The Shining Beacon Part 3

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Heyo! Sorry for the long wait!. Hectic couple of weeks. Especially when ones own internet keeps crashing at the most 'convenient' times!!!!!!!

But yeah here is my new chapter, hope you guys like the parts near the end in the ballroom! Really curious about your thoughts so please leave a comment!

So lets get this roller coaster started!


The trio had managed to find the main assembly where everyone else has come to assemble for the Headmasters opening ceremony speech to the new arrivals. They walk through the gigantic wooden doors where everyone has arrived.

They looked around, seeing the many faces that they would be attending with until Yang yelled out from the crowd to Ruby.

"Ruby! Over here! I saved you a spot!" She waved to her little sister.

Ruby was glad to see her sister again, but felt terrible to ditch her new friends that she had just made in the last 15 minutes. "Oh! Hey, I gotta go! I'll see you guys after the ceremony!" And then ran off to her sister.

Jaune was surprised that she had just up and left them straight away. "Hey, wait!" But to no avail he was too late. Cobalt snickered and put his hand on the knights shoulder.

"Come on Jaune, she's not disappearing forever. Follow me, I think I see a spot we can take not far from them." He said and leading them to the spot he saw that was open.

"Yeah I guess you're right. Now where are we suppose to find another nice, quirky girl to talk to?" He said following Cobalt. Unbeknownst to them a girl with tied up red hair in bronze armour was watching him as he walked away being lead by the 15 year old boy.

Cobalt just chuckled at him. "Keep on dreaming buddy. Just follow me  and let's find a spot so we can get close and hear what the headmaster has to say."

Meanwhile with Ruby

"How's your day first day going, little sister?" Yang asked joyfully, completely unaware what had happened to the scythe wielder earlier after she ditched and left her all alone.

Ruby stood next to her with her arms crossed and with an annoyed expression on her face. "You mean since you ditched me and I exploded!?" She answered back without hesitation. Unfortunately for her, Yang didn't understand what she meant by 'exploding' or rather had another interpenetration of it.

"Yikes. Meltdown already?" Probably the latter as she figured Ruby was just having a bad first day.

Ruby then gave a quick brief explanation. "No, I literally exploded a hole in front of the school... There was fire... and I think some ice."

Yang didn't think she was being serious. "Are you being sarcastic? And besides it couldn't have been that bad, I saw you walking in here with those to guys over there. Has my sister found herself a new cruuuush?" She teased even further.

Ruby reeled back, her face turning the same shade of red as her cape. "Yang! No! I don't have a new crush! That's just Jaune and Cobalt. Cobalt's the one who actually helped me last night."

Yang's eyes lit up, hearing that the boy next to the one who threw up on her shoe (Sorry Jaune) was the boy who helped her little sister the night before. She immediately put on a teasing grin "Oh really now? So tell me sis, who is your crush between the two? Vomit-boy or Cool-boy over there?" Pointing to them.

"Yang I am serious! I tripped over some crabby girl's luggage! And then she yelled at me! And then I sneezed. And then I exploded! And then she yelled again! And I felt really, really bad! And I just wanted her to stop yelling at me!" Ruby began ranting, unaware of a said heiress behind her listening in, before making herself known to the red head.

"You!" Weiss yelled, again..... for the 3rd time. Poor Ruby just can't catch a break.

Startled, Ruby quickly jumped into Yang's arms Scooby-Doo style. "Oh God it's happening again!"

"You're lucky we weren't blown off the side of the cliff!" She continued to yell and berate Ruby.

Yang now seeing that Ruby wasn't messing with her, finally got hold of the gravity of the situation. "Oh my god you really exploded."

With Cobalt and Jaune.

The two boys managed to find a spot among the crowd. They looked around, observing how everyone was behaving around themselves. Some were having a nice chat talking back and forth, others were cracking jokes and hunching over from the laughter. 

Jaune noticed a bit of a commotion with the two sisters speaking to a girl in white clothing. He fell head over heels over her beauty, not believing that someone as beautiful as her was attending the same school that he was. 

He gave Cobalt a nudged to get his attention. "Hey Cobalt, what do you think they are saying over?" pointing to Ruby and Yang's direction.

Cobalt responded by shrugging his shoulders. "Hell if I would know."

They managed to listen in a bit and only caught the last thing that Weiss said. "Yeah, and we can paint our nails, and try on clothes, and talk about cute boys like tall, blonde and scraggly over there." She said in a much more cheery sarcastic tone and pointing to Jaune.

Jaune perked up, albeit with a confused face and a slight bit of hope, he turned to Cobalt as if wondering if he knew the answer.

Cobalt looked to him and shook his head. "Don't even try Jaune, best not to anyways."

Yang then leaned in next to Ruby and said. "I bet Ruby here would like to talk about short, fair and brave over there." Pointing to the boy standing to Jaune.

Cobalt reacted the same way Jaune did, he looked in their direction with a confused look, but then shrugged his shoulders.

Ruby reeled back from what had Yang said, her face becoming bright red as the gem she is named after. "Yang no! Just stop!" She quickly composed herself then turned back to Weiss. "But seriously, would you be willing to?" She said with with utmost confidence and excitement, believing that she me even have a chance of a friendship with the heiress.

Weiss looked at her sternly and answered with a very blunt. "NO."

Feeling defeated and deflated Ruby gave up any attempts to become a friend to Weiss. They stood by not saying anything to each other until Ozpin came up and cleared his throat on the microphone.

"Ahem... I'll keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge. To hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people." The students all look around, with big smiles on their faces.

"But I look amongst you and all I see is wasted energy in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step." He finishes, earning odd glances from the students, Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Jaune and Cobalt more than others.

Glynda walks up and speaks as Ozpin walks away from the stage. "You will gather in the ballroom tonight. Tomorrow your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed." She finishes up.

Everyone begins chatting again, mainly about Ozpin's speech. 

"He seemed a bit.... out of it.. don't you think Jaune?" Cobalt said.

He received no answer from the blonde. "Jaune? Jaune?!" He looked around and finally spotting him approaching the girls.

"I'm a natural, blonde you know!" He said excitingly to them, more specifically to Weiss.

Cobalt facepalmed at Jaune's attempt to get on Weiss's good side. "What am I going to do with you man?" He said out loud to no one in particular 

Timeskip - night

The newly arrived students all gathered in the ballroom for the night. Finding spots along with some new friends they had just made or with some old one they had the lucky opportunity to come with.

Ruby had changed into her nightwear and was lying on her sleeping bag writing on a piece of paper. 

"It's like a big slumber party!" Yang came falling down on her own sleeping bag next to Ruby, having also already changed.

"I don't think Dad would approve of all the boys, though." Ruby replied to her sister.

Yang smirked at that. "I know I do." Then making a purring sound at the sight of all the boys, mostly those without their shirts off and already having small brawls. Her face quickly turned to disgust as Jaune walked into her field of view with a onesie he changed into.

She then noticed that Ruby was writing into piece of paper. "What's that?"

"A letter to the gang back at Signal. I promised to tell them all about Beacon and how things are going." She said enthusiastically, but with a small hint of sadness in her voice.

Yang smiled "Aww, that's so cuuuuute!!!!" She teased, then earning a pillow in the face, courtesy of Ruby and telling her to shut up.

"I didn't get to take my friends with me to school. It's weird not knowing anyone here."

Yang being the older sister of course tried to find the silver linings for her sister. "What about Jaune? He's... nice! There you go! Plus one friend! That's a 100% increase!" 

Ruby then flipped around on her back and reminded Yang of a particular snow flake. "I'm pretty sure Weiss counts as a negative friend. Back to zero." 

"There's no such thing as negative friends. You just made one friend and one enemy." She....... tried..... to explain? (Yeah ok even I would throw a pillow at Yang for that one.)

Ruby tossed another pillow at Yang, but she dodged this time. "Look, it's only been one day. Trust me, you've got friends all around you. You just haven't met them yet." 

Ruby looked at Yang with gratitude, thankful for the advice she was giving her, before Yang ultimately ruined it for her again. "Besides, there's also Cobalt......... your cruuuuuuuuush!!!" This time she didn't dodge the oncoming pillow, Ruby threw it so hard and fast it made Yang hit her back on the ground in total surprise.

Ruby's face was red from embarrassment. "YANG!! Will. You. Stop it!! I don't have a crush on him!"

She was prepared to throw another pillow until Yang spoke up. "Hey where is he? I don't see him anywhere?" This made Ruby pause and look around for the blue hunter. Her eyes darting left and right to spot him, but no such luck.

"I don't know. In fact I didn't see him at all when we came in here." She said unable to find Cobalt.

"Aww.... I wanted to see what he looked like without a shirt too." Yang teased again. Ruby couldn't help but form a mental image of the boy without a shirt on. Her face went bright red, much more than from before. She grabbed the pillow and got ready to throw it at Yang again.

Yang laughed at seeing her sister's face changing colour, realizing she made her imagine the boy without a shirt on. "Hahahahaha - OOF!!" 

Yang felt a sudden weight fall on top of her. Whatever had fallen on her was also moving and making a whole lot of noise. 

Yang realized it was person, and believed it to be one of the boys trying to take advantage of her (which is a very..... very bad idea I might add, in fact consider it up there along with not to ever touch her hair!!!!) and made an instant to remove them off of her." 

"Hey! Get off!" She yelled while struggling to remove the person them.

"You get off! OOF! Your not making this any easier!" Came the voice of a boy, confirming Yang's suspicion.

The boy managed to get off and stand up with Yang following suit. She instantly went to punch him but he blocked the attack. 

Stunned Yang looked at him and him at her. " Hey! Take it easy will ya!" He said to her.

Yang narrowed her eyes and unleashed a fiery storm of punches. To her and Ruby's surprise he was managing to block or dodge every single one of them. Yang was especially even more surprised that someone could keep up with her speed in hand to hand combat. 

Yang swung herself around to bring home a round house kick to his head. The boy brought his arm up and blocked the kick then used his other arm to push her leg, making Yang twirl and stumble away. 

Quickly managing to regain her footing she looked at him giving him a death glare that would make most people cower in fear or run for the hills...... most people. 

The boy didn't flinch one bit from the death glare he was receiving, instead he simply widened his stance and held up his arms in a position ready to block again.

Yang felt her anger boiling up. Seeing someone still having the confidence to stand up against her and not backing down, she believed he was just some over confident punk and she never liked punks. 

She cocked her arm back and sent it forward to him, intent on landing one of her wall breaking punches, enough to be able to send him through two walls.

The fist came flying forward at tremendous speeds, enough for even the most skilled fighters not to have enough time to react and defend against it. It came as a big surprise when the boy managed to bring up his hand in time and catch her fist. The sudden stop of force caused a very small shock-wave around them.

Yang was shocked yet again to see someone managing to stop one of her powerful punches, no one has ever been able to do that.

Still holding her fist in his hand he looked Yang dead in the eyes. "Will you just stop and listen!!!" 

Yang narrowed her eyes, pulling her fist out of his grasp and went in for another wall breaking punch. The boy caught the fist again but this time swung himself under her arm and bringing and bringing it with him.

He twisted her arm and brought it up behind her back and sent a small kick behind Yang's leg, making her fall onto her knees to prevent her from being able to move any longer.

"Now will you just calm down!! He said in an aggressive yet passive tone. 

Ruby was stunned, she had just witnessed someone, other than her own dad, besting Yang in a one on one hand to hand fighting and not just that but forcing her onto the ground in defeat.

Yang, refusing to accept she was beaten, continued to struggle in the hold, swinging her free arm wildly, hoping to knock the boy off his feet or to just make him loosen his grip for her to be able to break free. 

But the vice grip on her arm was just too strong and he was managing to avoid getting hit by her flailing arm. Until a voice spoke up.

"Really? First day and you already have a girl on the ground who was ready to deck you?" The two sisters and the boy turned in the direction of another pair of boys standing close by in their own night wear.

The boy still holding onto Yang's arm responded to the one that talked. "Oh shut up! You're the one that made me slip on ice and making me crash into her!" 

"That's because you insulted my little sister you jackass!" The other boy yelled back. His hair was white with a very small tinge of blue, giving it a more ice blue colour, that goes up in a spike in the front, his eyes are a deep blue and he was wearing a plain aqua coloured night t-shirt with navy blue coloured sweatpants.

The other had brown hair that is parted sideways. He wore a plain dark blue night t-shirt and black coloured shorts. He has dark brown eyes with a scar running down across his right eye. The most distinguishing features about him were the dog like ears on his head, signifying he was a Faunus. 

Both boys stood taller than Ruby but were smaller than Yang and both stood around the same height of each other.

The Faunus boy walked up and spoke to the one still holding Yang. "I think it would be best if you let her go now."

The one holding Yang, finally let go. He stepped back as Yang quickly scrambled to her feet to inspect the person who bested her.

He had orange coloured hair with a tuff of yellow hair in the front that looked like an explosion. He has emerald green eyes and wore a bright green t-shirt with black sleeves and white shorts with black lines running down the length. He was just a little taller than Yang herself and had worked up quite a sweat as he had droplets all over his face from the considerable amount of punches he had to block.

The ice haired boy walked up to the two sisters. "Sorry for causing you girls trouble, we had no intention of causing a ruckus. Even if someone deserved it." He said eyeing the ginger head.

The ginger head glared back then shifted his gaze to Yang with an apologetic face. " Look, I'm sorry for falling on you. If you thought I was trying to take advantage of you, I wasn't. I'm not that type of guy. This was just a complete misunderstanding ok?" he said while scratching the back of his head.

Yang continued to glare at him before softening up and chuckling. "No worries guys! I guess you could say I still had some fun." She said with a huge grin on her face.

She then looked at the Ginger haired boy with a joyful smirk. "I have to say, I've never met someone who was able to block all of my punches, let alone keep pace with me in a one on one fight."

He chuckled. "You're telling me! I haven't moved and reacted that fast in ages. Especially that last punch of yours. How much power do you put into that?!" He said while rubbing the palm of his hand that caught her fist.

Before Yang could answer, Ruby blurted out. "Way too much." And shuddered, remembering the one time she received one of Yang's godly punches.

The rest began to laugh with Ruby joining in as well later. She then turned to the Faunus boy.

"You're a Faunus right?" He turned to face, then gave a smile and nodded.

She then lit up with excitement. "Ooooh that is so cool! I like your ears, they look cute and fluffy! Are you a Dog Faunus?" She began firing off questions like there was no tomorrow.

The Faunus boy tried to calm her down. "Whoa hey! Slow down now." He asked her, to which she finally stopped asking questions and waited for him to answer.

"First off, yes. I am a Faunus. Second, my ears aren't dog ears, their wolf ears. I'm a wolf Faunus. Now wolves do have a very close relationship to dogs, but we are different in so many ways."

"How so?" Yang asked this time.

Before he could answer, the Ginger head walked over and slung his arm over the wolf boy's shoulders. "Well for one thing, you won't find him drinking out of the toilet like most dogs do."

"Heeeeyy!" He turned to face him and making a mocking expression as if he was insulted, which in this case he was but still laughed in the end

Everyone began to laughed at the exchange, Ruby was glad that the tension from earlier had died down and was replaced with stifles of laughter and giggles. 

The Wolf boy then saw movement in the corner of his eye coming from the entrance of the ballroom and saw someone walking inside.

He tapped on the arm of the ice haired boy to get his attention. "Hey! Hey! Look over there." Both he and the Ginger head looked to where he was pointing and saw someone walk through the doors into the ballroom.

Yang and Ruby turned their gaze to where they were looking and saw that it was Cobalt who had just entered the room wearing a plain grey t-shirt, green sweatpants and holding a towel in his hands.

Cobalt strode over to his to his spot which was the wall against a 90 degree turn at the far end of the room. "Hey Ruby, does Cobalt look a little... angry to you?" Yang asked her sister.

Ruby focused more intently on the boy and noticed that he was indeed a little angry, based on the fact that he was aggressively stomping his way to his spot where his pack and sleeping bag were and mostly because the t-shirt he was wearing was all wet.

As Cobalt neared his spot he took off his shirt and threw it against the wall, making a semi loud splat noise then drying himself off with his towel.

Yang and Ruby eyed him. Yang in a way finally got her wish to see him without a shirt and made slight purring noise. Ruby on the other hand couldn't take her eyes off of him, mostly his back.

What got her attention the most was the three long claw marks going down diagonally across his back, going from his right shoulder blade and ending just by above his left hip. 

Cobalt then reached down into his pack and pulled out a dry white t-shirt and proceeded to quickly put it on, as he really didn't like sometimes showing his skin for everyone to see.

The Ginger tilted his head in the direction of the other two boys. "Yeah he looks pissed" making them laugh, seeming oblivious to the two sisters who were staring at him.

"Let's go have a little fun eh?" The ice haired boy suggested, to which the other two nodded. They grabbed their bags and walked on over to Cobalt's spot.

Yang and Ruby eyed them as they walked away, then looked to each other. "I think we should go and see what they are up to Yang, I don't like the way they are heading to Cobalt." Ruby suggested.

Yang nodded. "I agree Sis. We may have just met them and they seemed pretty cool, but they ain't gonna mess with one of my little sisters friends." 

They quickly followed suit behind them, keeping themselves at distance. They didn't want to jump to quick conclusions like they did before. Just only this time they did seem a bit more suspicious.

Meanwhile with Cobalt.

The blue hunter was busy organizing his spot so he could get ready to sleep. He didn't notice the three boys walking up to him as he had his back facing them. The ginger head went off to the side to hide himself while the white haired boy walked right up behind Cobalt.

"Good thing you picked our spot for us, this is nice." He said, almost sounding smug about.

Cobalt didn't turn around to face him, he stayed on his one knee with is back still facing the newcomer with a big smirking grin on his face. He believed this to be some punk, with a couple of goons, that had just come up to kick him out of his own spot. If there is one thing Cobalt is good at, he doesn't back out of a fight that easily, even if he is outnumbered.

Not far, Ruby and Yang held back at a distance but still close enough to hear the conversation. Ready too jump in and support their new friend if things get ugly. 

Cobalt then stood up, still facing the wall with his back to the white haired boy. "Really now? I don't seem to remember you guys scouting this place out earlier? If you think I'm going to just give this place up, you are sadly mistaken." He said, in a confident yet threatening tone. But something about this person sounded familiar.

The boy behind him chuckled. "I don't think you heard me clearly. I said, 'Good thing you picked "our" spot for us'." making himself sound much more clearer now to the hunter.

Cobalt's eyes shot out like dinners plates as he heard the voice. He recognized the voice and spun around with a massive joyful look all over his face. "No way! Jack!? You're here?!" 

Jack chuckled at him amused. "In the flesh buddy." 

Cobalt then turned to the Faunus boy. "And Sam! Your here too!?" 

Sam smiled at him with his own big grin. "Yup!" Was all he said, standing next to Jack as Cobalt was lighting up like festival tree.

He then backed up from the two, making some space between them. "Ok, I know he is here, so where is he?! Where's Gopher?!"

He feels a hand grab him by his shoulder and flip him around, coming face to face with emerald green eyes and orange hair.

Gopher lets out a joyful scream with Cobalt doing the same. They close the distance between them, embracing into a full on massive bro hug.

(Like this! More or less.)

Ruby and Yang were stunned at what they had just witnessed. What they thought was going to be a full on brawl, turned into a dramatic reunion between long time friends.

Gopher and Cobalt let go, with them both having an arm slung over each other. "I'd thought I wouldn't be able to see you guys again! This is just amazing!" Cobalt half shouted, unable to contain the excitement within him.

"And what? You'd think we'd miss this party?" Gopher said to him. Then Jack spoke up.

"No way are missing this. Especially since you're here." He said. 

Cobalt then turned to Sam, who had slightly shifted away from them. "Sam, it's great to see again. What's it been like? A year?"

Sam nodded. "Yeah that's about right."

Cobalt smiled at the wolf boy. "Well I'm guessing you finished your training then, now that you are standing here with us." He said, letting go of Gopher.

"Yeah, I finished up last month actually. Then I got assigned to these two just last week to be a part of the team." He replied.

"Which reminds me by the way. I thought you two would still be in the hospital recovering! Do the staff even know you two are here?" Cobalt asked Jack and Gopher.

They looked to each other with big grins on their faces. "Technically, according to their records, we are still recovering." Jack said slyly.

The blue hunter raised an eyebrow at both of them. "You two good then?"

Gopher reached up and stretched his arms. "Eh, docs will let us out tomorrow." (Extra points if you get the reference here)

Cobalt made a mock facepalm. "What am I going to do with you two?" he said, then joining in with the big laughter. The sound of joy broken by Ruby who had stepped up to them.

"Um... Cobalt? You know these guys?" She asked, Yang strolling right up next her.

Cobalt turned to Ruby, seeing her standing there for the first time. "Oh! Hey Ruby! Yeah I know them. These are some old friends of mine." 

He then starts to introduce them to the girls. "The first one here with the wolf ears is Sam Shadow."He said pointing to the Faunus.

"Hi there!" Sam waved to them and they waved back.

"Next the one in the aqua shirt and with white hair is my best friend Jack Frost." He introduced the white haired boy.

"Greetings!" Jack replied in a formal manner.

"And finally, the tall one with orange hair and in the green shirt is my brother Gopher Phoenix!" Cobalt finished.

"Yo!" Gopher replied and giving a wink with a two fingered salute.

  Yang giggled. "Ok, I forgive you now, seeing as you are friends with the person who befriended my little sister." She said to Gopher.

Before Gopher could reply, Cobalt jumped in. "Wait forgive?" He said raising an eyebrow at Yang. Then he did a slight hunching over and slowly turning his head to the Ginger head with a questioning, annoyed look. "Ok what did you do this time?"

"Ah... hey! Why do you always look to me when things happen?!?!" Gopher said flabbergasted to Cobalt.

"Cause you always end up being the one that does something stupid!" Cobalt replied back without any hesitation. They then began going off at each, into an arguing match over the Ginger head causing most of the problems or not.

Ruby looked at them with a big smile. Today she figured she was only going to make 2 friends and one enemy. But thanks to Cobalt, now she has even more people to call friends. 

She then interrupted the two brothers during their arguing match. "Um.. Cobalt?"

Th blue hunter turned his attention to the red head who called out to him. "Mmm? What's up Ruby?"

"Um... I know this might sound weird but.... are you two really brothers? I don't really see the resemblance." She asked, remembering when Cobalt refered to Gopher as his 'Brother'.

The two boys turned to each other, Cobalt giving the Ginger a questioning raised eyebrow and motioning to Ruby. Gopher nodded and stepped back. "Well, Gopher is my brother, just not by biological standards. He's my adoptive brother really." Cobalt answered.

Yang eyed Gopher, her gaze linger on him for a bit. "Really? What happened to yours parents?"

Gopher just shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. I was raised in an orphanage, I don't know anything about my parents or where I really came from. But that was until I became Colt's older brother that is."

"Oh you poor thing." Yang said then looking to Cobalt. "Your parents must really by very nice to have adopted Gopher as your brother huh?" Yang expressed excitingly.

Cobalt's happy expression then fell a little, he still held up a smile, but it wasn't the same as before. "Yeah..... they sure are." He said, though a bit quieter. Ruby nor Yang noticed his small change in expression or tone.

But Jack, Sam and Gopher however did notice. Sam looked at him questioningly, wondering why Cobalt's mood had changed. Jack and Gopher however both gave him sympathetic looks, Gopher more so as he is more closer to his adoptive brother.

Cobalt quickly shed his sad face and going back to looking happy. "But yeah, Gopher and I may not be related, but the years we have spent together and trained, we practically have become brothers." 

This earned a big smile on the two sisters. Gopher smiled then quickly putting Cobalt into a headlock under his arm. "Aww, thanks little brother!" then proceeding to give him a noogie on the head.

"Gah! Get off!!" Cobalt yelled then throwing a punch into Gopher. This resulted a massive dust cloud to form with various sounds of punches and dog noises to erupt from it.

They continued to brawl until the sister told them they were leaving, something about Ruby noticing a girl from earlier in the day. With the situation now calmed down the four boys set themselves for lights out. 

"I'm really glad you guys are here. I was afraid I was going to need to make a whole new bunch of friends here. Glad that is not the case." Cobalt said, lying down on his sleeping bag with his back against the wall.

Gopher smirked to his brother. "Heh.... really? Seems to me you didn't have trouble becoming friends with Ruby."

"What is that suppose to mean?" He replied back, questioning the Ginger head.

Before Gopher could answer, Jack answered for him. "I think what he is implying here Colt is, you seem to have become really friendly with Ruby. I mean 'really' friendly." He said with a big smirk on his face.

Cobalt eyed him questioningly, until his eyes went wide from the realization of what they were saying. "What!? Whoa whoa whoa! It is not like that! Ruby is a friend and that is a it!"

"That's what they all say." The blue hunter then turned to Sam who also had a big grin plastered onto his face. 

"Oh come on! Not you too Sam!" He said while getting teased by the other three.

The three continued to laugh until Jack asked Cobalt a question. "Colt, why did you look so pissed of earlier? I assume it had something to do with you being in a wet shirt? What did you do, walk in the shower without taking your shirt off?"

Cobalt scoffed. "Pfft I wish! No some idiot took my shirt from the door I had it hung over and then threw it in with me. Was the only one I took with me as well. I'm lucky to have remembered to bring a spare." He finished, earning mad looks from the three around him

Gopher's eyes became narrowed with fire in them. "You remember who it was. I'll beat them into next month! No one does that to my little brother!"

Cobalt shook his head. "No, by the time I went to check outside they had already left. Maybe in the future they will reveal themselves..... then you can deck them."

"Agreed." Jack responded. Though a more reserved person of the three, even he was willing to teach who ever did this to his best friend a lesson.

"Sam here" Sam came, nodding that he will help in hunting the perpetrators down.

They then hear a sudden commotion in another part of the ballroom. They turn to look and see Ruby and Yang in a scuffle, similar to what Cobalt and Gopher had done earlier.

That is until they saw a girl with white hair and in a very light blue gown walk up to them and break up the scuffle. 

Cobalt noticed it to be Weiss who had walked up to them. He turned to the ice haired boy. "Oh yeah I forgot! Jack, by the way....." he lingered, waiting for Jack to look at him.

"Hmm?" Jack answered back, looking at Cobalt. 

"Weiss is also here." He stated flat out to his friend.

Jack looked at him for bit raising an eyebrow, before his eyes went wide, as if something had just clicked, which in this case it did.

"Well..... this is going to be a loooong four years. " Then falling flat on his back on his sleeping bag. The rest followed suit, lying down on their own sleeping bags with the ballroom then going completely dark soon after, indicating to everyone that it is lights out.


And there we go! Another chapter bites the dust! Sorry I took so long again, classes have been really cranking up now. Trying my absolute best to keep up with this, but I am also human and life does come first.So sorry to those who are getting frustrated from the long waits. 

Also, please go check out my good friends @jirehl_flynn and @SonicBlade40 . I love reading their stories and trying to find some inspiration from their writing styles to be able to write my own

Also go check out Jirehl's deviantart page! He's got some really cool and sick drawings. Keep it up man!

So that is me finished for the day and I will catch you all in the next one.


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