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The Greatest Showman Trailer

Everyone piled into the theater and took their seats as the doors shut. Oscar sat next to Ruby and Yang while Saphron sat next to Jaune and Pyrrha. The twins, Militia and Melaine sat with Junior in Cinder's group.

"So Bill what'cha got for us this time?" Yang asked, excited to see a new universe.

"The Greatest Showman." Bill answered.

"The Greatest Showman?" Pyrrha asked confused.

"What is it about, some kind of magician?" Qrow asked.

"Something like that." Bill answered

"Then it's obviously gonna be about me." Mercury said smirking

"Shut it punk! It's gonna be about me!" Roman said.

The two glared at each other, ready to fight but stopped when they heard Cinder cleared her throat. They nervously turned to see a small fire in her hand and fire tracing her eyes.

"You were saying?" Cinder asked darkly.

They gulped and sat down acting like nothing happened as some people laughed.

"Anyway let's get this show on the road!" Yang shouted and people groaned.

Bill Rolled his eye and started the trailer.

Sounds of a typewriter were heard. The camera then showed an office of people working on typewriters. The camera zoomed in and changed to show Ozpin in red vest and white dress shirt with a pencil in his mouth, working on one of the typewriters.

"So old Ozzy shows up once again." Qrow said sipping on his drink.

"It's about you this time huh." James said.

"I guess so. I wonder what my role in this universe is." Ozpin said.

"Can I have your attention." Jacques Schnee's voice was heard.

"Great dad's back." Weiss grumbled and Winter squeezed her shoulder in support.

The some of the faunus growled in hatred.

The camera switched to show everyone had stopped working. It then switched to show Ozpin, with a paper in his hand, standing with Jacques.

"You're all dismissed." Jacques said.

Ozpin looked at Jacques "Bankrupt?"

"Better luck with your next job." Jacques said as he walked past Ozpin.

Ozpin stood there in shock and disbelief.

Some of the members felt bad for Ozpin and Ozpin sat there feeling bad for his other self as well.

"I'm sorry." Glynda said as Ozpin gave her a small smile.

"It's quite alright Glynda."

"Maybe things will get better." Ruby said as some smiled.

"Always the optimist, Ms.Rose." Ozpin said.

The camera showed Ozpin entering a room and then it showed water dripping down into a bucket. Ozpin looked at the bucket then up at the roof.

"Well this is new." Raven said as she smirked.

"What is?" Vernal

"Ozpin is actually having financial problems." Raven answered, loud enough for the beacon group to hear her.

Some scowled at her and most tried to ignore her.

Ozpin blew out a candle as the camera showed a city at night.

"This is not the life I promised you." Ozpin said.

The camera then showed Glynda smiling at Ozpin as he smiled lovingly at her.

"Not even close." Ozpin said.

"Oh." Weiss started.

"My." Yang said.

"Oum!" Ruby shouted.

"I knew it! I knew there was something going on between you two!" Qrow shouted.

Glynda blushed "N-no there isn't!"

"That's right. Glynda and I are just friends, that's all." Ozpin said.

'Sure you are.' Everyone in the theater thought.

"But you gotta admit. What he said was sweet." Saphron said

The camera then showed Ozpin alone at a bar with a bottle of beer.

"Drinking won't help you Ozpin." Winter said as she narrowed her eyes at a beer chugging Qrow.

The camera showed a view of the city then went to Ozpin sitting with Glynda and two kids. A girl with silver hair and a girl with blonde hair.

"We have kids!!!" Glynda shouted as she jaw dropped and was as red as Ruby's cape.

"Well, well Ozzy. You've been busy." Qrow smirked as he said this and some of the adults chuckled as the two turned red.

Ozpin spun a silver cup on a candle as lights surrounded them.

"Girls. I think I have an idea." Ozpin said as Glynda smiled at him

"What do you think it is?" Ruby asked.

Yang shrugged.


The camera showed Ozpin walking into a building while wearing a top hat. It then showed banners being rolled down a building

It then showed Ozpin standing with his family, smiling at the building.

"I still can't believe that you guys are a family." Taiyang said.

"I just blows my mind."Oobleck said.

"But remember this is an alternate universe. We are just friends here." Ozpin said.

The scene changed to show Ozpin smiling in a small house.

"P.T Ozpin. At your service." Ozpin said as he held out his hand.

The camera showed Velvet as she shook his hand wearily.

"Look Velvet you've finally arrived." Coco said and Velvet smiled shyly.

"Y-yeah." Velvet muttered.

"I'm putting together a show." Ozpin said

The camera panned to Ozpin's face.

"And I need a star."

"Whoa! I get it now!" Ruby said.

"What?" Nora asked.

"Ozpin is creating a circus!" Ruby shouted.

"And our little Velvet is the star!" Coco shouted as she hugged her friend "Oh! I'm so proud of You!"

Some chuckled at them.

The camera showed Ozpin standing in the middle of people doing flips and circus acts.

"Please tell me there won't be any clowns." Blake said.

"C-clowns?" Oscar and Jaune asked fearfully.

"Wait you guys are scared of clowns?" Weiss asked.

They both blushed in embarrassment as Saphron laughed.

"Jaune always has been." Saphron said.

Blake sighed "Well at least it's just you guys."

Blake blinked when she heard someone clear their throat. She turned around and jaw dropped to see, Yang being crushed to death by a scared and shaking Ruby.

"" Yang breathed out.

Blake and Weiss immediately ran to them and went to work on prying their team leader off Yang.

The camera then showed Blake spinning midair on a ring.

"Look honey! You're in this one!" Kali shouted and Blake widened her eyes.

"Woah! I knew I would but I didn't think it would be this soon." Blake said in disbelief.

"Every one of us is special." Ozpin said as the camera showed Jaune tying his scarf.

"There he is!" Yang shouted

"It wouldn't be another universe if Jaune wasn't here." Ruby said

"How many has Jaune been in?" Saphron asked.

"All of the five that we've seen." Roman answered.

"Oh. Well that's surprising." Saphron said and Nora nodded.

"Yeah there's one where Jaune is a magician and one where he is a soldier and even one where he is married!" Nora said.

"Married! To who?" Saphron asked.

Nora was about to answer but Jaune quickly put his hand over her mouth.

"Nobody! You don't know her." Jaune replied to Saphron quickly and nervously.

'If she finds out that I'm married to Pyrrha in another universe then she's going to try and set me up with her every single time she sees me.' Jaune thought.

"Oh okay." Saphron answered but inwardly, she knew that she was going to find out eventually.

The camera showed Ilia with a group of faunus behind her, walking through a crowd of rich looking people.

The faunus felt a sense of pride, seeing how they banded together and took charge peacefully. This even brought a smile to Adam's face.

Blake put her around Ilia and her her as smile which caused the girl to blush profusely.

"And Nobody! Is like anyone else!" As Ozpin said this, both Sun and Neptune did a backflip together.

"So true!" Summer shouted out.

Some rolled their eyes while most agreed.

"I think I like that version better than ours." Amber said

"That's the point of my show." Ozpin said with a smile and Velvet smiled back.

"I wanna join your show!" Ruby shouted.

"Me too! It looks like so much fun!" Nora agreed

"Ready?" Ozpin asked as Ilia was shown with a bunch of faunus.

Then Blake was shown standing next to Velvet.

Ozpin breathed out as he smirked and put on his hat "Showtime!"

"Never thought I'd join the circus." Blake said.

"I never thought I'd be running one, Ms. Belladonna." Ozpin said.

The curtains opened and Ozpin stepped out as the crowd cheered.


The camera showed Ozpin and Glynda dancing on a rooftop.

"I get you guys want to be romantic but isn't that a bit dangerous?" Taiyang asked.

"Shut up Taiyang! It's beautiful!" Summer shouted.

The men were shocked to see how many of the women were cooing the scene.

The camera showed Blake swinging towards the camera. It then showed Jaune slowly taking off his hat as Blake reached him and held out her hand as she looked really beautiful in slow motion.

"Whoa!" Most of the crowd said.

"Blake you are so beautiful." Ilia said until she realized she said it out loud, she blushed red.

Blake blushed "T-thanks."

The camera then showed a people at a bar dancing. Then the camera showed a young Ozpin chasing a young Glynda who was dancing.

"So it all started when you were kids!" Weiss said.

"That is so cute!!" Winter cooed and soon most of the women joined in.

"What is happening!?" Roman shouted.

The camera showed Ozpin walking past bleachers.

The camera then showed Ilia and the faunus doing a dance.

"This is me!" They shouted

"I'm really digging this music." Yang said.


Ozpin was shown smiling and then he was shown dancing with his show.

"Definetly like this one more." Amber said as Bill chuckled.


Jaune was smiling and then he was shown jumping onto a bar counter as he danced.

"Arc! Sweet Oum! Would you Respect the bar!" Junior shouted and Jaune jaw dropped.


The camera showed Glynda running with Ozpin hand in hand, smiling happily.

"Aww!!" The girls cooed as Glynda turned red.


Weiss smiled and lifted a glass of champagne. Then it showed her singing in a long gown.

"Weiss is here too!" Ruby said.

"Better than the one in Bad Neighbors." Weiss grumbled as Yang snickered.


Blake is shown swinging from a rope with a smile. Then she is shown walking in a circle with Jaune, under a spotlight. Then Jaune wrapped his hand around her hips and they were pulled up by the rope.

Blake widened her eyes as Jaune blushed. Pyrrha, Ilia and Velvet grew jealous as Ghira narrowed his eyes at Jaune

"Jaune no offense but it's never going to happen." Blake said.

"None taken." Jaune answered.

Ozpin was shown pulling a blindfold off Glynda as she grinned at what she saw.

"I ship it so hard!!" Summer shouted as most laughed while Glynda became red and Ozpin sighed.

Then Jaune and Ozpin were shown as they both put on their hats and looked at people breathing fire.

"Oooooh!!!" Summer, Nora and Ruby said with stars in their eyes.

Blake is shown holding a very beaten up Jaune's hand with tears in her eyes.

The beacon students gasped.

"Jaune what happened!" Pyrrha shouted.

"Oh no Jaune! Ruby shouted in worry for her friend.

"I'm so sorry." Saphron said as she hugged him.

"Guys I'm fine, tough other me isn't." Jaune said.

Glynda is seen teaching towards the camera.

Then Ozpin is shown running through the streets.

Young Ozpin and Young Glynda were shown looking at an old house covered in roots.

Then Ozpin and Glynda are shown kissing lovingly.

"Aww!!" The girls cooed as Glynda blushed while Ozpin was slightly red.

He blushed even more when both Qrow and Taiyang both gave him thumbs up.

Ozpin and Glynda's daughter was shown as she was dancing in a play while Glynda and her other daughter clapped.

Glynda had a small smile on her face, once she saw how supportive she is as a mother.

The camera showed an overhead view of the circus then it showed everyone spinning in slow motion.

The camera showed Ozpin's face.

"No-one ever made a difference by being like everyone else." Ozpin said

The camera then showed them posing during their show.


"That's actually really true." Raven said, she hated to agree with him but the man was right.

"Even in another universe, you are still as wise as ever." Glynda said and Ozpin smiled.

"Thank you Glynda."

"Hey you two, stop with the constant flirting, there's more." Qrow said as he pointed at the screen.

The adults around them laughed at their red faces.

"I can't just run off and join the circus." Jaune said.

"Why not? You clearly have a flair for show business." Ozpin said.

"Yeah Jaune, go be a clown." Saphron said as she pinched her brother's cheek.

Jaune flinched at the word clown "N-no thanks."

The teens laughed at his expense

"For show business?" Jaune asked confused.

Ozpin nodded "Mm-hm!"

"I've never heard of it." Jaune said.

"What! You've never heard of show business Arc!??!" Roman shouted.

"What kind of planet size rock have you been living under!?" Mercury shouted.

Cardin laughed as Jaune rolled his eyes.

"Maybe show business doesn't exist in their world?" Jaune said.

Cardin laughed even more "Ha! And Grimm fly!"

Ruby leaned over to her team "Don't Grimm already fly?"

Blake shushed her and smirked "Something tells me that idiot is about to get shown up, even without our help."

"Cause I've just invented it." Ozpin said as he smirked.

Cardin stopped laughing and soon all eyes were on him.

"3, 2, 1." Bill counted down then everyone laughed at the boy, Even Salem let out a chuckle.

It was a good 5 minutes before everyone finally calmed down. Bill flipped the remote as he floated in front of the screen.

"Alright! Next one!" Bill shouted.

"Wait! What's it called?" Nora and Ruby asked.

"You'll see!" Bill shouted as he teleported back to his seat and started the trailer

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