Aracel Mikaelson

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NAME: Yelena Minako Carrington
PRONUNCIATION: ye-le-nuh me-nah-koh karr-ing-tuhn
ALIAS: Aracel Mikaelson Auclair
PRONUNCIATION: era-cell my-ka-el-sin aw-k-l-eh-r

ALTER EGO: Villanelle

HEIGHT: 5'0 (barely)

BIRTHDAY: 13th night of Twilight


18 》V1 - V4
19 》V5 - V9
20 》V10


Alive 》V1 - V7, V10
Unknown 》V8 - V9


Anti-Hero 》V1 - V7
Villain 》V10


Hero of Legend
Strangely Aggressive Tiny Girl
The Archer
Aracel frickin' Mikaelson
Kick-Ass Ballerina
Little Bird
Half Pint
Ticking Time Bomb
Ozpin's Lap Dog
Vigilante Hero

FAIRYTALE INSPIRATION: Alice from Alice in Wonderland

AURA COLOR: Royal Blue


Student at Beacon Academy (V1-V3)
Ozluminate Member (Pre Beacon - V6)
Hero of Legend (Pre Beacon and beyond)
Founder of the Silent Princess fashion industries
Part-time Model
Part-time Racer
CEO of Selenophile Industries (Inherited)
Winder Maiden (Pre Beacon and beyond)
Huntress (V7 and beyond)


CITY: Atlas

ACADEMY: Beacon Academy

TEAM: LLAK (lilac)

Lillian Emerald (Team Leader)
Layla Greil (Team Member)
Aracel Mikaelson (Team Member)
Klaus Zale (Team Member)

PARTNER: Lillian Emerald

SPECIES: Half Human / Half Moonshadow Elf


Master Sword: the legendary sword that seals the darkness. forged by the god of light himself, its blade gleams with a sacred luster that can oppose any dark matter. only a hero chosen by the sword can wield it.

Bow of Light with Holy Light Arrows: a sacred bow formed by the mystical power in aracel. it's said to contain the spirit of light's power. with it the bow fires arrows straight and true, as if beams of light. rumor has it that the ancient princess of atlas could wield this weapon as well.

Summoning Gate: stolen by lilly, layla, and klaus the summoning gate was presented as a gift to aracel for her upcoming birthday. through various hand movements or through dance, the gate is activated allowing the user it deems worthy the opportunity to call upon assistance. doing so allows the wielder complete access to give commands. the gate can also be used as a means of transportation to arrive instantly at any destination. when not in use, it will spin around its wielder unless it's shrunken down and attached to their being.

Mirror of Twilight: after gathering all thirteen mirror shards, aracel restores the summoning gate to its true form- the mirror of twilight. fully restored it still has the same abilities as before, but also acts as a prison realm and as a gate between the two worlds.

SEMBLANCE: Moonlight Serenade
In full effect at all times, Aracel absorbs moonlight and stores it for later use. Uses kinetic energy based on negative emotions to dish back in powerful attacks. However, storing too much energy can result in catastrophic occurrences and can cause pain if Aracel comes in contact with any more moonlight. Semblance is uncontrollable and dangerous, so Aracel refuses to use it at all times.


Draven Winters (Adoptive Father)
Ethari Winters (Adoptive Father)
Regina Lee (Mother)
Mikael Kuromiya (Father)
Atticus Sinclair (Stepfather, Deceased)
Annelyse Mikaelson Auclair (Grandmother, Deceased)
Rauru Mikaelson (Grandfather)
Bartholomew Oobleck (Uncle)
Silas Mikaelson (Older Twin Brother)
Lana Lee Sinclair (Younger Half Sister)
Freya Zale (Older Half Sister)
Rebekah Zale (Older Half Sister)



Ecliptical Equinox: when the sun and the moon are brought together, lilly and aracel are able to fuse their semblances. when fused together the blow of their attacks is destructive. the nature of this phenomenon is relatively unknown as previous wielders of the sun and moon have never crossed paths or have been killed by salem's forces.

Triforce of Courage Wielder: imbued with the essence of the god of light's power, gives aracel the courage to destroy any obstacle and fight any enemy. because she has no experience wielding her piece, at her current state, aracel is unable to pull any energy/magic directly from it, only being able to do so when she activated the power within her.

Winter Maiden: as a maiden aracel is able to use elemental magic and open up the vault of the winter maiden. aracel doesn't openly use her maiden abilities as the only ones aware of her maiden status are ozpin, raven, and pyrrha up until her untimely death.

Swordsmanship: aracel is best known for fighting with swords, as she favors blades over any other weapon. she's ambidextrous, but solely wields her sword with her left hand to her advantage. however, if needed she will switch to her right hand to throw off enemies as it is not a known fact that she can wield a blade with both hands.

Archery: taught archery by her father draven winters, aracel excelled at this new form of combat and eventually surpassed the bounty hunter. she has the inability to miss her target and it's said that the only other archer on par with her is jasper clarke.

Moon primal connection: because of her connection to the moon, aracel is at her strongest at night, especially on nights of a full moon. on those nights, the full moon enhances her natural strength, agility, endurance, stealth, and speed. additionally, aracel can activate her "moonshadow form" which turns her body nearly completely invisible.

Toxin Immunity: due to circumstances she experienced growing up, aracel has an immunity to toxins. this immunity is later brought up when qrow "saves" aracel from being struck by tyrian's stinger only to find out when he regains consciousness that the scorpion faunus' venom would have done nothing to her.

Intangibility: as a result of zelda's curse, placed on aracel during their first fight, the atlesian's body begins to suffer through the side effects. one of these being the ability to phase through objects and people. aracel's phasing is uncontrollable and happens at random and as the curse further weakens her body, the phasing becomes more frequent.

Awakening: haunted by horrific nightmares, aracel has trained her body to go without sleep for very long periods of time. this does tire her out, but she's able to replenish her energy either through lilly's semblance, apollo's reign, or through the master sword.


Name: Thor
Species: Grimm, Ursa
Description: thor is a unique creature of grimm as he's smarter, kinder, and processes the ability of being able to control electricity. however, thor's size has been stunted so he grows significantly slower than regular ursai.

Name: Melog
Species: Umbra Cattus
Description: melog came from the twilight realm, sent by aracel's adoptive parents draven and ethari to protect her. though melog is believed to have been accidentally summoned by aracel upon activating gale. having been sent to protect the atlesian, melog imprinted on aracel and the rest of team llak. though imprinted with each member, melog will always primarily obey aracel. as a creature from the twilight realm, like all other magical fauna, melog possesses special abilities such as shape-shifting, channeling emotions, communicating with distorted meows, teleportation, and camouflage. unfortunately, these abilities have almost faded due to melog being in a magicless world.

Name: Qrow (nicknamed Birdy upon request)
Species: Blupee
Description: almost nothing is known about blupees due to the species being very timid. frightened of others, they immediately make their escape when another presence is felt. these strange creatures have the appearance of a blue rabbit with owl-like facial features and leaf-like antlers. they're easily visible in the night due to their glowing bodies. for some strange reason when struck, these creatures drop lien or rupees, they're heavily sought out for this reason.

PERSONALITY: Aracel is a very closed off individual. She's cold, brash, blunt, sharp tongued, and extremely hostile. Can also be described as pessimistic, keeping her expectations about everything low, but Aracel prefers the term logical. She's extremely feared throughout her peers and fellow aristocrats in Atlas for her harsh witty insults, intelligence, and status. She likes to keep to herself, preferring solitude over large crowds though she'll make exceptions for certain events. Aracel is fidgety and prone to expressing herself through physical means, she manages to confuse people around her, though they appear used to her mannerisms. Generally expresses a level of aggression and distrust towards those who are not Ozpin, Raven, and Sun. Is an expert combatant who courageously will take on any obstacle no matter what. Some refer to it as Aracel being "fearless" others would call it "reckless" of her. Whatever the case, Aracel always comes out on top. It appears that overtime Aracel seems to have grown a soft spot for certain people, animals, children, and anyone she deems to have an innocent soul. Even going as far as looking out for these innocent souls to make sure that they're harmed in the same way she was. Though she'll never outwardly express it, keeping her poker face in tact.

LIKES: coffee, fashion, her pets, fairy tales, daylight, being away from water, atlas, cold weather, music, racing, shopping, training, organizing things, singing, dancing, animals, fighting, pranks, mischief, angering people, learning new things, tinkering with technology, designing and making clothes, trying out new things

DISLIKES: the schnee family, watts, feelings, water, hot weather, being lied to, faunus discrimination, snobby nobles, being told what to do, the white fang, having to open up, disappointing people, lazy people, people driving her car, her semblance, salem, her father, secrets

FRIEND: Pyrrha Nikos

BEST FRIEND(S): Sun Wukong and Raven Branwen

ENEMIES: team cfvy, team crdl, salem and her faction, jacques schnee, the white fang, roman torchwick, the dragneel tribe, mikael kuromiya, regina lee mikaelson, bellamy, and [redacted]

Blake Belladonna // Silent Princess
Qrow Branwen // Sunset Bird


Due to childhood trauma and as a result of the burden she carries as the chosen hero, Aracel rarely speaks as she is selectively mute, silently bearing her burdens. Aracel only speaks when she needs to or when she's surrounded by people who don't understand sign language.

Aracel also refuses to speak for the fear of mumbling as Regina always scolds her for doing so.

Suffers from PTSD, General Anxiety Disorder (GAD), and Depression.

Haunted by nightmares, Aracel refuses to sleep and as a result she has trained herself to go on without sleep.

In a one sided relationship with Neptune during the duration of Volume Two.

Sun Wukong is the first person Aracel comes out to, which is the start of their seemingly romantic but very platonic bond.

The reason why Aracel hasn't eaten many common foods, like pizza or ice cream, is because her mother Regina always controlled what she could and could not eat.

Allergic to Pollen.

Wears "knockout" red lipstick, an invention of her's, that can literally knock someone out cold known as the "kiss of death".

Can be a bit clumsy whenever she's not dancing or fighting.

Never addresses anyone by name and nicknames everyone upon meeting them. Ozpin is the only one exempt from this.

As a result of being desensitized to the emotion of love, Aracel is completely oblivious when anyone shows her genuine love, as seen with Qrow. Aracel doesn't catch on to his feelings, responding to his romantic advances with a little confused head tilt. Though this doesn't appear to be the case with shallow love as seen with fiance, Lucio Schnee, who is clearly only interested in Aracel for her beauty and for what she can offer him.

Aracel never wanted to be a hero, she finds tinkering with technology and creating new tech would be a more suitable career for her, but instead it's more of a hobby one she picked up from her dad Ethari.

Aracel has her scroll programmed with little quirks unlike any other scroll that can assist her in combat and even summon her motorcycle.

Loves to participate in races with her custom Ferreti race car. Aracel just likes driving in general, it gives her the illusion of freedom even if it's temporarily.

Is always breaking the fourth wall that nobody else seems to know about.


Aracel renounces life in the Light World and claims her rightful place as the Twilight Princess.

Finally liberated of everything, Aracel travels all over the Twilight Realm having several adventures here and there to try and fulfill her insatiable adventurous spirit.

What Aracel thinks of others:


Lilly: Aracel feels resentment towards her partner because in her eyes, Lilly got the better semblance of the two while Aracel has felt cursed her whole life. Despite this resentment, Aracel and Lilly still excel in combat together and Aracel seems to follow her leader's orders with very little conflict. // Eclipse

Layla: Aracel harbors no ill thoughts about Layla as the tigress stays up with her on most nights due to the faunus sleeping in class. Layla talks her ear off constantly and from this Aracel has gathered that Layla has too many high hopes about the future. // Pandora

Klaus: Aracel believes that they're a perfect harmony each time they sing a duet, they're voices just compliment one another's really well. But something feels off between them... which is later revealed that the two are destined enemies leaving Aracel conflicted on what course of action to take next. // Nightshade


Ruby: Aracel sees a younger and more lively version of herself that never got to be in the eyes of Ruby and she hates it. At least as time goes by, Ruby no longer idolizes her, she had to learn the hard way to never meet your heroes. But all she does now is give too many cringy speeches that Aracel zones out of every time.

Weiss: The Schnee and the Mikaelson families are the modern day version of the Montague and the Capulet families, only Romeo and Juliet don't fall in love in this version. Enough said, they hate each other. Until... Weiss becomes one of Aracel's most trusted confidants. // Moondust

Blake: Aracel doesn't even know what she thinks of Blake anymore... // Silent Princess

Yang: Aracel thinks that the blonde is annoying and too cocky. And that her anger often makes situations worse because she tends to act rather than to rationally think through her decisions. Because they clash, the two are constantly at each other's throats, much to Klaus and Qrow's dismay.


Jaune: Aracel thinks that jaune is goofy and clumsy and she's honestly surprised that he's made it this far. to be honest she thought he'd be dead by now. Takes pity on him in later volumes and begins training him on his swordsmanship skills.

Nora: Annoying. That's it, just annoying.

Pyrrha: Aracel wishes she could have done more for Pyrrha and often silently blames herself for her death. She had all the great qualities of a warrior, all of which Aracel believed would have made her an excellent fall maiden and a reliable partner. And who knows, maybe a friend? // Coda

Ren: Aracel respects Ren, liking that he's quiet and minds his business. Though... his taste in women is very questionable.


Silas: Used to resent her brother for being so blindly manipulated into hating her. Nowadays, after the fall of Beacon, it's forced Aracel to see new things into perspective, one of them being her complex relationship with her brother. Acknowledging him as another one of Regina's victims, has Aracel missing the close bond that they had as children.

Lana: These two have never gotten along and Aracel doubts that they ever will. Is a tad bit envious of the bond that Lana shares with Silas...

Vega: The two share some history, events that Aracel would not like to relive so she keeps her distance from Vega. Due to traumatic past experiences, Aracel tends to be cruel and lash out if Vega comes too close to her. // Fight or Flight

Ryder: The two don't converse much, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that Ryder clearly has a one sided problem with her. Therefore, if Aracel isn't taunting him, she isn't too worried about him.


Darla: Ugh... Where does Aracel even start with Darla? She heavily dislikes Darla and believes her to be an even worse fighter than Jaune. If caught in a bad mood, Aracel won't hesitate to belittle them. // Champagne Problems

Audrey: She's strangely one of the few that Aracel has a "soft spot" for. Audrey is just too pure and it catches Aracel off guard. // Aconitum

Winona/Waverly: Aracel respects Winona for her fighting skills and her artistry, she just wishes that Winona wasn't such a fan of her's. Waverly and Aracel "click" more as Aracel finds their banter and fights to be entertaining. // Bejeweled

Nirvana: They both have a common goal, making it easy for them to get along when it comes to working together. As they say... the enemy of my enemy is my friend... // Imperial Dragon


Jasper: He's earned Aracel's respect as he can keep up with her in archery. Naturally she still thinks she's better. However, as time goes by she starts to feel disoriented when Jasper shows her kindness. // Crescent Archers

Stella: These two ladies don't get along quite well due to their personalities clashing. Stella is too nice and hyper for her tastes and her close bond with Yang is repugnant.

Maeve: Before discovering that she was the "other girl" Aracel was pretty neutral on Maeve. But after Blake chooses Maeve, Aracel acts coldly towards the fox faunus out of spite. Until... they're forced to work together... // Twisted Adversary

Nova: He's Weiss' best friend so by association these two don't get along. Always at each other's throats when Nova stands up for Weiss after catching Aracel mocking her.


Kendra: Aracel doesn't respect Kendra, but they are unfortunately in close contact a lot as Aracel has a couple of brand deals with the Ferreti family. These two may not get along, but they will team against Darla. // Speed Drive

Yesenia: The two of them have walked the runway together, as they're both part time models. She's got a pretty good strut for someone who hasn't been in the industry for long. Though Aracel thinks she's very vain, that won't stop her from hiring her to model for silent princess.

Rowan: He's a goofy dude that Aracel can't take seriously. His family makes some of the best wine around, smooth and absolutely divine. Thinks he should focus more on the wine than in combat.

Nesrin: Aracel doesn't really talk to Nesrin. The two of them are pretty quiet and that's how Aracel would prefer it to be. They mind their business and Aracel likes that about them. They don't cause trouble which is a win for the pinkette.


Sun: talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, shit on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it. In other words, that is her bestie and one and only. Those two are inseparable. And to think that once upon a time, Aracel hated Sun. // Daybreak

Raven: These two go way back and have developed a very close friendship over the years. They're pretty much ride or die for each other, always ready to jump in and help when one of them finds themselves in trouble. Raven also doubles as a mentor/teacher who helped Aracel learn to use her maiden powers. This close knit friendship however is a secret kept between friends. // Dark & Twisty

Neptune: Aracel somewhat feels bad that the two of them couldn't work out. But it was very clear that Neptune's attraction for her was only physical, and that she was not the girl for him. So far, he's still the best boyfriend that Aracel's had. Which isn't saying much... // Aquaphobia

Ozpin: Beacon's headmaster has been a part of Aracel's life since she was 14 after personally scouting her and taking her under his tutelage. They're pretty close and have come to care for each other like family. Aracel greatly respects and trusts Ozpin up until... well...

Qrow: Aracel hates Qrow. These two have a fierce rivalry, always fighting like cats and dogs until Qrow pushes Aracel out of the way of Tyrian's stinger. After that these two go from enemies to somewhat friends and come to mutually respect each other. It's said that watching these two fight side by side is like witnessing two dance partners be in perfect sync. // Sunset Bird

Roman: The two have a history that died with him and Aracel is both grateful and relieved for that.

Lucio: He is just a puppet for Aracel to control at will. He asks no questions and goes along with everything she says. If only he didn't want her for her money and kept his mouth shut. // Paparazzi

Ironwood: Aracel and Ironwood are in close contact quite often, with Aracel's company Selenophile Industries supplying the Atlesian military with their tech and weaponry. Aracel respects him to some extent, but thinks that he can go rather overboard at times.

Alex: Absolutely hates how much Alex cares about her. Aracel wishes the shrink wouldn't try to be so involved in her life. However, she can sympathize with Alex as they've both been slandered with cruel rumors by their fellow aristocrats.

Regina: Oh... Aracel thinks she's a manipulative bitch and a horrible mother!

Mikael: Deadbeat dad. Aracel is ridden with guilt for wanting to seek him out and ask him for answers as to why he left even though she knows he's a terrible person.

Cinder: Who? Oh... her... yeah... Aracel thinks she's a nuisance.

Watts: Absolutely loathes this man. He'll get what's coming to him, Aracel will see to it personally.

Sheik: Always found him a bit odd for saying things that at the time didn't make sense to her. Turns out all he was trying to do is push her in the right direction so that she could unlock her true power. Still won't stop him from getting his ass beat the next time they cross paths. // Guiding Light

Zelda: Thought she was cool at first until she took her by surprise the night of the fall and forced Aracel to cut off her hair. The next time they meet though, Aracel plans on getting her revenge. // Cosmic Rebirth

Katherine: Aracel is curious about her dark doppelgänger's intentions. Yet at the same time she fears that she could fall down the wrong path just like Katherine did centuries before her.

Salem: A thorn in her side that she just wants defeated.

Theme: The Archer by Taylor Swift

"All the king's horses, all the king's men couldn't put me together again."

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