The First Step...... Into Hell

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Hey guys Ghost_Phoenix here with a new chapter!!! Woohooo!!

Hope you enjoy!!


0450 hours

Beacon Academy

The morning was still filled with darkness, the halls of Beacon covered in complete black, difficult for any person to navigate through. The shattered moon high above providing any shade of light to the school below. It's light peering through the glass windows of the ballroom where all the new arrivals had slept for the night.

All was calm, the students snoozing peacefully in their sleeping bags in their own part of the room.

Cobalt, Jack, Sam and Gopher had all slept peacefully in their corner. But the blue hunter started to shift and turn in his sleep, his breathing becoming heavier and heavier from the dream he was experiencing.


"Where are we off to now?"

"One of the outlying villages, they're reporting high activity of Grimm in the area."

"Then let's get to it!"

"Something is wrong here."

"Yeah.... it's quiet... too quiet."

"Fall back! Fall back!!"

"Burn em out!!!"

"I can't believe their dead."

"There's nothing we could have done."

"Hey..... you ok?"

"What do you think?"

"Just don't beat yourself over it.... we know the risks..... it's what we do."

"Hey hey! Easy there, I'm here to help."

"Please! Please take my baby!"

"Now come on, we have food, water and shelter."

"Please..... forgive me..."


(Dream ends)

Cobalt jerked awake, his eyes going wide open, his arm up before his face, as if he have shielding himself. He sat up quickly, scanning the room to asses his surroundings and recognizing he was in the ballroom of Beacon Academy.

"Hey... you ok?" a voice whispered to him.

Cobalt turned to the voice and saw it was Jack, who had also woken up and was laying on his side. "Bad dream?" He asked his best friend.

He nodded to him, wiping his face and feeling moisture on his hand, realising he had conjured up a lot of sweat from the nightmare.

"Yeah... yeah I'm fine." He whispered back to Jack. "What time is it?" He asked, his voice still sounding asleep.

"0459" Jack replied, looking at his watch.

"Huh... about a minute earlier than what we normally wake up at." Cobalt then stood up, quickly stretching his back, a few clicking noises being heard indicating he managed loosen his stiff joints, with Jack doing the same as well.

He turns to face Sam who was still in his sleeping bag. "Hey Sam... you awake?"

"As awake as I'll ever be." He replied, also standing up and doing a few stretches.

They did a couple more stretches to loosen themselves up more, then Sam eyed Gopher who was sprawled out all over his sleeping bag on his back with an arm over his face, passed out like there was no tomorrow and snoring.

He turned to Cobalt. "Should we wake him?" pointing to Gopher behind him.

The blue hunter shook his head. "Naaah.... give him a minute, his bio-clock should kick in and wake him." he said while stretching his arms and legs.

And as predicted, Gopher finally woke up from his slumber. "*Yawns* Hey... what time is it?" he asked, rubbing his eyes to clear his vision.

"0501.... which means we had to wait for you to wake up...... again." Cobalt answered.

The Ginger head answered back annoyed. "Oh shut up." Gopher then eyed the three who were all standing in front of him. He noticed that Gopher and Jack had both gotten out of their sweatpants and into running shorts.

"Morning run like usual?" He asked them. All three nodded to confirm, Gopher stood up and did a few stretches, getting himself ready. They were the only ones up now, which was perfect for them. They didn't want any interference from any of the other students.

Seeing everyone was now ready, Cobalt was prepared to lead them outside. Before he could, he heard a voice mumbling near him. He turned to the source and saw Ruby and Yang in their own sleeping bags next to where the group had slept. She had apparently set up her sleeping bag next to his.

He racked his brain a bit, trying to figure out why they were here before remembering that, after the ensuing cat fight and Weiss getting mad (again), Ruby had asked if she and her sister could bring their own sleeping bags over to sleep next to them and he agreed....... before passing out.

He chuckled to himself, not believing he had said yes, but was thankful to know they were both comfortable to join his little group in the corner.

He looked at Ruby and noticed she was half out of her sleeping bag, with a bit of drool hanging out of her mouth and her mumbling words in her sleep.

He smiled at how cute she looked. Figuring she looked uncomfortable he knelt down and helped her back into her sleeping bag.

The the three boys noticed their young friend kneeling down to the young huntress in training. "What are you doing?" Gopher asked, noticing his little brother was picking up the little red head into his arms.

"What? I figure she feels a bit uncomfortable sleeping half out the bag.... might as well make her comfortable." He replied back, loud enough for them to hear him and not wake everyone in the room.

Gopher rolled eyes. "Yeah sure." Waving him off and walking to the door with Jack and Sam following him, leaving Cobalt to continue with what he was doing.

When he finished, making sure the scythe wielder was comfortable, he was ready to leave until Ruby turned her head and leaned against his hand, snuggling into it and breathing a comfortable sigh.

The sudden move caught him by surprise, he felt his cheeks flaring red. Cobalt didn't know what to do, "Oh man, now what do I do!" Looking down at her to see if he could do anything to free himself, but instead he was seeing her being very relaxed by snuggling into his hand.

"You know.... this isn't half bad. Actually feels...... kind of nice" He thought to himself. He didn't know how long he was staring, but he couldn't take his eyes off of her.

"I never noticed how cute she looked up until know......" His face went red at the thought. He shook his to clear his thoughts. "Gah! Now's not the time! Ok..... focus, now let's see..." He slowly brings his free hand to Ruby's face, gently lifting her head up a bit. Feeling the weight being lifted, he slowly but gently pulled away and freed himself and gently put her back on her pillow without waking her.

Pleased that he managed to get free and not wake Ruby, he noticed a small strand of her hair hanging over her face. He smiled and gently tucked it to the side, with Ruby making an even more comfortable sigh with a big smile on her face as he did so.

Smiling himself, Cobalt got up and walked away to join the others, not hearing Ruby say something afterwards. "Zzzzz..... thanks Cobalt....zzzzzz.... you're the best.... zzzzzzz". She mumbled, clearly having a pleasant dream, unaware of what had transpired.

Outside the ballroom Cobalt linked up with the others. "So..... how was it?" Gopher asked him in a teasing tone.

The blue hunter looked to him with a raised eyebrow. "Uh... what do you mean?" He asked, also noticing the smug looking grins on Jack and Sam.

The ginger head smirked. "Oh you know what I mean. Getting real comfortable with Ruby over there, maybe we ought to leave you two alone even more."

Cobalt stared at him for confused for a moment, until his eyes went wide from the sudden realisation. He felt his cheeks flaring up and from the others view, he was becoming as red as Ruby's cape.

"I uh.... I... Oh shut up!" He said and making a run for it outside to prevent them from teasing him any further. The others just laughed at their young friend's expense and casually walked out from the ballroom.

After a few minutes, with the teasing and embarrassment winding down, the group of 4 got together and began their morning training drill.

"So how we doing this?" asked Gopher

Looking around, Cobalt thought about where they'll take run. "How about..... yeah, how about we take a 'tour' of the place huh?" A big smirking smile on his face.

Gopher just shook his head with a small smile. "Of course he would."

They lined themselves up, one after the other with Cobalt in the front, Gopher second, then Jack and then Sam bringing up the rear. And so they started running, a staple of their training was singing an old favorite cadence song. Helping them keep pace and instilling in them a constant need to keep pushing themselves.

(ODST/Helljumper cadence song, bloody brilliant how they used it for this film. There are other youtube videos that display the lyrics for the song, but I consider this one here as the 'official' way the song should be played out.)

They make a few laps around the academy, the sun rising up from the horizon casting down onto them with its glowing light and warmth. When finished, they moved onto push ups, jumping jacks, crunches, suicide runs and a mock hand to hand battle.

Unbeknownst to them not everyone at the school was still fast asleep as they had thought. Up above them in the highest tower, Professor Ozpin was watching them train, listening to them sing, smiling himself knowing that they are enjoying themselves, while sipping into his trademark coffee mug.

Glynda, who was also awake at this time, approached from the side, getting a full on view of the 4 below. "They certainly woke early." She said crossing her arms while still holding onto her riding crop.

"Mmm yes, though for them it is quite normal." Ozpin replied, pulling up his scroll displaying the images and files of each of the four boys, eyeing it as he sipped his coffee.

Glynda turned to face him, a confused look all over her face. "Normal? How could this be normal for them? Not many students their age would regard waking up this early in the morning 'normal'."

Ozpin didn't say anything instead he just handed her the scroll. Intrigued by what the scroll held, she seized it and began looking through the files. The more and more she read, the wider her eyes became. When she finished she looked back to Ozpin, gobbed-smacked.

"Are you sure about this? From the looks of it they don't even need to be even attending to become Huntsmen." She said, looking back and forth from the scroll and the boys.

Ozpin only shrugged. "Perhaps. But General Johnson believed they could enhance their abilities even further at a school. He believes that they could become a force to be reckoned with to their enemies and ours, as do many others who have sided with his decisions." he sipped his coffee again.

"I see." She said then handing the scroll back to Ozpin. "If they pass the initiation, as I believe they will based on what I just read, I will see to it that they are put the more advanced classes, of course I would have to make the teachers aware of this, plus some students may even come to question why four newly enrolled students are taking advanced classes that are meant for older students."

Ozpin shook his head. "No need for that Glynda, they will attend their classes along with the rest of their year." He said.

Glynda raised a questioning eye at him. "And why would that be Professor?"

Ozpin smiled while looking down. "Well, to begin with, it wasn't the General who suggested they enroll to an Academy. It was actually Mr. Sabert's Godmother, the one they call "The Colonel." He answered.

But his response left more questions than answers. "And why would she suggest to have them become Huntsmen?"

Ozpin sipped his coffee again, before continuing. "To simply put, these four boys for all their young lives have only known combat. And while they have become very effective warriors, if not the very best, the Colonel believes that they have not yet experienced or rather to the same degree, the same thing that every other child their age has experienced."

"And what would that be?" Glynda asked, getting even more curious.

"A childhood." Ozpin answered. "They haven't had the chance to experience the same kind of childhood like so many around them. After their last mission, excluding Mr. Shadow who was still undergoing training at the time, the Colonel believed it would be best for them to enjoy their final few years of youth, to make new friends and experience the world around them like normal teens. The very same reason why they are here now. So why not let them play the part. After all, it isn't a role they'll have forever." Ozpin finished, sipping into the mug.

Glynda was shocked to here this, astonished to know that these four boys below, with so much energy and commitment, had very little to experience a normal life. She nodded to Ozpin and made her way to the elevator to begin preparations for the initiation.

Back with the boys

All four were now exhausted, panting and full of sweat. It was now 6:30, they had worked out for a total of an hour and 30 minutes. They had all agreed that it was enough of training and so went back inside to shower. When they entered the ballroom again they weren't all too surprised to still find many students still asleep, granted there were a few that had already woken up, but that was just now and those who were up ended up just chatting and lying around for awhile. After all, the initiation doesn't begin until 8 am.

The four quietly made their made to their sleeping bags and packs, packing up everything as quietly as possible as not to wake Ruby and Yang, thinking it would be best to let the girls wake up at their own time.

After packing their things they all went to the showers to clean themselves off. When they finished they put on their huntsmen clothes and gear and proceeded to the cafeteria to grab breakfast.

Having a large meal, mainly eggs, toast, bacon, orange juice and an assortment of other goods, they ate themselves full, after all they will burn through it during the initiation.

"Boy.... I really ate myself full there." Gopher said with his hand on his stomach, as they all walked out into the courtyard.

"I'm with you there." Sam replied.

"I agree." Jack said.

"Well, we need to stuff ourselves pretty good for whatever this initiation will throw at us." Cobalt injected and the three nodded to him.

"So...." Gopher started. "It's 6:50. Initiation doesn't start until 8. So what are we going to do now?"

They all began to come up with different ideas to pass the time from looking around the school to get more familiar, having a mock fight to even planning out what do to during the test. Until Jack remembered something.

"Hey?" Everyone turned to him." Didn't the Colonel say she used to go here as well?"

Cobalt put his hand on his chin, remembering when his Godmother told him that she used to also attend Beacon once during her time as a student.

"Yeah.... she did." Cobalt said, looking nowhere in particular, trying to remember the stories he was told from his parental guardian.

"Yeah if I remember correctly, she said that during her initiation that they were all gathered on the side of a cliff, only to be launched off it by theses launch pads." Gopher came in, he too was also told stories of Cobalt's Godmother's time as a student, since he was also like a son to her as he was a brother to Cobalt.

Sam then jumped in. "You guys think the same thing would happen to us?"

"It's possible." Jack said, putting his hand on his chin.

"I definitely think so, it's like a tradition I think. Like the stuff we make our new recruits go through to become 'officially' part of the corps." Cobalt said with a light chuckle.

Sam shuddered. "Don't remind me, I'm still having nightmares about it." Remembering all the horrible things he had to do.

Cobalt just waved him off. "Oh come on, they weren't that bad. I mean hell I had to do them, Gopher and Jack certainly had to." He said, with Gopher and Jack looking to each other and also beginning to shiver.

Quickly composing himself Gopher spoke up. "True, but getting launched from a cliff? Seems kind of boring if you ask me." he said, earning annoyed looks from the rest.

"Even though I've only known you for a week, nothing seems to quench that thrill seeking side of you." Sam spoke with an annoyed tone.

"Yeah I agree. And what else do you want the school to do? I mean, it's not like they will just allow us to drop in from orbit like we used to." Jack interjected.

Cobalt then suddenly had a light bulb moment, as if a switch had just been flicked in his head. He thought back to the night he was being held in the police station and the conversation he had with Ozpin. A massive one sided grin then began to appear on his face, oh he certainly had an idea for something.

The big grin didn't go unnoticed however, specifically by Gopher who saw it. "I know that look..." he trailed "You have something in mind, don't you?" almost afraid he even asked.

"Well...." Cobalt began. "While I agree with you guys that yes you are an adrenaline junkie." Pointing to his brother, earning a annoyed pouting face from him." but... I also agree with Gopher here."

This earned some odd looks from the others, Cobalt then went on to explain. "Look at it this way, we've gone through a lot these years fighting, getting shot at and blown up. Should we pass this 'test' whatever it maybe, it's going to be a long time before we see any type of action that we're used to again. So if our introduction to the initiation is simply getting thrown of a cliff, I want to make it much more memorable than that."

While the others agreed to what he was thinking, they still had know idea what idea he just had. To which Jack spoke up. "So what is your idea exactly?"

The young hunter only smirked and began walking away heading to the tallest tower on school, telling Gopher, Jack and Sam to just simply follow him.

"You know while I may agree with you guys that I tend to get in trouble for stupid things..." Gopher began, getting the other two to look at him. "I'm terrified of the things he can come up with." He finished and started to follow his brother.

Jack sighed at Gopher's words. "Unfortunately, I don't disagree with you on that." And also began to follow.

Sam caught up to them. "So uh..... is this idea really that scary?" he asked the two.

"Depends really." Jack began "If it's one of his ideas that involves being stupid and crazy, it's more or less a 50/50 chance whether it's very good and worthy."

Then Gopher chirped in " Or just outright terrifying."

This earned a mortified look on Sam's face and causing him to make a big gulp, he silently began to pray as they all fallowed Cobalt, who was going to seek an audience with the headmaster about his 'idea'.

Locker Room
0720 hours

After waking up, having a shower and breakfast, both Ruby and Yang headed to the locker room area to gather (and put away what they don't need) their gear. Ruby was busy putting in the code for her locker when a boy with black hair and in a green long sleeved tailcoat, accompanied by a ginger hair girl in a black, white and pink clothing, the latter skipping past them while humming a happy tune.

"Wonder what those two were so worked up about." Ruby asked out loud.

"Oh who knows..." Yang responded, turning around to face her sister. She then noticed the downcast expression on her. "You look a bit down this morning."

"Well... yeah. I haven't seen Cobalt or the others since we woke up." Indeed when she and Yang woke up they found no trace of Cobalt, Gopher, Sam or Jack. Their gear, sleeping bags and packs were all gone. As if they had never been there and had vanished without a trace.

Yang strode over to Ruby and slung her arm around the red head's shoulder. "Don't worry, I'm sure they're around the place somewhere. They're probably just checking out the place."

"Yeah... probably." Ruby said in a low tone. Sure Yang managed to lighten her mood, but it didn't take away the worry she still held for her new friends.

"So..... you ready to pass the initiation!" Yang said in excitement, hoping to change Ruby's mood.

Ruby nodded, leaning in to her locker and retrieving Crescent Rose. "Yup! No more awkward small talk or getting to know you stuff. Today I'm going to let my sweetheart to do the talking." she said then starting to caress and cuddle her weapon.

Yang watched this with an amused look on her face. "Oh I'm sure you want to be hugging your sweetheart right now sis, except he's blue and more human." She said in her head, hiding the big grin on her face.

"Well, remember Ruby, you're not the only one going through initiation. If you want to grow up, you're going to have to meet new people and learn to work together." Yang said.

Ruby sighed in annoyance and slammed Crescent Rose back in her locker. "Ugh, you sound like dad! Okay, first of all what does meeting new people have to do with fighting? And secondly, I don't need people to help me grow up. I drink milk!" She boasted proudly and crossing her arms.

Yang just stared at her bewildered. "Yeah I am so getting you two together, one way or another. You need to grow up sis." Yang went on further. "But what about when we form teams?" She asked

This caught Ruby off guard as she had completely forgotten the possibility of there being teams. "Uhm, I don't know, I-I'll guess I'll join your team or something..." She responded, slowly turning away, unsure how to tackle this situation.

"Maybe you should try being on someone else's team?" Yang suggested while reaching around to her hair and stroking it, all the while also thinking "And for you to possibly get on the same team as Cobalt. The amount of times I've caught you glancing in his direction when we were sleeping, you are so taken by him."

Unfortunately Yang's suggestion seemed to have been misinterpreted by the scythe wielding red head. "My dearest sister Yang, are you implying that you do not wish to be on the same team as me!?" She pointed an accusing finger at her blonde sister.

Taken by surprise, Yang stuttered with her response. "W-what!? No! Of course I do, I just thought... I don't know, it would be best if you joined somebody other than me..... like Cobalt for instance."

Ruby took a step back and began to think the idea over. "Team up with Cobalt? I-I guess. I mean there isn't anything wrong with that. He seems like someone who can manage all on his own, but... he does have his friends with them and they would certainly most likely get on the same team. Oh but if I could be on his team....." Ruby then let out an audible sigh and her cheeks blushing red.

Yang saw the sappy happy face on Ruby and couldn't help but silently chuckle and grin at the same time. She could clearly see that Ruby was taken in by the blue hunter.

Ruby then snapped back out of her daydream and remembered who she was standing next to. Her face went even more red than before and she tried to hide herself under hood, hoping Yang didn't see her face.

Yang laughed at Ruby's failed attempt of hiding her face. "Come on sis, you don't need to be embarrassed. Besides this will also be a great opportunity for you too... break out of your shell!"

"What! Break out of my shell? Yang come on, that just sounds absolutely-" She went on until a blonde knight walked in between them.

"Ridiculous! There's no way I put my gear in locker 636 yesterday!? I would have remembered to count that high! Ugh why did this have to happen today!?" Jaune went on moping throughout the locker room.

Both sisters just looked on with confused expressions on their faces. They shrugged their shoulders and went back to collecting their gear. When they finished they witnessed Jaune flirting with both Weiss and a girl with red hear in bronze armour.

Unfortunately for Jaune he got too close to Weiss and she kindly asked the red haired girl, who they found out was named Pyrrha Nikos, for some help and she threw her javelin at him, catching him by his hoodie and sending him flying into a pillar.

Glynda came over the P.A and announced for all the first year students to report to the Beacon Cliff for initiation, repeating it again to make sure everyone understood. Everyone began leaving the locker room for the cliff, with Yang, Ruby and Jaune leaving last, the latter being helped and carried by the younger teen with whatever pride he still had left after getting shot down, almost quite litterally.

Beacon Cliff

After everyone had arrived at the cliff, they were told to line up and stand on the platforms before them, spread out at an equal distance from each other. After that Ozpin and Glynda appeared before them to give them a briefing of the initiation.

"For years you have trained to become warriors. And today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest." Ozpin explained.

Then Glynda spoke up next. "Now, I'm sure many of you have heard the rumors about the assignment about teams. Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates..... Today." She said loud enough to everyone. This made Ruby uncomfortable.

"These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone whom you can work well." Ozpin chipped in this time. Causing Ruby to become even more deflated.

And he was not done yet. "That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next 4 years."

Ruby's eyes had gone to resemble dinner plates as her world just shattered into a dozen fragments around her. "What?!?" She yelled.

Continuing on with the briefing Ozpin explained that they need to make their way to the Northern end of the forest and that they will face obstacles in their way. "Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path, or you will die." This made a few student become uneasy...... and by few we mean Jaune, who took a massive gulp of air.

"You will be monitored and graded for the duration of your initiation. But our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair must choose one, and return to the top of the cliff. We will regard/guard that item, as well as your standing, and grade you appropriately." He finished explaining.

(Ok help me out here. I can't tell if Ozpin is saying guard or regard. Cause I'm hearing guard but the subtitles are saying regard)

Satisfied that everyone understood what he said, the Headmaster asked one more thing. "Now, are there any questions?"

Jaune was about to raise his hand and ask, but Ruby beat him too it.

"Um, professor. I have one." She asked with her arm raised up.

Ozpin turned his gaze to Ruby. "Yes Miss Rose?"

Looking left and right, as well as behind, Ruby asked. "Um sir, I don't see Cobalt anywhere or his friends. Um... should I quickly go look for him?"

Everyone began looking around and noticed there were 4 unoccupied platforms. Some of the students, namely the buff guys, started to talk about the 4 probably being lost while others were making comments about them being 'too chicken' to show up.

Ruby was worried that her new friends weren't going to make it for the initiation. Even Yang was getting worried as well as she too saw no hint of Cobalt, Jack, Gopher or Sam. None of the four ever showed up.

Ozpin smiled before responding. "Not to worry Miss Rose. Mr Sabert and his friends will be arriving any minute now. In fact, they should be 'dropping in' any second."

He said sipping into his mug before looking up into the sky. "Ah, here they are now."

Confused by what he was saying, everyone turned to look behind them into the sky where Ozpin was looking. What they saw were 4 oval shaped objects falling from the sky at high speeds.

Ruby looked at them getting closer and closer to the ground. "Is that Cobalt?" She thought, remembering Ozpin words of them "dropping in".

Ozpin smirked before getting all their attention once again. "Since there are no more questions, take your positions!

The students hesitantly took their stances, ready to be launched in the air, albeit still worried of what was coming their way from the sky.

One by one everyone was being launched. Throughout all this Jaune raised his hand up wanting to ask his own question, asking about how they will be landing in the forest. Ozpin simply replied that they must land using their own landing strategy.

By now Yang Ruby got launched into the air, leaving Jaune as the last one. "So um, what exactly is a landing strateGYYYYY!!!!!!" Jaune yelled as he was unexpectedly launched into the air.

Ozpin simply watched the students flying through the air, with the 4 objects now coming into view in front of the students, only mere seconds from landing on the ground. Ozpin watched on and sipped into his mug like it was just another day in the office


AAAnndd done!!!!! Yes!! Another chapter bites the dust.

Hope to see you all in the next one!

Over and out!

ODST cadence song lyrics if you are curious. Brackets indicate the whole song singing while the no bracketed are being sung by the group leader.

Helljumper, Helljumper, where you been?

(Helljumper, Helljumper, where you been?)

Feet first into hell and back again!

(Feet first into hell and back again!!)

When I die please bury me deep!

(When I die please bury me deep!!)

Place an MA5 down by my feet!

(Place an MA5 down by my feet!!)

Don't cry for me, don't shed no tear!

(Don't cry for me, don't shed no tear!!)

Just pack my box with PT gear!

(Just pack my box with PT gear!!)

Cuz one early morning 'bout zero-five!

(Cuz one early morning 'bout zero-five!!)

The ground will rumble, there'll be lightning in the sky!

(The ground will rumble, there'll be lightning in the sky!!)

Don't you worry, don't come undone

(Don't you worry, don't come undone!)

It's just my ghost on a PT run!

(It's just my ghost on a PT run!!)

Helljumper, Helljumper, where you been?

(Helljumper, Helljumper, where you been?)

Been out on a drop and I'll drop again!

(Been out on a drop and I'll drop again!!)

The last two lyrics are more or less up for debate but I'm pretty sure they are included

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