Prologue: Year One part 1: The Batman Begins

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A/n pov

A day; much to the world's dismay one singular day....can change one's life forever. Be it seen as a act of God,one of blind fate, and Destiny. Regardless of how anyone sees the world this is  a fact many are oblivious. However  among those who learned this, only one had come to truly change  the world around him.

When tragedy struck him he would take fate into his own hands.  He would become fear to the evil of the world.  He would become Vengeance...he would become the night...he would become The Dark Knight 

The batman!


A young Y/n was seen running through a shadow filled alley way. Hearing the screams of his parents the boy's eyes filled with tears.

Thomas: MARTHA RUN!!!!


Y/n: M-MOMMY!!


 Following with the sounds of gunshots and the sky above filling with a crimson red. As he tripped he fell into a shadow leaving him to scream in fear. after crashing into the ground the boy broke down hurled in a ball crying. He could feel nothing but helplessness and fear. To Y/n this was a all too familiar to feeling. Minutes later the boy looked up hearing the sounds of bats before they swarmed him. Unable to shake them the boy soon  found  himself being  lifted into the sky.

With the tears in his eyes fading away one image stared him down from the bat filled shadows.

(Dream end)

Y/n's blasted upwards on his bed he held his chest. Looking around he took a deep breath. Sitting upward he heard a knock on his door and spoke.

Y/n: Come in.

As the door opened Y/n rubbed his eyes  as a all too familiar face with a plate of food in his hand.

???: I've prepared your breakfast for you...Is everything alright?

Y/n:*smiles and nods* Yeah \ yeah I'm just fine....just a bad dream


 Alfred:  I've prepared  your favorite sir. I do believe that aside from your meeting with Miss Nikos. I believe Miss Schnee will be visiting tonight.

Y/n: Weiss? 

In truth the name was far from unknown to him.  The Schnee family were in fact  close friends with Y/n's own Wayne family.  The names Schnee and Wayne had become famous for their use of revolutionizing use of dust energy. But what no one knew was the childhood friendship.

For Y/n Weiss was a great comfort and trusted friend for him. Eating his breakfast  Y/n turned to Alfred and spoke with a grin.

Y/n: I bet you're happy to see Klein again. 

Alfred: I cannot lie sir I am indeed. He is my dear friend and a fellow man of service...and honor too.

Y/n: Yeah I bet. As much as i'd love to hear an old war story. I guess I have to get ready. I'm meeting Pyrrha at  Gotham's new  library.

Alfred: Indeed sir it's the grand opening. 

Y/n:Alright thanks Alfred keep me updated if you can.

Putting on his clothes Y/n went downstairs Alfred turned to him and spoke.

Y/n: Dressing to impress a young lady master Y/n?

Y/n: *smiles* Come on Alfred it's a library opening not a  board meaning right? I figure the  casual look would be best.

Alfred: Whatever you say sir.

Walking out of the house Y/n took note of a limo outside his house. Knowing it wasn't his own he walked to greet  the one inside. 

Y/n: Stopping by Early 


Weiss: Is the Playboy too busy for some quality time with a  old friend huh Y/n?

Y/n: Not at all I actually planned on going out to the Rec center for a bit.

Klein: Well then Mr Wayne i'm sure we can offer you a  ride!

Y/n: You sure about that Klein? I'm sure I can get there myself.

Klein: Oh it's no bother at all it's  nothing at all! I'm just doing a favor to my old pal Pennyworth.

Y/n smiled at Klein as Weiss spoke.

Weiss: So are you gonna get in or what you dolt?

Y/n: Ah what the hell sure.

Moving over Weiss let Y/n in allowing him to close the door. While on the way to the Rec center Y/n stared outside the window  seeing a news report on the TV. Much to his own dismay he saw the countless crimes  committed .Murder,Theft, Kidnapping, and everything in between. 

Y/n:(mind) Everywhere I go it's always the same. And not a single soul can change things.. How can anyone  let this happen?...Even the Police can't do a thing.

Weiss: Something on your mind Y/n?

Y/n: Oh nope everything is  fine. It's right up ahead. 

Weiss: Wait someone is waving at us.

Y/n  seeing the one Weiss was talking about . Hoping out of the limo Y/n went over and greeted the man with a hug.

???: Wasn't expecting you to bring company Y/n.

Y/n: Ah well you know me  gotta keep you surprised

Ethan. Anyways  we hear to ball or what?

Ethan:*smiles* You got that right but  I've been a detective for a 2 years now ya know?

Y/n: Point taken.

Timeskip brought to you by this

3rd person pov

As the night came around  in a crowd Y/n smiled standing next to Pyrrha with a drink in hand.

Y/n:*smiles* Well here's to the library and it's  entire catalog dedicated to you and other fighting prodigies 


Pyrrha: Well if you want me to be honest i'm just happy to know that everything went well. I just hope that it'll be of great help.

Y/n  holding out his cup to do a cheer Y/n spoke.

Y/n: To a bright future ahead for not only Gotham but your career aswell.

Pyrrha: Cheers!

Leaving the place minutes later Y/n heard a scream in a alleyway  grabbing his attention. Hearing the parents being  robbed Y/n clenched his fists. With the memories of his past flashing before him Y/n ran. Charging into the alley Y/n punched the mugger in the face.  Knocking the gun out of his hand the boy; continued his assault by ramming the thug into the wall. Allowing the family to run Y/n  beat down on the thug.The Wayne relentlessly  punched the man managing to even shed some blood. He was left unaware as another struck him in the head with a wooden bat. Y/n  collapsed to ground as thee two thugs began to beat him down. For a minute they continued until from the shadows someone killed the men. Staring down upon the boy the being in the shadows spoke with a dark male voice.

???: You show promise....but do you have the conviction?.....Do you think you have what it takes to change this world for the better?

As Y/n's vision faded the last sight he saw was 2 green eyes staring him down.

??? pov

Y/n...Wayne......only time shall tell if you are worthy.


To be continued

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