Rangers Lead The Way!

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Ok we are back in business!!!

Well sort of.....

Been having trouble in getting or making GiFs lately, so be prepared for a lot and I mean a lot of videos I am going to use as references instead. So sorry if that gets annoying in advance.

So sorry in advance for all the videos I will be using as references...... I kinda went a little mad with it.

Also just want to let you all know....... 14000. 14000 damn words this was, so you're going to have a very long read ahead of you.

Other than that I present to you all the final OC chapter of Volume 1




"So how you guys holding up? Kill any grimm yet?" Yang then spoke, leaning towards the screen.

Gopher the came up and leaned into the scroll. "Not yet, we're still trekking our way through the forest before we start scouting out the targets."

"Co-Bzzz Colt!" Ruby said worried as their feed started going out.

Jack looked up with a grim face. "All radio and communications frequencies within a 8km radius have been fried."

"It's an invading army!" He then finished as the entire team could now see that there were a total of 13 Nests scattered throughout the forest.

"Now. We go now! We can't afford to waste anymore time. Gather your gear we are moving up the next phase of the plan, let's move it!" Colt ordered.

They all nodded and went to grab the rest of their gear, putting out the fire and then leaving into the forest, disappearing into the cold dark to destroy the enemy within.


Thursday - Day 11
Beacon 1320 hours

"11 days, 11 days! They should have been back by Saturday." The crimsonette thought to herself as she walked through the corridor towards her dorm.

She was depressed, and rightly so. After the call with SSPF went dead, its been complete radio silence ever since.

No one knew where the boys were but they weren't at all worried about them as they expected the team to be back on Saturday.

But as the day passed and they didn't show up they did start to. Not at first, but as Sunday rolled by, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, it was evident that something went wrong.

Team RWBY got hit the most. They all started to worry very badly after Monday and there was still no response from the boys.

They pleaded to Ozpin to send them in and bring them home but he refused. Telling them that it was impossible since they couldn't get radio contact with the village either and he expressed that he was not willing to send a team into unknown territory where the chances of them being dropped into an overrun village was just too much of a risk.

He told them to wait until they would get further information until they would send in a strike team. And that was the hardest part, the wait.

As she approached her room she came by the door next to theirs. The door to Team SSPF dorm room. She didn't know what came over with her but she felt compelled to reach over and open the door.

She stepped inside and closed the door behind her. She took a look at the boys room. The reinforced bunk beds, their half empty gear locker, book shelf, the posters on the walls etc.

She looked towards the bunk beds, particularly towards Colt's. She remembered the time they both shared it when the bluenette was depressed and the few other times she came over so Colt could help her out with some homework.

*Giggle* "I remember that one time when Colt asked me to come over to his dorm instead to do our homework. The guys certainly really bugged him about it." She thought to herself as she remembered right after the boys started teasing Colt, he politely asked her to step outside with him...........

And then tossing in a flashbag as he closed the door.

Needless to say the rest of the team decided to keep their mouths shut from there on out.

Ruby sighed as she looked towards the workbench by the window as a another memory started playing out in her head.


Colt was by the bench working on handloading his ammo while Ruby sat on the chair swinging her legs as the bluenette was busy explaining to her about his special red stripped bullets.

"So exactly how different are these again?" The crimsonette asked as she made a 360 twirl in the chair.

Colt smiled as he pulled on the press, forcing the bullet into the cartridge and finishing it. "Well, for one thing.... it packs a much more powerful punch than your standard 50. Cal round." He said as he finished up.

Ruby raised an eyebrow. "How powerful?"

Colt just chuckled. "Remember that Death Stalker that was charging at you?"

Ruby thought for a minute and then remembered back at the initiation when part of its face was blown apart. Her eyes widened as she turned back to him with a silent shocked face.

"Yup, that's about how much damage this bullet could cause to a Death Stalker. To something a bit smaller like say, oh I don't know.... a Beowolf perhaps? You'd see nothing but body parts everywhere." Said as he then sat in a chair opposite the crimsonette.

Ruby, still stunned, stood up from the chair. "Bu-But why don't you just make that standard issue!"

Colt sighed. "As much as I would love to, I can't. The process to make these bullets isn't easy, dangerous in fact. Plus I would need to redesign my gun again."

"Why?" She asked.

Colt decided to answer by grabbing two bullets. One standard and one with the red strip to prove his point. He handed both to her. "What difference can you see between these two?"

Ruby inspected the bullets and then answered. "The tip on this one is about a half longer." She said referring to the one with the red strip, its bullet head much longer than the standard bullet.

"Exactly, I would need to redesign the magazine and the magazine port just for that, but lucky enough it's still the same diameter as a normal 50 so I can still breach load them." He replied to her.

Ruby nodded at the explanation. "But still, why not just do that and use these from here on out?" She asked as she put the bullets on the table.

Colt leaned onto the desk and took a deep breath. Knowing what he will say next will shock her. "The gun will explode after 5 shots." He said rather bluntly.

"WHAT!?!?!" She yelled in surprise.

"Yeah, saw that coming." Colt said as he used a finger to clear out his ear.

"W-Why! Where did you get these!?" She asked him.

Colt shook his head. "I didn't. I made them. Besides the whole gun exploding thing is just a 50/50 chance. It's either it explodes, or the barrel just completely melts off." He said nonchalantly.

But Ruby looked absolutely dumbfounded.

End of Flashback

She smiled at the memory. Remembering how Colt explained to her that it took him 4 months of experimenting, with Jack's help, to find the right formula to use in the gunpowder and another additional 2 months of testing with the rifle to make sure it doesn't blow up in his face after just the first shot. Needles to say she was impressed with him.

She walked out, taking one last look before closing the door behind her and entering her own. She wondered where the rest were since she was the only one in her dorm.


Yang was in the gym, giving quick jabs at the punching bag, her hits getting harder and harder from her frustration.

"Dammit Gopher!! Where are you guys!" She thought as she punched even harder.

She kept going, getting lost in thought as she then thought back to when she saw the Ginger in the gym.


Yang entered the gym and instantly heard someone working inside by the sounds of punches being launched at the punching bag. She rounded the corner and looked past the boxing arena, finding Gopher busy working on his punches.

(Just all the scenes that include the punching bag, don't need to include the flashbacks)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Gopher was so focused on the bag that he didn't notice Yang behind him as his punches started getting harder.

Yang noticed that he was way more focused on this than usual and so opted to stay quiet and watch.

But she was still close enough to see what was really going on. She noticed that his fists were glowing orange.

"No not glowing. Burning!" She thought as she noticed his fist were flowing with fire from his semblance.

Gopher's punches started to increase as well as the impact. After a few more hits he retracts a large swing and sends it, yelling as he sends the bag flying off its hook and across the room, ripping it open and spilling the sand onto the floor, leaving the skin singed.

The Ginger breathes heavily after that, just standing there staring at the destroyed bag, but the blonde noticed that he was deep in thought, the face showing the signs of someone hurting.

Gopher just stares off into the space, taking deep breaths as he feels his semblance turning off, leaving him even more tired.

"Wow..." Yang's voiced rang out in amazement.

Gopher quickly turned around to face the blonde beauty. "Yang? *Breath* What are you dong here?" He asked still catching his breath.

"I was looking for you and managed to find you here." She answered. But she wanted to know what was bothering him. "You ok?" She asked him

The Ginger nodded. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine." He said as he walked up to the punching bag and lifted it up, taking it and placing it next to a pile of destroyed bags.

Yang watched as he went to go grab another bag, but she could see on his face that he wasn't fine. "Don't lie to me!" She said narrowing her eyes.

Gopher looked at her and shook his head. "Yang please, it's not something I want to talk about." He then turned his back to her and hung up the next bag, starting another round.

Yang walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Gopher.... you can talk to me. Please?" She pleaded to him.

This prompted him to stop and close his eyes. He sighed as he nodded to her. "Fine." He replied as he led her to the boxing ring and sit on the edge.

The blonde sat there waiting for him to ready himself.

Gopher took a deep breath before speaking. "You remember back on the first night in the ballroom? Where I said I don't remember much about my parents."

Thought for a moment as she remembered back to that first night and nodded. "Yeah, I do."

"*Sigh* Well that sort of was uh.... half a lie." He said to her looking at the ground.

Looked to him in slight surprise, now more curious than ever. "What do you mean?"

"Well... I did grow up in an orphanage before Colt's godmother found me. But before that I still do have these.... vivid images of them you know. Especially of my mom." He said with a sad smile.

Yang was taken aback by this. Realising that he's like her, abandoned by their own mother. "What, what was she like?"

The Ginger sighed as he then gave a small smile. "She was beautiful, caring. Her voice was like that of an angel and I could tell how much she cared for me whenever she sang." He closed his eyes as the smile became a tad bit bigger"She also had beautiful golden locks." He said turning to look at the blonde. "Like you."

Yang didn't know what else to say as she blushed at his words. Grateful for his compliment as she stroked her own hair.

Gopher went on to explain how even after she gave him up to the orphanage, he believes that she had a reason to do so. And he believed that she was still out there in the world and told Yang that one day he will find her.

End Flashback

Yang continued her fury punches. Her worry for the Ginger growing even more.

Her eyes went red, not realising she activated her semblance Yang got angry and sent a single punch at the bag.

And like Gopher punched it off the hook and across the room, the sheer force ripping it open and spilling the sand on the floor.

She took deep breaths and realised she had her semblance on. She turned it off and her eyes turned back from red to their Lilac colour.

She took deep breaths as she stared at the destroyed bag before her. "Gopher.... please. Come back safe."


Weiss sat at the far end of the schools library where barely anyone went to, preferring the quiet atmosphere so that she could study alone and in peace. However for the past week she's been struggling just to do that.

"Grr, why am I finding it so damn hard to focus!" She thought to herself as she tried concentrating on the text book on the table before her, but found it very difficult.

What was frustrating her was that her mind was constantly focused on something else, or rather someone.

"Damn you Jack! Why can't I get you out of my head!?" She thought as her mind kept putting up mental images of said ice haired boy.

She leaned back into her chair to look up at the ceiling. She then reached over to her bag to get a drink of water, hoping the cold water would get her mind of the ice warrior and back onto her task.

As she rummaged through she felt something odd in the bag. The heiress grabbed hold of it and plucked it out. Weiss then stared at a tool in her hand, one that was used for tinkering and repairing weapons.

"Weird? I don't remember putting this in here." She thought as she inspected the tool and then realised it wasn't one of hers.

As she realised this her mind went into a flashback as she then remembered where she'd gotten it from.


At the schools workshop, both Jack and Weiss were busy doing maintenance with their weapons. However they stood at the opposite ends of the table and staying quiet, preferring not to talk to each other.

Well technically Jack was quiet as he was focused on going through Borealis Ferrum and his gadgets, fluidly moving as he grabbed tools, started fixing, tinkering and putting them away as he grabbed the next tool from the box without pause.

Weiss on the other hand was struggling with Myrtenaster, her fingers fumbling with the tools as she tried to do maintenance with her weapon. Letting out subtle groans of frustration as she was struggling.

The heiress looked up to the boy before her and saw him what she could basically call as dancing as he went through each and every step without pause. She looked back down at her side of the table and sighed.

She then reached over to her toolbox and rummaged through to find the tool she needs next. However she couldn't find it, spending the next minute going in and out of the box looking for it.

But Weiss didn't know that Jack was eyeing her every now and then when she wasn't looking. He realised that she couldn't find the specific tool she was looking for and most probably misplaced it somewhere.

He took a deep sigh as he then reached over to his tool box. "Here." He stated simply as he pulled out and held the tool before Weiss.

The heiress looked up towards him, seeing the tool in his hands, the one that she was looking for. Weiss didn't say anything as she looked Jack in the eyes.

Jack motioned his hand for her to grab it. "Take it. I don't need it right now." He said.

Weiss looked bewildered at him but instantly nodded to him as she took the tool. Her hand grazing his and feeling his rough yet gentle skin.

"Be sure to give that back when you are done, ok?" The ice warrior said as he then packed up everything and left the heiress alone in the workshop for her to be able to focus more clearly.

Weiss just looked at him astonished as he left out the door. Her face went sorrow as she stared at the tool in her hand. Then clutched it tightly as she then whispered "Thank you."

Flashback ends

"*Sigh* I need to remember to give this back and thank him for lending me this. If it wasn't for you Jack I would have been left behind. Many times in fact." Weiss thought to herself as she then promised that when he returns, she won't act all prestige and high class. Rather just to be herself and show him that sue is willing to be his friend.

But something was gnawing in the back of her head. Almost something from a long time ago but she couldn't remember or place her finger on it.

She decided that she will figure it out later and went back to studying, now more focused and determined with a smile on her face.

Beacon Courtyard

Blake sat leaning against a tree, she had the most perfect view before her. She stared towards the cliffs that had the full view of Vale in all its glory.

Whenever she had free time she would come here to read her books as the scenery was perfect to look at whenever she finished and the beautiful sight would bring a smile to her face.

But right now that wasn't the case, Blake watched the scene before her with sorrow as she then turned to the empty spot beside her.

The ninja of RWBY couldn't stop taking her mind of the Wolf boy of SSPF. As during the last month she had actually grown quite close with him.

She then remembered back to the day when she and Sam both shared this spot to enjoy the view and talk about whatever was bothering them.


Blake read her book using the tree as something to lean on to be comfortable. She was so engrossed in it she didn't even hear someone walking up to her.

"What ya readin?" A cheerful voice rang out.

The ninja girl jumped in her spot, startled from the sudden surprise. "Dammit Sam! Don't sneak up on me like that!"

The Wolf boy only snickered at her antics. "Haha! Sorry about that! Didn't mean to startle you." He said scratching the back of his head. He then looked to the empty spot beside her. "Mind if I take this spot?" He asked her.

Blake eyed the empty spot beside and then looked up back at him. "Sure." She replied with a shrug.

Sam gave her an eye smile. "Thanks." He said as he then took a seat next to the ninja and leaning against the tree and watching the view.

The both of them sat in silence, Blake staring at her book intently as the plot she was reading was starting to thicken, Sam sat beside her taking in the beauty of the view before them.

After a few minutes the Wolf decided to break the silence. "Hey? Can I ask you something?"

Blake nodded as she kept on reading her book.

"Why do you hide yourself?" He asked.

The question caused her to look away from her book and towards him. To Sam she seemed to compose herself quite well, but he knew on the inside she was panicking, which she was.

"I don't know how to tell him of my past. I can't tell him, but I still have to say something dammit!" She thought to herself.

What she didn't realize though was Sam was very good at reading people, and he could tell she was struggling to come up with a reason. "You don't have to tell me everything." He stated catching her off-guard. "You can tell me a watered down version instead." He said with a smile.

Blake looked at him in awe and smiled, admiring him for giving her a good way of not telling her story. "Basically...." She started. "Humans don't exactly react well to Faunus. You've seen how Cardin and his team react to us."

Sam nodded. "True."

"Also, I've done.... questionable things." She said looking to the ground.

Sam chuckled at her, making Blake glare at him. "Hey! It's not funny!"

"I know..." Sam replied. "But I doubt that whatever you've done is anything compared to what I've done." He said to her.

This made Blake look at him in shock. She was expecting to see a a very upset face, but Sam instead was just smiling at the view before them.

"What... what do you mean? What could you have possibly done that I doubt was worse than I ever did?" She asked him.

The Wolf just chuckled at her. "I'm not telling." He said turning to bet met with an angry face. "Hey! If you're not ready to tell then neither am I. Alright?" He said with warming smile.

Blake instantly felt her anger diminish and looked toward him, understanding his reason. She smiled, now too looking at the beautiful scene.

Flashback Ends

Some time later RWBY and JNPR had all gathered together for Goodwitch's combat class outside. They held some small talk awaiting the professor's arrival.

"You girls need to cheer up. I'm sure their fine." Jaune said.

"Jaune.... they've been gone for almost two weeks!!" Yang said in distress.

"While that is concerning. I'm sure they will make it back. We just need to believe in them. Remember how they handled themselves during the initiation when they distracted those Death Stalkers?" Ren stated to them.

"Yeah but..." Ruby said then looking down, not wanting to say the next part.

"They came out of that rather beaten and a lot of pain." Weiss said, her voice filled with fear.

They continued chatting about the situation until Goodwtich arrived for class. Just as they were about to follow in after her, the PA came over the speakers.

"Will Team RWBY report to the headmaster's office. I repeat. Team RWBY please report to the headmaster's immediately." The voice said before finishing.

All of RWBY looked perplexed, unsure of why they were being called up. They looked to Goodwitch who smiled at them. "You may leave. I will mark you all as present."

"But what about class?" Ruby asked her.

Glynda swiftly replied back. "I will have Team JNPR catch you up on the class and hand over any homework that needs to be done. Now hurry along, best not to leave the headmaster waiting."

RWBY all smiled at the professor, thanking her before leaving to Ozpin's office.

Time Skip
Ozpin's Office

The elevator opened up and Team RWBY stepped out to be greeted by Ozpin who was standing by the window holding his coffee and cane.

"Ah Team RWBY, thank you for coming on such short notice." He said then sipping into the mug.

But the girls weren't here for small talk, they were here for answers, as such Weiss stepped up first. "Why are we here sir?"

"Is it about SSPF? Have you heard from them!?" Yang followed after.

"Yang, let's not get our hopes up." Blake said to her partner.

Ozpin looked to them before taking a big sigh. "Actually..." He began catching their attention. "It is." He said then moving behind his desk and sitting down.

Ruby quickly made her way to the glass table, quickly slamming her hands down in the surface. "What happened? Have you heard from them? Are they hurt? Please tell us!" She said in quick fashion.

"Ruby! Calm down! We're not certain if its actually bad news." Yang said to her sister, then looking at Ozpin with a worried expression. "Right?"

The Grimm look on Ozpin didn't go unnoticed by the girls and they started to panic.

But Ozpin calmed them down. "Please be at ease girls. I am not certain that they are injured, or at least gravely injured." He said.

While the girls did stop in their panic, they still looked at him expecting the worst.

Ozpin sighed again as he continued. "Now the reason I have called you four here is because I am aware that we have had no contact with SSPF ever since the call you made last week. However..." He paused making sure they are paying attention to him.

He reached for his scroll and placed it on the table. "We received this transmission from them yesterday." He then tapped on the screen to make it project a holo video.

They all watched as it started playing, starting out with the feed as white noise then becoming clearer and clearer over time.

"SSSHHHHHHHH-on! SSSHHHHHH-in-SSHHHH. SSSHHHH-come in-SSSHHHHH. I repeat-SSSHHHHHH-Beacon!" They said. Struggling to come through the connection.

"This is the headmaster of Beacon Academy. Who is this?" Said Ozpin from the video.

"This-SSSHHHHHHH-SSPF-SSHSSHHHH." The voice came again.

Hearing it was them made the girls look up in hope.

"Team SSPF this is Ozpin. Do you hear me?" Video Ozpin replied. (I'm going to call him VO from here on)

"SSSSHHH-Jack clear-SSSHHHH-that signal!" They heard Colt's voice.

They watched in anticipation as he feed became much more clearer and started coming through more cleanly.

"I got it I got it! Try now!!" They heard Jack off screen.

They saw Colt staring back at the screen. The sight of him made it look like he went through hell. His hair was a mess, his faces was covered with dirt and scratches, his right arm had bandage tied up like a tourniquet and he looked like he hadn't slept in days.

The background around him was surrounded by rocks, indicating they were inside a cave, with Gopher in the background leaning against a rock with his machine gun pointed at the entrance but struggling as he too looked like he was covered in bandages and also looking sleep deprived while Sam and Jack were both off screen nearby but with both Colt and Gopher looking banged up they could only assume they too looked worse for wear.

"Professor Ozpin do you copy over!" Colt yelled back.

"I read you Colt. What's happening? Are all of you alright?" VO replied back.

"We're a bit banged up, but we are still kicking sir." Colt replied back.

"Colt, I need a situation report. I need to know why you haven't made any contact in almost two weeks." VO asked him.

Colt wiped the sweat and dirt off his face as he then started giving the updated of what had happened.

"Enemy force was far greater than we anticipated. I repeat! Enemy force was far greater than we anticipated. Over." He replied.

The girls looked on in shock at the recorded video. They were mentally kicking themselves for not going with the boys as added backup.

VO responded back. "I see. Anything else to report!"

"Yes sir! These Nests.... they emit a high concentration of negative energy that affect radio waves. Since the entire cluster was concentrated in one large area it practically amplified the effects which resulted in our communication black out." Colt replied taking a breather.

He then continued." However the effects started to wear off when we started destroying them one by one. It was only after we destroyed just over half that we managed to punch this signal through." He stated.

"Understood. I will send reinforcements as soon as we are able to acquire suitable transport." OV responded.

After hearing this Colt looked back at the screen with shock. "What! No! No negative! Negative! Do not! I repeat! Do not send reinforcements! They won't be able to handle whats out there!

The girls looked on in shock. Not believing that they would actually refuse any sort of back up.

They looked to Ozpin for an explanation but he just sat there in silence staring at his mug. He motioned to the video, telling them to keep on watching.

OV responded to the unusual dismissal. "I'm sorry? Colt it is paramount that we send in more Huntsmen to relieve your team."

But Colt snapped back. "You don't understand!! By the time we blew the 6th Nest...... IT came out."

This time RWBY was curious. Wanting to understand what Colt meant by IT. He seemed rather frightened by just mentioning it.

OV responded. "I don't understand? What do you mean by... IT?"

Colt started taking deeper breaths as if he was struggling, almost like he didn't want to remember. "An ancient type of Grimm sir. Far more powerful than we thought. One we would have never anticipated."

The girls looked to one another, shocked to hear that a creature of Grimm was posing a massive threat to the mighty team if SSPF.

"Can you clarify? What type of Grimm is this?" OV asked him.

"You don't understand sir. This thing-" Colt started but then was cut off by a loud monstrous roar from outside the cave.


Colt immediately swung his head to the entrance before turning back to his team and semi yelling and whispering orders. "Shit! It found us! Hide, hide! Take cover!"

Colt scrambled to his feet to press his back against the wall to face the entrance, the others doing the same, making themselves as small as possible to be not seen while pointing their weapons at the entrance.

"Nobody, move, a muscle." The bluenette was heard whispering.

RWBY watched with terror as they heard a loud, slow, thundering footsteps. The sound getting louder and louder as the monster approached the mouth of the cave.

"Colt? Colt! What's happening!?" OV asked.

Colt slowly turned his side to the camera and whispered . "We're being hunted." He replied still aiming down his rifle.

RWBY and Ozpin continued watching the feed as a massive shadow then casted itself down on the cave. The massive beast behind it leaning towards the entrance, its giant hand then coming into frame leaning against the side wall, sniffing the air and grunting as its razor sharp claws scraped against the rock.

The girls watched as the boys tried their absolute best not to draw any unwanted attention, wanting this monster to not discover them and move on.

Eventually the beast released a loud huff, before leaving the cave. It's thunderous footsteps fading as it went farther and farther away from SSPFs location.

"It's gone, proximity sensor shows its nowhere near us. I'll keep my eye on it though." Sam said off screen.

"Colt I can only keep this signal alive for just a few more seconds!" Jack quickly stated.

The bluenette immediately scrambled back to facing the screen. "You see what I mean? Reinforcements can not handle this thing. I say again Professor! Do not, I repeat, do not send reinforcements!"

"Colt I need to understand what is going on. What kind of Grimm was that?" OV asked him again.

"It's a-" But he didn't finished as the beasts roar came again, but this time much more menacing.

"SHIT! IT'S COMING BACK!!!!" Sam yelled.

"OPEN FIRE!!!" Colt yelled as SSPF opened up everything towards the entrance.

RWBY watched as the feed starting losing connection, the last thing they saw was Colt knocking the scroll to the ground, where it picked up the flashes of gunfire and the shadows of the two sides being casted on roof of the cave. Then it went completely dead, the eerie sound of white noise being the only thing now playing on the video.

To say that they were shocked at what they had just witnessed would be the understatement of the year.

"Professor Ozpin please!" Blake slammed her hands on the table and facing him. "We need to get there! We can't leave them at the mercy of that- that thing!"

Ozpin sighed as he stared into his mug. "I assure you, I agree with you all of your sentiments. However, there are currently no available transports to send you to Chacourt. The best I can do is when one is free, I will send for you all immediately. I am sorry, this is the best we can do for now."

The girls didn't like it, they wanted to leave immediately, but Ozpin is right. They couldn't reach the village even if they wanted to leave right now. All they could do was nod their heads.

"We-we undertstand Professor. Thank you, we'll be leaving now." Ruby said.

The girls turned to leave and headed for the elevator, but before they could, the headmaster called out to them. "Oh and girls, when you do manage to leave for Chacourt. I want you all to do one thing."

Blake responded back. "What is it Professor?"

Ozpin stood up from his chair and stared at the team before him. "Bring them home Team RWBY. Bring them home."

They smiled back at him, grinning with determination.

"We will Professor, we will." Yang replied before they all stepped into the elevator and left.

Saturday - Day 13
Chacourt Forest 0321 Hours

The forest for centuries was always quiet, peaceful even. But now that was not the case. As a swirling battle had turned it into a war-zone over the past two weeks. Gunfire, explosions and semblances were going off, echoing through the forest.

"Set the charges, set the charges!" Colt yelled as he lead Gopher to the Grimm Nest as Sam and Jack covered their perimeter to protect them. The final and largest Nest they had come across.

(Looks like this but you know, black with some red spots)

"I don't have enough explosives for this shit!" Gopher yelled as he approached the Nest.

"How much do you have!" Colt yelled back as he shot a Beowolf attempting to jump him.

"I got a single satchel charge, eight C4 and three grenades. Not enough to do any significant damage to this thing." Gopher replied as he inspected the Nest to know where to cause maximum damage. "I'll need some time to figure out its weak points."

"SCORPION!!! WE GOT SCORPIONS FIRING AT US!!!" Jack yelled over the shortwave radio.

(Except replace the yellow with red and the skin from grey to black)

"Son of a bitch!! I thought these things were extinct!" Sam yelled over the radio as he dodged acid being shot at him from the new creatures.

Colt ran up to Gopher. "We're out of time! We need to blow this thing NOW!!!" He said.

Gopher frantically looked at every spot he could and couldn't determine a weak spot.

That's until he peeked at the entrance over his shoulder. And suddenly a lightbulb went off in his head.

"I got an idea! Cover me!!" He requested.

"I do hope you know what you are doing!!" Colt replied as he shot a few more Beowolves and an Ursa coming at them.

Th bluenette then spotted a Scorpion jumping from tree to tree attempting to flank them. Colt seized it up and when the grimm jumped to the next tree he fired. Killing it in mid jump as it then plummeted to the floor.

Colt then yelled back at Ginger. "Hurry it up Gopher we don't have anymore time!!"

"Just two more seconds." Gopher said to himself as he was using duct tape on a contraption he was taping together. "Ok I'm done!"

The bluenette looked to him and could not believe what he had just spotted.

Gopher used duct tape to strap the C4 and grenades around the satchel charge. Enough explosive to practically blow three bunkers apart.

Gopher didn't waste a single moment as he took the satchel by the strap and starting twirling it to build moment. When there was enough he threw it into the mouth of the Nest, sending it as deep as possible into the dark abyss.

"Charges are set!" Gopher yelled with delight.

Colt smiled and radioed everyone. "That's it we are out of here! SSPF fallback to the save zone now!!"

Not even wanting to spend a second more at the place the team retreated to a nearby hill. Sam and Jack both throwing flash and smoke grenades to buy them some time to escape.

The grimm scattered after being confused and blinded by the move.

The team managed to reach the top, with a full clear view of the grimm Nest off in the distance.

"Trigger set?" Colt asked.

Gopher pulled out the trigger. "All set and green." As he flipped the switch arming it and a small green light turning on, indicating it is now armed.

"When this one goes down all radio communications will be back online. Unfortunately our long range radios will still be useless since they got fried. So we'll we need to make contact back at the village. If they even still have one that is still operational." Jack reported.

Sam turned to Colt. "Are we seriously going to call them in?"

The bluenette nodded. "We have to. We need the firepower to set up a last stand." He turned to the Ginger and nodded to him. "Gopher, do the honors."

"With pleasure." Gopher grinned as squeezed the trigger. Detonating charges now deep inside the Nest.

(3:04 to 3:11)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The implosion was nothing short of spectacular, as red explosions started escaping the Nest of darkness. Eventually exploding outward so much even the ground shook and rippled.

"Let's get the hell out of here!!" Sam yelled to the team.

They didn't waste long and started running back to Chacourt. Knowing that the Grimm will now send everything they've got at them for destroying their base.

"You set the traps right?!" Jack asked to Gopher as they ran farther away from the destruction.

"How do you think I ran out of all my explosives!" The Ginger replied back. Earning a small laugh from the rest as they kept running.

They kept going without stopping, with Beowolves hot on their tail. But the grimm were soon stopped as they ran into the first booby trap set up by the Huntsmen team.

This slowed them down enough, but not those in the trees. A dozen Scorpions were chasing the team throughout their run.

The boys shot back a few times, hitting a few but missing the rest.

After a long run for about 30 minutes they managed to run into one of the valleys leading to the village

"Come on let's move it! Pick up the pace!" Colt ordered to make them move faster and reach the safety of the village.

(2:13 to 2:22)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Meanwhile at the village, Octo stood by the wall alongside her team and the other Sentries. They had seen the huge red light off in the distance, figuring it had something to do with SSPF, but they didn't know it was the implosion of the final Nest.

But after sometime they heard yelling and gunfire coming through the valley ahead not that far, and they knew it was SSPF returning but with Grimm hot on their backs.

In an instant they sprang into action, taking defensive positions as Octo started screaming out orders.

Not before long SSPF came into view. The team kept running and running with the Scorpions jumping from tree to tree to catch them.

The boys managed to make it into the open field, bolting to the gates, hopping over a destroyed wall piece as they got closer.

Gopher turned around and started firing at the Grimm as they continued to near the gates.

The Scorpions landed on the open as there were no more trees to use to travel on. As soon as they hit the dirt the Sentries started opening up on them with their rifles.

As soon as the boys got past the gates, Colt started barking orders to his team.

"Get up on those walls! Let's move it!" He yelled.

They wasted no time and joined the Sentries on the walls. From there it was easy pickings as the Scorpions were now out in the open away from their field advantage of using the trees.

The Sentries and SSPF quickly disposed of the Grimm as they tried to hit the defenders with their acid. After 5 minutes the skirmish was over with all the Scorpions now lying there dead in the field.

Seeing as it was over everyone took a breath of relieve, except SSPF.

"There's no time to rest up, we need to set up our defenses now!" Colt said as he ran up to Octo.

"Why's that?" She replied.

Sam then replied to her. "Because we've got the mother of all Grimm hordes coming right at us."

"You're kidding me right?" David asked concerned of what he just heard.

An explosion went off in the distance, indicating another trap blew up the grimm coming their way.

"Nope!" Jack replied David.

Octo turned back to the team. "How long do we have?"

"About 2 hours." Gopher replied. But then all of their attention went back to forest as multiple traps started going off, indicating the grimm were plowing through them quickly. "Scratch that! An hour maximum!"

"We need to move quickly." Colt said as he turned to Octo. "You still got a radio? Long range that isn't completely destroyed?"

Octo nodded. "Yes, the one inside the shed next to the long range radio tower." She replied by pointing at the shed sitting right next to a very long tower. "But we can't get it working again."

Jack stepped up. "I can fix it!"

"Right!" Colt replied. "Jack get over there and try to get that thing working again."

"On it!" He replied back as he then ran into the village.

Octo turned to her fellow Sentry. "Felicia go with him, he doesn't have the codes to the door."

"Yes ma'am!" The Sentry replied as she ran after Jack, both bolting for the radio shack.

"The rest of us need to bolster the defense. Grab anything that we could use to start erecting barricades!" Colt ordered.

"What are you thinking?" Octo responded.

Colt took out the crudely drawn map of the village that was drawn on the day they arrived. "If we place ourselves outside the wall and begin placing down barricades. If we set up the defenses strategically only along the three paths, we should be able to hold out until reinforcements arrive." Said pointing to the three valleys that lead into the village.

Octo nodded, liking the idea. "I see where you are going with this. Instead of bringing everyone along the entire wall we just focus bringing out a small force on the areas that have a direct view of the valleys while the rest could set up behind the wall to add over lapping fire, very smart."

"Exactly!" Colt said then giving his orders. "Gopher!" He said gaining his brother's attention. "Gather a team and set up along the South West part of the wall, you'll cover path #1."

Gopher nodded at set up. "Roger that!" He replied then gathered a small team to join him at the designated location.

The bluenette then turned to the Wolf. "Sam, set up along the South East wall. You got path #3 coming from the cliffs."

Sam nodded too. "You got it!" He said and went there with a small team following him.

"As for you and me." Colt said to Octo and the remaining Sentries. "We'll be taking path #2 directly to the South."

Octo nodded and turned to the remaining Sentries. "You heard him! Start taking up positions!"

They all scattered, taking up their positions, bringing materials outside the wall to set up barricades for them to use as extra cover to fire from.

While the three teams began in constructing the defense, Jack and Felicia finally made their way to the radio shed.

"Come on hurry it up!" Jack urged her.

Felicia went up to the door and started punching in the codes. "0-2-0-5!" They heard the lock beep and the door then unlocked itself.

They quickly rushed in, with Jack rushing to the radio while Felicia stayed by the door.

Jack had no idea what was wrong with the radio so the only way to find out was by turning it on.

As soon as he did that, sparks started flying, he backed up covering his face. When it stopped he finally spoke. "Oh yeah this is definitely bad." He took out his knife and pried open the side panel. "But not unfixable." He grinned as he spotted what was wrong and got to work.

For the next 20 minutes both Sentries and SSPF were working hard on setting up the defenses, managing to set up barricades and reinforcing the wall of the village as explosions deep in the forest were going off one after the other. Growing louder and louder as they neared, plowing through the booby traps that Gopher had set up.

"Gopher how's it on your end?" Colt radioed as he was directing some Sentries to set up the last piece to finish their barricade as another explosion went off in the distance.

Gopher replied back instantly. "Doing pretty good here so far, just need to set up the last one then we're done here." He said followed by another explosion.

"Sam?" Colt said into radio to check up on the Wolf.

"We're a bit slow here. We just need to set up three more then we're done." He replied then four more explosion went up.

"Jack? How's that radio coming along?" The bluenette then asked.

Jack replied back over the radio. "Wires are everywhere! I need to reroute and replace a good number of them before we are back online." Followed by two more explosions.

"How long before we are able to begin transmitting?" Colt asked.

The sound of Jack grunting through the radio was a good indication that he was struggling to fix it. "I need another 20 minutes give or take.." He replied.

However this time the explosions stopped as the mass horde of Grimm were now roaring away, stampeding their way towards the village as all traps had been used and none were stopping them now.

Colt realized they were out of time. "You have 10." He said, not as a suggestion, but an order.

Jack was not too happy to hear it. "Bullshit! I can't finish it in that amount of time!!"

Colt stared down at the Southern valley as the mass horde started coming into view as he replied back to the Ice warrior. "I don't think you have much of a choice anymore here."

Jack was puzzled for a second before realizing what his best friend meant as he then turned to look out the doorway and heard the oncoming threat.

"I'll see what I can do." He said.

The bluenette replied back with just three words. "Get it done."

With that Jack focused everything he had on the radio, knowing it was their only hope to come out of this alive.

"EVERYONE GET READY!!! TAKE YOUR POSITIONS NOW!!!" Octo yelled to everyone, with all three defensive aimed their rifles down at the valleys.

Gopher enabled his weapons bunker mode, cocking the handle back and getting ready to fire as the team beside him aimed down their rifles.

Sam reloaded both his pistols and then pointing both towards at the cliffside path while the Sentries with him also too reloaded fresh ammunition into their rifles.

Colt loaded a fresh magazine into his sniper, as did Octo with hers, as their position aimed their guns at the enemy.

Colt gave a loud order to everyone. "ON MY COMMAND!!!"

The mass horde then began to funnel through the valleys. And when they finally reached the flat open ground, Colt gave the final order. "LIGHT EM UP!!!"

Simultaneously all three defensive position opened fire. A hail fire of bullets flying into wave of Grimm.

The first wave fell instantly from the opening barrage, and as the next wave approached so did they and then the next, but the Grimm were managing to get closer and closer, using numbers to their advantage.

Some Sentries had to start taking cover as Scorpions started to appear and shoot their acid from their tails at them. Making the men and women stop their firing which enabled the Grimm to get even closer.

While the barricade defense could only do so much, the wall defense could only provide as much as they could with their overlapping fire.

The ranges started to drop from 300 meters to 250. Then 200. 150, 100. Eventually it was point blank range at 50 meters and still the distance was closing in up to 25.

It got to the point we're some of the Grimm managed to get past the barricades and jumped the wall, causing the defenders there to jump back and focus their efforts on the breach, but it was not enough.

The Grimm inside the village began to terrorize the villagers as most scrambled inside to lock the doors behind them, while few did not to defend their homes.

Felicia stood guard at the shed, taking shots any Grimm who attempted to attack them all the while defending Jack so he could keep on working on the radio.

The situation started becoming desperate as the line began to falter and slowly break off. Colt, Gopher and Sam were handling themselves quite admirably from the horde of Grimm.

But they knew this could not last for long.

But all darkness will eventually see the light.

Jack inserted the last new wire and the radio instantly turned on. "Heh, Ahaha! Yes! YES!!!

He instantly radioed the bluenette. "Colt!! The radio is up and running!!! I say again, the radio is back online!!" He cheered while having the biggest smile on his.

Colt replied back. "Copy that I am on my way!! Get up here and take over my position!!"

"Roger that!!" The ice warrior responded as he stepped outside and joined Felicia. "We need to get back to the barricades!!"

But the Sentry looked at him in surprise. "But what about the Grimm?!?!?"

But Jack brushed it off. "Don't worry about that! We need to get back out there and secure the front, then deal with the breach!"

Felicia looked perplexed but nodded. They both then ran back towards the entrance, passing by the bluenette who made his way to the radio shed at breakneck speeds.

Jack and Felicia managed to make it to get to the designated defense and quickly got to work. With Jack unloading burst after burst of fire into the enemy, at times then switching to his sword to go in close and also use his semblance.

Gopher never seemed to have let go of the trigger as he kept shooting, only letting go to punch any grimm that had managed to get close and at times punching the ground with his semblance to blast the Grimm away and then getting back in the gun.

Sam was doing pretty well, using his acrobatic skills to swiftly cut down the grimm around him with his swords when he needed to reload.

Colt ran as fast as he could, reaching the shed and running into. He instantly went to the radio and started fiddling with the dials to get a signal out. He set the dial to specific frequency and then began speaking into the mic.

"Mayday, mayday! Anyone on this channel come in over!"

Helios Station

"I say again! Anyone on this channel respond!!" Colt's voice rang out.

The Corporal sitting by the controls heard the call and responded back. "This is a restricted military channel. Identify yourself."

"I say again! We have a situation down here. Requesting reinforcements!" Colt said not wanting to go through stubborn protocol of identification.

The Corporal got frustrated from being ignored.
"Unidentified user. Change channels immediately or you will face the consequences."

A few nearby officers heard the exchange between the two and came by to listen in.

Colt got really mad at the Corporal. "Consequences!! You listen here you arrogant bastard! This is an emergency call,we got a level 4 infestation. You hear me!! We have a level 4 infestation and I need backup now!!"

Before the Corporal could respond, one of the officers, a General as indicated by his rank, stepped up and stopped him. "Wait a sec? I know that voice." He said earning looks from everyone.

"Where is that signal coming from?" The General asked.

A Private working with the Corporal pushed a few buttons as he then read the information on the screen. "North East of Vale sir. The signal is coming from a small town from that area. Location is named Chacourt sir."

The General nodded. "He said it was a level 4 infestation correct?"

The Private responded. "Yes sir."

The General stayed quiet as he then looked to the four officers who were with him. "Gather your teams and the rest of the Division. We are going in!" He said then turned to the Corporal. "Tell them we'll be there in 10 minutes."

The Corporal looked shocked, not believing the blatant disregard for protocol. "But sir! Protocol dictates-"

But the General cut him off. "That is an order Corporal!"

The soldier quickly shut his mouth and silently nodded his head as he reached for the mic as the General and the other officers quickly left to assemble a strike team. But also giving the Private one last order to perform.

"Private! Connect my PDA to the CNS Enterprise." He said.

"Yes sir!" The private responded.


Colt waited patiently for a response, but it wasn't going to last for long.

His prayer was answered when the Corporal responded back. "Be advised, reinforcements will arrive in 10 minutes."

This was not good enough to the bluenette as he grabbed the mic. "Bullshit 10 minutes! We won't be here in 5 minutes, step on it! Out!"

With his messaged being relayed finished, the bluenette stepped outside to get back in the fight.

Instantly a Beowolf jumped in, but Colt reacted in time and transformed his rifle and speared the Grimm in the chest.

Ripping out his weapon he changed it into its sword mode and ran back towards the line, cutting down any Grimm that came his way.

He the scaled up one of the buildings near the wall, going prone and setting up a sniping position on the edge of the roof overlooking the battlefield.

He opened up with his 50. Cal bullets, easily killing any soft skinned Grimm with a single shot, but the numbers were still too great.

"I managed to call for reinforcements guys." He said as he dropped two Ursai with headshots.

"How long!!" Sam asked as he cut a Boarbatusk in half then shot a Beowolf in the eye.

"7 minutes most likely." Colt replied then killing another 2 Scorpions.

"That's not fast enough." Jack stated as he unloaded a 3 round burst into an Ursa's chest before taking out his sword and cutting its head off.

"Then we'll just have to hold out!" Gopher said as he grabbed a Beowolf that tried to jump him and flung it into a pack that was charging him.

As his magazine went empty, Colt reached for another, but in doing so he noticed some movement behind him on the roof he was on.

He turned and saw Octo run up behind him, she too going prone and taking a sniping position beside him.

"What are you doing?" He asked her.

"Helping!" She said as she closed the bolt to her rifle, taking aim and fired.

Colt saw the shot hit a Boarbatusk in the head, killing it in a single blow. This proved he wasn't the only skilled sharpshooter.

"One Sniper is good." Octo said as she then turned to smile at Colt. "But two is better."

The bluenette grinned before aiming down his scope, as they both started firing shots one after the other cause maximum casualties.

Meanwhile, Gopher was having a hard time with the amount of Grimm coming at him. But the worst was yet to come.

His machine gun went *Click,click,click* indicating it had spent its ammo.

"Guys! I need to reload! I need some cover!" He said as he opened up the receiver panel and grabbed a new magazine.

"Don't worry Gopher I got you." Colt said as he focused his shots at his brother's direction.

This bought the Ginger enough time to insert the belt into the gun in record time. He pulled back on the handle to load the weapon but something wasn't the right.

When he let go the handle the round didn't chamber correctly and instead jammed itself.

"Shit! It's jammed! I need more time to clear it!!" He stated as he opened the panel again and took out a wire.

The bluenette struggled to keep the enemies off of his brother. "Gopher, I can't keep you covered for long!"

"I just need a little more time! I almost got it!!" He replied back as he wiggled the wire onto the bullet to pull it out.

"Colt cover me! I'm going to try something to help Gopher!" Jack responded.

Colt didn't hesitate as he and Octo both started firing at the Grimm heading for Jack.

Jack had pulled out his sword and held the grip together with both hands as he closed his eyes. His semblance activating and traveling up his weapon, making the sword glow.

When there was enough he opened his eyes, he then made a swiping arc up towards Gopher.

His ice being sent as a giant white wave, crashing into the Grimm before the Ginger and encasing them in ice instantly.

This was enough for Gopher to clear the jam. "I got it!" He yelled as he closed the panel, then pulling on the handle once again loading the bullet.

Jack re-sheathed his and turned it back into a rifle as he shot back at the Grimm.

SSPF and the Sentries were putting up the fight of their lives. But the Grimm proved to be far more ruthless, as only heavier ordnance and more men could prove to be able to counter them now.

(Play the whole song)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Dammit! I could kill for some armour right now!!" Gopher said.

"You're right, we need backup now." Jack replied to his comment.

"Yeah a bunch!" Sam stated.

Octo turned to Colt. "You can't expect to win against all of these things."

Colt nodded but then smirked. "You're right, but you know what?" He said then motioning up to the night sky.

Octo turns to the same direction and looks on amazed at what she is seeing. "Is that?"

"Yeah." Colt replied quickly.

"Are those?" Octo replied again in surprise.

"Oh yeah." Colt said as the bright object in the sky started to multiply.

"What is it! What did I miss! Don't leave me in the dark here Colt!!" Gopher said as he continued to mow down the grimm coming towards his barricade.

The objects got closer and closer till Colt's radio started picking up chatter.

"Coming up on drop zone stand by."

"Here we go, here we go!"

"Yeehaa! This is it cowboys!!"

"Stand by for impact."

"Brace, Brace, Brace!!"

(Theme here should be at 0:31)

And soon drop pods started pouring into the town. ODST's quickly started jumping out of their pods.

(Ignore the mechs, should just be the troopers)

"Let's go. Let's go!!"

"Move it! Move it!!"

The troopers quickly made their way towards the barricades, linking up with the defenders.

Gopher turned behind to see a squad running up to him carrying machine guns, rockets or grenade launchers with them.

"4th Heavy Weapons at your disposal." The squad leader said to Gopher, earning a nod from the Ginger.

"Who the hell are you!" Jack asked as he turned around to see troopers linking up with him wearing white and black/grey patterned camo with high tech equipment on them.

"7th Special Ops under your command." The leader said.

Sam also turned back with a big smile to see a squad running up to him carrying snipers, submachine guns and a few wearing ghillie suits, the leader of the squad announcing who they are. "1st Reconnaissance awaiting your orders sir!"

Colt and Octo hopped off the roof and were they met with a small team walking up to them, a few with radio backpacks on them.

"Command team of the 183rd Airbourne, Major Sonic at your service" The officer stated.

This prompted Colt to smirk in delight. "Put me on all channels." He ordered to the commanding officer.

"Yes sir." The Major said back with a smirk as one of radio men then tuned everyone's radios to Colt's frequency.

(And the epic part should be here which is 0:49)

"Rangers, target all Grimm threats. Eliminate with extreme prejudice." Colt ordered to every single trooper on the ground and still coming in from the transports.

"YES SIR!!!" They all replied. Their voices echoing throughout the village, prompting the villagers to smile with hope.

The troopers, all of whom are wearing ODST helmets, switch their visors over to detect negative energies and so all the Grimm before them started to highlight up on their HUD.

"What are they waiting for it's an early Christmas." Colt said as he stepped forward flailing his arms as if he was a conductor at an Opera. "Take'em to church.

Most of the smaller Grimm started backing up, hissing at the sight of troopers aiming their weapons down at them.

A King Taijitu looked from side to side at its brethren, seeing them start to back up form the unexpected foe. It then looked forward and let out a mighty roar.

(Theme here at 1:10)

That's when one of the troopers at Gopher's unit aimed a rocket launcher and fired. The rocket striking the giant snake in the mouth and blowing the head off, thus beginning the battle.

Four Warthogs that were dropped further back of the village, sped their way towards the frontline, gunning and running down any and all Grimm that had managed to infiltrate the village.

They quickly took care of the mess before riding past the LZ where the Pelicans started offloading the extra Rangers to reinforce the defensive line.

"Let's move! Move it!!

"Go, go, go!!"

Three of the Warthogs went to each defensive barricade, adding the power of their Gatling gun to the fight while the fourth would stay back and move between the positions to add extra firepower as the reinforcements made their way towards the line.

"Keep firing!!"

"Don't let up!!"

Rifles, rockets, machineguns, shotguns.... everything was being fired into the mass horde of Grimm before the troopers. The remaining Sentries who helped with the defense were quickly ordered back into the village to act as a reserve force and protect their families.

SSPF and all the troopers fired everything they had at the enemy, one of the soldiers looked up into the sky and saw something big coming their way.

"NEVERMORE!!" He yelled as a few troopers then saw a giant Nevermore, accompanied by a dozen Griffons.

While the Nevermore was still quite a distance away from the battle, its sheer size didn't make everyone feel any better at seeing it come their way.

The Warthogs started firing at it but the distance was still too great. And with the amount of weapons going off, barely anyone heard the radio chatter that was going on.

"Target in sight."

"Standing by."

"Lock up target....... Fox 2!!!"

Then out of nowhere from behind the line came three missiles, each hitting the Nevermore and sending it crashing down into the ground. The Griffons scattering as three F-14s came streaking over the heads of the troopers at low altitude.

(Theme at 1:24)

"Napalm... Away!!" A pilot said as a fourth F-14 came flying in from the side and dropped Napalm on across the Grimm.

(And at 1:28)

"ITS THE NAVY!!!!" One trooper yelled, making the rest all cheer out in joy with their fists in the air for they now had air support.

(And you can stop the music here. Or just replay the song from 0:00 to 1:30 over and over again if you want)

The fighting raged on, Grimm falling left and right while the Coalition were only suffering minimal casualties, mostly from Scorpion acid attacks or a Griffons coming in for a quick strike from the sky, though luckily none had died yet.

While the skies were being occupied with the jets attempting to shoot down all the Griffons and any Nevermore that was dumb enough to enter the air space.

Colt, Octo and Major Sonic along with the command squad had moved up towards the Southern Barricade, firing volley after volley of fire at the enemy.

When Colt stopped to reload he noticed something at the valley where the Grimm were coming through from the South West.

He grabbed the attention of the Major next to him. "Hey! Hey, you see that up there?"

Sonic looked up and spotted a large rock hanging near the edge over the valley. "Yeah! Yeah I see it!"

"Take care of it!" Colt ordered as he loaded a fresh magazine into his rifle.

"On it!" Sonic replied and then turned to his radio. "Captain Flynn come in!"

(Gophers unit, 4th Heavy Weapons, South West Barricade)

"Flynn come in dammit!!" The radio blasted, as Captain Flynn then answered the call.

"I got you Major." Flynn replied.

"You see that rock at your 1 o'clock?" Sonic asked him.

Flynn looked towards the valley at his 1 o'clock and up, spotting the overhanging rock over the pass. "Yeah I see it!"

"Get Igor and blow that thing!" Sonic ordered.

Flynn nodded. "Copy that!" And then stopped transmitting before looking back. "Igor!! Up the front on the double!!" He ordered to his trooper.

Igor, with another squad mate known as Corporal Blades, ran up with a rocket launcher in hand towards the barricade. Igor then crouched to allow Blades to load up a rocket into the launcher.

"Loaded!!" Blades said.

"Set!" Igor yelled as he aimed.

"Fire!!" Flynn ordered.

(0:00 to 0:07)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Wanted to use the scene from 'The Last Castle' film where they used a makeshift bazooka to take out the tower. Course I couldn't find it so this had to do. I was really disappointed)

The rocket flew up, streaking over the heads of the Grimm as it the exploded against the rock. The ensuing explosion upset the balance and turned the rock into a giant boulder coming down along with debris.

The ensuing chaos resulted in a rockfall blocking up the narrow valley, crushing any Grimm still underneath and preventing any further Grimm from coming through.

Gopher smiled at seeing that they were now going to have it easy. "Colt! The valley's been cut off! The Grimm won't be coming through here anymore!" He radioed to the bluenette.

"Roger! Mop up there then shift your forces to the left!" Colt replied back.

"Copy that!" He cut the transmission then turned to his men. "After em boys!!"

They leaped over the barricade and started to mow down all the Grimm in their area and with now way to escape, the Grimm were good as dead.

"You said there was an officer controlling them!" Major Sonic asked Colt.

"I did!" The bluenette said as he shot an Ursa in the head.

"So where is it!!" Sonic demanded.

Before Colt could answer a trooper yelled over the radio.

"BEAST KING!! We got a Beast King on the field!!"

As soon a they heard that they saw the beast emerge out of the valley. The very same beast that had been hunting SSPF during their campaign to destroy the nests. The very same beast that was seen on the feed sent to RWBY

"There's your answer." Colt answered to the Major.

Sonic looked back at him in shock. "Are you bullshitting me!!"

"Not really." Colt replied loading another magazine.

"Son of a bitch!" Major Sonic yelled as he turned to his radio. "I want all teams to focus fire on that thing NOW!!!"

"Hog 1! Take 2,3 and 4 to start swarming the beast. Buy us some time to set up an attack." Colt said into his radio.

"Yes sir!" The leader of the Warthog replied as the entire Warthog squad disengaged to start charging and attack the Beast King.

Major Sonic was caught off guard at the move. "What are you doing!!??"

"I got a plan! So listen up!" Colt said as he explained his plan to Sonic and all the other teams.

Meanwhile the Warthogs charged forward, shooting at the Alpha Grimm as they closed in.

The Beast King went for a swiping strike towards Hog 1 but it swerved to the side and avoided the strike.

Hogs 2, 3 and 4 followed suit as they began to move around the Beast, shooting it constantly, like wolves attacking their prey.

But this only proved to anger the Beast King even further. It swung to the right and grabbed Hog 2, then throwing the car it into a rock, disabling it.

It then swiped up, striking Hog 3, sending it up into the air and crashing into Hog 1.

Hog 4, the last remaining Warthog, valiantly kept on fighting. The crew most likely knowing they are not going to make it out of this alive but kept on pressing forward.

The Beast King stepped in front of it, making it crash into its leg before sending a very powerful
kick to the side of the vehicle.

Hog 4 went flying and crashed into the village wall, creating a massive hole.

It roared to the sky in victory, but this was short lived as it looked down and saw what the troopers at the line had prepared for it.

Colt had spread the troopers into a line and told them to distribute and prepare all the rocket launchers they had.

All the launchers along the line was pointed at the Beast, waiting for the final word to pull.

"Gopher, give the word." Colt said into the radio.

"Copy that the word is given!" Gopher replied then giving the order.

"Light 'Em up!" Jack told his squad.

Then, every trooper with a launcher along the line opened up. Rocket after rocket was sent towards the massive behemoth.

The Beast's eyes narrowed in shock as the streaking missiles headed straight for it.

"Boom." Sam said as the rockets impacted and ripped the monster to pieces.

(1:19 to 1:26)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

With the Beast King oblitirated from the strike, everyone started to cheer, and after a few minutes it then slowly faded over time until everything was quiet, allowing them to take in the huge battle that had just occurred.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Then a Griffon came crashing in out of nowhere from the sky startling everyone as Scorpions also started to appear, throwing their acid towards the troopers.

"Rangers!! On me!!!" Colt yelled as he took cover behind the barricade as the Scorpions fired on their positions, the rest followed suit as Griffons began falling out of the sky around them and picking up dirt, dying from the Beast King's demise as their was nothing to control them making them easy pickings for the 14s.

Peaking up over from his cover Colt then saw what the Grimm were doing. "They're retreating! Advance!!" He ordered.

Without wasting a breath, every trooper leaped over the barricades and advanced towards the retreating enemy, with the Scorpions providing cover for their smaller brethren to escape as they were being cut down while some Beowolves and Ursai dragged their wounded away.

Staying in line with each other the the troopers formed a line that moved closer and closer towards the outer edge of the village as they started taking back lost ground.

Major Sonic switched over to his sidearm as Colt covered him with Gopher alongside Captain Flynn, Jack alongside Octo and Sam alongside Corporal Blades.

Eventually the Grimm were in a full retreat, leaving the area to total control of the Coalition and the Village. Seeing that their enemy is on the run, everyone let out one final mighty cheer for even the heavens to hear as the sun started to rise up over the horizon.

(10 minutes later)

The sun was finally peaking over the horizon, its warm yellow light casting itself in the village as Pelicans started arriving to drop off supplies to the villagers and loading up all their wounded to be taken back to the nearest base.

The villagers were all thankful to have the Coalition there to help with their repairs. A few teams went in after the Grimm with some Pelican support to completely drive the creatures of darkness out so that they would no longer bother the villagers for a very, very long time.

Jack, Sam and Gopher sat on some supply boxes as Colt was busy talking with Octo and Major Sonic.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(And start music, I'm using the full one here but I am making time stamps to indicate where the music should be cause I am always picturing theses scenes in my head like its a movie.)

"So how did we do?" Colt asked Sonic.

"43 casualties, 13 critical, no KIAs. That includes the Warthog teams." Sonic reported from the latest casualty report.

"You're joking me?" Colt said looking to him a little skeptical at the report, especially about the last part.

"Nope!" Sonic replied with a grin.

"Well for what it's worth that's good to hear. Listen, I want to thank you all, for this." Octo said as she turned to look at how her village was doing. A few kids were playing soccer with some of the troopers while some of the parents helped the troopers carry the supplies into their homes. This brought a big smile to her face. "If it wasn't for you all, I don't think we would have been able to survive this onslaught."

The other two looked to each other before back at the girl. "We're just doing our jobs ma'am." Sonic said.

"But still, we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for your help." She said back. "And yours." She looked to Colt.

Colt gave off a reassuring smile. "Octo listen. We've just been through what could literally be described as hell. And I know that deep down you feel like you've failed right? Believing that you aren't worthy to lead your village?" He asked, making the Sentry leader look down in shame as acknowledgement.

"Well you're wrong." He said making her look at him. "I know you tried very hard to prove to your dad that you were capable to lead the village. But the thing is?" He smiled. "You did't have to. He always believed in you. All this battle did, was reinforce that."

Octo smiled as tears streaked down her face. She thanked them both one more time before leaving.
Sonic too also said he had to go check up on the rest of the men.

Leaving Colt alone. So bluenette took this time to head over to his team and see what they are going on about.

"Alright! What did I miss?" He asked as he approached them.

Gopher lazily pointed to Pelican on the ground. "Brass landed about  five minutes ago."

Colt groaned from hearing that. "Oh great. Who's it this time?" He asked somewhat sarcastically.

"No idea." Sam said tiredly as he was sitting on the ground leaning back against a crate.

"Well, if it's Shepard..." Colt sighed as he sat on one of the crates. "I'll punch him."

"You really don't like that guy do you?" Jack asked him.

Colt replied. "No, I don't."

"Well luckily for me, I ain't Shepard then.". A voice from behind spoke up.

The team turned to the source and had a look of surprise on their faces.

"General Sheridan!" Colt said as he smiled. "Then again why am I even surprised? The 183rd Airbourne is 'your' division after all." Sheridan only chuckled at him.

Sam stood up from where he was sitting. "What brings you here General?"

"Well, I came to personally congratulate Hunter 4 on a job well done. You boys earned it." Sheridan said with a big smile.

"In retrospect sir, we weren't Hunter 4 on this assignment." Gopher said.

Sheridan did a small laugh "I see. Well anyways, your ride is here to take you boys back to school." He then pointed to a Bullhead that had landed not too far from them.

"We can still help out here sir." Jack said standing up from the box he was sitting on.

"That wasn't a request Captain." Sheridan replied to him.

Colt raised an eyebrow at him. "What? You playing the order card on us now?"

The General laughed. "Actually it's Johnson pulling that one. Besides I don't think your Headmaster appreciates the fact that one of his teams has been missing for two weeks."

This time Colt chuckled at his response. "Yeah, I guess we did overstay our welcome a bit. Well anyways, thank you sir. We'll be on our way then."

Sheridan nodded at him then gave a salute. This prompted SSPF to salute back.

"Alright guys, let's go home." Colt finally giving the order they've been wanting to hear for a long time.

They grabbed of what was left of their gear and headed for the awaiting Bullhead. They boarded the ship and immediately took off for Vale.

Sheridan watched the ship fly away with a great big smile plastered on his face at the team that had done so much. "Alright! Move that crate over there! Let's go!" He shouted as he began giving orders to help with the relieve effort.

2 Hours later


Ruby sat on the edge of Weiss's bed, her head hung low and her heart aching.

She was not alone however as Weiss, Blake and Yang were there with here trying to cheer her up, despite feeling as worse she was.

"Come on Ruby. You can't just mope around all the time." Weiss berated her partner.

The crimsonette didn't respond, only continuously staring at the ground.

"Ruby..." Yang walked up to her sister and sat beside her. "We know how you feel. We too worry for them. But you remember what Ozpin said, we just need to be patient."

"I-I know that, it's just..." Ruby couldn't finish. The mere thought of going out there and finding their bodies was making her eyes almost water.

Yang brought her in close and hugged her. Patting her sister's head.

Weiss and Blake didn't know what to say, they too also thinking the same like Ruby.

But suddenly their attention, excluding Ruby, turned to the door as they saw many students run by, all heading into the same direction.

Yang managed to stop by the door and luckily catch JNPR as they ran past. "Jaune? What is going? Where is everyone going?"

The blonde night shook his head. "I don't know! They just kept repeating 'their back, their back!' "

Who's back? "Yang inquired.

"We don't know." Pyrrha answered.

As they chatted, Ruby was managed to catch what Jaune said. When the phrase went through her mind she shot up instantly in shock before bolting out the door after the rest of the student who had ran past.

The action caught her team and JNPR completely by surprise.

Weiss then turned to Yang. "Do you think it could be-" She didn't finish as she didn't want to raise anyone's hope.

Yang's eyes widened as she realized why Ruby ran out quickly. "Let's go!"

With that they chased after the crimsonette, while Ruby kept following the students.

Eventually she reached the outside by the courtyard, the very same place team SSPF departed from their mission.

Before her was a large crowd that had formed together, there were so many students and teams who had come outside to witness, including Team CFVY and CRDL.

There was obviously something in front of them that she couldn't see. So she decided to push past everyone, hoping to believe that it was who she thought it was.

As she kept going she heard her sister call out. "RUBY!!" As the rest of the team managed to catch up.

"Yang! I'm trying to see what is going on. Don't try and stop me!!" She said back in anger thinking they thought she was hoping too much.

"We're not!" Blake responded shocking the crimsonette.

"We want to see too." The Heiress said.

"But we need to do this together." Yang said to her sister.

Ruby couldn't help but smile and nodded to her. "Together."

And so they pushed their way past the other students.

"Coming through, coming through." Weiss said politely.

"Make way! MAKE WAY!!" Yang shouted, making most step aside as to not get on her bad side.

They eventually reached the other end, and as Ruby  finally got see what was before them. She couldn't help but gasp in delight.

(2:44, the epic part)

There in the flesh, was all the members of team SSPF, walking side by side with one another carrying their gear. Their clothes dirty and torn, their faces covered in dirt and scratches and a few bandages on their arms or legs. And they obviously looked tired.


Colt had his duffel bag slung over his left shoulder while he had his rifle resting against his other shoulder


Jack had his assault rifle resting against his chest while the straps of his bag was across his shoulder.


Gopher had his duffel bag in one hand hanging behind his back while his weapon was packed away and strapped to his pack.


And lastly Sam was walking with his duffel bag slung over his shoulder as his pistols were both in their pistol holsters.


Everyone was looking at them in delight and surprise. Until they turned around to be met with Ozpin who casually made his way past everyone to greet the team.


SSPF gathered together before the headmaster. Awaiting whatever he was going to say while the crowd formed around them.

"Team SSPF, you're late." Ozpin said in a calm manor.

Colt gave a tired smile. "Sorry sir. We kinda got a bit... preoccupied."

Ozpin smiled at this. "So I see. I trust the mission was a success?" He asked.

The bluenette nodded. "Yes sir. Mission is 100 out of 100. All targets destroyed."

Ozpin sighed in relief. "That is good to hear. I am glad that you are all here safe and sound."

"Yes sir, we'll head inside to begin a debrief." Colt said to him.

But Ozpin stopped him. "No need for that. In fact I have decided to give you and the rest of your team the whole of next week off. You deserve it."

Colt only stared and him before lazily looking to his team while chuckling. "Normally I would protest at this but, I know the guys are itching to finally have the ability to hop back in their own beds for once." This made his team laugh and Ozpin chuckle.

(Resume which is 3:08)

"Let's hear it for team SSPF!!!" Cardin shouted, making everyone yell out for the teams return.

"WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!" Gopher yelled to the sky as Sam playfully punched him the arm.

Jack gave Colt a one armed hug as the bluenette had a smile plastered on his face that he would not get rid of for days.

They all went inside the school to finally have a proper meal, have a wash and be able to go to bed without having to worry about the world wanting to kill them.

(And end the song)


And that is a wrap. Damn this chapter practically melted my mind. All because there were so many things I just wanted to throw into this.

I am going to make one small bonus chapter just for the heck of it and I promise you this one will be short.... hopefully.

But anyways I am tired and can't think of anything else to write here after this.

I am just done

Also quick thing if you have noticed some characters here are actually cameos. If you haven't figured them out here they are

Octo/ Olivia: Octogirl12

Major Sonic: SonicBlade40

Captain Flynn: Jirehl_Flynn

And finally Corporal Blades: FesterBlades

Go check out their stories they are amazing

Anyways, thank you all and goodnight!

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