C9 Best day ever....?

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F/n's pov

I was in the Cafeteria with my team and my friends reading a book with Blake called Ninja of Love till Ruby slams a binder on the table

Ruby: Friends, Sister, Wiess.

Wiess: Hey.

Ruby: Fore score and seven minutes ago I had a dream.

Yang: This gotta be good. *catches a grape in her mouth*

Wiess: Did you steal my binder?

Ruby: I am not a crook.

F/n: Chill Ice Queen she'll return it but I think preparing for the Vytal Festival should be important to you ladies cause we're gonna train to work together and coordinate attacks in a location I found on one of my missions.

Yin: Won't we miss class?

F/n: I asked Oz to have notes in are dorm for you three for when we get back.

Sarah: What if we don't go with you?

F/n: A Highwind will be a low wind while the Light will diminish and the Pride will be more Prideless.

Yang: Did you just use your team last names in a punful quote?

F/n: Oh sweetheart I am quite punny and human-orous.

Yang chuckles as everyone groans as I dodge an apple from Nora

F/n: Nora don't make me send you to Mountain Gleen with little ammo and food cause I will.

Nora: Bring it on I'm not scared.

F/n: That so but you weren't their during the expansion of Vale defending the people from Grimm from above and below. Their alot of Grimm under and above ground.

Weiss: Be that as it may I think we should spend today as a team.

F/n: Actually Blake and me are going on a date.

Blake: What I didn't agree to it.

F/n: Blake trust me you'll love it beside a wolf loves a cat among other things.

Blake blushes as I use Ruby semblance but instead of red petals they're black petals to appear behind Blake

Ruby: That my semblance. How can you use it?

F/n: I drank your blood remember. My sweet little rose plus Yang I gave a lock of your hair to a perv who paid me.

Yang's eyes turn red as Raven's eyes and pins me against a wall

Yang: Who paid you and how much did you take?

F/n: Ahh this brings me back when someone paid me to do this to Professor Branwen. But I can't give out customer identification but I'll give you a hint he goes to go this Academy and name C.W. Have fun Sunny Dragon.

Yang storms off to find Cardin as I'm smiling till Weiss approaches me with a pouty look

Weiss: When did you get into are Team room?

F/n: Oh Wiess I messaged Winter you got a boyfriend pretending to be you cause I been around you two growing up as your family bodyguard till the bastard fired me for treating a bull faunus with medical care then he ran away to find me asking me to train him but Blake saw what happened to him for going dark from my teachings.

Blake: Adam.

Weiss: What she say in return? *scared*

F/n: I'll be arriving to inspect him which today in one hour. So choose who your boyfriend.

Weiss: You got me into this mess and you'll help me with this mess.

F/n: Is Wiess Schnee saying to be her boyfriend?

Wiess: Pretend boyfriend.

F/n: And if I decline?

Wiess: Atlas won't be your only place unwelcomed in.

F/n: You think Winter going to approve me dating you well then again I always wanted hold hands with a Schnee but I got a debt to get paid by a bunny and a fashionist.

Wiess: I'll pay you with anything.

F/n: Anything well then love you got a deal but I'll ask you to do something later down the line in life to either give me some of your blood or an embarrassing photo of you in a certain outfit.

Weiss: You pervert.

F/n: Lived as long as I have then you'll understand why I want to see a girl in certain clothes.

I leave the Cafeteria with Weiss clinging to my left arm as where pretending to be a couple while Yang chasing Cardin who running away in fear for his life cursing me with undying hatred

Weiss: So F/n, how we gonna trick Winter that where a real couple?

F/n: Well she could find us making out or on a date. But I forgot to mention daddy coming to try and scare the boy off cause you being an heiress who has no say in her love life.

Wiess: He trying to control me even here well I'll show him I'm a young huntress in training and who I'm with is my choice.

I put a white thornless rose in her hair as she blushing crimson

Weiss: F/n why you do that?

F/n: Can't I show my 'girlfriend' affection.

She smiles as a Altas bullhead ahead of schedule lands and I pull Wiess into a passionate kiss which surprises her before wrapping her arms around my neck as Winter and the snobs step out just to see us and Jacques is furious

Jacques: Weiss Schnee get away from that low life this instant.

She ignore her father command as she enjoying the kiss till I pull away to give her air

Weiss: Wow honey that was my first kiss and it was amazing with your citrus flavor lips.

F/n: Yeah but your daddy giving off negative emotions. So Jacques or can I call you daddy.

Whitely: Wow Weiss an heiress who fell for a lower class of people and disappointed father.

F/n: Whitely was it listen he not the king of this castle, I am so if Wiess wants what her heart wants she can have it and you know how we say it the the days of old. Long live the king.

Winter: Father calm down I'll deal with him beside I have a score to settle for hospitalizing me.

Winter draws her weapon as I stand still smirking before calling my locker and opens it to decide my weapon till I grabbed Yamato and gets in a blademaster stance

Winter: A new sword but a ordanary crafted blade.

F/n: Actually this is made by me and it older then you and your weapon Wintey.

Winter charges at me after my insulting taught swinging her weapon but I'm using Yamato in it sheathe to deflect and redirect her attacks

Winter: You'll never be good enough to date my sister. So I'll take your hands so you can never touch her.

I purposely redirect her blade to where my heart suppose to be and her sword pierces my chest as I fake with a shock face and plays dead

Jacques: So much for being the best combat fighter in the world. Your mother raised a weakling and a lowlife scum.

Weiss: Love quit playing dead and show them your true power.

I quickly open my eyes as there in their Grimm state and I shock Winter as I grab her throat and tosses her away with her weapon still in my chest

Winter: How I stabbed you in the heart you could survive that?

I pull her sword out as no blood on her blade and my wound closes instantly

F/n: That cause my body a prison and I'm the prisoner that unable to die. So no aging, no diseases, no nothing cause my body not mortal. All cause of a little curse that in the fairytale Dark son and the witch.

Winter: Your lying it has to be your semblance.

I laugh like I heard a funny joke before getting a serious look

F/n: Jacques I got permission from a true Schnee both daughters hands in marriage or one by the mother who invites me to Atlas for parties since I'm the founders friend a man who did work honestly and earned my respect unlike a scumbag piece of shit that only wants control over everything and I get called worse then Grimm you my scummy ass future in law are worst then me and Grimm combined.

Jacques: Winter arrest him for assault and abuse.

Wiess summons her locker and grabs her rapier as she gets long side me making me smile

F/n: Winter I took care of you when you were a little girl with stories, entertainment, games, and lullabies. Same with Wiess and a little with Whitley but was fired because a saved a faunus from further damage to his retina and trauma.

Whitley: Your a no body so everything you said a lie.

I pull out a ocarina and starts playing the melody I sang to my sisters as Winter starts shaking uncontrollably in her hands with tears as I end the melody I bow formally

F/n: Jacques let me set some ground rules with to follow around your delicate snow flakes if you harm either one of them from a psychical, emotional, or mentally you'll see my darker side and no amount of defense will keep me from strangling you with your intestines in front of your little bastard child of a son you had spawned.

Jacques: Are you threatening me?

F/n: I don't do threats I do promises for the ones I love.

Wiess blushes before new Atlas tech soldiers come out aiming at me as he smiling

Jacques: Hard to keep a promise if your locked away for life.

I walk past the new tech in a flash and keeps walking towards Jacques as I finishing sheathing Yamato which signals them to fall apart instantly

F/n: Aww I broke your new toys I hope Jimmy doesn't charge you. But that the least of your concern.

I stop and let a low growl at who approaching

Ozpin: Mister L/n my office now to discuss this issue here while I get Mister Schnee side aswell young Miss Schnee side of the story.

F/n: Fine but you'll know where to find me beside yours or my office on campus.

I leave to see my beloved Fall maiden under the school while planning something to get her awake and better then it hit me I'll do the one thing I actually never wanted to do but risk her other half of her power to go to the bitch in the red dress Cinder

Wiess's pov

Ozpin just came and saved my father from F/n and he has a place he goes to on campus beside his office but I gotta get my story straight

Father: I want him expelled and arrested this instant.

Ozpin: Well I need all the facts before I can issue a punishment.

Father: He assaulted my oldest daughter and threatened me with my life.

Weiss: Winter stabbed him in the heart and he showed them his curse beside we only kissed.

Ozpin: Young love but Mister Schnee I won't expel him he proved his place here and he like a son to me.

Weiss: Professor I like to make a request.

Ozpin: What is it Miss Schnee?

Weiss: I want my team and his team to fight the first round in the Vytal Festival to test him but if he loses he must awaken Rebellion full potential after the match.

Ozpin: Miss Schnee he plans to avoid fighting his friends your like family to him cause you know the fairytale he mentioned.

Weiss: A tale dark and sad but good and understandable.

Winter: The boy showed that heroes come in all shapes and sizes aswell race.

Father: He a no good mercenary with a ego problem.

Weiss: Father I made up my mind on who I'm marrying. And it my choice not yours cause like he said to Whitley what my heart wants it gets.

Father: If you think I'll except that your mistaking.

Whitley: Actually there perfect for each other one a freak of nature and the other close to being a dishonored Schnee.

Father: Weiss if you date or marry him you'll lose your money and your spot in the family.

My team shows up along with teams JNPR and CVFY

Velvet: He a good man with his caring and protective personality.

Father: I didn't ask you for your opinion.

I feel a cold chilling breeze as my friends aswell Professor Ozpin looks towards the sky as the sun faded dark and turns blood red before turning normal

Ozpin: He didn't do what I think he did. Ruby, Jaune, Coco go get Professor Goodwich and any other Huntsman or Huntress you know.

They pull out their scrolls or run to get a professor as Ozpin looks like he seen a ghost

Ozpin: He did the one thing he never wanted to do.

Father: What that? Hmm.

Ozpin: He made a bride like from those vampire movies.

Weiss: He turned someone but who everyone on campus fine.

I feel the cold air die down as F/n walking to Ozpin with a gloom smile just for Ozpin to punch him in the face

Ozpin: Who did you turn?

F/n: Oz you know it was hard for me to do it just as hard it was to subdue her cause her anger was running rampant.

Ozpin: Who did you turn?

F/n: Do I need to answer that you know who cause I want to talk to her again like before you know what.

Their hiding something I'll find out when I see her

Ozpin: Did anything happen to you know what she possesses?

F/n: No but I would have blood within a few hours for her to drink of not human but animal blood or she'll start letting the hunger begin to take control of her.

Weiss: Is she safe to be around?

F/n: Not right now that why after the Vytal Festival I'm taking her somewhere to be free of what she is now with plenty of food and land to live on.

Ozpin: Your castle.

F/n: Yes and it locations is only disclosed to people I bitten but if you excuse me I feel qizzy from her blood.

Ozpin: Fight through it son.

F/n: Ok dad.

I wrap my arms around him and holds him close

Weiss: F/n are you married to her as of now?

F/n: Not that I know of.

I tighten my grip as I hear his bones creaking

F/n: Princess I wanted to at least marry a girl before turning someone into a undead. Trust me if I stayed with Ruby's mom she be my daughter and half of what I am and human but I went on a job and she got pregnant by her teammate after his wife left.

Weiss: Promise no more secrets ok love.

Father: Disgusting and if you seriously believe you being with him better then your coming home with me and staying in your room where I can keep an eye on you.

F/n: Jacques you aren't the king here either. So get back in your transport bullhead before I destroy everything you hold dear and own. Starting with your business partners.

Father: Whitley your the heir of the Schnee Dust Company.

F/n starts snickering before bursting into laughter while wiping tears away from his eyes

Father: What so funny?

F/n: The fact that you didn't get the full story on the CEO job description.

Father: What do you mean?

F/n: Since I helped the founder he gave me part ownership so you just boss people at the place while I can fire and hire people. Who do you think sends people to work there after an interview? Who do you think fixes your fuck ups? And who do you think denied your lower faunus payment for more lein for you. But my favorite thing about being the anonymous figure behind the company that gets final say it me cause each orginal board member and founders get shares and since I did all the heavy work I got most the shares.

Father looks pissed and ready to hit F/n but calms down and chuckle

Father: Your a low life lying piece of trash that was born from a whore of a mother.

Ozpin and myself look at F/n as he smiling very ominously and creepy

Weiss: F/n calm down please.

F/n: F/n asleep, I'm Blood Reaper Jack the famous killer of thousands during the war. (Perpare for a alter ego similar to Raiden or worse)

Father: Did I upset you whore spawn?

In a flash F/n or Jack had my Father pinned against Winter's ship with a red stained knife and still has that smile

F/n: I'm going to ask you questions to see if your a smart boy my little pet answer wrong twice you get new facial features but answer wrong three times you lose something you value.

Father scared of F/n alter ego as he tracing his knife against his face

F/n: Who really in CHARGE of the Company?

Father: I am monster.

F/n face looks like he thinking what to say but just cuts my father face in the middle leaving a nasty scar across his nose

F/n: Wrong my pet. Care to try again.

I look at Ozpin and he scared to approach him like he knows what will happen and when I look back at F/n he staring at me with a snickering smile

F/n: Don't worry my SNOWFLAKE I promised your beloved I wouldn't harm the ones he cares for but Ozpin it been years since we seen each other I see I left an impression on you.

Ozpin: Hard to forget that day you first came out.

Weiss: F/n snap out of it this isn't you.

F/n: It Jack, not F/n. But back to are game pet.

He quickly looks back at my Father who in fear of Jack

F/n: I won't ask the same question again so I hope you got the correct answer this time.

Father: F/n and my Wife.

F/n: Good boy. Now Question two why are aloud to even breathe right now actually why am I letting you still live?

Father: I'm your pet sir and killing me will just bring trouble to you.

F/n: Correct but that last part I'll let slide cause I'm a forgiving owner my pet.

Father: Can I be let go now?

F/n leaves another cut on my father as he looks pissed and annoyed and where he cut him is worse then before he cut down his face running through his right eye

F/n: Speak when spoken to that strike two.

I find myself walking towards him unknowingly as I feel I'm being pushed by someone but no one touching me and when I reach him he quickly looks at me with an insane look as a crowd drawn with their weapons but are friends don't cause we know it will piss him off more

F/n: My little SNOWFLAKE I'll let you ask this final question before I put the dog to sleep.

I hesitantly look at the one I kissed and enjoyed it now asking me to ask my father what might be his last chance to live but I notice a tear running down his right eye

Weiss: Before I ask my question I got one for you and answer correctly or I'll kick you where it hurts.

He looks surprised then looks interested as he starts twirling his knife

F/n: I'm listening SNOWFLAKE.

Weiss: How would Ruby's mom react to seeing F/n like this?

He looks shocked as his pupils are small dots like he scared but calms down like he not even scared but I notice Ruby starts crying like she knows something

F/n: Why would I care she dead and broke poor little F/n's heart. So I wouldn't care cause she not around to see this is she.

I kick him between his legs and he drops my father as he growls angrily

Weiss: Wrong answer care to try again.

F/n: If you think I'll just disappear from this one question of yours. Think again but if you think I'll give you the answer you seek you better blow me little girl.

I kick him again and he drops as I'm looking down on him with my aura showing as I place my left foot on his private area and since I wear heels it will hurt

Weiss: I wasn't really asking you pet I was asking my beloved.

F/n: She'll scold me then tell me to hold her and never let go.

His face went from mad man to normal as my father retreats with Whitley leaving Winter as I remove my stilts from his area and kneel to his level and hugs him

Weiss: Good boy and tonight your sleeping in are dorm with me or I will punish you.

Goodwitch: If you think that will happen Miss Schnee specially this time in his lunar cycle your wrong beside he has to be locked up for a week for the females for there safety.

F/n: Pecking Order.

He scares Professor Goodwitch to death like it implanted inside her but what does she mean it not like he goes in heat then it hits me he has a wolf nature in him and I burn up in embarrassment

Yang: Ice Queen really blushing like she knows something.

F/n: It what your thinking it true princess.

I kiss him before pulling my lips away and give a stern look

Weiss: I need to have a team meeting with my team about tonight and this week.

Ruby: What going to be said?

Blake: Ruby what do you know of wolves?

Cardin: I'll tell you their mindless mutts.

F/n: Oh wow a brainless gorilla made a observation but a terrible one. I guess a guy only good for being a big stupid brute is your only amusement you got in this world with me. But no wolves learn through eating human brains to gain hunting knowledge to share with their pack or fight other males for dominance in order for the right to mate with multiple women.

Blake: In other terms Ruby tonight he gonna be in heat and with the dream you had that night of you two and may I add it the same day he drank your blood he might go for the purest one first especially the who resembles his old lover.

F/n: I think if I did Summer will deck my halls with my body in her sexually to show she the alpha rose.

Ruby faints from what was said as Yang was filming the whole thing with a smile but what were about to hear will break all of us girls

F/n: Gylanda wanna tell them or should I about my body.

Goodwitch: I don't think you should say that kind of thing out here.

F/n: It made you orgasm from the sight from it size and scent.

Every female blushes crimson and Yang wide mouth as she looks scared

Yang: Yikes well I think my dad gonna make me and Ruby nuns after what was accidentally sent to him.

F/n: Oh Tai I like to see him try cause I'll say the one thing he never wanted to happen with a certain lady he knows.

Yang: Like what?

???: Yes. What is it my darling?

We turn to see a transparent version of a older Ruby but wearing white not red with pet owner look of disappointment

F/n: Summer it great to see you. Did you lose weight cause your lovely?

Summer: I'm dead asshole now tell us your sins and I might have mercy on your punishment for giving my daughter a perverted dream.

F/n mumbles something as Summer floats closer and he backs away but Yang and Nora hold him still as she has a sweet smile but when she face to face with him

Summer: What was that I couldn't hear you? And don't mumble or do I need to give you my pecking order.

F/n: I slept with Professor Branwen the night I went bounty hunting for her and she said I'm bigger then Tai.

Summer: Yang do you mind letting him go so he can run for a head start.

Cardin: This bitch crazy.

Summer: Me crazy that a laugh I'm pissed that we never had sex but slept with my best friend after finding out I'm dead.

Yang and Nora let go of F/n and he starts running from Ruby's mom which some people are laughing

Ozpin: Everyone I like to make a new rule involving F/n. Don't piss him off he'll release his dark side Jack the Blood Reaper.

Yang picks up Ruby and we head to are dorm just to see F/n tied to my bed naked and covered in goo as everyone blushing

F/n: Yang don't tell Ruby her mom and her are the only bloodline that can put me in my place.

Weiss: Why are you on my bed and what this goo like liquid?

F/n: Summer brought me here and tied me up and the liquid it ectoplasm from her ghostly form and she raped me.

Blake: Couldn't you fight back?

F/n: Bellabooty she a astral being and I'm a psychical being I wouldn't even leave a scratch plus she was my beloved Rose.

I look at him as I start feeling hot in my clothes and start undressing without a care like I'm in a trance and approach him

Wiess: Yang and Blake what should we do with Ruby? Cause she will wake up and have questions.

F/n: Can I get untied and my clothes on Yang bed?

Yang: No your eye candy for us especially when your gonna satisfy are needs.

F/n: Ruby under age so untie me before the moon comes out.

Blake: We'll pay you for your services.

F/n: I don't do that line of work anymore.

They lay Ruby on Blake bed then undress as he looks afraid but Ruby wakes up to see F/n naked as well us

Ruby: What going on?

F/n: Ruby help me.

Ruby undresses and we pounce on him as each of us are kissing him in different areas but stops when Miss Goodwitch burst in and uses her semblance to drag F/n away as he covering himself before grabbing his clothes and leaving

No orgy yet... So alot happened with F/n and Weiss becoming a sadist.

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