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Crawl Trailer

Many were still engrossed by the previous trailer with Roman, much to the dismay of his comrades, boasting about how he will always be a great criminal. Weiss grumbling about being some damsel in distress and Jaune hoping that he wasn't in the next one.

Qrow groaned as he clutched his forehead while looking around "What the hell? Is it over already?"

"Yup! Weiss' big sister hit you over the head with a bottle." Ruby said as she ate her popcorn.

"Wait, you did what!?" Qrow exclaimed as he looked towards Winter.

"You deserved it." Winter simply said.

"What? How!?" Qrow asked in disbelief.

Winter didn't answer and simply looked away from him.

"Don't ignore me Ice Queen!" Qrow yelled.

Winter didn't answer, making Qrow angrier as he kept trying to get her attention. Raven and Vernal looked at each other and laughed at the scene. But this all ended when Jaune cleared his throat loudly, causing everyone to look at him.

"Sorry to interrupt but I just gotta ask," Jaune said as he looked at Cardin "When did you get back!?"

Cardin saw all eyes on him and sighed "Bill sent me to another room or dimension or something, thanks for that by the way,"

Bill chuckled "It worked didn't it?"

Cardin rolled his eyes "I was in this room and all of you were somehow there with this dude named Kyle."

"Kyle? Never heard of him." Yang said.

"What kind of loser's name is Kyle?" Mercury asked with a laugh.

"And we don't know what you're talking about because we've been here this entire time." Sienna said.

"Anyway," Cardin said, sick of all of the interruptions "He told me to sit down and watch the universe they were watching."

"Another God!?" Emerald asked in shock.

Mercury gulped, knowing that he just insulted a God. Though the others were curious on how many of these Gods existed and why they were so hell-bent on kidnapping people to watch other universes.

"So what did you watch?" Nora asked.

"He called it Fairy Tail and I gotta say it was Kinda nice...I guess." Cardin said.

Tyrian snorted "Wait you just watched a bunch of fairy tales?"

Some laughed at this but Cardin just rolled his eyes while Bill, God Raven and Nanny Glynda face palmed.

"Anyway, it's time for another universe!" Bill announced.

"You said it was gonna bring a bit of thriller into our lives?" Amber asked unsure of what Bill meant.

"It could be scary to some of you or thrilling but all in all its not as bad as other universes." Bill explained.

Ruby gulped "Oh boy..."

Yang held her little sister's hand and smiled "Don't worry Rubes, I got ya."

Bill began the trailer and everyone was prepared of what was to come.

The screen lit up by showing the world of Remnant with clouds converging and spiraling around a specific area.

"The kingdom of Vale has issued a category 5 hurricane warning," Ironwood's voice narrated.

"Category 5!?" Weiss exclaimed in surprise.

"That could be dangerous." Blake said.

"If this was happening around the entire kingdom of Vale," Ozpin started.

"Then everyone would have to be evacuated immediately." Glynda finished.

"Aww look they're even finishing each other's sentences." Sienna whispered with a smirk.

Vernal and Raven giggled while Adam gave her a smirk of his own.

"All residents must evacuate immediately." Ironwood continued as a lineup of cars were shown in a heavy storm with one car tipped over and two traffic officers guiding a red land rover. The camera switched to show the land rover driving along a dirt path, inside of the vehicle was a determined looking Yang.

"Aw yeah! It's another Yang story again!" Yang announced proudly.

"But what are you doing driving during a hurricane!?" Taiyang yelled in worry.

"Exactly! Have you always been this reckless!?" Summer asked in disbelief.

"Yes." Most of the theater said in unison.

"You have no idea." Blake said with a sigh.

"I wonder how we're still alive at this point." Weiss said.

"It's a miracle we're still a team." Ruby said dully.

Yang rolled her eyes "Don't worry guys, I mean I do look like I'm a 'hurry-cane'"

Nothing, absolutely nothing could be heard in the theater as all eyes were on Yang with dull expressions, except for one.

"Hurry-cane! Ha!" Raven laughed.

"Boo..." Jaune booed "Boo I say, boo."

Yang punched him in the shoulder which knocked him to the floor. She folded her arms in frustration grumbling about people not having a sense of humor.

"Prep your families, your loved ones and get out." Yang stopped at her family house with another car in the driveway.

She entered the driveway with Zwei following her inside.

"Zwei's here!" Ruby shouted in excitement.

Zwei barked as he jumped onto Yang's lap though some were worried at seeing this.

"I hope he's gonna be okay." Taiyang said.

"Dad!" Yang called out as she looked around the house.

"You came looking for me?" Taiyang asked in disbelief.

"Well they did say all of Vale, so maybe I was worried about you." Yang said with a shrug.

Taiyang didn't say anything as he opted to blindside his daughter with a bone crushing hug.

"Thanks sunshine!" Taiyang exclaimed even though Yang was trying to push him away.

"Dad!!!" Yang shouted in annoyance.

Ruby was wondering where she was in all of this and wondered why she couldn't join Yang in trying to save their father.

Weiss sighed "I know what you're thinking and you should stop right now,"

"Huh?" Ruby hummed in confusion.

"Maybe Yang forced you to stay somewhere safe from the hurricane, you know how overprotective she is." Weiss said with a smile.

Ruby smiled "Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Is this it? Family drama?" Emerald asked unimpressed.

"Boring." Tyrian said with a groan.

"It barely started idiots, keep watching." God Raven said with an eye roll.

Ironwood was shown with several people behind him, in what looked to be a press conference.

"We won't be able to come for ya."

"So she's stuck." Saphron stated.

"Maybe things will be fine." Oscar said optimistically.

"Doubt it kid. With these circumstances, things are bound to go wrong." Qrow said with a groan.

"Well aren't you a ray of sunshine." Winter commented with an eye roll.

"I'm sorry, I'm just recovering from a concussion that someone!! Gave me!" Qrow yelled with a glare clearly meant for Winter.

Winter smirked "Wimp."

Qrow growled and opened another bottle, needing a strong drink.

"Dad!" Yang continued to call out as she looked around the house eventually ending up in the basement.

She crawled through the basement but stopped when she heard a growl, she used her scroll to shine a light behind her but she saw nothing, she looked around her and saw bloody hand prints on one of the pipes around her.

"What the hell?" Yang muttered.

"Is dad hurt?" Ruby asked worriedly and only got a worried shrug from Yang.

Summer wrapped her arms around Taiyang's arm as a form of comfort which made him smile.

"This just got interesting." Cinder said with a smirk.

"Okay, no longer bored!" Tyrian exclaimed.

Soon Yang spotted an unconscious Taiyang a bit farther away; she ran towards him, saw a wound on his shoulder, took off her jacket, made it wet and poured the water into his mouth.

"What happened to him?" Nora asked.

"I think that's a bite wound on his shoulder." Pyrrha said.

"Really?" Jaune asked.

"I'm not too sure, just a hunch."

The camera then showed Yang looking at the ground but she slowly turned around when she heard the same growling once again. She screamed as her leg was bitten by an alligator and she was dragged away by it.

"YANG!!" Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Jaune, Ren, Pyrrha, Nora, Coco, Velvet, Yatsuhashi, Fox, Sun, Neptune, Scarlet, Shade, Cardin, Oscar, Glynda, Taiyang, Qrow, Raven and Summer yelled.

"Was that a freaking crocodile!?" Yang shouted in disbelief.

"Alligator." Winter corrected.

"WHATEVER!!" Yang yelled with red eyes.

"I swear to God Yang; I already saw you die in one of these things. I can't see that again!" Raven said worriedly as she surprisingly held onto her daughter.

Yang was shocked but then she hugged her mother back, soothing her "Hey, I'll be okay."

"So she's totally dead right?" Roman asked.

"Oh yeah." Emerald, Mercury and Cinder responded.

Neo held up a sign with a tombstone that had Yang's name on it.

"I wonder how that blonde bimbo will get out of this one." Arthur said in interest.

"Who knows, these things tend to get weird." Hazel said.

Salem just hummed while Tyrian looked like a kid in a candy store.

Water was shown dripping into a puddle, then onto pipes. Yang's bloody leg was shown as she spun her yellow flashlight to turn it back on.

"Yang?" Taiyang called out "Are you hurt!?"

Yang shone the light onto her leg and groaned in pain.

"I'm fine." She lied as she tied a fabric around the leg with the flashlight in her mouth, letting out a tear in pain.

"It's okay baby, I know it hurts but you have to stop the bleeding." Raven said in full mom mode.

"Wow, she really cares about Yang." Sienna said in surprise.

"Of course she does, she always cared." Vernal retorted, knowing how Raven would always talk about her daughter lovingly. Despite her tough exterior, she still cared.

"C'mon pull through sunshine." Taiyang said in slight stress.

"So this is how it feels when everyone is worried about you in these things." Yang muttered.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Jaune with a friendly smile on his face.

"You get joust to it." Jaune said.

"I won't." Saphron said as she elbowed his side and he gave her an awkward laugh.

The hurricane was shown getting worse as the entire area was flooded with more water approaching.

"Hello! Can anybody hear me!?" Yang called out as a boat slammed through the dining room window of her house.

"Well I'll add that to the list of things I gotta fix in that house." Taiyang said with slight humor, bringing smiles to some.

"I'm trapped with my father in our house on the island of Patch!" Yang shouted as she was shown being dragged away in the water from her father. They both reached for each other but they were soon dragged apart.

"YANG!!" Taiyang yelled desperately.

"You know out of all the universes we've seen, this one could actually realistically happen." Qrow said as he had an uneasy feeling.

"Mother nature can be dangerous." Ozpin said as he sipped on his coffee.

"I'm glad Beacon can't get flooded." Ruby said with a gulp.

"Don't be silly, Ms. Rose" Oobleck said with a laugh "Tornadoes are still a major threat."

The students of Beacon widened their eyes at this.

"Indeed, which reminds me of the time..." Port began one of his tall tales.

Bill and company groaned and he turned up the volume to drown Port out.

Yang was shown talking to through a walkie-talkie "Please send help!"

Jaune and Ren were shown to be the same traffic officers from before, Jaune got off the boat and went inside the house while Ren stayed put.

"Jaune!?" Most shouted in disbelief.

"Oh come on!" Mercury yelled indignantly.

"Something tells me you're not gonna make it this time Arc." Cinder said with a smirk.

"Oh yeah, and what make you say that?" Saphron asked.

"Intuition." Cinder replied.

"Ten bucks says he survives." Saphron bet with her own smirk.


"Yang!" Jaune shouted as he looked down into the basement.

"No! Don't go in there!" Pyrrha shouted.

"Jaune down here!" Yang called out.

Everything got quiet as Jaune looked at the water, he looked to the side and called out to his friend.

"Ren you hear that!?" Jaune shouted but he was soon grabbed by an alligator and pulled down into the basement while Yang looked on in shock.

Pyrrha looked away while most screamed out in shock.

"Damn it, Jaune!" Sun shouted.

"I had to save her!" Jaune exclaimed.

"Well now you're dead." Neptune responded.

"Yu can't save everyone Jaune." Blake said sadly.

"Told you." Cinder said and Saphron was about to lunge at her and rip her limb from limb. Her brother may still be alive but seeing him die was still painful.

"Yang." Saphron said seriously.

Yang gulped "Y-yeah."

"You better kill that fucking alligator or I'm gonna make you pay for it." Saphron warned which scared Yang even more.

"Jaune your sister is scary." Ruby whispered with wide eyes.

"You have no idea." Jaune responded.

Taiyang was shown measuring the water as it increased while looking at his watch.

"In less than an hour, we'll be underwater!" Taiyang yelled as the basement rafts were shown being flooded with water.

"Don't die, don't die, don't die." Summer muttered with tears threatening to spill.

Yang was shown barely maneuvering along the kitchen counter.

"Banging on the pipes blurs their senses." Taiyang explained as he was shown banging on the pipes. One the alligators was shown diving into the water.

"I can distract them for you," Taiyang explained as he was shown hitting the pipes with a shovel while Yang jumped across from the counter to a floating table.

"We're gonna need to work together to get out of there." Taiyang said as he put his hand on Yang's shoulder.

Yang smirked "Wouldn't have it any other way."

"Man, their bonding without me!" Ruby grumbled with a pout.

Summer smiled and hugged her daughter "It's okay Ruby, we can bond all on our own."

"Thanks mom!" Ruby said with a laugh.

"You got this!" Taiyang exclaimed as Yang dived underwater in a tunnel and an alligator passed by her.

Yang swam up to the roof and as she tried to climb up, the alligator swam towards her and aimed to bite her.

"And she's dead." Roman stated as a matter of fact.

"Have a little faith." Junior said but then he laughed out loud with Militia and Melanie.

"I really don't like them." Weiss growled.

"It's like all of the main characters are dying, I love this universe!" Tyrian shouted out in joy.

"She's okay right? Right!?" Taiyang and Raven shouted in worry.

Bill just nodded which brought the two relief.

Yang was shown point her flashlight at the water.

"You need to go now!" Taiyang commanded as Yang pointed a gun at the water.

"I'm not leaving you here!" Yang responded in determination.

An alligator popped out of the water and bit Yang's arm, she screamed as she shot the gun in the alligator's mouth. Effectively killing it.

Saphron sighed "Thank you."

"You do realize she only killed like one of them right?" God Raven asked.

"Was that the one that ate Jaune?" Saphron asked.

"Indeed." Nanny Glynda responded.

"Then I am satisfied." Saphron said with a pleasant smile.

"Man, Yang's such a badass!" Sun shouted.

"Super cool!" Oscar said in amazement.

"Heh, I know." Yang responded smugly.

"Would've been cooler if she didn't get her arm bitten though." Neptune said.

"Yeah, maybe." Sun said.

"Less cool." Oscar said.

Yang jaw dropped and slumped in depression while Ruby rubbed her back soothingly.

Ren was shown getting flung into the water and surrounded by the alligators.

Ren covered his ears "Here it comes."

Nora's eyes widened and she screamed bloody murder, causing all to cover their ears.

Qrow groaned "Headache's back!"

Taiyang was shown desperately trying to breath as the water filled up the basement, Yang used a crowbar to puncture holes where Taiyang joust to be.

"You better save your father." Raven said.

Yang sighed "Yes mom!"

Alligator eggs were shown and Yang was holding a cracked one then Zwei was shown swimming through the water as he barked.

"ZWEI!!!" Ruby screamed as she grabbed the dog and hugged him tightly as he responded with a bark.

"Lots of screaming in this one huh?" God Raven asked.

Bill nodded "Yup, for the record the dog lives."

A bloody body was shown flung at a window and Mercury jumped at this, Yang was holding up a flare as she called out to a helicopter outside. But this was all for naught as an alligator bit through the window, flooding the house even more and almost drowning Yang.

"Again! How are you people still alive!?" Salem yelled in frustration.

"I don't know but I do not wanna go through that." Yang said as she pointed at the screen.

"Make me fight an army of Grimm, just don't put me in this universe." Nora said in slight fear.

Yang was shown hiding in a shower while the alligator was outside, it circled around and Yang opened the shower doors.

"Come on! You son of a bitch!" Yang challenged.

"Language!" Jaune shouted, earning popcorn to the face courtesy of Yang.

The alligator swam into the shower with Yang and the screen went dark.


The screen turned white and Bill floated to the front of the theater.

"So? Thought?" Bill asked.

"I am never swimming again." Yang said.

"Jaune when we go back home. You and I are going gator hunting!" Saphron exclaimed crazily.

"Can I come!?" Tyrian shouted.


"Uh...don't you wanna hunt Grimm instead?" Jaune asked warily/

"Screw Grimm, I want me a new purse!"

"Okay..." Qrow said as the rest looked at her in shock.

"Note to self: keep all lizard type Faunus away from the Arc family." Ghira said and Kali rapidly nodded.

"Okay onto the next one, ya psycho's." Bill said floating away from Saphron.

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