Painting the Town & Raining Down

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Well this is it, the all out fight we've been waiting for!!

So to recap:

The boys have gone an picked out a new alternate clothes to wear.

Weiss pleads with Ruby to be partnered with Jack, she fails, then wins.

Gopher pleads with Colt to have Neptune go with the three Faunus, he loses.

Sam is not too happy that Sun is accompanying with him and Blake, but he stays quiet in defeat.

And Colt winds up with Ruby with no arguments from either, so...... both win

Ok that was just me being funny.

Now just as a quick side note, for those who are fans of Neptune and Sun, well...... sorry! I kinda..... may have...... made them sound a little bit more like jerks in this.

And I like the two in the show!

Ok I've wasted enough of your time.

On with the action!!



"Oh! She picks up the Scroll and holds it out towards the crimsonette. "You dropped this."

Ruby gets a good look at the girl and is shocked to see who it is. "Penny?!"

She put on a small smile before letting it drop. "I know, it's just.... I hope my father doesn't answer. I don't really want to speak to him." She said looking down again.

"Hey" He said taking her hand in his, intertwining their fingers. This made her look up at him, a small blush forming. "I know things between you and your father aren't really good, but for better or worse. You've still got me."

A small tear formed in her eye, a tear of joy and happiness, she closed her eyes and smiled then closed the distance between them and hugged his arm. Latching onto like he was going to disappear from her.

"What can you tell me about the Banished?" He asked.

 "Not to depose, to reorganise the entire faction and every single BC member under their banner and take on the Coalition and the Kingdoms."

 "They're not looking for a regional conflict." Looking Dave right in the eyes. "They're looking for a global war."

Just as they're about to be hit, from out of nowhere, Penny pushes the two out of the way and holds her palms out.

In the split second where the two make contact, the ground beneath Penny cracks and crumbles into pieces, and the From Dust Till Dawn truck is lifted a little ways into the air by the girl's sheer strength.

"Penny!" She hears Ruby call out, turning around and seeing the two teens run up to her hand in hand. "Please! What is going on?! Why are you running? How did you do that?!"

"I-I can't! Everything's fine!" She hiccups while lying "I-I don't want to talk about it! *hiccup*"

"Penny!" She looks up towards Colt who had a serious look on his face. "You can trust her. Tell her."

"Ruby... I'm not a real girl." Revealing her palm's and showing the skin had ripped away from stopping the truck, revealing the grey metal underneath.

Penny stares sadly at Ruby's face, the crimsonette now completely astounded by her friend's secret as all she can simply say is one thing.



Ruby was confused. "Penny, I-I don't understand..."

"Most girls are born, but I was made. I'm the world's first synthetic person capable of generating an Aura." Turns her head to the side sadly. "I'm not real...

The crimsonette takes Penny's hand in her own. "Of course you are. You think just because you've got nuts and bolts instead of squishy guts makes you any less real than me?

"I don't... um..." She leans in close to Ruby's face. "You're... taking this extraordinarily well."

"Heh, clearly you haven't spent enough time with her." Colt chuckled.

Ruby simply smiles at him before turning back tot he ginger girl. "You're not like those things we saw back there." She taps Penny's chest. "You've got a heart, and a soul; I can feel it!"

"She's right." They turned to the bluenette. "You are real Penny. Yeah ok I was a little iffy with the idea of creating synthetic humans and all..... still am of course. But..." He looked at her with the most sincere honesty. "I got to know you. And it was you who saved me when I was at my lowest point in life. So no matter what you will always be my friend."

Penny wells up, sniffing as she feels like crying. "Ooohh... oh you guys!" She grabs the two 15 year olds into a hug and shakes them back and forth." You're the bestest of friends anyone could have!

"Yeah I should know" Colt groaned alongside Ruby who were both being squished from the intense hug.

The ginger girl let's the go, giving the two teens ample time to regain their breath. As they do this Penny stares at them and notices something with them. "So!"

She gains their attention making them look directly at her. "Are you two now a thing?" She points to them.

The two were confused until they looked down to where she was pointing and saw their hands still intertwined with each other, not having let go since Colt dragged Ruby from the street of the incident to go after Penny.

They immediately and as quickly let go while putting a good distance away from each other, their faces going as red as the crimosonette's cape.

"N-No! No no! We- We aren't a thing here. Just, just didn't notice. Yeah! We didn't notice!" Colt said trying to play it off. But he knew Penny, and the look she was giving him said she wasn't buying it. "But if I had to be honest with myself, she is very cute and beautiful."

"Ye-Yeah!" Ruby played along, not noticing the ginger's stare as she then also thought. "Oh but I would be so happy to be his girl.". Clearly smitten by the bluenette. "B-But I can see why your father would want to protect such a delicate flower" She then said wanting to change the subject.

Almost immediately Penny lit up. "Oh, he's very sweet! My father's the one that built me! I'm sure you would love him!"

Ruby giggles. "Wow. He built you all by himself?"

"Well, almost! He had some help from Mr. Ironwood." Penny stated.

"The General?! Wait... Is that why those soldiers were after you?" Ruby asked now realising why the troopers were chashing them.

"Yes! They like to protect me, too!" The ginger said extacticaly.

Colt scoffs. "Ok one! You can protect yourself Penny, I know your capabilities." This made Penny smile from the praise. "Two! I don't care how involved or what he says or what his damn rank is, but Ironwood has zero jurisdiction over ordering you around. He is not your creator or guardian. That is your father and and your father alone." He finished sternly

"Wait hold on." Ruby chimed in then looking to her fellow team leader. "You knew from the beginning? And you didn't tell me!" She said sounding angry.

"*Sighs* Look I was told not to divulge her secret. Besides, if it wasn't for Penny." He looks towards said girl. "I would have been gone, lost in a dark place and most likely never have been abled to be rescued." The bluenette said looking down in shame.

Ruby didn't know what to say, hearing him sound so... vulnerable. It didn't sound like Colt, not the boy who was so confident, brave, funny... the one who caught her heart.

She didn't say anything and just grabbed his arm and leaned into him.

Feeling her close to him made Colt's heart beat faster, also making him turn back to himself. He took a few breaths before turning back to Penny. "I don't know what Ironwoods is up to, be he nor Atlas has any reason to order you around or protect you."

Penny looked down. "I know, but they're not sure if I'm ready yet... One day, it will be my job to save the world, but I still have a lot left to learn. That's why my father let me come to the Vytal Festival. I want to see what it's like in the rest of the world, and test myself in the Tournament." She said with vigor and determination."

"Penny, what are you talking about?" Crimsonette said looking at her. "Save the world from what? We're in a time of peace!"

The ginger looks confused at her. "That's not what Mr. Ironwood said..."

"Hold on Ruby." Colt said making her stop as he took a step towards Penny. "Penny listen to me very closely." Making sure she was, to which she responded with a nod. "I don't care what Ironwood says or thinks, but he is messing with things he doesn't know or understand."

Penny looks down but nodded, Ruby looked even more confused as she looked to the bluenette. He spoke like he knew the Atlesian General, like he knew him personally.

Before she could inquire on the matter they heard someone shout "Check down here!"

It was the soldiers, they had finally caught up to the three, Penny grabs Ruby by the shoulders You have to hide!" She says as Colt quickly grabs his weapon and switches to rifle mode.

He looks around for a suitable hiding spot, knowing that they couldn't run forever and the only way to lose the soldiers was to make them walk past them. He looks to a corner and notices the perfect spot. "Over there! The dumpster." He points to it, then motions his head to Penny who understood.

She lifts Ruby above her head without effort and walks over to the dumpster. Ruby struggles and screams as she is carried toward the dumpster. "Penny, wait! Colt! What are you doing? You don't have to go with them! I can help you!

Colt opens the lid to the container and Penny throws Ruby in the trash. "It's okay, Ruby. They're not bad people; I just don't want to get you in trouble. Just promise me you won't tell anyone else my secret. Okay?" She gravely stares at Ruby hoping she would keep it.

The young scythe wielder looked at her friend and smiled. "I promise."

Ruby lowers her head into the garbage container as Colt hops up and sits on the edge towards the ginger. "Be safe Penny, see you around." Then he scuba dive backrolls into the container and the lid falls shut.

"There she is!" One of the soldiers says as they approach her.

Colt slowly stands up, using his head to gently lift up the lid to have a look and allow Ruby also to peek.

"Sal-u-tations, officers!" Penny waves to the two men.

The two teens watch on from their hiding spot as the soldiers approach and then begin to question Penny, namely about wondering where Ruby went off too, thankfully they had never spotted Colt with them.

Penny lies to them, telling the two that she was alone and that there never was another girl with her. She hiccups, a feature that was built into her whenever she lies. Aside from her father; Colt, Gopher and Jack knew about this.

The bluenette wasn't sure who else knew, he figured Ironwood knew since he was involved in building Penny. But seeing as the soldiers didn't know about this Colt figured only a select few people who Ironwood would trust, would know.

Penny shows them her scraped palms. "Just a scratch."

The first soldier looks on disappointed. "Penny, your father isn't going to be happy about this.

"Please, just come with us." The second ordered.

Penny saluted to them as she nodded. "Yes, sir!"

They walk away, Ruby looks on in sadness at not being able to help, Colt sees this and sooths her by rubbing her shoulder, making her smile at him... until a rat screeches from below her feet, causing the young Huntress to fall and trip her fellow Huntsmen, making them both fall and close the lid on themselves.

"Ahh! Ruby you ok?" Colt asked out in the total darkness.

"Yeah I'm ok. I think something heavy fell on me." She said as she couldn't move.

Colt could hear she was very close to him. "Hold on, let me get some light." He reaches for his scroll and turns it on.

In an instant the dark abyss was evaporated as the entire interior of the dumpster was lit up, and finally the two could see where the other was.

As the two locked eyes they immediately blushed, turns out that 'something heavy' Ruby mentioned was actually Colt who had fallen on top of her.

Their faces only mere inches from each other and the two blushed so much it would make the crimsonette's cape jealous.

They didn't know what to do or say, just stayed there staring at each others eyes, silver looking into silver. Different thoughts and feelings going through their minds.

For Ruby she felt safe and protected as she looked into his, thinking back to that same feeling she had back when they had just arrived at Beacon where the bluenette casted his shadow to shield her from the sun. But she also felt something else, a sense of everything being clear and focused, her heart being more clear and open to her now.

Colt meanwhile felt that same innocence and free spirit when he helped her at the courtyard also on the same day they arrived at the school. But he too felt something new, something he hasn't felt in a longtime, of being loved. But not the same as before like when he still had his home, his parents. But actually like he found his other half, and he didn't want to part from it.

They didn't say a word to each other, but their heads moved on their own, closing the gap between them ever so slowly, not realising to what they were doing and slowly closed their eyes as if in a trance, the distance between their lips closing in as they could start to feel each others warm breaths.


In the darker parts of Vale, the sound of an engine gets closer and closer until Yang pulls up into a street with her motorcycle, Bumblebee, stopping just of the curb. The blonde brawler removes her matching yellow helmet and looks to the blue haired teen who was riding with her. " Come on, my friend's right in here!" Gesturing with her thumb towards the loud music coming from a building

Neptune on the other hand sat there in shock, his hair and goggles messed up with a petrified expression of terror on his face. "Cool..." He says still a bit dazed then shaking his head before fixig his appearance. "And where exactly is... here?" He looks around with worry.

Yang could only smirk at his question. "You'll see." Putting a hand on her hip and looking around as if waiting for someone. "Come on Gopher where are you?"

Before they had set out for Vale, Yang said she was going to take her motorcycle out as she hasn't been able to give her sweet Bumblebee a ride while. Gopher said he would love to ride along side her with his ride, but said it was still in the shops getting tuned.

The blonde was adamant about wanting to take her bike for a ride and the Ginger boy finally relented and said he would make a quick stop there to see if how far along they are.

And so with that Yang took Neptune into town on her bike, deciding to wait out just outside the club they were going to get their intel from. They waited and waited, seeing no sign of the ginger anywhere.

"Well he's not here, might well go inside, someone this slow can't be relied upon." Neptune said having lost patience on waiting.

The blonde opted to stay quiet, not wanting to argue. In fact was she actually restraining herself very hard to not punch the blue haired teen. She thankful that Gopher had at times taught her the value of patience and restraint, telling her that a flying fist, though at good a times, isn't always the best and first answer.

Truth be told she was quite fond of the Ginger. After he and his team went missing for two weeks it freaked her out in a way she never thought possible. Even when they came back, part of her was still scared, not ever wanting that to happen ever again. She didn't know why, it's like Gopher had this effect on her.

Yang had gone out with a few guys here and there during Signal that she thought were cute and handsome, but few made it past the first date and none past the second. Most of the guys only went out with her because she looked hot, they didn't care for her personality, how smart she was or for what she wanted. Only wanted her for her looks. This was what she was thinking on.

"But not Gopher, not him in anyway. Sure we may flirt a lot, but he understands me, he knows how to play around and when to be serious when needed." She thought. Gopher treated her differently than all the guys she had met.

He didn't treat her like a piece of meat like most guys would do. He treated her like she was a person, a proper girl in fact. He respected her, training alongside her not just to improve himself, but her as well. Yang remembered all the times he gave her tips to be far more efficient in hand to hand, as well as being more lethal to end a fight quickly.

These were the things that were confusing her, she knew what to feel when guys wanted to talk to her, but Gopher? She didn't feel the same way to him that she would to other guys. She felt warm, safe, relaxed and happy.

She couldn't pin down what this was. "Guess I'm going to do the one thing I will ever regret. I'm gonna need to ask Blake for some advice." She decided on herself, knowing that the cat on her team would hold this over her head

As she finalised her decision, she heard a loud engine noise coming from the opposite direction that she drove in. What ever was coming was obscured behind a construction fence. Neptune too turned as he heard the noise.

The blonde then heard tires screeching and saw lights approaching from behind the fence. Whatever was coming was coming hard and fast. She readied her gauntlets as the lights got brighter and brighter.

Before she knew it, a four wheeled ATV came flying over the fence, the driver standing up and leaning back to ease the landing.

He drove up to Yang's parked bike and stopped abruptly, his face covered by a black tinted face shield and with a burning Phoenix painted over the helmet.

But the white and grey cameoed winter jacket gave him away instantly, Yang smiled. "Nice ride there Gopher." She said as the Ginger took off his helmet.

"Thanks, turns out they were finished with him for awhile, just couldn't get the time to tell me." He smiled back as he hang the helmet on the handle bar.

He walks over to her, checking the place out as the music blasted out. "This the place?"

"Yup, our friend in here owes me a drink." Yang responded.

Gopher smiled, a big smirk appearing on his face. "Oh this is gonna be fun."

"Then let's go have some fun."  The blonde replied as she walked towards the club entrance.

The music from club is even more louder once inside. The man in charge, Junior, is behind the bar adjusting his cuffs as his Henchmen stock the bottles, carrying boxes, and otherwise stand around on the dance floor, until...

"Hurry, close the door - she's coming"! One yells to other as they both proceed to roll the doors shut and keep them closed with their bodies.

Junior notices this and walks out from the bar. "What are you two idiots doing?!"

The Henchmen shout incoherently, one waving his arms while the other holds the door, that is until an explosion knocks them to the ground and forces the doors open, a familiar face walking in through the smoke as the I Burn song starts playing.

Out from the smoke Yang casually struts in "Guess who's back!" She smiles and poses.

Then about a dozen guns are pointed in her face with an equal number of angry Henchmen behind them. Though this doesn't faze her, she stops and glares at them.

The recording studio where the track is messes up until the frightened bear-headed DJ takes the needle off the record and retreats back under the table.

"Yeah, so could you define 'friend' for me?" Neptune then appears from behind Yang, making the men hoist their guns even more at the two.

"Stop, stop! Nobody shoot." Junior shouts as he cuts his way through the crowd of goons, then straightening his tie. "Blondie, you're here! ...what a surprise?"

Before she could respond a voice shouts out from the back behind them from the entrance. "You know choosing not to shoot was probably the most smartest thing you ever decided on..." Then Gopher walks into the light, his hands in his pockets. "Junior." And gives off an evil smirk.

His appearance caused everyone, even the two twins nearby, to take several steps back. Frightened of the Ginger haired teen.

"G-G-G-Gopher! W-What a pleasant surprise! Heh." Junior mumbled, scared considering how much damage Gopher caused to him and his Club. "How- How may I be of service sir?" He asked, shaking in his suit.

Their sudden surprise, shock and otherwise fearful obedience towards the Ginger came as a shocking surprise to the blonde.

"*Humph* Well, I think you need to ask my partner here as she was the one who decided to come dance here tonight." He looks to her motions forwards for the Blonde Brawler to continue.

Deciding to find out later about it, Yang nodded and walked up to Junior. "You still owe me a drink." She grabs the man by the arm and drags him to the bar through the hired guns.

"Whoa-ho-ho-ho, what a woman... " Neptune says in a lovestruck stare, turning to Gopher as if hoping he would he agree.

But he all he got was crossed arms and a fiery glare. "Not gonna happen." He said back and walked on after Yang to the bar.

Neptune breaks out of it and turns to  to see the twins Melanie and Miltia Malachite standing beside him. "Sup?"

The twins together "Humph. Whatever." And walk away with their noses in the air.


Meanwhile with the Faunus trio, they walk towards their destination in the hopes of finding the White Fang.

"We shouldn't be far now, up ahead." Blake said pointing to an alley corner.

As they continue their trek, Sam's scroll begins to vibrate. He takes it out and checks to see who it is. "It's Colt."

"What does he want?" Sun said crossing his arms sounding a little annoyed.

"Sun!" The cat half yelled at him. "Be nice." Making the monkey grumble in defeat and look at the floor. Blake then turns her attention back to the wolf. "Why do you think he is calling?"

Sam didn't look up at her, instead looking at the scroll, focusing intently at the call. "I don't know. You two go on ahead. I'll catch up."

Blake didn't want to leave him, but the seriousness on his face told her otherwise. Whatever reason the bluenette was calling on his team mate for was probably not good, and only between them.

She nodded and dragged Sun along with her towards their destination where she figured the White Fang hideout could be.

Seeing as they were a good distance away Sam then answered the call. "Yeah!"

"Sam" Colt came over. "We got a problem."

"What kind of problem?" He asked his leader.

"I got intel that there is a high ranking Banished officer attending that faction meeting." Colt replied, making Sam go into shock.

"What? Come again?" The wolf asked as if he was hearing things.

"Dammit Sam pay attention!." Colt then repeated the message. "There is a high ranking Banished officer attending that faction meeting you guys are looking for!"

"Are you certain? What's the source?" Sam asked wanting to know if the intel could be trusted.

"It's solid." Colt said. "I just got out of the OSI safe house. The guy in charge there knows me pretty well. So if he says it's so.... it's so." He clarified.

Sam was in shock, the attack from yesterday actually shook him a bit once they managed to get back to Beacon. The Banished's tactical coordination, weaponry, skill and pure bloodlust had him a bit on edge. Now hearing that there was an officer of theirs in Vale certainly put things into perspective.

"Copy that. What do you want me to do?" He asked wanting to understand his orders.

Colt then replied to his request. "Maintain your mission objective, head to the WF hideout and see what's going on, but keep your head on a swivel for that officer."

"Right, I'll keep an eye out for him, I got a pretty good idea of what they look like anyways." Sam nodded knowing his mission parameters now.

"And Sam!" Colt spoke again to catch the wolf's attention. "If you get the chance." He paused for a sec. "Take the shot."

Sam was taken aback by the order, but he knew why. "Understood Commander."

"Roger that. Now I need to hurry and go find Ruby. Over and out." Was the last thing his team leader said before ending the call. He ran up after the two, catching to them as they neared a corner to an alleyway.

Blake fingers traces the three scratch marks on a wall before peeking around its corner to a back alley of a massive warehouse with a rear entrance. She spots a pair of horned Faunus as they are ushered into a building by a well dressed bearded man.

"This is it." She turns back to her two partners.

"You sure?" Sun questioned only to receive a glare and quickly submitting. "Y'know, I'm just gonna take your word for it"

Blake quickly moves round the corner towards the entrance while unfastening her bow to reveal her cat ears. While keeping her identity a secret in the general public served its purpose, it would have the opposite effect attending a secret Faunus meeting, especially one held by the White Fang.

The trio walk inside without any effort, the well dressed man letting them in without a single thought.

"New recruits, keep to the right!" WF member announces at the young pair, through the building to a hallway filled with cases.

"I don't get it." Sun announced as he holds out the half-mask in his hand that he received after entering. "If you believe what you're doing is right, why hide who you are?"

Blake answered him. "The masks are a symbol. Humanity wanted to make monsters out of us, so we chose to don the faces of monsters."

"Grimm masks..." The monkey replied with surprise. "That's kind of dark."

"So was the guy who started it." Sam replied as he looked at the mask in his hand. "And creating a more volatile monster, a monster they thought they could control." He said with a grimm remark before putting it on, with Sun and Blake doing the same as they continued down the hall.

They follow after the new recruits into a large room where there are two groups. To the left are the main WF members all donning their uniforms, a few up standing up by the balconies of the windows acting as sentries. Gaurds against possible outsiders..... or insiders.

To the right are the new recruits still sporting their normal civilian wear with the exception being the grimm masks as they mass together.

Before them is a large stage, a large sheet emblazoned with the bloody wolf and claw marks. A fully-masked member with tattoos, taller than most and appearing to be a Lieutenant standing on the stage preparing to speak to everyone in the room.

Thank you all for coming." The Lieutenant starts speaking. "For those of you who are joining us for the first time tonight, allow me to introduce a very special comrade of ours! I can assure you, he is the key to obtaining what we have fought for for so long!" He says gesturing to the side to allow his 'guest' the spotlight.

The dark pants and brown shoes step forward before the orange tip of the Melodic Cudgel taps on the stage. The man stepping up reveals himself to be Roman, smiling confidently even as the crowd begins to protest.

He mockingly waves, ignoring them. "Thank you, thank you! Please, hold your applause!"

Behind him, a young woman in her early 20's walks out from the sheet. She wears white cropped wide, broad tailed jacket with a pink interior, collar, a single pink button and large pink cuffs.

Brown pants with a dark belt that has a gray buckle and an additional narrow belt under it. Under her jacket is a brown corset, curved in the middle and at the bottom, exposing her hips. She also wears a multitude of black beaded necklaces, which hang haphazardly around her neck. She also wears black and white spat styled under the knee boots alongside black gloves.

An antler Faunus girl before the trio yells out while pointing at the crime boss. "What's a human doing here?!"

But smirks at the question. "I'm glad you asked, "Deerie"! Now, I'll be the first to admit, humans... are the worst. Case in point. So, I understand why you would like to see us all locked away, or, better yet, killed!" Riling up the crowd even more

As this goes on before the trio, Sam unknowingly spotted another man appear on the stage and taking his place beside the WF Lieutenant looking over the crowd with his arms crossed. He looked far different from regular White Fang troops, standing out completely.

He wore a dark grey combat buttoned up shirt with rolled up sleeves with a sand coloured tactical vest with multiple ammo pouches in the front and a radio on the left upper strap , brown tactical with keyguards pants, black boots, a red white checker scarf, tinted sunglasses and a bright red beret hat.

As he eyed him, Sam realised this was him, this was the Banished officer he had to look out for, instinctively resting his hand on his pistol, ready to draw it out and shoot if things go south. "Easy there Sam, let's not draw any unwanted attention" He told himself.

"So, is he going somewhere with this?" Sun leaned over and whispered to Blake as Roman went on with his speech.

"But, before the claws come out, I'd like to mention the fact that you and I all have a common enemy: the ones in control, the people pulling the strings, the dirty, rotten humans that run our kingdoms!" Almost immediately the crowd changes their tune, starting to agree with him, cheering him as he started listing off. "Government, military, even the schools: they're all to blame for your lot in life!"  The crowd cheers even louder now, causing some worry amongst the trio as they continue to listen on. "And they're all pests that need to be dealt with! Fortunately, I'm the best exterminator around... No offense to any rodents in the room."

Then with a snap of his fingers, the curtain behind falls, and the whole mass of Faunus applaud, while Sam, Blake and Sun could only gasp in shock.

Before them stood two of the experimental Atlesian Paladin-290, completely marked up with the White Fang banner in red on their shoulders.

"Whoa, that's a big robot..." Sun whispered.

"How did he get those?" Blake asked, turning to Sam.

But she received no response as the wolf was in his own little world, shocked at what was before him. "Oh no, this is bad" He thought, then turning his gaze towards the beret officer. Seeing him smirk and nodding his head in pleasure as he was eyeing the crowd before him ."What are you up to?" Sam asked himself.

He knew the officer was there too look for new potential recruits, but he hasn't even announced himself, not making a speech to rile up the crowd even further and join his side, fill up their numbers. Rather he just stayed quiet with his arms folded next to the Lieutenant. So what was he doing?

Roman continued on with his speech, with the crowd now in a full uproar of applause and cheers. "As some of you may have heard, these right here... " Tapping the mech.  " Atlas' newest defense against all the scary things in the world. And thanks to my "employer", we've managed to snag a few before they, uh, "hit the shelves". Now, many of your brothers have already moved down to our new operation in the southeast. If you'd rather stay within the city, that's fine... But if you're truly ready to fight for what you believe in, this is the arsenal I can provide you. Any questions?" They answer him with a roaring applause which tells him enough.

While he was speaking, Sam continued to observe the Banished officer as he was conversing with the Lieutenant, trying to quickly figure out what he was up to, and the more observed, the more he noticed. The way he turned his head from side to side, up and down, turning his attention whenever someone cheered out loudly and basically fixing his gaze on them. The more Sam observed, the more it looked like he was.... "Scouting! That's what he's doing. He's not looking for just any type of Faunus recruit. He's looking for real hardcore hardliners. Fanatics!"

He unclipped the retention clip of his pistol, ready to pull out his pistol and drop the officer. "I take him out now and the Banished don't get anymore recruits and its a good hit on their officer corps. Just need to figure out how to do it without turning every gun and person in here against me."

But before he could make a plan, Blake taps him on the shoulder. "We should get out of here."

The White Fang Lieutenant finished his conversation with the officer and walked up the front of the stage. "Will all new recruits, please come forward!"

The line before them surges forward with the three of them having to follow. "Welp!" Sun cried out basically saying they are screwed.


Back at the Club, Junior puts down his glass as he sits behind the bar separating him from his interrogators. "I don't know!"

"How can you not know?" The blonde chastised.

"I haven't talked to him! I haven't even seen him since the night you first came in here."  He leans over to point in Yang's face. "He paid up front, I lent him my men, and none of them ever. Came. Back." Emphasizing each word.

Rushing to the table Neptune slams his hand down to raise a question of his own. "So where did they go?"

Junior couldn't help but give him a bewildered look, giving a long pause. "What the-"

"Hah hold it there!" Gopher cut him off, then turning to the aqua teen. "But seriously that is the dumbest question ever to ask. Go over there!" He points to the back of a corner.

Neptune was about to retort but the face Gopher was giving him deflated any form of retort and so he moped away from the bar.

"Who is this guy?" Junior half asked to the pair.

"Don't worry about him; worry about me if I don't find out what I want!" Yang told him.

"I'd listen to her Junior." The ginger then took a seat leaning to the side. "Even I don't guts to fight her off now." He said smirking.

The nightclub owner simply gulped and then sighed loudly. "I already told you everything! Torchwick hired my boys, and I guess he wasn't happy with them, which is something I can relate to!"  Shouting his last sentence at his own men, who all grumble and walk away in response.

Seeing as they were getting no where, Gopher decided to call it there. "Come on, Yang." And turns from the bar to walk away, with the blonde following behind.

Seeing them begin to leave, Neptune joined them following with his hands in his pockets. "We get everything we need?"

"Well, we got everything we can." Gopher said shaking his head in disappointment.

"Hopefully the rest of the team is having better luck." Yang added as they left the nightclub.


The White Fang is still cheering loudly as the recruits are marching to the stage, with Blake, Sun and Sam having no choice but to follow along.

Blake whispers to Sam.  "What are we going to do?!"

"I'm thinking..." He replied, keeping his eye on the officer who just casually turned his gaze and spotted him.

Roman leans on the robot smoking his cigar and laughing with the girl beside him before he too makes eye contact with the trio, frowning upon spotting them. "He sees us..." Sun said worryingly then tries to smile and wave.

Blake looks around and notices the junction box on the wall. "He can't see in the dark."

Sun didn't like where this was going but Sam couldn't help but smirk at her idea, his hand ready on his pistol to take his shot.

With that, Blake unsheathes Gambol Shroud, transforms it into a pistol, and shoots at the box, making the lights go out for the whole building and turning the screen dark, followed up by multiple more gunshots in the dark.

Roman screamed in the dark. "Don't let them get away!"

"The window!" Blake shouted out.

"Stop them!" The Officer yelled out, followed quickly by more gunshots in the dark, bullets flying past his head.

The sounds of the Atlesian Mechs power up with the sounds of two hatches closing shut are also heard.

The three crash through the window and land outside onto the pavement and immediately start bolting away. Behind the warehouse wall burst open into pieces as the two mechs smash through and start to give chase after them as they leap onto a car and hop off onto the rooftops. The mechs having to use the street to pursue them as they could not parkour like the other three who were run, jump and flipping from rooftop to rooftop.

"So you wouldn't happen to have... oh, I don't know... some form of backup?!" The monkey screamed.

"On it!" Blake responded back and grabbing her Scroll as she continues to jump.

"You do that!" Sam yelled. "Get Roman, I got the other guy!" He said.

"Sam! Wait!" Blake screamed but it was for naught as the wolf then jumped to the rooftops across the street, pelting the mech being driven by the officer with bullets, hoping that would be enough to have him give chase.

By an intersection Sam headed away from the other two, his plan from earlier working as the mechs split up, with Roman giving chase after Blake and Sum while the officer was after him. "That's it, keep on coming."

Seeing this Blake couldn't help but feeling worried for him, but she had to put her trust in him and hope he knew what he was doing.

"COME HERE TRAITOR!!" The mech screamed out using its speakers as it was chasing the wolf, who was jumping from roof to roof as he was fishing out his Scroll, putting it to his ear and started making a group call.


Their lips were now mere inches away, they could feel each others hot breaths as they closed in like they were in a trance. They didn't even think, not realising what they were doing, the only sensation they wanted to feel was each others lips.

Suddenly Colt's Scroll started to ring, the ringtone bringing them back to reality as their eyes snapped open before going wide at how truly close they were.



They both screamed, Colt jolting up and slamming the dumpster lid open with his head, then falling back down flat on his back clutching his head in pain.

Ruby shot up only a few seconds after, but not having to bump her head into the lid thanks to Colt who finally managed to get back on his feet while moaning in pain climbing out after her.

Their faces were deeply red, embarrassed at what they thought they might have just done.

They didn't know what to say, only avoiding eye contact as the scene kept playing out over and over in their heads.

But the constant ringing became their saving grace as Colt picked up the call. "Y-yeah!" He stuttered.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS!!!" Sam yelled out from the other end so loud Colt had to actually distance the scroll from him.

"Jeez take it down a notch, what's going on?" He asked back.

Jack listens in from his end as he and Weiss both leave the tower's elevator when she also grabs her scroll to listen to Blake's call

"Everyone! If you can hear me, we need back-" Blake started.

"HEEEELLLLP!" Sun cut her off from the background as he screamed out.

Weiss rolls her eyes, looking to Jack with smile on his face prompting one from her as well as they start to run out the door.

Ruby is still beside the dumpster next to Colt as they listen in on what's going on from both calls.

"Big robot!" Sun yells. "And it's big! Really big!"

The crimsonette gets excited hearing about the action. "Oh, I am not missing this!

She runs off to join the fight, prompting the bluenette to run on after her. "Ruby! Hold up!" He yells out while still holding his line to Sam open.

Yang is back on the motorcycle in her helmet and sunglasses with Neptune looking at the Scroll in her hand over her shoulder, while Gopher is on his Quad listening on his group call geared up to move out.

That Torchwick guy is in it! But not, like, it didn't eat him; he's, like, controlling it or something!" Sun yelled, describing miserably on what is chasing them.

"Sam what he is he going on about?" Colt's voice came through this time.

"Torchwick somehow got his hands on some Atlesian Mechs, he and another Lieutenant were chasing us but I managed to split off and make the other come after me." The wolf described with precision as best as he could.

"Where are you guys?" The blonde asked wanting to help out as soon as possible.

Gopher on the other hand turned to her with a bit of worry. "Normally if you ask something like that, it usually-"

Right on cue, behind them, Blake and Sun can be seen running through the street with the Paladin hot on their heels before they all disappear from view, with Sun the screaming and his cry for help coming through both the Scroll and from his person. "HURRYYYY!!!"

The Ginger blinks few at what he just saw. "Comes finding us first...."

" Ah... I think that was them." Neptune states.

"Yeah, I got it." Yang said back, putting the Scroll away and she quickly circles her ride around - much to Neptune's alarm - and drives off to follow them.

Gopher did the same and chased on after them, switching his call from his scroll to the built in earpiece in his helmet. "Sam where the hell are you?! I only see the one chasing Sun and Blake. Heading South down 5th Avenue."

The wolf replied back with a bit of frustration " I'm 3 clicks (3km) West, heading North on 66th street."

"Shit!" Gopher swore, "I've got too many intersections to pass through for an intercept, it'll take me 5 minutes just to get to you."

"I can make it!" Colt came through the line. "Sam there's a bridge to your East going over a highway, 1 click, I can make it for an intercept. Lead that sucker down there."

"Copy that!" The wolf replied with both enthusiasm and panic"

"Jack, Gopher! Get here as fast as you can I'll try to stall this guy and call for backup." Colt ordered them.

Without even thinking and saying a word Gopher rounded a corner and split off from Yang, intent on getting to Sam as quickly as he can.

"Hold up!" Jack replied as he ran, having split off from Weiss only a minute to go. "You're going to call for backup?"

"You want to play around and lay waste to the city!" Colt screamed from the line making the iceman wince in pain.

"Ok ok I get it, I'll head for the location." He responded back.

"Right, let's hope my clearance is enough for the backup we want" Colt said as he ran through the streets, he had separated from Ruby only a few minutes ago after both of them started to give chase.

He told her to go help her team while he will help his, of course she protested but it fell on deaf ears as he went round corner heading in a different direction than her.

Cutting through alleyways and back alleys, one of them made a large opening leading to a large drop off, using this to his advantage he ran for the edge and jumped.

Freefalling for only 3 seconds before igniting the twin boosters that popped out of the side of his pack, making soar back in the air.

Now that he was even more mobile he decided to make the fatal call to the Coalition Vale Command, high up orbiting in space.

"Come in Helios Station, come in!"

Helios Station
Vale Command

One would think that life in the Coalition would be filled with heroics, combat and brotherhood. But for 35 year old Commander David Staton that was not the case as he was posted to what he consider to be the most boring Station out of all orbiting platforms.

Vale was a peaceful location and there was hardly ever any reason to send in combat troops down to handle a situation that was bigger than robbery.

Commander Staton is a 5th generation soldier going all the way back to his great great great grandfather who served as a young cadet back when the world was one empire. Each generation served in all the Kingdoms, their allegiance shifting as the kingdoms morals and ethics changed from their own. His father served in the Vale military, reaching the rank of Brigadier General before eventually retiring.

He admired his father and his lineage, while he himself would have loved to join the Vale military like his family wanted to, he felt his place belonged to the Coalition, taking the fight where it needs to be and bypassing the red tape of international law. Of course his family was not for it, but they did not stop him either.

He had seen some combat in his time with the Coalition, some good, some bad and some that aren't worth remembering ever.

He sighed as he checked the monitors before him in his chair, bored out of his mind. His collogues next to him doing their own thing as they typed away at the holo screen before them.

His last post resulted in him getting badly wounded and shipped to the nearest military hospital. After being released he wanted to get back to the front as soon as possible but his request was denied as the doctors told him; ordered him to be on a stationary rest for three months to allow him to rest his mind and conscience.

Therefore he was ordered to Helios Station for duty and he had already knocked off one month on his calendar just yesterday, he sighed again and looked out the window into the dark abyss of deep space, the stars scattered around and twinkling brightly making him smile a bit at the beautiful sight, believing that the next two months hopefully stay this way to ease his boredom. Or so he thought.

"Come in Helios Station, come in!" A voice crackled through the speaker.

He got up his chair and checked the monitors, tapping away at the screen. "Identify yourself."

"This is Commander Cobalt Sabert of Hunter 4, 118th Battalion. Requesting command clearance." Colt spoke as his profile and picture appeared on the screen before Staton to confirm who he was.

"This is Commander Staton on Helios control, what can I do for you Commander?" He smiled, having heard stories of the brave blue phantom known as Cobalt Sabert, a legend among the ranks. And knowing that he would only call if there was an emergency put his spirits up high for some action.

"Requesting drop of Echo 9-8 on my location." Colt answered.

A few others who managed to hear the conversation had surprised looks on their faces but Staton narrowed his eyes and typed away at the screen. "Uh I'm sorry Commander but Echo 9-8 is outside your jurisdiction."

"Oh really!" He replied back and sounding sarcastic. "Well then you're gonna have to explain to General Sheridan, why there's a rogue Banished Mech! RAMPAGING THROUGH THE MIDDLE OF VALE!!!"

This made him stand up and widen his eyes in shock, those around them having their mouths go agape at hearing that the Banished are attacking Vale with a Mech.

The room was silent as everyone was waiting for what he was going to say next as he was highest ranking officer in the room. Taking a few small breaths he finally made his decision. "Get me Captain Walker! Echo 9-8!!" He shouted.


(Should just keep replaying from start to 0:13)

Troopers were running around, quickly grabbing their gear and loading their rifles, some grabbing a couple of single shot rocket launchers.

Echo 9-8, also known as the Anti Mechinised Squad. Renowned for their ruthless tactics against armored and mechanised units. Able to stop 3 convoys dead in their tracks and destroy them in well coordinated strikes. But they also go by another name.

As the men finalise their gear and equipment, a single man enters the drop wing by the only entrance. Clad fully in his own ODST gear, his helmet under his arm as he looks around, watching as the men before him ready themselves for a drop. He smirks, seeing how their training by him has paid off tremendously.

These were his men.....  His troopers.....  His Wolves.

"Alright boys!" He speaks loudly for them all to hear him as they stop and turn to him. A man they all respect without question

Captain Cole D. Walker. Commanding officer of Echo 9-8, 101st Division . The Wolves.

"Now we got ourselves a do ha men. Word just came down that there's a Banished robot causing havoc in the city right below. We are to drop in and assist Commander Sabert and his squad. Now it is paramount that I tell you that we are in an urban environment, so watch your shots. I don't wanna explain how a stray rocket took out an apartment." He says with a smirk, causing a few of the men to have a small chuckle.

"Remember! Ya'll are Jumpers! Top-tier operators to quiet professionals. Bravest of the brave, tip of the spear. All that and a bag of chips." Making them all have a laughing smile on their faces as he then continued.

"But even a bad MF needs help once in awhile." This time they didn't laugh, but they all had a serious smirk. "Good thing for you all. I'm a Jumper too." He finished with a smirk and receiving a nod from his men. "Now saddle up! And prepare for a drop!"

"Yessir!!" They all replied and all headed for their own pods.

Walker was about to head down the steps as someone then called out behind him. "Yo Walker!"

Turns around and couldn't help but put on a joyful smile at seeing who joined him. "Well I'll be. If it isn't Nomad"

The man before him walked up and the two gave each other a strong arm handshake. Anthony 'Nomad' Perryman, a top-tier operator like Walker himself except only, he commands a small group of men he calls 'The Ghosts'. Walker could see he was also in ODST gear which was highly unusual for man like him.

And he wasn't alone, behind him were two more men also kitted out in ODST wear.

Captain William Lennox of the 3rd Special Ops Regiment, 1st Ranger Battalion.

And next to him his best friend.

Sergeant Roberts Epps of the 14th Naval Air Combat Control, 3rd Marine Division.

"Well well well. Now what can I do for you fine gentlemen?" Walkers asks folding his arms with smile on his face.

Nomad couldn't help but chuckle. "Well I figured you wouldn't mind a volunteer for this, an extra hand wouldn't hurt." He said then looking at the two behind him. "As for these two? Hell they just want in for the fun of it."

Walker chuckled. " Well, all are welcome here at the Wolves. Glad to have you three with us."

"Glad to be able to join you Captain." Lennox responded and shaking the man's hand.

Epps also did the same. "I really want to see what you guys are capable of. Heard that you guys can pull off some nasty shit on any unsuspecting enemy."

"Well, now's the day you find out. Lucky for you three we've still got 3 more pods to go. I'll see you on the ground boys." Walker stated and let them pass through. He took one last look around, watching the men around prepare their kit. He lets out a smiling sigh. "Alright! Echo 9-8!! Prepare for drop!"

With this everyone entered their own pods, closing down the hatch and checking their systems.

Walker quickly heads to the weapon rack and grabs a M392 DMR, opening the chamber to check if it's empty then loading in a fresh magazine.  He checks around, making sure he was the last one to enter his pod. Seeing as they were all in he hopped in his own and closed the hatch.

Everyone checked their comms making sure it was live and that they could clearly hear each other.

"Launch control this is Walker. All pods are live and ready to jump." He said through the comms.

"This is launch control. Echo 9-8 stand by for drop." The controller said as they checked the systems.

As the controller checked off everything, Walker decided have one last hoorah for his men. "Troopers!! We are Green!! And very, very mean!!!"

With that they all replied with a single "HO!!"

"Echo 9-8 you are cleared for drop in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1....

(And the song should now be at 0:14 from here on out)

The sound of a buzzer goes off and the red lights switch to Green, and one by one the pods dropped from their latches, streaking earthward. The heat shield burning as they entered the atmosphere.

Colt was still flying through the air towards the target, he looked up to see how far the backup was and smiled as he saw the beautiful sight of the pods making burning streaks across the starry night sky.

He called them up on the comms. "Echo 9-8, lock on my coordinates and intercept. I'm pursuit." With one final push he firewalled his jets and rocketed forward even faster than before.

Not long he saw the bridge going over the highway that Sam was leading the Mech through. He himself jumping from car to car to avoid getting caught by the Banished Lieutenant who was just pushing and smashing through the cars on the highway.

Colt could see through the open the two approaching. He steadied his speed, wanting to catch the Mech just as it passes the bridge.

He could see a few cars go flying here and there. He reached the bridge and shut off the jets, landing on the bridge and skidding a few meters before jumping out the way of an oncoming flying car just as the Mech went under bridge.

As it came out the other side, the bluenette reached out with all his might and managed to get a hand hold on the side as the robot kept chasing the grey wolf.

Smashing oncoming traffic out of the way leaving behind a massive crash, Gopher bursts through the ensuing fog that was kicked up by the large crash chasing after the Mech.

With so much momentum through the fall he used this to swing around under then back up to land on its back and grabbing hold.

The Mech didn't seem to realise he latched on, so with one hand on the rampaging machine to hold onto, he reached behind his back for his sniper rifle. "PULL OVER!!" He shouted then unleashed four high powered rounds one after the other.

But they didn't even dent it, not even scratching it. Seeing as he couldn't punch through the armor he looked for somewhere else.

He noticed a gap on the armour and figured a good shot there would stop it. Leaning back a bit he struggled to  aim the rifle down at the opening. Then fired.

It did the trick and the Mech went hay wire, flaying about as it lost control.

"Whoa whoa whoa WHOAAAAA!!!" Colt yelled as he held on but the last jerk sent the robot and him flying off the highway and landing next to a refinery. The crashing Mech kicked up a dust cloud as Colt landed not to far from it, moaning a bit from the pain he received from the impact of the crash.

(Basically almost like this)

The bluenette rolled onto his stomach and pushed off the ground, groaning as he held onto his side where he felt more injured. He heard the whirring of the machine coming back online, looking up he could see it slowly rise back up.

Knowing this wasn't over he pushed through the pain and grabbed his sniper which landed next to him.

The Mech whirred the around in the dust and slammed a foot down hard onto the ground as if it was making a statement. "You will pay for that!" The voice yelled out from its speakers.

Hissing in pain he shot back. "Grr... Not if I make you first! Gahh!" He groaned again as he loaded in a fresh mag and cocked in the bullet.

But the Lieutenant laughed, amused that Colt was acting all tough and mighty while a bit injured. "Hahahaha! You think you can beat me? Hah! You're a fool. And you are all alone."

He didn't respond back, looking down at the ground with a shadow covering his eyes. But after hearing that he couldn't help but smirk. "Heh."

It was loud enough for the Mech to pick up with its sensors. "What's so funny? You think you can beat me!"

Colt now lifted his head up, looking at the Mech with a deluded smile, still a bit wobbly. "Think I can beat you? No. Know I can beat you? Yes."

The Lieutenant was furious at being looked down upon like that. "Grrrrr I will beat you to a pulp!!!" He yelled out.

"Yeah!" The bluenette replied. "But while you are doing that, I just have one question."

"What!" The Mech blasted.

"With all those sensors aboard, how have you not noticed?" He smirked back, but a not usual smirk in your face. No the one he was expressing was 'I've got you right where I want you' type of smirk.

The Lieutenant was confused until he decided to take his focus off of Colt and look around. That when he realised that the dust cloud that had formed when he crashed landed hadn't settled at all and was still hanging in the air around them both. But it was quite strange he thought, dust clouds aren't usually this white, unless it was...

"Mist?" He said out loud.

"And another thing..." Colt now standed up straight and had an even bigger smirk on his face " A Ranger, is never alone." He finishes as the mist around the two then suddenly evaporated, revealing what was truly going on.

To his surprise, surrounding the Mech completely was the entire force of Echo 9-8, with SSPF taking all four front (Colt & Walker), back (Jack & Nomad), left (Gopher & Lennox) and right (Sam & Epps) along side the troopers who were aiming rifles and rockets at the robot.

This was Colt's plan all along. Intercept the Mech and distract it long enough for Jack to put a mist around them to hide the oncoming troopers to take up positions and surround the machine.

"Now." Colt started, as he took a few steps forward. "We can to this the Easy way." Looking around as the troopers check their aims as a few more clicks around them were sounded. "Or the hard way. And please, please pick the hard the way. Cause it'll be so much more fun." He finished, letting the Mech make the final decision.

To say the Lieutenant was pissed would be an understatement. He was furious to have been outwitted by a mere teen. Seething and grinding his teeth, he let out a roar through the speakers.

"Guess it's the hard way then." Colt stated as he aimed down his rifle.

"OPEN FIRE!!!" Walker shouted.

Bullets fired from every direction. Armor Piercing bullets sparking off of penetrating the armor of the robot as the Mech tried to shoot back and defend it self.

(0:56 to 1:10)

A couple of the rocket troopers took aim and fired. The first landed a direct hit but hit the main plating, while the second only whizzed away as the Mech dodged it, he fired a single blast towards them and and blew them back, causing extensive injuries.

"Rockets! Aim for the limbs!" Colt ordered as he loaded in another mag.

As the Troopers were dishing it out and receiving some casualties, the Rocket troopers heard the order and decided to aim where they were told.

One fired but missed, only to receive a blast before him and sending him and two others back screaming.

A second was fired and hit the Mech, blowing off the left arm. A third was then fired and blew the right leg to pieces as a fourth rocket narrowly missed as it hoped a few times to regain balance. Now struggling to move and defenseless it was clear for an all out barrage.

"NOW!!! AIM FOR THE CENTRE!!" Walker yelled as he reloaded.

With that order everyone concentrated fire to its centre, while the bullets did little damage it was enough to knock out the sensors, making the Lieutenant groan in frustration as he was now blind, buying enough time for the rocket teams to reload and reposition themselves.

After a few more moments after lining up right next to each other, five simultaneous rockets went flying straight for its chest, blowing open the armor and sending it falling back.

As it went falling down, everyone was still firing, all high up on adrenaline as they tunnel visioned on the target.

Seeing it down the young Commander yelled out. "CEASE FIRE!! CEASE FIRE!!!!" He kept screaming, waving his arms in the air to get everyone's attention even.

"CEASE FIRE!!!" Walker too yelled out.

The bullets kept flying, but more and more of them died down as they heard the order being shouted out.

"CEASE FIRING!!" Gopher yelled out and after ten more grueling seconds the last rifle silenced itself.

With all that noise from the gunfire, the silent air simply felt chilling in the cool night. Everyone slowly closed in towards the Mech, SSPF taking the lead.

The Mech was wrecked, sparks flying out the cockpit, the weapons on the arm were destroyed, leg was smashed to pieces and the whole body just charred with blast marks and bullets holes filling every corner there was.

As SSPF approached closer they could hear the soft sounds of coughing. Through the smoke they could make out the Lieutenant, lying in the cockpit unable to move, with blood trailing down his face and out his mouth.

Seeing he was no longer a threat they all relaxed, as Colt decided to move right up next to him with his team following closely behind.

"Punk ass Banished!" Gopher yelled out

Turning his attention back to the officer, Colt gave him one last cold request. "Any last words?"

The Banished Lieutenant sent out chuckle, one that was enough to give Walker even a chill up his spine. "You're time on this planet will come to an end." He then looks right at Colt and giving him a bloody smile. "The fallen darkness shall rise again!"

This alone sent everyone's hair up as they looked around to each other. "That doesn't sound good." Epps said.

The bluenette didn't even react, but he did reply. "Not today."

He looked over his shoulder and nodded to Sam who nodded back. Colt stepped away and let the wolf walk in his place, cocking his pistol and then shot the Banished officer through the eye, ending him once and for all.

To say he had seen some cold bastards before would be warranted. But this? Seeing a team of young teens acting this cold and executing and an enemy that quickly certainly put Walker a bit off.

He was completely deep in thought about it that he didn't even see Colt approach him. "Captain. Thanks for the help."

Snapping back in to reality Walker shook his hand. "Much obliged Commander."

The bluenette looked away sad in the direction of those who were being med evaced, the dead having their tags taken zipped into body bags. "Sorry for..... bringing your men into this, their blood is on my hands." He said, knowing full well how loyal the man before him was to his own men.

But Walker gave a small reassuring smile and put his hand on the young commanders arm. "They knew what they signed up for, and what the risk was going to be. I have nothing against you commander, I know you would never intentionally send those under your command to their deaths on purpose. That is why I have tremendous respect for you."

Colt didn't know what to say, he gave small nod. "Thank you, I hope those who can, will recover. Your Wolves are an inspiration to a lot of us Walker. And I'd be damned if I was told to go against you." He said before holding his hand out for another handshake.

Walker knew this is why he held such high hopes for Colt and his team, he had his reservations with certain senior officers who would only see their men as chest pieces, but not Colt. He reached forward and took the hand in his, signifying a strong lasting bond between them and their teams.

As they began the mop up the operation to clear the site of debris and calling in transport to lift the Paladin out of the area, an intelligence coup that would certainly be sending cheers among the Coalition R&D department at having a chance to inspect the mech.

A loud explosion is heard off in the distance, catching everyone's attention as they all looked to where the explosion came from. "Uh... I'm guessing we missed something here." Walker stated.

"Yeah I don't know what the hell that is." Lennox said worried.

"Damn I hope it's not another one of these things." Epps said to his friend.

As soon as he said that Colt's eyes widened instantly and then turned to his team who all had the same reaction as him. " The girls!!" He yelled.

Turning back to the Captain of the Wolves. "Walker, you can handle the mop up from here right?"

The man nodded to him. "We can handle it from here Commander. Go get em." He finished by nodding.

Receiving the ok he nodded and saluted to the man and turned to run and regroup his team. "Alright SSPF! Let's go help them out!!"

They stowed their weapons and made a running start before letting their jets form their packs open up and then blasting them off into the sky, leaving the troopers on the ground behind who watched on after them as Nomad joined Walker.

"They sure are something huh?" Nomad asked his old friend.

Walker could only nod in agreement. "They sure are."

The boys flew as fast as they could through the air, wanting to reach the battle site quickly and assist RWBY, as soon as they could find it. Thankfully it wasn't that far.

"Tally!" Sam yelled out over the radio. "I got movement at 1 o'clock low."

Colt looks down in the said direction and could see the fight going on underneath the highway . "Confirmed visual. We have the advantage in altitude so lets drop in fast and low."

"Roger that"

"Confirmed Copy"


Each of them replied back to the plan as they closed in and watching the fight from above.

Team RWBY had caused some significant damage to Roman's mech, mainly cutting off the left arm thanks to both Ruby and Blakes combined attack, Yang doesn't waste a second, jumping onto the Paladin's back and punching the top with fiery shotgun blasts.

Roman is knocked around in the cabin, but seeing as he can't reach her with his remaining mechanical arm, he runs backwards through two columns and leaves her embedded in a third before backing away and turning towards her. Just as she is falling down, the remaining arm extends a closed fist, and punches her with it, hard. She flies through the column and doesn't get up.

"Yang! NO!" Gopher yelled after witnessing this, something inside him just snapped after seeing the blonde get knocked down like that.

He rolls over to separate from the flight and immediately descends into the battle.

"Gopher no!" The bluenette yelled out but it was for naught as the Ginger charged in with full burn.

Meanwhile, Yang slowly gets back on her feet, her hair burning a brilliant white as she clenches her fists. Sensing victory at hand, Roman throws a punch, but Yang catches it in her own hand (despite the ground cracking beneath her) and, eyes red with rage, smashes her knuckles into the second arm, obliterating it under her force.

Getting desperate with his armless robot, Roman immediately goes to kick her to the side but he, and Yang, is stopped as he hears a loud yelling coming from behind.

He turns to see what it is only to be met with a hammer to the face as Gopher came flying in with Ignus Collisus already out, sending the giant mech flying back into a pillar.

But the ginger followed through the fall, launching himself directly at Roman. The sudden speed had the mob boss surprised as he couldn't block the oncoming blow after blow being sent from the Ginger, who's eyes were burning orange like fire.

The girls on the other hand were amazed, mainly Yang as she witnessed the sheer ferocity and amount of strikes he could dish out towards the mech.

After landing another solid combo Gopher went to go for another, but Roman predicted the attack pattern and blocked it, surprising the Ginger and only for him to get smashed down before then getting kicked away hard, flying into a pillar next to the blonde leaving behind a large crack.

"Gopher!!" Yang yelled as she ran up to him, lifting him up and cradling him in her arms as he groaned in pain, placing him down on her lap. "Stay down, I have you. You're ok."

Hearing her soothing words he slowly opened his eyes to be met with her Lilac eyes. "I am now." He groaned while putting on a smile. Yang couldn't help but chuckle a tiny bit at seeing him trying to lighten the mood despite the impact he received.

Ruby, Weiss and Blake didn't know what to do after seeing that, but seeing that Gopher was here was a clear indication that the rest of his team were not far behind.

"We have to slow it down!" Ruby said regaining her composure tot he situation

"And how do you propose we do that?" Weiss asked her team captain.

She had a plan in mind and was ready to use it as Roman slowly approached them.

Before she could enact her next move, bullets immediately came falling in from above the Paladin. Pelting the mech as the three remaining members slowly descended down from the sky while firing, their jetpacks slowing their fall.

Roman stopped, stunned from the sudden attack and growled at the continuing nuisance that they kept on bringing from out of nowhere.

The boys landed around the mech and, like pack of wolves, started attacking from every angle they could.

Ducking, firing, dodging, slashing and jumping around as they continue to hammer home attack after attack on the robot.

Sam jumps back as Roman goes to stomp on him ,only for Colt to come in from the side and slash him with his sword, aiming for the side.

Jack also gets in close and decides to slash at the legs to immobilise the Mech. Roman goes for a sideways kick but the iceman ducks under it, only for Sam to come flying in with his swords and stab the pod. He managed to get in deep but not deep enough penetrate through to the cockpit.

He backflips off, pulling them both out in the process. When he landed Roman fires a volley of rockets at the wolf, with Sam consistently backflipping away as the rockets land on the spots where he was before.

Seeing that his team was struggling, Gopher forced himself off Yang's lap, groaning still from the pain in his back.

"Gopher stay down!" The blonde told him. Worried that he will hurt himself further.

"I'm fine!" He snapped back as he got back onto his feet. "Regroup with your team, mine will hold him off for you guys to come up with a plan." He said then reaching for his hammer, then turning into machinegun mode. He turns and gives a toothy grin. "It's what we're good at." Then charging forward guns blazing.

She couldn't help but be amazed further by his bravery, their bravery. They put so much in for so little in return. They are willing to go down fighting to ensure others come out fine.

With one last look she takes off for her team.

Sam lands a few more slashes on the front only to hop back to avoid getting stomped on. The ground beneath the mech cracking as Roman put so much power to crush the wolf.

Suddenly Colt and Jack come in from the sides and simultaneously slash across down the mech from opposite sides.

Recovering quickly from the attack Roman prepares to swing at them again only to be stopped as more bullets came flying in from behind.

Turning around he sees the Ginger making a charging dash while firing his machinegun. Deciding the end him once and for all, the mob boss makes the mech twirl to build up momentum to kick him down.

But Gopher ducked and slid onto his knees, when he was behind he was quickly back on his feet and his hammer back out. Roaring loudly he swings his hammer around and smacks the mech in the back sending Roman flying a good 100 meters (328ft)

Regaining control and having had enough, Roman slams his fist hard into the control panel. Resulting in all the missiles being launched out targeting the boys.

"Evade! EVADE!!" The bluenette yelled out as all four then scattered  about to split up the missiles, but it was far to many for them to handle.

Each on of them got caught in the blast. Sam attempting to do flips to make them impact and miss only for one to launch him in the air and then get hit by one on his way down.

Jack went and made an ice wall to block and take the brunt, but the resulting explosions was to much and it blasted apart for two missiles to come through and land right in front of him.

Gopher faired much better as he either dodged or smacked them away with his hammer. But he too was soon overwhelmed and blasted back.

Colt was by far the most well adapted as he used his speed to make quick work of them, using his sword to cut them in half as he passed by them. One comes at him from behind, but he twirls around and slices it open right down the middle.

His eyes widened as soon as he saw another coming in right behind and hit him square on, sending him flying back.

"NOOOO!!!" Ruby's voice cried out.

Tumbling and rolling across the ground, Colt was in a daze. His ear ringing from the explosions and his body in pain as he moved around.

He managed to get on his hands and knees but he was winded, unable to stand up and fight back as Roman slowly approached him.

He didn't know what else do to, he was too exhausted to use his semblance, he was low on an ammo and the rest of the team was down for the count.

He could watch as the mech approached him step by step. All he could hope for was for RWBY to have a plan by now.

"Ice Flower!!" A voice cries out as bullets whizz over his head an encased the mech in ice.

He turns back, smiling as he see's Ruby crouched with Crescent Rose embedded into the ground with Weiss next to her and conjuring a glyph before her.

Using the heiress's glyphs, the crimsonette leader would fire her sniper through the glyph giving her bullets an elemental impact. In this case ice.

"Bumblebee!!" Ruby shouted again as both Yang and Blake nodded to each other. Blake throws Gambel Shroud at the Blonde while holding the end of the of the ribbon on her end. Yang catches the weapon and runs around, building up momentum by blasting her gauntlets backwards into the ground to launch herself forward.

They build enough momentum for Blake to swing Yang at the Mech and for the Blonde to land a solid hook right on the side of the cockpit, denting the body and sending it flying again, crashing into the ground and kicking up dust.

The boys managed to recover and regroup with the girls, thinking they had won. But the mech starts up again, slowly rising back up. "Oh come on!!" The wolf cried out.

"It's a lot tougher than it looks!" Yang shouted.

"I agree." Gopher said. "We can't beat this thing by conventional means." He stated.

"Then we're gonna have to go unconventional." Colt said.

"What you got in mind?" Jack asked.

(Kick in the "Die" soundtrack, same one as the show)

Colt looks towards the mech and smirks as he has a plan in mind.

Roman manages to get the Paladin back to full height on its legs and turns to face the group of 8, now more mad than ever at getting tossed around.

"Final attack, Golden Flamethrower!!" He ordered, both Yang and Gopher look and smirk to each other.

They both rush off far away, creating a lot of distance between them and the mech. Before they could start they had to wait for the right environment.

The heiress and Iceman both pull out their weapons, twirling them around while using their semblance. At the same time they sink them into the ground and create and ice ring around the two brawlers.

With no time left to lose they both activate their own semblance, Yang is engulfed in in a golden fire with her eyes turning red, while Gopher is glowing orange with his fists burning and his eyes turning a golden yellow. They run and jump on the ice rings, increasing their speeds with each revolution they make.

"Now what?" Weiss asked.

"We need to keep it busy and distracted." Colt said, turning to Ruby and nodding to her.

She nods and proceeds with the next plan. "Avalanche Storm!"

Seeing this as their queue, Jack and Weiss both prepare for their attack, Weiss brings up a similar glyph that she conjured up for Ruby, while Jack holds Borealis Ferrum firmly in his grasp as he builds up his power again.

With a big a heave he swings his sword forward, ice blasting out only for it to go through the glyph and turn into hundreds ice shards. Ice shards now as big and as tough as a main battle tank Sabot round.

Roman freaks out at seeing these big tank rounds flying towards him, realising he could actually get hurt by these so he dodges them, a few managing to slice their way through the armor and hamper the mechs mobility.

"Lethal Specter!" Cold called out.

This was Sam's and Blake's turn to make a move. They both charged forward, blades at the ready, Sam took lead and launched forward, making the first strike without effort and disappearing into the shadows

Blake then went in, taking swings at the legs, Roman goes to kick her but she uses her semblance to create an after image of herself and launch herself backwards, and out of the after image Sam reappears coming out forward, blocking the attack and sending it away in one move.

Through practice Sam discovered that he could also use Blake's 'shadow's as a means of attack. Since he could move through shadows he found out he could also reappear through her after image which is basically another shadow.

They did this move several times over and over, with Blake creating shadows of herself and Sam coming out of them and then disappearing, only to remerge out of another.

They finally stopped after expending all of there Aura on their semblances and broke off, giving Ruby her chance to call out the next move. "Rosethorn Barrage!"

She and Colt run side by side towards Roman, their weapons at the ready, the crimsonette uses her semblance and blasts off forward, striking the legs then immediately making a 180 to make another strike.

The attack was set and both combatants use their semblance to give Roman a super speed double attack, going back and forth, back forth as they strike, starting at the legs then moving up with each and every attack until they were up by the shoulders.

Roman's console started going out of control as everything went red and brought up messages that read 'Heavy Damage' and 'Critical Failure'.

Both leaders land back on their feet, Colt quickly analyzing the mechs situation and realised that it was sparking like crazy, and knowing they had just bought enough time, he lets loose with the final move. "Now! FINNISH IT!!"

Hearing the signal, both brawlers launching off and towards the mech. Having built up so much momentum they soared through the skies, their fists cocked backed to land the and last blow.

Yang screams out. "GOLDEN!!!"
"FLAMETHROWER!!!!" Gopher finished

Roman didn't know what else to do but watch as the two hot heads come in and punch from either side of the mech. The steel bent and cracked as it was straining from two different directions, having no choice but to crack and explode open into a dozen pieces.

Roman gets back up, slightly dazed but unharmed, inspecting the damage, and admittedly impressed, while brushing himself off. "Just got this thing cleaned..."

He looks up just in time to see Yang and Gopher, both still burning with their powers, The blonde fires a single shot from her gauntlet at the defenseless thief, but he's saved at the last instant when the two-toned girl seen from the warehouse before drops in front of him and merely opens her umbrella, deflecting the blast entirely. The new arrival hangs the weapon over her shoulder as Roman addresses the victors. "Well then, Gentlemen, Ladies, Ice Queen...

"Hey!" Weiss shouted in offence.

"Always a pleasure! Neo, if you would..." Roman said to his accomplice.

"Wait what!?" Gopher said in surprise as his eyes turn back to their normal green after he heard the girl's name.

The pink-and-brown girl curtsies her enemies with a bow, but Yang has none of it, charging forth with a fists raised to strike the outlaws... only to break their image as if made out of a mirror, she looks around for them but couldn't.

But Gopher turns around immediately, machinegun drawn and shoots into the air at them escaping in a Bullhead. He only stops when they got out off range, and that he had finally expended the last of his ammo.

The rest of team runs up to their side, now cooled down with the end of the fight.

"So I guess he got a new henchman..." Yang said still a bit.

"Yeah, I guess she really made our plans... fall apart!" Weiss said making a pun.

Yang turns to her and she simply states. "No. Just... no." While the rest of the girls and the boys giggle at the joke, Jack actually laughing.

"What- But, you do it!" The heiress says getting mad.

"There's a time and a place for jokes." Yang said back.

"Was this not it?" Weiss asked.

Yang shook her head. "No, it just wasn't very good."

 "Well, at least I'm trying!" Weiss said back frustrated as she follows after Blake who along with Ruby, Colt and Jack decided to walk away.

"Still bad." Yang said with a little victory smirk. "Right Gopher?" She asks out, receiving no response.

She turns to see him looking off into the distance of the sky, he hadn't actually made a single sound, drowning out the conversation as he focused in the direction of Roman's escape.

"Gopher?" She called out to him, snapping him back into reality.

"Hmm? Oh what? Sorry I wasn't listening." He said then looking back into the sky.

She got curious at this odd sense of behavior from him. "You ok? Something wrong?" 

The Ginger continued staring off before answering. "No. Nothing is wrong. Let's go." He said before taking one last look into the sky, then walking along side the blonde back to their teams. His thoughts running wild, with one single thought constantly popping up.

"What the hell are you doing."


And that is a wrap!!

Boy has it been awhile since I posted. Sorry to everyone that was anticipating this I had some real personal problems that I had to deal with since October. 

Lot's of things happened, I was depressed, down and just trying to get my life back in order. 

Now everything is fine and back on track. 

I hope you all liked this chapter as this was by the the biggest one I have ever written yet. Probably could have broken it into two chapters but it felt like it would have broken the flow.

So I do hope you enjoyed.

Also I joined Tumblr along side @Jirehl_Flynn since Deviant art wants to be ridiculous with their terms as far as I can understand. 

And also another, I am planning another story, in fact it was the first fanfic story was writing quite a while back in highschool.

A Girls Und Panzer story. Not sure when I will get to this once since I have the commitment to RWBY but, I'll see if I can manage there.

Now I can't wait to get to the prom chapter. Been wanting to get this one actually.

See you there!!

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