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On a dirt road a red car with horns at the front was driving through a dirt Road.

Red car: So there I am on the lookout, when out of nowhere these high beam come up on my rear view and it hits me I'm illegally parked.

In another part of the world a blue Motorcycle was driving through road and the person on the motorcycle was a boy in a red jacket with a silver helmet.

Boy : Another parking ticket Cliff that's your 5th one you got.

Cliffjumper: I got something better kid the boot.

Motorcycle: A big metal tire clamp that impossible to remove.

Cliff: Bingo! So the local police do there job and let them get all the way down the blockThen I kick of my new shoe and Bang!

Motorcycle: Atlas finest soil themselves .

Cliff: You know me you two. Mess with Cliffjumper

Boy and Motorcycle: And you get the horns.

Boy: Arcee how many times has he said that.

Arcee: A lot Danny. Also I'm not sure that complies with Autobots rule number one, always keep a low profile .

Cliff: What can I say. Patrolling for Energon out her in dullsville gets tiresome. Almost makes me miss the Decepticons.

Arcee: Like Vale is a party ? We're alone wherever we travel on this rock, Cliff.

Danny: I guess you could say that.

In cliffjumpers area he began to get a signal.

Cliff: I got a signal.

Danny: Do you need help.

Cliff: Do I ever need it ?

As was said Cliffjumper drove to the area of the signal and he found a big pit with big crystals composed of Energon.

Cliff: I just found a whole lot of Energon.

But then a shadow loomed over Cliffjumper.
He then transformed into robot mod and looked and the giant ship above him.

(IT has a black and purple coloration and the front of it is red)
Cliff: Decepticons.

The cannons on the bottom of the ship aimed at cliff and shot at him the blast caused him to fly and he crashed into the Energon. On the body of the giant ship a door opens and decepticon warriors landed  surrounded him.

Cliff: Hey guys about that backup.

The decepticons wait until cliffjumper makes a move.

Cliff: Fair warning boys I'll put a few dings in you.

Cliffjumper changed into vehicle mode and drove full speed at his opponents and gets sent into the air for a second before slamming his fist in the ground.

In another area of the a blue and red truck Drove through a road until he contacted by Arcee.

Arcee: Arcee to Optimus. The con's are back. Cliff might be neck deep in scrap.

Optimus: Understood. Ratchet, do you have cliffjumpers coordinates?

Ratchet: I'm locked on his signal, Optimus. But our team is separated across different zones.

Optimus: Arcee, bulkhead, bumblebee Rendezvous back to base and prepare to ground bridge. Daniel I need to remain at base.

Danny: * Sigh* Alright Dad.

Optimus could tell that he was unhappy that he couldn't go with him again.

Optimus: Sorry Son but you can't join us this time.


Back with Cliffjumper he was holding his own against the decepticons. He knocked one con away he tried to strike at another but that con Dodged it. One con stroke cliff in the back, the next kicked him, and finally the last one stroke cliff in the face and one of his horns were severed. Because of that attack Cliff was sent flying into the Pit but he managed to get land perfectly. The cons followed after him.

Cliffjumper: You want the horns? You got them.

As he said that his arms into cannons and started firing Energon blasts at the cons. Cliff managed to hit one con but the others started firing their own shots. Cliffjumper dodged their attacks while firing his own but the shots that Cliff avoided hit the Energon crystals and caused them to explode. Cliffjumper was caught in the explosion and some Decepticons. Two surviving cons dragged the injured Autobot back to their ship. Watching from inside the Decepticon warship was Starscream looking angry.

Starscream: The Energon. It's worthless to me now.

Behind him the two decepticons that have Cliffjumper dragged him in front of the leader.

Cliffjumper: Scream. It's been awhile * Cough* so where's your master?

Starscream: Never mind him! I'm my own master.

Starscream then thrusted his sharp claws through Cliffjumpers chest causing him to grunt in pain.

Starscream: Any more questions?

Starscream retracted his hand while Cliffs Energon leaked out of him. Cliffjumper fell to his knees until his body went limp and hit the ground.

Starscream: Clean that up.

The Decepticon warship flew away while on the ground a portal opened and five vehicles
Jump out and transformed into their robot modes with weapons out.

( Imagine them with weapons)

Optimus prime looked at their surroundings but saw no signs of Decepticons.

Optimus: An untapped Energon deposit.

Bulkhead: What's left of it.

Ratchet: The first Decepticon Activity in three years.

Optimus: That we know of if they're Scouting for Energon, they may be preparing for " His" return.

The Autobots walks Towards the pit. Bumblebee and Arcee jump down while the others fallow behind. Arcee looked around until she saw cliffjumpers severed horn.


Optimus: Ratchet can you pinpoint his signal.

Ratchet nods and pulls his scanner and he finds cliffjumpers signal until it disappears.

Ratchet: No. Cliffjumpers life signal just went offline.


Meanwhile in the base a boy was making sure
Everything is okay in the base. He has blue hair and eyes and wears a red jacket and a silver pants as well as black gloves.

He then hears a com link going on.

Optimus: Daniel open the ground bridge were coming back.

Danny: On it.

Danny Activated the ground bridge to there location.

The portal opens and then the Autobots walked came through. Danny noticed that they had sad looks on their faces.

Danny: W..Where Cliff ?

None of them responded until he noticed the severed horn of cliffjumper In Arcee's hand. He looks down saddened when he realized what happened to his Friend.

1 hour
On the top of the base the Autobots prepare a memorial for their fallen friend.

Optimus: We must not allow our anger over the lose of cliffjumper cloud our judgement. As of today we six Autobots remain on Remnant. We owe it to ourselves... to the memory of any Autobots in any Galaxy seeking safe harbor... to humankind and we owe to the memory of our fallen comrade to survive.

As was said Arcee brings Cliffjumpers severed horn and placed on the ground. She looks down in sadness until She started to walk off. But Danny saw this a went after her while the others stayed behind.

Ratchet: Optimus Do you think it's still it's a good idea to keep humanity safe. I still think It Will cause more tragedy If we continue.

Meanwhile in the base
Arcee was still very upset about the loss of cliffjumper and is sitting down with her face in her arms.

Danny: Arcee you okay

Arcee looks down and see Danny next to her.

Arcee: Danny I'm fine you don't need to worry about me.

Danny: Your my Arcee and don't want to see you like this. Listen I know what it means to lose someone to care about.

Arcee: I know. Your mother isn't around anymore .

Danny: Yeah she isn't, but I didn't let it stop me from moving forward and I didn't you should do the same with what happened to Cliff.

Arcee smiled and looked at the half human.

Arcee: Thanks for that and your right I shouldn't let this stop me. So we should get back to protecting humanity.

Danny: Yeah we should. So do want to head to Vale.

Arcee: Yeah sure.

As was said Arcee turned into her vehicle form.

Arcee: Hop on.

Danny does so and they drove of to the city.

On the top of the base the AUTOBOTS watch Danny and Arcee leave the base

Bumblebee: Beep beep buzz

Optimus: Your correct bumblebee . My son always knew how to make Arcee happy.

Ratchet: Optimus I know it to early to tell but do you think he'll be ready for that title.

Optimus: Only time will tell. But even though he only half Cybertronian I believe that he will be ready to become a Prime.

This is the end of the prologue so as you read you'll see that I'm using elements from the Transformers Prime Tv show. Also if you guess ask if this a harem story it is. Next chapter you'll see this Oc in action. See ya later everyone 👍.

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