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IT Trailer

Everyone sat in the dark theater in silence. This wasn't a comfortable silence by any means, more of a silence that portrayed a person in shock or in deep thought. Most of them were frightened though some were only slightly perturbed and contemplated on any logical reasoning for their current situation.

"Okay, what the hell was that!?" Yang exclaimed in a frantic state with worry over what might happen to her little sister.

"How the hell am I supposed to know!?" Mercury exclaimed as he tried to cover up his fear with some swagger.

"All I know is that whatever that voice was here for, it's red." Roman said as he gestured to a shaking Ruby who clung onto Summer.

"It will not touch my daughter, that I will make sure of." Summer said with a serious and determined look as she held onto Ruby tighter.

"That makes two of us." Taiyang said as he placed his hand on Summer's shoulder with a smile and nod to let her know that he's got her back.

"I swear that voice sounds very familiar." Ironwood muttered as he rubbed his chin in thought.

"What do you think of this Ozpin?" Glynda asked in slight worry.

"We may have no hopes of defeating this foe, if they turn out to be one at all," Ozpin said "This being has taken all three of the gods that have shown to possess powers beyond our comprehension, things don't look good."

"In other words, we're screwed." Raven said with a sigh, at least she'd be dying knowing that her and her daughter have gotten closer, even if it wasn't much of an interaction.

"W-What do we do now?" Oscar asked nervously and fearfully as he held his popcorn bucket tightly.

"Well I am not dying with any of you degenerates, so if you will excuse me." Jacques said as he got up and fixed his suit up before walking back to the exit hall.

"Wait we gotta stick together!" Jaune exclaimed as he reached out towards Jacques but Saphron stopped him by grabbing his arm.

"Let him go Jaune, people like him don't care for those who don't have Lien in their pockets." Saphron said as she glared at Jacques.

A few moments later Jacques returned with wide eyes as he hurried back to his seat and shed a few tears.

"The hell?" Qrow asked as he rose an eyebrow at Jacques.

Seeing as all eyes were on him Jacques coughed and miserably tried to fix himself up. Adam knew they were in a dire situation but seeing Jacques in this state was one of the most pleasing things he'd come to experience.

"I thought you weren't going to die with us degenerates?" Cinder asked with a teasing smirk.

"W-we cannot leave..." Jacques said.

"And why not?" Salem questioned in slight interest.

"T-The red...the red balloon will not let you..." Jacques said as he gripped his pants and rubbed his eyes.

"Red balloon? You ran away from a balloon?" Hazel asked with an unimpressed as some started to chuckle and laugh at that.

"It is no normal balloon you brute. When I walked through the hall, it floated right in front of the exit doors and as I approached I approached it...every step I took was horrifying." Jacques said as he shivered, Willow was about to go to him and comfort him but Amber held her back.

"What did you see?" Ren asked though he was a bit scared of the answer.

"...My worst fear." Jacques said and suddenly the screen turned on as the trailer began.

"What?" Sienna said as she looked at the screen in shock.

"Is this another universe?" Winter asked no one in particular.

"Let's just watch and see what it holds for us." Ozpin said as everyone grew silent and watched.

The trailer began by showing an overhead view of a small town, one of the buildings had the words 'DERRY' painted onto it. The scene changed to show Yang, Neptune, Ren and Nora but they were all younger as they each rode on bikes.

"When you're a kid," Yang's voice began narrating.

"So you guys are kids in this universe." Qrow stated with a curious hum as he slowly sipped on his bourbon.

"It's a little surprising but we've seen weirder." Yang said with her arms folded and her statement received multiple nods and words of agreement.

"Something tells me that this one's not gonna be as fun as the others." Jaune said with a gulp.

"I really hope you're wrong." Ruby said fearfully as she held Summer tighter.

Weiss was shown, in her underwear, jumping off a cliff and into a large lake as the group stood behind her and watched. The scene then changed to show the kids swimming in the lake with Weiss sitting on Yang's shoulders as Neptune sat on Jaune's shoulders and they play fought until Weiss fell into the water and Neptune celebrated.

"You think the universe revolves around you," Yang continued.

"Aww that's adorable." Kali commented with a smile.

"Before you even try making a perverted joke Yang, our other selves are still children." Weiss said as she turned to Yang with narrowed eyes.

Yang was about to say something but then she sighed and leaned back in her seat "Fine."

"What she's saying is true, you're the center of attention as a kid." Whitley said with a smile towards his mother who smiled back at him.

Winter scoffed "Well maybe you last born children but us first born children got chores and unfairness."

"C'mon, it wasn't that bad sweetie." Willow defended calmly.

"Fine then! Next time get the remote yourself and by the way, it's right next to you! It's always right next to you! Stop calling me when you and I both know you can easily take it!" Winter yelled.

"Someone's angry." Taiyang whispered to Qrow who laughed.

"That goes for you too! Do it on your own next time!" Yang exclaimed as she glared at her dad.

"Oh come on sunshine, I don't do it that much." Taiyang said.

"You literally complain when there's a single cup in the sink!" Yang exclaimed as Qrow chuckled with Summer.

Blake narrowed her eyes at her parents who refused to look at their daughter in hopes of not getting the same scolding.

Yang looked at Weiss who met eyes with her and smiled.

"So...I ship it." Vernal said.

"Seriously?" Raven said with an annoyed expression and raised eyebrow.

"Those two are giving each other the googly eyes though." Sienna said as everyone agreed.

"Huh...wanna go out ice princess?" Yang asked.

"No." Weiss said bluntly.

"Cool." Yang replied with a smirk.

"That's it? You're not gonna try harder?" Ruby asked.

"Nah, she's all yours sis." Yang said with a wink as Ruby blushed and Summer laughed.

Yang, Weiss, Neptune, Jaune, Blake, Nora and Ren were shown walking through some fields as a train passed on a bridge in the background. The group were then shown in a circle holding hands as Neptune's cast was shown to have the word 'loVer' written on it but it was possible to see the word 'LOSER' was the original word.

"You think that you'll always be protected and cared for," Yang continued.

"We can only try our best." Ozpin muttered quietly as he gripped his cane tightly for a brief moment.

"I like that all of you in this universe have such a strong bond at a young age, never lose that because it's clearly something special." Nicholas said with a proud smile.

"That's jolly old Nick for ya." Qrow said as he chuckled and playfully punched Nicholas' shoulder, Nicholas did the same which knocked Qrow off his seat with a groan.

"Damn it! Can you do that again pop pop? I wasn't recording." Winter asked cheekily and this caused Nicholas to laugh as Qrow flipped her the bird.

"Then, one day..."

A woman was shown putting up a missing person's poster that had the picture of one of the members of team CRDL up on a pole.

"You realize that's not true," Yang continued as thunder clouds rumbled in the background.

"Dude..." Cardin muttered sadly as he recognized that face.

"And there's that feeling of dread again." Qrow said as he chugged down the rest of his bourbon and popped another can of beer open.

"Don't you think you should stop?" Taiyang asked as he was worried about the amount of alcohol in Qrow's system.

Qrow downed the can and burped "Nope."

"Isn't this like your third one?" Summer asked in worry.

"Sixth and I can still keep on going." Qrow replied with a shrug.

"Drunkard." Winter stated with a glare.

"Aww I'm honored you know so much about me Ice Queen." Qrow said with a smirk "Hey did you know Roman was a criminal? Oh you did? Then stop stating the obvious."

"When your liver gives out and on your deathbed, I will personally-" Winter was about to say but Qrow beat her to it.

"Kiss me? Wow okay, I'm not complaining." Qrow said with a teasing smirk as Winter blushed.

"W-what!? No! I would never do that!" Winter exclaimed, she couldn't understand why she was so flustered by the thought of it but she would never reveal that to him.

"Sure Ice Queen, keep telling yourself that." Qrow said with a wink, to him it was just teasing and ignored the times when he's heart would skip a beat when looked at her, he just assumed her glare was so strong that it gave people heart attacks.

"Do they always flirt with such...ferocity?" Nicholas whispered over to Weiss as he was smiling at the two that were arguing.

"From what I've seen," Weiss was about to say but then everyone else joined her.

"Yes." The entire theater besides the Winter and Qrow said.

A school was shown with kids outside and a large sign by them that had the words 'REMEMBER THE CURFEW 7.P.M'.

"The only reason for a curfew would be because something was happening in this town." Ironwood said with an interested hum.

"The fact that they showed that missing person's poster, means something sinister is happening." Glynda said with a serious tone.

"At least Yang and the others are all in a group so they'll be safer." Taiyang said with a sigh.

Yang was shown hugging a younger Ruby who was holding a paper boat in her hand.

"Cause when you're alone as a kid," Yang continued.

"Aww you two are so adorable!" Summer exclaimed as she hugged Yang and Ruby as the two girls tried to get out of it.

"Cut it out!" Yang exclaimed with an embarrassed blush.

"Mom! You're embarrassing me!" Ruby exclaimed as she tried to shake out of her grip.

"Well isn't that sweet." Kali said with a smile.

Raven rolled her eyes "Adorable."

The paper boat was shown being placed down near a sidewalk in the rain as the water flowed down the street as a stream.

"The monsters see you as weaker," Yang continued as Nora was shown nervously passing team CRDL as they all smirked and stared at her.

"I hate bullies." Saphron said as she glared at the boys on screen.

"Try it and I'll break your legs!" Nora exclaimed to Cardin with a glare.

"What did I do?" Cardin asked in fear.

"You feelin' lucky punk?" Nora asked with a crazy smirk as she cracked her knuckles and Cardin furiously shook his head as she laughed maniacally.

"Remember that she's a god in another universe." Coco said dreadfully as Velvet sighed sadly.

"Those poor Marvel people." Velvet muttered.

Jaune was shown running until he was suddenly grabbed by someone. The scene changed to show team CRDL holding Jaune at the edge of a bridge as an older couple drove by and chose to ignore the scene but then a red balloon suddenly popped up at the backseat of the car.

"Jaune if you don't hold me back right now, I swear that boy is going to die." Saphron said as she started taking off her earrings and approaching Cardin as Jaune held her back.

"No stop he's too young!" Jaune exclaimed as Saphron lunged at Cardin but thankfully Yang and Ren helped hold her back.

"I didn't even do anything you psycho!" Cardin exclaimed.

"Lie!" Ruby exclaimed as she jumped up but then sat back down.

"Okay, okay! I'm calm...for now." Saphron said as she glared at Cardin but then back on the screen.

"Someone's got anger issues" Hazel said with a smirk.

"Hey pot, meet kettle. He's blaa..." Watts was about to say but then he stopped talking from the looks everyone was giving him.

"That wretched balloon popped up again." Jacques said with a frightened shiver.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure this universe is gonna make me start hating balloons." Roman said.

Ruby was shown running after the boat as it flowed downed the street and into an open sewer grate.

"No!" Ruby exclaimed at the loss of her boat.

"She shouldn't be out in the rain alone like that, it's dangerous." Summer said in fear.

"Why didn't I go with her?" Yang asked in confusion, when Ruby and her were kids, they'd always be together.

"Till it's too late." Yang finished.

Ruby looked down the drain in hopes of finding the boat but all she could see was darkness.

"Oh god, I sense a jumpscare." Robyn said as Velvet covered her eyes fearfully.

Ruby looked closer and suddenly glowing green eyes appeared in the darkness as Ruby jumped back a bit. Penny, in clown makeup, showed her face to Ruby and held up the boat.

"Penny!?" Ruby, Ironwood and Winter exclaimed in shock.

"Aww that is just all kinds of creepy!" Sun exclaimed.

"Why are you dressed as a clown of all things!?" Weiss exclaimed.

"Better question would be why she's in a sewer drain?" Blake asked as she was unnerved by the Penny on screen.

"Hmm, this other version of myself is quite strange." Penny said as she failed to notice the people sitting next to her inching away slightly.

"Ok the kid's gotta run now! That clown looks like bad news." Qrow said as he narrowed his eyes at the screen.

Pennywise smiled "Here, take it."

"Don't do it!" Emerald exclaimed.

"She's gonna do it." Cinder said.

Ruby reached for the boat as the screen went dark then the drain was then shown again but Ruby and Pennywise were gone as Penny's eerie laughter rang out.

"She did it." Emerald said with a groan.

"Yup." Cinder said as she shook her head in disappointment.

"No! My baby!" Summer exclaimed as she hugged her Ruby tighter.

"Can't breathe..." Ruby said as she tried to pull away.

"Where the heck did Ruby go!?" Yang exclaimed.

"My guess is she's either been kidnapped or dead, clowns man...sick sons of bitches." Junior said.

"I once met a clown once, we got along just fine." Tyrian said with a chuckle.

"Exactly proves my point." Junior said.

"My grandfather thinks this town is cursed." Blake said as Neptune was shown standing in front of an old, crooked and abandoned house that looked like it had no inhabitance for years.

"That's a literal horror house." Ren said with wide eyes at the unnerving house.

"Is Penny the curse?" Scarlet asked.

"Duh doy bro!" Sun said.

"That all the bad things that happen in this town are because of one thing," Blake continued as Jaune was shown reading through articles of the tragedies that have happened in Derry.

"Dang, you've got a kill count weird girl." Mercury said to Penny in slight respect.

"Thank you?" Penny asked, confused on whether that was good or not.

Neptune was show walking into the yard of the house as an old drawing was shown with Penny smirking in the background, hidden so well that if you weren't looking for her then you wouldn't have seen her.

"This is getting creepier by the minute." Yang said as she was getting a bit scared.

"C-can't w-we stop this?" Oscar asked fearfully.

"Please?" Ruby pleaded in agreement.

"I don't think we can." Weiss said as she was unnerved.

"An evil thing." Blake finished as Cardin was shown slowly approaching the red balloon and Jaune slammed the book shut.

"A lot of people are gonna die, you don't have to be a genius to figure that out." Cinder said as Tyrian grinned happily.

Yang was shown walking along the halls of her house and as she looked down, she saw muddy footprints leading downstairs. She walked to the kitchen and saw it empty and dimly lit as the muddy footprints stopped there, suddenly ruby appeared and ran to the side of the kitchen and away from Yang's view as she jumped in fright and dropped a Lego toy.

Most of the people in the room jumped in fright from that with shocked expressions on their faces.

"Whoa..." Emerald said.

"Ghost Ruby..." Nora whispered.

"S-so she's gone..." Summer muttered sadly as tears brimmed her eyes, Taiyang held her in comfort as Ruby clung onto Yang in fear.

Yang walked down the basement stairs and looked to see it flooded with water and Ruby standing at the far back with a sinister smirk on her face.

"That's not Ruby..." Yang shook her head in fear.

"Yang if you come with me, you'll float too~" Ruby said eerily as Yang backed away in fear as Penny slowly rose up from the water behind Ruby.

"Oh Oum..." Ozpin said as he started to feel some fear emanating from the Penny on screen.

"What is she?" Ironwood asked.

"Some kind of demon clown..." Clover replied.

"What the hell did she do to my daughter!?" Taiyang exclaimed in fear and worry.

"That statement again..." Salem muttered in thought of what Ruby said.

"I s-saw something..." Yang said to her friends as the group stopped on the road with their bikes.

"The clown..." Neptune said as he reminisced his encounter "Yeah I saw him too."

Weiss was shown in the bathroom as she turned around and she was suddenly grabbed by the neck by Penny who was grinning at her.

"Oum!" Roman exclaimed as he jumped in fear.

"Okay that got me..." Tyrian said as he slowly stopped grinning.

"How are they supposed to fight a demon clown who can do all of that!?" Jaune exclaimed in fear as Ruby shrugged as she curled up in a ball and hugged her knees but still kept watching.

"I'm scared bro." Sun said as he hugged Neptune.

"Me too bro." Neptune said as he hugged him back in fear.

Oscar took his empty popcorn bucket and put it over his head as he shook.

"You'll float too..." Ruby said as the group were shown gathered in the street.

"What happens when another Ruby goes missing?" Yang asked as she was shown down in the sewers with a backpack as she picked up a shoe and looked at it with her flashlight.

"Can't the adults handle this?" Winter asked quietly.

"Why does it seem like they just want to ignore this issue?" Port asked.

"Penny must have done something to them, I am sure of it..." Penny muttered as she did not like seeing herself portrayed this way.

Cardin was shown sitting in front of his car with his friends leaning by it.

"You'll float too." Ruby repeated as Cardin was shown staring at a knife and flipping it open.

"And another problem arises." Glynda says seriously.

"Or one of us?" Yang asked as she stood on the step of the house as she spoke to the group.

"You'll float too!" Ruby repeated louder as Ren was shown in a large, disgusting sewer drain, he shown his flashlight to the outside of the drain and Pennywise popped up to the side with a maniacal grin.

"Ren you have to get out of there!" Nora exclaimed fearfully.

"These kids are braver then I'll ever be." Ghira said seriously.

"Oh god the ways she keeps repeating it is scaring me too!" Vernal said as she covered her ears.

"Are you just gonna pretend it isn't happening like everyone else in this town?" Yang asked as an old, destroyed well was shown then a blue haired woman was shown looking at someone seriously then a doctor was shown with a creepy grin.

"Mom!?" Neptune exclaimed in shock.

"Wait your mom is in this one too!?" Sun exclaimed in surprise.

"Well isn't that interesting." Cinder said as she tried to mask her fear with a smirk.

"You'll float too!!" Ruby shouted as Pennywise was shown standing in a dark meat freezer as her eyes glowed green.

"Begone demon!" Roman shouted as he made his fingers form a cross in fear.

"I don't wanna float..." Whitley mumbled in a quiet and scared voice.

"YOU'LL FLOAT TOO!!!" Ruby shouted as the group was shown riding their bikes again.

"If we stick together," Yang started as Yang was shown looking at Weiss.

"Please don't die..." Yang muttered.

"I hope she can lead them well." Ozpin said.

"You and me both Oz..." Qrow said dreadfully.

"YoU'LL fLoAt ToO!!!!" Ruby shouted in a darker voice as the kids entered to house and went up the stairs.

"We win." Yang said as her and Nora looked towards the camera.

"Take down that goddamn clown...please..." Yang begged.

"We're dead." Blake said with wide eyes.

"No we're not, stop clowning around!" Yang exclaimed desperately.

"Seriously? Now of all times!?" Weiss exclaimed.

"It's a force of habit!" Yang shouted.

"YOU'LL FLOAT TOO!!!!!!" Ruby shouted as the kids went through a large pipe into an open area where they saw Weiss floating midair.

"Oh god she's actually floating!" Vernal exclaimed in fear.

"WEISS!!" Willow, Nicholas, Winter, Whitley and Jacques exclaimed in fear and worry.

"Weiss...please don't die..." Ruby muttered tearfully.

"I won't...Oum I hope I don't..." Weiss muttered.


The scene changed to show charred arms reaching for Blake as she held them back then Neptune was shown running at the side of the house.

"How is she even doing this?" Blake asked in fear.

"She's pure evil..." Salem muttered.

"yOu'LL FlOaT tOo!!"

The kids were shown struggling to get out of the water then Pennywise was shown contorting out of a fridge and towards the kids as a hand was reaching for someone from behind.

"This is horrifying!" Amber exclaimed in fear.

"Make it stop!" Oscar wailed in tears.

"Please for the love of Oum survive!" Summer shouted tearfully.


Jaune was shown getting pulled into the darkness as he screamed then a geyser of blood shot up and hit Weiss from the sink of her bathroom as Ren was flung in the air by Pennywise as their erupted in flames.

Ruby peeked through her hood when the music and screaming stopped "Is it over?"

"I-I think so..." Amber muttered.

Nora was shown turning around in a dark room full of clown statues with a coffin in the middle of the room.

"Oh hell no!" Emerald shouted.

Nora moved past the clowns towards the coffins as one in the background turned its head to look at her.

"Get out, get out now!" Ren exclaimed in worry.

She approached the coffin and Pennywise popped out with a roar as Nora screamed and backed away while Pennywise ran towards her with sharp teeth and claws.

Everyone screamed in shock and fright at the jumpscare.


"I-IT?" Qrow mumbled.

Oscar puked in the empty bucket of popcorn as everyone else looked shaken up.

"Looks like I'm gonna need a change of pants..." Roman said.

"Did you piss yourself?" Cinder asked in disgust.

Roman didn't answer as Mercury widened his eyes "Shit yourself?"

"I'm not gonna answer both of you." Roman said as he shook his head.

"Fuck clowns man!" Adam exclaimed as everyone screamed and shouted in agreement.

The screen went blood red as Pennywise's laugh rang out around them. They looked around in fear and horror in hopes of not seeing the clown. Suddenly a giant Pennywise popped out of the screen as half her body went through with glowing green eyes, razor sharp teeth and large beastly claws as she roared at them.

They all screamed and tried to run out of their seats as they jumped over one another in fear. Pennywise's mouth contorted open and eleven red balloons floated out and in front of her.

"Get away! Get away!" Salem shouted.

"Leave us alone!" Ruby exclaimed.

Pennywise grinned at them as she licked her teeth "See you soon~"

With those final words, Pennywise slipped back into the screen as it turned black again. A yellow portal opened as the lights of the theater turned on and Bill with God Raven and Nanny Glynda popped up.

"Heyo! One, two, one, two, three, four!" Bill exclaimed as music started playing and party decorations along with Halloween decorations manifested around the room.

"What the?" Nora muttered in shock as everyone had their jaws dropped and shook in shock and fear.

"Today's gonna be a-ok, cause we're celebratin' your birthday. Happy birthday..." The three gods sang as the first balloon popped and a Ruby in protective armor with an assault rifle in hand landed on the ground and smiled at them.

"Ruby!" Division Ruby exclaimed as she clapped her hands with them.

"We're celebratin' your birthday!" The four sang as they kept clapping as everyone was in shock.

"Today's gonna be a-ok, cause we're celebratin' your birthday. Happy Birthday..." God Raven sang as the second balloon popped and a Ruby with a large backpack and rifle landed on the ground with a small smile.

"Ruby." Last of Us Ruby said as she gave reluctant claps.

"We're celebratin' your birthday!" The five sang as they kept clapping and slowly Nora started clapping with them.

"Today's gonna be a-ok, cause we're celebratin' your birthday. Happy Birthday..." Nanny Glynda sang as the third balloon popped and a Ruby in regular clothes landed with a kind smile.

"Ruby." Beyond Two Souls Ruby sang as she clapped with them.

"We're celebratin' your birthday!" The six sang as they kept clapping and soon some of the theater started singing and clapping with them as they looked at a still shocked Ruby.

"Today's gonna be a-ok, cause we're celebratin' your birthday. Happy Birthday..." Bill sang as the fourth balloon popped and a Ruby in a long red dress landed with an excited smile.

"Ruby!" Salem Ruby sang enthusiastically as she clapped with them.

"We're celebratin' your birthday!" The seven sang as they kept clapping and soon almost everyone was singing the song.

"Today's gonna be a-ok, cause we're celebratin' your birthday. Happy Birthday..." God Raven sang as the fifth balloon popped and a Ruby in a suit and shorts landed with a smirk.

"Ruby~" Umbrella Academy Ruby sang as she teleported in front of RWBY Ruby and fist bumped her then teleported back.

"We're celebratin' your birthday!" The eight sang as they kept clapping everyone was singing the song.

"Today's gonna be a-ok, cause we're celebratin' your birthday. Happy Birthday..." Nanny Glynda sang as the sixth balloon popped and a Ruby in a leather jacket landed with a smile as she ran and flipped to Ruby then tapped her forehead.

"Tag, Ruby." Tag Ruby sang as she winked back and flipped to the other Ruby's.

"We're celebratin' your birthday!" The nine sang as they kept clapping.

"Today's gonna be a-ok, cause we're celebratin' your birthday. Happy Birthday..." Bill sang as the seventh balloon popped and a Ruby in a familiar mechanical armor flew around the theater and landed with a smirk and wink as she took off the helmet.

"Ruby~" Iron Rose sang along with everyone.

"We're celebratin' your birthday!" Everyone sang.

"Today's gonna be a-ok, cause we're celebratin' your birthday. Happy Birthday..." God Raven sang as the eighth balloon popped and a Ruby in regular clothes landed with a shrug and smile.

"Ruby." Godzilla Ruby sang with a grin.

"We're celebratin' your birthday!" Everyone sang.

"Today's gonna be a-ok, cause we're celebratin' your birthday. Happy Birthday..." Nanny Glynda sang as the ninth balloon popped and a Ruby with cat ears landed with an elegant bow.

"Ruby." Blake Ruby sang with a kind smile.

"We're celebratin' your birthday!" Everyone sang.

"Today's gonna be a-ok, cause we're celebratin' your birthday. Happy Birthday..." Bill sang as the tenth balloon popped and a Ruby in a police uniform landed with a smile and salute.

"Ruby!" Police Academy Ruby sang as she twirled her gun and it fired and almost hit Jaune.

"We're celebratin' your birthday!" Everyone sang.

"Today's gonna be a-ok, cause we're celebratin' your birthday. Happy Birthday..." God Raven sang as the eleventh balloon popped and a Ruby in glasses digitally landed in front of them as she summoned a confetti cannon and shot it in the air, Bill gestured all of them to join and they all ran to their side as Ruby remained with a happy smile.

"Ruby!" Free Arc Ruby sang happily.

"Cause we're celebratin' your birthday!" Everyone sang as the song ended.

"Whoo!" Yang cheered along with everyone happily.

"What is this?" Ruby exclaimed happily.

"It's your birthday child." Nanny Glynda said with an amused smile.

"We all came to wish you a happy one." Iron Rose said.

"It was weird at first but this is worth it." Last of Us Ruby said.

"It took me some time but I called in a few favors and got all the Ruby's we've watched to wish you happy birthday and party with you!" Bill exclaimed.

"So the whole IT thing was apart of your plan?" Weiss asked in surprise.

"Yup! I had Nanny Glynda ask her cousin to scare you guys good to keep up with the Halloween spirit." Bill said.

"COUSIN!?" everyone exclaimed in shock.

Nanny Glynda sighed "Unfortunately Pennywise and I are related."

"This day just keeps getting crazier." Qrow said.

"I need a drink" Willow said as she shook her head.

"You scared the hell out of us man!" Mercury shouted.

"It's Halloween, you're supposed to get scared." Bill replied with a shrug.

Ruby shed some tears as she grinned "Thanks guys."

"Enough mushy crap, let's party!" God Raven exclaimed and everyone cheered as music started to play

Bill chuckled "Happy birthday Ruby Rose and Happy Halloween to you all!"

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