Meet the Branwen Tribe

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The Branwen Tribe: a vampiric clan made up of wayward vampires who've chosen to rebel from their clans led by raven branwen and taiyang xiao long.

Notable Members of the Branwen Tribe:

Raven Branwen (vampire): leader of the branwen tribe and mother of yang xiao long and ruby rose. though abandoning her family has left them with a strained relationship.

Taiyang Xiao Long (human/supernatural hunter): somewhat of a co-leader of the branwen tribe and a supernatural hunter who's ironically married to a vampire.

Qrow Branwen (heretic): left the tribe in a fit of rage a couple centuries back, but since then he's returned and is now committed to his family.

Yang Xiao Long (human/supernatural hunter): lost her arm when she was younger when protecting her sister ruby against a feral attack. nowadays she's trying to convince her parents to allow her to become a supernatural hunter.

Ruby Rose (human): grew up being raised by taiyang, but was accepted by raven upon her return. she's very curious and like her sister wants to see what life has to offer outside the tribe.

Jaune Arc (human): stumbled upon the tribe while attempting to escape a hoard of ferals. now he lives among them thanks to ruby and yang who vouched for him.

Vernal (vampire): was formelly a vampire hunter trained by taiyang up until she decided that she'd rather live her life as a vampire instead. now the two are pretty hostile with each other.

Deceased Members:

Summer Rose


"the weak die, the strong live."

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