned)

Grimm form (Basically like devil trigger)

Revival (But comes back as part Grimm)

Curse transformation

Dark magic


Ace of Spades (Named after a Nevermore chick you nurtured and kept as a pet but humans killed him)

Last Word (You always get the last word)

Norfang (A long range weapon of choice for recon, espionage, and assassinations with double damage high velocity armor piercing rounds that can take a hat of a punk at 3000 meters)


Hidden Assassin blade and grappling hook (Stealth assassination for the blade while the grappling hook can pull you to places and stuff to you placed on your left hand)

Lost light (More effective at nightfall till dawn)

Lancer blade (A aura and flesh penetrator if the chainsaw function in play)

Team members:

Name: Yin Light (Teams Loli)

Age: 17

Race: Human

Weapon: Katana

Semblance: Serene mind (It passive so every attack moves in slow motion)

From: Mistral

Name: Sarah Highwind

Age: 17

Race: Human

Weapon: Neon Long Sword

Semblance: Foresight (Can see the next day from her dreams)

From: Atlas

Name: Kara Pride

Age: 17

Race: Lion Faunus

Weapon: Bow with dust infused arrow tips

Semblance: Deadeye (Can perfectly shoot the target body when triggered)

From: Menagerie


Ruby Rose

Weiss Schnee

Blake Belladonna

Yang Xiao Long

Coco Adel

Velvet Scarlatina

Amber (Deceased)

Raven Branwen

Winter Schnee (Had Nickolas Schnee L/n)

Sienna Khan


Emerald Sustria (Had Rogue L/n)

Cinder Fall (Had Pyra L/n)

Robyn Hill

Fiona Thyme

Yin Light

Kaya Pride


Without further ado let get the prologue or character trailer about are main character


No one pov

They Deity brothers just wiped the world of humanity leaving only two survivors a anger women who despises them and a pregnant woman carrying the love hate child of the God of Destruction, but when the gods left they destroyed the moon. Months later in the women goes in labor as the village being attacked by Grimm which are more violent and hostile so the men are fighting the Grimm while she delivering a baby.

Doctor: Push ma'am push.

She pushing to get the pain of childbirth over as she here crying of a baby as he cuts the umbilical cord and clean the young child

Lady: Sweet Oum that over.

Doctor: It a boy Lady Victoria.

Victoria: F/n L/n his name doctor.

4 years later in a village

A young white hair boy who was playing starts looking at faunus in cages and looks down as he feels bad for them

F/n: Momma why are they in cages aren't they like us but with animal traits?

Victoria: I don't know sweetie.

Guy: Their animals not people.

F/n: They are still people but with an extra trait.

The faunus looks at the boy and cheer but turns to yelling when the guy back hands F/n as he crying.

Victoria: Sheriff he a boy wanting peace on this planet and this man attacked my son.

Sheriff: Brother show him were superior then these animals.

The sheriff brother start beating on the kid till a burst of dark energy pushes him back and the boy gets on his feet with dark energy surrounding him

Guy: What the fuck is this kid?

Victoria mind: This is similar to his father.

F/n punches the guy which takes the wind out of him and the faunus cheer but the sheriff knocks him out by hitting the butt of his gun then points it at him

Sheriff: Victoria you spawned a threat so both of you are no longer citizens of this village. So leave or a bullet going through his head.

Victoria picks up her son and leaves the village just to encounter Grimm and she runs and hides her son before being brutally mauled to death and when they finish they find the boy and feels their creator in him as a pale women in a black dress with snow white hair and skin with Grimm like eyes who tempting to kill the boy out of spite for the gods but takes him to her cabin and lays him on her bed before laying beside him

Next morning

F/n wakes up next to the women and start panicking before running around the cabin looking for his mom as the women stirs awake

F/n: Mother. Mother. Where are you mother?

F/n turns around to see the pale women staring down at him with a stern look

???: Your mother was killed by Grimm so I saved you and I'll raise you as my own. My name is Salem, what yours?

F/n: *crying* My name F/n L/n.

Salem: I promise no more harm shall befall you.

Salem hugs F/n motherly and smiles

Salem: Hungry F/n.

F/n: Yes ma'am.

Salem goes to cook breakfast as F/n looking around happily but everything about to happen

Time skip six years

F/n was playing with his four young sisters as Salem and a man named Oz till F/n approaches Salem with a flame black as night

F/n: Mom look what I can do?

Oz: That magic dark similar to him.

Salem: Sweetie take your sisters to bed me and dad needs to talk.

F/n does what Salem asked for but then follows them to Oz study and ease drops on their conversation about the deity brothers judgement, the relics, and more importantly who his father is as they get in a argument before going to his room just to wake up by Oz and get ready to run but they aren't lucky

Sister: Mom

They begin fighting with magic causing the place to catch ablaze and collapse which buried the kids but F/n was buried half way as he witnessed Salem kill her husband and wanted to stop her but he spits up blood and his vision blurry

Salem: I should let you die for being his son but what I do to you you'll wish to be killed.

F/n: *wheezes with tears in his eyes*

Salem cuts her wrist and forces F/n to drink it as his body mutates while his skin turns pale before passing out just to wake up in a hospital years later and he older as he gets out of bed and escapes through the window to pursue in stopping Salem

Time skip many years later

F/n was sitting in a chair at his business Grimm will Scream as the phone rings

F/n: Grimm may Scream... Sorry it after 8 so no password, no business... You'll pay handsomely ok tell me my target location and what I'm slaying. *hangs up then gets out of his chair and leaves* I hope it not a prank.

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