CH.1: The Fall

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Now with Grimm flooding the city after the fight between Pyrrha and Penny seen all across Remnant. Negative emotions all spewing from both Vale and Beacon it attracted the Grimm like moths to a boiling flame. Now with new Elysium Knights turning on the people with White Fang attacking the city all hope seems lost. But now all the students and teachers from Beacon are standing up and defending the city and the academy. But still even with all the Huntsmen and Huntresses are severally outnumbered and outgunned, but yet they all still fight with all their heart and will power to keep fighting off the Grimm horde, hacked Knights and White Fang.
Right now we can see Beacons Headmaster Ozpin seeing all security camera footage of all over Vale, he can see nothing but destruction happening everywhere. But now we see a blonde woman fighting off a group of Grimm but she is saved from one of her cohorts named James Ironwood. He effortlessly destroys all the hacked Knights.

Glynda: "Thank you James, but I think I could've handled it."

Ironwood: "I knew you could, but still in anything like this we all need someone to watch our back. Wait where's Qrow?"

He looks around but then a black bird flies above him then lands on the ground but it transforms into no other then Qrow himself.

Qrow: "Right here Jamey, right now I'm trying to find my nieces in this bloody mess of a town."

Glynda: "Have you checked back at the school, all the students are defending it."

Qrow: "No I haven't yet, but thank you for the info. But is Ozpin still a beacon though."

Glynda: "I think so, he probably still in his office or in the vault."

Ironwood: "I hope our enemies haven't reached it yet."

They're conversation got interrupted by more Grimm coming towards them.

Qrow: "Great Jamey led em right to us."

Ironwood just groans at Qrow while Glynda comes in between them before they fight each other.

Glynda: "Now now boys if you wanna take your anger out, *points to Grimm* take it out on them please!"

The two men groaned but they took they're fighting stances. When the Grimm charged Glynda took her riding crop and grabbed three of the Beowolves and smashed them into a building turning them into dust. Ironwood shot a few of them but when an Ursa came up to him he uppercuts the Grimm with his robotic arm then shoots it mid air. While Qrow takes down five Beowolves then a Griffen comes flying down but he jumps up then he chops it in half.

Qrow: "Listen I need to head back to Beacon and find my nieces."

Ironwood: "I hope you find them Qrow, *sigh* well we can rest for..."

All of a sudden the ground started to shack and make all three off balance and Glynda almost fell because she was still in her high heels.

Qrow: "You just had to open your big mouth James!"

Ironwood groans at Qrow again but then they heard a roar come from Mountain Glenn. They turned to the roar and they seen a Grimm Wyvern burst from the mountain and flies toward Beacon. Qrow instantly transforms into a bird then flies to Beacon mainly to save his nieces from being Grimm food. But both Glynda and Ironwood with a couple of soldiers are the only ones in Vale now to protect the people. But unfortunately for Glynda, Ironwood had to leave on a bullhead to try and retake his ships and Knights. Now only Glynda is the only one in town with a squad of soldiers behind her.
After around 20 minutes of continues fight Glynda was completely drained of both aura and stamina. The soldiers that were with her got killed by and alpha Beowolf. Now Glynda is all alone surrounded by more Grimm and a boarbatusk starts to roll with speed at her but she quickly uses her telekinesis and throw it at an alpha Ursa but it didn't kill it only the boarbatusk turned into dust. Another earthquake happens but the ground cracks and a big crack opens right on Glynda and she starts to fall into a crevasse but she catches the edge of the cracked ground but another small quake happens and her grip was loosened up and she fell into the dark crevice and while she screamed falling she finally hits something hard. She falls into cold water but when she moved it started to glow gold. As she breached the surface of the water and she looked around seeing the golden glow around her in the water. The only thing she can tell she was in a small cave.

Glynda: "What *couph* is all this, and where am I?"

She kept looking around for something but she notices a faint gold glow from a distance so she swims to it but it's around seventy yards away her but she keeps swimming towards it regardless. While she was swimming to the gold glow started to glow a bit more brighter, and another small quake rumbled the small cave. As she kept swimming more she finally felt her hands hit something but from the faint glow of the water she was able to see a ledge of some sort, she grabbed onto the ledge and pulled herself up and felt flat concrete ground on her back. But now she is starting to shiver from the cold water mixed with the air but she endured it trying to shake off the cold. Glynda looked around but she could barely see anything in the dark, she quickly grabbed her scroll from her pocket and luckily it was still able to work dispute being in water. She turned on the light on the back of her scroll and used it to help light her way through. All Glynda seen was a stone carved passage way but when she turned her light left and right and on the walls of the tunnel she seen old faded paintings of some sort.

Glynda: "What the hell..."

Glynda: "... are these old depictions of Grimm or something? I better be recording this for later."

Glynda starts to recording through her scroll for future purposes.

Glynda: "What Dr. Oobleck would give to see these."

She proceeded down the tunnel and found two more paintings of creatures.

Glynda looked up and seen one massive one on the ceiling.

Glynda: "Woah. It's the same creatures but it looks like they're.. fighting. But this one I haven't seen that one yet.

She looks at the one on the right.

Glynda: "Is that a three headed dragon? At least it ain't the one that's flying over beacon right now.

She keeps going down the tunnel but the pathway itself is getting larger. As kept looking around for more paintings but she didn't find any. Glynda stopped for a second and breathed in and sighed still thinking about what happening on the surface. But as she looked down she found another painting of electricity on the floor, as she followed the flow of the painting she came a stop at a wall and when she looked up she found a very large painting of the three headed dragon she seen earlier.

Glynda: "Woah..... I'm guessing that this thing is huge by the painting."

She looked left and right and seen another passage way at her right and at the end of it there was a stone door. But something was different, when Glynda came up to it it had a gold embroidery on the door.

Glynda: "Ok, this is interesting. This place gets better by the minute. But is that the same dragon from earlier."

Glynda rubs her fingers on the gold embroidment but then the embroidery started to glow gold and the stone door moved by itself and opened. Glynda just stood where she was dumbfounded by what just happened and her glasses fall off her face and still nothing.

Glynda: "Okay *blinks three times* that does not happen every day."

She clears her throat and composes herself then grabs her glasses and went through the stone door but it slowly shuts behind. She looks back but she knows that way has no other way out. She kept going with her interests peeked about this old place. Now she came across another door with the same embroidery but at the top of the frame of the door way there was a name in an old language that she was able to understand. She remembers that both Ozpin and Oobleck taught her old languages just in case if anything like this came to pass. She looked at the name written in gold.

Glynda: Okay... Ghidorah? The Golden Dragon, God of the Skies. Hmm this is astonishing indeed. Atleast all the gold means something now. *Looks up* But if this is a God of the Skies, why is it underground?"

She decided to look into it later and touched the gold embroidery and just like last time the stone door moved and she proceeded. But in this pathway the was a left turn at the end of the path with a blue glow. When she walked there was a lot of gold lines that look like lightning on the walls, floor and ceiling. When she reached the end she found an incredibly LARGE room that had a giant wall of ice in it. But as she focused her glasses she almost fainted at the the sight of what's in the ice.

Glynda: "Oh..... My........ Oum......."

She keeps looking not even blinking.

(Ignore the scaffolding and drone)

Glynda gets herself out of her daze and slowly proceeds forward but still fear full of what's in the ice. But she at least has a theory for it.

Glynda: "Is this... G- Ghidorah? No has to be right? *Hits herself* Come on Glynda Goodwitch it has to be!"

Glynda gained a bit more confidence but the frozen Kaiju in front of her didn't help. Once she was close up to the ice wall she put her hand on it and Glynda felt an aura within the ice wall.

Glynda: "What the, is this thing alive?! After being frozen for Oum knows how long."

As she kept looking around the ice wall examining it for a bit looking on the inside seeing all the facial features that Ghidorah has on it's heads, she was able to see all three heads were different. The horn patterns different on each head of Ghidorah. But her examination was cut short and she felt another small quack at her feet. When she looked back she heard a giant crack from the ice wall and quickly looked around but Glynda heard movements within the ice. She slowly looked and the head near the ground and it's eyes shot wide open looking at her. Glynda was frozen with fear and she couldn't move, but Glynda kept staring back at the eye and it's looking back at her as if it's staring into her very soul. More of the ice started to crack and falling apart she snapped out of her fear and quickly looked around but she did one quick stare at one of Ghidorah's heads and she got confused at one of it's actions. It stared back at her but it used it's eyes to point her to a door at the left of her and she seen a secret door open for her and she bolted for it and it led to a circular stair case leading straight up. Still using her scroll to light the way, after almost 10 minutes of running upwards she finally came up to a secret hatchway to the old ruins of the emerald forest. Out of excitement she fell on the ground happy.

Glynda: "Ahhh grass and fresh air I missed you, Not going underground again!"

She quickly composes herself and remembered that she is back on the surface, she gets up with haste and dusts herself off.

Glynda: "Ok now head back to bea..."

She gets interrupted by a roar and seen the Grimm Wyvern destroy the top part of clocktower of beacon. She was speechless seeing a part of the clocktower destroyed but it was interrupted by another earthquake but she knew what will be coming.

Glynda: "Oh no, please don't tell me it's that thing?!"

Glynda quickly ran to beacon. Once she reached the entrance of the academy she seen the same thing as she left. As the ground started to shake more profusely she seen all the Grimm in the area stopped dead in their tracks and the Grimm Wyvern even stopped flying and just hovered where it was. Glynda looked back at the emerald forest and a giant and loud crack of the ground can be heard. Then a giant piller of golden light came from the ground with gold lightning strikes going everywhere and a loud growl can be heard from the forest. A giant winged figure sprouted from the ground and three head came from the body and the wings extended upward. Glynda knew it was Ghidorah coming from the ground and she seen it's three heads lifted up for a loud roar. And she knew a God has returned to Remnant.

(Use the Roar at 0:48)

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