Prologue: Where it all begins

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??? POV

Our story begins in the ruins of Vale. Nobody knows what happened but what is known is that one day the whole city of Vale was invaded by a sworm of Grimm and nobody stopped it or even tried to. Only 10% of it was Grimm free and with Atlast and the rest of Remnant taken over by the new Queen of the Grimm who could possibly hold them back

It than shows a certain red capped figure walking through the remains of Vale. Suddenly some Grimm came out of hiding and started roaring at this figure.

This figure then pulled out a certain red rifle and turned it into its scythe form and then they threw it into a collapsed building and whipped out a silver and red like sword and rammed it into the ground.

???: Who brought the marshmallows? Because I brought the fire.

Then the boy started to turn the handle which caused the sword to ignite on fire. You may be asking "Whose this guy?" Simple that is my sexy cousin Y/N Rose and I'm his cousin Yin Xiao Long and if you're wondering does he have sometype of back story well he was born he had an abusive mom and one day she try to cut his arm off but thanks to that power within his arm he was able to push her away along enough to take her cape and thanks to that he was able to survive in the cold long enough to found my mom blah blah you get the picture but when he was born he shown to be half but it's kinda complicated how he was born like that. Oh you guys are lucky cause he's going to lay a whole can of whoop ass.


The Grimm started to charge at him but he jumped back and pull off a flip and whipped out his revolver and fired a bullet right between the eyes and blasted its brains all over the road which that same bullet killed four more Grimm. He than flew into the ground at fast speeds and rammed the ground with the sword which caused an explosion that set the surrounding Grimm on fire and set them flying. Just then a Ursa tried to pounce him but he blocked it with Red Queen but then a Beowulf tried to jump him but he then pulled out Red Rose and fired. After the Beowulf head exploded he than turned the handle of red queen until it ignited which after that he sliced off the Ursa's head off. He than kicked it into a small horde of Beowulf and fired a charge shot from red rose which blew up not only the left's headless body but the small Grimm heard.

Yin: Ok ok you seen what my cousin can do. But he can't be the only in the spotlight.

Just then there was a sound of a motorcycle. But suddenly a horde of grimm tried to jump Y/N but Yin came out of nowhere riding Calavare R and as she got closer to the Grimm she changed it into it's twin buzzsaw form and ripped them all a new one. When She landed she put the separated Calavare R and put it on her back and whipped out Beowulf which she fired a ball of energy at the horde of grimm infront of her at which laid waste to all the Grimm infront of them.

Y/N: Come on Yin I was having fun!

Yin: Oh don't be a baby there is still 100 Grimm left.

Y/N: Alright then you take care of the 50 on the left I take care of the Grimm on the right.

She than got into her fighting pose and Y/N pulled out red queen already ignited, they than ran torwards the respected grimm. On Y/N side he started of by slicing of the arms of a Beowulf with red queen and then blasting it's head off by firing a charge shot from red rose and then did a back flip and fired another charge shot into another Beowulf right threw its gut which ripped threw four more Grimm and ignite red queen and rammed the sword into the ground which sent grimm flying and sent them on fire, when he landed he ignited red queen again He than started spinning like crazy which caused a giant fire tornado which incinerated 25 grimm. Just then a deathstalker appeared and tried to impale him with it's stinger but Y/N loaded red rose with some powerful bullets which were already charged up at which he fired which turned its face into imploded pimple. Y/N then got an idea, he than grabbed the tail of the deathstalker which made his right arm to glow red and made a red phantom arm and torn off the deathstalker's tail and started spinning around with it which hit a bunch of grimm and then he threw it to where Yin was fighting which killed all if the grimm she was fighting and even the stinger impaled the Ursa she was fighting and the tail crashed into the remains of a highway which then collapsed on top of all the grimm they were fighting.

Yin: Ok I'll admit that was sweet.

Y/N: Yeah and I even got my workout for the day.


Just then the our team's RV showed up with Snow driving it.

Snow: Hey you two if your done playing around there is someone who wants to talk to you.

Y/N: Then who is it?

Snow: Well come in I got the person on the line.

After that me and Yin entered the RV with Shadow reading his book while Snow's familiar Shadow was sleeping while Grithion was on the counter cleaning his wing, during this Yin opened the fridge and pulled out a beer.

Yin: So Shadow how do still feel that Snow's pet has the same name as you?

Snow: I told you Shadow isn't a pet he is my familiar and my companion.

Yin: So a pet?

Snow: Yin!

I than grabbed the scroll that was on the wall.

Y/N: Can you keep it down down I'm on the scroll! ( Answers the scroll )Grimm may cry.

???: Hello Y/N.

Y/N: Oh hey Jackal what job you have this time?

Jackal: Simple and all I can tell you that the payment is something you can't refuse.

Y/N: Well what is it?

Jackal: You see the mission I have for is this. From my sources it sounds like we found the problem to Vale's infestation of Grimm. There's a grimm nest in the heart of the city and if you destroy such nest.

Y/N: All the Grimm in Vale will vanish.

Jackal: Exactly and as for payment well not only it's a lot of money but it's also cash up front.

Y/N: How much we're talking about because a job like that ain't free.

Jackal: One billion lien for each and everyone of you.

Y/N: On-One-One billion lien per person.

Jackal: Yep and like I said it's cash up front. So what do we say have a deal?

Y/N: Are you kidding only an insane person would refuse an offer like that we're in.

After that I put the scroll back on the wall.

Yin: I'm just saying it's kinda confusing while Snow familiar has the same name as you Shadow?

Shadow: Not really Snow familiar can only respond to her and only Grithion can understand what he is saying. Besides I'm the only Shadow who can talk.

Yin: True. ( Starts chugging the beer down )

Shadow: You know beer isn't healthy for your health you know?

Yin: It's ( hic ) good for ( hic ) for my health ( hic )

Grithion: ( Chuckles ) Oh looks like the dust haired killer is drunk again and new recorded too!

Yin: Watch it chicken!

Grithion: Oh you dirty son of a bit-

I then opened a window and fired a bullet from red rose which got everyone's attention

Y/N: Now that I got your attention, I just got a call from Jackal and he's got another job for us and he is paying 1 billion lien to get it done.

Yin only did but spit out her drink in surprise.

Yin: One billion Lein!!! We could buy one of those giant RVs!!!

Y/N: Actually make 4 billion, because there are four of us.

All Snow did was just turn to in surprise and Grithion dropped his jaw

Snow: That's one billion per person!

Y/N: Bingo.

Grithion:.... WE ARE GOING TO BE RICH!!!

Yin: What are we waiting for? LET'S GO!!!

Yin than pushed Snow of the drivers seat and floored it.

Shadow: Yin, you don't even know where we're going?

Yin: I have no idea, but I always follow my gut and I always find where I need to go!

Y/N: Yin last time you said that, we had to pull the RV out of a 5 ft sinkhole.

Yin: So I went a little bit to the left no big biggie.

Shadow: And before that you cashed the RV into a live Grimm nest infested with Wyvern Grimm.

Yin: GPS fault.

Snow: We don't even own a GPS!!!

Yin: Whatever, either way thrid times the charm.

Y/N: Well that happens, I'm going to take a shower.

I than entered the shower part of the RV and bathe that smell away and while it was quite I started to hear "her" voice.

Ruby: You worthless peice of shit of a son!

Y/N: Shut up.

Ruby: AAAAHHH That's fucking hot you bastard!

Than I heard a sound of a plate breaking and while this was happening my arm started to glow red

Y/N: Shut up!

Ruby: I should have aborted you the day you were born you mistake of a son, you pathetic scared peice of shit deadweight!


My arm started to glow red like crazy and I was so mad I punched the wall so hard no only I made a whole in the wall but the whole RV rumble a bit.

Yin: Hey Y/N everything alright in there?

Y/N: Yeah Yin I'm alright, I was just hearing things. ( Whispers ) I'll show you who is the real deadweight and when I'm done, I'll do what you could have never done you son of a bitch!

And with that, there's the prologue sorry that this took awhile, I had to completely revision this and was really busy with other things so sorry this took awhile and with that I leave with mommy dearest side note she doesn't like you

Yeah you could cleary see whose the deadweight. Spoiler it isn't you.

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