C18 Road to Mistrial and entering the Deadlands

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Ruby's pov

After F/n left I contacted the rest of Team JNPR to meet me at my house so we can find the people responsible for the attack and on are way to Haven but F/n leaving in my mind as were facing a Giest terrorizing a village and due to me not paying attention I'm almost hit but the attacked blocked by a sword by a woman with raven black wings wearing all black

Woman: Are all mortals this distracted.

Ruby: Who are you?

Woman: Lucifer the Deadly Knight of Pride.

I look at Lucifer sword as it holding it own against a boulder arm of the Giest

Lucifer: You Grimm are pathetic creatures who are unfit to even live.

She slash the Giest mask along with the boulder and goes to flies away but I grab her arm as she glares at me

Lucifer: Let go of me human.

Ruby: Is F/n ok? I'm worried about him.

Lucifer: He weakened and recovering with blood donations from each subordinate of his knights.

Ruby: I wanna see him Lucifer.

Lucifer: You don't demand to see anyone your just a human.

Ruby: I'm responsible for his weakened state I just wanna make sure he fine.

Lucifer: My Master doesn't want any mortals around him and he sent his knights out on a task.

Ruby: Where going to Haven Academy to find the ones responsible for the Fall of Beacon.

Lucifer: I'm being sent to meet with the Headmaster of Haven Academy and I happen to see you almost bite it girl.

Jaune, Ren, and Nora approaches us and she glares at us with hate

Lucifer: Pathetic creatures are everywhere.

Jaune: What about you?

Lucifer: Tsk I'll kill you all.*Lucifer pushes me down and ready to attack us but stops when her eyes go wide* Master please forgive me don't send me to the pit.

Nora: Who is she talking too? No one around.

Ruby: F/n, but from where?

Lucifer: Very well master I'll return at once and I'll bring these humans along.

Lucifer puts her sword away and looks at us with a look of displeasment

Lucifer: Follow me the master would like to speak with you four.

Lucifer walks off and we follow her till we reach a village with a bunch of crimes as she smiling

Ruby: What is this place?

Lucifer: My domain it where all the souls go after being demonized to live in a place of corruption and anarchy.

Nora: I like it.

Lucifer: But were not staying here where heading to the castle.

I see a old looking carriage as it being pulled by skeleton horses and a headless man as the door opens to reveal Dracula

Dracula: Hello Mortal and Lucy join me in my carriage so we can get back for a good meal.

Lucifer gets in across from Dracula and we get in as Jaune next to Dracula and Ren next to Jaune while I'm next to Lucifer and Nora next to me as Lucifer hands Jaune his new improved Corsea Mors

Lucifer: Here your a weapon I took as soon as it was done.

Jaune looks at it before nods

Dracula: You'll be the first humans to set foot in the castle in years.

Nora: Really that awesome.

Lucifer: The first human was Elizabeth before her ascension to one of us.

Dracula: Then those delicious crusaders.

Ruby: Is he ok and well?

Dracula: I'll give you friendly advice his collar off so don't anger him.

Jaune: He never wore one.

Lucifer: Your headmaster had many secrets unlike are master who was open to everyone about what he was.

The carriage stops and we get out to see a castle as I look up to see red eyes looking down at us as Dracula and Lucifer head inside as we follow them through the castle till we reach a throne room to see F/n sitting on the throne looking at us

(Like this and I don't own this this is a castlevania pic from lord of shadows 2)

F/n: My friends care to join me for a drink?

Ruby: You won't hurt us right?

F/n: Your my guest that I welcomed in.

Ren: You seem to be healed and well.

F/n: Ren to get to Mistrial you need to pass through your place of birth.

Nora: You don't mean through Kuroyuri.

F/n: The place where the Nuckelavee attacked and you lost everyone and where you activated your semblance... Qrow good to see you.

I see Uncle Qrow come out as he approaches F/n

Qrow: Why did you bring them here?

F/n: Why were you following them when you could be looking for your sister.

Qrow: I'm keeping a promise to Tai and Summer to keep her safe unlike your promises.

F/n: Qrow I won't hesitant to kill you your in my house and I won't tolerate anything towards me.

Qrow: Listen we need you.

F/n: Do you need me or does Oz need me? That man has many secrets can you trust him when the truth comes out about HER.

Ruby: Uncle Qrow what is he talking about?

F/n: Ruby you used your silver eyes which makes you a target to the witch her name is Salem. Like every other silver eyed warrior before you your eyes have a direct link to my uncle in power over the Grimm. That makes you a threat to her cause she commands them.

Qrow: What are you doing?

F/n: I'm following his orders to tell her everything. Now Oz, Salem, and myself are the oldest beings in this world.

Ruby: Professor Ozpin?

F/n: He reincarnated good I guess it time I leave the castle and head to Haven myself beside Loinheart has to answer a few questions.

F/n gets up and walks over to me as I look into his red eyes with a blush

F/n: Just cause I'm traveling with you doesn't mean I'm gonna be my carefree self I will kill if threatened.

Time skip a few hours

We make are way to Oniyuri as F/n looking around with Ren and Nora

F/n: Everyone hide she sent the pet.

We hide as we see a man approach as F/n and him lock eyes and he smirks while the man growls

Man: The abomination how your fall?

F/n: Where Cinder and Emerald?

Man: Those traitors gave birth to a boy and a girl then were brainwashed to serve her while she has the kids close to her to raise.

F/n: Those are my heirs not hers to raise.

Man: Then pledge your loyalty to are goddess and you'll have your kids.

F/n draws Rebellion and sends a very dark glare at the man as they get ready to fight

F/n: Tyrian you made the gravest mistake serving her and coming here.

Tyrian chuckles like a mad man

Tyrian: Why protect that Rose girl? Is it cause she reminds you of your short stack that was killed on her mission then later killed by you.

F/n: ...

Tyrian: She begged for you to save her when she was dying on that mission. It went like this "F/n help me please I'm sorry".

F/n: Your dead for not only coming here but mentioning Summer in my presence. *said in a dark monster like tone*

F/n starts radiating more dark energy as black flames coming off his body

Tyrian: What this?

F/n gets on all fours as his skin burns off and grows in size abit before skeleton bat wings come out with ears and tail and when it done he howls

(Werepyer but a skeleton I don't own this credit goes to AQ and team Artix)

F/n: I'm going to kill you as a monster you bastard.

They rush at each other but F/n ends it by biting him as Tyrian scream before turning into a raisin like body but he not down F/n ripping him apart till his body littered all over Oniyuri as his body parts burn with black flames and when he down he howls in rage and pain but I move towards him as everyone yelling at me to stay away and when I get to him he looks at me and I hug him

Ruby: I'm not gonna leave you I'm here so please come back.

He slowly turns back to normal before hugging me back

F/n: Petals I'm sorry you saw that I lost it when he mentioned your mom.

Ruby: It ok I know you were upset.

I kiss him on his lips and expect him to pull away but he pulls me closer as we keep kissing but we hear a cough and when we look it Uncle Qrow who looks mad

Jaune: What was that?

F/n: Every monster has a monster form that was my monster form.

Ruby: Where Yin, Sarah, and Kaya?

F/n: Sarah transferred to Atlas but writes her lover, Yin went home to be a samurai, and Kaya went with Blake.

Ruby: We need their help with you?

F/n: Let find a place to set up camp.

We leave to set up camp outside the town as I'm cuddling in F/n arms

Qrow: I believe you owe them an explanation on who that was.

F/n Tyrian he was a devoted follower to Salem but he won't be coming back ever.

Jaune: You know alot about this Salem chick? You could be working for her in secret.

F/n: Jaune I rather be dead then work with her. She broke her promise that no harm will befall upon me and killed her own daughters.

Jaune: But your a mons-

F/n: I know I'm a monster but I been fighting her for a long time and I'm tired of it I just want to be human again and grow old with the ones I love but I can't with my body and curse.

Ren: But still it good your back on are side.

Nora: And all it took was a kiss.

Qrow: I'm not happy about that.

F/n: She accepted me and showed courage in my monster form. Also no one tell Yang I kissed Ruby please I like my testicles attached to me.

Qrow: Are you scared of my niece.

F/n: Qrow I heard the story of her first haircut.

Qrow: Point proven ok my lips are sealed.

Nora: And sent.

F/n: Ren what did she just do?

Ren looks at her scroll then at F/n with his eyes shut

Ren: She told Yang I apploagize on her behalf.

F/n looks at his scroll and we both look at the message from Yang

Yang: Did you kiss Ruby?

F/n: Who told you Yang I'm at my castle?

Yang: Nora told me your traveling with them.

F/n: No beside I broke up with you ladies I'm plotting a raid on Beacon grounds to exterminate the Grimm.

Yang: Your with Ruby cause Qrow, Jaune, and Nora said the same thing your with them on your way to Haven.

F/n: I didn't kiss Ruby I kissed Wiess, Blake, Raven, Emerald, Coco, Cinder, Seinna, and Velvet that it.

Yang sent a picture of us kissing then a picture of a tree knocked down with her new metal arm

Yang: I'm on my way to kick your ass.

He puts his scroll away then glares at the three culprits before walking away and I follow him just for us to see a scythe blade embedded inside a skeleton as he approaches it and pulls it out before doing a bunch of tricks before making it disappear

F/n: Burial Blade re-aqquired.

We head back to camp and we go to sleep for the night

Elsewhere Salem's pov

I look at my subordinates Auther Watt and Hazel Rainheart with my brainwashed maiden Cinder Fall with her brainwashed theif who slept with that boy as Mercury sitting at the table beside me and I'm holding the babies they birthed a boy with pale skin and green hair and a girl with slightly tan skin and white hair

Arthur: We need to deal with that monster before he gets any relic.

Mercury: The stake didn't work and he would've took the fall if that vampire didn't show or if Virgil didn't fail in his fight.

Hazel: He failed cause he wasn't experienced enough to fight the king of monsters aswell his older brother.

Cinder: I say we pay Lionheart a visit since Atlas hates him let get Mistril out for him cause he can't harm humanity unless he prepared to suffer burns from his collar from Ozpin's report he can't kill anyone or suffer a blaze of hellfire if he kills an innocent.

Auther: I been working on something to separate his dark half to be killed permanently.

Mercury: I'm itching to kill him for good.

Salem: Hazel I want you to head to the White Fang and inform Seinna Khan that you bear a message from the Grimm Slayer to attack Haven under that the huntsman plan to eliminate them.

Hazel: It will be done.

Salem: Mercury I want you to go look for Raven Branwen if she indeed spring maybe you can persuade her to are cause.

Mercury: Yeah sure.

Salem: Authur I want you to head to Haven and insure Leo still on are side and if you see the Grimm Slayer make sure he out of the way when the assault beings.

Authur: Agreed but no one seen him since the Fall of Beacon it possibly he cut his ties with the light.

Salem: That still a problem he just as powerful as me and just as dangerous if left alone in his castle plotting.

Cinder: With Ozpin dead he has no protection.

We see F/n or a hologram appear at the other side of the table as he looks at Cinder and Emerald before looking at me

F/n: If you want the relic of knowledge you need to get spring and I can track her better then your beta boy right beside you.

Mercury: How your castle cause it won't be standing if you don't shut it?

F/n: Merc the adults are talking beside I'm here for a trade since my collar off I can do as I please.

Authur: That impossible.

F/n: I want my kids and mates back for the relic. Failure in agreeing to my terms will result in death.

Salem: You'd betray everyone for these half breeds and them?

F/n: Salem I think humanity should be wiped out I'm just looking out for what mine cause my mates belong with me ruling and my heirs need me.

Salem: I think we have a deal just make sure Haven falls when we attack.

F/n: I want Cinder and Emerald there for the fall beside I know Raven getting her bandits back in Anima.

Mercury: So no hard feelings for staking you right.

F/n: To be honest about that if I see you in my sights your dead you'll end up like Tyrain.

Salem: Interesting you killed him with no remorse or pity.

F/n: Oh my list has you at the top of it.

Salem: This will end like are many encounters unless you serve me and everyone you have at your castle will be spared I promise.

F/n: I'll give you my response in due time Salem.

Hazel: Tell it to us now.

F/n: I got one question for you Hazel. How your sister?

He disappears before Hazel could react to the question but he mad

Cinder: No way you'll trade us for the relic?

Salem: Cinder your a bargain chip with him so if I keep you and your baby hostage he can't do anything to me.

Weiss's pov

I was boarding a transport vehicle heading to Mistral as I see Sarah already on board waiting for me with her left eye covered by an eyepatch and her weapon been modified to be lighter

Sarah: I thought I could stay in Mantle with my family but I got a feeling that idoit up to something and I miss my fox so Schnee we do this together to get what we want.

Weiss: A Highwind and a Schnee what could go wrong.

I get aboard and as I look at her eyepatch worried about her disadvantage

Sarah: I been training using a technique I picked up from him to train and I surpassed my goal being stronger then your sister.

Weiss: Your stronger than Winter how?

Sarah: I trained with him mentally and with each passing moment I got stronger during are fights.

Weiss: F/n it amazing me how he trains.

We take off as I see her eye closed like she sleeping as I join her in sleeping

F/n's pov

I was walking down a path with Ruby beside me linking her arm with mine while in thought how I'm gonna make Leo pay for his sins

Qrow: Hold up where not alone.

I look up ahead to see the Light Clan with Yin beside her father before she could notice us I appear beside her

Yin: F/n I see your out your castle.

F/n: What the matter Yin?

Yin: My ex fiance kidnapped shrine maidens and has a Nuckelavee with him.

I walk past everyone and head into the destoryed village of Kuroyuri and see the Nuckelavee about to kill a shrine maiden as I fire a black flame at it knocking it into a building dropping the lady as the shit stain looks at me

Yu: You I should've known you come but this is perfect I get my revenge on you.

I look at the Grimm getting out of the building before looking at Yu

F/n: I'm immortal and you'll spend countless years trying to kill me while you grow old I'll stay young.

The Nuckelavee charges at me but I shot it in the face with my duel guns killing it causing a large black smoke appear before approaching Yu but he draws Yamato and stabs me in the chest smirking but he feels a sharp pain in his chest and when he looks he see I have Rebellion in him I slash him in half and I pull Yamato out my chest

F/n: Welcome back to papa.

Yin, RNJR, and Qrow appear as I'm freeing the maidens

Yin: I see you changed.

F/n: Yin you coming since your I brought you into Ozpin inner circle?

Qrow: You put you in charge?

F/n: It either me or James.

Qrow: Good point.

We see Mistral police helicopters land and ask us if were ok but I get aboard while everyone does the same and head to Mistral as Yin looking at me as Ruby laying on my shoulder while feeling rage on her way in a form of a blonde

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