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Hey everyone! It's me, ONCE AGAIN, Shadow 264 and WELCOME to the Prolonge episode of RWBY: KILL Contract, the UNKNOWN and Mysterious Continuation to RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. Take note as well as RWBY: KILL Contract is inspired from a Youtube Figma Animation called; Kill Contract by MOONSHINE ANIMATIONS. Check out their videos and be inspired by their greatness. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE NIGHTMARE FEST BEGIN!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

At Mantle, inside a building, there is an Atlas Officer working alone in his shift doing his job to keep criminals locked up until the Military has found a holding cell for them so they'll be escorted there and kept there for trial. It was just a small building with just a Customer Service Counter, a Medium-sized office, and four holding cells.

Today, the officer seemed to have arrested someone else in the act but this time, for her case, she did not follow the officer's orders and decided to kill and not to spare, thus, locking her up in an empty holding cell till the Military gets here, to her annoyance.

???: ... you, can't be serious....

Atlas Officer: You are detained for violating orders! Those specimens were crucial for our investigation and for further studies when the Atlas Military retrieves them from us! Stay put and cooperate, and maybe just maybe, I'll not tell the Atlas Military about you and I'll let you out on good behavior.

The Atlas Soldier said to the someone else.

This someone else behind energy bars has a feminine figure (A/N: As feminine figure as Robyn.), with a white long pony tail with red tints at the tip of her hair tied by a purple bow tied at the back of her with her long hair leading down to her chest line from behind, with an extremely pale white complexion completely barely visible due to a greyish silver mask with six red lines at its eyeline to represent as eyes covering her entire face.

(A/N: Purple Bow.)

She wears a dark blue scarf around her neck covering her entire neck, a black jacket with a two spike blades embedded behind and a white sleeveless blouse underneath, black pants, a translucent black skirt worn around her waist, sharp combat gauntlets and claws, and combat boots.

(A/N: Dark blue scarf that's covering her entire neck.)

(A/N: A black jacket with a two spike blades embedded behind and a white sleeveless blouse underneath, black pants, a translucent black skirt worn around her waist, sharp combat gauntlets and claws, and combat boots. Ensure you have her boots to be really sharp, add the spike blade behind her, add tons of Primitive Dragon skeleton armor-like parts all over her outfit including her gauntlet, claws and her boots, and finally, and replace all the spikes on the jacket into tons of sharp dragon teeth on it to give it more edge, add some teeth on her pants, as well, if you like. heheh.)

The girl soon walked slowly towards the electrifying bars, to the officer's confusion. Then, she began to grab the bars with no difficulty and pain, to the criminal being locked up at the cell opposite her and the officer's shock. They watched as the bars electrically connected to her sharp combat claws as it began to electrify them, for the girl move her hands freely in an up and down motion while holding onto the bars which are made of energy and electricity.

???: Don't need to feel intimidated, my dear~

She implied while cooing with the officer.

After implying that statement, she somehow bent the bars made of energy and electricity for a bit, to show the officer and the criminal what she's potentially made of, dead inside.

Then, the criminal imprisoned just opposite her began to speak.

Criminal: Ayy, lady! If you break outta here, take me with you-

He says.

Atlas Officer: Hey! SHUT IT!!!! You don't have the right to speak after what you pulled! Stealing Huntsmen, Huntresses and our Military weapons, is it?! Well, that's a crime!

The officer demanded.

???: You know where I can get some guns and swords~?


The Criminal said.

The officer growled at this until he heard a giggle, for him to look back at the girl to see she's no longer holding onto the bars. But the main issue now is,.... her claws are highly conducted with the bars' electricity and energy.

???: Well, sheriff~ I must say, his offer is a hell of a lot more...... "Enticing" than yours~~


While the officer yelled, the girl dashed through the bars, for it to be destroyed by just her dashing through it, while pinning the officer down by spearing her entire body into him. Once down, she stomped onto the Officer's chest, preventing him from getting up, while he was seen struggling to aim his Guard Rifle at her, firing his gun away at her, but to no avail, to the girl's annoyance.

(A/N: Atlas Guard Rifle.)

???: You know something, Sheriff... you should've taken my Lien while you had the chance...~

She said.

Then, she lifted her foot up and stomped onto his head hard, smashing his head in while leaving a bloody mess in the process for the officer to lie motionless, dropping his rifle, to the criminal's shock at what he witnessed. After killing the officer, she soon looked up at the criminal who is still imprisoned in his cell.

Criminal: OIIII SHIIIIIEEET!!!!!!!!!!!!

The criminal implied.

Soon, the girl got off the lifeless body and carried the gun.

???: Know that I'll be taking this~

Criminal: Whatever fits your ship. Now get me the fuck outta here!!!


After freeing the criminal and for him to lead the girl to the house he lives in, he lead her to his secret stash down at his basement. He soon kicked a rake for a huge secret door to open to show his huge arsenal of weapons that the officer said he stole. The girl entered inside in shock to see a whole arsenal of weapons he has kept in secret.

(A/N: Something like this but more organized with all the range and melee weapons this guy stole as a crime.)

???: Now, this, is more like it~

Criminal: Eh, it is nothing really, lady.

???: So, what's the cost, uhhh...

Criminal: Josh.

???: Josh~ What's the cost of all these weapons?

Josh: Oh, these? Oh, I can pay more than just Lien from you, Lady~!

The girl turned around in confusion to the Criminal, to what he said his name is Josh as she began to question.

???: Excuse me? And also, I have a name, you know... though I just don't recall what.

Josh: Oh, cool~ Would Primitive Dragon be nice? As, your armor looks dragon-like and you look like your combat skills are taught by some primitive people to what the dead sheriff says. Anyway~

Josh says as he got close to the girl.

Josh: If you want to pay for these, maybe we can~-

He says halfway for the girl to look in confusion until she looked down to see why. Josh was touching her at where he shouldn't be touching.

Josh: - go to the next level of things~ lady~

Josh completed, finishing his request.

The girl soon giggled and then looked at him, with the mask's red eyes to glow red, to Josh's confusion. Then, he felt his hands not touching the girl's chest anymore and he is now holding a shotgun from the secret stash, with a help, of an elongated sharp skeletal-like Void Talon which appeared from out of nowhere, as the gun is now being aimed at his head, with the talon to be holding the trigger, to his shock.

Josh: What the-?!?!

???: You know something, Josh~ I was beginning to like you~

The girl said while having the shotgun's barrel planted on his forehead.

???: But putting your hands on me at the wrong places, is just plain molesting.... and molesting is something I won't sit down to...

She stated.

All of a sudden, the light suddenly turned off and the whole house is now nothing but pitch black darkness from the interior. Then, the trigger was heard being pulled as a shotgun round way fired, with a loud thud to be heard. After that unknown commotion, the lights went back on to see that Josh's head got blown off, with his hand holding the shotgun.

Soon, a shadow slowly walked by from inside the secret room with some weapons loading and reloading to be heard. After many long minutes later, the girl walked out of the room, closing its doors while putting the rake back in place, knowing she's got what she needs.

???: (Scoffs) He reeks with alcohol.... well, seems like a good idea for me to place that gun on his hand so the Officers will think he killed that Sheriff and himself by his own weapon~ But, have to hand it to him,... Primitive Dragon has a good ring to it when they say the 'R's. But, what can I say~ Ladies do need nicknames sometimes.

Just as she said that, the phone rang, for her to take notice of the telephone on the basement table. 

She took the call and answered it.

???: Hello?

??? 2 (On the phone): You really need to get a scroll. I can't keep tracking you by landlines like this, Appie....

???: Get on with it, Sean... and the Nickname is Apathy Nightmare. I go by many names, remember?

Sean (On the phone): Yeah, yeah. Anyway, beside the delay caused by the Atlesian Law Enforcements, we're still on schedule. I've tracked the White Fang and the rogue Droids working for them to some abandoned factory with some cave systems. Apparently they are hauling up inside..... well.... that's what it looks like, anyways.

Sean said, getting to the point.

Apathy Nightmare, to what the girl said one of her nicknames was, nod at what Sean said.

Apathy Nightmare: So, what's the plan?

She asked.

Sean (On the phone): Same as before. Just worry about getting your ass over here.

Apathy Nightmare: On my way.

Sean (On the phone): Hope I'm not, "R-

Apathy Nightmare soon hung up, interrupting what he has to say, shaking her head in annoyance.


At an unknown location,

Sean looks at his scroll to see she hung up on him.

Sean: Oh.... she hung up on me.... awww.... guess she knows I'm gonna say a pun.

He said.

So, he held his Sniper Rifle close while waiting for Apathy Nightmare to arrive to his location, as soon as possible.


Back at the house,

Apathy Nightmare was about to leave the house until she realized something.

Apathy Nightmare (Inner Thoughts): Hmmmm.... if I want to get there in time, that means I need a ride to get there.... but the question is.... where do I get one???

She thought to herself.

Then, it soon jock her memory that this house had a garage at the other room next to this one since it took  a flight of stairs to get to the main door to enter the house. So, she walked to the other room with a handful of heavy weapons behind her.

In the other room aka, the garage, she turned the lights on to see tons of stuff, including a motorcycle having what it looks like guns equipped on it.

(A/N: This motorcycle.)

Apathy Nightmare: Hmmmm~ Nice ride~

She said to herself.


A few minutes later, she revved the motorcycle and sped away from the house with the weapons she selected on her back. Then, while she was speeding up her bike that she jacked, she raised her left hand with some kind of device on it.

Apathy Nightmare: It's time to turn up the lights.

She said.

Apathy pressed the trigger on the device, for the house she was in to explode behind, while she drove away, heading towards to her location that she needed to go before she leaves the Kingdom of Atlas.

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The Prolonge episode of RWBY: KILL Contract. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" and The Nightmare's Cult Members (It's what I prefer to call my watchers. Either of them would be great) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: KILL Contract insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players or Cult members (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: KILL Contract! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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