Chapter Seven: Martin's Backstory

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Headmaster's Office, Beacon Tower; Beacon Academy
5:30 P.M.

Beacon Tower.

The most prominent part of Beacon Academy itself, below the interlocking cogs and gears, is the office of the Headmaster himself, Professor Ozpin. Inside his very office, stood a boy, 16 years of age, from an alternate universe. On his left arm, he wielded an extremely powerful device that allowed him to transform into a million extraterrestrials from his universe. Professor Ozpin listened intently as this boy, Braedey Martin, was about to narrate his origin story and the rest of his past.


The setting is in a forest. Nighttime was encroaching as the sun began to set as a few twinkling stars shined in the sky. A cascade of red and orange had been cast across the late evening sky, but was obscured by the woods.

There is a brown haired boy walking down a forest trail. He wore a white short-sleeve shirt with a blue stripe going down the centre that stretched around his collar, a pair of black cargo pants, and white/black sneakers that resemble the ones they had seen Braedey wear.

Braedey was only 10 years old at this point in time. But, this point in time was very significant for Braedey. In fact, this... is where it all began.

Braedey was walking along the forest trail with his hands in his pockets and a frustrated expression on his face.

"Aw man... this is gonna be the worst vacation ever." Ten-year-old Braedey complained. "I might as well have stayed home with Mum and Dad." He stopped walking and looked up, to see a streak of reddish-orange light shooting across the sky. "Whoa..." He marvelled. "Its a shooting star."

All of a sudden, the meteor pulled a ninety degree angle and was now heading straight for Braedey. Braedey's eyes widened in shock and fear as the streak of light expanded into a fireball, coming straight for him. He let out a yelp, as he turned on his heels and ran as fast as he could. The meteor crashed into the ground right behind Braedey, creating a bright conflagration. Chunks of earth and a dust cloud from thrown up from the force of the impact.

As the dust cloud settled, there was a newly formed trench forged by the falling star. At the end of the smoking furrow, a remarkably unharmed Braedey was lying on his stomach. Braedey got up unscathed and walked toward the edge of the smoking crater where he looked down into it. He could see a large segmented sphere that was glowing red from its re-entry into the atmosphere.

"It looks like some kind of a satellite or something." Braedey noted.

Braedey laid his hands on his knees and hunched over, trying to get a closer look into the hole. Without warning, the earth beneath him crumbled away and caused him to fall into the crater.

"YAAAHH!" Braedey cried out as he slid into the trench.

Young Braedey quickly got up and calmly looked at the silver, metallic orb. Suddenly, steam slipped out from the interlocking plates of the sphere as it split open, making gear shifting sounds. A beeping sound was heard as a blue light emanated from the inside of the container.

Braedey peered into the sphere to see a strange, bulky watch lying in the centre. A dial rested in the centre, only it had no numbers or hands, but rather a blue angular face symbol. The wristband appeared to be comprised of a thick, blackish-grey material. It had two blue buttons on both sides, and four white pipes that extended from the dial and around the rest of the watch. A faint glow shined from the dial and bathed the newly forged crater in a cobalt blue colour.

"It's a watch?" Braedey said absentmindedly. "What is a watch doing in outer space?"

Braedey smirked as he stretched out his left hand to pick up the device and examine it. Shockingly, the watch lunged out of the sphere, opened up, and clamped down on Braedey's left wrist, locking in with the sound of a car's hood being unlocked.

"AAHHH!" Braedey screamed, frantically shaking his arm. "GET OFF ME! GET OFF! GET OFF!"

The brown haired boy grunted as he tried to pull the watch off, but to no avail. In his panic, Braedey lost his balance and fell on his back. He got back up and climbed out of the crater, making a mad dash into the forest.

"Grandpa Jackson!" He yelled.

(Flashback End)

"So, you just took a strange looking watch out of a pod from outer space and it slapped onto your wrist?" Glynda couldn't help but ask the young man in front of her. Ozpin and Velvet eyed Braedey with a sort of suspicious look, wondering if he really was that curious to do such a thing.

"Well, no." Braedey admitted. "It sort of latched onto me." He spotted numerous looks of skepticism from Ozpin, Glynda, and Velvet shot his way. "I'm serious. As I got closer to the thing, it jumped out at me and wrapped itself around my wrist." He tried to plead his case but to no avail. Noticing how fruitless it was, he resumed with his narration. "I kept trying to get the thing off when I accidentally turned the thing on. It was the very first time I went alien." He continued to explain as he chuckled reminiscing the distant memory. "And I freaked out."

"Wow. I can believe that." Velvet said, giggling at her new friend. She understood now that the watch on his arm was called the Transformatrix. She also was made aware that the device on his arm allowed him to transform him into different aliens. The rabbit Faunus was fascinated that her new friend, who saved her from the Grimm, literally had the power to transform into creatures from outer space. "I mean suddenly transforming into a completely different alien must've given you a heart attack." The member of CFVY stated, her giggles not quelling one bit.


Braedey was in the middle of a small clearing with a stick in his hand; shoving it under the watch and trying to get it to come off. However, his attempts proved fruitless when the stick broke off. Braedey groaned in aggravation and fell to his knees.

Braedey turned his attention to the watch, and unknowingly pressed a button on the side of it. He was caught off guard by an electronic beep and when the dial popped up. He looked around to see if anyone was watching. As young Braedey turned his gaze back to the watch, the angular face symbol shifted into a round shape the size of the dial that had a black silhouette of a humanoid with something on its back, making a shifting sound in the process.

"Whoa!" Braedey commented. "That's strange."

Braedey placed his index finger on the faceplate. At that moment, the young boy's eyes widen in wonder as he pressed down the dial. The brunette's body was engulfed in the blue light.

When the light died away, standing in Braedey's place was a 20ft tall robot with a bright yellow and jet black striped colour scheme. A pair of door wings are sitting on his back, similar to that of a pair of wings, with two tyres as the shoulders, with a muscle car-like front built into his chest, whilst the other two tyres are on his ankles. His legs were slim from the thighs to the knees, whilst below his knees, his lower legs were thick armoured. In addition, his arms were slim and wrapped in black and yellow, whilst his hands had four-digit fingers. His helm had two optics, a silver face with yellow armour wrapped around his helm, and two black racing stripes on it. Finally, the Transformatrix insignia was present in the centre of his chest.

The robot took one glance at himself; a horrified expression crossed his facial plate. "AHHHHH!" He yelled in a chirpy, beeping voice. Seeing his new body increased Braedey's anxiety by the second. "I'M A MONSTER!! AHHHHHH!" The boy-turned-Autobot began running around in panic.

Braedey then ceased his running about. "Hey. Wait a second..." He calmed down and looked at his body, clenching his fists in relief, then looking down at his form. "I'm a robot, and... and I'm okay. Hmm. I think I should give this a name... I know. Bumblebee!" He chuckled from his own pun, as he looked at his yellow-black paint.

A roguish smile grew on the Autobot's face as he glanced back at a tree. "Oh yeah." He turned to face the tree and stood in a wide stance with his arms ready at his sides. He held out his right hand, as the metal round his arm suddenly shifted into a two-barrel blaster. "Whoa. Here goes..."

He discharged a small blast of Energon, which blasted through the tree trunk and left a smoking hole in it.

"Whoa. Now that's what I'm talking about." Bumblebee commented.

Caught up in the moment of his newfound abilities, Braedey deployed the second blaster from his left arm, and fired more blasts of Energon, and it easily went straight through three trees. But, as a result, those trees burst into flames.

Bumblebee's optics went wide in alarm when he realized what he had done. "No. Wait! Stop!"

Naturally, the fire ignored Bumblebee's pleas as it spread from tree-to-tree. He ran toward the epicentre of the newborn forest fire and started stomping his foot on the flaming ground. However, his metal feet did nothing to stop the spread of the inferno.

"Aw, scrap. I'm gonna be so dead for this." Bumblebee said nervously.

The growing forest fire seemed to go out of control, and looked like it was getting worse. A few flaming trees collapsed around Bumblebee, who was stomping the fire on the ground relentlessly.

"This would be so cool if it weren't so... not cool." Bumblebee commented.

Just then, a little girl came into view. She wore white shoes and pants, and a light blue shirt. She had shoulder length bright orange hair and blue eyes that matched Braedey's, while also being his age. She's carrying a red cylinder device that was shooting a stream of white foam, which extinguished the flames on contact.

This girl is Jessie Martin, the paternal cousin of Braedey.

As the orange haired girl walked around snuffing the flames, she unknowingly shot Bumblebee in the back. The Cybertronian yelped in surprise and turned around to face her, standing at his full 20ft height. The girl paused and looked up at the robot blankly before letting out a high-pitched scream.


Bumblebee held out his hands in a placating manner, kneeling down to her. "Look, I know I look really weird. But there's no reason to be scared."

Suddenly, the girl jumped up and slammed the butt of the fire extinguisher into Bumblebee's helm, which sent him careening back. He flipped in midair and landed on his stomach a few metres away. As Bumblebee lifted himself off the ground, he was greeted by a stream of white foam. When he finished coughing up the foam, he looked at Jessie with annoyance.

Jessie stood in front of Bumblebee with the hose of her fire extinguisher aimed straight at him. "I don't know what you are, but you'll stay down there if you know what's good for you." She threatened.

Bumblebee grinned mischievously and flicked a burning rock toward Jessie's feet, causing a tiny flame to ignite on her shoe. Jessie squealed in surprise, as she stumbled back on one leg and sprayed the white foam on her shoe.

Once the flame on her shoe was extinguished, Jessie glared back at Bumblebee and held the fire extinguisher over her head in a threatening manner. "I warned you."

"Don't even think about trying to hit me again, red." Bumblebee mocked, narrowing his optics. "It ain't gonna hurt."

Jessie paused, as her eyes widened in recognition. She lowered the fire extinguisher and looked at the metal humanoid in moderate shock. "Braedey? I-Is that you?" She questioned, awed. "What happened?"

"Well," Bumblebee explained, "when I was walking through the forest, this huge meteor fell from the sky and almost crushed me. Except it wasn't a meteor or a satellite, but this weird and cool watch suddenly jumped up on my wrist, and when I tried to get it off, I suddenly turned into this robot guy I call Bumblebee, and I was accidentally starting this mega forest fire."

"Jessie!" Suddenly, an old man with short dark brown hair and half rotund/slender figure ran into view. He wore black boots, blue jeans, and a white t-shirt ran up. "Are you al-" He stopped and gawked at Bumblebee. "What in blazes?"

This man was known as Grandpa Jackson, the grandfather of both Braedey and Jessie, and the one that brought them out on Summer Vacation.

"Hey grandpa, guess who?" Jessie remarked.

"It's me, Grandpa Jackson." Bumblebee greeted, waving his hand at him.

"Braedey?" Grandpa Jackson said, surprised. "What happened to you?"

"Well, when I was walking through the forest, this meteor-"

The boy-turned-Autobot was interrupted by a nervous Jessie. "Um, excuse me. Major forest fire burning out of control. Remember?"

"What are we gonna do now?" Braedey asked, turning to the growing inferno eating away at the forest.

Jackson glanced at the forest fire with a thoughtful expression. He then looked back at Braedey, and answered his question. "Backfire. Start a new fire, and let it burn into the old fire. They should snuff each other out. Think you can do it, Braedey?"

"Cause another fire? That I can definitely do." Bumblebee replied, smirking.

Braedey turned to face the other side of the forest fire, then suddenly, there was some weird gear-shifting noises coming from the human-turned-robot, as he felt his body shrink while his armoured parts shifted. In a couple of a second, the sounds stopped, as Braedey then realised something: Bumblebee has some type of vehicle mode.

His vehicle mode was that of a yellow and black muscle car vehicle known as the Urbana 500.

Bumblebee revved his engine a few times, enjoying the overall feel of being in vehicular mode. He noted that he had great peripheral and central vision, and also a set of scanners that can detect things all around him.

Once transformed into his vehicle mode, he shifted himself into gear, then floored his accelerator, racing right into the blaze, the flames not even affecting his body at all, while Grandpa Jackson and Jessie headed back to the campsite.

After driving some distance away from the forest fire, Bumblebee stopped and transformed into robot mode at the edge of a section of unburnt woods. He held out his arms, deployed his blasters, and instantly opened fire at the trees, creating a second forest fire. Bumblebee smiled as the two fires burned into each other, and grew smaller and smaller from the decreasing oxygen in the air.

Once done that, he headed off to get back to Jessie and Grandpa Jackson, and hoping not to get caught by the local park rangers.

(Flashback End)

"So, after you realised the Transformatrix allowed you to turn into different aliens, you were inspired to become a hero?" Ozpin let his curiosity be known. To be honest, he was quietly impressed with the story and Braedey's avidity to use that power for a good cause.

"Well, even when I was a kid, I could never turn my back on somebody in need. But I was just a ten-year-old, what could I do? But that all changed once I obtained the Transformatrix and realised that this time, I could really make a difference."

While Glynda rolled her eyes at Braedey with a small noticeable smile, Ozpin and Velvet were surprisingly awed by his desire to help others.

Ozpin let out a small smile as the admiration he felt towards the young man, began to materialise on his face. "Braedey Martin, truly you are a noble soul. Even at a young age, you were quite selfless."

Braedey scratched the back of his head, on hearing those words. "Not always."

"Oh?" Ozpin was a bit intrigued. "How so?"

Braedey heaved a deep sigh as he continued. "There have been times when I used the Transformatrix for personal stuff. Or when I let all the fame go to my head and I started making mistakes."

"Braedey." Ozpin retorted empathetically. "There's nothing wrong with making mistakes or behaving selfishly at times. You were just a child and nobody should expect one so young to be a saint. The most important thing is that you learned from it and it has made you a better person." The headmaster's tone validated the true nature of the words he spoke. Braedey's narration only resulted in him becoming more enthused with the young boy. Ozpin had come to the conclusion that this young man before him was also honest. To be frank, the grey-haired man would have only been suspicious of the 16-year-old, had he not been truthful about his actions.

"Professor Ozpin is right, Braedey." Velvet stated softly, as she took hold of his left hand and held them between both her hands. Her gaze met his. "Everyone makes mistakes, but we have to learn from them and use it to better ourselves."

Despite his initial mistrust of Ozpin, Braedey's couldn't help but find himself touched by the Headmaster's words, and also the rabbit Faunus's sweet words. For some reason, he found himself a bit at ease at the moment.

"So, Mister Martin?" Glynda directed towards him, drawing Ben's attention "You've told us that you're a celebrity/superhero in your universe. Is that correct?"

"Yes." Braedey responded rather meekly, wondering where Miss Goodwitch was going with this. Deep inside he hoped, it did not turn into what he feared at the moment.

Glynda tilted her head in curiosity. "Does that mean you have super-villains to fight?"

Braedey gave out a loud laugh at that, as the memories of all the fights he had encountered filled his mind. "Yes. I've had plenty."

"Even as a child?" Glynda couldn't help but ask questions, her curiosity getting the better of her.

Braedey nodded. "I don't know why, but just about everywhere we went during that road trip, there was always some villain I had to use the Transformatrix to stop them. Dr. Freakshow, the Circus Freakshows, the mercenary group M.E.C.H..."

"Do any of them qualify as your archenemy?" Velvet cut in to inquire further.

Everyone present was taken back when Braedey suddenly scowled and clenched his fists in vexation. "Yeah." The Transformatrix wielder resumed coldly, which took everyone aback even further. "There's one. Unicron."

Even Ozpin had to pause at the sheer amount of venom in Braedey voice when he mentioned that name. "Unicron?"

"An ancient evil god from Cybertron long ago, all but obsessed with getting his hands on the Transformatrix." Braedey paused for a bit to shift his gaze towards Ozpin. His demeanour augmented the seething anger in his tone. "Remember how you said some people might see it as a weapon? He certainly did. In fact, he wanted to create an entire army of Transformatrix users."

An eerie silence quickly prevailed over the room as the three other occupants remained stunned upon hearing that. An entire army? Ozpin tried to imagine such a scenario. Hundreds, possibly, thousands of shape-shifters. And even now, Ozpin was not aware of the full extent of the Transformatrix's power. A strange sensation filled the headmaster of Beacon. A little bit of fear and a small bit of apprehension crept into him. The fact that he would experience something like this was incredible in itself. However, this fear he now felt, stemmed from the singular thought that if Salem discovered that one of his students, a boy from another world, possessed a power that surpassed that of the Relics and the Maidens themselves. If she were made aware of this, and in the worst case, if this power fell into her hands, all hell would break loose.

Glynda, on the other hand, couldn't believe her eyes or her ears. The young shapeshifter from another dimension in front of her had such a deep hatred for this Unicron, and his evil idea of using this Transformatrix, to conquer the universe. "Oh my Oum, that was his plan? No wonder he was hell-bent on conquering your universe." She blurted out rather sympathetically.

"Yeah, I know." Braedey retorted with downcast eyes. Velvet beside him tried her best to soothe him by holding both his hands.

"I remember the very first time I fought him." The Transformatrix wielder clenched his jaw in aggravation. "No matter which form I turned into, he just kept on knocking me around."

This really got Ozpin's attention. A being that was capable of holding its own against a multitude of Braedey's aliens? It was small wonder why this teenager in front of him wasn't fond of this Unicron.

"And even when I was older and a little more experienced, he still gave me a hard time." Braedey added, his countenance not changing one bit.

The only thing Velvet, and Glynda wanted to know was how Unicron was like, in a fight. Ozpin, however, could deduce from Braedey's eyes that this Unicron, enjoyed multitudes of combat experience that too against countless powerful foes. And was capable of putting, even the best of the Huntsmen and Huntresses to shame.

"Well, Braedey." Ozpin gently urged. He readjusted his glasses and his gaze trailed passed the other two occupants of the room and met that of the boy in question. "Your story is indeed amazing. I can see that this Unicron was quite the ruthless character. I don't know how you could have possibly faced anyone as dangerous as him."

Braedey gave out an empty laugh that signified he had seen much worse. "Don't be too sure." He cut off Ozpin. "There was a time when I faced 'The Fallen', back when I was fifteen, and restored Cybertron's core."

"'The Fallen'?" Ozpin exclaimed rather astounded. He never expected Braedey to have faced enemies stronger than this Unicron. Even imagining such a thing seemed absurd to the grey-haired man.

"Yes. 'The Fallen', known as Megatronus Prime, and the First Decepticon, was one of the original 13 Primes that once existed on Cybertron long ago, until he was removed of his powers long ago after betraying his own brethren, and killing his sister Solus Prime, while trying to execute his plan." He proceeded to convey the tale of his battle, to satisfy Ozpin's curiosity. "Me and my team were able to thwart his forces at the time, and even stop him for good."

"You have a team?" Ozpin yawped out. To the grey-haired man, the more he learned about the boy, the more mysterious he seemed to be.

"Yes, my cousin, Jessie, and my former enemy-turned-friend, Rex McJones." Braedey remarked, smiling fondly as he thought of them. "Sure, there were times when our team needed a little work. But when all is said and done, we were always there for each other."

Glynda raised an eyebrow, slightly curious at Braedey's display of fondness for his family and teammates. Velvet and Ozpin too took note of it.

"So... this Rex McJones?" Velvet interrupted, breaking the sudden silence, that had taken form. "You did mention that he was your best friend, even though he was once the enemy that tried to kill you back when you were ten years old?" The rabbit Faunus's voice exuded a bit of anxiety when she stated that.

Now that got everybody's attention making Braedey cringe, regretting how casual he had been about that earlier.

"You're serious, right?" Glynda narrowed her eyes. "There must be quite a story to that. Care to share with us before we continue?"

"Sorry, but that's personal." Braedey affirmed. His visage clearly proffered he was not going to shift from his current stand. "We were enemies when we were kids but now he's my best friend and frankly, that's all you need to know."

"Glynda, please." Ozpin turned to his second-in-command. "If Mr. Martin does not want to share it with us, then we have to respect his personal space."

Glynda nodded her head in acknowledgment, as she refrained from persisting on with the subject. Braedey exasperated in relief, but still, made no effort to engage on that topic any further. It wasn't his place to talk about Rex's life.

"You mentioned something about 'The Fallen's true plan." Ozpin pointed out, deciding to shift back to the topic. "What was it?"

"To seek revenge upon Earth and Cybertron." Braedey stated in reply. "He planned to destroy both worlds."

Ozpin's eyes gleamed upon hearing this. Not only did Braedey's universe have incredible life forms, but also amazing technology. Maybe, if they found a way to get Braedey home, he might let Glynda, Qrow, and James tag along.

"How did he plan to do that?" Velvet asked in curiosity, and also in concern. It sounded rather crazy and beyond her when we thought about it.

"In the beginning, there were the Thirteen Primes, the original leaders. And they headed out into the universe, seeking distant worlds to document and discover." Braedey explained to them all. "When they came across the Human species of this planet, they have decreed that this world is to thrive without the intervention of the Cybertronians. The Primes all set out with one rule: NEVER destroy a planet with life. Until one of them tried to defy this rule, and his name forevermore was 'The Fallen'. He despised the human race. And he wanted to kill us all, along with his fellow Primes."

"How did he plan to do that?" Glynda asked in confusion.

"Somewhere, in the desert of Egypt, 'The Fallen's' followers and seekers created a diabolical machine." Braedey explained. "It has the power to grab two worlds across the cosmos, and cause them to collide."

"Collide?" Velvet's face paled. "Like two objects colliding together?"

"Yes." Braedey confirmed to them. "But, there was only one way to activate such a device. The only way was with a legendary key called the Harbinger of Death. A great battle took place, over possession of the Key. But 'The Fallen' was stronger than his brothers, resulting in the death of Solus Prime. Then, the rest of the Primes, stripped him of his power and his pride, sealing him in a dimensional realm where he can do no harm to Earth and Cybertron. But, in fear of him returning, they had no choice but to steal the Key, and hide it from him. In the ultimate sacrifice, they gave their lives to seal the Key away in a tomb made of their very own bodies. A tomb we couldn't find. Somewhere, buried in that desert, the deadly machine remained. 'The Fallen' knew where it was, but if he were to find the Tomb of the Primes, Earth, and Cybertron, would be no more."

"So, what did you do next?" Velvet asked next.

"After a long and dangerous battle against 'The Fallen' and his followers, me, my cousin, Alpha Trion, and Rex went straight to Cybertron, now with an objective to restore the planet's core." Braedey continued.

"A risky tactic." Glynda voiced out. "However, if the Autobots and Decepticons were both fighting one another and off-world, the core itself would be vulnerable."

"Actually, it's a bit more complicated than that." Braedey spoke up, getting everyone's attention. "The core had been infected with an energy force that is as dark as the night, and the core had shut down, leaving Cybertron dark and barren."

"Fascinating." Ozpin riposted as he laid a finger on his chin. He began to look at the teenager in front of him with a newfound admiration and curiosity. "And how did you end this millennia-long war?"

"Well, the Transformatrix has the ability to heal any and all damaged Cybertronian technology. So, I used it to cure the core of the darkness inside it, and bring Cybertron back from the dead." Braedey finished.

"Wait, what?" Glynda frowned. "You mean there wasn't some great battle to the end? You healed them? After everything they did?"

"The Decepticons had us outgunned and outmatched, even with my birthday powers, and we were running out of ammo." Braedey tried to lay the queries of the second-in-command of Beacon to rest. "They would've overpowered us if we continued fighting them. So I figured if I could save their planet instead."

"So you saved the universe not through force and power, but through understanding and healing," A gentle smile spread across Ozpin's lips. This was an indication of how much respect he had now developed for Braedey, due to the course of action he had decided upon. "The one who created the Transformatrix must've been so proud to have their creation be used the way it was meant for."

"Well, I did have help." Braedey replied rather cheekily, remembering all the times he used to brag about saving the universe without giving credit where credit was due.

"One thing I don't get it though." Velvet spoke up as she bit her cheek. "Whatever happened to the original Transformatrix and why do you have this version instead?"

"Oh that." Braedey Martin responded with a sly grin. "Well, it all started with this Cybertronian called Masterson. He was the assistant of the Transformatrix's creator, Alpha Trion."

"Is this Alpha Trion a Cybertronian too, as you claimed that he is the smartest being of five galaxies and the creator of the Transformatrix?" Ozpin's curiosity had broken open the chains that kept it caged. Now, he wanted to know everything about the mysterious creator of such a powerful device.

"Yeah, he is the creator." Braedey replied. "Anyway, Masterson didn't think an inferior human was worthy of using the Transformatrix, so he made a copy of his own to prove he was better. The problem for him was that his Transformatrix was synced to mine."

"How was that a problem?" Glynda interrupted.

"Well, my own DNA was the default, so he always turned into a copy of me whenever he changed back. He came to me and told me stuff like how he was the real creator of the Transformatrix, how it was flawed, risked putting a hole in the fabric of the universe, stuff like that. I was able to figure out he was lying, so he attacked me and my team."

"That would've been a sight to see." The grey haired man adjusted his spectacles. A small smirk crept onto his face. "Two men with the exact same powers duking it out. Kind of fits the saying about how you're your own worst enemy."

"During the fight, our Transformatrices got stuck together and created an energy feedback wave that damaged Masterson's human form, turning him into basically a negative version of me." Braedey continued when Ozpin had finished speaking. "Think of me with white hair, slightly paler skin, white eyebrows, red eyes, grey pants and a red jacket with black stripes." The two professors and the rabbit Faunus pictured the image in their head. "Then Azmuth showed up and disabled his Transformatrix, leaving him stuck as an imperfect clone of me. After that he got sent to prison."

"That's nice and all, but where does the new Transformatrix come in?" Velvet asked.

"Well this Transformatrix was one of Alpha Trion's other projects that Masterson stole after he managed to escape from prison. Once he got it, he teamed up with Unicron to get my Transformatrix." Braedey explained.

"Why?" Glynda shot out.

"His Transformatrix, or known as the DeathMatrix, was still in sync with my Transformatrix." Braedey continued to explain. "Anyway, their team-up worked. They captured my team, threatened to kill them unless I handed over the Transformatrix... so I did."

Most presents stared at Braedey in shock and amazement. They couldn't help but be disgusted at this Masterson and Unicron's actions. Ozpin, however, even though he didn't like this Masterson and Unicron, he was of the opinion that Braedey's selflessness and compassion of putting others before him really did make him a hero in heart, mind, and soul.

"Fascinating, Braedey, I find your compassion for others to be an incredible strength." The headmaster applauded the teenager in front of him. The intonation of his voice corroborated the emotions he felt inside.

"What happened next, Braedey?" Velvet urged him on.

"We had to retreat since Masterson and Unicron had both the Transformatrix and the DeathMatrix. At the moment all seemed hopeless. I was ready to just give up. Then Alpha Trion showed up and gave me a bit of a pep talk and an idea. When we faced Unicron again on his ship... I activated the Transformatrix's self-destruct sequence."

Now everyone stared at him, wide-eyed in disbelief.

"You were willing to sacrifice all that power for the sake of defeating your enemy?" Velvet asked with awe and admiration taking over her tone.

"There was not much else I could do." Braedey riposted. "If we couldn't get the Transformatrix back, we could at least prevent Unicron from using it."

"A pragmatic solution." Glynda spoke up.

"Unicron thought I was bluffing." Braedey said, clenching his fists. "And he learned the hard way I wasn't."

Everyone was put off by the coldness in Braedey's tone. That must've been a dark day for Braedey. And it showed just how much contempt he truly held for his archenemy.

"That must've been hard for you." Ozpin laid a hand on his table.

"It was." Braedey admitted. "But it was worth it if it meant stopping that psychopath."

"D-Did Unicron die?" Velvet meekly questioned.

Braedey shook his head. "The self-destruct only hurt him, but I faced him enough times to know it wouldn't take him down. So, I forced Masterson to give me the DeathMatrix."

"How did you do that?" Glynda wondered.

"By activating the DeathMatrix's self-destruct sequence unless he handed it over to me." Braedey answered.

This took everyone by surprise. Though Velvet smiled at him, she knew he had the potential of being a true hero just like the Huntsmen and Huntresses here in Remnant.

Braedey simply blushed at her direction, causing her to giggle as he continued. "So, Masterson gave me the DeathMatrix and I used it to fight Unicron. Our battle caused his ship to fall into the ocean. As it started sinking, Unicron turned into a giant version of himself, but I beat him before escaping. I didn't see him escape, but I doubt he's gone. He'll come back, I know he will. And when he does, I'll be ready."

Silence filled the air as the two Professors and rabbit Faunus of Team CFVY started seeing their new guest in a whole new light.

"Braedey, if I may ask you, what exactly makes the DeathMatrix you now call the Transformatrix different compared to the original?" Ozpin took his arm off his table and cupped his chin.

Braedey cringed. He should've known that someone would ask that once they learned there were a DeathMatrix and Transformatrix. He didn't want to reveal the Ultimate forms just yet, but if the Atlas Military or scientists found out, then that would give them more reasons to contain him.

But, Braedey looked at Velvet, and then the two professors in front of him, he decided that he'll just reveal the whole thing to them since there weren't any Atlas personal anywhere since they're all up in the cold continent of Solitas.

"It was able to make Masterson's aliens stronger than my own, while giving them a darker tone of colours." He said, which was technically true. "When we fought, he completely beat me. I didn't stand a chance."

"Care to elaborate on that?" Ozpin asked curiously, as Glynda and Velvet both leering in on wanting to know the difference between both Matrices.

Braedey sighed, as he explained. "You see, the DeathMatrix has the ability to hyper-evolve any of my aliens into their Ultimate Forms, granting them new powers and new abilities that make them more powerful than ever. The DeathMatrix does this thanks to a special feature called the Evolutionary Function. According to Masterson, the Evolutionary Function works by placing the DNA of the alien in a certain simulation, making it suffer the worst possible scenario in millions of theoretical years to "force" evolution in the genetic code in the virtual environment; the evolutionary developments are then modified into the existing DNA. This "survival of the fittest" method of evolving the aliens makes the Ultimates more suited for combat. When Alpha Trion saw the modified DeathMatrix for the first time, one of his complaints about it was that the Evolutionary Function was 'begging for trouble'." He concluded with his explanation of the Ultimate Forms and the Evolutionary Function.

Ozpin and Goodwitch's eyes widened. Not only did Braedey's watch only transforms him into extraterrestrials from his universe, but also had the ability to evolve his forms into their ultimate forms. Velvet, though, was shocked and amazed at the same time. Her new friend had the ability to evolve his alien forms into a more powerful version of themselves.

"Care to show us an example of these Ultimate Forms, Braedey?" Glynda let her curiousness grew. She wanted to know how Braedey, transformed into an Ultimate version of the aliens he transforms into.

Braedey nodded, as he activated the Transformatrix. The core popped up revealing an cobalt blue alien hologram. He then began to cycle through his playlist, turning the dial clockwise, while Velvet, leaned in closer and peeked as she waved her hand over the hologram.

"What are you doing?" Braedey's voice was laced with slight annoyance.

"I'm just curious. I didn't know it's a hologram." Velvet giggled softly.

Braedey smiled at her. "Yeah, like I said, my watch is high-tech alien technology." He finally stopped at the familiar hologram that Velvet would recognise. He then pushed the Transformatrix core down blinding Velvet and the two professors in a flash of green light. When the light died down stood a familiar looking 20ft tall yellow/black humanoid with the blue angular symbol on its chest. Velvet recognized this form when she was saved by Braedey from the Ursa Grimm. Braedey transformed into Bumblebee.

"Bumblebee!" He shouted, as he did a pose. He looked at Velvet, who was smiling as she recognized this simian, while Ozpin was smiling, Glynda's eyes just widened slightly before she took a deep breath to compose herself. Seeing this boy with a powerful device from another universe, was quite shocking. But she knew that Braedey had six years of experience despite having little training by his grandfather and the Plumbers.

"Oh my, Braedey... that's the form you used to save me, amazing!" Velvet stated in awe, as she took out her scroll, and took a picture of the Cybertronian. She'll save this as her wallpaper and hope Braedey could meet her teammates.

"Now, Velvet, Professor Ozpin, and Goodwitch." Bumblebee said, drawing the attention of the three onto him. "The three of you will now witness me change into Bumblebee's Ultimate Form. As I say in desperate situations, there is a time to go hero, and there is a time to go ULTIMATE!" He then pressed the Transformatrix symbol on his chest, causing it to grow four spikes. The two professors and rabbit Faunus of Team CFVY watched as a ring of cobalt blue light consumed the Cybertronian.

Bumblebee was now different, as he now has a black/yellow colour scheme; his colours being reversed, while his body looks more aerodynamic, with his tyres looking like slicks, with two yellow lines on his hips, with his abdomen being silver, and a battle mask built behind and in the top of his helm. He now wears the evolved Ultimatrix symbol on his chest.

"Ultimate Bumblebee!" Ultimate Bumblebee shouted as he beat upon his chest like a gorilla.

"Well, it seems to me you got the better deal blowing up the old Transformatrix and taking the new one for yourself." Velvet noted.

Braedey just gave another half-hearted chuckle at that.

"So, did you have any recent adventures before you got blasted here?" She continued with her inquiries.

Now, Braedey was in a tough spot. His most recent adventures had been the whole Ultimate Shockwave mess. If he talked about Shockwave and his plans for the Celestial Cybertronians, how would they all react if they learned there were an entire species capable of warping reality and that Braedey had their DNA in his Transformatrix?

"I believe that will be enough for now." Ozpin said, suddenly getting up from his chair. "We shouldn't force Braedey here to tell us all of his adventures in one sitting. We have learned some very interesting things about him."

Glynda, minus Velvet, stared at Ozpin in shock.

"I must say, Braedey, you are quite the hero, but I have one question for you, do you know who sent you into our world?" Ozpin asked, curious about who sent the young shape shifter in front of him.

"To be honest, I have no idea... I mean the only person who I think who can send me to places somewhere in time and space would be Professor TimeLine." Ultimate Bumblebee explained with some knowledge of the Multiverse.

"P-Professor TimeLine?" Glynda blurted out in shock.

"He is a time walker, a person who has the gain the ability to travel any point in space and time within reason and has knowledge of timelines. Even though there are rules of time travel that he must obey and follow, he can bend the rules of time and intervene when he wants to." Braedey explained.

"Interesting, so this Professor TimeLine can bend the rules instead of breaking them." Ozpin was amused upon hearing that this TimeLine person was like him as they could both bend the rules when the situation deemed it as a necessity. "Well, Braedey, I believe that'll be enough for now. Since it is already late, why don't you and Velvet go to either of your dorms and you can continue talking about your adventures with her. Also, dinner is from 6 to 8 PM." Ozpin stated in an authoritative tone, directed towards them with a small smile on his face.

"Okay then." The hyper-evolved Autobot agreed wth a thumbs-ip, as he turned back into his devolved form and then back to normal. "C'mon Velvet, I'll tell you more about my Transformatrix, and I might let you use it." Braedey teased with a smile as he and Velvet happily walked out together to the elevator.

As soon as they left, a peculiar though occupied Ozpin's mind. 'This is turning out to be an interesting year...'

Team CFVY's Dorm, Beacon Academy Dorms
6:20 P.M.

After eating dinner with her new friend, Velvet brought Braedey back to her dorm, as she wanted to use her camera to take a picture of Braedey's alien form, that he nicknamed "Bumblebee."

Braedey was curious about what her weapon was exactly and so inquired her about it. Velvet showed him her weapon, as he began to observe it from all angles. Velvet's weapon of choice consisted of a camera and a box. The box was a large wooden chest, with golden metal bands covering the edges, and Velvet's heart emblem imprinted on its front. The box itself was about the size of a handbag.

The Rabbit Faunus explained to Braedey that her semblance was the ability to mimic people's exact moves and use in combat to a degree. However, her Semblance did not allow her to mimic the Semblances and capabilities of others and perform moves that are a direct result of another person's Semblance.

"So, your camera is a conduit that allows you to make light copies of other people's weapons from the photos you take with it?" Braedey asked, fascinated by Velvet's weapon making the latter smile as she nodded.

"Yes, Braedey." Velvet replied back. "Once I take a picture of that person's weapon with my camera, I put it back inside my box, and the box will project a transparent solid light copy of the weapons in a light-blue outline. In conjunction with my semblance, I'm able to use these copied weapons with skill comparable to their original wielder. The light copies of the weapons retain all of their original functions and abilities, even those that are normally fuelled by Dust. However..." She pauses for a very brief while to see it was following what she was explaining at the moment. "Every time I use one of the weapons I copied, I lose it, in due to only lasting for a brief period, so even a short fight and long fight requires me to switch copies several times. I must thus carefully moderate my usage, lest I run out of copies." She resumed after being satisfied with her observation.

"Amazing!" Braedey exclaimed in awe. It was no wonder that the technology in Remnant was very similar to alien technology on Earth. Braedey could only fathom whether Remnant's technology level would be measured at Level 2 or 3. Because in his universe, Earth was at least 500 years away from being a Level 3 Planet, despite being a Level 2 planet with Level 3 and 4 technology such as Nuclear technology and Internal Combustion Engines in Cars.

Also, another fascinating thing he discovered in Remnant was that there was no nuclear radiation here since the technology here on Remnant was fuelled by Dust. If memory served him right, Dust was an energy propellant that was not only used to fight against the Creatures of Grimm, but it was also utilized for everyday use here in Remnant. Everything ranging from ammunition for weapons, fuel for vehicles, home appliances, communication technology, and military weapons in the Atlesian Military in Atlas were all dependant on dust as a power source.

As the two of them continued talking about weapons, Velvet suddenly questioned Braedey about the Transformatrix. "Braedey, I was meaning to ask you." She hesitated for a bit before continuing. "Does your Transformatrix have a powerful function that allows you to stay in alien form without transforming back?" The inquisitiveness was evident in her voice and visage.

Braedey's eyes widened, as soon Velvet popped that question out of the blue. He knew that like the prototype Transformatrix, this new version of the Transformatrix too had a Master Control Access. A special program that grants full access to all of its functions, including one that enabled the wielder to instantly change into alien forms at will without timing out due to the limiter being disabled with Voice Command and mental thought.

"Y-Yes, Velvet it does." Braedey began to explain after a slight pause. The wielder of the Transformatrix's decided to choose his words carefully. "The Transformatrix has a special feature that can allow that called "Master Control."

"Master Control?" Velvet tilted her head curiously.

"Yes, Master Control is a special program incorporated in the Ultimatrix that grants me access to the full power of the watch." Braedey Tennyson flashed his watch at her for a brief moment. "What it does it disables the limiter, allowing me to transform at will or with Voice Command. In layman's terms, I don't need to touch the dial to activate as I think of the form mentally in my mind or I can say the name of the form with my voice."

Velvet's eyes widened as soon as she heard his answer. Her new friend not only had an Ultimate Function but also a Master Control Function. She found it difficult to believe that with a simple voice command his power could go instantly godlike, similar to the story of the four seasonal maidens.

"Can you please show it to me?" Velvet asked softly. "I know you don't want the Atlas military to find out about your device. But I promised you Braedey, didn't I? Your secret is safe with me." She said as she softly grabbed Braedey's hand, promising him not to reveal the Transformatrix on his arm but to only friends of his choosing including her teammates.

"Thank You, Velvet, for keeping my watch a secret." Braedey laid his hand on hers, relieved that his new friend would keep it concealed from anyone. This gesture of his earned him a slight blush from his female friend. "Very well, I will now show you the Master Control." He then began to take off his jacket and handed it to her, as he began to speak to the Transformatrix. Velvet leaned in as her eyes were focused on the watch curious to see it to believe it.

"Transformatrix, Voice Command Mode." Braedey commanded to the Cybertronian device on his arm.

"This mode is locked and not available." The Transformatrix responded, much to the dismay of its owner.

Velvet stared at the watch in disbelief. Braedey's Transformatrix has an A.I. and it somehow spoke in his voice.

"Command Function Override. Code: 95." Braedey mandated at it again.

"Override accepted. Voice Command activated." The Transformatrix now responded in the affirmative.

"Transformatrix. Access Master Control: Command Code: 000 - Access Master - 0." Braedey commanded again.

"Command accepted. Master Control Unlocked. All forms available." The Transformatrix voiced again, as a cobalt blue light began to glow on the symbol, due to the time limiter being switched off now. Braedey decided upon the alien he wanted as he transformed without touching the dial, the blue light produced as a result blinding Velvet.

When Velvet opened her eyes, she saw Braedey transformed into a short alien that she could only describe as cute. In front of her stood a small Cybertronian, a Minicon of some kind. The Minicon appeared to be half a foot in height, at the size of a baby, resembling a battery of sorts, in black and blue, with a plus and minus symbol on its back (+ and -), similar to a battery, and a lightning bolt on the chest. It has pointy legs, and have three fingers on each hand. Finally, the Transformatrix dial is on the chest.

"Sparkshot." Braedey shouted out in a cute voice. "Wicked."

As Sparkshot finished his announcement, he was suddenly pulled into a hug by Velvet. Braedey himself was blushing from embarrassment as he was being hugged like a plush toy.

"Braedey! You're so cute!" Velvet squealed, as she cuddled the Minicon's soft body. Sparkshot, who was still blushing, created a clone to take his place.

Sparkshot#2 was now blushing turned to his original. "Dude! Seriously?!" He bellowed at him, still being hugged by the rabbit Faunus.

Sparkshot Prime then wiped off his forehead, as stuck his tongue out at his clone. "Look, okay... I just wanted to show Velvet the Master Control Access, and then I choose this form to see if she liked this."

Velvet then looked at the other Sparkshot, her eyes widening in shock. "Oh! Braedey, I didn't know you can clone yourself in this form. What do you call this alien?" She asked.

The two Minicons then fixated their eyes at that of the rabbit Faunus. "Well, in this form..." Sparkshot Prime began, but was immediately interrupted by his clone, Sparkshot #2. "You can call us Sparkshot... Me and Prime me here have the ability to self-duplicate ourselves indefinitely to perform multiple tasks."

As soon as Velvet put Sparkshot #2 down, he immediately ran over to his Prime self and stood right next to him. Then they then began to split themselves into eight more Sparkshots, resulting in ten Minicons.

"You see, Velvet, we can multiply ourselves in sheer numbers!" The ten Minicons explained in unison.

"And I appreciate, you calling me cute..." Sparkshot #10 said flexing his arms, but the other nine, plus Sparkshot Prime, turned to him and said, "No way! she was talking about me I'm the cutest!"

The Sparkshot clones were about to break into an argument before Velvet whistled at them loudly before giggling at the clones arguing with themselves. "Calm down Braedey, I just like all of you especially when you're this cute." She continued to chuckle softly as she took out her camera and snapped a picture at the ten Minicons.

"Oh, thank you..." Sparkshot Prime bowed his head in response, a slight blush appearing on his facial plate, as his clones snickered at him.

Before Braedey could open his mouth to talk to Velvet, the sound of the lock being opened was heard. Soon, the door opened and the three other members of the rabbit Faunus's team entered the room. Sparkshot Prime and his nine clones turned their heads towards Velvet's direction and looked at the three new individuals who entered the room.

The first one was a teenage girl with fair skin, short dark-brown hair, and dark-brown eyes. She has wavy locks on one side of her face, dyed with a gradient that began in dark brown and transitioned to caramel. Her clothes consist of a long, cocoa-colour shirt with a dark brown waist cincher. She has on long, dark brown trousers with ribbons on the left side. On her waist, she has a brown belt with bullets. Above it, she has on another cocoa-colored belt of bullets with a gold crosshairs buckle. What appeared to be a drape of black skirt hung on her right side. Her footwear consists of a pair of high heeled, leather boots with buckles. She also has a number of accessories, such a bracelet with black roses as decoration. These are accompanied by a pair of black gloves and necklaces. She also has on a beret of a darker brown and a pair of black, wire-rimmed aviator sunglasses. At the moments, she is holding a black shoulder bag with gold studs, which in turn was held by a bandolier strap. The bag she held is her weapon, which can transform into an oversized black and gold mini-gun.

The person beside her was a teenage boy with dark skin and dark, messy copper hair. His hair extended into a long fringe and it also had a cowlick. He has on a sleeveless, muted orange zipper vest with black lining and a high collar, a pair of black jeans, and brown, laced shoes. His eyes appear to be pure white, giving off the appearance that he's blind. His arms are covered in scars, and he has a vertical scar than ran over his lips. He also has on a pair of long black gloves and had several pouches attached to his belt. His weapons appear to be a pair of orange gauntlets with blades attached as they were worn across his arms.

Finally, standing right behind him was a tall and athletic-looking young man with shaved-short black hair and tanned skin, wearing mostly pale-green and brown attire. He has on a long short-sleeved robe, which he wore on one shoulder over a black muscle shirt. The robe is fastened at the waist by a leather armored belt with two pouches on it. He also has on brown pants and black-and-green boots. His left arm has a 5-layer sode which extended up past his shoulder. His weapon is affixed to his back with a padded brown strap slung over his shoulder.

All three of the figures raised their eyebrows at the site before them, the tall boy turned to the girl with an annoyed look on his face. "Coco, I swear if you put something in the food again, I will hide all of your bags again."

The girl, who Sparkshot presumed was Coco, just continued staring at him. "Yatsuhashi. I haven't done anything yet. I am really glad you see them as well though." Coco retorted in a mocking tone after a short time had elapsed, still carrying over her stare at the Sparkshot and his nine clones in front of her.

After a while when the two of them recommenced conversing with each, the other Sparkshots noticed the other boy walking towards him. Velvet moved in front of him and tried to block his view as if she thought she could make them all unsee all the other Sparkshots. He continued moving towards Sparkshot though and once he was close enough he kneeled down and held his hand out towards Sparkshot. The two of them shook hands before Velvet spoke up.

"Hey, guys didn't think you would be back so early." She said rather meekly. Her voice displayed only a scarce amount of energy.

"Yeah, well, Fox said he had work to do." Velvet's eyes widened at this statement from Coco.

"He spoke?" she shot out in bewilderment.

"No, scroll." Coco riposted nonchalantly and Velvet's eyes returned to normal.

"So what have you guys done today?" Velvet tried to shift the topic of the conversation.

"Velvet, hun, don't try to change the subject from..." The leader of CFVY pointed towards the transformed Braedey. "Whatever this is."

The four members of team CFVY all looked at each other before nodding. A blue light then engulfed the room causing the four other occupants to cover their eyes.

"Martin, Braedey Martin." Braedey introduced himself as he pointed at himself. Coco kept opening her mouth to say something but each time, she failed to muster up any rational sounding words and ended up closing it again.

"Velvet." Coco Adel turned to her Faunus teammate. "I think it would be best if you explained what all of this is about..." She paused to clear her throat.

"That was before you had an aneurysm." Yatsuhashi finished it for her.

Braedey walked next to Velvet and gestured for her to lean in. "Do you trust them?" He whispered while looking into Velvet's eyes.

"With my life." Braedey just nodded his head, satisfied with the response he got. "OK then."

"Well then." The rabbit faunus stated gaining the attention of the remaining occupants in the room. "How about, we all take a seat." Velvet motioned to her teammates towards the chairs in the room. Coco and Fox sat on Coco's bed while Yatsuhashi pulled up a seat facing Velvet's bed, where Braedey and Velvet had positioned themselves.

"So where do you want me to begin?" Braedey inquired looking towards Coco, who he assumed was the leader of the team. A goofy looking grin found its place onto his face.

"The beginning." She curtly replied, leaning in closer to show how much he had piqued her interest.

Braedey Martin heaved a deep sigh to pacify himself for the lengthy session which was about to unfold. "It all began..."

One long explanation later...

"So let me get this straight... you expect us to believe that your watch allows you to transform into robot aliens?" Coco said stressing every word in a vain attempt to wrap her head around how it would even be possible.

"Yes." Braedey replied simply. Coco had removed her glasses and was rubbing her eyes with her hand.

"I know this is a lot to take in but trust me it's true." Velvet said in the hopes of removing her teammate's skepticism.

"I believe it," Yatsuhashi said crossing his arms. Fox nodded in agreement with him as well.

"Y-you do?" Velvet stuttered.

"Well. Yes, I just saw him transform from that little weird battery creature into a normal, if skinny, boy. I don't have much of a choice to believe him." Both Braedey and Velvet both relaxed as Yatsuhashi dashed any fears that the team would react poorly.

"Show me." Coco had placed her glasses back on her face and was now looking into Braedey's eyes. Braedey looked away and appeared to be contemplating something.

"OK, it would probably be best if we do this outside." Coco nodded in agreement and stood up along with everyone else and they all left the room.

Outside of Beacon Academy

After arriving outside of the dorms, Team CFVY managed to find a perfect spot where nobody can witness Braedey transform into one of his aliens. They managed to use one of the open fields near the school as they knew no other students would be able to witness the Transformatrix bearer's transformation.

Team CFVY then stood a few feet away as they were ready to witness the scene in front of them.

"Okay Braedey, show us one of your aliens," Coco said as she, Velvet, Fox, and Yatsuhashi were about to witness Braedey transform into whatever alien he wants.

"Got it." Braedey replied as he began to think of an alien to transform into with Voice Command since the Master Control is still activated. 'Okay, which alien should I transform into...' Braedey thought as he remembered his aliens from the original ten to the current ones he had now. He wanted to make a good impression as he didn't want to draw too much attention, which meant all of his heavy hitter aliens are out, including the Ultimate Forms. Braedey kept thinking until he thought of the perfect alien to transform into.

"Okay, you guys ready? Braedey asked as Coco, Fox, and Yatsuhashi nodded. Velvet, however, smirked as she knew her teammates are going to be surprised by Braedey's aliens.

Braedey held up his arm as he began to demonstrate the use of the Master Control Access. "Then here we go! Transformatrix, Bulkhead!" He commanded, just as the cobalt blue light engulfed him, as Team CFVY covered their eyes.

Braedey's body began to grow outward and upwards, slowly reaching up to 27ft tall. His arms grow out longer, whilst his legs get shorter, almost similar to that of a gorilla, with his shoulders being broad as well. Four large off-road wheels appeared on his back, and locked in place. As armour soon grew across his form, the armour was in a dark green with dark grey highlights. A pair of headlights and front bars grow out of the lower abdomen. His head now became shaped like that of a military helmet, his lower jaw and chin becoming large, his face becoming grey. Finally, the Transformatrix symbol was present on the top of his chest.

"Bulkhead!" The Autobot yelled out, showing off his 'power-up' stance.

Coco's jaw dropped at the sight of Bulkhead and Yatsuhashi's eyebrows shot up.

"Well, what do you guys think?" Bulkhead asked.

Coco kept on closing her mouth and opening it again as if she was going to say something until she finally spoke. "I need an aspirin. Well, Braedey, I must say, when you explained it, I was skeptical but now that I have actually seen you transform into an alien, I don't actually know how to react." She said to him.

Velvet felt a tapping at her side and she turned to see Fox, he held out a thumbs up to her. "Well, Fox seems to be fine with it." Velvet said.

"Braedey, do your aliens have individual powers or are they all the same?" Yatsuhashi inquired.

"They each have different abilities. This form, Bulkhead, he's one of my best heavy hitters from time to time." Bulkhead explained. "He has two energy blasters in his arms, along with two mace melee weapons..." He demonstrates this by transforming both his left and right hands into said blaster and melee weapon. "And I can also do this..." Suddenly, the sound of gear and metal shifting could be heard from Bulkhead, as his body began to collapse and change form. The tyres folded down and locked into place under the form, as the rest of the body began to look more and more like that of a vehicle. The end result was a large 4x4 army vehicle. "All of us Transformers have the ability to transform into machines like cars, trains, or even airplanes." He continued.

"W-woah. OK, I see what you mean." Coco commented as Velvet took a step towards her team.

"OK, now that you know about all of this, we need you guys to promise that you will not tell anyone else about this" Velvet asked pleadingly.

"OK, shouldn't you have asked us that before you told us?" Yatsuhashi said.

"Yeah, probably should have done that." Velvet sheepishly said.

Bulkhead transformed into his robot mode, than tapped the Transformatrix dial, engulfing him in the blue flash of light, as he hanged back into human form. "Back to the dorm?" Braedey asked
Everyone nodded their head in agreement and the small group started to head back into the school.

Team CFVY's Dorm, Beacon Academy Dorms
8:20 P.M.

"So if there anything else that you need to tell us about?" Coco asked while she moved over to her bed.

Braedey thought about everything for a short while before speaking. "Well, I guess I can tell you about the Master Control Access."

"What is the Master Control Access?" Coco asked.

"Well it's a program in the Transformatrix that gives me full access to all of its features, like all of the one million DNA samples of aliens available and it allows me to stay in the form as long as I want without timing out due to the time limiter being disabled as I can change instantly by thinking of the form or speaking the name of the alien with Voice Command." Braedey explained to the fashionista of Beacon.

"That's actually pretty cool." Coco commented, letting her glasses drop slightly to reveal her brown eyes looking over them.

"Could you show us one of them?" Yatsuhashi asked,

Braedey now noticed that most of Team CFVY were looking at him with expectant eyes. "Hmm. You saw a bit of it earlier when I transformed out of Bulkhead back into myself without saying or doing anything other than thinking but I could show you another one if Velvet would be up to it."

Velvet looked shocked that Ben would need her for anything. "W-why me?" Velvet asked.

"Well if you don't mind, I would like to scan your DNA and add Faunus DNA to the Transformatrix." Velvet was taken aback with his request.

"Uhm, sure." Velvet agreed as Braedey smiled at her and signaled for her to come closer to him.

"Great, now this may hurt a tiny bit. I need you to place your palm over the Transformatrix." Braedey instructed as Velvet's eyes widened even more.

"Wait. What do you mean it's going to hurt?" Velvet said with fear in her voice.

"Don't worry, it will be no worse than a pinprick." Braedey explained as Velvet seemed to calm down a little bit more, but she still looked nervous.

Braedey gently grabbed her hand and stared into her eyes. "Do you trust me?" Braedey asked Velvet, and she nodded her head in reply. "Good, if it was going to hurt you badly, then I wouldn't let it. You can count on that." Velvet nodded again.

Behind them, Coco was now stood next to Yatsuhashi and they were whispering between them. "Bet you 20 Lien that they will hook up by the end of the year." Coco said. Yatsuhashi pondered it for a brief minute before replying. "You're on."

As Coco and Yatsuhashi were talking, Velvet and Braedey had realised how close they were standing and both immediately jumped away from each other blushing.

"Anyway, so Velvet, if you could put your hand here." Braedey instructed as Velvet put her hand on the dial. "Transformatrix, scan uncatalogued DNA."

The Transformatrix made a noise in response as the symbol and the wrist couplings turned yellow signifying Scan Mode has been activated and Velvet soon felt a short stabbing pain in the centre of her palm. "Uncatalogued DNA detected. Commencing scan." The Transformatrix spoke as Velvet took her hand off of the dial.

"Alright, now all we have to do is wait for your DNA to be completely scanned, and it will be added to my Playlist." Braedey said.

"Unknown DNA Sample Acquired. Scan complete. DNA scanned and species recognized. Faunus. Subspecies identified: Rabbit Faunus. Unlocked and available on Playlist 10." The Transformatrix responded as the colour of the insignia changed back from yellow to cobalt blue, much to the joy of its wielder.

"Alright, let's see where it is..." Braedey turned the dial ten times to access his playlists. Once he reached Playlist 10, he found the hologram of his new transformation. The hologram was himself, but with a major difference, the hologram possessed Rabbit Ears. "Here goes nothing!" He closed his eyes as he pushed the core down, as Team CFVY covered their eyes from the bright blue light.

When the light dissipated, Team CFVY opened their eyes as they saw Braedey, but they noticed some differences. Braedey still retained his appearance, but with a few major differences; Braedey now has long brown hair as he wore a blue shirt with black sleeves, a blue belt with a black stripe, black pants, and dark blue combat shoes with black stripes. He also wore blue vambraces, blue spaulders, blue cuffs, and black fingerless gloves. The Transformatrix symbol was located on his chest, but their eyes were focusing on the top of his head; a pair of long, brown rabbit ears, just like Velvet's ears.

Velvet, though, had stars in her eyes. Braedey has technically transformed into her species of Faunus. That's the reason he explained the Transformatrix allows him to 'walk a mile in another species shoes'. Figuratively and literally.

As Braedey opened his eyes, he looked down at his body. He was wearing new clothes and accessories that the Transformatrix created for his new transformation, and he saw the Transformatrix on his chest, signaling that he did transform. He felt two soft parts on the top of his head as Velvet holded a hand mirror in front of Braedey so he could see his reflection. He gasped in shock and amazement. He literally has a pair of two long brown rabbit ears on the top of his head sticking out of his head as he then began to think of a name he should give his rabbit Faunus form.

"Wow, so this what being a Faunus really is..." Braedey said in awe as he was amazed his new transformation. He then began to bend his knees as he hopped into the air, while doing a cool trick midair, and landing on his feet perfectly, while Team CFVY were shocked and amazed on how he managed to use his new Faunus transformation. "I think I can get used to this! I believe I should call this form JumpJack!" Braedey announced, already naming his new Rabbit Faunus transformation.

"JumpJack? Cool!" Velvet exclaimed as well with agreeing with the new name. While she continued to stare at Braedey's rabbit Faunus form in awe and really loved his new transformation's clothing as it reflected the colour scheme of his regular outfit and the Transformatrix, plus it looks like a male version of her combat outfit.

Braedey felt his new rabbit ears as he now used his rabbit ear's enhanced hearing to hear Coco whispering to Yatsuhashi about Braedey's watch creating different types of clothing since she is a fashionista.

"Wow. Technically, you're the first human from an alternate universe to become a Faunus. No wonder your device was meant for peace between humans and aliens. I really loved the clothing your wearing right now for your Rabbit Faunus transformation which is a 10 out of 10! Is that everything?" Coco asked already liking more about Braedey and his universe as well as liking the clothing that the watch creates for whatever form he has.

"Oh right! Braedey, what about the Ultimate Forms?" Velvet asked her voice rising in excitement.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot about them." Braedey said already chosen a familiar Ultimate Form to show Velvet's teammates.

"Ultimate Forms?" Yatsuhashi said.

"Yeah, the Transformatrix is able to put the DNA of the aliens through a lot of simulated environment and situations which forces it to evolve into its strongest form." Braedey said as he explained the Evolutionary Function.

"So, you can get more powerful?" Coco asked in shock at the power of the watch.

"Yes, I would show you but we just got back and I want to sleep so maybe you will see me use it in the future, maybe not." Braedey said teasingly.

"Screw you." Coco replied dryly.

"Alright, alright, I'll show you guys but just this one time." Braedey transformed into his Autobot form, Bumblebee, once again.

"Bumblebee!" Braedey announced as he posed, while Coco's jaw dropped once again, as Fox and Yatsuhashi eyebrows widen, interested that this Autobot has the colours of a bee, and yet, he looks so innocent and cute.

"Alright Braedey, show us these Ultimate Forms." Coco said wanting to know the power of his watch.

"With pleasure, Coco!" Bumblebee shouted as he instantly hyper-evolved into his Ultimate Form without touching the dial on his chest due to the Master Control Access.

"Ultimate Bumblebee!" Braedey shouted.

Coco's eyes widen and her jaw dropped yet once again as she witness Braedey transformed into a robot then he went "Ultimate" as his alien monkey evolved into a black/yellow armoured and streamlined version of Bumblebee. She, Fox, and Yatsuhashi then noticed that Braedey's Transformatrix symbol has four spikes which they figured out that it symbolizes the Ultimate Forms of the alien he chooses to hyper-evolve.

"Okay, you look way cool now." Coco spoke up. "Thanks a lot for showing."

"You're welcome, Coco." Ultimate Bumblebee replied as he then turned back to 16-year-old Braedey Martin.

"Well guys, It's almost time for me to sleep because I'm feeling tired." Braedey said as he let out a long yawn. He had actually a really good day; he became friends with one of the most popular team here, ready to become second-years, gained their trust as he showed them the most powerful device he wears on his arm that allows him to transform into a million aliens, and they actually believed him.

"Alright. Braedey, you're actually kinda the coolest kid we've met... Velvet wasn't kidding when she told me she was saved by a yellow/black humanoid robot, and we now know it's you." Coco said with some respect for Braedey, as Yatsuhashi puts his fist together as he bowed his head in respect, while Fox gave him a thumbs up.

"Oh thank you..." Braedey replied with a blush on his face, while Velvet giggled at his expression.

"Well it's been nice meeting you guys." Braedey thanked, as he shook Coco, Fox, and Yatsuhashi's hands. "But I think I should get some sleep. It appears that I heard from other students that tomorrow is the initiation for all new 1st year students."

"Good Luck, Braedey..." Velvet wished him good luck on his test tomorrow. "But wait! before you go you mind if I add you as a contact on my scroll?" She asked her new friend.

"Sure, Velvet. Say Coco, you don't mind if I add you, Fox, and Yatsuhashi as contacts on my scroll here?" Braedey asked, giving Velvet his scroll, so she can add her contacts while putting his contact information on hers. She then gave it to Coco, as she, Fox, and Yatsuhashi put their contact information on Braedey's scroll and saving his contact information on their scrolls.

"And done. There you go Braedey." Coco replied. "Now that we have each others contacts, contact us anytime if you need help especially if we need your help." Zoe stated with a smile.

"Sure thing, Coco." Braedey thanked with a smile. "Well, goodnight, you guys!" With that, he walked out of their dorm, going back to his dorm. Team CFVY then waved goodbye, as they can't wait to see how well he'll do in initiation.

Coco then turned to Velvet as she had a teasing smile on her face. "Wow, Velvet, you're really the luckiest girl to get a boy to date..."

Velvet blushed as she shouted at her leader. "Coco! It's not like that!"

Braedey's Dorm, Beacon Academy Dorms; Beacon Academy
8:25 P.M.

After arriving back at his dorm, Braedey yawned as he changed into his pyjamas. He had a really enjoyable day, as he made new friends; Velvet and her teammates of Team CFVY. He had trusted them about his powers and the Transformatrix as they promised they will not tell anybody, because as Velvet told them that Ozpin and Goodwtich already knew.

But, he could sigh in relief, as he can finally can get a good night sleep. Initiation for new 1st year students starts tomorrow after breakfast. He hoped that he can use the Transformatrix or the Star Saber that Alpha Trion gave him after he deemed himself worthy.

After getting in bed, Braedey decided one last thing to do before resting for the night. "Transformatrix. Lock Master Control; Code 95." He commanded.

"Master Control: Disabled." The Transformatrix responded as the Master Control deactivated. The insignia colour changed from blue to red signifying that the watch is in Recharge Mode as the time limiter was reactivated. "Transformatrix power depleted. Entering Recharge Mode." The Transformatrix responded as it began to recharge its power.

"Alright, time to catch some z's." Braedey sighed, as he completely fell asleep in his bed.

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