(Side Chapter 6) Elizabeth's past

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No ones pov many years ago during the crusade on Remnant

A young teenager was currently in a graveyard performing a dark art to bring the rumored dark lord to bring destruction to her village for the wrongfully execution of her family

Girl: Lord of Darkness I hereby summon you to bring the forces of darkness upon this village.

The girl stabs her dead mother corpse and when nothing happens she heads home and along the way she feels she being watched by someone but when she gets home she heads straight to bed replaying the day of when she lost the light and embraced darkness

A few days early

The young teen woke up and quickly got dressed to join her parents for breakfast just to see it empty in the dining area

Girl: Mom? Dad?

She has a bad feeling in her gut and heads to the center of town to see crusaders has her parents on a noose to be hung

Priest: These two have consorted with the monster and demon Dracul and have been condemned to be hung in the name of god.

The girl run up to the priest crying and grab his left arm

Girl: Priest they haven't done anything wrong.

Priest: You dare defend them have you been consorting with the dark lord that plagued this lands aswell.

Girl: No I haven't and either has my parents.

Priest: Hang their whore of a daughter aswe-

Father: Elizabeth hasn't consorted with Dracul it was just us she innocent.

Priest: You all heard this fokes they admit to consorting with the devil and prove their sins. May god be merciful in your judgement when you reach the gates of heaven.

Elizabeth watches her parents be hung by the crusaders and the priest and something in her snaps as she lost her family before her and runs away crying and locks herself in her room

Elizabeth: They accused my parents and they robbed me of the only ones that made my life enjoyable growing up. Now I'll do anything to right the wrong down.

Next morning Elizabeth's pov

I wake up the next morning to a loud banging on my home door and I quickly goto see who woke me up and when I open the door I see the priest with crusaders

Priest: Your mother's corpse was used in a ritual last night would you know anything about that?

Elizabeth: No sir I was home all night praying to the lord.

Priest: May we come in and check for anything suspicious?

Elizabeth: No you can't cause I'm not hiding anything.

I shut the door gently and go get dressed for the day and make myself breakfast as I plan my ritual tonight to raise the dead

Time skip to later

I leave my house at the dead of night to the cemetery while making sure I'm not followed and I set my altar at the priest dead son and light my candles and begin chanting and when I finish my chant a hand raises from the grave and I look at my work

Elizabeth: Visit your dad and kill him then burn yourself in the home.

The corpse heads to do the task giving to him and I return home while in my black robe covering my body and face and when I arrive home I hide my robe in my room under my bed in the floor before going to bed as I'm smiling in my sleep

Next day

I'm walking in town looking depressed but I'm actually happy as I stumble upon the burnt priest's house with three corpses inside as the crusaders are baffled by it aswell the panic in the villagers but their eyes land on me

Crusader: You girl what did you do?

Elizabeth: Just cause my parents were hung doesn't mean I did anything to the priest. If I'm lying then may god strike me down.

Everyone backs away from me but instead of lightening striking a man steps up with white hair

Man: This must be the work of dark magic.

Crusader: And you know how?

Man: I seen dark magic first hand and I'm willing to help train you to combat it.

Crusader: What thy name?

Man: Ozma, my name Ozma.

Ozma looks at me and I turn away to walk but someone grabs me and I turn to see Ozma holding my left arm

Elizabeth: Please let me go.

Ozma: Your hurting and if you attract Grimm you could endanger everyone here. So tell me did you do this and faking the surprised look seeing this damage.

A black flame appears on a crusader and he screams in pain before a shadow with crimson eyes takes the fallen male standing place shadowing his corpse

Shadow: People of this village I am Dracul and it peaked my interest that a undead was risen here and your soul is now damned to be mine. When I find the caster of this resurrection of the dead you'll be rewarded from me personally.... Ozma I see you returned once again but this time not only one problem but now two with me.

The shadow of Dracul disappears as Ozma shaken of something he said and releases me and I run to pack my things to leave quickly before I'm hung or burnt for my work

Time skip to night

I'm running from the crusaders after they tried stopping me from leaving and I fall down exhausted as they surround me as I'm catching my breath but they hesitate when I see a red leather jacket attached to a white haired pale man

Man: This girl belongs to me.

Elizabeth: I belong to no one you pale bastard.

Man: Either work with me or I'll leave you to your execution.

Two knights rush the girl with swords but she saved by him impaling them with a punch through each torso

Elizabeth: Will you except my art in studies?

Man: I'm Dracul the Impaler so of course I would.

The knights look hesitant on attacking Dracul and me but he waves his hand and they're attacked by bats and Grimm as he grabs the me and flees to the castle to see snake lady at a table waiting for the master of the castle and when he enters she sees him with a human and hisses at my direction

Snake: What a human doing in your presence?

Dracul: She another one of my faithful knights.

Elizabeth: My name Elizabeth.

Dracul does something and I feel my body reacting to it that I collapse to my knees coughing as the air leaves my lungs and I see my skin losing color before everything feels fine and I look at Dracul as he offers me a hand and I graciously accept it to be lifted up and I take my seat as he takes head of the table

Dracul: Tomorrow we attack a village and you Aplises you'll kidnap one man and you'll use him for breeding to make more lamias while Elizabeth resurrect the dead and make an undead army.

Elizabeth/Aplises: Yes master.

We goto leave as he escorts us to are rooms to stay in

Dracul: Elizabeth your my Knight of Sloth and my Court Sorceress and Alchemist. And Aplises your my Knight of Greed so harbor knowledge and fate and anything you want.

Elizabeth/Aplises: Yes master.

He drops us at are rooms on separate floors after giving us a map on the castle as I was dropped of second and he goes to walk off

Elizabeth: Master you knew Ozma in life right?

Dracul: It one of the reasons I'm like this. I was once mortal until he caused my death years ago. And I'm sorry about your parents I saw everything in your soul when I made you the first lich ever.

Elizabeth: It fine I avanged their wrongfully execution.

Dracul: That got my attention and why I said you belonged to me. Your reward was a place beside me in the new world the monster race with in charge over the humans and faunus race.

Elizabeth: Aslong as I'm useful to you master.

He cups my cheeks and his hands feel nice as I stare into his dark eyes and blush at his face close to mine

Dracul: Elizabeth your skills are important to raise the dead and I just amplified your abilities.

I lean in close and wrap my arms around my master's neck and hug his cold body with mine

Elizabeth: Thank you Lord Dracul I'll serve you always.

He hugs me in return with hesitation as he hasn't had one since he was killed and we part ways and I start writing ideas for soldiers for my lord and hypothesis of upgrades for them and when the next day comes we plan are strike on a village far from my old village and when night falls we arrive and I quickly kill the guards patrolling and turn them into undeads with a green mist as Aplises takes a young child from his home after murdering his parents and holds his sleeping form close as Dracul examines the child

Dracul: You want a child to be yours. Very well he your responsibility if he killed by anything out of your control deal with it.

Dracul leads the undead in slaughtering the entire village and I'm raising the dead and when day breaks we left the village burning for the crusaders as we returned to the castle and I help him experiment with new monster types for elements as I smile I found my destined life beside him

Present time

I'm working on Terkel augmentations to his Deathknight armor to have Atlas Military weaponry embedded in with the old weapons I embedded in his arsenal as my skeleton cat sleeping in her bed by my lab table and when I finish the Queens come inside my area to see my DeathKnight as Dracula smiles

Dracula: Glad he still useful after his death years ago.

Elizabeth: Terkel was a great catch but let not forget you helped in his creation that night.

They leave as my mood not to their standards and this room smells like death but I don't mind it I'm used to it but I sit at my lab table to rest my eyes after my Deathknight leaves and my cat gets on my lap and I gently pet my bones feline until I drift off into sleep

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