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The Umbrella Academy Season 2 Trailer

"I actually have no idea what this one could be." Yang said with a shrug.

"Same weird family with new weird problems?" Ren repeated as he contemplated on Bill's words.

"What weird family have we seen?" Weiss asked as she looked around at her peers.

"Jaune's?" Sun guessed as Neptune burst out in laughter.

"Hey!" Jaune exclaimed.

"Resent that!" Saphron shouted.

"What? It's not my fault alternate you started a war with your neighbors or took game night too far." Sun explained with a shrug.

"Look how about I show it you so I can relieve all of your worries?" Bill suggested and they wholeheartedly agreed as Bill teleported back to his seat and started the trailer.

Ruby was shown in her uniform and red sneakers as she looked up at the sky which had a blue energy wave portal that soon dispersed.

"Yastu! Ren!" Ruby called out as she looked around in confusion as she slowly walked out of the alley and a tank passed by her while the street was complete chaos "Oh this can't be right."

"Is this?" Ruby asked with a grin.

"I think it is!" Yang exclaimed excitedly.

"The hell did we do now?" Ruby asked as Blake, Cinder, Ren, Yatsuhashi, Jaune and Oscar were shown looking to the sky as a large explosion mushroom was revealed to be what they were looking at and it enveloped them.

Salem widened her eyes as she grinned and let out an excited squeal with a little dance as everyone around her looked on in shock.

"My favorite team of heroes have returned!" Salem exclaimed like a child in a candy store "Oh joyous day!"

"Ma'am you seem so..." Tyrian tried to say but she glared at him and he gulped.

"Expressive, he meant to say that you seem so expressive madam." Watts came in with a save.

Salem rolled her eyes and went back to gushing over the trailer as Ozpin looked on with a small sad smile.

'It's been a while since she looked so...happy.' Ozpin thought as a sing tear ran down the side of his face.

"Professor..." Glynda said in worry, Ozpin simply shook his head and wiped the tear away.

"The Umbrella Academy!" Nora exclaimed in joy.

"I was wondering if these guys would ever make a comeback!" Yang exclaimed with a proud smirk.


"What was that!?" Ruby exclaimed as the destroyed town was no longer destroyed and looked relatively normal, if not old school.

"The end of the world, November 25, 1963." An older Mercury said to her.

"Good god, Merc is that you?" Emerald asked in amusement.

"Man I'm old!" Mercury exclaimed but shrugged with a cocky smirk "Still handsome though."

"In your dreams buddy." Junior said with a laugh.

"So they went back in time!?" Jaune exclaimed in surprise.

"By accident in any case." Penny added.


"And where am I now?" Ruby asked as the camera entered a shop and showed multiple shops.

"Vacuo, ten days earlier." Mercury responded.

"Well at least you still have time." Cinder said as she was still uneasy about seeing her other self related to any of these people.

"So does that mean they failed to stop the end of the world the first time?" Militia asked.

"Well nobody's perfect." Glynda responded.

"They tried their best and they will do so again!" Salem said confidently.

"I need to find my family." Ruby said as Jaune, with longer hair and a goatee, was shown raising his hands to the sky with multiple followers doing the same.

"Wow you grew up Jaune." Yang said in surprise as Pyrrha found the look oddly appealing.

"Oh my god you actually started a cult." Saphron said with her jaw dropped.

"I started a cult!?" Jaune exclaimed in shock.

"This Jaune Arc is the best Jaune Arc!" Salem said as she gushed over his appearance.


Jaune was shown in just his underwear as a woman put a flower necklace on him as they stood in a river.

"Ha! Always doing the craziest things because he wants to! Now that is something I can respect." Salem said with a laugh.

"I do that to..." Tyrian mumbled as Hazel sympathetically pats his shoulder.


Cinder, who now had shorter hair, was shown sitting next to Roman in a crowded room and looking quite uncomfortable.

"New haircut?" Mercury asked with a smirk as Cinder narrowed her eyes.

"Shut it." Cinder simply stated.

"I know I may not be the best company but you don't have to look like I have a gun to your head, geez." Roman said as he was slightly hurt.


Yatsuhashi was shown in just a tank top and jeans, exiting a small underground fighting ring.

"You and your outrageously big muscles my friend." Fox said with a chuckle.

"Maybe you should try some MMA." Coco suggested.

Yatsuhashi chuckled "Tempting offer but I am not a fan of violence and only fight to protect those I care for, like you, my friends."

"Aww Yatsu!" Velvet exclaimed as she hugged him.


Oscar was shown getting out of a broke down car and shutting the door.

"Wait I'm part of the family?" Oscar asked in surprise.

"You lucky duck!" Sun exclaimed as he wanted to be in that team as well.


Ren was shown sitting in a mental hospital with longer, disheveled hair and a beard as Neo sat next to him.

"Neo!" Roman exclaimed.

Neo grinned as she clapped her hands eagerly while Salem was cheering at each of the Umbrella Academy members being shown.

"Ren you look good~" Nora said with a dreamy smile.

"I do?" Ren asked with tinted cheeks.

"A shower and a few trims hear and there and you would look like a handsome young man." Coco said as she analyzed him.

"I'm just wondering what you did to get stuck with the crazies, especially her." Yang said as she gestured to Neo who rolled her eyes at her.

"I expected Jaune to be the one stuck in a mental home." Weiss said as Blake nodded in agreement.


Blake was shown driving a car with Saphron in passenger seat and staring at her.

"Why I am I just staring at her?" Saphron asked in confusion.

'Creepy.' Blake thought as she shivered slightly.


Ruby was shown teleporting into a building and appearing in another room with her family gathered.

"Looks like you found them." Weiss said.

"That was quick." Winter said.

"All right. First off, I wanna say we brought the end of the world back here with us." Ruby stated.

"Oh, my god, again? My cult is gonna be so pissed." Jaune said as everyone looked at him "I told 'em we had until 2019."

"We have until Monday." Ruby stated.

"They're doomed." Qrow said.

"Cynical much?" Taiyang asked.

"Have you met me?" Qrow asked with a raised eyebrow as Taiyang sighed.

"At least you acknowledge that you're the leader of a cult." Glynda said with a disappointed sigh.

"Oh Jaune, you're quite the humorous one and Ruby is quite the serious cool type." Salem said with a smile.

"Everything in our new lives is connected to the plot to assassinate the president." Ren said as he was shown looking at a small T.V that showed a man giving a speech then a sniper scope was shown "That can't be a coincidence."

"Ren is big brain." Nora said with a thumbs up as Ren simply smiled and shook his head.

"Interesting concept, now I wonder what they will have to do to save the world again." Ozpin said with a sip of his coffee.

"Do something crazy." Sienna said.

"The usual." Salem added.

"None of us are supposed to be here right?" Blake asked as Cinder was shown holding Roman's hands through a cell and Ruby looking at different photos.

"Ugh I'm gonna barf." Cinder said in disgust.

"This Ain't no picnic for me either Cindy!" Roman exclaimed as he cringed.

"We know something changes the timeline," Ruby started as a switch was flipped and multiple targets were indicated on a screen with a video of an explosion shown as a gold canister fell down a chimney and was opened by Militia "I have to make it right again."

"Ruby seems to be the one keeping them on course and focused." Blake said.

"Surprisingly." Weiss stated with an eye roll.

"Before anyone and everything we know is dead." Ruby stated as Junior in a milkman costume loaded a shotgun and placed milk onto a table then pulled out the shotgun and fired at the camera.

"And it looks like we're being hunted by even more people, fantastic." Cinder said with an eye roll.

"What kind of organization did you guys decide to piss off?" Qrow said as he chugged down his third can and opened another.

"Whatever it is, I'm part of it!" Junior cheered with a grin.

Junior, Militia and Melanie entered a room as alarms blared and they started walking down the hallway while firing their guns at Ren and Neo who ran down the hall and turned.

"Some ungodly amount of luck saved you from being hit." Junior said.

"That or you guys are terrible shots." Ren said with a smirk as the three glared at him.

"Who are those guys?" Neo asked as she and Ren looked around.

Most jaw dropped in shock as Neo dropped her pencil with wide eyes.

"N-Neo...You just talked..." Roman mumbled.

"Oh my god there's an alternate version of Neo that can talk!" Emerald exclaimed.

"Damn!" Mercury shouted in shock.

Roman grinned as he hugged Neo and spun her around "This is great! Even If you can't talk to me directly, I still heard your beautiful voice Neo! I'm so happy!"

Neo grinned as she hugged him back with a few tears welling up in her eyes. Roman finally put her down and they sat down but now Roman had a goofy smile on his face while Neo was ecstatic. This was definitely her favorite universe now.

Militia and Melanie were shown holding vacuum cleaners at the door when someone opened it.

"They're not here to sell vacuums." Cinder said to someone as she fought off an assailant and then she was shown flipping over a table.

"So even though they managed to get away from Mercury and Emerald, this organization is just going to send more goons." Cinder said in annoyance.

"We are not goons." Militia and Melanie shouted.

"Whatever." Cinder responded nonchalantly.

"The Commission will hunt us down wherever and whenever we go." Ruby stated as a man with a goldfish for a head was shown swerving in his chair to face the camera as Jaune was shown running from his cult and Neo forced Ren to face her.

"Does that dude have a goldfish head?" Neptune asked.

"I wouldn't have believed it if I haven't seen it." Scarlet said with his jaw dropped.

"This universe is really scaling up to being one of the weirdest." Blake said.

"Agreed." Weiss said as she shook her head.

Nora frowned and narrowed her eyes at the interaction Ren and Neo just had while Neo shrugged with a silent giggle.

"Jaune you can't run away from your own cult, they love you." Pyrrha said in amusement.

"Watch me." Jaune said as he shook his head in rejection of the cult.

"So they are called The Commission, quite ominous." Oobleck stated as Port huffed.

"Indeed." Port replied.

Someone was shown being blown back by an energy field aw Blake was shown sitting in a car as Junior approached her.

"Get out of there!" Ghira shouted.

Ren threw his knife and a man in a coat and hat dodged it as it was lodged into the wooden pillar behind him.

"Okay I don't think that was supposed to happen." Taiyang said in surprise.

Jaune was shown dancing down a liquor aisle as Blake danced with two other people.

"And the dancing continues." Vernal said in amusement as Salem clapped her hands in approval.

Blake and Jaune face palmed "Oh no..."


"I need a spotter." Ruby said to Yatsuhashi.

"What is that? Like a wingman?" Yatsuhashi asked in confusion as Oscar was shown shushing a woman.

"Oh Yatsu, you naïve giant you." Coco said as she shook her head in amusement.

"I did not seem to understand what she meant." Yatsuhashi said.


"You don't know anything about me!" Ren shouted to Neo.

"I know everything. You are an open book written for very dumb children." Neo retorted as Jaune and Oscar had a slap fight in the middle of the road.

"Ooh! Sassy Neo! I like it!" Roman exclaimed as he clapped his hand in amusement as Neo smirked.

Salem laughed "I believe children these days say 'oof'"

"Ren I'm sorry but that was such a burn!" Ruby exclaimed.

"Ice Princess, we're gonna need you on deck because Ren looks like he's about to melt." Yang said with a laugh.

Nora laughed as she gave Ren a sympathetic nudge "I'm sorry but she got you!"

"Very funny..." Ren said begrudgingly.

"Do I even have to ask why I'm childishly fighting you?" Oscar asked as he looked at Jaune.

"Dude this universe doesn't need logic." Jaune said.

"Jaune, is Oscar here?" Ruby asked.

"No, unfortunately, ghosts can't time-travel." Jaune said as Oscar was shown sitting on one of the couches at the back of the room.

"Are you kidding me!?" Oscar exclaimed at the lie.

"I'm a ghost!?" Oscar exclaimed as some laughed at Jaune's obvious lie.

"Yes, Jaune is the only one with the power to see the dead and interact with them." Salem explained.

"And you know this how?" Ironwood asked.

"The Universal Library." Salem said with a smirk.

Junior, Militia and Melanie were shown holding guns and aiming them as a cabin exploded.

"Holy shit!" Yatsuhashi shouted as he was falling and landed on a large bin as Cinder was helping people with a carpet and flashing lights rang out which caused them to drop the carpet and Oscar was shown walking through a blue force as a man walked with a monkey in a diaper.

"This just keeps getting..." Summer was about to say.

"Crazier and crazier." Raven continued for her.

"I was gonna say weirder and weirder but that works too." Summer added.

Ren was shown fighting off both Militia and Melanie as he broke one of the building windows and slammed a vase over one of their head as Ruby was shown holding a fire axe.

"Ren's got skills." Jaune said with a confident smirk.

"He always has." Nora said in agreement.

"You hold me in regards that are too high." Ren humbly denied.

"It's the truth." Pyrrha said with a smile.

"You..." The goldfish man said as Yatsuhashi was shown getting punched in the face as Blake flipped over a car while soldiers fired at her and Cinder was being pushed back by a powerful force.

"Yatsu!" Velvet exclaimed in worry.

"It's okay Velv, I doubt that was enough to take him down." Coco encouraged and Velvet nodded.

"If this is what I have to go through for a family then I'm good." Cinder said as she shook her head at the crazy shit they were going through on screen.


"This was such an amazing experience." Salem said with a happy sigh.

The family was shown gathering and sitting around a table for dinner as Ruby started to speak.

"All right, quick rundown." Ruby said as she pointed to her family members "Yatsuhashi, super strength. Jaune can commune with the dead. Cinder can rumor anyone to do anything."

"Except she never uses it." Ren interrupted as Cinder sent him an annoyed look.

"I heard a punched yourself in the face." Cinder said as Ren grimaced and gave himself a strong right hook which made him scream as Ruby smiled at and nervous looking Ozpin.

"You deserved that." Cinder said with a smirk at the chuckles this brought.

"He's alive!?" Yang exclaimed.

"They did time travel Miss Xiao Long; this might've been before Professor Ozpin passed." Glynda said which made sense to many.

Bill floated to the front with the remote in hand.

"Well what'd you think?" Bill asked.

"Seeing The Umbrella Academy again brought a certain joy that I have not felt in a very long time, thank you Bill." Salem said earnestly.

"It was weird, action packed and funny! The perfect universe that many can watch and enjoy." Taiyang said.

"I enjoyed it way too much." Ruby said with a grin as Yang nodded in agreement.

Bill chuckled "Well I'm glad and now we can move onto the next one, which will be both cold and absolutely heartwarming."

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