(Side Chapter 1) Memory of a Fallen Rose

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No one pov

F/n was in his office crying over his beloved friend he wanted to spend her life with but let her marry a mortal man her name was Summer Rose

F/n: Summer I miss you. I wish I was there to protect you.

Ruby enters and see F/n crying at a photo then approaches to see it her mother

Ruby: Why you crying over my mom?

F/n: Ruby I would've been your dad if I married your mom but I let her get with a mortal man cause of my predicament with my body.

Ruby: How you two meet?

F/n: I'll tell you how I met your mother. Once upon a time.

Years before the forming of Team STRQ F/n's pov

I was walking through a forest after killing a bunch of Grimm I stumble upon a huntress in training wearing a white robe resting against a tree exhausted from killing Grimm I approach her and keep watch over her incase anymore show up

F/n: This girl nuts to rest in a forest filled with Grimm.

She starts waking up and I notice her eyes are silver as she looking at me like I'm a creep

White robed: Who are you? And why are you watching me?

F/n: Legendary Grimm slayer F/n L/n. And I saw you resting so I kept watch incase anymore Grimm showed up.

White robed: Thanks for your concern but I need to get home I start Beacon soon and I need to get ready.

F/n: I'll see you around campus cause I help with the teachers from time to time when the headmaster calls me in. Miss-

White robe: Summer Rose.

F/n: It a pleasure meeting you Summer.

After that day I went straight to Beacon academy and offer my assistant for classes and when the first years arrived I was waiting for them as they look at me

F/n: Alright maggots listen up F/n gonna teach you the pecking order. It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside the dirt, F/n's stool, Professors, then F/n. Any questions?

Student: Yes I got one. Who are you to think your better than us?

F/n: My Grimm kill count over a million and has more successful missions as a mercenary with my business Grimm may Scream.

They ignore me and head to the main hall as Summer approach me

Summer: Hey F/n, that was a great welcoming speech.

F/n: Well at least you know one of your professor or well a professor assistant.

Summer: Yeah but I'm nervous about making new friends.

F/n: You'll be fine trust me now get to the main hall for the entrance speech.

Summer: Right thanks Professor L/n.

Summer runs off to the main hall as I head to the main hall myself but Oz said the speech he gave this year but with announcing me as a professor assistant and everyone is to report to the ballroom for the night

Time skip to after teams are made

I was in combat class watching Summer teammate Tai Xiao Long sparring against her other team member Qrow Branwen but he drunk

F/n: Enough Qrow your drunk and clearly not taking this academy seriously so straighten up or you'll die during your training.

Qrow: Your the same age as me kid so I'll do anything I want.

F/n: Is that so. Well we'll see birdie.

Qrow: Why don't you go against me?

F/n: Fine but honestly your sister would give me a challenge at the strength I'm permitted to use.

Qrow: Are you bragging about your strength to intimidate me.

I approach Qrow and gets in a stance as I stand there weaponless

F/n: Attack when ready birdie.

Qrow attacks me but I'm dodging and observing his movement before catching his weapon Harbinger as I palm him in the chest sending him back without his sword

F/n: You need work on you grip of your weapon for counters like that.

Qrow: That quite a strike you got but your forgetting about my semblance.

F/n: Misfortune I'm aware of it but whatever happens to me won't be worse then what I already tried on myself.

Qrow: Whatever kid.

F/n: I'm much older than you as well wiser and stronger.

Qrow: Your cocky and arrogant.

F/n: Yes I am but tell me how would you feel if your family was killed and you were cursed to live and suffer with no end of escaping.

Qrow: Your bullshitting me.

I plant his weapon in the ground and looks serious

F/n: I'm not I was around since faunus were in cages. But enough of this class dismissed.

I leave to goto my dorm to drink animal blood from my mini fridge just for a knock to appear at my door and opens it to reveal Summer

Summer: You ok?

F/n: I'm fine just a little irritated at Qrow.

Summer: He doesn't trust me as the leader and always drinking.

F/n: Tai respects you but the Branwen twins don't.

Summer: Why don't you join us for lunch?

F/n: I would but I got to review every first year grades.

Summer: Please.

F/n: I can't it inappropriate for students and teachers to eat together.

Summer: Ok but can you help me get their trust.

F/n: Wake them at three in the morning for a training exercises in the courtyard.

Summer: Isn't that a bit early for students to be up.

F/n: You want my help or not.

Summer: We'll meet you at 3.

Time skip to 2:50 in the morning

I'm standing in the courtyard in just shorts stretching as Summer and her team show up

Tai: Why we training early in the morning?

Qrow: More importantly why he here?

Summer: I asked him to help us train and he wanted us up early.

F/n: You'll be starting by attacking me all at once.

Qrow: Your crazy to think you can take us all on.

F/n: Well then your mother was right about you being a coward.

Qrow rushes at me trying to hit me but I'm dodging before striking his body pressure points paralyzing him place at a blinding speed

Qrow: What the? I never saw you attack.

F/n: Your rash and reckless beside I have access of each student file I know your secret Branwen twins.

We continue to train till the sun comes up and I dismiss them to freshen up and get ready for class

Years later

I was at my business with Team STRQ celebrating their graduation as were eating pizza while drinking soda

F/n: Congratulations on graduating I thought my punishment would make you call quits during your third year but you pulled through.

Summer: Having us fight Grimm for a week with little ammo and barely any food.

F/n: It taught you a lesson on team work and respect.

Qrow: When you gonna settle down? Cause you look good for a old man.

F/n: I do love this girl but I'm afraid of if we do tie the knot how will the baby turn out.

Summer: This girl would be with you no matter what F/n.

F/n: But a family will distract me from my goal.

Raven: Those kids and adults in your locket who are they.

F/n: My adoptive mother and her husband with their four daughters. They looked up to me and I treated them as my own siblings plus their my reason I fight Grimm after their untimely death.

Qrow: So you seen things with Grimm?

F/n: Yeah so what are the four of you going to do.

Tai: Me and Raven are gonna get married. And I plan on becoming a huntsman and teacher.

Raven: I plan on being a huntress myself.

Qrow: A teacher at Signal and huntsman.

Summer: Huntress after my extra training.

F/n: I'll assist you if you call me.

Qrow: Can't believe we been together for are time at Beacon.

Summer: I knew F/n before Beacon he made sure I was safe from Grimm while I was resting.

F/n: Summer since I met you I started feeling emotions towards you.

Summer blushes red when I confessed that

Present time

Ruby: Wait you loved my mom? Why aren't you my dad if you loved her? Did something happen?

F/n: I'm getting to that not every story ends in happily ever after. So don't interrupt my story or something will happen to your team.

Ruby: Sorry please continue.

Back to the memory but months later

I was getting in a tuxedo for Tai and Raven wedding as Summer my loving girlfriend was getting in her dress as a bridesmaid

Summer: I hope we can have a child and it be a girl.

F/n: Summer darling I'm worried about are DNA creating a child if we expect one she'll be half human and she'll have a hard time controlling her powers.

Summer: She'll have her dad help her control that power.

F/n: I'm assuming Oz told you about her.

Summer: You'll have my back love.

We finish getting dressed and head to the church for the wedding and goes off without a problem and during the reception I get a job from the leader of the White Fang

Summer: You promised no work today it are friends wedding day.

F/n: I haven't had any income for a while and it helps pay the bills I promise I won't be long love you.

Summer: You owe me when you get back.

F/n: Sure sweetie.

But that was the last day I would see her as my girlfriend as I spend a few years aiding in protest protection and when I arrive at my shop I see it dusty and a note from Summer saying "I'm sorry I couldn't wait for you to return and you didn't keep in contact I got lonely so I'm staying with Tai and his daughter Yang" After reading it I head to Patch to Tai house to see Summer with a baby girl and happy which shatters my world I run away to let her be happy with Tai I head to my business as that my last time seeing her alive

Present time

I look at Ruby with my neutral look and she hugs me like her mother did

Ruby: I'm sorry my mom didn't wait for you.

F/n: It fine but it was to be expected I was gone for a few year.

Ruby: My mom made a good mistake she allowing you to date her daughter.

F/n: You think your dad, overprotective sister, and honorable uncle will approve of that.

Ruby: Nope but they'll have to deal with it.

F/n: When I'm ready to date I'll date you.

Ruby: Ok I'll hold you to that. But it great you talked about my mom it like I to know her better through you.

F/n: Yeah but I guess it wouldn't be all bad if you called me daddy growing up but you'll call me that later on.

Ruby blushes red as her cape as I give her a kiss on her forehead before using her semblance to leave as I look at Summer's photo with a smile

F/n: Summer I promise to protect Ruby with all my undead might and I hope your resting in peace.

I pick up my phone and call my ex girlfriend Sienna Khan to set up a meeting to discuss business

Sienna: Hello F/n what the the reason of your call I'm busy?

F/n: Your in danger and I got information about a rogue splinter group in the fang.

Sienna: Where should we met to discuss this privately?

F/n: My business building and living quarters Grimm may Scream.

Sienna: Very well I'll arrive in a few days.

F/n: See you soon beautiful tigress.

Sienna: Flattering as usual.

We hang up and I head to Vale to the Boar Hat bar as Merlin working a successful bar

Merlin: Hello partner what can I get you?

F/n: Can I get a Bloody Grimm it a mixed drink of whiskey, vodka, and a cherry.

Merlin: One Bloody Grimm coming up.

I get my drink and keep drinking before paying then heads upstairs to my apartment next to my office room and goes to sleep

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