Let's Gamble Till We Get Crazy!

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Everyone sat down on their sits As for Kotori and the Creator set up the screen to show the Creator's favorite alternate universe or AU

Fae: you guys ready?

Everyone: yes

The screen shows a sign in different language " Hyakkaou Private Academy" a voice behind the ground sounds like a female

Emerald: that voice... It's sounds like me...

A symbol shows out of nowhere " these prestigious halls pride themselves on tradition as they near their 122nd anniversary" it shows a hallway

Blake: 122 anniversary that's long

Another shows a red eye and dark skin , heavy breathing in the background making themselves concerned and another breathing showing another female but with white hair and pale skin. At the table side shows the white female revealing them

Weiss: is that me?!

Three cards took a little peak revealing 3 red hearts, 3 diamonds and 3 black spades they put down side cards on the table. They showed another part of person with red eyes it has green hair their face were covered in sweat

Emerald: it must be me...

Emerald closed her eyes being a bit anxious and then " showdown!" she screamed revealing her cards " full house" The schnee started to giggled revealing her cards showing " too bad!" Weiss went close to Emerald's face smiling creepily

Ruby: scary and ew

Yang: that's creepy Weiss

" But I can give you an a for effort" Emerald jaw dropped. The scene shows Weiss cards

Qrow: no way...

Raven: unbelievable for a schnee....

Winter: Weiss did you gamble?!

Weiss: what?! No

" how how did you get a straight royal flush?!" Emerald was scared the cards thrown in the air chips falls on the floor Weiss touched Emerald's face the screen shows their faces " oh I know this was such an ordeal for you but I know that you'll do your best kitten... "

Emerald: she called me kitten...

" as of that day I was no longer a human"

Kali: what does that mean...

Everyone is became concerned hearing Emerald's words

" those are the rules of our academy... The only thing they respect here is money" the screen went black

Everyone: Money?!

Raven: so they care about Money huh?

Coco: it must be fun huh

Fae: I beg for differ

" well that ends your gambling skills"

Everyone: what?! Gambling?!

The screen shows students playing many types of games. A scene shows Weiss smiles confidently " there you like that straight " the male student groaned " are you freaking kidding me Weiss" " what else would you expect from Weiss? She's awesome" Weiss laughed happily getting those chips

Jaune: greedy much...

" I'm not even bringing my a game" she laughed even more her legs crossed but at bottom shows Emerald on her hands and knees she was getting in pain both of hands and knees

Kotori: poor emerald I feel bad for her

" now I'm nothing but a house pet" the scene shows Emerald wearing chained necklace with a long tag saying kitten

Blake: hold on! If someone lose something they became a house pet?!

Fae: well yes puppy for the boys and kitten for the girls

Ozpin: sounds a bit cruel

" once you fall this far it's impossible to claw your way back up". A scene shows black pants with a school bag " or so I thought" another part shows a blond hair " until he arrived..."

Saffron : that hair... No way

Jaune: what...

" so uh as I mentioned last week I'll be introducing a new transfer student today" students ignored the teacher

Glynda: children...

Ozpin: calm now

The new transfer student walked in the classroom everyone stop looking at the front. The person revealed


" it's wonderful to meet you all. My name is Jaune Jabami. I may be a little inept "

Yang: you are

Jaune:.... * he looked down in shame*

Tai: Yang that's rude

Saffron:his last name changed to...

Terra: Jabami

" but I hope in time you will all welcome me as a member of your class" he bowed down politely students whispered to each other thinking about what transfer student. Emerald was surprised to see Jaune. The teacher coughed to caught their attention " all right then let's see I'd like to assign one of you to take Jaune on a tour of the school" she started to look around " Emerald your class president would you do the honors? " Emerald smiled " sure" " Emerald that's very kind of you to agree" Emerald was a bit shy hearing Jaune's words " n-no thank you" ' awesome for the first time I'm glad I became a pet' she thought in her head. One person didn't shows her niceness was Weiss

Winter: Weiss I'll talk to you later Weiss


Emerald shows Jaune hallways outside " it's all so beautiful. I've never seen anything quite like this. I'm really so glad I transferred here" Jaune was happy to transfer there but for Emerald she wouldn't say glad for herself. She noticed Jaune looking at her tag " hey what is this?" Emerald was so embarrassed she can't speak clearly didn't have a choice to move away a bit " Jaune" " yes? Are you all right?" " listen do you know how to gamble?" Jaune was confused " I'm sorry? How to gamble I know mahjong and a little poker I mean I'm familiar with the rules at least" " I see right... Here at Hyakkaou gambling is our lifeblood once class is let out. You'll see it everywhere you look and the students here are filthy rich so thr stakes are always high. You'll get challenged sooner or later I hope you'll be." Emerald stop her words by hearing Jaune giggles " I'll get challenged huh... Well that sounds like something to look forward to " Emerald was surprised he continued to giggled.

Emerald : I'm a bit scared now

Jaune: about myself...

Qrow: gambling is dangerous

Ozpin:  I'm getting concerned...

students went up to Jaune " Jaune welcome to flower class year two " " so what school did you transfer from " " what do you like to do" "do you have a girlfriend" " tell us everything"

That word hits Pyrrha really hard even Velvet and Ruby

"yeah that sounds great I really do hope we all get along" Jaune was happy but a sound on his left seeing a white hair girl. Weiss act herself being but she's not nice " it's so great to meet you! My name is Weiss Schnee"

Jaune: acting nice much yeah... I don't think so... Stupid b*tch

Qrow: evil much heh...

Qrow drank from his flask

" hope we can be friends" Jaune looked Weiss happily " I hope so too that would be great" Weiss started her plan " in that case what are you doing after class? Maybe you'd like to do a little gambling with me?" Emerald shook hearing those words from Weiss she looked behind . Weiss gave Jaune a creepy smile

Jaune can't help giving a death glare looking at Weiss he hugged grimm plushie

Jaune: dumb b*tch... Ice b*tch

Students heard about Weiss challenged Jaune. They closed the curtains one of them pulled out a box everything was set up one of the lights shines at Jaune and Weiss. Jaune looked around curiously happy " so what do you have in mind" " oh a little game our class advice that we like to call it ballot rock paper scissors"

Ruby: sounds common

Yang :rock paper and scissors is a common game

Weiss starts to explain the rules of the game " first every student in the class draws a card with the symbol for rock paper or scissor on it then they drop those cards in the box so we can't see them. Next you and I draw three cards each and choose just one to play a classic game of rock paper and scissors. If we stalement we simply choose from the remaining cards we have and play again. And if all three times we match then we call it a draw that makes an one single game. Unlike normal rock paper scissors you don't always end up showing your whole hand the fun isn't trying to read each other even though the game is stacked against you"

Jaune had enough hearing her voice

Yang: nevermind that was so unfair

Pyrrha: it was a bit unfair to let people make them

" sounds great! I would love to try and play" Weiss smiled " brilliant! That's what I like to hear " Emerald became concerned " uhh Jaune—" Weiss pulled Emerald's tag " quiet noe go fetch the chips" the girl didn't help but sigh the ice queen pulled it even harder

Glynda :that was too much

Sun: is gambling a dangerous game

The adults : yes

Emerald groaned in pain " I said fetch girl" " y-yes ma'am..." Jaune was shocked. " here you go!" Weiss gave Jaune a stack of chips " we'll play with 10,000 lien chips "

Winter: ten thousand lien chips?!

Ironwood: high cause of money...

" to start here's about 120. Since you're new I'll let you be the one to determine how much we bet each game and the best way to learn is by doing so let's do it" Weiss finished her words " what do you want to bet?" Jaune picked up two chips " how about 2 chips" students started to draw on the card one by one after their done they put in the box Emerald has an explanation in her head 'the trick of this game is the random element. You almost never end up with all three choices since you're only drawing three you're way more likely to end up with multiples like two rocks and one scissor and if your hand contains a lot of rocks it's a safe bet the pool is weighted down with a ton of them meaning that since your opponent is more likely to throw out a rock you should counter with paper. The real game is betting that you can read each other"

Ozpin: I see now I understand

Emerald :never knew I was that smart or memorized about the game

Ruby: I'm confused

Ghira: this game is really serious... Is this school is all about gambling

Kotori : one by one gambling became almost to the death

" all right we'll both play our card together" " rock paper scissors" both of them showed their card Jaune has rock while Weiss has scissors " it looks like the first match goes to you very well played" Weiss congrats him " thank you so much so I take two chips right?" he showed his chips " you've got a pretty good handle on it yeah? Why don't we keep going" she asked him Jaune smiled " sure this time I want to bet something more like...50 chips" everyone in the room was shocked and speechless Jaune goes 50 chips

Mercury: fifty that's way too much

Emerald's eyes were widen " 50?! That's 500,000 lien how can he just" Weiss calm herself and looked back at Jaune " I didn't think you'd live on the edge Jaune" " oh no" the students in the room put their new cards in the box Weiss and Jaune started to get their new cards ' there's 50,000 lien on the line over one silly game' Emerald's thought become a bit wild " ready to play another round" " rock paper scissor" draw Weiss and Jaune has both rocks " oh a draw time to next the next card" " we gotta tie" Weiss wins she got rock and Jaune got a scissors she cheered on her win " oh wow well either way I would have lost huh" Weiss became so very confident on the game " better to win when the stakes are so high. How much you want to bet now?" he picked up two chips " let's go back to two" students make new cards and put them in the box Jaune and Weiss pick up new cards in the box " rock paper scissors" Jaune wins he has paper and Weiss got rock " there you go who's winning some chips back all right next bet" " well how about" he pushed the chips in front Weiss got surprised again " 50 chips will that be all right with you? "

Neptune: he starts again with the 50 chips! * falls out his chair *

Emerald: he almost lost his chips and money at the first day in school!

' seriously?! Didn't you have eniugh already?! ' " oh interesting " Weiss was interested at Jaune's act " Jaune I like your spirit... All right" " rock paper scissors" draw again both paper " we got a tie" emerald closed and she slowly open them Weiss wins she got paper while Jaune got rock " all right looks like I'll be taking that 500k lien" she got all the chips the students started to gossip. Weiss started to mock and started to laugh maniacly Jaune but he didn't move a muscle but to stay quiet

Adam: curse you Schnee... And cruel things thinking about money pathetic...

Adam caught something and hugged it tight but he didn't notice a little girl that he was hugging

" not really our showdown is only the beginning I think I'll go back to two chips this time around" Weiss started to laugh at his reaction. The screen shows some numbers above the chips Weiss has 2,160,000 and Jaune has 240,000

Junior: they have crossed the line she has 2,160,000 lien while he had 240,000 he has so much to pay her up

' the game is 216 chips to 24. There's no way he can come back Weiss got him up against the wall but he never pull an upset if she plays this reckless' " two chips it is rock paper scissors" Weiss wins she has scissors while Jaune has paper she started to collect the chips and put it in her pile " what a shame Jaune. It just appear that you ran out of time chips" the class whispered about Jaune loses 1.2 million lien  Jaune didn't stop smiling cutely " so Weiss how would you feel about giving me just one more game" Weiss was shocked " huh?!" 'no don't do it! At this rate  you'll end up as a house pet from the very first day' Emerald clenched her tag " happy too how much you want to bet" ' idiot he'll only end up trapped with no way out' Jaune grabbed his bag dumped something on the table

Junior:No way those are lien!

Winter: how much money does he have?!

Raven: this is getting out of hand

A stack of lien piled on the table " I was thinking 10 million"

Winter: t-ten million?!

Saffron :h-how does he get that much money?!

Sun: He is dang rich...

The class went speechless " f-for real?! Who walks around with that kind of cash?! Don't be ridiculous! You can't just take up 10 million not on some casual game like this! You just don't! You don't!" she shouted in Jaune's face spilling her saliva

Yang: ewww Weiss I didn't know you're like that

Weiss: shut up yang I'm not like that! And it's the other me ok!

Jaune's blue eyes started to glow" isn't that what makes it fun... Madness is at the heart of all gambling. In a capitalist society money and life are one in the same no one in their mind would ever trust their entire fortune to a roll of a dice and yet they love it people still throng to casinos because they derive such please from risking their very life. So I suppose the crazier you are the more you love to gamble now I leave it all up to you" Jaune became crazy, lustful person

Tyrian started to clap and laughed maniacally he became very hyper

Salem: so he is not himself anymore... And continue watching and no ralking while watching I'll let you guys talk later

Weiss thinks Jaune is crazy she is scared of him even everyone. A scene shows a fish went past by on its very big tank a person walked up to the another person who is sitting down who is enjoying themselves quietly ( a cup of tea) the person shows the other person a file " mr president the data we have on the boy who joined year two flower class" the first person shows to be.

Blake: is that me?!

Sun: no way!

The person is supposed to be the president who has long two hair color black and white the black hair side has a magenta streak of hair while the white one has a red streak of hair. The president's eye were widen in surprised by reading the file " so a serpeny has appeared in my garden of eden" it shows Jaune's picture.

Fae: I'll let you guess who is that president good luck

" this is crazy I will be part of it" Weiss stands up on her chair walking away " I'm sorry don't tell me that you're getting cold-blooded" she was shocked and looked back at him in anger. Jaune gave her an evil smirk ' you stupid arrogant heir of some rich boy! How dare you underestimate me!' Weiss' teeth makes a sound from her anger ' what the heck is he doing he just transferred today and already she's so deep into this gambling madness. How can he be so calm about all this' Emerald's thoughts Weiss and Jaune get a new set of cards ' damn you acting like this is nothing we're talking 10 million freaking lien not that it matters I'm going to win anyway after all... Of the 30 students who put a drawing in that box 21 will do what I damn well please whether I'm covering their debt or they're standing in the classroom the reasons are irrelevant one way or another my little slaves will draw as I demand every single time. This time it's rock and paper meaning that the inside of the box will look something like this there are hardly any scissors and even if Jaune somehow drew one he'd have no reason to throw it so as along as I throw out a paper card I will never lose all I can do now is hope that I've drawn some' at the end of Weiss thoughts she revealed her cards in front of her is two papers and one rock she became very greedy in her action " so have you picked your cards? You ready to reveal them?" Jaune ignored her while focusing on his cards " what's got you I mean there's only three cards to no point in hesitating or anything right?" Jaune looked up to her " did you really think I wouldn't catch on " Weiss is confused after what he said " almost everyone in this room is helping you cheat isn't that right? "she was shocked even everyone they begun to whisper to each other" if I'm to judge tby the voting up until noe I wouldn't say all of them but maybe around 10 to assure your victory may be about 20 or so"  "how dare you! " " your method is flawed you made the same play twice in a row when there was 50,000 lien on the line. You didn't think I would start to suspect? When the stakes are low sure you'd throw in some random moves but it was a poor camouflage. You'll never deceive anyone unless you're prepared to spill blood" Jaune became serious " enough of your wild accusationsif you're trying to just sweep this whole match under the rock—" she was cut off by Jaune by his happy voice " oh heavens no I wouldn't let all our gains just go to waste besides I promise the real fun is just about to start " his face was covered in blush filling his inside with lust ' how the hell is he so calm?! He doesn't think she can actually beat me or anything does he? No no it's impossible as long as he doesn't know what move I'm going to make there is no way he can bet me here all this crap is just a bluff I'm going to throw out paper and then I'm going to win! 'Weiss is very confident to her choices " are you finally finished? Then hurry up and pick up a freaking card" half of Jaune's face his eye glown blue he started to giggled " I did warn you..." Weiss' eyes started to glow in anger " are you ready yet?" he choose his card " yes..." Emerald swallowed her saliva she started to swear one of the sweat drop down " showdown" Weiss screamed " rock paper scissors" Weiss has paper and then " Scissors" Jaune smiled showing his card everything went silent Weiss' thought went going crazy the class was surprised " n-no that's just that's impossible!" "well impossible or not it sure seems like that's what just happened. Shall we settle up? Subtracting what I have lost to you I think you owe me 8.8 million lien I appreciate it now if you don't mind" Weiss has to give 8.8 million lien ' h-how did this all happen I just wantedto settle her with a little debt to me that was all how did I lose 8.8 million lien to him' she looked at him in fear his eyes glowed blue  ' who the hell... Who the hell is that guy?!' Jaune went behind her and goes to her right side " you'll be kind enough to pay up right?" her eye met his glowing blue pupil " I can't ..." " what?" she touched both sides of the table making the chips falls on the ground.

Winter: this is making us lost our everything...

Everyone: shhh!

" I - I don't have it... Please though I swear that I only need a few days" she started to tremble ' she really lost' Emerald thought Jaune started to pack up his stuff and goes to the door " I did have a lot of fun so I guess I don't mind. I hope everyone has a lovely afternoon and start tomorrow I hope you will all welcome me as a new member of your class" he smiled walking away from the classroom. Emerald ran out chasing Jaune " Jaune wait!" " oh! Emerald is there something wrong I can do for you?" " um uh well I just have to ask you how did you know Weiss was fixing the game?" she looked away while he looked at the window " oh that was pretty easy really it was obvious from the start that she was manipulating what kind of cards would go in. So then all I had to do was figure out which kind of cards were being submitted the most" "all right but how did you do that let's assume for the moment that there were about 20 people in league with Weiss unless they all shared what card they were adding in it wouldn't really be cheating but as far as I could tell. There was really no pattern on what card was being submitted even so it would have been tough for her to memorize the right order ahead of time so I could deduce that she was throwing out a card on match-by-match basis. The question is how did she decide I was watching her behavior very closely right up until I ran out of chips but I never saw her make any kind of signal for a moment I thought maybe an audio cue but I didn't hear her prompt anyone either so that left only one remaining possibility. Someone in the classroom must have been signalling in her place if that's the case it had to be someone specific someone who would draw everybody's attention I kept watching and then it hit me. I figured all eyes would be on me because I was one of the gamblers but no that's where I was wrong the class wasn't busy watching me they had their eyes locked on the person who was standing directly behind me " Flashback it shows Emerald that signals scissors end of the flashback " so you figured me out too " Emerald said " the rest was easy all I had to do was discern your signald from what you did" " but that I don't get I was behind you" Jaune smirked " well what kind of modern pretty boy can survive with without a trusty hand mirror" Emerald was impressed by Jaune actions she sighed from her breath in relief " incredible would you explain one more thing for me how were tou able to draw the scissors that you needed, the odds were not in your favor" Jaune turned around happily facing Emerald " ah! That was just pure luck of a draw guess I'm just lucky" " you're kidding me?! You burned through 1.2 million to figure out she was cheating and you're telling me you bet 10 million lien on the luck of the draw" Emerald was so surprised by Jaune's luck " yeah guess so" " so if you hadn't said anything about seeing through her con you could have played her down to a draw at the very worst by drawing scissors you were guaranteed to win so the real reason that you had to tell her" her red looked at his glown eye " was just because you lovetaking the risk" " oh come now please even I wouldn't take crazy risks just for risk's sake... Though having too much advantage would be boring" she nodded no " you seriously are something else that's a feeling I couldn't even begin to understand... I'm leaving this place... I'm drowning in my debt I owe Weiss 5 million lien and when I tried to fight back by gambling it only got worse" her grip on the tag " it's scarier than drowning because you never die and I'm so tired if I were as good as you maybe things would have been different " Jaune was shocked that Emerand bowed down " Jaune I beg for your forgiveness" he went up to her Emerald looked facing Jaune " I never really got to thank you did I. Here" he gave her one stack of money " huh! No I - I" " I got to gamble and have a lot of fun today! This is only a small token of my gratitude please" She was so suprised " there's no way I— Jaune I was part of the cheating and I —" he put finger against her lips " I cannot stand contests where I'm guaranteed to win or I'm guaranteed to lose because neither one is true gambling thanks to you Emerald I got to enjoy a wonderful game today so thank you very much " Jaune gave her a smile ' there wasn't even the trace of a shadow in that smile, there was no resentment, no pity only honest I got to enjoy a wonderful game today so thank you very much nothing more" she watched the blond walking away going to the dark hallway ' he's not normal boy... he's a freak... A compulsive gambler " everything went dark except those blue eyes

Fae: soooo what do you think



A/n( Fae) : hey guys sorry I was taking I just having major anxiety and depression thanka for reading I hope I enjoy your day

P. S I get them in Kakegurui I love that anime it was one of my top moments favorite of anime it was crazy also I don't own kakegurui and RWBY

Soon will be their opinions and thoughts

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