Chapter 3

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Meanwhile in Piltover earth

Jaune was in bed as Kai'sa and Ahri were sleeping on his chest naked

"Hmm Jaune~" Kai'sa moaned in her sleep

"Hehe I love these two girls." Jaune thought as he gently caressed Kai'sa hair

Ahri snuggled into his side purring like a cat as she happily sleeped

"So warm~" Ahri thought hugging Jaune tighter

"Morning girls." Jaune said kissing them both on the head

Kai'sa and Ahri woke up smiling

"Morning Jaune!" Kai'sa said kissing Jaune on the lips

"Morning cutie~" Ahri said kissing him on the cheek

"We have to get up. We have training today." Jaune said sitting up trying to stretch

"Do we have to? Can't we just sleep in." Ahri said pouting

"Yeah I don't want to either." Kai'sa said also pouting

"Come on girls we can't slack off on our training. You know that as a dragon king I have to keep my body in tip top shape." Jaune said

"Please Jaune! Can't we just stay a little longer." Ahri begged

"Yeah I promise that it will be worth it." Kai'sa said nuzzling Jaune's neck

"Girls I'm serious." Jaune said but Ahri and Kai'sa were still not convinced

"Please Jaune I'll do anything!" Kai'sa said looking up at Jaune with puppy dog eyes

"Yeah I'll do anything you want me to!" Ahri said also looking at Jaune with puppy dog eyes

Jaune sighed knowing that they won't budge so he gave up

"Fine. We can sleep in for 30 more minutes." Jaune said

"Yes!" Kai'sa and Ahri shouted hugging Jaune tightly

They soon fell asleep again hugging each other naked

(30 minutes later)

"Hey wake up." Jaune said gently shaking Kai'sa

"Hmm what is it?" Kai'sa said rubbing the sleep from her eyes

"It's time to get up. I have to go now." Jaune said getting up

"Ok but don't forget to come back to us." Kai'sa said kissing him on the cheek

Jaune rushed as Elena was waiting for him

"You're late." Elena said glaring at Jaune

"I know I'm sorry Elena. I just lost track of time." Jaune said bowing his head

Elena sighed "It's fine. Let's just begin." Elena said getting into stance

Jaune also got into stance as well

They were facing each other both waiting for the other to make the first move

Jaune ran towards Elena as he swung his sword

Elena dodged easily as she swung her leg towards him

Jaune dodged and grabbed her leg

He then spun around and threw Elena to the ground

"I'm impressed. You're getting better and better." Elena said standing up

Jaune smiled as he got ready for another attack

They both went at it again exchanging blows with each other

But Jaune was slowly overpowering Elena as he punched her in the stomach

She coughed as Jaune sent her flying but he caught her before she hit the floor

"Impressive. You've really improved since coming here." Elena said wiping the blood from her mouth

"Thanks. I learned from the best." Jaune said smiling

Elena smiled back as she stood up

"Come on. Let's take a break." Elena said as they walked over to a table where water was placed on top

They both sat down as they drank water as Elena leaned onto Jaune's shoulder

"You remember how we first met as children in Vale?" Elena asked

"Yeah I do. I was being bullied by a group of kids but you stepped in and kicked their asses." Jaune said

"Haha yeah I did. But do you remember what you said to me?" Elena asked

"Yeah I said thank you for saving me." Jaune said

"And what else?" Elena asked

"Um I don't remember." Jaune said

"You said that one day you will marry me." Elena said laughing as Jaune blushed

"I...I did? But I didn't even know you at the time!" Jaune said embarrassed

"Yeah you did. But I accepted your offer as a joke." Elena said

"Well I'm glad you did because now I'm dating to a beautiful woman." Jaune said kissing Elena on the lips

Elena smiled as she deepened the kiss

"Hmm~" Elena moaned as they kissed

But they heard the door open as they turned to see Ariel standing at the entrance

"Um is this a bad time?" Ariel asked

"No it's fine. What do you need Ariel?" Elena asked

"Um well I was wondering if I could train with you and Jaune?" Ariel asked nervously

"Of course! You can join us anytime!" Jaune said happily

"I guess but I won't go easy on you just because you're my sister." Elena said

"I didn't expect you to." Ariel said as she walked into the training room


As Jaune, Elena, and Ariel were training hard

They heard someone knock on the door

"Come in." Elena said

The door opened as Akali and Evelynn came in

"Hey Elena. How's your training going?" Akali asked looking at the group seeing the sweat dripping from their faces

"It's going well. What do you two need?" Elena asked looking at them

"We just wanted to see how our king was doing. Also we brought lunch for you guys." Evelynn said as she placed a tray of food on the table

Jaune, Elena and Ariel looked at the tray as they saw three bowls of ramen

"Wow! Ramen! Thanks Akali and Evelynn." Elena said as he started eating

"Hmm! This is really good!" Jaune said as he took another bite

"Thanks. I'm glad you like it." Akali said smiling

"Well we will let you guys get back to training." Evelynn said as they left the room

"Bye!" Jaune yelled waving goodbye

"Well come on we have to finish up training." Elena said

Ariel nodded as she got ready for the next match

Jaune and Elena stood on the opposite side of each other


As they continued their training for 3 hours until Jaune finished

"Phew. That was a tough workout." Jaune said wiping the sweat from his face

"You did great. You're getting way stronger as the dragon king." Elena said

"Yeah you're getting stronger and stronger each day." Ariel said

"Thanks girls." Jaune said kissing them both on the lips

Elena and Ariel blushed at the sudden kiss

"You're welcome." Elena said with a huge blush on her face

"'re welcome." Ariel said also having a huge blush on her face

They soon left the training room as Jaune went to take a shower

He got in as the hot water felt nice on his skin

As Jaune was in the shower as he was finishing up as he turned off the water and stepped out

He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist as he walked out of the bathroom

But he stopped when he saw Ahri and Kai'sa waiting for him

"Oh hey girls. What's up?" Jaune asked

"Nothing much but we need some help with something." Kai'sa said

"Sure. What do you need?" Jaune asked

"Well we need help with picking out an outfit for your date." Ahri said smiling

"What!? We're going on a date!? When?" Jaune asked shocked

"Um now! And we are going to a fancy restaurant." Ahri said giggling

"Ok but why do you need an outfit for that?" Jaune asked

"Because I want you to dress in your finest clothes." Ahri said

"Ok but I don't really have any nice clothes." Jaune said

"Don't worry about that! We already have a suit for you to wear." Kai'sa said

"Ok then. Let's go." Jaune said

"Yay!" Ahri and Kai'sa cheered as they left the room

As they left the room as they entered another room as Kai'sa closed the door behind them

"So where is my suit?" Jaune asked

"Here it is." Kai'sa said as she pulled out a suit that was made of the finest materials

"Wow that looks expensive." Jaune said

"It is. But you're worth it." Kai'sa said

"Ok let me get dressed." Jaune said as he got undressed and started putting on the suit

After 5 minutes Jaune was done as he looked in the mirror

"Wow I look great!" Jaune said spinning around

"You look amazing~" Ahri said blushing

"Yeah you look very handsome." Kai'sa said blushing

"Thanks girls. So where's this restaurant you're taking me?" Jaune asked

"Its at downtown Elena will be joining us there." Ahri said

"Ok then let's get going." Jaune said as they left the room


As they were walking through the streets of Piltover

Jaune, Ahri and Kai'sa were holding hands as they continued to walk towards the restaurant

They soon reached the restaurant as Elena was waiting for them outside

"Thanks. You look great as well." Elena said also checking him out

"Well come on let enjoy the night." Elena said as they walked inside

Ahri was excited as they entered the restaurant

As they walked in Ahri went to talk to the hostess

"Hello. Welcome to Luxurious. I'm the hostess and what name is your reservation under?" The hostess asked

"It's under Ahri." Ahri said with a smile looking at the hostess

The hostess checked the list and nodded

"Ok then right this way." The hostess said as she led them to their table

They walked towards the table and sat down

"Your waiter will be with you shortly." The hostess said walking away

"So this is the fancy restaurant you went with." Jaune said looking around

"Yep! This is one of the best restaurants in Piltover." Ahri said happily her tail wagging

"That's nice to know." Jaune said as he noticed that everyone in the restaurant was wearing expensive clothing

"Yeah it is. It's nice to have a nice dinner outside of the tower." Elena said

"I agree. It's nice to spend time with you guys." Kai'sa said

"I agree as well. I like spending time with you guys." Jaune said smiling

"Thank you all for coming." A voice said

They looked up to see that their waiter had arrived

"I'm the waiter and I will be taking care of you tonight." The waiter said as he handed out menus

They opened them as they saw the various dishes that were listed

"What are you guys ordering?" Ahri asked looking at the menu

"Hmm I think I'll get the steak." Elena said

"I think I'll get the lobster." Kai'sa said

"I'm not sure what I want. Maybe I'll get the steak too." Jaune said

"Ok. What would you like to drink?" The waiter asked

"Um I'll get a glass of Coca Cola." Jaune said

"I'll get a glass of Root Beer." Elena said

"I'll get a glass of Sprite." Ahri said

"And I'll get a glass of Fanta." Kai'sa said

"Ok I will bring your drinks right away." The waiter said as he left the table

As he left the table they all talked to each other having a nice conversation

After 3 minutes the waiter returned with their drinks

"Here you are." The waiter said placing the drinks on the table

"Thank you." They all said as they took a sip of their drinks

"Are you guys ready to order?" The waiter asked

"Yes. We are." Ahri said smiling

"Ok what would you like to order?" The waiter asked

"I'll have the steak." Elena said

"I'll have the lobster." Kai'sa said

"I'll have the steak as well." Jaune said

"I'll have the Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo." Ahri said her tail wagging left and right as Jaune was petting her head

"Ok I will have your food out shortly." The waiter said as he left

As he left the table they continued to talk

"So Jaune do you have anymore assassination mission?" Kai'sa asked

"No my last one paid a good 10 million so I am free for good few months." Jaune said smiling

"That's good to know that means we can spend more time together." Elena said smiling

"Yeah it is." Jaune said as he looked at Elena with a smile

"That's good to know that means we can spend more time together." Elena said taking Jaune right hand and squeezing it

"Yeah it is." Jaune said as he looked at Elena with a smile as he stop petting Ahri who pouted at the loss of contact

"Ahri stop pouting." Jaune said

"But I wanted to be petted." Ahri said pouting more

"Oh come here." Jaune said as he started petting her head

Ahri smiled and closed her eyes as she purred at the touch as Elena rolled her eyes

"Ahri you're being spoiled again." Elena said with a little smirk

"Let her be. She deserves it." Kai'sa said as she kissed Ahri on the cheek

"Thanks Kai'sa." Ahri said nuzzling Jaune As the waiter returned with their food

"Here you go." The waiter said as he placed their food in front of them

"Thank you." They all said as they began to eat

"Hmm! This is so good!" Ahri said as she ate her food

"Yeah it is." Elena said also enjoying her meal

"The lobster is cooked great." Kai'sa said enjoying it

"Mhm." Jaune said nodding his head as he enjoyed the taste of the steak as he took a sip of his coke his eyes looking around feeling his sensing going off screaming danger

But before Jaune could react an explosion rocked the building as pieces of debris fell from the ceiling

Jaune got up as he shielded Elena, Kai'sa and Ahri from the falling debris using his aura and magic combine making a shield

"What the hell is going on!?" Elena yelled as she held onto Jaune

"I don't know!" Jaune said as he saw a group of men with weapons entering the restaurant

"This is a robbery! All of you get on the ground or you will be shot!" One of the men shouted as he shot a man in the head

All the people in the restaurant dropped to the floor as they were scared out of their minds

But the group of men started walking towards Jaune's table and recognize Ahri and Kai'sa

"Well what do we have here two member from KDA! What are you two doing here?" The man said with a sinister grin

"Leave us alone!" Kai'sa yelled

"Now now I can't do that. You see you two will make a lot of money for me if I sell you off as slaves." The man said as he pointed his gun at Kai'sa

But Jaune reacted faster as he punched the man in the face sending him flying as he hit the wall hard knocking him out cold

The other men looked at Jaune as he stood protectively in front of the girls

"So you wanna play huh? Well let's play!" The man said as he pulled out his sword and charged at Jaune

Jaune side stepped him as he roundhouse kicked the man sending him flying into a wall knocking him out cold

The rest of the men started to surround Jaune but before they could do anything Jaune dragon wings popped out his tail and horns appeared

"Its the Dragon King!" The third man said in fear as they recognize him. They know who he is. He is the strongest person in the world. They were just lowly thugs wanting to make quick cash they can't fight him. They were about to retreat but they were too late as Jaune swung his tail at them sending them flying through the walls as they reached for their guns only for Jaune to summon his gun and fired two shots killing them

The remaining men tried to run only for Jaune to appear in front of them as he grabbed their heads and slammed them together knocking them out

Jaune then turned tos see the leader getting up afraid

"Please! Don't kill me!" The man begged as he was crawling backwards

Jaune smirked and activated Electric Manipulation as he grabbed the man's head and shocked him to unconsciousness and dropped him

"Are you ok?" Jaune asked as he deactivated his ability and turned to see Ahri, Elena, and Kai'sa hugging him tightly

"We're ok. Thanks to you." Kai'sa said in relief

"Yeah you saved our lives." Elena said in relief

"Yeah! Thanks for protecting us Jaune!" Ahri said whimpering

'Okay. Let call the police and let's go home." Jaune said as he called the police while Elena, Kai'sa, and Ahri comforted the other people that were scared


As Jaune and the girls were in their penthouse in the tower

Jaune was sitting on the couch as Elena, Kai'sa, and Ahri sat on his lap cuddling with him

"I'm so glad you saved us." Ahri said nuzzling Jaune's neck

"Yeah me too." Elena said as she kissed Jaune on the cheek

"Me three." Kai'sa said as she kissed Jaune on the other cheek

"I'll always protect you guys." Jaune said smiling

"I love you Jaune." Elena said smiling

"I love you too." Jaune said kissing Elena on the lips

"Hmm~" Elena moaned into the kiss as they deepened the kiss

Kai'sa and Ahri watched with blushes on their faces as they also kissed Jaune on the lips

Jaune and Elena broke the kiss as he kissed Kai'sa and Ahri on the lips

"Hmm~" Kai'sa and Ahri moaned into the kiss as they kissed Jaune deeply

After 2 minutes they broke the kiss as he looked at the phone. He sees Evelynn texted him

Evelynn: Hey Jaune I heard about what happened at the restaurant. Are you guys ok?

Jaune: Yeah we are fine. Don't worry about us. We will see you in the morning

Evelynn: Ok I am with Coco, Velvet and Akali, We will see you guys in the morning

Jaune: Ok. Good night

Evelynn: Goodnight

Jaune closed the phone and sighed

"Are you ok?" Kai'sa asked

"Yeah I'm fine just worried about Evelynn, Akali, Coco, and Velvet. Those girls are heading to Japan for two nights and I am worried about them. What if something happens to them?" Jaune said frowning

"They will be fine. Those girls are strong." Elena said

"But what if something does happen?" Jaune asked

"Don't worry Jaune. They will be fine." Ahri said as she hugged him

" the way where is Ariel and Seraphine?" Jaune asked looking around

"They went do I think about it where did they go." Elena said

Meanwhile with Seraphine and Ariel

Seraphine was walking down the street with Ariel as they were out looking for a gift for their boyfriend Jaune. They were trying to find a star wars limited edition poster but were having no luck

"Damn it! We've been searching for hours and still haven't found a limited edition star wars poster for Jaune." Seraphine said with a pout

"Don't worry. We'll find one eventually." Ariel said as they walked down the street just then Seraphine saw a store

"Oh wait! There's a store! Maybe they'll have one." Seraphine said running towards the store

"Hey wait for me!" Ariel said as she ran after Seraphine

They soon reached the store as they entered the store looked around luckily they saw a limited edition star wars poster hanging on the wall

"Perfect! There it is!" Seraphine said as she and Ariel walked up to the poster but they checked the price

"Huh?! 3,000 dollars!? That's much for a poster holy shit!" Ariel said as she went and grabbed it off the wall

"Hear I got this." Seraphine said as she grabbed 3,000 dollar

"You sure?" Ariel asked

"Yeah I got Jaune. We both know that he loves Star Wars. And we can't go wrong with giving him a limited edition poster." Seraphine said with a smile

"Yeah! Thanks Sera! Let's get this back to the tower." Ariel said smiling

The girls paid for the poster as they left the store but were unaware that two men were watching them

"Hey is that The singer Seraphine and her bodyguard Ariel!?" One of the men said

"Holy shit it is! They are hot! I have tickets to her concert and I can't wait to meet her backstage." The other man said

"Hey should we follow them?" The first man asked

"Yeah we should." The second man said as they followed the girls

With the girls

Seraphine and Ariel were walking down the street as they were carrying Jaune gift

"Thanks for helping me pick a gift for Jaune Ariel." Seraphine said smiling

"No problem Sera. Besides you're like a little sister to me and besides we know that Jaune love star wars." Ariel said

"Yeah he is way into star wars." Seraphine said giggling

But before they could continue their conversation they heard footsteps behind them

They looked behind them but saw no one so they shrugged it off

They turned the corner and kept walking when suddenly two men appeared in front of them as Ariel pushed Seraphine behind her

"Um can I help you with something?" Ariel asked glaring at them

"Yeah you can actually. See my friend and I are big fans of Seraphine's music so we want to get an autograph from you." The first man said

"Sorry but I can't give you an autograph right now. I'm on vacation so you will have to wait till the next concert." Seraphine said smiling

"Oh...that sucks but can't you make an exception just for us?" The second man asked

"I'm sorry but I can't." Ariel said as she walked around them as she pushed Seraphine past them but was stopped when the second man grabbed her arm

"Wait! Don't leave! Come on we just want an autograph!" The second man said

"No sorry! We really need to get going." Ariel said yanking her arm out the man's grip

But as she and Seraphine walked around them they stopped

"Hey that limited edition." The first man said smirking

" is...I wonder how much it cost?" The second man said also smirking

"What!? You want the poster!? Sorry but it's not for sale." Ariel said glaring at them

"Come on! Just give us the poster." The first man said grabbing Seraphine as he ripped the poster out her hands

"Hey give that back!" Seraphine yelled

"Give it back. Or we will call the cops." Ariel said

"You give us an autograph and a date with you Seraphine and we will give the poster back." The second man said

"Never! Just give the poster back!" Seraphine said

But before Ariel could stop them she screamed in pain as the man shot a stun dart in her neck

"Arielllll!" Seraphine yelled seeing her sister and bodyguard fall to the ground knocked out

"Hahaha! We got her!" The second man said as he kicked Ariel in the stomach

"Hey hey let's not kill her." The first man said with a smirk

"Sorry...she's just pissing me off." The second man said

"Now let take our prize." Second man looking with lust at Sera as she shiver in fear

"P-please don't hurt me!" Seraphine pleaded

"Shut up!" The second man said slamming her to the ground

"Aghhhh!" Seraphine yelled

The second man got on top of her as he smirked

"You better stay still." The second man said pulling out a rope

Seraphine screamed in pain as the first man gagged her with a gag ball and tied her up

"P-please don't !" Seraphine pleaded crying

"Sorry but we are going to have fun." The second man said ripping Seraphine clothing exposing her underwear

"Hmm!" Seraphine yelled as the tears flowed down her face

The second man smirked as he grabbed her breast and squeezed it making her scream

With Jaune

Jaune felt something was wrong his eyes narrowed

"What is it?" Elena asked

"Something is wrong Seraphine and Ariel are in danger. I can sense it." Jaune said standing up

"Then let's go. They are your sisters and your girlfriends we have to save them." Kai'sa said

"You're right. We got to go." Jaune said opening a portal as the three of them stepped through it

Back with Seraphine and Ariel

Seraphine was crying as the second man was groping her while the first man was groping Ariel

"Hmm!" Ariel woke up groaning as she struggled only for the first man to slap her

"Ow!" Ariel yelled

"Stay still." The first man said smirking

But Jaune appeared in a flash of red as his wings and tail out

".....What do we have here? Two fuckers hurting my girlfriends ." Jaune said angrily

"Jaune Arc The Dragon King!?" The second man yelled as they backed away

The perverted men eyes widen in fear as Jaune

"Stay still Seraphine Ariel I got you." Jaune said appearing between Seraphine and Ariel protecting them

The perverted men eyes widen in horror as Jaune growled

"You two have crossed a line. I was going to let you both go. But after seeing that. I changed my mind." Jaune said as he grabbed both men by the throat as they were struggling as black flames appeared

"Burn in Hell." Jaune said as black flames consumed the men turning them into dust

Seraphine and Ariel eyes widen in fear

But Jaune deactivated the black flames as he untied Seraphine and helped her up

"Are you ok Sera?" Jaune asked as he held her close

"Y-yeah I am. Thanks for saving me." Seraphine said hugging Jaune

"I will always protect you. You and Ariel are my girlfriends and I'll be damed if anyone hurts you guys." Jaune said kissing Seraphine on the head

Seraphine blushed and nuzzled his chest as Elena, Kai'sa cut Ariel free

"Thanks for saving us Jaune." Ariel said as she hugged him

"Of course Ariel." Jaune said before noticing the poster on the ground

"Hey what's that?" Jaune asked as he went to the poster

Seraphine blushed as Elena, Kai'sa and Ariel laughed

"Sera and Ariel got you a star wars limited edition poster for your birthday." Elena said as she, Kai'sa, and Ariel went and grabbed the poster

"Really?! This is awesome!" Jaune said laughing as his girlfriends smiled

"We love you Jaune." Seraphine said with a smile

"Thanks. That's means a lot to me." Jaune said smiling


Jane was resting her legs. She was sent by Jaune to keep an eye on a certain person

But as Jane was walking she saw a car as she recognized the person inside as the car pulled up as she entered the car and it sped away

"So how has everything been?" Jaune said leaning back on his seat as he was wearing a casual outfit

"Things have been good. I got the info on Cardin Winchester. He is being held in a jail in Piltover Maximum Security Prison." Jane said as Jaune nodded

"Good find out where else is his teammate and how they arrived here on Earth." Jaune said

"Understood babe. I will make sure that your revenge on Cardin will be perfect." Jane said leaning forward kissing Jaune

Jaune kissed back as the car continued to drive on the streets

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