We're not alone

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A/n: Hello everyone, Ryan here and today... I'm back doing this. I am finally getting back into writing this down, and hope you guys are glad that I'm back. It is going to be a tough trip for me, and I hope you guys are ready for this.

So sit back, and enjoy the returning writer.

Also if you guys want that next chapter, I think you know what to do.

Let's go!


Young Y/n POV

On home planet Tatooine

I was outside in the backyard playing with my dad pretending to be a Jedi and my father pretending to be a Sith with makeshift lightsabers. We were having so much fun playing together. I was blocking my father's attacks while I was trying to get a strike at him, this so fun.

Dad: (play voice) You will never defeat me, Jedi!

Young You: (play voice) I will defeat you, Sith!

I then saw my father trying to get a strike on me, but I parried his attack and pretended to strike him down to the floor. He then made a defeated noise and pretended to drop on his knees while he said his last words.

Dad: (play voice) Curse you, Jedi!

My dad then pretended to make a death noise and fell on his back with his eyes closed.

Young You: I did it! I defeated the Sith!

I shouted in joyfulness that I defeated a Sith. I was jumping up and down at the same time. But then I stopped to see my dad not getting up. I went up to him to see that he still has his eyes closed.

Young You: Dad?

My dad then opened his eyes and scared me by grabbing me and picking me up for me to scream, but I was laughing when he picked me up with him spinning me around and stopped while I hugged him. We had so much fun while doing this, it was the best time of my life. My dad then put me down. My dad then started to speak to me.

Dad: Y/n, this what you wanted to be when you grow up, right?

Young You: Of course, Dad. I want be just those Jedi that can learn the ways of the Force, and to build your own lightsaber. I wish you and Mom can come too.

Dad: Well, someday, we will go with you to be trained as Jedi as well.

Young You: I just know it.

Mom: Aron, Y/n, can you come inside, please?!

Dad: Coming, Claire! (to you) Come on, Y/n, let's go.

Young You: Okay, Dad.

Me and Dad then went inside the house where Mom was calling us to come inside. We went through the back door and I closed it behind me to go to the living room to see my Mom was at the front door, but there was a man in with a different species at the door with his Tatooine clothing and he was big and has purple skin.


(Music Playing)

(I do not own this music)

Jedi: Greetings, Citizens. My name is Master Jaro Tapal. I came from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

Mom: What are you doing here?

Jaro Tapal: I came here to Tatooine to seek out a Force-Sensitive child. (looks at you) I believe that your son, is the one I was looking for.

Dad: Y/n?

Jaro Tapal: Of course.

Dad: No, this can't be right. My son is too young to be a Force-Sensitive. He's only ten years old!

Jaro Tapal: I believe that your son, will be a great Jedi one day. I will look out for him, teach him the ways of the Force and he will be the hero of the Galaxy.

Dad: This is wrong. You can't just-

Mom: Aron...

My Mom then looked at my Dad to talk to him.

Mom: This is what Y/n wanted.

Dad: But, Claire-

Mom: He wanted to become a Jedi when he first brought it up.

Dad: But he's too young to be a Jedi!

Mom: He's not that young anymore. It is time that he looks out for himself. This Jedi here, he can watch over him and he can teach him to be strong. I know he will make the right choices. And I know he can protect himself.

My Dad was in shocked what he heard from Mom. She knows that I can protect myself, but, I don't know if I can.

Mom: Y/n...?

Mom then kneel down to me to talk to me.

Mom: I know you will make the right choices. And I know you can protect yourself. This Jedi here, is going to look out for you. He will take care of you. And in time, you will be the hero of the Galaxy. Do you understand?

I went silent for a bit, but then I understood what Mom said.

Young You: I understand. But, will you and Dad come with me?

Jaro Tapal: I'm afraid not, little one.

Young You: Why?

Mom: Our place is here. Our future is here. It is time for you to let go.

Young You: I don't want things to change...

Mom: But you can't stop the change. Any more than you can stop the sun's from setting.

Young You: (on the verge of tears) I don't wanna leave you.

Mom then hugged me, for me to hug her back. I don't want to leave her or Dad behind, but, Jaro Tapal said they can't come with me. It's only me that has to go with him.

Mom: Don't be afraid. You will look out for yourself one day, Y/n. You will be strong and a great Jedi. We will always love you, Y/n.

Young You: (emotional voice) I will always you and Dad too.

Mom then let go of the hug to see me with tears rolling down from my eyes. She then wiped them away from me to smile at me. I love her and Dad so much.

Mom: Now, go grab what you can. You will be leaving soon.

I then go to my room and grabbed my backpack to get anything that I grab in my room. I then saw my droid friend, R5-B3. He wasn't finished yet, I didn't get the time to do more work into him. I then turn on R5 for him to talk to me.

R5: Beep- bop-beep-boop?

Young You: Sorry, R5. I'm leaving.

R5: Beep?

Young You: I know it sounds crazy, but, I'm going to the Jedi Temple.

R5: Bwoop-bop!

Young You: I didn't get the chance to finish you up, but you were a great buddy to me.

R5: Boop.

Young You: I know we will see each other again soon. But right now, I have to go with Tapal... I'm gonna miss you, R5.

R5 then used his wheels to come to me while I hugged him for a goodbye. I'll miss him.

R5: Beep...

Young You: I know, buddy. I'll miss you too.

I then let go of R5 to go and meet Jaro Tapal outside of the house of Tatooine.

Jaro Tapal: Ready to go?

Young You: Yes, sir.

Jaro Tapal: Come along, then, little one.

Me and Tapal then started to walk to his ship to leave Tatooine, but then I stopped in my tracks to look back at my Mom and Dad watching me leave them from a distance. I looked back at Tapal and he saw what I was doing. He gave me nod, knowing me that I will have to say goodbye to my parents. I then ran towards Mom and Dad and hugged them both, I'm gonna miss them. I then let go and looked at them to talk to them.

Young You: I can't do it, Mom. I just can't do it.

Mom: Y/n...

I then started to have tears in my eyes and they started to roll down on my cheeks.

Young You: (emotional voice) Will I ever see you and Dad again?

Mom: What does your heart tell you?

Young You: I hope so. Yes. I guess.

Mom: Then we will see each other again.

Dad: Be brave for yourself, Y/n.

Young You: I hope I will come back one day, and see you and Dad.

Mom: I know you will. But right now, you have you're own destiny.

I then gave my Mom and Dad one last hug and they did the same to me. I still had tears rolling down my eyes, for me to know that I'm scared to leave them, but I have to go and this is my destiny. I let go of Mom and Dad and they did the same, while I wiped away my tears.

Young You: I love you, Mom, Dad.

Mom: We love you too. Now, go. You don't want to keep him waiting. Be brave, and don't look back.

I then understand her and put my backpack over my shoulders to turn around to walk away and not to look back to my Mom and Dad like she said. I then went to Jaro Tapal and we went on our way to the ship so he can take me to the Jedi Temple... Mom, Dad, I'll miss you both. And I hope we will see each other again.

(Music End)



You: Cal, get the door!

Cal did as I said and he opened up the door that leads to Weiss' room. Me, Ruby, Weiss and Whitley were carrying Penny's unconscious body, while she was leaking out some sort of green blood on my clothes for a bit. Greez, Blake, Cere, and Kieron entered the room as well, for me to see Klein treating Nora's wounds.

Blake: She lost consciousness and she's... leaking.

Me, Ruby, Weiss and Whitley went to the spare bed that was in Weiss' room.

Klein: Set her down, set her down.

Me and the others gently put Penny down, while some of us were covered in Penny's green blood for a bit. I wiped some of it off, for me to see more of it on me on my hands. Whitley was not liking this, while he has his arms out to see some on his shirt.

You: You might wanna wash that soon.

Whitley: I'm counting on it.

Ruby: (to Klein) Can you help her?

Klein then used his scroll to scan for Penny's injuries.

Klein: (red eyes) Even based on what you've told me, I hardly know what she is. (clears throat and his eyes went back to normal) But her basic anatomy seems similar enough. I can at least stich up that wound.

Cal: So you can help her.

Klein: Of course.

We then heard the sound of thunder rumbling outside of the manor. We looked out the window to see that is total chaos out there in Atlas. We all then heard the power going out inside the room, the thunder probably caused a blackout in the manor.

Whitley: Oh, that's just rich.

Greez: Oh, great! Now we got a bigger problem to deal with!

Cere: I'm sure we can get the power back on.

I then heard Ruby's scroll that she took out to see it was May on it to answer it.

May on scroll: Everyone okay back there? Just saw another bombing run light up the kingdom.

Ruby: Looks like part of the city lost power. We're okay though.

You: May, where are you now?

May on scroll: Sorry, I couldn't stick around, but time's running out for everyone in the crater.

Greez: Wait, did you take my ship?!

May on scroll: No, I didn't take your ship, four-arms. I managed to find a spare outside of the manor.

Ruby: No, we're sorry. Once we know what's wrong with Penny, we'll... we'll do something.

May on scroll: Don't beat yourself up, kid. At this point, I don't know much is left to be done.

You: May...?

May on scroll: Yeah, what is it?

You: Just stay safe out there. And may the Force be with you.

May on scroll: I don't know what that means, but, thanks, kid.

May then hung up her scroll for me to see Ruby worried.

Ruby: It's all just... too much. (Weiss puts her right hand on Ruby's left shoulder) The Grimm, the crater, Nora, Penny. How do we fix all of it?

You: We'll find a way to fix all of this.

I then heard sneezing coming from Klein. His eyes were blue, this is starting to get weird to me, that this guy can change his eyes to different colors.

Klein: One step at a time, my dear and good sir. (sneezes again for his eyes to clear his throat again for his eyes to change back to brown) You can't worry about fixing everything. Simply focus on what's in front of you. If you'd like some place to start, I'd be able to work faster if you can bring the power back on.

You: Yeah, we can do that.

Ruby: Well how would we-

Willow: We have a generator near the edge of the estate.

I then saw who said that. It was Weiss' mother, Willow Schnee, Weiss told me about her no too long ago. It's good that I'm actually seeing her in person. I then saw Whitley crossing his arms to look at his mother.

Whitley: So kind of you to join us, mother.

I can tell by his sarcastic tone, that he is not happy to see his mother. I saw that she was holding a bottle of alcohol in her right hand. Similar to Qrow when he was having a drinking problem.

Willow: Believe it or not, I am above drinking in the dark. (sees Klein) Oh, hello, Klein.

Everyone went silent for a minute, until I broke the silence.

You: Okay, this is getting awkward. Are we going to get the power on, or just stand here all night long?

Weiss: Right. SDC Executives have their own auxiliary power supplies, in case of a city-wide blackout. It's extremely unfair, but perhaps now isn't such a bad time for company perks.

Whitley: We don't just have perks.

Weiss: Hm?

We all looked at Whitley, I think he has an idea for this, for me to notice a smile on his face.

Whitley: We have the company. (points to Weiss) The people you mentioned in the crater, they need a way out, right? There are rows and rows of cargo ships just sitting around in the hanger because of the embargo.

Weiss: And our own automated drones. (smiles) Like the ones at Snowshoe Shipping.

Whitley: We can order as many as we need to pilot our ships down to the crater and get people to safety. While the Grimm are occupied with the general's forces.

Blake: We can?

Whitley: (looks at Blake) I can.

You: And, how are you going to do that?

Whitley: I just need Father's computer.

This brought a smile to my face. I then look to see Ruby having a smile on her face, too.

Ruby: Then we definitely need to get the power back on.

BD-1: (nods head) Boop-be-bop!

Greez: I knew I had faith in this kid!

Cere: Be careful out there. There could be anything in the dark.

Ruby: We'll be careful, Cere.

You: Kieron, stay here to watch over Klein, Nora and Penny.

Kieron: Yes, sir.

You: Cal, you're with us.

Cal: Following you three.

Me, BD-1, Ruby, Blake and Cal went out of the Schnee Manor to go outside to the generator to get the power back on. We were all jogging to the place where the generator was, I saw that it was all dark and there were red clouds covering the sky. We then made it to the place where the generator was and opened up the gates to go inside. We then went inside the place where the generator was, for Ruby to pull down the lever to turn it on, but it wasn't working.

Ruby: What?

Ruby then kept on trying to get the generator on by pushing the lever up and down a few times, but it still didn't work.

Ruby: It's not working.

Cal: Are you kidding me?!

Ruby: Ugh! So much for getting the power back on.

There has to be another way to get this thing working. Maybe the generator didn't have enough electricity. I looked over to see an overcharge panel, this will work for BD-1.

You: BD-1?

BD-1: Boop?

You: You still got that overcharge I gave you, right?

BD-1: (nods head) Bwoop-woop!

You: Over here.

I then went up to the panel for the others to look where I was going.

Ruby: Y/n, what are you doing? Now's not the time to mess around.

You: Just watch what BD can do.

BD then went on the panel to open up the hatch where the generator was powered to.

You: You ready, BD?

BD-1: Woop!

You: Work your magic, buddy!

BD then used his overcharge to bring more electricity to the generator. I then heard the noise of the generator getting more juice in it.

You: Okay, Ruby. Try it now.

Ruby then pulled down the lever to see the generator turning on to see it was powering up slowly.

Ruby: Heh! You did it!

You: Don't thank me, thank BD-1.

Blake: Good work, BD-1!

BD-1: (victory beeps and jumps up and down and spins around)

We all laughed at BD's victory on getting the power back on. BD then got on my back to look over my shoulders while I went to see that the generator was slowly starting up.

Ruby: Oh, come on, come on.

Ruby was getting worried about this.

Blake: Don't worry. It'll work.

Ruby: Nothing else has.

I'm worried about Ruby being like this. We just got Nora here from being all scarred up and now we have to deal with Penny while Klein is slowly reviving her. I don't like seeing Ruby being like this.

Blake: (to Ruby) I know you don't always know what to do, but that's never stopped you from doing something. I was like that as a girl, but time and a lot of other things took their toll on me. And then I wasn't sure if that kind of girl could actually survive in the world, until I met you and Y/n. It was a little strange at first, because you both were younger, but I've always looked up to you, Ruby, and Y/n. And I still do.

This moment almost made me and Ruby cry a little, about what Blake said to us.

Ruby: Thanks, Blake.

You: Yeah, thanks.

We all then heard the generator turn on the power in the manor. This is good. Now Whitley can do his job. I then clapped my hands together went to the door and turned around to the others.

You: Alright, we've got power to the Manor! Now to head on back and-

My enthusiasm went away quick until I saw something out the window behind Ruby, Blake and Cal.

Ruby: What?

Blake: Y/n, are you okay?

Cal: Hey, what is it?

You: Don't... Move...

They did as I said as the thunder rumble happened outside to show the glowing red of a Grimm. But that is not like any other Grimm. It then started to break through the window.

You: MOVE!!!

I quickly ran to the door and so did Cal as we both exited the room while I shoulder bashed the door open to get outside. I then saw Ruby being thrown out by that Grimm. What type of Grimm is this? Me and Cal got out our lightsabers and activate them to get ready and fight this thing. I quickly went up to Ruby with her Scythe out to get her up to her feet and saw this "Grimm" roared at us. I then saw Blake charging at it with her blades to try and damage it, but it blocked her attack to hit her with it's claws to send her flying and landed on her feet. I quickly moved back as Ruby used her Semblence to dash to Blake while me and Cal swung our sabers at it to try and damage it, but this thing was smart. It smacked me and Cal with it's right arm extended to smack us to the ground next to Blake and Ruby. Me and Cal got up with our lightsabers up in a defensive way.

Ruby: What is this thing?!

Blake: It's just a Grimm.

You: Uh, Blake? I don't think this thing is just a regular Grimm!

Cal: This thing is different!

Blake then ran around the Grimm shooting her pistol at it to try and damage it.

Blake: (to Ruby) Just focus. (to you and Cal) You both, help me out, would you?

Me and Cal went into action for us to swing our sabers at this Grimm to try and damage it. I swung my green single bladed saber using Overhead Slash and did Leaping Slash on this Grimm, but this thing didn't flinch, it felt like it didn't feel pain. It was about to strike me, but then I dodge rolled out of the way, for me to use Force Slow on this thing, while Cal and Blake strike at the Grimm with their weapons. The slow stopped as soon as they strike the Grimm, why is it not going down? The Grimm then smacked me, Blake and Cal out of the way to the ground while our lightsabers deactivated on their own.

Grimm: Take the girl.

Did it just talk?! There's no way that thing just talk! I got up and saw that the Grimm was charging at Ruby while she was trying to use her Sliver Eyes to take this thing down, but then she saw it charging at her knocking her down to the ground depleting her Aura, knocking her out.

You: Ruby!

Me, Blake and Cal quickly got up from the ground and ran at it, for the Grimm to grow wings out of it's back, with black liquid all over the ground. This thing picked Ruby up to start to fly into the air.

You: NO!

I quickly reached out my left hand and started using the Force angerly to stop the Grimm. It was stopped for a bit while I was Force grabbing it's leg to pull it to the grown, I so wanted to kill this thing so bad. I then started to slowly close with my left hand to crush this creature's leg to hear it howl in pain. Good, this thing needs to be killed for taking my fiance away!

Cal: Y/n, stop! You're letting your anger get to you!

You: Shut up, Cal!

Cal: If you bring that thing down, it will also hurt Ruby as well! Just stop!

I then realized what I was doing. I was letting my anger get to me. I then stopped using the Force angerly, to see Blake using her rope to wrap it around it's leg where I crushed it, and it somehow regenerated. Blake was holding her ground to try and take this thing down. I then saw Weiss coming through the gate, while she was telling Klein that there was a Grimm here. I then saw another rope being wrapped around the other leg of the Grimm. I saw who did that and it was a person wearing armor that was beskar. I heard about those, but I never seen anyone wearing that. I think it was a Mandalorian.

You: Who are you?!

Mandalorian: I'll explain later! For now, we gotta take this thing down!

I then saw Weiss using her glyphs to use ice picks to send to the Grimm. She then brought her weapon on the ground to summon something, revealing it's wings. I think she was summoning a Nevermore. But then, a few Centinels appearing out of the ground to stop Weiss from summoning. I then saw the Grimm flying in the sky to take Ruby away.

You: NO!

But then I saw it stopped flying to see something. I looked to see where it was looking a bright greenlight, it was Penny using the Maiden powers I gave her. I then saw Ruby waking up from the Grimm's arms to look at the green blood she has on her.

Ruby: It's not here for me, It's here for Penny!

I then saw the Grimm letting Ruby go, falling, that monster!

You: RUBY!

I then use Force Jump to jump as high in the air to catch her into my arms, but then I started to fall as well from the weight of her in my arms. I then hit the ground hard instead of Ruby, shattering my Arua that I have now, knocking me out as I grunted in pain.

Blake: Help the others, we've got him.

That's the las thing I heard from Blake as I got knocked out.

A minute has passed. I started to open my eyes from being knocked out from the impact of the fall I took for Ruby. I grunted as I coughed and wheezed a little bit and I saw that Ruby was making sure that I was okay.

You: (in pain) Agh, that hurt a lot. Agh!

Ruby: Hey, it's a good thing you have an Aura now.

You: (in pain) Yeah, I forgot about that. (coughs)

I then saw Ruby helping me up as I took her hand and she helped me to my feet. I then saw that there was an Alpha Centinel with it's arms as blades while it was shooting acid out of its mouth at Cal and Blake.

Ruby: Get back to the Manor and protect Penny.

You: What about you?

Ruby: I'll help them out.

You: Okay. And hey, remember to use that weapon in case of an emergency.

Ruby: (gets out lightsaber hilt from her belt and smirks) This is an emergency we are in right now.

You: Heh, alright. Be careful.

Ruby then activated her lightsaber and went into action to help out Blake and Cal. That Mandalorian person probably went inside the Manor to help out Weiss and the others. I quickly ran back to the Manor to see the doors open and carefully ran up the stairs to see Willow, Whitley, Cere and Greez all trying to catch their breath. Maybe they were running away from that Grimm. I then saw Penny walking from behind them.

You: Penny? Oh, thank goodness you're okay! I thought-

Cere: Y/n, get away from her!

You: What?!

Penny then grabbed my right arm as she was dragging to walk down the stairs forcefully to follow her.

You: Penny, what are you doing?!

Penny: We must open the vault, then I will terminate you, and myself.

You: What?! No! Damn you, Ironwood!

I was trying to struggle to get out of Penny's grip. I now saw that her eyes were red instead of green. I then saw that Grimm from before for Penny to let me go as I went on the floor to see Penny trying to fight it back. I got up and backed away from them, for the Grimm to grow another arm on it's back to grab Penny's head and slam her a few times on the floor.

Grimm: Take. The. Girl.

It said that again as it was about to take Penny.

You: Leave her alone!

I said to it, as it looked at me, I used the Maiden powers on it to send in a few ice blades to it. The Grimm blocked the the blades that I sent at it move Penny out of the way down the stairs. The Grimm took the bleads out of it's arm to look at me to say something.

Grimm: Take... the boy.

The Grimm was talking about me now. It then used it's arm to grab me and threw me against the wall and I hit the floor for BD-1 to get to safety. I saw him flying down the stairs with his rockets that were on him. He was scared looking at me that I was going to be taken away. I then got grabbed by that Grimm with it's arm on my back hanging me. I then saw Ruby and the others with their weapons out seeing me on this thing.

Ruby: Y/n!

The Grimm then brought his claw finger to my throat, to warn them not come any closer. I guess this it how it ends for me.

Ruby: That's enough.

I heard Ruby saying that in hatred. She then closed her eyes to open them again to unleash her Silver Eyes. I covered my eyes from the bright light that Ruby did to hear the Grimm hurting from the light, for to go through the window glass and it dropped me as I roll down the stairs to hit the ground floor as my friends and Ruby come to me to see that I'm okay.

Ruby: Y/n, are you alright?

You: (in pain) Agh! Why do they have so much stairs?

BD-1: Beep-boop?

You: (in pain) Yeah, I'm alright.

I said as BD popped a stim out of his head for me to catch it with my right hand and I inject it into my right shoulder. I then put away the empty stim injector into my pocket.

Mandalorian: What did she do with her eyes?

You: We'll explain later.

I then got up from the floor for BD to hop back on me. Penny was now unconscious again from the battle with that Grimm. We all then saw that the Grimm was coming back from the shattered glass it caused from Ruby using her Silver Eyes. It was climbing back in from the window that he went out.

Grimm: Take... the boy.

It then revealed it's face that I couldn't quite see it. Wait, it was a Faunus that was inside that thing, and.... it has Silver Eyes?! This person has Silver Eyes?!

Faunus: Take... the boy.

He then was walking down the stairs that I was so shocked that this thing that was a Faunus has Silver Eyes. What is Salem doing to these people?

Faunus: Take. The. Boy!

We all backed up while Weiss and Blake carried Penny's body to fall back as well.

Faunus: Take. The. Boy!

He was getting closer, going back into his Grimm form. I then saw Cere, Greez, Whitley, and Willow pushing one of the statues they had in the Manor, while the Faunus was getting closer.

Faunus: Take... the... boy!

Right before it was about to pounce, the statue fell on it to see dust covering the view. After the dust cleared, the Grimm was dead. It got killed by the statue that it was big enough to kill it. I saw Ruby going on her knees that we all just witnessed what happened to the Faunus. Salem was using Silver Eyed warriors to make them into these... things. I then saw the arm of that Grimm slowly fading away into a black mist.

Weiss: What was that?

Ruby took a moment to answer Weiss' question.

Ruby: That was... a person.

The mist then disappeared into the air while I walked to the dead Grimm that was once human and a Faunus. I then got on my knees to see what has happened just now. I couldn't help but breathe in and out of shock that I just saw a Faunus that had Silver Eyes that turned into this monster, the one I hurt. My eyes then started to get heavy. I then went down to my left on the floor to just close my eyes and just rest.

To be continued

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