Chapter Fourteen: Prime VS CRDL

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The next morning in Team Prime's dorm, Kaia woke to the sound of footsteps walking around the room. She opened her eyes, and she was a bit surprised to see Braedey already awake, wearing only his jeans, and doing handstand push-ups. Kaia couldn't help but notice Braedey's lean muscular upper half, and she did have to admit, despite his cute face, he looked like he could put down a Bewolf without having to change form.

"Morning, Kaia." Braedey greeted, looking over at the third member of Team Prime. "Sleep well?"

"I did very well." Kaia nodded, sitting up in her bed. "So, what's with the early-morning training?" She asked.

"Well, sometimes, I wish to keep myself in shape." Braedey replied to her. "But for today, I'm gonna make a statement with Team CRDL."

Kaia winces at the memory as she, Team RWBY, along with JNPR, the rest of Team CFVY, and surprisingly Amber, Ozpin, Goodwitch, Oobleck, Port, Peach, and the rest of Beacon Staff remember the incident of how Braedey finally snapped at the bully and his goons.


At Beacon Dining Hall, while Velvet Scarlatina was minding her own business, she heard the sound of footsteps coming towards her. It was none other than Cardin Winchester, who had a sinister grin and look on his face. Velvet was being frightened as she could suspect that Cardin was going to do something to her since she could possibly tell that he wanted revenge on both of her little brother figures ever since they stop him from pulling her ears.

As Cardin stopped in front of the rabbit Faunus, he did what most women would describe the most immoral, disrespectful, and inappropriate way: He grabbed Velvet's breasts. As soon as the moment Velvet saw his hands were grabbing her breasts and groping them with it, she started crying as she was yelling out the word PERVERT.

Basically, everyone in the cafeteria including Team RWBY and JNPR saw what the bullied just did in front of every student as the females were steaming mad of why he put his hands on a girl like that. But before anyone could do anything, Braedey and Cog already arrived in the Dining Hall as their Auras were flaring up, angry at the bully and his goons were touching their Rabbit Faunus senior that they see as an older sister figure.

RWBY and JNPR were feeling intimidated by the flaring auras of the two mysterious boys who possessed powers that they've never seen before.
Ruby, Yang, Nora, Pyrrha, Jaune, and surprisingly Ren were silently cheering for the two boys to teach Cardin and his teammates a lesson while Weiss, however, while she still wants answers of Braedey and Cog's powers, she was feeling intimidated as she made a mental note to get on their good side, praying to Oum not to piss off the two heroes, and finally silently cheering for the two boys to show the bullies why you never put your hands on a woman like that. Finally, Blake, like Weiss also wants her questions answered of Braedey and Cog's powers and abilities, she was silently cheering the most for our two heroes to teach Cardin and his team and lesson.

The Transformatrix bearer and humanoid Cybertronian decided enough was enough as they decided to let loose and teach Team CRDL a lesson. As Braedey was quickly engulfed in a flash of blue light, he transformed into one of his most vicious and most violent of his heavy hitters; Leobreaker. Cog, on the other hand, knew things were gonna go downhill, so he opted to stay out of the way. As the Predacon lion silently walked over to the table where Team CRDL were standing and Velvet sitting at, Leobreaker tapped Cardin's shoulder. As Cardin Winchester and his teammates soon turned their heads around, they quickly saw what made them start shaking in their boots; an angry Leobreaker who was cracking his knuckles. Velvet, meanwhile, had a small smile on her face as she was now shedding tears of joy, happy that her little brother figure came to her rescue.

As soon as the Predacon motioned his old sister figure to sit at the table where Team RWBY and JNPR were at, he then turned his attention to Team CRDL as Leobreaker landed two straight punches at Cardin: none punch to the face and one straight into his stomach as the bully's aura was seen shimmering over his body. As soon as Cardin was kneeling on floor, his teammates decided to go into their fighting stances without their weapons as they were ready to fight the leader of Team Prime.

Everyone including the women both humans and Faunus students were cheering loudly at the two heroes wanting them to teach the four bullies a lesson they would never forget.

~*~*~(End Flashback)~*~*~

"So, today is the day you're gonna make Cardin pay for what he did to Velvet?" Kaia asked, once Braedey got back on his feet, putting on deodorant, then his black shirt and jacket on.

"No. I'm gonna make Winchester pay for anything and everything he's done to any and all Faunus and humans on this planet." Braedey replied, his eyes narrowing in determination.

"Right, then." Kaia nodded, just as Cog walked into the room. "Okay, this is getting unexpected." She gets out of her bed, picking up her regular attire. "I'm gonna go change." With that, she enters the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

"So, what's the plan?" Cog asked in wonder. "You gonna go and ring down the Leobreaker treatment on Winchester?"

"No." Braedey replied firmly, to Cog's confusion. "I'm gonna wear him down until he gets really angry, then I'll bring out some real power."

"Do you want me to help you two out?" Kaia asked, once in her regular attire.

"No. It's okay." Braedey reassured her. "This is something between me, Cog, and Team CRDL. We don't want you to get caught up in this."

"Oh. Okay." Kaia shrugged gently.

"Hey. Next time we go hunting for Grimm, we'll let you come along for the ride." Cog offered.

"Thanks so much." Kaia smiled.


At Beacon Academy's Amphitheatre, at the strike of 10:00AM, many were gathered up to witness the fight between Team Prime and Team CRDL.

"All right, students! We are gathered here today to have an official match between Team Prime and Team CRDL. Because frankly, I believe as I speak for everyone, we are all tired of the constant fighting and property damage these to bring." Doctor Oobleck stated acting as an official announcer.

"I quite agree my old friend. Hopefully, this will settle any and all differences the two teams may have." Professor Port added acting as the second announcer.

"Now, the rules of this match are simple. You must not strike a killing blow if your Aura is the depleted into the red or knocked out at any time you have lost. It's simple as that." Dr. Oobleck added as everyone in the Amphitheatre began cheering for the official fight of Team Prime vs Team CRDL.

All of the Faunus students, mostly the females and sometimes the female humans, were cheering on the two boys as they were holding banners of their team name with the boys personal emblems combined and their pictures of them. Basically, both Heroes in Disguise couldn't help but blush and rubbed the back of their heads as they were touched and flattered of their fangirls as they began to cheer: "LET'S GO TEAM PRIME! LET'S GO! (sound of clapping) LET'S GO TEAM PRIME! LET'S GO!" (another sound of clapping)

Braedey and Cog then begin to wave at their fangirls as they appreciate their cheering. They they then turned attention to Team RWBY, JNPR, and CFVY, as they too were cheering for them.

Ruby, Yang, and Nora, being the more boisterous of their group of friends, were proudly and loudly cheering whilst waving a rather large banner that stated in bright cobalt blue letters, "GO BRAEDEY AND COG! KICK TEAM CRDL'S BUTT!" And, they were also holding custom flags that they were waving. Ruby waving a red flag with Cog's handkerchief attached to it, Yang waving a yellow flag with Braedey's Transformatrix symbol, and Nora waving an orange flag with their symbols combined.

Locking eyes with them, the two boys chuckled at their exuberance and waved to them. Their eyes trailed over to Weiss, who was trying to look as uninterested as she could, though it was clear from the smirk on her face that she had all the confidence that both Braedey and Cog could defeat Team CRDL.

Their eyes then traveled to meet with their only male friends, Ren, who only nodded at him in acknowledgement, Jaune, who raised his fist in the air cheering for them, Fox giving them a thumbs up, and Yatsuhashi with his fists together and bowing in respect of his juniors.

Then, their eyes locked with Pyrrha and Blake, as they shared a silent nod with Blake, the girl in black offering a smile and a wave of her flag that bore the signature combined emblems of our two Heroes on it. And, Pyrrha, who was waving her flag with their Team name on it in red.

Finally, they then turned eyes at their seniors/older sister figures, Velvet and Coco, who were also cheering for them loudly. Velvet waving her flag with her two little brother figure's emblems and team name. Coco, who was actually also cheering for the two boys, as she cheering for them to kick Cardin's butt to make him pay for touching Velvet's breasts.

Needless to say, Coco actually loved it as the two boys from two dimensions parallel to each other, showed Team CRDL who's boss. Especially, she motioned to the two of them good luck of their fight as she winked at them, causing them to blush. Don't get them wrong, they also see Coco as a big sister figure to them, and not just Velvet.

As the two heroes finished acknowledging their fangirls including Ruby, Yang, Nora, Pyrrha, Blake, Coco, Velvet, and possibly... Weiss. They then turned around to face their opponents, Team CRDL, as they were preparing themselves for combat.

"How have you been Cardin? Still feeling your last beating?" Cog taunted with a cocky smile.

Cardin now had a sneer on his face. "You're going to regret that, you freaks! You and every damn animal in this school!" He angrily shouted in reply, making his already short popularity fall even further.

Braedey's eyes narrow. "Okay, that's it. You're going down for the long count." He declared firmly.

"Ozpin, this is Madness! You are the headmaster, stop this right now!" Glynda demanded.

"Normally I would, but I think that they'll continue to fight and bring even more destruction if I don't." Ozpin replied, already regretting of making this a official match.

"Time to show some muscle." Braedey activated the Transformatrix, only for him to backflip cartwheel away from Cardin, who swung his mace around, just as Dove, Russel, and Sky get tackled and slammed down by Cog's hammer.

(BACKGROUND MUSIC: Kung Fu Fighting (Cee-Lo Green and Jack Black version))

"I've got these Three Stooges here." Cog called to Braedey, next striking the three men away. "Musclehead over there is all yours."

"You got it." Braedey looked to Cardin, who started to run at him. "No time to transform yet. Gonna have to wait for the right moment."

Cardin swings his mace left and right, only for Braedey to backflip away from the first swing, then jump over Cardin on the second swing, landing behind the leader of Team CRDL, then swings his right leg around, striking Cardin in the back of his right leg, making him fall onto his hands and knees. Next, Braedey backflips over Cardin, striking the male in the back of the head wth his foot, only for Braedey to grab him by his shoulders, then throw him into the ground in some kind of German suplex.

Cardin growls, getting back to his feet, only for Braedey to sprint towards him, performing a butterfly kick, striking Cardin in the ribs, then next punch Cardin's right arm, knocking the mace out of the leader of Team CRDL's hand, as it slides away from him. Cardin grunted, swinging his arms around aimlessly, only for Braedey to dodge left, right, then perform a spin kick, striking Cardin in the chest, sending him sliding away.

With Cog, he whips out both his hammer and his sword, getting into a two-weapon battle stance against Russel, Dove, and Sky. Russel pulls out his daggers, while Dove gets his bronze short-sword out, and Sky unveils his weapon: a long dark-blue halberd, with a large inward-curved axehead on one side and a smaller spike on the other. Cog scoffs at the trio's weapons, then with a small flick of his wrists, both hammer and sword come to life. A healthy cobalt blue glow engulf the blade of the sword, as the hammer's head becomes cobalt blue in colour and glow. Immediately, Cog sprints forward, throwing his hammer into the air, distracting the three males, only for the humanoid Cybertronian to sprint forward, swinging his sword at the trio, slicing their weapons completely in half, then the hammer falls into Cog's left hand, and he swung the hammer at the trio, knocking them all unconscious, as the sword and hammer lose their glow.

With Braedey and Cardin, the brunette seems to jump back and forth, Cardin swinging his arms about, only to have Braedey strike left and right, infuriating the male leader of Team CRDL. Finally, Cardin swings his fist around, striking his fist against Braedey's chest, knocking him down to the ground, and the brunette slid for a few metres away, a small groan emanating from his throat.

Cardin smirks evilly. "Looks like I win-" He was them cut off by Cog, who threw his hammer at him, knocking him over with a loud clang, almost shattering Cardin's chestplate armour. "Why you-"

"I'm not done yet." Braedey suddenly performs a Chinese get-up, but gets into his Kung-Fu stance. "Time to bring out the patriot Titan!" He slammed his hand down on the Transformatrix, engulfing his body in the familiar cobalt blue glow, forcing people to shield their eyes.

As the flash fades, now standing in Braedey's place is a 25ft tall Autobot. His body structure was similar to a ninja. He has two wheels as his shoulders, whilst the other two were hidden from view, built into his lower legs, but shielded by armour. His chest was shaped as his vehicle mode's cab, whilst his base colour was white. He also has green and white highlights. He has two katana swords built into his back, whilst two wings were protruding on his back. His helm was designed to be like that of a dark grey samurai helmet, with two wings on both sides, and a large built spot in the middle, protruding out from the top of his helm, and out over his facial plate. Finally, the Transformatrix symbol was in the centre of his chest.

"Wheeljack." The Wrecker Autobot rolled his shoulders, then gets into a fighting stance. "Let's end this here and now."

Everyone looked rather intrigued and interested by this new form of Braedey's. They've never seen such a form like this before, but they could tell this Wheeljack looked pretty wicked with his ninja-like components. Cardin, on the other hand, didn't care what the brunette had changed into. He picked up his mace, charged at Wheeljack, slamming his weapon into the ninja Autobot's right leg, only to notice virtually nothing done to the Cybertronian's leg. With a yell, he began to strike the same spot over seven times, only to see he had done nothing.

"Has it finally come to light, Winchester?" Cog called to Cardin. "Wheeljack's armour is tough enough to tank that little mace you've got. You didn't even chip the paint." He laughed, then got serious, and held up his hammer. "Wheeljack?" He tosses his hammer over to the Ninja Autobot.

Wheeljack holds out his right hand, as the hammer suddenly grows in size to accomodate the Autobot's size, and the hammer's hilt landed in Wheeljack's hand. He looks down at Cardin with a smirk on his facial plate, only for his battle mask to slide over his mouth and non-existent nose with a metal clank. Once done that, Wheeljack swung the hammer around suddenly, whipping up a small tornado, but finally, Cardin was greeted by the head of the now-enlarged hammer, smacking him hard enough to shatter his armour, fortunately not breaking any bones in the process, and send him flying at his teammates, who slowly started to regain their conciseness, only for them to be struck down by Cardin like a set of bowling pins.


Wheeljack breathes a sigh, as the cobalt blue glow engulfed him, turning him back into human form, Cog's hammer now at human size. "This fight is over, CRDL." Braedey announced to the downed team. "From now on, all of you are to treat every single student, human or Faunus, with the upmost respect. We don't take kindly to anyone disrespecting anyone here." He stated firmly.

"Yes, they've won! Now, we don't have to leave Beacon forever!" A random Faunus student cried out as everyone rushed to the Arena to congratulate the two Heroes.

"That was amazing! What did you call that form?" Ruby asked, looking at Braedey curiously.

"That was Wheeljack." Braedey replied. "He's one of my best martial arts Autobots, not just because he looks like a ninja and a samurai mixed into one."

"Still, that's wicked." Ruby commented, just as Cog walked up to pick up his hammer. "By the way, Cog, you were great."

"Thanks a lot, little Rose." Cog smiled, gently patting Ruby's head, making her smile to him.

"This... isn't over, Martin." Cardin growled, everyone looking over to him, seeing the leader of Team CRDL get back on his feet, albeit with a stumble and bucking knees. "You're nothing... but weak without those powers. You're just like Jaune."

That done it. "You don't know how wrong you are, Cardin." Braedey stated, looking Cardin in the eye. "Jaune Arc is a hundred times the man you'll ever be! He's more of a man than you! You're nothing but an obnoxious, thick-headed, overgrown, perverted, racist and sexist, ridiculing, undermining, boastful, backstabbing, and you are a pathetic excuse of a human being! A Decepticon has more respect than you'd ever have!!" He clenched his right fist. "And here's a message from them to you!" He swings his fist around, uppercutting Cardin, knocking him unconscious with a thud to the floor. "Man. That felt good." He commented to everyone, and they all laugh in agreement, while Dove, Sky, and Russel drag their leader out of the Amphitheatre, everyone laughing at them.

All seemed right with the world until a very eager student rushed up and accidentally pushed down Yang as she landed on top of Braedey and her lips smashed against his. Everyone went completely still as the two just stared at each other and slowly backed up waiting for the end pending explosion. Slowly, Yang got back up with her face the same colour as her half-sister's hood as she then got up and leaned very closed to the Transformatrix bearer's face, as he was still blushing.

"You and me on a date." Yang stated finally, getting up and pulling Braedey up on his feet. She pulled him close and gently placed her forehead against his as she looked directly at his handsome cobalt blue eyes, while her ample breasts were rubbing against his athletic body. Both of them were ignoring the sounds of outcry and jealousy from some of his admirers, including his fangirls, as they witness the blond brawler of Team RWBY leaning close to the shapeshifter leader of Team Prime as some were saying if how she shouldn't be his first girlfriend if he's isn't single.

"How do you draw that conclusion?" Braedey asked, not really minding at all as he was just curious.

"I only let my boyfriends kiss me. That was actually my first kiss and you're not my boyfriend. So, you own me a date, handsome. You can pick me up at 7:00 P.M. tomorrow. Don't be late." Yang replied to him, poking and tracing her finger on his chest after each word to get the point across as she gave him a long smooching kiss on his cheek dangerously close to his lips, and walking away back to her dorm while winking at him cutely with her signature smile.

Braedey blushed madly as he was now dating another girl in another universe as he put his hand on his cheek where Yang kissed him. And, while he was still blushing madly, most of his fangirls, admirers, and secret admirers including Faunus at Beacon were steaming mad with jealousy as the handsome leader of Team Prime was asked out on a date by the sexy blonde brawler of Team RWBY. Plus, the fangirls and admirers were also whispering words about the blonde brawler such as "skank" and "hussy", signifying their jealousy and anger.

Ben hoped that he won't waste this chance with her since he already broke up with his ex-girlfriend, Jane Henry Parker. How did she break up with him you readers may ask? Well, after many times Braedey's been out fighting to save the Earth, whether it's even a bank robbery or a rouge Decepticon threat, Jane finally said enough was enough, since they don't get the chance to spend some time together, and told Braedey he matters too much about his job, and said he should marry the job he does the most, much to the disgust of Braedey's cousin.

"Well, that was a thing." Kaia commented, walking up to the brunette. "Looks like you've won Yang's flame, my fearless leader." She joked, gently patting his back.

"By the AllSpark..." Braedey muttered to himself, his face still red from the kiss. "This is unexpected and..."

"And beyond what you anticipated?" Cog asked, him, Kaia, and Braedey now heading back to their dorm after the fight. "I mean, you and I had beaten Team CRDL into submission, all of them now licking their wounds like a bunch of whining hyenas from 'The Lion King', and now, you've scored yourself a dare with the smoking-hot, and busty, blonde brawler of Team RWBY. What more can you ask for?" He asked rhetorically.

"Maybe something to calm my nerves?" Braedey asked.

"Oh, relax. She said the date's tomorrow, didn't she?" Kaia asked, and Braedey nodded. "So, don't worry about it. Now, come on. We've got to get going. You were going to take me somewhere, right?"

"Oh, right! Come on, big man. We're gonna go have some training!" With that, Cog and Kaia sprint away, Braedey jogging just behind them, his mind still lost in thought about what happened.

As they left, Ruby, Weiss, and Blake, along with Team JNPR, and Team CFVY, watched the trio head on their way, while also thinking to one another about the fight, and plus, Yang's sudden kiss. Sure, something was bound to happen that involves romance around them, but to see it between both the leader of Team Prime and Yang, that was a little hard to think about.

"Are you sure things won't go down in flames between those two?" Blake asked, only for Ruby to groan out in annoyance.

"Blake, please don't try and make puns like Yang." Ruby muttered, catching Blake by surprise. Did she really make a pun in her sentence without even trying or realising it?

"Still, I think that's what one calls a victory kiss." Pyrrha spoke up, then she and the others head off to the library.

"Maybe..." Weiss grumbled to herself, then she, Blake, and Ruby head off back to their dorm to find Yang. Sure, she was happy Team Prime took down Team CRDL, but she was still wondering about both Braedey and Cog's powers, alongside Blake.


Author's Note: well, there we go. Braedey and Cog VS Team CRDL, a fight people have been waiting for. Sure, it's not as long as people wanted it to be, so I'm sorry. But, don't worry. There will be more Team Prime and Transformer action soon enough in this book. Also, my other stories, 'Monster Musume: Transformers', and 'Danmachi Transformers', Thanks so much to you all about commenting and adding suggestions within the story.

Also, the first of shipping in 'RWBY: Transformers' has been set. Braedey and Yang Xiao Long. What do you think for the start of this? What do you think should be the date between them? Hope to hear your comments and suggestions.

This is Braedey95 signing off.

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