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Third Person view

We see our heroes entering Pietro's pharmacy while Yang shot two Atlesian Knights tho the ground with her shotgun gauntlets. Yang, Ren, Jaune, Poe, and Merrin were looking around for something that Pietro told that there were some type of vehicles in the pharmacy.

Poe then found a door that was open and turned on the light switch with a smile on his for him to see something in front of him.

Poe: Hey, Yang! You might wanna check this out!

Yang and the others went to Poe to see something in from of them for Yang to gasp in excitement.

Yang: All right. The others are definitely missing out.

Poe: They sure are.

Merrin: Are you sure these are safe?

Yang: Definitely, Merrin.


We see our heroes driving on the open snowy road of Mantle with amazing vehicles that they are driving on. Merrin was hanging on to Poe while he was driving the hover bike to go evacuate the civilians in Mantle.

Yang then found a car upside down that she can use as a ramp to launch into the air.

Oscar: Yang! Yang no! No!

Yang then launched into the and shot her shotgun gauntlet to do a barrel roll flip with the hover bike and landed in front of the team.

Poe: Whoo! Nice trick, Yang!

Jaune was so amused to see Yang did that. He looked at Ren to laugh a little, but he wasn't paying attention. Jaune bumped on a small object.

They then continued to drive to the location to evacuate the civilians, but then something was watching them while it was hanging above a building.


Ren shot a security camera to not spot them while they were evacuating the civilians to get to the crater. Jaune was fist bumping a kid with his father.

Jaune: Only take what you need.

Woman: The crater? Are you sure it's safe out there?

Yang: Absolutely, ma'am.

Then there was people screaming and Grimm were growling. The civilians were running away from the Grimm that were chasing them behind them.

Merrin went to go attack the Grimm with her magick. She reached out her hands to lift both of the Grimm into the and slammed hard on the ground.

Poe then saw two more Grimm. He got out his blaster from his holster and fired at the Grimm in the head killing them instantly.

Jaune then went up and grabbed a device from his pocket.

Jaune: Heads up!

Jaune then threw the device on the ground for it pop out a holographic shield to block the Grimm. The Grimm were scratching on the shield for them to be killed by Ren's blades.

The Grimm then faded away in a black mist. The shield then deactivated for Ren to kick to Jaune while he caught it with his gravity dust shield.

Jaune: Way better than the hover bike.

Then a few more Grimm were coming in from of them to attack the civilians and the others.

Jaune: Get ready, guys!

The Grimm were getting closer to attack them, but then a blue blaster fire came from the left side to kill one of the Grimm. The Grimm stopped to see who did that. They roar at somebody on the left side for multiple blue blaster fire to be hit at the Grimm dead.

Saw: Go! Go! Go!

The others heard a voice that it appeared to be Saw Gerrera and his fighters to go up to the civilians and Yang's team for them to be confused.

Saw then went up to Yang to introduce himself.

Saw: Are you, Yang Xiao Long?

Yang: Yes? Why are you asking me that? Who are you, and who sent you?

Saw: My name is Saw Gerrera. Your friend, Y/n L/n sent me to help you evacuate these civilians to safety.

Yang: Y/n sent you?

Saw: I'll explain later, but right now, we need to get these civilians to safety. Where are we heading?

Jaune: We're taking these people to a place called the crater. We could use some help taking these people there.

Saw: Luckily we came just in time. My companions and I will help you escort them to safety.

Ren: It will be an honor for you to help us.

Saw: Appreciate. Stay close, and keep an eye out for more of those things.

Saw and Yang's team went to go evacuate the rest of the civilians to the crater to get to safety. Yang looked over to the distance on the empty street of Mantle.

Yang: Thank you, Y/n.

Yang left to go catch up to the others to get the people to the crater.


I was in the back of the ship working on Cal's lightsaber. Instead of him having the Inquisitor red blades, I managed to find an orange kyber crystal that can go really well with this hilt.

I finished the lightsaber hilt for Cal to be even more better than the red blades. He's gonna love the new color on his hilt. I grabbed the hilt and went to the other room where Ruby, my friends, Cere and Greez were hanging out at the dinning table.

They all were finished eating the steaks that Greez made for us. Man those steaks were good.

Nora: Wow! Those were best steaks I had in my life!

Greez: It was good, right?

Ruby: You bet it was.

Greez: My great grandmother used made me these when I was a kid. I got recipe from her.

Cal: Well, thanks for the food, Greez.

Greez: You're all welcome.

Greez was then putting the empty plates in the sink to wash them for later. I then went up to Cal for him to notice me walking to him.

You: Hey, Cal.

Cal: Hey, Y/n. How did you do on my lightsaber.

You: I did a few things on it. It still has the mode when you spin it around. Why not try it out?

Cal: All right.

Cal then took his hilt from my hand to go to an open area in the ship. Cal then activated his lightsaber to show a single orange blade on it. Cal was so amazed how I did a lot of work on it. He then did a few swings on the saber for him to listen to the sound of it swinging.

Cal then deactivated his lightsaber and clipped it to his belt. Cal then came to me to tell me something.

Cal: Thanks, Y/n. This is way better than from the other one.

You: You're welcome, Cal. And I'm glad that you're on our side.

Cal nodded his head in agreement. All of us then continued to hang out with each other to have this moment.


We all then exited the Mantis for us to continue on to the mission that we were assigned to do. I looked back at Greez and Cere to tell them something.

You: Are you sure you guys are gonna be okay?

Cere: We'll be okay, Y/n. As long we don't get caught by the military or those Grimm, we'll be okay.

Greez: We'll be staying here with the Mantis in case you need extraction from up there.

Cere: We'll be in touch on the comms in the meantime. Stay safe out there.

You: You stay safe too.

I then went back to Ruby and my friends to continue on with the mission to get back up to Atlas.


We all were walking on the snowy street of Mantle to head to the destination that we are going to. It's quiet in this place, too quiet. The silence was broke for us to hear a Nevermore flying in the sky landing in front of us. This is not good.

We all got out our weapons to take this thing down. I think of a plan. It's probably gonna be a crazy one, but I'm gonna distract it. I then started to go up to the Nevermore and jumped on a flipped car and jumped high into the air to jump off of the Nevermore's head.

Ruby: Y/n!

You: I got this, just go!

(Music Playing)

I then started to climb on one of the buildings with my climbing claws that I have with me on my gloves to climb up the building.

You: Stay low, buddy! Don't let it hit you!

BD-1: Be-beep beep!

I then continued to climb on to the top of the building with the Nevermore climbing the building too to get me. I was climbing up fast to get to the top of the building to not get hit by the Nevermore.

I was close getting to the top, but the Nevermore caught me in it's talon.

Ruby: Y/n, No!

I heard Ruby's voice while I was on the Nevermore's talon.

BD-1: Beep boo beep!

You: We're gonna die!

The Nevermore then started to fly up high in the air for me to struggle to break free. It then did a loud caw noise while I was in it's talon.

You: Aghhhh!

I screamed while I was still in the talon. I got my right arm free to activate my lightsaber hilt to show a single green blade to do some damage on the Nevermore's leg.

I got my other hand free to stab my blade on the Nevermore's leg to break free. I then stabbed my blade again with both of my hands to hear the Nevermore screaming in agony.

It let go of me while deactivated my lightsaber and clipped it to my belt quickly and jumped on the Nevermore to try and get to the ground safely without dying.

The Nevermore wouldn't let me go on him. It then pushed me back with it's wing to make me flip like crazy high in the sky. I gained control from the momentum from being pushed back and started to skydiving down to the Nevermore.

I carefully aimed at the Nevermore to land on its back to try to fly down to the ground.

You: Here we go again!

The Nevermore then roars again to try to get me off of it. It then started to fly down to the city of Mantle. The Nevermore was going towards a giant board that was on a building skyscraper.


I then quickly jumped off the Nevermore again to go back skydiving in the air and went to go back on the Nevermore's back again to get back to the ground.

The Nevermore roars again to hit itself in the face to try to get me off of its back to fly into another building again.

You: Get ready, BD! Jump!

I then jumped off the Nevermore again to crash into the building that I was on destroying half of it.

I then looked to see that I was very high up on the building. There's nothing for to get down safely.

You: I don't know how we're gonna get from this. It's a long drop!

I looked to see the Nevermore flying below me.

BD-1: Beep boo beep?

You: Jump again?

BD-1: Bee-beep.

You: Okay, I trust you.

I then jumped off the building to get back on to the Nevermore.

BD-1: Beeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

You: Ahhhhhhhhh!

I screamed to make me not see if I'm not gonna make it through this. I skydive back on to the Nevermore, luckily that I made it. The Nevermore then crashed into a few more buildings to make it hurt itself and fly back into the sky.

The Nevermore was going to try something again, but I heard that it somehow died. It then started to spin out of control while I was still on it.

The Nevermore's body was about to hit the ground on the open streets of Mantle and I jumped off of it to do a flip and hit the ground and started rolling while I heard the Nevermore's body stopped behind me.

I stopped rolling on the ground for me to stand up and see that the Nevermore is dead and started to fade away.

You: Are you okay?

BD-1: Beep! Boo?

You: Yeah, I'm great. Wish I could say the same for the Nevermore though.

BD-1: Bo-boo.

(Music End)

Ruby on comm: Y/n! Are you there?

I heard Ruby's voice on my earpiece. I put two fingers on my left ear to press the button on my earpiece to respond to her.

You: Ruby, I'm here.

Ruby on comm: (sighs) Thank goodness you're okay. Where are you?

You: I don't know, but can you track my scroll signal?

Ruby on comm: Yeah, we can do that.

You: Okay. I'll try to find you guys while I'm at it.

Ruby on comm: Just be careful, Y/n. We'll find you.

You: I'll be careful, I promise.

I then ended the conversation with Ruby and started to go find the rest of my friends.


It has been a few minutes since I started walking all over the place to find the others, I think I'm lost. This city is huge. There's no way I can find them.

I just kept on walking in the open streets of Mantle to keep on searching for my friends.

???: Are you sure you know where we're going?

???: Boop-bo-weep.

???: What do you mean we're lost.

I then heard someone and another droid beeping in the distance. Was that a asrtomech droid? I then saw them coming from the street ahead of me so that could get a good look at them. Who are they?

They noticed that I was walking ahead, and that other one, I think it's a cyborg.

???: Oh! Thank goodness! Someone to help us!

He then slowly starting to speed-walk to me while went up to him and I saw the asrtomech droid coming to me as well.

???: Oh, mister do know where we are?

You: Um, yeah.

???: Then what is this place called?

You: This place is called Mantle. And the planet your on is Remnant.

???: Oh. So that's what this planet is called.

You: Who are you guys?

???: Oh. Where are my manners. I am C-3PO. Human cyborg. And this is my companion, R2-D2.

R2: Whoo-boop!

You: It's nice to meet you both.

C-3PO: And you are?

You: My name is Y/n L/n. And this is my friend, BD-1.

BD-1: Bwoop-beep.

C-3PO: Oh, how amazing that is. I have never seen a droid like that before.

You: Yeah, he's keeping me company for a while.

C-3PO then noticed my lightsaber hilt on my belt.

C-3PO: You're a Jedi! Oh, it has been so long since I've saw one. It is finally good to meet you.

You: It's an honor. So, where are you guys heading?

C-3PO: We don't know where to go. This city is huge. It's like a maze out here.

R2: Boop-weee.

You: Yeah, I was lost here too. We should keep going. I have my friends looking for me. So we should go find them as well.

C-3PO: Oh. Thank you so much. It so good to travel with someone in a long time. Come on, R2, let's go.

R2: Whoo-weep!

Me, C-3PO and R2 continued to go find the rest of my friends.

(A few minutes later)

I was starting to get tired of this long walk on the street to find the rest of my friends. They could be anywhere.

C-3PO: This is taking forever. There's no way we can find them in a city this huge.

R2: Bwoo-weeep!

You: Let's take a break.

I sat down on the sidewalk to take a break for now. I then saw C-3PO and R2 going somewhere looking into an alley way.

C-3PO: Ahhhhh!

R2: Whooooooooo!

C-3PO: Please, don't hurt us!

I then got up quickly to see what was going on with them after they saw someone in the alley way. I then saw that it was my friends with their weapons out.

You: Guys, you found me.

Nora: Who are these things with you? Are they with Atlas military?

Weiss: I'm guessing they are.

You: No, guys it's okay. I ran into them while I was finding all of you. They're not a threat to us. I trust them.

Ruby and the others put away their weapons so they can meet R2 and C-3PO.

Ruby: So, who are they?

C-3PO: Allow me to introduce ourselves. I am C-3PO, human cyborg. And this is my companion, R2-D2.

R2: Whoop-whooo!

Ruby: Sorry, what did he say?

You: He said that you should apologize to them for aiming your weapons at them.

Ruby: Oh. Uh, sorry that we almost strike at you. We thought you were Atlas robots.

R2: Beeeep-weeep!

C-3PO: Apology accepted.

You: I guess you didn't got my friends names.

Ruby: Right. My name is Ruby Rose.

Blake: Blake Belladonna.

Nora: Nora Valkyrie.

Cal: Cal Kestis.

Weiss: Weiss Schnee.

Kieron: Kieron.

Penny: Penny Polendina.

You: And this is BB8.

BB8: Bwoop!

C-3PO: It's a pleasure to meet all of you.

Ruby: Come on, we should get going.

C-3PO: Wait. Where are we going?

You: I'll explain on the way there, 3PO.


After I explained everything to C-3PO and R2, we managed to find Joanna and May at some place where the crater is. We were with May at some kind of factory.

May: All right, come on.

May then opened the gate to let us all in to the entrance of the factory.

You: Come on, guys.

C-3PO: Come on, R2.

C-3PO and R2 followed me and the others to follow May.

Nora: Thanks again for coming.

You: Yeah, it really means a lot.

May: Don't mention it. Once Robyn learned about Amity Tower, she wouldn't shut up about it. Where ever she is, I'm sure she would want us doing what we can to get it up in the air and get the world talking again. (Closing the gate behind us) Besides, Fiona's got your friends helping out in my stead.

Nora didn't like what May said about the others.

Nora: Yeah.

We then continue to walk into the factory.

Ruby: Are you sure this is safe?

We all then entered the factory and we all saw some robots putting some packages in some kind of launch tubes.

Weiss: Snow Shoe Shipping is an SDC subsidiary, meaning all the drones here report to the company, not the General.

I sighed in relief knowing that I don't have to hear about Ironwood again.

Weiss: The pneumatic tubes allow for Dust refined in the crater to be sent to Atlas. We just need to find the one for the military base.

You: That's the way?

Weiss: It sure is.

Blake: Are there any buildings in Atlas that your family didn't own?

Nora then chuckled at what Blake said.

Weiss: That isn't relevant at the moment.

Blake then chuckled for a bit after what she said to Weiss.

I then started to look around the the factory and see these amazing things around me. It almost feels like I'm back in Vale again when I was a scrapper. All those years me scrapping and rebuild ships and all that. It just brings back memories.

I then saw a small device that was here on one of the shelves that the boxes are. I picked it up and that it fit onto my ear. I placed the device on my right ear and see if it works. I then started to hear a voice from this device.

???: Hello. It's good to be online after all this time.

You: Uh... Who are you?

???: Oh, where are my manners. I am Bagley. An Artificial Intelligent, or AI, created by a scientist, Pietro Polendina.

You: Wait. Pietro made you?

Bagley: Of course he did. I used help him out with his research after the day his daughter died during the event in the Vytal Tournament.

You: Wow, it's a pleasure to meet you, Bagley.

Bagley: Why thank you, Y/n L/n.

You: Wait, how did you know my name?

Bagley: I read your file on your scroll, detaining any information about you.

You: You know what I am?

Bagley: Of course I do. You're a Jedi that used to be in hiding, and now here you are. Saving the world from Salem.

You: How did you-

Bagley: I know everything, so please stop asking me questions.

You: Right, sorry.

Bagley: It's all right. I am here to assist you and your friends on this journey that your about to go on.

You: Well, welcome to the team, Bagley.

Bagley: Thank you.

I then saw Ruby coming up to me to see what I was doing.

Ruby: Hey.

You: Hey.

Ruby: So, how are you holding up?

I went silent for a second and spoke.

You: I... I just thought I'd live a better life than this.

Ruby: What do you mean?

You: Everything we did, everything we've done. Did any of it matter?

Ruby then put her hand on my right shoulder and looked at me.

Ruby: Everything we did really mattered. We saved Haven, Argus, and now we're about to save Atlas. Together.

You: Everything I did... did it all matter to me? Becoming the Winter Maiden and... all of this. (I looked at both of my hands) I'm not sure if I'm even myself anymore.

Ruby then held my hands and I looked at her while she was looking at me.

Ruby: You're still you, Y/n. By becoming the Winter Maiden you did everything to save all of us. Even after everything we did, you still helped us, and we helped you. So don't doubt yourself too much. Think about everything we're doing right now, saving the world, Atlas, and Mantle. After we do all of this, we'll be able to live together, forever.

Ruby gave me a smile on her face knowing that she will make me feel better when I'm down after all of this. Maybe she's right. I do have to do this. I became the Winter Maiden for a reason and I'm not gonna give up now.

You: Thank you, Ruby.

Me and Ruby then hugged each other for this moment for once. I feel safe when ever we do this. After a few seconds we let go of the hug.

Nora: I found it!

Me and Ruby went to the others to see Blake and May coming to us.

Blake: I suppose there's no turning back now.

May: Between our secret weapon and my semblance, (May turns invisible while talking) you all couldn't be in better hands.

May then deactivated her semblance for us to see her again.

You: Wow. Invisibility. That was amazing.

May: Thanks.

Nora: So how do we use this thing?

Weiss: It should be simple.

Weiss walked to the launching tube where she was about to sit inside of it.

Weiss: If you lie back in the tube and press launch- (I then saw Nora about to press the button)

You: Nora, wait!

Nora pressed the launch for Weiss to launch in the tube while she was screaming to go all the way up to Atlas while we all saw this happened when Nora was getting excited and laughing.

You: Well... that explains everything.

Bagley: Oh dear. I hope she'll be okay from that.

You: (whispering) Could've said it myself, Bagley.

I then started to head inside the tube and lie down in it.

You: Nora, don't make the same mistake like Weiss.

Nora: Got it.

You: Okay, I'm ready.

Nora: Launching in 3, 2, 1! Have fun!

I then heard Nora pressed the button and the doors closing and I was launched to go up while me and BD were having a bit of fun.

You and BD-1: Beeeeeeep! WOOO- HOOO!

It felt like I was going down a slide, but going upwards. Atlas Academy, here we come... again.

To be continued.

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