(Side Chapter 12) War against Heaven

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F/n's pov

I'm walking in a deep forest following the scent of blood after many years since I regained my humanity and I find a ghouls impaled by holy weapons and priests holding bloody weapons

F/n: Excuse me what are you doing in this forest?

Priest 1: Crusading the territory of Dracul since he was defeated.

I struggle to hold my tongue as they mention a defeat that ended my dark reign

Priest 2: With Dracul gone we can reclaim this land.

I draw Rebellion off my back and quickly kill them and when I slash their blood off my sword I get a burning sensation through my body as my collar from Ozma causing it and when it stops I head to my castle and head towards the throne room as I ready a spell to contact Ozma in his new life reincarnation as I see him as my reflection

F/n: Ozma new host this is his ally I'm contacting you through a mirror and magic I need to speak to Ozma the other soul within you.

Ozma host eyes glow and Ozma's personality shows as he holds his cane as an old man

Ozma: Why you contacting me F/n and where are you?

F/n: My castle as something came up with trespassers killing my children of the dark. So I'm not going to be around for a while to deal with this issue.

Ozma: Just keep your hands clean cause we don't need the rumors of Dracul returning.

I rub my neck as I cut the spell off and wake my knights as I sit on my throne chair as they kneel before me

F/n: My seven faithful knights priests invaded this land and kill ghouls in the forest so prepare your clans for war with the church but first Lucifer join me with a chat with your family to discuss boundaries of territory.

I stand up from my throne and heads to my room as I open my wardrobe to dawn my Monster Lord attire as I hear the screams of my past victims in my head but I shake it off and change into my dark past before rejoining Lucifer outside the castle

F/n: Michael get your ass down here now.

After a little while of waiting Michael appears with two others angels as they look at Lucifer

Michael: Lucifer you aligned with Dracul when you fell?

F/n: She did but I don't go by that name anymore I go by my birth name given to me by my mother. But I came to warn you if you don't get the priests from invading my territory their will be a war.

Female: War with heaven now over territory you have no claim over if it was taken through blood.

Lucifer: Gabriel silence and heed my master warning.

F/n: As you know I was branded by Ozma with a leash so I can't do any more evil but I won't stand by while your priests slaughter my people.

Male: Silence monster your kind a blight on the light like Salem and the Grimm.

F/n: One day I'm going to torture you and no one will stop me and I'll rip those wings off you.

Lucifer: Raphael he not all bark he all bite.

F/n: Now tell the churches this territory off limits or else you'll suffer repercussions with war.

Raphael: Then war you'll get abomination.

Michael: Quiet Raphael were not creatures of violence.

F/n: Then so be it I'll see you all on the battlefield and if you want war.

I walk away with Lucifer and on my way inside my castle I see an army of monsters of different races before addressing them all seriously

F/n: All of you been gathered for war against the forces of heaven as their churches been slaughtering your brethren on this land so don't let this happen on the battlefield if you get hurt walk it off and if you get killed it proves we're inferior in this world. Now will you stand with me in this time of need and defend this land to prove a point that the House of Dracul not to be messed with!

They start cheering as their weapons are raised in the air and my Knights and Horsemen get beside me before we have a pre war feast with meat, vegetables, blood, and alcohol

Time skip to the next day

We're standing in the forest in the fog as I'm weilding Rebellion and Yamato duelweilding them as my army behind me on guard as heaven's forces within the church come into veiw of sight and scent and I feel energy coming from above as Archangels and Angels stand in front of the priests

Raphael: Give it up monster you'll never live past this day.

Gabriel: Lucifer it not too late to be family again just abandon your current master and join us.

F/n: Gabby each my knights are blessed with immortality to bind with my soul to give them unique abilities to their race.

Gabriel: Gabby? My name Gabriel Dracul!

I walk forward slightly but Raphael rushes me and starts attacking me but I'm deflecting and countering his attacks as are armies clash and after a few months at war I'm at my war camp with a Archangel blade on my lower back I gotten from Lucifer when she killed one called Uriel and I corrupted it with my dark tainted god blood

F/n: This isn't good were both suffering casualties it might be my collar getting to me but we can't keep this up.

Tamamo: Master the scouts came back from their recon to Heaven's camp and Lord Michael sending a messager to you after casualties on Heaven side more then your army.

F/n: I'll accept said messager and their surrender.

I head into my tent and rub my forehead with my left hand before flopping on my bed on my back to lay in the darkness until a male angel walks in

Angel: Greetings I'm Castiel, Angel of the Lord. I came to bring you a message from Archangel Michael to form a peace pact to end this war.

F/n: Tell him I agree if his brother Raphael plays nice and nothing but honor in are pact.

Castiel: Join me for a walk to the location I was to bring you too if agreed.

F/n: I'm bringing Death with me incase of hostile behavior.

Castiel: Having a primordial entity present would be risking.

Castiel leaves after I glare at him and agreeing I quickly leave my tent as Castiel guides me as Death beside me and when we arrive at the summit I see Michael, Raphael, and the hot as hell Gabriel

F/n: Mich, Gabby, Raph I hope no one holds any hostility during this peace summit.

Gabriel: It Gabriel Dracul!

Raphael: Such disrespect to address us.

Michael: Calm brother and sister he just playing after all he does seem more human with his humanity restored.

I sit at the table as Death behind me with her Scythe on her back after I hand her my Corrupted Archangel blade to hold and I get a scowl from Raphael

F/n: You want peace Michael but Raphael doesn't. So how about we agree on something we'll have peace but seven seals are to be forged to bring are war back with my forces going to conquer and yours to defeat us while humans and faunus can choose who to align themselves with. So until all seven are broken we can't harm another faction between us through influence or commands.

Michael: Seven seals to prolong war and bloodshed aswell we can't order any attacks, I agree.

Gabriel: I also agree as we lost so many in our ranks.

Raphael: I don't think it wise to trust this abomination brother.

Michael: Raphael he has a soul and morals now so agree to this peace or more bloodshed will happen.

Raphael: Fine I agree.

F/n: Then we're at an agreement by Michael I believe we should make the seals and I'll deliver them to Ozma to separate over this planet.

Michael: Agreed and I pray they don't break.

F/n: That why a special blade going to be made with my blood and yours aswell the seals that way only the blade could cut them only and not man made weapons.

Gabriel: Two divine bloods creating locks and a key it brilliant.

F/n: It is Gabby but once forged the sword will be destroyed in two halves also hidden from are both sides so Michael shall we goto my castle to forge the seals and blade.

Michael: Very well let make peace!

F/n: Oh I almost forgot about something I wrote up a parchment of terms in the peace treaty for my side and yours to ensure everlasting peace so we don't have another war I signed it already I just need yours Michael.

I roll a long parchment of paper and they start reading and reviewing it to inspect every detail and look at me a couple times

Michael: You'll do dark deeds like deals with mortals if they sell their souls for something to regain demons in the ranks. Breed with or convert humans and faunus to regain lost monsters if it one person in the lifetime. And we get access to good souls to regain are ranks and established orders of priests to spread are faith away from contact with your clans and away from you, I can agree with it.

F/n: Their a small little detail your missing about if any priest harms or aids in harming someone my side or we care for we can kill said priest anytime we want without repercussions as they sinned by slaying innocent blood regardless of race being living or undead.

Raphael: Brother he weasel that in to kill a holy father when ever.

F/n: Actually I put if the said priest actually innocent I will get smited with heavens full wrath.

Raphael: Brother I say don't sign it.

Michael signs the parchment and I roll it up before sealing it with my crest and send it to my castle office before we head to my castle to forge seven seals and a blade as we bleed in the casts after seven were made being Gate, Garden, Light being heaven Seals and Forest, Grave, and Dark being Dracul and the one of unity being the Seventh Seal being Fusion skeletonal and angel wings

Michael: The seven seals mustn't break I rather not have war.

F/n: My faith in Ozma may not be perfect but I believe he'll hide them well.

The dwarf forges the blade to destroy the seals and both Michael and myself pull the mechanism to pull the blade apart with my having the custom hilt and part of the blade and him having the blade with part hilt

Dwarf: Is that all my lord?

F/n: Yes you done well now Michael your kind can't break these or mine as I don't want war like you I was just defending my territory.

Michael: Agreed now I'll hide my half and you hide yours after you give Ozma the seals.

We part ways and I return to Ozma side as an old man with four beautiful maidens helping him and he gives them magic of the four seasons and I stay clear of them as they leave and I stay by the old man

F/n: Ozma I have a request for your next life to hide six seals I'll keep one on me at all times to prevent a war.

Ozma: You spent months away while I was here alone grieving.

F/n: I grieve for them but I don't sit on my ass feeling sorry for myself that I'm cursed so man up and help with a plan for her.

Ozma takes the six seals and I go hide my sword piece to hide in the last place anyone would think to find it in my mother's casket and I keep the seven seal in my jacket as I continue to roam the planet making a name for myself being a Slayer of Grimm

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