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Attack On Titan Season 1 Trailer

"Titanic? It's not Godzilla again is it?" Ironwood asked.

"Oh no this is completely different but kind of similar in a way." Bill said as he measured out his hand "Just know that it's going to shock you."

"Dude we've seen the weirdest and most dangerous things; this won't shock us." Sun said confidently.

"Kid you're just at the tip of the iceberg, the multiverse is way more dangerous." God Raven said with a scoff.

"And much stranger than what you've seen, although what we've shown you has been quite strange." Nanny Glynda said.

"Alright lay it on us." Yang said.

"How're your balls?" Taiyang asked as he looked over to Qrow who had requested an ice pack and placed it over his privates.

"Recovering, albeit slowly." Qrow said as he narrowed his eyes at Winter who simply smirked at him.

"Alright universe starting now!" Bill exclaimed as he teleported back to his seat and started the trailer.

"At that moment..." Weiss spoke as a cannon on top of a large wall with a city within it was shown then flowers were shown as she was revealed as a child who was wearing a pack that had multiple sticks tied to it "I realized..."

"Wow Weiss it's you as a kid again." Ruby said.

"Not that surprising since you've already seen me as a child in the Resident Evil universe." Weiss said with a shrug.

"Oh yeah, that universe was freaky." Yang said and the teens nodded in agreement.

"Why would an entire city be surrounded by large walls?" Glynda pondered.

"Maybe it's to keep them in." Pyrrha suggested.

"Or keep something out." Ozpin said as he slowly drank his coffee.

"That this world..." Weiss continued as a crowd was shown looking at the walls as smoke radiated outside of it "Was cruel."

"Morbid much?" Yang asked.

"To have come to such a realization at such a young age, what has she seen to feel this way?" Summer asked a little worried about the answer.

Weiss was shown being led away, Jaune was shown blinking in surprise and an older Yang was shown widening her eyes in shock.

"What is it? Why do they look so surprised? The suspense is killing me!" Nora exclaimed as she leaned in towards the screen.

Ruby gulped as she waited for the answer to be revealed and some were already on edge at what they will see.

"STOP IT!!" Yang shouted desperately as a large Armored Titan slammed through the wall.

"OH MY GOD!" Ruby exclaimed in shock.

"What the hell is that!?" Junior shouted.

"Not gonna lie, it looks pretty cool." Mercury said as he grinned.

"Cool..." Nora muttered as she stared at it.

"Wait is that what the wall was keeping out!?" Weiss exclaimed.

Robyn scoffed "Some defense that was."

A younger Yang was shown crying as a gigantic titan rose up and looked over the wall.

"Okay I see why there's a wall now." Sun said in shock as his instincts were telling him that there was something very wrong about this universe.

"What are they?" Salem asked as Watts tried his hardest to draw a sketch of what he was seeing.

"Oum, seeing these things in reality would immediately make a lot of people shit their pants." Qrow stated.

"Weiss you're gonna have to run!" Willow shouted.

"You too!" Saphron said to Jaune and Summer, Taiyang and Raven said to Yang.

Yang was shown gritting her teeth and glaring in anger then the Colossal Titan was shown swinging its arm as Yang was shown heading towards someone with teary red eyes.

"Whoa, who pissed you off?" Taiyang asked.

"Someone I feel bad for." Ruby said.

"Yeah my temper must've gotten the best of me, I guess." Yang said as she chuckled while her team sweat dropped.

'Ya think?' They thought.

"That thing is gigantic!" Roman exclaimed.

'Forget gigantic, it's colossal!' Neo wrote and Roman nodded in agreement.

A titan was shown grabbing a priest as he tried to run and raised him up over its mouth as it opened to eat him while other titans walked through the city.

Multiple disgusted gasps were heard with multiple shocked looks accompanying them.

"They freakin' eat people!!!??" Yang exclaimed.

"What kind of nightmare universe is this!?" Jaune exclaimed.

"One I'm glad I wasn't born in." Cardin said with wide eyes.

"Definitely ten times worse than Grimm." Cinder said.

"Ahem!" Hazel said which got Cinder's attention and he pointed at Salem who was depressingly hitting the wall next to her.

"I tried too y'know..." Salem muttered.

"Of course you did ma'am! They're so fearsome and powerful, nothing can contest them!" Cinder tried to convince.

"Liar." Salem said in a deeper stated of depression.

"Good job stupid, now we gotta deal with this." Tyrian said angrily.

"I see why they have those walls there." Ironwood said in worry for the civilians.

"This is so dark." Blake stated.

"Please tell me you guys are safe." Summer begged as she feared for them but mostly Yang.

"Please don't die you idiot..." Raven muttered.

Yang was shown being blasted into the city but her maneuver gear launched and brought her back to hang onto the wall as a small fist was caught and Junior was shown bawling his eyes out in front of Yang.

"Interesting to explain?" Ironwood asked as he looked at Bill.

"Nope." Bill replied as Ironwood rolled his eyes.

"It's basically a tool used by soldiers whose job is to kill the titans." God Raven summarized.

"Some have become very masterful with it." Nanny Glynda said as she briefly glanced at Winter.

"Wait people willingly go out and fight those things?" Oscar asked in shock.

"Are they mad!?" Whitley exclaimed

"Aren't huntsman mad?" Bill asked.

Ozpin chuckled "It seems these soldiers are not that different from huntsman."

"Why am I not surprised you became a soldier?" Taiyang said as he face-palmed and groaned.

"I won't die...right?" Yang asked as she looked at the gods.

"No spoilers." All three responded.

"Why am I crying in front of her of all people!?" Junior exclaimed.

"It looks like you've seen things man." Roman said as he looked at the Junior on screen's eyes.

Yang was shown avoiding a long swipe from the Colossal Titan and swinging around it and behind it, now over its shoulders. Then two soldiers were shown maneuvering at high speeds and one was unfortunately caught by a titan as Melanie looked back and screamed in shock.

"Focus girl! You can't be thinking about that right now!" Ironwood shouted.

"Hey man, leave her alone!" Militia shouted.

"If she loses focus then she'll be next, better to mourn now and focus on taking those things down." Clover explained.

"Exactly." Winter agreed.

"Military life must be tough huh?" Qrow asked.

"We're conditioned to deal with these things." Winter said with a sigh.

"Sorry you had to go through that." Qrow said.

Winter gave him a small smile "Thank you."

"No problem...nutcracker." Qrow said.

Winter glared and cracked her knuckles "You want me to do it again?"

"No thank you." Qrow said with a groan as he held the ice tighter over his nuts.

Multiple soldiers were shown maneuvering through the woods then and older Weiss was shown in her own uniform as a younger Yang held onto the side of her face.

"You too!" Willow asked with a groan.

"I have to do something mother." Weiss argued.

"I know but I just worry sweetie." Willow said.

"Becoming a soldier in this universe is basically asking to die." Mercury said as he hoped he either didn't exist in this universe or wasn't a soldier at all.

Buildings were shown being destroyed and some by just the titans walking into them.

"Architects in this universe must be the most patient people to ever exist." Ren said as Nora nodded with a giggle.

"Target sighted, engaging!" Yang shouted as she ran over a roof and jumped to maneuver over a tree and under an archway "This is my chance. I won't run away!"

"Get 'em Yang!" Ruby cheered.

"Please be careful." Taiyang said worriedly.

"C'mon..." Yang muttered as she clenched her fists.

Yang roared as she spun in a spiral midair, raising her swords and swinging them to cut the titan.


"Attack on" Yang said at the cool title.

"This was certainly an interesting one." Ozpin stated.

"Horrifying, it was horrifying." Ruby said with a shiver from thinking about the Colossal titan.

Bill teleported to the front "So?"

"You take us from a wondrous world of ice and humor to a world filled with human eating giants; you're sick man." Sun said.

"You have no idea how many people have told me that." Bill said with an uncaring shrug.

"Lots of people die in this universe, don't they?" Glynda asked.

"Understatement of the century." God Raven said.

Bill chuckled "Alright onto the next one but first I gotta ask you guys, how far would you go for those you care about?"

They contemplated on the question before starting to answer.

"Pretty far, I guess." Yang said as she thought of Ruby.

"I'd do anything I can." Jaune stated as he thought of his friends.

"I'd even kill for them." Tyrian said as he thought of Salem.

"Let me rephrase," Bill said as he stopped spinning the remote "Would you go to world's end for them?"

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