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Poe's POV

Me, Merrin, Rey, Finn, Rose, Yang, Ren, and Jaune were all tied up in the ship with Ace Ops and Winter who arrested us while we were just sitting here all tied up when we heard radio chatting on the ship.

Commander on radio: We can't get the hard light shields back up, sir. The generators took too much damage!

Ironwood on radio: Then don't waste resources on them. Beta Squad, the creature?

Commander on radio: We tried bombs, missiles, but we can't make a dent, sir.

Winter: Sir, Schnee here. Penny is still MIA, but we've apprehend Arc, Xiao-Long, Ren, Dameron, Merrin, and some other people that were with them.

Ironwood on radio: Stand by for further orders, and don't let those fugitives out of your sight.

Winter: Yes, sir. Of course.

Yang: Still just following orders.

Poe: Just like the First Order.

Jaune: What?

Finn: We'll explain to you guys later.

We all then saw the Grimm Whale that was on the edge of Atlas. My gosh... look at the size of that thing.

Jaune: That's where the Grimm took Oscar. It's even bigger than I thought.

Vine: Grimm don't take prisoners.

Yang: (turning to face Vine) This one did. If you could just let us go--

Yang then was held down from getting up from Vine and Elm.

Poe: Hey! Don't you touch her like that!

I started to get up to go teach them a lesson, but I was still tied up and Winter held me down gently to not attack Elm and Vine.

Ironwood on radio: Cease fire. Manta squads, concentrate on secondary hostiles. Command is working on a solution for the creature.

Winter: What do you have in mind, sir?

Ironwood on radio: We aren't making any progress attacking the thing from the outside. But from the inside, it could be vulnerable. Science team is putting together a bomb. When it's ready, we'll drop it off as close to the target as possible. Then, your team will deliver it on foot. Sending you rendezvous coordinates now.

Winter: Of course, sir, we will hold the point and get it done.

Poe: You can't be serious!

Jaune: But, Oscar's in there!

Yang: You can't do this!

Yang was trying to convince Winter by getting up, struggling from Elm and Vine holding her down. I really don't like these people now. At first they were once trustworthy, but not anymore. I had a small knife that was hidden in my back pocket. I carefully reached my hand into my back pocket, got the knife and started cutting the ropes that I was tied down with my hands behind my back to get loose.

Y/n's POV

I was in the room with Weiss checking on Nora to see if she's okay. She's still unconscious from what she did to save me from the Ace Ops back at the compound.

BD-1 was on the bed watching Nora for us. Weiss was done patching up Nora with a few bandages that she had with her. Not even a stim that BD has could heal her wounds. This stuff on Nora is really bad.

Nora: No. What... am I good for?

I heard Nora said that in her sleep. I hope she'll make it.

BD-1: Woooo.

I put my right hand where I had the bandage around it on Nora's head. I really hope she will get better soon. I knew her for a long time now. She was so strong to down any enimies, but now... she's hurt.

You: I hope she'll make it.

Weiss: (puts her hand on my left shoulder) I know she will.

Me and Weiss then heard the door open. We then saw that it was Ruby, Blake, Cere, and Greez coming in with cups of tea or hot chocolate in those cups. Cal and Kieron were guarding the main entrance of the manor.

Ruby closed the door behind her to come up to me and gave me the cup of hot chocolate to keep me warm enough.

Ruby: How's your right hand?

You: It's getting a bit better.

Ruby: That's good to hear. (to Weiss) How is she?

Weiss came up to Cere to get the cup from her and spoke to Ruby.

Weiss: I've done what I can, but she needs a doctor.

I blew on my warm drink and took a sip from the cup.

Blake: Hopefully, May's able to reach the others.

Greez: Let's hope she will.

Blake: I'm...

Blake then went up to the window to see the view of the storm coming to Atlas.

Blake: I really hope they're okay. Salem's monster is making Grimm faster than the Atlas military can kill them. The city won't stand a chance unless we stop it.

I then joined Blake to look out through the window.

You: That thing is huge.

Ruby: It's massive. Way bigger than a Leviathan. What could we ever do?

Cere: I don't know. I don't think the Mantis can take down a monster that big.

Weiss: Penny launched Amity and our message went out. Do we just wait for someone to come? If they even come.

You: We'll just have to wait and find out.

I then turned around to see Ruby looking down on her cup with the reflection of the liquid from the flash of the red thunder.

Ruby: How did it all get like this?

I then went up to Ruby and put my right hand on her left shoulder to calm her down.

You: I don't know.

We all then heard the door opened to see May entering.

May: Fiona said your friends haven't been heard from in a while. Unfortunately, the last thing they've worried about is a couple of kids. Come on, these guys could take us back with their ship and--

Weiss: What?

Weiss put her cup down on the table and stood up from her seat.

Weiss: We can't leave.

May: It's chaos at the crater. Atlas has its army, but Mantle only has us. People are dying.

Weiss: People are dying here, too. Don't you have family in Atlas?

May: No. Mantle needed me, and to the Marigolds, that meant I wasn't their son anymore. And I made sure that everyone knew that I wasn't their daughter. (crossed her arms) So forget 'em. They've got Henry, yours have Whitley. You get what I'm saying.

There was a moment of silence until Weiss broke it.

Weiss: I don't know about--

May: Which side are you on, anyway?

May snapped at Weiss for her to step back a bit.

Blake: We've heard that before.

May turned to Blake. She was about to say something, but Ruby interrupted her.

Ruby: There are no sides! We want to help everyone. We're all facing Salem together. And together is the only way we're going to get out of it.

Greez: And I'm not taking orders from you, May. I'm the captain of my ship. My ship, my rules.

You: We can get out of it, together.

May: (sighs) So, how exactly do we get out of it?

Poe's POV

I was still trying to cut the ropes off of me with my pocket knife to get loose of these ropes.

Yang: You can't blow it up with Oscar still in there!

Vine: That creature causes more damage every minute. We cannot wait.

Merrin: You're just going to let a boy die?! Wow, some heroes you are!

Jaune: Please, Winter, give us a chance to try and rescue him first! We... We can be your test run. We don't know what'll be waiting for you inside, right? So we can go ahead to check it out, and look for Oscar while we're inside.

Wow, Jaune. You're a really good getting ideas out of your mouth.

Marrow: You want to go inside that thing alone?

Yang: (looking at Marrow) Wouldn't you do it for Elm? Harriet? Vine?

Elm: We don't let feeling get in the way of making the right call. Trading three lives for one is stupid.

Ren: No, it's not. He's our friend. We will do whatever it takes to find him, because we CARE about him.

Yeah, you talk to 'em, Ren. Harriet then turned around from her chair to look at Ren.

Harriet: (scoffs) I really had you pegged as the most level-headed of the bunch, but I guess you're just as naive. Feelings don't matter, the job matters.

Finn: You sure about that?

Harriet: (to Finn) Shut up. (to Ren) When you lose someone on your team, you move on. Replace them, like Marrow replaced Tortuga and Winter replaced--

Ren: (getting up from his seat) No! No one is replaceable.

You definitely tell her, Ren. It's a good thing you're finally coming around.

Ren: You don't really believe that. You are furious about losing Clover, and you miss him.


Harriet: You don't know anything about me!

I continued to carefully cut the ropes off of me with my pocket knife and just in case something happens between these guys.

Ren: That's why you lost against Team RWBY. You, you to fight how you feel about each other, so you'll never truly work as a team.

Elm: Shut up! You don't know what you're talking about!

Elm was about to punch Ren. I finally got out of the ropes, got up and went in front of Ren while I pointed my knife a Elm.

Elm: How did you-

Poe: You wanna hurt my friend? Then you're gonna have to go through me first!

I made Elm even more angry. She was about to punch me, until Winter stopped Elm from punching me.

Winter: Everyone, calm down.

Winter then looked at me and the others until she spoke.

Winter: Fine. We will drop you as close as we can to the monster.

Harriet: You can't be serious. They're fugitives and traitors!

Winter: (Glaring at Harriet) I outrank you.

Rey: We are trying to save this world, wether you like it or not.

Finn: And if you don't get in line, we won't go easy on you.

Harriet looked at Rey and Finn then, she looked back at Winter and growled her. Winter then turned to face us while I put away my knife in my pocket.

Winter: If you aren't out in time, we drop the payload. No matter what.

Jaune: We understand.

We all then were landing at the open area while Winter got us out of the ropes and handed us our weapons back to take these things down. Ren then went up to Marrow to speak to him.

Ren: You don't like this either. In fact, you don't want to be a part of it at all anymore.

Marrow: I.... I have a job to do, and I'm going to do it. (Goes to sit back in the co-pilot seat)

Yang then cocked her gauntlet shotguns and fired to jump from the impact to land on the ground while Jaune tossed Ren's weapons to him and caught it. Jaune then jumped out of the ship as well for Ren to speak to Winter.

Ren: I know you don't, either.

Ren jumped out of the ship. Before me and the others jumped out, I wanted to say one last thing to Winter.

Poe: Thank you.

Winter: You don't need to thank me for this.

Poe: I did just now.

Me, Finn, Rey, Rose, and Merrin jumped out of the ship and landed on the ground. Rey activated her yellow lightsaber for all of us to push forward to get to the Grimm Whale that Oscar was in.

Hang on, buddy. We're coming.

Y/n's POV

We were all following May down the stairs while BD-1 was on my back. Ruby was talking to May.

Ruby: Wait, what about Qrow and Robyn? Well, maybe if we get them out of wherever they're being held, they could--

May: No see, you just don't get it!

We all stopped on the stairs to listen to May.

May: This is not a situation where everyone wins. Now, you all can come with me to help in Mantle, or I can drop you off near the front lines of you still want to help Atlas. Your uncle and Robyn can't save us. We have to choose. So choose.

We all stood silent for a second until I broke the silence.

You: So you're just gonna make us choose? Either way, we don't have any other options.

May: That's why I'm making you guys choose to come with me or stay here to help Atlas.

You: (walking to May) You heard what Greez said, his ship, his rules. So we're not going anywhere. We are going to help Nora get better. Without her, we won't be able to win this war.

May was about to speak to me when we all heard the front door being knocked on. Me, Ruby, Blake, Cal, May and Kieron got out our weapons to get ready to see who was at the door.

We all went up to the door cautiously to see who was at the door. Weiss went to go open the door.

Cal: Careful, Weiss. It could be trouble.

Weiss then opened the door carefully for us to see a man wearing a hat on him.

Weiss: (gasps) Klein!

Klein: (tips his hat) Miss Schnee! I heard there was a patient here who needed my help.

So Weiss knows this guy. I'm guessing it's her butler.

Weiss: I.. I am so sorry, Klein. It's my fault that father...

Klein: (takes off his hat while his eyes turned green) Please don't worry, my snowflake. It had nothing to do with you, (puts his hat back on and his eyes turned red and walked inside) and everything to do with Jaucqes.

Klein then slammed the door shut. Okay, I don't know why his eyes changed colors, but I'm just gonna have to deal with it. Me and the others put away our weapons for Weiss and Klein to have a good conversation.

Weiss: Well, that's sweet of you. But wait, how did you know--

Klein: (eyes turning blue) Ah, young Whitley. I'm so glad that you rang! May I please see the patient? I understand it's urgent.

So Whitley was the one who called him.

Whitley: Yes, she's in Weiss's room. Just go up the--

Klein: I haven't been gone that long, Master Whitley. I believe I can find it.

Klein then walked up stairs to go to Weiss's room to go help Nora. I'm glad Whitley called Klein to go help out Nora.

Weiss: You called Klein?

Whitley: That girl needs a doctor. I didn't do it for you.

I then saw Weiss smiled at Whitley.

Weiss: I know. That's why it means so much to me.

Weiss then went up to Whitley and gave him a hug for everything he did for us and for Weiss. Whitley then hugged Weiss back. But that moment didn't last long. Weiss let go of the hug and we heard an explosion outside of the manor.

Weiss: Did you call anyone else?

Me and Ruby went up to the door and we opened it cautiously. We then saw smoke and a massive hole in the ground. Me, Ruby and the others went to go investigate what was in that hole.

We looked closely to see who it was.... It's....

You: Penny!

Penny was on the ground while some green blood was coming out of her. She then reached out with her left hand to say something.

Penny: I'm... I'm sorry.

Penny then went unconscious from the impact she just took from that fall.

Poe's POV

We were all surrounded by Grimm. I guess this is it. This where my journey ends, and maybe all of us. I think I should say something to my friends.

Poe: Guys?

They were listening to me while I say something from this moment.

Poe: I just wanted to say.... It was an honor meeting you guys. You were all good people. And Yang?

Yang looked at me to say something to her.

Yang: Yeah, Poe?

Poe: I know it's not the right time, but... I've always had a crush on you right from the start. And I'm probably not going to live to be with you forever, but...

Yang: I had the same thing too, Poe.

I looked at Yang to see that she was smiling at me. She then kissed me on the lips for me to be surprised and I kissed her back. We then let go of the kiss and we see that the Grimm are getting closer.

I readied my blaster to try and fight these things off. But then we all saw red laser fire on the Grimm to be killed instantly. We even saw more of the laser fire at the Grimm.

Yang: What was that?

Jaune: I don't know.

Rey: Look!


(Music Playing)

We all looked to see what Rey was seeing in the sky. No way. Is that.... is that the Resistance ship? They came!

Ren: What... are they?

Jaune: Who are they?

Poe: It's the Resistance..... (cheerfully) IT'S THE RESISTANCE!!

We all saw the ships coming from the sky that are X and Y wings shooting at the Grimm on the ground and in the sky.

Then transportation ships started to land in front of us and a few resistance fighters got out and started to fire their blasters at the incoming Grimm that are coming at them. They are doing a good job killing those things. I can't believe they actually came here to help us.

I looked at Yang, Jaune and Ren who had shocked looks on their faces that they had never seen these guys before.

Yang: I don't know who they are, but they definitely did a number on those Grimm.

I then saw some resistance fighters coming up to me and the others.

Male Resistance Fighter: General Dameron!

Yang, Jaune and Ren: General?

Poe: I'll explain later.

Female Resistance Fighter: General Dameron, it is so good to see you again, sir.

Poe: It's good to see you all again too.

Female Resistance Fighter: Sir, who are these three?

Poe: Oh, it's okay. They're with me. They've been helping since I got here. I trust them.

Male Resistance Fighter: If you say so, sir. So, what are your orders?

I then looked at the Grimm Whale that was a few feet away from us.

Poe: I need some fighters with us and some out here defending the city.

Both Fighters: Yes, sir!

Poe: Ashley, your with us.

Ashley: Yes, sir.

Poe: Adrian, your with ground unit. I need you and the others to defend this position to hold off the Grimm, that's what they're called. Just be careful.

Adrian: Yes, sir.

Poe: Alright, let's make it happen, people! For the Resistance!

Resistance Fighters: For the Resistance!

Poe: Let's go, let's go!

Ashely went with us while Adrian went to go with the other fighters to hold off the Grimm.

Me and the rest of my team went ahead to go rescue Oscar who was inside that Grimm Whale. Hang on Oscar, we're on our way.

(Music End)

To be continued.

A/n: Well, there you have it folks. The short finale of RWBY Volume 8 and my story. But don't worry, I have other ideas for future stories.

So, I hope you guys had a good Christmas and hope you guys have a good new year, and we will all wait for chapter 8 of RWBY Volume 8 in February 2021. Thank you guys so much for reading, and I will see you all soon next year.

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