Chapter 7: Invites

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{Weiss's POV}

I woke up and stared at my girlfriends sleeping face and noticed there was a blanket around us that wasn't there before then I heard clattering from the kitchen and realized Yang and Blake must have done it I just planted a small kiss on Ruby's forehead and got up to get dressed and try to help Yang and Blake make breakfast

"No Weiss don't leave me" Ruby whined

"Ruby I think Yang and Blake are cooking breakfast and I want to help so they don't burn down the school" I said

She then sat up and grabbed me pulling me over to the bed and I caved in and layed back down with her then I heard a small beep

"Crap" Yang said as I looked over holding a video camera

I gave her a glare

"Whaaaaaaatttttttt it was too cute to pass up" Yang said

I looked over to see Ruby I blushing and I hugged her

A/N: Which must be very difficult to do while laying down but i've never done it so what do I know forever alone

Then two seconds later a knock came at the door

"Come in" Yang shouted

"Okay I have a question" Nora said

"Okay shoot" Yang said


"What" Blake asked popping her head out from the mini kitchen that was recently implemented so students during the weekends didn't have to go without food

"I want to ask Ren out but I don't know what to do" Nora said slowing down

"Well just ask him if he wants to get lunch or dinner sometime" Blake said 

"Okay thanks" she said running out

"So uh Weiss want to get dinner" Ruby asked

"Yeah i'd like that" I said pulling her closer 

 "Okay well we'd better get ready it's monday" Ruby said

We got up and fixed our breakfast and went down to the cafeteria already having eaten we just sat down and started to talk then Neptune walked over and I got nervous because I knew he was gonna hit on me and Ruby might get jealous.

"Hey snowflake" Neptune said smirking

"Hey Neptune" I replied blankly

"So uh want to go get dinner with me...alone" he said

"No sorry I have plans" I said looking up and I saw Jaune snickering

"What plans can I be included" he asked

"Nope" Ruby said

"And you get a say in her plans why" he asked

"Because we are the ones who made the plans" I said

"Well what are they" he asked

I decided to get him to stop asking questions to tell him outright

"Me and Ruby are going to get dinner" I said

"Why only you two what about Yang and Blake" he asked

We all facepalmed

"Me and Weiss are dating Neptune jeez that should be obvious after what Weiss said" Ruby said 

  "Oh uh I don't know what to say" he said walking away

The day went by really slow and it was pretty boring until school ended

"Finally come on Ruby let's get changed into normal clothes so we can go" I said

"Right" Ruby said

~A few minutes later~

"So Weiss where are we going" Ruby asked smiling

"A little cafe opened recently" I said

When we got there it was packed the waiter guided us to a table where there was one guy sitting there

"Hello" Ruby said sitting down with me next to her

"Hello girls what are you doing alone out here it's dangerous don't you know" the man said

"We can defend ourselves" I said

"Never said you couldn't" he said getting up "Excuse me"

He then left leaving us two then we saw Yang and Blake walk in and the waiter guided them to us

"Oh hey Yang hey Blake" Ruby said

"Hey you guys had the same idea huh" Yang said

"Yeah hey Yang I thought this was a cafe" Blake said

"Yeah so did I but we ignored it" Weiss said

"Well welcome to the club I guess" Yang said

~Jason's POV~

I was guided to a table with 4 girls a blond a girl with a red cape a girl in white and a Cat faunus

"Hello" I said plopping down in the chair at the end

"Hello" they replied

"Names Jason but you can call me Jay" I said reaching into my pocket for the invites

"Hello i'm Ruby and this is my girlfriend Weiss my sister Yang and her girlfriend Blake" the girl with the cape replied

"Ruby what if he-" Weiss was about to say when I cut her off

"Naw it's fine two guys who are dating live in my mansion" I said pulling out the invites "Which I thought you'd be here here take these"

"What are these" Yang asked taking one

"Invites to the mansion you don't have to live there but feel free to visit whenever and i'll send you a message when one of you get a dare" I said

They shrugged

"Sure why not" Ruby said shrugging

I heard a gunshot and I caught a bullet out of midair heading straight for Yang "Hmm someone's trying to kill you Yang" I said 

Suddenly two guys rushed Yang. She punched them knocking them back one into the stove and the sword he had stabbed the stove lighting it on fire 

A/N: Cause it's a flame sword and plus the stove was ignited by the flame  

It went down to the fuel bit and I grabbed Weiss and Ruby teleporting them outside then Blake and Yang then the building blew it's top

"Well that happened" I said 

"Uh Yang who was trying to kill you and why" Blake asked

"I can answer that" I said "FOR YOU SEE" 

"Oh crap" Casket said appearing next to me but he made it to where the others couldn't see him

"When you guys were hunting the White Fang well Yang and Neptune broke into a club to ask some questions and well the White Fang were obviously not happy" I said

"Oh well that explains that" Ruby said

"Well see ya" I said turning and walking away into the night

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