Part 4 (Exam)

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The Creator sends away the ten Jaune Arc to original universe since it was a waste of time

Creator: Hello everyone..

The audience felt very uncomfortable about the whole incident about Fallen and now with THE FOUR

Observer: Relax everyone, I'm sorry about the whole yelling about right now but we need to continue this um.. Fantasy.. AU, right?

The audience calms down by Observer's calm and soothing voice

Reality: That is completely correct, brother.

(Author: Hey Creator.)

(Creator: Yes Author?)

(Author: I'll be changing a small thing.)

(Creator: Like what?)

(Author: Willow will be with Ozpin and Salem since I'll be erasing Jacques out of existence along with the others that I've taken out of this reaction.)

(Creator: Okay, I'll tell my brothers about this.)

(Author: Also two more thing.)

(Creator: Hmm?)

(Author: Can you revive Ren's parents and can send in Jaune's family as well.)

(Creator: Of course, Author.)

(Author: Thank you, Creator. I'll be going now since I'm sick right now.)

(Creator: Goodbye Author and hope you get better soon.)

(Author: You as well.)

(Author has left the server)

Creator: Brothers..

Brothers: Yes/hm/uh?

Creator: The Author told me to tell you guys this. He is going to delete the uninvited guest who are not in this theater, Willow is going to with Oz and Salem, revive Ren's parents, and also bring Jaune's family as well.

Observer: I got this.

Snaps his finger and a bunch of people appeared meanwhile with the Author shoving the people that he wants to be gone into his black hole trash can

An Ren: Where am are we, hun?

Li Ren: I don't know, honey.

Ren: Mom? Dad?

Both parents turn to a familiar voice and saw Ren standing up from his seat with tears coming down his cheeks. Ren quickly ran to his dead parents on the stage and hugs them tightly not letting go while Ren's team smile and worried for him

Willow teleported to Ozpin's lap while Salem was in shock seeing another woman on her man's lap which made her jealous

Jaune walked out of his seat to his family on the stage and hugs each of them

Everyone's mind of the uninvited guests that remove off the face of Remnant out of their memory completely that includes you as well readers

After the whole reunion and other stuff, everyone was placed in their seats rightfully and Destroyer ask

Destroyer: Does anyone know who is Jacques Schnee?

Audience: Who?

Destroyer: No one? Good and let's us continue now.

Ren is holding his two mana sickles and has his father's knife

Nora: Hey Renny!!

Ren turns to see Nora but with blood her left cheek. Ren pulls out a handkerchief from left pocket and walks over to Nora to wipe the blood off her left cheek.
Ren was done wiping Nora's left cheek

Nora: Hey Renny?

Ren: Yes, sweetheart?

Ren: Wait what?

Nora: Me and Ren are dating in this universe?!

An Ren: Wait my baby boy has a girlfriend?!

Ren: M-Mom!

Nora: Do you like what you see?

She grabs Ren's right hand onto breastplate and teasing him to the point where he pulls his right hand back and starts blushing

Ren and Nora looked at each other with blush but interrupted by An Ren surprised behavior

Ozpin: Ah yes, young love.

Willow: Mhm.

Salem: Agreed.

Creator (mind): Weird.. these mortals are extremely weird to express their feelings like that..

Nora: I'm kidding.. or am I~?

Ren: *cough* Let's just go..

Nora: Okay!

Puts her war hammer onto her back and hugs Ren's right arm tightly with her boobs against Ren. They began walking through the forest to the ruin temple while being careful for any monsters or traps set up

Jaune pov:
Jaune running through the forest

Jaune (mind): This is way too quiet..

He stops running and looks around. He heard a noise behind and pulled Righteous Glory to the noise, then saw Ren and Nora there. Jaune slowly raised down his sword from Ren and Nora then jabs it into the ground and faces them with a smile

Jaune: Heya you two, long time no see.

Nora/Ren: Jaune!/Brother!

John Arc: Wait what?

Li Ren: Eh?

Jaune: Well Ren and I see each other as brothers.

Jessica Arc: My baby boy has grown up so much.

Jaune: Mom!

Everyone starts to chuckle at Jaune

Ren and Nora hugs Jaune for a brief moment then let go

Nora: It's been so long, since we last saw each other!

Jaune: Indeed it has, Nora.

Ren: I'm guessing we're a team now, huh?

Jaune: I think so too.

Nora: Yeah!

A pack of goblins and a giant spider appeared around them

Ruby's face went pale

Summer: They're gonna fight that?!?!

Creator: Yeah..

The pack of goblins came running at us with makeshift weapons. Ren used his plant magic, grabbed a few goblins by their ankles, swung them around and around until Ren his magic as the plant magic disappeared. The goblins that Ren used his magic had gone flying into the sky then landed some of their men by killing them

Ren: I guess I could use plant magic.

An Ren: My baby boy, grown up so strong. *said in a baby voice*

Ren blushed out of embarrassment from his mom while his friends giggled or laughed at him

Nora raised her war hammer up to the sky then randomly out of nowhere, lighting came striking to her war hammer, Nora begins absorbing the lightning into her war hammer, then slam her war hammer to the ground causing a huge earthquake around Ren and her. Instantly killing the rest of the goblins then that leaves Jaune fighting the giant spider

The spider spits out a sticky like substance at Jaune but he quickly rolled to the right. Jaune used Aura Channeling onto his sword which his sword begins to glow bright and charged at the giant spider. The spider used one of its legs to skewer him but Jaune sliced its leg off, only leaving the spider wailing in pain from Jaune's aura sword. Jaune quickly takes down the spider by putting his sword into the spider's head and the spider's body spasm for a moment then goes limp.

John Arc: Goodness! Is this Jaune reckless or brave?!

THE FOUR shrugs then face back to the screen

Jaune's sword stops glowing and pulls out his sword out of the Spider's head. Jaune plays Righteous Glory back into its sheathe and turns around to see Ren and Nora are done dealing with the D rank Goblins and me with the D rank goo spider

Jaune: Finished?

Ren: Yes.

Nora: Yep!!!

Then a random person fell out of the tree into Jaune's ready to catch arms and land in his arms

A girl with red hair, her hairstyle in a ponytail, bronze/gold armor, brown combat skirt, red scarf like cape, brown heels, armor based off a Roman warrior armor, and her eye color is emerald green.

Glynda: It looks like Ms. Nikos didn't change that much expect the combat skirt.

Peach: There's ranking to the monsters?

Mercury: Could be based on their strength or how experienced they are.

Observer: That is correct, Mercury.

Mercury: Wait really?! Just thought of that in an instant.

Jaune: Um hello there miss?

...: I'm so sorry!

Jaune place her down onto her feet and start bowing to Jaune as an apology. A few moments later, she stops and introduce herself

Pyrrha: Hello I am Pyrrha Nikos.

Nora: As in THE PYRRHA NIKOS!!?!

Pyrrha: Um yes?

Nora: I'm such a huge fan!

Ren hugs Nora from behind to calm her down which it did work

Ren: I'm sorry about her, she can be a bit hyper and energetic but meeting you. She'll probably exhaust herself right away, but it's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Nikos.

Pyrrha: Likewise and your name is?

Ren: Lie Ren but just call me Ren.

Pyrrha: Okay and you?

Face to her savior

Jaune: *sigh* I'm Jaune Arc..

Pyrrha: Wait Jaune Arc.. Jaune Arc.. Jaune Arc..?

She mumbles to herself and realizes right away then to Jaune with a surprise look

Pyrrha: I do I look surprised?

Jaune: Wonder that too?

Pyrrha: Your... your...

Yang: Come on! We don't have to build up the suspense here!

Pyrrha: Your my fiancé!!

Nora and Ren were shock

The Rwby cast were surprised to hear that, Pyrrha was blushing really badly after hearing that, Jaune covered his face with both hands, the other girls were jealous with Pyrrha

Ren stops hugging Nora and Nora broke the silence

Nora: Wait you two are each other finances?!

Jaune: Yep.

Pyrrha: The Arc is well known for their unique magic abilities, knowledge in fighting techniques, they help build Beacon Academy, beast tamers, or many achievements that they received than anyone in the world.

The Rwby cast looks at the Arc family as they avoided their stares then face back at the screen

Ren: Is that true, Jaune?

Jaune looks the other way to avoid Ren's question which that gave Ren question a yes

Jaune: How about we just get going now, right?

Pyrrha: H-Honey.. I'm sorry..

Jaune: No it's fine, Pyrrha.

Meanwhile with Ozpin, Salem, Glynda, and a special guest

Ozpin pov:

Willow: I guess it's me.

Ozpin: Yep.

Salem: Mhm.

Ozpin: I feel like we forgot something?

Salem: Like what sweetheart?

Ozpin: I don't know but it's-

Something large landed behind them and turn to see a Rank SS blizzard dragon there along with a special guest

Weiss: That mother's blizzard dragon!?

Qrow: Oh my oum!

Port: That's a Rank SS!

Willow: Ozzy!!!

Got off of her dragon and runs to Ozpin for a hug but only to have Ozpin's head between her breast

Ozpin: W-Willow!?

Willow: How is my soon to be husband doing?!

Salem: Husband?! Excuse me, your husband?! He is my soon to husband?!?!

Willow let's go of Ozpin for Ozpin to breathe again

Willow: Um no, he's my soon to be husband?!

Salem: No mine?!

Willow: Mine?!

Willow and Salem are arguing for Ozpin as their husband, Glynda and Ozpin stood there unable to move due to Willow and Salem's dense mana flowing out of their body

Glynda (whisper to Ozpin): Do something, headmaster?

Ozpin (whisper): Like what?

Glynda (whisper): I don't know! Stop them before the whole academy is destroyed!

Ozpin (whisper): Fine!

Ozpin walks between Willow and Salem to their fight

Ozpin: Enough both of you! You two keep acting out like this, I won't choose any of you two to marry!

Willow and Salem looked at each other then at Ozpin with a lustful expression which Ozpin became scared

Willow: Oh~ Is our wittle Ozzy standing up for himself~? *licks her lip*

Salem: Ozzy~? You trying to be brave right now~?

Ozpin steps back a bit as Willow and Salem steps forward. Ozpin used telepathy magic to Glynda but didn't answer because she wasn't there since she just straight up left all alone

Ozpin: Traitor!!

Qrow: Hahaahahahhahahahaha! Ozzy! Hahaha!

Willow and Salem cling onto Ozpin's arms not letting go. Willow places Ozpin's left arm between her breast and Salem places Ozpin's right hand on thigh

Creator: What's up with mortals, who act like this..?

Reality: Who knows, brother.

Back with Ren, Nora, Pyrrha, and Jaune

Jaune pov:
I look up to the sky which beginning to become night already, told everyone we'll set up a camp here since the night begins to rise and I don't want to risk everybody getting lost or killed at night. Everyone begins setting up their tent expect Jaune who didn't have anything with him

Ren cast his plant magic around us for protection and I cast earth Magic as sink hole traps

Pyrrha ignites a small fire for the gather firewood that Nora got

Ren pulls out snacks from subspace inventory and hand them out to Nora, me, and Pyrrha

Nora: So how is everyone doing, hm?

Ren: Just a bit tired from walking.

Pyrrha: I agree.

Jaune: Meh.
FallenZero10: Hey.. everyone.. *sigh* I won't be posting for the next couple of weeks or months due to my emotional breakdown, that I am having today.. I just recalled a memory a very sad memory, which I never what to remember again...

God... its hard typing when you're crying and not wanting to tell your parents about it...

So cya.. My Fallen Angels!!!!

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