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The Avengers Trailer

Everyone stood with their jaws dropped and widened eyes as they stared at the new yet familiar surroundings of the rebuilt MMC. The room was as big as a stadium with counters and food stands with different kinds of food, lots of seats and couches spread throughout for different groups, café's at the edge of the room and arcade's right next to them.

Two large golden doors with Bill's symbol engrained on it have been the most prominent thing in the room as the walls around them briefly glowed blue after every minute.

"This place is amazing!" Ruby exclaimed as she looked around with stars in her eyes.

Ruby, Jaune, Nora, Yang, Sun and Neo had stars in their eyes as they ran around the room in wonder and curiosity.

"They look so happy." Taiyang said as he watched them.

"They're extremely childish." Raven said as she was unamused.

"I don't think they're the only ones." Winter said as she pointed towards Qrow and Summer who were eating a bunch of chilidogs served to them by a Bill in a hedgehog costume.

"How long did it take you to build this?" Glynda asked.

"I have no idea." Bill said with a shrug "Time is something irrelevant here but I can say that it took a whole lot of painful teamwork."

"I never want to see that half brained sergeant again." Nanny Glynda muttered with an angry twitch.

Bill's hand buzzed and a star appeared on his palm, he sighed as he looked at it then back at them "Look around for the time being, I gotta take this."

With that, Bill held his hand like a phone and floated off while uttering the words "What do you want fairy?"

"Let's check out the arcade fellas, that's where I can show off my true skills." Mercury said with a confident smirk.

"Sure..." Emerald drawled out with an eye roll.

"Last time you said you'd show your true skills was when you locked yourself in my room in your underwear." Cinder said with a glare as she walked past him and towards the arcade.

"How was I supposed to know the door automatically locked?" Mercury asked as he followed her.

"I'm gonna make sure she doesn't kill him." Emerald said as she followed them.

'Wait up!' Neo wrote as she grabbed Roman's hand and dragged him with her 'C'mon Roman.'

"Captain Roman, Neo. I'm a captain now." Roman insisted.

"That café looks delectable," Salem said as she hugged Ozpin's arm "Shall we Ozzy?"

"Excuse me?" Ozpin asked with wide eyes.

"Oh no you don't! The professor would rather have tea with someone that isn't trying to conquer the world." Glynda said as she hugged his other arm.

"That was ages ago, I've changed." Salem said.

"YOU HAVE!?" Everyone exclaimed.

"Well until all of this universe viewing business is over." Salem said nonchalantly and she then looked at her group "Temporary truce everyone!"

"Be that as it may, he has no reason to trust you!" Glynda exclaimed.

"Help me!" Ozpin shouted as he looked at the others.

"Can't, too busy enjoying this." Raven said as she laughed with Vernal.

"Sorry Ozpin." Ironwood said with an amused smirk.

"James! If you don't help me then I will tell Glynda about that shrine you built!" Ozpin exclaimed with a glare as the two women played tug of war with him.

Ironwood widened his eyes frantically "Penny emergency code alpha, 0017!"

"Retrieving headmaster." Penny said as he eyes glowed red and she dashed towards the three, she grabbed Ozpin and ran off with Ironwood and Winter not far behind.

"Well that was weird." Oscar said.

"Yup...arcade?" Whitley asked.

"Sure." Oscar said with a nod as the two walked off as they spoke about the universes.

"Adam was it? May I have a word?" Nicholas asked with a kind smile.

"Piss off!" Adam growled as he walked away.

"Apologies." Sienna said with a sympathetic shrug as she followed him.

"Animals am I right?" Jacques asked with a smirk.

Nicholas said nothing for a few moments but then his left arm shot up and he punched Jacques away. Willow was about to rush towards him but Amber dragged her off to the café while Nicholas hung around Ghira.

Everyone was busy with their own thing as they explored the area and it took quite a while till Bill returned from his phone call.

"Gather up Remnant!" Bill shouted as he teleported everyone in front of the golden doors.

"Oh come on! I almost won!" Mercury exclaimed.

"Thank you!" Cinder shouted gratefully.

"Can't believe she agreed to go out with him if he won." Roman said with a chuckle.

'What a strange world we live in.' Neo said as she silently giggled.

"What happened to him?" Bill asked as he pointed at Jacques who had a black eye.

"He-" Jacques cut himself off after Nicholas glared at him "I don't wanna talk about it."

"Whatever." Bill said as he snapped his fingers and boxes filled with popcorn, drinks and different kinds of snacks appeared in all of their hands.

"So we're gonna watch something cool right?" Yang asked.

"See for yourself." Bill said as the doors opened to reveal a dark corridor.

"That's not ominous at all." Coco said.

"It's very ominous though." Yatsuhashi said in confusion.

"Sarcasm my friend, she's using sarcasm." Fox explained.

"Oh, of course." Yatsuhashi said with an embarrassed blush.

"It's okay Yatsu, she wasn't being mean about it." Velvet said with a smile.

"Let's go team!" Ruby exclaimed as she grabbed Weiss and ran in.

"Let go of me!" Weiss shouted frantically as she was dragged in.

"Let's go Blake!" Yang shouted as she carried her bridal style and ran in.

Soon enough everyone ran in as Bill shut the doors.


Everyone was shocked again because the inside of the room was just as large as the MMC with a gigantic screen upfront and thousands of seats in front of it.

"How did you manage to build this!?" Jacques exclaimed.

"I'm a god." Bill replied nonchalantly.

"Yes well-" Jacques was about to say but Bill teleported all of them near the top of the seats where they had a great view of the screen.

"This place is huge!" Weiss said as she looked around in awe.

"That's what she said." Yang said with a smirk.

"That doesn't even make any sense." Weiss retorted.

"Sex doesn't make sense." Yang said with a laugh.

"And how would you know?" Taiyang asked with narrowed eyes.

"Your search history dad." Yang replied.

Qrow laughed as Taiyang blushed and stuttered out a response.

"What's a sex?" Ruby whispered.

"I have no idea." Blake said as she looked around nervously.

"You guys ready? Bill asked as he spun his remote.

God Raven summoned her book and she nodded at him "Let's do this."

"So what's this universe about?" Ozpin asked.

"It's the Marvel Universe." Bill replied.

"YES!!!" Ruby, Nora, Yang, Jaune, Oscar and Whitley cheered.

"The universe where I'm a god!?" Roman exclaimed "Yeah baby!"

"I hope we see more of this universe." Salem said.

"You mean see more of you?" Glynda asked snidely.

"No...yes..." Salem muttered with a pout.

"Is this one about Iron Rose?" Summer asked.

"Or Captain Vale?" Saphron asked.

"Nora?" Pyrrha asked.

"Or the Hulk?" Melanie asked.

"Eager to see your boyfriend?" Militia asked as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Shut it." Melanie replied with a glare.

"You'll just have to see." Bill replied as he started the trailer.

The kingdom of Vale was shown as the camera transitioned to show citizens looking up at the sky from a café window fearfully.

"You were made to be ruled." Roman said ominously.

"So Roman's back." Ruby said as she ate some popcorn.

"Great." Yang said as she rolled her eyes.

"This must be about me then, right?" Nora asked.

"Well the last one we saw was about Iron Rose." Ironwood said.

"I wonder if they will ever meet since they do exist in the same universe." Oobleck said with a hum.

"Most likely." Port agreed.

"In the future maybe." Glynda added.

"But taking account of the time periods, I assume Captain Vale might not meet them at all." Weiss said.

"What?" Jaune asked.

"She might be right Jaune," Ren said "Other you was shown in a different time period."

"Yeah, it's not like he time travelled or anything! That would be crazy." Sun said.

"Something about what you said makes me feel uneasy." Neptune said.

"How does it feel to know that this guy is a literal god Cinder?" Roman bragged as he referred to himself.

"One of these days Torchwick..." Cinder growled.

"A god who might be doing some evil things." Ghira said with narrowed eyes.

"Hey, what can you do when you're a god." Roman said with a smirk and shrug.

"You're really gonna run this god thing dry ain'tcha?" Junior asked.

"Yes!" Roman exclaimed.

Exploding cars were shown along the streets with citizens barely avoiding them.

"What the hell!?" Qrow exclaimed with wide eyes.

"What's happening!?" Ironwood exclaimed.

"Oh no..." Willow muttered in shock.

The military was shown arriving with their guns pointed to the sky and the police were shown firing at the sky.

"In the end," A Oobleck said as soldiers were shown warily approaching Roman, who held a spear and stood on a platform with his head down.

"So it was you." Winter said with a glare towards Roman "You're responsible for all that chaos."

"We don't know that yet." Roman said with a fake smile 'It was totally me.'

"It will be every man for himself." Nora stated as Roman's vengeful eyes were shown then he was shown launching towards the soldiers as the streets of Vale were shown exploding.

"What could cause such destruction?" Nicholas asked.

"What indeed?" Salem asked with an amused yet interested smirk.

"Nora you better kick your brother's butt." Ruby said.

"You know it!" Nora said with a wink and a grin.

A facility was shown with a Bullhead arriving and landing. Clover was shown standing in front of the Bullhead and soon someone stepped out.

"What do we do?" Clover asked.

James was shown to be the one exiting the Bullhead with a serious expression on his face as he spoke on a scroll "We get ready."

"This Ironwood looks like such a badass." Qrow said.

"Hey general, could you grow a beard for us?" Raven asked.

"I'll take care of the eye issue for you." Sienna said with a wink and a malicious smirk as she showed off her claws.

"Not a chance you degenerates." Ironwood said as he rolled his eyes.

"How are they gonna get ready?" Blake asked.

"I'm pretty sure an army still won't stand a chance against a god, I mean we've seen what Nora could do." Robyn said.

"Yeah your girlfriend is pretty strong." Amber said as Robyn blushed.

"She's not my girlfriend." Robyn said sternly.

"That's an understatement." Ren muttered with an angry look but he was soon calmed down by Nora shoving a piece of chocolate into his mouth.

"Tastes awesome right?' Nora asked unaware of the exchange Ren heard.

Ren blushed slightly but nodded as he chewed "Yeah, I might try it with my next batch of pancakes."

"YAY!" Nora screamed in joy.


Clover was shown fingerprint scanning himself into a room then Blake was shown walking ahead of Oobleck and Jaune.

Everyone gasped as they saw the three together.

"No way..." Ruby uttered.

"This is impossible." Weiss said with wide eyes.

"This can only mean one thing..." Oscar said as he started smiling.

"SUPERHERO TEAM UP!!!" Whitley exclaimed happily.

"He looks so happy." Willow said as she giggled.

"Please tell me Iron Rose is here too!" Ruby begged.

Bill rolled his eye "Just watch."

"I forgot to ask you Bill," Blake said "What's my superhero name?"

"Well you're a spy that works for Ironwood and your codename is Black Cat." Bill said.

"Black Cat?" Blake asked.

"Sounds fitting." Ilia said with a smile.

"I like it, it's cool." Yang said.

"There was an idea," James spoke.

"To bring together," Nora continued as Jaune was shown entering a room where his suit was waiting for him.

"The cap is back." Saphron said and some cheered at that.

"You're in trouble." Cinder taunted to a frowning Roman.

"A group of remarkable people." Jaune said as Nora was shown holding her hammer.

Nora grinned but then she pouted when Bill saw her and said "Don't even think about it."

Oobleck was shown entering a rustic building then he was shown picking up something and he threw it then the camera transitioned to show Jaune punching a punching bag so hard that it flew towards a wall as Nora was shown summoning lightning and an explosion was shown erupting behind Blake who was in a legitimately cool stance.

"Thunder." Nora whispered giddily.

"They sure are remarkable." Kali said as she loved seeing her daughter as such a badass.

"Did he just punch that punching bag to a wall?" Robyn asked in shock.

"Imagine what one of those things could do to your face." Hazel said as Watts rubbed his jaw uncomfortably at the thought.

"So when we needed them," James continued as Cinder was shown putting together her bow.

"I'm in this!? As a hero!?" Cinder shouted woefully.

"At least your archery skills are still there, I think?" Emerald tried to motivate.

"Yippee." Cinder drawled out sadly.

"What's Cinder's codename?" Winter asked.

"Hawkeye." Bill replied.

"This wouldn't have happened if you were a god." Roman said and that was when Cinder lunged at him in anger as they tried to get her off him.

"They could fight the battles," James continued as Blake and Roman lock eyes while he was being escorted to a cell then a Bullhead was shown with one wing getting destroyed.

"You were caught!" Cinder shouted "Take that!"

"So what? I must be planning something." Roman said as he rolled his eyes.

"That we never could." James finished as Ruby was shown looking towards him.

"OH YEAH! The weapon of mass destruction has arrived!" Ruby shouted as she danced in victory.

"Captain Vale, Iron Rose, Nora, The Hulk, Black Cat and Hawkeye." Ozpin summarized "Sounds like a powerful team."

"A ragtag group of misfits that save the world? Imagine this universe showed us a ragtag group of misfits in space or something?" Qrow said with a chuckle.

"It could happen." Taiyang said with a shrug.

"I'll believe it when I see it." Qrow said as he sipped on his beer.

"What's their team name?" Coco asked.

"Team CVIRNHBCH?" Jaune proposed.

"Oh team cluster-fuck, that sounds great." Mercury said as he rolled his eyes.

"I'm sure they'll tell us." Ozpin said.

Iron Rose's armor was shown then it was show powering up as its eyes and chest glowed.

"Let's take him down." Ruby said as she punched her palm.

"Huh, I never expected a team like this to get along." Weiss said.

"Why?" Blake asked.

"Well Jaune and Ruby may be idiots but they're both leaders and that could lead to some creative differences on who's in charge of the team." Weiss explained.

"True, true." Yang said as she understood so far.

"Hey!" Ruby and Jaune shouted at the insult.

"Nora's a god so her ego and pride may strain the team." Weiss continued.

"Like you?" Blake asked as Nora gave Weiss a raspberry.

" me," Weiss said through gritted teeth "Cinder and Blake look like spies so they most likely prefer working alone and they're teammates may not have the same experience so they may feel as if the team is slowing them down."

"That is true." Glynda said.

"Exceptionally true." Adam said, he may hate her family but the girl was right on the ball with her analysis.

"And Professor Oobleck may be unpredictable because of his anger and he may be the most dangerous thing to the team." Weiss finished.

Everyone was dumfounded by the accurate and detailed analysis of the team they are shown as most were shocked by her memorization skills.

"That was brilliant!" Jacques exclaimed in shock.

"Really?" Weiss asked as she looked at him in surprised and confusion.

"Such a calculating mind Weiss, I'm proud to know that it will be taking over the company one day." Jacques said.

"And he's back." Weiss said.

"That was amazing Weiss, I'm proud of you." Willow said happily.

"Thank you mother." Weiss said with a happy smile.

Iron Rose was shown flying through Vale as she suddenly turned.

"Awesome." Oscar said.

"Ladies and gentlemen," James said as the team were shown in a meeting room around a large table as they all looked towards him "What are you prepared to do?"

"Anything if you guys are trying to save the world." Vernal said.

Captain Vale was shown picking up his shield as Nora held out her arm and Mjolnir flew in to her hand as Iron Rose's mask was shown covering Ruby's face.

"If they manage to work together then they could be unstoppable." Winter said.

"That's a big 'If' specialist." Ironwood replied gravely.

"No offence but I don't play well with others." Ruby said as she glared up at Jaune.

"Big woman in a suit of armor, take that away. What are you?" Jaune asked as the team watched.

"Genius, billionaire, playgirl, philanthropist." Ruby replied as Nora laughed.

"Well then." Yang said as she smirked at a blushing red Ruby "Playgirl~ eh?"

"Shut up Yang!" Ruby shouted.

"Creative differences was an understatement." Cinder said.

"If you guys can't even get along then how are you supposed to fight me?" Roman asked.

"We'll figure it out, I hope." Jaune said.

Iron Rose was shown flying towards a missile as it flew towards the city then James was shown firing a rocket launcher as a car was flipped. Captain Vale jumped over a burning car while Hawkeye dodged a laser beam by sliding under it and she fired an arrow in return, Black Cat was shown taking down a man in black dress and flipping her hair up.

"Oh man this is awesome! I can't believe we're real life superheroes in another universe." Jaune said.

"Freaking awesome, right Ren?" Nora asked.

"Right." Ren agreed with a nod.

"I hope we show up soon." Pyrrha said.

"Aren't you already a superhero, Wonder Woman?" Coco asked with a smirk.

"Yes but I doubt it's in this universe." Pyrrha replied with a nervous blush.

"Could there be more superhero universes?" Watts asked.

"The Umbrella Academy count in my book." Salem said with a nostalgic smile at the universe.

"Who knows? The possibilities are endless." Nanny Glynda replied with an amused giggle.

Nora was shown jumping up into the air and going down to strike Captain Vale with Mjolnir as he tried to block with his shield.

"Dude I know the shield's powerful but can it really block an attack from a magical god weapon?" Sun asked.

"I...I...don't know, I hope so." Jaune said as he cringed at the pain that would bring, blocking or not blocking.

An explosion was shown in the meeting room and James and Oobleck were shown blasted out of the window.

"That's gonna piss him off." Qrow said.

"Not good." Summer said with wide eyes as she remembered what would happen when he got angry.

Captain Vale was shown firing a machine gun as a Bullhead flew towards Vale then Captain Vale was shown pushed out of a window and landing on a car.

"I'm so glad superhero you can take that or I would've killed you for dying!" Saphron shouted at a fearful Jaune

Nora was shown throwing Mjolnir as laser beams shot towards a bridge and destroyed it as Nora and Captain Vale were shown dirtied from the fight as they looked up.

"If we can't protect Remnant," Ruby said with a serious look on her face "You can be damn sure we'll avenge it."

"She's officially the coolest superhero I've ever seen." Mercury admitted.

"Seriously?" Junior asked in surprise.

"She's got the charm, style and cool armor. Sorry pal, she's cool." Mercury said.

Iron Rose was show flying up from the sea towards the city.


"The Avengers? I like it." Ruby said.

"Better then cluster-fuck, that's for sure." Yang said.

"Seriously Jaune, how did you come up with that?" Neptune asked.

"I just took all our first initials and combined them." Jaune replied.

"Let me stick to naming teams, Mr. Arc. I have a knack for these things." Ozpin said.

"The Avengers sound like a powerful force." Salem said but she then chuckled darkly 'With every powerful force of good, comes an equally powerful force of evil.'

"Dr. Oobleck, your work is unparalleled. And I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous, green, rage monster." Ruby said as clips of Oobleck were shown transforming into The Hulk.

"Thanks." Oobleck said.

This brought some nervous chuckles from the group as Bill teleported to the front.

"You really gotta be careful with him Rubes." Yang warned.

"It'll be fine...right?" Ruby asked as she looked at Bill.

"Who knows?' Bill said with a shrug.

"You do! You know!" God Raven shouted.

Bill chuckled as he disregarded her "What'd you guys think?"

"It was fantastic!" Nora sang.

"Amazing!" Ruby, Oscar, Whitely and Jaune exclaimed.

"Who knew these universes would combine all these heroes together." Ghira said.

"Quite a remarkable occurrence." Nicholas said.

"And a pain in the butt to kept tabs on." Bill muttered.

"What?" Sienna asked.

"Nothing! You ready for the next one!?" Bill shouted.

"Yeah!" Most shouted back.

"Good because we're gonna have to go to a place that is beloved to a lot of people." Bill said.

"Where are we going?" Summer asked.

Bill chuckled "We're going back to 1984."

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