Chapter 10: The Cage Mystery

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A/N: I just wan't to say real quick guys thank you 51 reads only 9 parts er 10 now but still thank you i'm glad you enjoy it enough to keep reading it

{Ruby's POV}

We looked around the cage trying to find anything that will tell us who used these cages

"Crap Ruby, Blake, Yang times up we have to get back" Weiss said looking at her scroll

"Oh well we'll tell Professor Oobleck about these cages" I Said 

We walked through the forest killing the Grimm that got in our way

"Ah there you are girls did you get the berries and see what caused the increase in Grimm" Professor Oobleck asked

"Yes we got both" I said holding out the jars

"Ah perfect" He said taking the jars "So what caused the increase" 

"We found a cage open in the forest it was big enough to hold an Ursa" Weiss said

"Hmm interesting were there any markings discerning who made the cages" He asked

"No we didn't see any" Blake said

"Okay well we'll just wait for the others oh there they are now" He said as everyone else walked towards us and handed Professor Oobleck the berries "So did you find anything relating to the Grimm activity around here

"No" They all answered

"Ah well team RWBY here did they found cages... Grimm cages" he said

We all walked back with the other two teams in debate on who could've done it. After classes we went back to the dorm and we started talking among ourselves 

"So who could've placed those cages" I asked

"Well it's close to the school and we often do training in that forest so maybe someone wants to get rid of us" Blake said

A/N: Note she's talking about ALL the huntresses and huntsman

"Yeah but who would want that" Yang asked

"Well maybe Roman's friends" I suggested

"Maybe but why all and not just us" Weiss said

"Hmm I don't know but we're definitely primary targets" Blake said

We all went to bed with this mystery in our heads

~Later That Night~

I woke up with a craving for a few cookies so I jumped down from my bunk and snuck into the kitchen and went to the cabinet where we kept the cookies. I opened it to find it empty I looked at the others and they didn't have them 

"Where are the cookies" I said to myself 

"Ruby!" Weiss whisper yelled

"What is it Weiss" I asked

"I got the cookies" she said

"Wha- why" I asked

"Because Yang wanted to hide them as a prank" she said walking over and handing me a cookie

"Thanks Weiss" I said hugging her 

"Your welcome Ruby" she said hugging back

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