When Asians Fight for the bill by StevenHe

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Ozpin: What's the next reaction?

Angel: It's *starts laughing* I-It's... *can't stop giggling*

Summer: Are you okay?

Angel: I'm fine ahahahahaha.. L-let's begin...

The room light slowly go to dim and the screen starts playing.

We see Ozpin and Oscar at a restaurant, sitting a table chatting to each other while they wait for the waiter to come with their bill.

Ozpin: What?

The waiter came and it was Ren.

Nora: Ren! It's you!

Ren: I see that. *smiles*

Ren: Are we splitting the bill?

Ozpin: Well sir, you see, there was actually a... *pulls out something from his pocket and his right hand is hiding his card.*

Ozpin quickly hovers his card over the scanner and hear a beep.

Oscar(Mind): *A shock expression* Card in his hand again? *Oscar looks at Ren and back to Ozpin* He got me twice! 

Ozpin: *places his card on the table near his scroll* Too slow! Better luck next time.

Ironwood: So basically they're fighting over the bill?

Angel laughing and Ironwood got his answer when Angel puts a thumbs up.

Glynda: This is something that Ozpin would do.

Ozpin: I would never. *sips from his mug*

Tai: Says the one, who literally fought to pay the bill for hospital with a random family.

Qrow: Wait really?

Tai: I saw him fighting over the bill with a random family in Patch about 3 weeks ago. 

Ozpin looks away with embarrassment and eats a cookie. 

Oscar: *claps* That was good. You win. *Ozpin smiles and chuckles*

Ozpin(M): *Evil laughter*

Ren: Oh! Sorry guys! Uh... I think this gentleman *points to Oscar* here has already paid the bill so uh... I'm just gonna go ahead and cancel this charge.

Ozpin(M): *internal gasp* What? He did it half an hour ago? Oh, that's why he went to the bathroom! 

Ozpin: Ren! Tell Blake to refund the whole bill altogether, okay?

Ren: 'Kay! Sure thing, boss! 

Ozpin: Thank you.

Ren: So Blake and I work for Ozpin, huh.

Blake: That caught me off guard. *quiet giggle*

Sun: I really like their expression and thoughts. *laughs*

Majority of the students: Same. 

Oscar(M): "Boss"? What does he mean? *looks to his right and see a picture of Ozpin on a restaurant of RFC. Internal gasp again with eyes widen* HE OWNS THE RESTAURANT?! 

Ozpin: It's all good, lah! I have the pleasure of serving you Remnant Corn, our favorite brand and our bestseller!

Weiss/Neptune: I'm guessing he's the seller./Most accurate answer. 

Oscar smiles and puts to his two finger on his dorsum then pushes up as a single pair of white shades appears.


Oscar: For you my friend, your next shipments of Remnant Corn, for free.

Intense music kicks and Ozpin reaches a can of corn within his suit, pulls it out and sees Oscar's face on the can of corn.

Ozpin: You're the CEO of Remnant Corn!

Oscar: Oh, I try, [to] be low-key. about it. 

Ozpin: You're the man, the myth, the legend! Then you must know company, Remnant Farming Company. 

Oscar: *snap back at Ozpin* I AM YOUR FARMER!!!!!!

The screen goes black and lights in the room slowly lights up. The some students and adults were giggling or laughing at the interaction of Oscar and Ozpin. 

Salem: That was very interesting and stupid interaction, I've seen in my entire life. 

G.O.D: Agree.

G.O.L nods his head.

Angel: *Still giggling* Next reaction! 

Everyone looking at Angel with concern.

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