C5 Truth revealed, Grimm arms, and Love Birds

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F/n's pov

Kaya: Are you really him?

I prop my feet on my desk and opens a magazine about dust

F/n: I want Team JNPR and RWBY here as well Sarah that when I explain.

I pick up my phone and calls Ozpin as it ringing till he picks up

Ozpin (phone): Hello, how can I help you?

F/n: Send both Team RWBY and JNPR to my work place as well Sarah she stormed off.

Ozpin (phone): Very we-

I hang up and closes my magazine then goes upstairs to get changed into something more comfortable

Yin's pov

He went upstairs after hanging up on the headmaster as Sarah comes back and he comes down with a red long coat on, jeans, and boots but no shirt making me blush but he wears a golden locket around his neck

Yin: Why are you wearing that? You got guest coming.

F/n: Wearing something cozy just incase I get a job.

Team RWBY and JNPR comes in as F/n sits at his desk and Ruby looks at the weapon rack and see it empty

Ruby: Where your weapons for the rack?

F/n: Thieves came in while I was working on a job and stole them which turned them and sold them for profit but the wielders of them turned to Grimm around the world so till I find them I can only use my current arms.

Ruby: I beat they were cool.

F/n: They were Rubes.

Yang: Why did Ozpin send us to your shop?

Weiss: It looks like a low income business.

F/n: I only take special jobs which the Headmasters and people who can pay. So you wanna know about me and if I'm a threat or not.

Sarah: Yes then we'll judge you on it.

F/n: Once upon a time when faunus were in cages their was a boy born of a human female and a unknown father who long gone. One day their village kicks them out and the mother dies protecting him from Grimm then he was found by a witch but years later she cursed him.

Ruby: Whoa your old enough to be are ancestor.

F/n: But I never got in a relationship with anyone cause I'll just out live my life partner.

Yin: But why you drink Ruby's blood?

F/n: I'm undead and I'm a blood drinker plus it helped heal my body of the venom and unlock my Grimm form.

Weiss: Why do hate my father?

F/n: He ruining your grandfather company at least your grandfather paid the faunus equally.

Weiss: I'm the heiress to the company I'll change that when the White Fang changes their ways against humanity.

F/n: I can make that happen they think I'm human and I'm respected by them.

His phone starts ringing and he answers it with style

F/n: Grimm may Scream.... You need someone found. Who?... Raven Branwen that going to cost you extra.... 50,000 lien done... I'll bring her to you in a few days.

He hangs up and leaves as Yang following like she wants answers

Yang's pov

I follow F/n the grabs his arm but he looks at me with a serious look

Yang: You were hired to go after my mother? By who?

F/n: Yang I run a serious business I can't give out cliental information. But I promise I won't hurt her too bad.

Yang: I'm coming with you.

F/n: No your not cause if I know Raven and I do she surrounding by her tribe and trusted lieutenant. They'll use you as my weakness for protecting life on Remnant.

Yang: I can handle myself thank you very much.

F/n: This isn't up for discussion your not going and that final.

Yang: What about classes you got to attend them? Or better yet your team your a leader now you should take them with.

F/n: Classes are optional to me and my team would slow this line of work for me they're training to fight Grimm not other trained people who I encountered in this world and my lifetime.

Yang: Give your team a chance.

F/n: Yang I'm sparing them from my line of work cause sometimes I got to take lives and at the end of the day I'm no better then Grimm cause they do it cause it in their nature unlike me I know what I was doing.

I look a little surprise at this information of his guilt and line of work

F/n: So just do me a favor and don't follow me.

I unconsciously let go of his arm as he boards a bullhead to unknown location and I head back to his shop on campus to see everyone still here

Ruby: So is he coming back alive or coming back in general?

Weiss: Why should he beside he worse then the Grimm we fight.

Kaya: He helped me yesterday from Cardin when he was bullying me.

Ruby: And saved me today from a Death Stalker.

Jaune: I'm with Weiss on this he a monster that needs to be locked away or killed.

Pyrrha: Jaune he helped me today when I was getting chased.

Yang: I think he a good person.

Sarah: He saved me even if he was in the blind spot of my semblance of foresight. He saved me from my death too Ruby and that was before we saw him transform.

Yang: He saved and helped three people before we drew are weapons on him in the forest.

Ruby: Plus he knew are moms he might have a clue about my mom.

Yang: Let all agree to give him a chance.

Everyone: Fine.

F/n's pov

My bullhead was flying over to Mistral as I'm planning my raid on a tribe of bandits as I feel one of my Grimm arms nearby I quickly open the hatch

Pilot: What are you doing opening the hatch at this altitude?

F/n: A unscheduled pit stop you can pick me up at Mistral.

Pilot: What are you talking about?

F/n: Seeya. *jumps out the bullhead* Woohoo *shooting Ace of Spades and Last Word at a Nevermore as I fall*

As I get near the ground I flip to my feet and land on a Ursa major head and crushes it then focus on my weapon location to feel it near life sources as I head to it just to see my bullhead get shot down by a Grimm human wielding one of my weapons while Raven Branwen and her tribe try fighting

F/n: I gotta help that chick and tribe.

I run to the Grimm while firing my guns as I run past Raven who looks at me shocked as I keep shooting and dodging it attacks till I put my guns away and draws Lancer blade then revving it chainsaw function

Grimm: This is my weapon I hold the power of death and this human body mine.

We start clashing at high speed that the bandits can't follow are speed till I cut the son of a bitch in half as my cleaver lands in front of me covered in Grimm and human blood deformed from it true form and when I pick it up by the grip as it true form materialized

Raven: Legendary Grimm slayer I say your reputation is over exaggerating.

I put Hell Cleaver on my lower spine then looks at Raven as her and her men look at me like I'm an easy target

F/n: Last time we saw each other was the day you left your daughter with her father.

Raven: Your a following Ozpin now I thought you said you'll never do that.

F/n: Something came up I couldn't leave alone.

Raven: Summer's daughter was that something you couldn't leave.

F/n: You could say but unlike you I'm around sweet cheeks.

Tribesman: Watch who your talking or pay the price.

I point at him and looks at Raven with a serious face before looking at him

F/n: Is he for real. Motherfucker I'd kill you so keep that pay the price bullshit for someone else.

Raven: He telling the truth plus he stronger than you but where equally skilled as I am now.

F/n: You prepared to test that after all are spar record with me 100 and you 0.

Raven men laugh at me like I'm unaware of anything but I smirk that she doesn't know what I can do now

Raven: Your not worth my time if you cling to petty things like that.

F/n: Your scared like how your scared of her.

Raven: I'm not scared of you or her.

F/n: Prove it Rae.

Raven draws her weapon and I just stand there smirking before we start circling each other till I come up with a great idea making me smirk even wider

Raven's pov

Me and F/n are circling each other while I'm strategizing on my plan to kill him but he too cocky with that smirking face

F/n: If I beat you your coming with me to meet my employer so I get paid.

Raven: Your underestimating my power which will cost your life.

F/n draws his chainsaw blade and puts the blade in the ground and revs it up with a smile before telling me to bring it but my men subdue him and starts beating him as I sheathe my blade and approach his blade while my men hold him down

Raven: Out in the wild the weak die and the stronger survive so by you clinging to your humanity and protecting the weak you your is weak and pathetic that works for a profit.

F/n: And yet you wanted to blow me years ago.

I shove his sword in his torso and revs it inside him as he looks dead my men let go of him as I walk away with my men as Vernal looks scared that not her what's spooking her but she pointing to the corpse and when I turn around it moving before slowly rising up with the sword like something out of a movie then looks at me with no wound where I stabbed him

Raven: How are you still alive?

F/n: I'm not called the Legendary Grimm slayer for nothing other then my dashing looks and skill. I lived a long time Rae a simple stab through my torso not gonna kill me.

Raven: Let try decapitation then.

F/n: I guess I'll get serious if you do and fight me one on one for your pride as a leader to show your strong and not a weak girl who still needs support like your days back in Beacon again.

Raven: Vernal and men he mine and mine alone.

I know he played me but he right beside when I first met him he was dealing with a flock of a thousand Nevermores now I must surpass him I quickly rush him and we start clashing while moving around the field as he acting carefree like he playing me which infuriating me

Raven: Get serious and fight me now.

F/n: Fine I guess it time I transform.

Transform he has one this can't be good and in a flash black and red lightning appear where he was standing then reveals a Grimm of red and black

F/n (Grimm): Let's go

He disappears and reappears as he elbows me in the gut sending me flying in the air as the breathe knocked out of me and when I hit the ground my vision fades and I see him approaching normal then I black out

F/n's pov

I pick up Raven after tying her up and disarming her I slings her over my shoulders before looking at her tribe

F/n: Your leader lost so find something to do with your life beside being bandits now I got a bounty to claim don't make me return

I use my enhanced speed to run to Vale and when I arrive at night and I see a girl with ice cream themed hair with Roman Torchwick I walk past them

Roman: If it isn't the Grimm slayer. What you kidnapping women now?

F/n: I'm being paid for her bounty and if I was paid for you we wouldn't have this conversation also who she your new sidekick.

The girl pouts and approaches me then looks at me angrily

F/n: She cute up close can I have her for the night. *winks*

She blushes as Raven wakes up and start squirming and fighting

Raven: Unhand me this instance or I'll scream for help.

F/n: Seeya little girl and Roman I'll see you soon.

I head to a place owned by Junior and walks in since I'm a regular as everyone dancing and enjoying themselves

Raven: Why we here?

F/n: I say we both need a drink after are fight.

I sit up at the bar with Raven beside me and orders two shots of my own creation called Bloody Grimm as I untie her

Raven: Aren't you worried I run away?

F/n: We both know you won't get far plus Rae it been years since we had a drink.

My client Hei Xiong aka Junior approach me with the Twins

Hei: Your early I guess she didn't put up much a fight.

I notice his men loading their guns from the corner of my eye

F/n: She put up a fight but I subdued her and decided to give a drink before handing her in. Come on be a pal don't want this to be like when you were younger.

Are drinks arrived and we drink it as his men aim at a unarmed Raven

Hei: For the mess for her daughter she must be killed. Fire.

I get in the way and shields Raven as each bullet goes in my back

F/n: You all are dicks.

The firing stops and I face them as each bullet comes out of my back and plops on the ground before given Raven her weapon

Raven: So I guess were fighting are way out.

F/n: Hei you and your men have this one warning and if you ignore my warning I will rain bullets all up in your each of your men's prostate and put a bullet through your heart. If you harm either the Xiao Longs, Branwens, or the Rose family your dead got it.

Hei: Yes.

I head-butt him to the ground with a bloody nose

F/n: Yes what?

Hei: Yes sir.

F/n: The drinks are on the house since you shot bullets into me. Got a problem with that?

Hei: No sir.

F/n: Raven your free to do as you please.

Raven: It late so no bullhead will take you to Beacon so let get a room it cheaper if we get one.

F/n: Fine.

Me and Raven leave to a hotel and rents a room for tonight but Raven planning something special for her durable escort

Lemon warning no one pov

F/n opens the door to the room and Raven walks in while swaying her hips then sits on the bed and puts her weapon on the ground as she removes her boots and leg warmers as she looks at the young man with lust

Raven: Get in here and claim your bounty reward.

F/n walks in as he door shut and locked then he removes his ruined red coat and drops it after removing his weapons before joining Raven on the bed as they start making out passionately. During their make out F/n rubs Raven right thigh as she sits on his lap and starts grinding on his pelvic region before pulling away for air.

Raven: It bigger then Tai for a young looking body. I hope you don't disappoint.

F/n: Why don't you find out?

Raven gets on her knees and unbuckles F/n jeans and slides them down with his boxers as she looks at his cock hungrily before licking the shaft and massaging his balls while he growls seductively

Raven: Was that a growl?

F/n: Maybe.

Raven begins licking the tip before slowly sliding his cock in her mouth and starts moving her head while looking at the young stud as she sucking him off taking in his flavor before she goes in deeper and holds it with half his cock in her throat before sliding it out completely panting

Raven: Sweet Oum your huge.

F/n: Let not talk love.

Raven removes her red and black shallow cut dress exposing her breast then sandwiches his cock between them as she lightly massaging her breast against his cock while licking the tip before going back to sucking on the tip as she tit fucking him

F/n: Raven I'm gonna cum.

Raven fasten her pace forces his cock into her throat as he cums and her eyes show hearts before rolling back as the cum flows into her stomach then pulls away

Raven: Delicious tasting cum for something un-killable.

F/n: Your my first to let you know.

Raven: Then this is a special occasion.

F/n pulls out a box of condoms as Raven quickly grabs one out of the box and opens it before placing it by her vagina after removing her black shorts and panties as it hovering above his cock then slides down on his cock slowly stretching her already non-virgin pussy to fix his cock as crimson hearts are in her eyes

Raven: Definitely bigger than Tai.

F/n: And not tell Yang or Qrow, maybe Qrow.

Raven: Sacred of my daughter are we?

F/n: She a bombshell brawler with a quick anger problem that will get her in deep shit.

Raven starts moving her waist slowly as she moaning and panting before pushing his lips against her neck and he bites and starts drinking her blood making her moan more in pleasure before tightening her vagina then cumming hard

Raven: You marked me as a mate like the Rose girl.

F/n pulls his lips away and blushes crimson as blood as Raven start moving her waist faster and panting more with each time his cock hits against her womb and kept going till he reaches his limit

F/n: Rae I'm about to cum.

Raven: Cum darling.

F/n cums inside the condom as the cum bubble pushing against her womb before laying beside her undead mate panting and satisfied before he removes the condom and ties it up then throws it away and gets a bath while Raven asleep unaware a certain silver eyed huntress in training had a vivid dream about this but was in Raven place

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