RWBY: Jedi Fallen Order: Volume 9: Sneak Peek

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Everything happened so fast. Cinder was killing the civilians of Atlas and Mantle, killing my friends and the one I love. Now I have lost everything that I had in my life.

I opened my eyes to see that I'm somehow still alive. I was in this realm that I saw little orange lights surrounding me. I looked at my right hand and saw one of them on it. Where am I? Am I dead again or am I alive? I then heard the sound of two girls fight and grunting. I looked around and saw.... that it was Ruby fighting back against Neo. She's alive.... I can't believe she's alive!

You: Ruby!

I then stared to fly towards Neo that she was strangling Ruby by her neck.

You: Get away from her!

I then flew towards Neo and tackled her off of Ruby. Me and Neo started to struggle trying to fight each other. I then started to punch Neo in the face two times as she changed her form to look like Yang. She's trying to trick me again with her stuff.

You: Stop messing with me, you bitch! You're not her, you hear me? You're not my sister!

I punched Neo so hard in her face to get her off of me, for her to fly back and changed herself back to her normal for. I saw her flying down to another portal. I then saw Ruby floating in the air, and I quickly flew to her.

You: Ruby!

Ruby: Y/n.

We both flew to each other to hug in the process. I can't believe this, this is a miracle. Ruby's alive!

You: Ruby... you're alive!

Ruby: So are you.

You: I thought you were dead.

Ruby: But I'm still breathing, aren't I?

I then let go of the hug to still hold on to Ruby for to look at me. I then held her right cheek with and with my left hand.

Ruby: Y/n, I thought I'd never see you again....

You: I thought you were dead... I really did, but now you're here, with me. (hugs Ruby again) I'm so glad you're alive.

Ruby then hugs me back for this touching reunion. I'm really glad that she's alive. When I didn't noticed that we were going into another portal from the bottom of me and Ruby. I didn't want to let her go. But then, we started to go into it for me to see a light, blinding me for a little bit.

(In another dimension)

My eyes were closed, for me to be on something soft. I felt like I was in sand. I heard small waves of water, hitting my face a little. I then started to open my eyes to fully open them to see that I was on some sort of beach area. I looked up to see a big tree in the distance that was far away from me. I got up from the sand to get on my feet to look around.

You: BD?

BD-1: Boop bwoop?

You: Okay, you're still here, but where's...

I looked around to see if Ruby was here, but it looks like she wasn't. We were together from the realm were in. We must have gotten separated. Wait, if that means Ruby is alive, then...

You: Ruby? Weiss? Blake? Yang? Jaune?

I then started to look around, panicking....

You: Ruby! Weiss! Blake! Yang! Jaune!

I then started to run to the path in front of me, calling who ever is alive around here...

You: Ruby! Weiss! Blake! Yang! Jaune!

No one responded...

You: Hey! Anyone?! Hello?!

The screen went black, for Y/n's voice echoed in the air

To be continued in Volume 9

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