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Iron Man Trailer

The residents of Remnant looked at each other in confusion at Bill's words. One question ran through everyone's mind's as they looked at each other.

'What the heck is a Marvel?' Everyone thought.

Bill looked at their faces and inwardly laughed as he summoned his cane and started twirling it.

"What's a Marvel?" Amber asked, seeing as everyone was silent.

Bill chuckled as he gave her a big thumbs up for finally asking. Amber blushed and looked down as Bill started explaining.

"Well Marvel is-" Bill couldn't finish as he was cut off.

"Marvel is another universe, but it's not just a universe. It's THE universe." God Raven said as she appeared in a flash, next to Bill.

Everyone was shocked at the sight of her and most jaw dropped. This shock was either out of fear, respect or admiration.

"Raven! What are you doing here!?" Bill shouted with his eye wide.

Raven rolled her eyes at the triangle "Universe 15 has become stale, so I thought that I'd come here to get rid off my boredom."

"H-Hi me." Raven uttered fearfully from the group.

Most were shocked at Raven's nervousness and fear. She has never been one to be nervous nevertheless afraid.

God Raven gave her a small wave and turned to speak to Bill.

"What makes you think I'm gonna let you stay!?" Bill shouted as he put his hands on his side's.

"I heard you were looking for someone to write and record things for Marvel." Raven said with a small smirk "An assistant perhaps."

Bill's eye popped out of its socket, spun in the air and popped back in as he looked at her in shock.

"No! No way! Never!" Bill shouted as he crossed his arms

"Oh come now Bill, who else is better suited for the job?" God Raven asked.

"Literally anyone else!" Bill shouted.

"I'm hurt Bill. But what did I expect from a floating shape." Raven said.

"At least I wasn't named after my hair!" Bill shouted back.

"Says the floating math equation." Raven said calmly.

The two continued to insult each other while everyone watched and some laughed.

"Is it me or do they fight like an old married couple?" Ruby whispered to Yang.

"They're not the only ones." Yang said as she pointed at Qrow and Winter who were arguing again.

Salem sighed as she was beginning to get bored, she stood up and cleared her throat.

"CHILDREN!!!!" She shouted looking at Bill and God Raven, catching the attention of everyone in the process.

"Can you please make a desicion so we can move on?" Salem asked and most agreed.

Bill cleared his throat and fixed his bow tie as Raven dusted herself off. They both glared at each other but said nothing.

"Before we move on does anyone want the job as my assistant?" Bill asked.

Everyone was silent as some raised their arms up but immediately put them down when they saw God Raven's deadly glare.

God Raven looked at Bill with a smirk "Looks like no one wants the job, well except me.

Bill looked at everyone as he begged with his eye "Anyone? Anyone at all? Please?"

Everyone kept quiet and Amber was trying to raise her hand but Summer was holding it down.

Bill sighed and gave God Raven a dull look "Fine. You're hired."

God Raven didn't say anything as she summoned a black book with a pen. She looked at Bill, expecting him to continue and he rolled his eye.

"Like Raven said, Marvel is one of the best universe's I've seen. It holds beings with powers you can't even imagine and legends who can never be defeated." Bill explained.

Everyone listened to every word and some were getting more and more excited.

"It is the home of heroes."

Most of the teens became even more excited while some adults were interested.

"The home of villains."

Most criminals were interested, Tyrian grinned in excitement as Salem raised an eyebrow.

"The home of Gods."

Everyone was shocked that there were even more Gods in the Multiverse.

"And much more! This is the universe you should pay attention too! And we are going to start with one of my favourite heroes, so enjoy!" Bill said.

He floated back to his seat and God Raven teleported to the seat next to him.

"So we are all in it?" Ruby asked.

"Your alternate selves, yes." Bill answered.

"This is gonna be awesome!!" Yang shouted and most agreed.

"I wonder what kind of hero I'll be." Roman said as he stroked his chin.

"You think you're gonna be a hero?" Weiss asked and started laughing as he frowned at her.

"Oh by the way." Bill snapped his fingers as popcorn, drinks and candy appeared in front of them.

"You ready Raven?" Bill asked.

"Begin." God Raven said looking at the screen.

"This is still freaking me out." Vernal said as she looked at God Raven.

"Me too." Raven said.

"Lets do this thing!" Bill shouted as he started the trailer.


Military trucks were the first to be shown as they drove in a line through a desert like area. The camera then panned to Ruby wearing a suit and black sunglasses in one of the trucks, holding a cup of whiskey and surrounded by soldiers.

"Whoa. Is this the same Ruby?" Yang asked as she frowned, not liking how her sister looked in this one.

"It might not be that bad." Summer said hopefully, not judging a book by it's cover.

"No ones allowed to talk is that it?" Ruby asked as a soldier looked at her then looked down "You can't talk?"

"No, you intimidate them." A female soldier who was driving the truck said.

"Good God, you're a woman." Ruby said and the whole truck began laughing.

Some chuckled at the joke, who knew Ruby could be so charming.

"Wasn't that a little sexist?" Winter asked.

Qrow rolled his eyes "A joke's a joke, Ice Queen. Try finding the humor in life."

Winter glared at him but said nothing as she looked back at the screen.

"At least you aren't scared of talking to people anymore." Yang said, nudging her sister.

Ruby nodded "I guess."

"I wonder what you'll be in this universe of heroes and Gods." Blake said.

"Don't forget villains." Roman said.

Blake rolled her eyes "And villains."

"You doing your job Raven?" Bill asked.

"Already wrote everything down, Idiot." Raven said.

Bill steamed as Amber and Summer giggled.

Ruby was shown standing in front of the soldiers and behind her was a massive canyon. She gestured for missiles to be aimed and looked back at the soldiers.

"Is it better to be feared or respected?" Ruby asked.

"Respected." Ozpin and the teachers said.

"Both." James answered and Winter nodded.

"Feared." Cinder said as her group agreed.

"Feared." Salem said and most got chills.

"Respected." Most of the teens answered.

"Feared." Raven and her group answered.

"It doesn't matter." Bill and God Raven said.

One of the missiles launched towards the canyon.

"And I say." Ruby continued as the missile scrambled and became smaller missiles "Is it too much to ask for both?"

"I humbly present the Jericho."

The missiles exploded in a row at the canyon behind Ruby as she raised both her arms. The wind from the explosions managed to blow the soldier's caps off.

Most widened their eyes at the destructive power as James looked very interested. Winter began writing notes on the Jericho.

"So I'm guessing Ruby made those." Jaune said with his eyes wide.

"If she's endorsing it." Pyrrha answered.

"Geez Rubes, I know you love weapons but take it down a notch will ya." Yang said at her sister's creations.

Ruby was shocked at those things then she looked at Bill "Are there any Grimm in their universe?"

Bill nodded "There are."

Ruby sighed in relief.

"But not on their planet right now." Bill continued.

Ruby froze as she looked at Bill in fear "So what are those missiles for?"

Bill shrugged "War on well....humans."

Most were shocked that there were no Grimm but Ruby was saddened that she created weapons to kill other people. The thought just made her think about puking.

The soldiers clapped as Ruby raised her glass of whiskey.

"To peace." Ruby said.

Most scoffed at this.

"Yeah right." Militia said.

"She's just as bad as Ironwood in this one." Vernal said.

Summer and Taiyang heared this and were very saddened.

Suddenly explosions rang around as most trucks exploded and Ruby's truck was being shot at with bullet holes appearing by her door.

A man in a white Fang mask was shown as Ruby was, now out of the truck, screaming as more explosions happened in the background.

Ruby was hit with an explosion point blank and it sent her flying back. Ruby was then shown unconscious on the ground.

Most gasped at this and some were shocked, Tyrian just grinned and Cardin smirked.

"Oh no..." Summer said in shock.

"Did I just die!?" Ruby shouted in shock.

"Not on my watch!" Yang shouted protectively.

"Ruby Rose." A man said as Ruby was shown with a bag being taken off her head. He face was covered in scratches as blood ran down the side of her head.

"Now you work for me." The man in a white Fang mask said.

Most sighed in relief as they saw that Ruby was alive but grew worried for her safety.

"More of the White Fang." Ghira said in disappointment and sadness.

"Do we know that soldier?" Sienna asked.

"You can't expect me to know every soldier." Adam said.

Ruby was shown in a dark cave-like area as she was hammering down something near a furnace. She wore a tank top as the center her chest was now glowing blue.

"So you became a slave for terrorists." Roman said "Not your best moment red."

"My question is how she survived that explosion." Cinder said.

"All questions will be answered after the screening." Bill said.

"What are you building Rose?" A man asked.

Ruby approached the man who was writing, using metal tweezers. Ruby placed an iron mask on the desk in front of the man.

"Ohh, this is gonna be epic." Nora said as she grew excited.

"So they wanted her to build armor?" Jaune asked.

"Obviously not, vomit boy!" Yang said as she slapped the back of his head.

Jaune rubbed his head as he looked at her with a pout.

White Fang soldiers were shown holding guns as they looked at large doors in fear. There was one bang on the doors and it left a dent.

Everyone leaned in waiting for what's about to pop out.

Another bang was heard as a second dent was made.

"Here it comes." Ruby said in excitement.

A large suit of armor burst out of the doors then the camera switched to outside of the base as everything exploded and burned. Ruby was shown flying out of the base as literally everything exploded.

"Woah!!!" Yang shouted in shock and awe.

"Ruby built that?!" Weiss shouted.

"While being held captive!" Blake shouted.

"I'm just gonna say it, Ruby is a superhero!" Nora shouted.

"This is so cool! Right Ruby?" Jaune asked.

Ruby didn't answer as she was busy drooling over the armor. It may be basic but with a few adjustments, the possibilities are endless.

"Great. As if our Red wasn't trouble enough." Roman said.

"Though it is impressive how she escaped." Cinder complimented.

"With explosions!" Mercury shouted in glee.

The camera switched to the metal doors of an airship being opened as people were taking pictures and camera's flashed.

Ruby was shown with her arm in a sling and being helped down the airship ramp by Neptune.

"Oh so I'm in this one." Neptune said as he nodded to himself.

"Guess there's no aura in this universe." Ruby said as she looked at her arm.

"Your eyes are red." Ruby said as Weiss smiled at her with tears in her eyes.

"Your tears for your long lost boss?" Ruby asked.

"Tears of joy." Weiss said "I hate job hunting."

"Yeah well, vacations over." Ruby said as he walked past her.

"Wait so she's my boss!?" Weiss shouted in shock.

"I mean she's already your team leader so..." Blake trailed off.

"Quiet!! You!!" Weiss shouted.

"Is it me or do I see some chemistry between those two?" Yang whispered to Pyrrha.

Pyrrha nodded in agreement "I thought I was the only one."

"Wait, if Ruby is the boss of a Schnee then that means.....WE'RE RICH!!!!" Qrow shouted as his eyes became Lien signs once more.

"Qrow!!!" The Xiao Long, Schnee's and Roses yelled.

A beautiful house at a mountain was shown and the inside was much nicer.

"Welcome home ma'am." A voice said in the house as everything automatically turned on.

"Hey bring up the scanner, will ya?" Ruby said.

Most jaw dropped at how rich Ruby was and Roman grew very jealous.

"Oh come on!" Roman yelled.

"I'm RICH!?" Ruby asked in shock.

"You get used to it." Weiss said.

"So.....Ruby, you always knew that you were my favourite niece right?" Qrow said as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Gee, thanks a lot Qrow." Yang muttered, rolling her eyes

"Uhh...Uncle Qrow. I'm not rich, other me is." Ruby said.

"I know kid. I know." Qrow said as he clutched his heart and put his head down  in depression.

Ruby was shown typing in a technological lab, then she was shown being scanned.

"Well would you look at that." Weiss said. "This Ruby is actually smarter than you."

Ruby looked at her in betrayal and Weiss rolled her eyes.

Ozpin narrowed his eyes as he looked at the glowing round technology at the center of her chest.

Ruby was shown on a red carpet, in a suit as people took pictures of her. She was then shown side hugging Junior as they both looked at the crowd.

"What happened over there?" Junior asked.

"I had my eyes opened." Ruby said "I wanna protect the people!"

"Yay!!! I am a superhero!!" Ruby cheered.

"What superpowers do you have?"Oscar asked.

Ruby shrugged "Don't know but it should be cool."

"I can't believe I'm hanging around with that kid." Junior said.

"Eh. By now, nothing can surprise me." Emerald said.

Ruby was shown putting on a iron mask as blue holograms were being shown to her. She was then shown wearing a red iron gauntlet, she aimed it at a target and it fired. The target exploded as Ruby's arm flew back as recoil.

"We have to start development on these things." James said.

"That's my superpower?" Ruby asked with a grin.

"You make deadly mechanical weapons." Yang said "Nothing has changed."

Junior was shown meeting the man in the White Fang mask.

"A man with a dozen of these." The White Fang soldier said as he showed Junior the schematics for Ruby's iron suit. "Will rule all of Mistral."

"You traitor!!" Ruby yelled as she pointed at Junior.

Junior rolled his eyes at her and crossed his arms.

"I thought he died in that explosion." Raven said.

"Apperantly he survived." Sienna said.

Ruby was shown wearing two iron gauntlets and iron boots. The boots and gauntlets were rocket powered and Ruby was hovering over the ground. She flew a little bit to the right and landed with a thud.

"Yeah, I can fly." Ruby said.

Most widened their eyes in shock at the level of technology.

"She's smart to the point of inventing those?" Weiss asked in shock and awe.

"These Ruby's are so cool." Sun said.

"I'm right here!" Ruby shouted.

"Winter.." James said.

"Already noted everything down sir." Winter said.

"Her tech is more advanced than Atlas." Glynda said.

"True." Port said.

Ruby was shown in a silver iron suit as shew flew out of her house into the sky and into the city.

"That's my superhero suit?" Ruby asked in awe "Its so cool!"

"Yeah. But something's missing." Yang said as she rubbed her chin in thought.

"Let's see if this dog can hunt." Ruby said in her suit.

Ruby flew higher as one of the boots malfunctioned and she fell from the sky.

"Whoa!!!" Ruby shouted.

"Oh no!!" Ruby, Nora, Oscar and Jaune shouted.

"Please be safe!" Summer said in worry.

"Why are you always so reckless?!" Taiyang shouted.

Ruby crashed through her ceiling, then the floor and landed on one of her cars as a fire extinguisher sprayed her.

"Yes!!" The teens shouted.

"No!!" Roman shouted as he cried anime tears.

"Geez, you hate her that much?" Cinder asked.

"Its not that!" Roman shouted, he pointed to the broken car Ruby was on top off "That car looked so expensive!"

Everyone sweatdropped as Roman cried loudly.

"Ma'am the upgrade is complete." The robotic voice said.

"Tell you what, throw a little hot rod red in there." Ruby said.

"That's what's missing!" Yang said as she snapped her fingers.

"Oh now I wanna see it with colour." Nora said excitedly.

"There had to be the colour red huh?" Blake asked Ruby who blushed and rubbed her head embarrassingly.

Ruby was shown equipping her iron suit in an awesome way. As the suit finished being equipped, the tech in her chest glowed brighter.

"Damn." Neptune said.

"Good luck keeping up." Ruby said as the mask was put on and the eyes glowed blue.

"That." Oscar started.

"Was." Jaune continued.

"Awesomecoolamazingthebest!!" Ruby shouted.

"Use your words Rubes!" Yang shouted.

"One word, Awesome!" Ruby said with stars in her eyes.

Ruby was shown flying in front of two jets, she stopped and flew backwards, making the planes part. The two pilots looked between each other and saw that Ruby was gone, when she was actually under one of the jets.

"Smart tactic." Ozpin complimented.

Junior was shown in his own suit and it was very big. Weiss was shown in front of him, looking at him in fear.

"Oh no Weiss!" Ruby shouted.

"Don't worry Rubes, you'll save her. You are her-" Yang was cut off by Weiss.

"Boss! Just Boss!" Weiss shouted as she narrowed her eyes at Yang with a blush.

Yang didn't respond as she just smirked.

Ruby was then shown being kissed by Weiss.


"Sure..." Most of the theater said.

The two blushed and had their eyes wide while everyone else was smirking.


Ruby was shown catching a car that was flying towards her.

"I would be impressed but Jaune did the same thing." Coco said with a shrug.

Ruby gave Jaune a dull look as he had a cheeky grin on her face.

Ruby was shown fixing the suit as she was still wearing it.

"What's going on here?" Weiss asked in shock.

"Let's face it this is not the worst thing you've caught me doing." Ruby said casually

Ruby widened her eyes again and blushed as red as her cape.

"Oh~ What have you been doing Ruby?" Yang asked as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Yaaangg!!!" Ruby cried out as she shoved her face away.

Qrow shrugged as he has been in similar situations.

Ruby was shown fighting Junior as he hit her with a car.

Some winced at this, Junior smirked though.

Ruby was shown being drowned.

Yang's eyes turned red and Summer and Taiyang were even more worried.

Ruby was shown gambling then she was shown blocking bullets being fired off from Junior's suit.

"That suit is so cool!!!" Ruby shouted.

"Definitely!!" Oscar agreed with a nod.

"There's been speculation that I've been parading around a superhero." Ruby said to a crowd.

Ruby was shown doing a superman punch to Junior as he's suit exploded. A blue energy beam was shown in the middle of the city.

"I'm just not the-the hero type. Clearly." Ruby said.

Most snickered at this as Ruby blushed in embarrassment.

"Even in another universe, you suck at lying." Taiyang said.

"Ah, I remember that day she tried to lie about the cookie jar." Yang said.

"Or that time she snuck out to look for my weapon workshop." Qrow said.

"Okay! I get it!" Ruby said.

Summer frowned, she hasn't been in her daughter's life to share these memories.

A tank fired at Ruby and she dodged the shot. She raised her right arm and a small rocket popped up, the rocket fired and hit the tank.

"Psshh!! What's that going to do?" Mercury asked smirking.

Emerald smirk "3..2..1.."

Ruby walked  away from the tank and it completely exploded.

Mercury jaw dropped at this and some dif the same.

Emerald laughed at his face.


"Iron Rose....I like it!" Ruby said.

"That must have been one of the best ones." Nora said with a smile.

"Eh, it was alright. Bumblebee is still number one." Yang said.

Bill floated up to the front as God Raven finished up writing in her book.

"So what'd you think?" Bill asked.

"You said there were more of those right?" Jaune asked

Bill nodded.

"I already love Marvel." Jaune cheered.

"Me too!" Ruby shouted.

"Me three!!" Nora cheered.

"Here! Here!" Qrow said as he sipped his drink.

Cinder raised her hand and Bill nodded at her.

"I have a question." Cinder said and Bill gestured her to continue "Throughout the showing, Ruby had a technological circle on the center of her chest, what is it?"

"Wait you were looking at my sister's boobs!?" Yang shouted.

Cinder blushed "What!? No! I'm being observant!"

"Mm-hm." Yang said as she slowly looked back at Bill.

"Okay..." Bill said "Raven!"

God Raven sighed " Ruby calls it The Arc Reactor. It's a power core made out of palladium, and was the initial power source of the first Iron Rose suit. Since Ruby was hit by a missile, the sharpinels could enter her heart and kill her. So Ruby created the Arc Reactor to keep her alive through technology."

"Why do I feel like you googled that." Bill asked.

God Raven flipped him off as he chuckled.

"So does that answer your question?" Bill asked.

Cinder processed the information then nodded.

"Alright then, onto the next one." Bill said

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