Vol. 4 Ep. 3 - Of Runaways and Stowaways

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Seagulls call as a ship moves over peaceful blue waters. A pan of the boat from bow to stern reveals... Passengers strolling across both the upper and mid decks.

Blake Belladonna rests her hands on the rail and stares out at the ocean. She blinks and looks over her right shoulder, somewhat startled. Two kids laugh over a joke. Blake almost smiles and turns to look back at the ocean.

Footsteps approach.

Captain: Traveling alone?

Blake jumps and grips the hilt of Gambol Shroud. She halts her action when she sees the captain of the boat.

Captain: (holding up his hands in a reassuring manner) Now, now, no threat here. Just here to chat.

Blake hesitates before relaxing her posture with a roll of her eyes.

Blake: And why is that?

The Captain lowers his arms and then twists to lean idly onto the rail.

Captain: Well, not many people travel by boat on their own. It can be quite a lonely voyage. But I found those that do tend to have the more... interesting stories.

Blake turns away from the Captain.

Blake: Maybe it's just... better for some people to be alone.

The two kids run behind Blake laughing and she gasps again, not expecting the noise behind her.

She turns and blinks at them trying to reset her calm.

Captain: (laughing) Maybe, but with your paranoia, I think a few friendly faces wouldn't hurt.

Blake: Who says I'm paranoid?!

Captain: (laughing again) No one, dear, no one. I'll leave you be.

The Captain turns and walks away, then stops.

Captain: But uh, fair warning: these trips can be awfully boring.

The Captain continues on his way and Blake stares after him. Once he's gone, she turns and looks at the ground for a few seconds before reaching up and undoing her bow.

Blake: Mmm.

She holds the ribbon out over the railing.

Blake: Won't be needing this.

Blake lets go and watches the ribbon swirl in the air once before landing on the water. She turns and walks away.

As she passes inside, a hooded figure is shown to be watching her from a distance.

Beside the ribbon on the ocean, the large scales of a sea creature are seen moving just above the surface. After they pass, the ribbon is gone.

The scene changes to Yang Xiao Long sitting on a green couch in her home on Patch. She looks at the stack of three books on her right and instead picks up the remote control to her left. With a click, the projected scene comes on, revealing a news segment from the VBC channel.

Glynda Goodwitch is shown unsuccessfully piecing together a building. Across the bottom of the screen, it reads: BEACON INACCESSIBLE.

Reporter 01: "...with no end in sight. Try as they might, the local Huntsmen and Huntresses can't seem to get a hold of the situation at Beacon Academy."

Yang clicks the remote. As the next reporter speaks, the large lettering across the screen are slowly revealed backward, from the perspective of someone facing Yang. It reads: CCT Repairs "Underway". The subheading reads: Atlas officials working on solution, but not optimistic.

Reporter 02: "...though the fail-safes have supported wireless communication within the kingdom, the loss of the CCT Tower continues to prevent contact with the outside world. Talks with Atlas officials regarding repairs have so far-"

Yang clicks again, cutting off the reporter and bringing up yet another news segment. A horned anchorman speaks above the caption: Sending Citizens Home. The corner caption has the logo for VOX News.

Reporter 03: "...Vale council voted this week to continue to ban any air traffic that does not have a direct correlation with evacuation. The council has made it clear that they feel-"

Yang clicks again. Her eyes widen and she sits up.

Lisa Lavender: "Multiple rumors continue to circulate as to who was behind the attacks at the Vytal Festival Tournament."

The screen shows anchor Lisa Lavender and the VNN logo. The caption below her reads: WHITE FANG MEMBER, ADAM TAURUS, PRESENT DURING BEACON GRIMM ATTACK.

Lisa Lavender: "While no one knows for sure, officials have confirmed that high-ranking White Fang member, Adam Taurus..."

Adam's image appears on the screen at his name being spoken.

Lisa Lavender: "...was present for the attack. Any and all attempts to bring him into custody have been met with brutal force-"

Yang turns the news off. She sits there holding the remote, and a door clicks open.

JP: I'm home!

Yang sets the remote down and leans her head backward on the couch, looking up at the newcomer that way.

Yang: Hey, JP.

JP is shown upside-down at first, as he would appear to Yang, but the image promptly rights itself. He is carrying three boxes with two bags hanging from his forearms.

JP: Guess what came in today!

The door shuts behind JP as he walks into the living room.

Yang: What?

JP: I don't know how you'll feel about this.

He walks into another room to unload, while on the couch Yang looks somewhat interested. JP returns, carrying one long white box. He sets it on the coffee table in front of Yang, revealing the Kingdom of Atlas symbol on it. She looks at it and doesn't move.

JP: What?

Yang: Are you going to open it?

JP: I guess.

JP lifts the lid off the box to reveal a robotic right arm. JP looks it over, somewhat wide-eyed while Yang is surprised. She blinks and her eyes droop a bit, revealing she's more distressed than pleased.

JP: I guess I needed a new one.

Yang: (looking up) Huh?

JP: Did you know my right arm was robotic?

Yang looks up at her boyfriend shocked.

JP: What?

Yang: When did this happen? How?

JP deflates a bit and puts his hand to the back of his neck as he sighs and considers how best to respond.

JP: I don't want to talk about it.

Yang gets up and walks up the stairs, JP giving her an encouraging smile as she passes in front of him. She pauses partway up the steps, turning in his direction.

Yang: Tell me when your ready.

Yang continues upstairs as a visibly disheartened JP bows his head.

Later, JP sweeps the porch, with him robotic arm revealed. He pauses to wipe his brow and sigh. The next scene shows him getting mail out of the mailbox at the end of their driveway. Lastly, he's in the kitchen, rinsing a glass. As he lifts it out of the sink, it slips out of his fingers and he gasps.

When it hits the floor and breaks, it triggers a flashback. Against the blackness there's a gray slash moving from upper left to bottom right and the red markings while the sound of a sword loudly resonates. In the kitchen, JP rears back with a cry. He clings to the countertop and pants, out of breath due to fright. His fist comes down against the countertop, and JP gets herself under control. From the doorway, Ynag watches with concern before turning away without saying a word.

It is dusk, and the boat continues its journey on the smooth water. There is still peaceful bird cry, and Blake is once again on the middle deck looking out at the ocean. A Faunus couple walk behind her and she watches them, slightly less twitchy than before.

It's when she's about to leave that she senses she is being watched by someone on the upper deck. It's the hooded figure, and she immediately takes out Gambol Shroud.

Blake: Who's there?!

The hooded figure turns and runs for it, blonde hair somewhat visible beneath the hood. Blake stares up at the deck, no longer watching the ocean. She does not notice the dorsal fins of a giant sea creature momentarily surface. However, she feels the boat rocking on the wake it created and lets out a grunt as she tries to keep her balance.

The creature's long-necked shadow looms over Blake as she turns around to face the water. Its shadow also falls on a member of the crew on duty in the crow's nest, who is looking up at it in horror.

Crew Member 01: RED ALERT!!

The alert immediately sounds. Two red lights next to a speaker pulse with the sound. The Captain and his First Mate come running out and look at the water from the upper deck, just above Blake. The Captain murmurs as the shadow falls over him.

Captain: By the gods...

The long-necked creature is revealed to be a large Sea Feilong. It has a pattern of glowing red lines along the scales of its neck, and its eyes glow yellow. The Grimm swings its head back and forth, roaring and spreading its short forearms outward.

Captain: (turning and calling out to the ship) All hands to battle stations!

First Mate: Sir, we've never fought a Grimm this big!

Captain: We've never seen something this big! But we'll give 'er a fight nonetheless!

Blake springs into action, running off the boat and into the air. She creates one of her clones to give her added upward momentum, flinging Gambol Shroud forward in its kusarigama form. Attached to the ribbon on her wrist, it embeds itself into the Grimm's neck.

Blake swings above the Grimm and shoots it in the back of its neck. It roars. Blake lands on the crow's nest while the Captain steers from the bridge.

He keeps the ship stabilized in the Grimm's wake and steps outside to get another look at it. Blake still shoots it while it arcs back into the water. The side of the ship opens up and the cannons come out.

Blake continues her assault on the sea creature, once again swinging and shooting. The ship's cannons fire but are mostly ineffective. Blake falls back onto the ship's deck, lands on her back, bounces, and quickly gets herself back onto her feet. She discovers that her left shoulder is hurt when she moves to stand.

Captain: (steering again) Hold steady men, it's not done with us yet! GET THE HEAVY CANNON LOADED!! (The First Mate changes from being nervous to battle-ready upon hearing this order.)

The largest cannon on the ship rises up through a trapdoor on the deck, extends itself, and aims at the Grimm. The Grimm's dorsal fin splits apart and extra bone unfolds, revealing two wings. The Sea Feilong lets out a roar as it flies, its beating wings sending a gush of air at the ship. Blake cries out as she hangs on with her hurt left arm.

Captain: Heavy cannon, OPEN FIRE!

The heavy cannon shoots, but the Grimm easily evades it. It opens its mouth and an electric ball forms.

Blake readies to launch herself at it, but the hooded figure lands on her head and uses her as a launch pad.

Blake: Hey!

The figure grunts and the cloak falls back, revealing JP. Midair, he multiplies himself.

Blake: JP?!

JP and his clones land on the Grimm's head. The two clones pull on the topmost tendrils of the head while JP grabs its upper lip.

JP: No one messes with my girl!

Blake slightly blushes. When the Sea Feilong releases its electric blast, it goes harmlessly into the air, rather than at the ship.

Blake: I'm glad you're here! I missed you!

From atop the enraged Grimm's snout, JP answers her while holding onto the two tendrils his now-disappeared clones had grabbed.

JP: I missed you too! I can't let my girl face danger alone!

Blake smiles. The Grimm manages to get a small electrical charge around JP and he lets go, shouting as he falls.

JP: Now I'm pissed!

Blake gasps and immediately springs into action again. She jumps onto and off the railing, using Gambol Shroud's kusarigama form on the crow's nest to swing herself around and catch Sun midair. They land on nearby rocks, with her holding him bridal style.

JP: (putting his hand to his heart) My hero!

Blake: I owed you one.

JP: We're still not even.

Blake smiles at him and then rolls her eyes.

Blake: I'll kiss you later. (Drops him) Just shut up and fight!

She runs toward the ship in the water, where the Grimm is firing electric blasts at it. JP is on the ground, striking a pose on his side with his hand propping up his head.

JP: Yes, ma'am!

On the ship, the Captain is steering while two of his crew are looking at displays.

First Mate: Starboard defenses are down, sir!

Captain: We still got the heavy cannon?

Crew Member 02: Aye, but it's moving too fast! We can't land a hit!

Captain: Argh. How about the engines?

First Mate: Fully functional, Captain!

Captain: Well alright, then!

On the deck, Blake is preparing to counter a hit from the Grimm's electric blast, but Sun jumps in between with a laugh of triumph. He uses Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang to deflect it and lands on the heavy cannon, resting his staff on his shoulder with a crooked grin.

Captain: Huntsmen!

JP and Blake turn to the man who has come out onto the upper deck calling them.

Captain: If you can clip its wings and draw it out towards the bow, we could take it!

Blake turns away from the Captain to look up at JP.

JP: Ready?

Blake: Let's do this!

JP spins his weapon back into a holstered position and runs toward the Grimm.

JP: Now or never!

JP activates three clones and jumps into the air. The first clone springs Blake upward to the second clone, which does the same. The third clone swings her up. JP focuses on what Blake is doing.

JP: You got this!

Blake, instead of heading toward him, directs herself above him and lands on his shoulders. They sink a few feet while he grunts and Blake leaps upward off of him. High above the Sea Feilong, she begins her descent, avoiding the electric blasts it shoots at her. She runs down its right wing, slicing through the thin membrane.

JP smirks as he waits for her on the rock she's readying to land on and catches her. The impact causes the rock surface to crack around them while he's left holding her bridal style. Blake smiles at him.

JP: Do we kiss now?

Blake: Later.

The Grimm moves around them, causing the precarious rocky area to collapse. Blake is on the move again, leaving JP behind.

JP: Okay, maybe later!

JP jumps off the collapsing rock. The Sea Feilong flies after them, knocking rocks down as he goes. The Captain watches from the bridge through a spyglass before throwing a handle and increasing the boat's speed. It sails beside the destructive Grimm, keeping apace.

JP continues to hop around, avoiding the Grimm's attacks until one more move puts him directly in front of its open mouth. Blake swings in on her ribbon and gets him out of reach. The Grimm prepares a blast to get them both in one shot when it is impaled by the bowsprit of the boat.

Captain: Fire!

The heavy cannon fires and hits the Grimm dead on. Its upper half is blasted to pieces, and it dies immediately. The Captain, the First Mate and Crew Member 02 all cheer. The cheer is upheld by the passengers on the ship who also join in with applause. On their rock, JP celebrates while Blake smiles and lowers her head in relief.

JP: Ha-ha! Now you kiss me!

Blake turns and smiles at him.

JP: Eh?

With a smile, Blake walks away. JP is surprised.

JP: You going to make me beg?

Blake: (Shouts) Thought about it! Just like the book!

JP: (Laughs) Oh! You bad kitty!

It is nighttime on the middle deck of the ship. Blake is at the railing again, only this time facing sideways.

JP: Seriously, it was no big deal!

JP is revealed to be talking to two of the Faunus passengers.

JP: Just enjoy the rest of your trip and everything will be cool! We got this!

The two Faunus, a male with horns and a female with rabbit ears who we saw earlier, wave goodbye and turn away. JP struts over to Blake.

JP: You'd think they'd never seen a fight before.

Blake: What are you doing here, JP? I mean, I happy to see you but I'm just surprised.

JP: Diggin' the new outfit, by the way! (pointing to her ears) Never did like the bow.

Blake: (blushes and slaps his hand away) JP!

JP: Okay. Time to be serious.

Blake: Have you been following me?!

JP: I couldn't leave you to run by yourself.

Blake: You didn't have to come.

JP: I couldn't bear to see you get hurt.

'Blake smiles at him, pleased at feeling understood.

JP: I was really worried.

Blake's happy expression falls.

Blake: (a little bit in disbelief) I'm sorry.

JP: I love you. You know that?

Blake: I love you too.

JP: So, what now?

Blake: Trying to figure things out.

Blake wraps her arms around JP and lays her head on his chest.

JP: I'll be with you every step of the way.

Blake: I wouldn't have it any other way.

JP: Blake?

Blake: Yeah?

JP: Do we kiss now?

Blake: Let me stay like this for a little longer.

JP: (Sighs) Fine. (Pause) Where are you going?

Blake: Home, to Menagerie.

JP: Sounds like fun. I can meet the parents.

Blake: (Giggles) They can finally meet the mysterious Drago! The dragon faunus who wore a mask!

JP: (Chuckles) Yeah, I'm regretting that look.


JP: Blake?

Blake: Yeah?

JP: Do we kiss now?

Blake looks JP in the eyes and plants her lips on his. They begin to passionately kiss. He pulls away for a second.

JP/Blake: Just like the book.

They laugh before they end up in a make out session. Inside Salem's meeting room, Cinder Fall and Salem sit alone at the table. Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai wait by the door. Cinder is breathing heavily with effort while Salem has her right hand casually held out.

Salem: Do you feel it? Don't fight it, girl. It can sense your trepidation. You must make it dread you.

A soft clicking sound makes Cinder turn toward the door. All is blackness but for a slowly moving forward yellow glow. It is revealed to be inside a jellyfish-based Grimm with long red tentacles and a black and white body.

Emerald and Mercury react fearfully to it and pull back as it enters. It glides its way over to Salem at the head of the table. Once the Seer Grimm reaches her side, she leans closer to it. After a moment, she puts her hands together.

Salem: Cinder, I am going to ask you this one more time, and I expect a clear answer. Did you kill Ozpin?

Cinder holds her arm out, about to call Emerald over to speak for her. Salem slams both hands onto the table, eyes glowing as she speaks.

Salem: No!

Cinder lowers her arm.

Salem: I want to hear you say it.

Cinder: (rasping a few times first before speaking hoarsely) Yes.

Salem looks at her for a long moment before speaking.

Salem: (to the Seer Grimm) Reinforce our numbers at Beacon. The Relic is there.

The Seer Grimm glides away. At the door, Emerald and Mercury draw away from it just as they did before. Salem turns her head thoughtfully, looking in the direction away from Cinder and bringing her fingers to her chin.

Salem: What are you planning, JP? Just how powerful are you? I'll make you mine soon enough.

Fade to black.

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