Azur Lane

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Azur Lane


Enterprise – Winter Schnee

Kaga – Velvet Scarlatina

Akagi – Coco Adel

Zuikaku – Amber

Prince of Wales – Glynda Goodwitch

Illustrious – Willow Schnee

Cleveland – Yang Xiao Long

Unicorn – Ruby Rose

Javelin – Nora Valkryie

Laffey – Blake Belladona

Ayanami – Emerald Sustrai

"Ships?" Oscar asked. "So, a navy world?"

"Not just any ships," Zack said. "Shipgirls!"

"What?" Ironwood asked, wondering how girls had anything to do with ships.

"Well, we're about to find out," Ozpin said.

"Any one of you want to explain that to the old men in the room?" Zack asked.

"Nah, let them find out for themselves," Saphron said.

"You actually read manga and watch anime?" Jaune asked.

"I was a teenager once too, you know," Saphron replied.

"I don't get it," Tai said.

"Me too," Summer said.

"Kids these days," Qrow sighed.

"Is this some kingdom thing I'm too rebel to understand?" Raven asked.

"Just watch," Zack said.

Two girls with fox ears and nine fox tails were seen standing on a in the middle of the sea near an island base. One wore red and black while the other blue and white.

"Phoenix,' ready when you are," Velvet, aircraft carrier IJN Kaga, replied to their spy on the island base.

"Kaga, what, do you suppose is the fundamental nature of battle?" Coco, aircraft carrier IJN Akagi suddenly asked her.

"Whoa, we're hot," Coco said.

"Coco!" Velvet was blushing so hard that all her blood could have been in her face.

"Fluffy..." Ruby said. She wanted to hug those tails so bad.

"That's new," Sienna said. "Never seen a fox faunus with nine tails before."

"Based on Mistralian superstition, that's not a good thing," Pyrrha said.

"I wonder what you two have to do with ships," Yatsuhashi said.

"Don't you watch any anime?" Fox asked.

"No, I prefer reading actual books," Yatsuhashi answered.

"How uncultured of you," Cardin said.

"Is it incest if you think yourself is hot?" Coco asked.

"No, just advanced narcissism," Blake answered.

"Um, my dear sister Akagi, please use the code name..." Kaga said, trying to stay on mission.

Akagi ignored her and continued. "To battle is to inflict injury. To battle is to receive injury. A battle is a mutual exchange of pain." Akagi held Kaga close in an intimate manner. "Through pain, we understand each other's feelings. In other words, to battle means to love."

Kaga removed Akagi's hand from her breast and stood up. "I don't fully understand what you are saying. I will destroy my enemies. That is all." She held up a blue paper figure igniting it in a blue flame.

Around the two Sakura Empire carriers, the sky darkened.

Akagi giggled. "Oh, how apathetic of you." She held up a dark purple cube, as several Siren ships appeared. "Now... Let's start this war."

"Coco, your other self is a bit... how do I say this..." Weiss said.

"I believe the term is yandere," Ren said.

"That's the word," Weiss said.

"Are you two a couple?" Penny asked. "My database shows that couples are often intimate with one another."

"Probably," Velvet said. "That, or Coco is just shameless."

"Like you could resist with a body like that," Coco said.

"You would think a carrier would be as flat as a board," Jaune said.

"Nah, shipgirls only come in two types," Nora said. "Hot onee-chan and cute loli. Capital ships usually fall in the former category while destroyers almost always in the latter."

Zwei's eyes perked up. Did someone say lolicon? He was trained to bite them on identification after all.

In the Azur Lane base, Glynda, Royal Navy battleship HMS Prince of Wales, looked out the window in shock. "The Sirens?" She turned towards the occupants of the room, Willow, Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Illustrious, Yang, Eagle Union light cruiser USS Cleveland and two destroyers and gave out her orders. "Intercept them, hurry! This is not a drill!"

"Understood!" The two destroyers rushed out to battle.

Cleveland ran to the window to see for herself that the base was under attack. She grabbed her cape and ran out as well.

"The Sirens, now?" Prince of Wales said. "What terrible timing... Is it chance? Or..."

"Could it be..." Illustrious asked.

"Guess I'm in charge of that base," Glynda said.

"And I'm there too," Willow said. "I think I'm your second or something."

"Cool, I'm a shipgirl!" Yang said. "I wonder if I'm a battleship?"

"Nope, light cruiser," Zack said. "Glynda's the battleship there and Willow's a fleet carrier."

"Aww..." Yang drooped. Why was she a mere cruiser when she could be a battleship?

"I still don't quite understand what you mean by that," Ironwood said. Most of the adults agreeing.

"The next scene should explain that," Zack said.

Cleveland ran towards the pier, two Siren aircraft strafing her but missing.

"Cleveland, knight of the seas..."

Nearby, a Cleveland class light cruiser disappeared into blue cubes of light.

"Entering battle!"

She jumped into the air, the blue cubes flying towards her and forming her rig. Taking aim with her 12 6-inch guns in 4 turrets, she open fired, destroying a Siren aircraft.

She landed in the water, not sinking but floating and moved across it like she was skating.

"How's that?" Cleveland boasted. "The ultimate weapon humanity developed to combat you Sirens..."

Another Siren aircraft launched missiles at her, causing a huge splash around her. The aircraft was shot down by Cleveland, who emerged from the splash unharmed.

"That's us, with the power of warships embedded into our bodies!"

All around the base, ship girls stood against the Sirens with their rigs materialized, guns and torpedo tubes ready for battle. HMS Norfolk losing her balance and falling on her butt as she materialized her rig. Realizing she was giving a free show to what was underneath her skirt, she hurriedly covered herself with her hands and blushed in embarrassment.

"The power to defeat you!"

Cleveland shot down another Siren aircraft as the others entered battle.

"Oh," Ironwood said as he witnessed a girl have ship parts appear on her and shoot down several planes.

"Am I awesome or what?" Yang boasted.

"Still only a cruiser," Ruby said. "I bet I'm a carrier."

"A light one," Zack said.

"Meh, that still makes me a capital ship," Ruby said.

"That last one was adorable," Kali said.

"So, is she a destroyer?" Ghira asked.

"No, HMS Norfolk is a heavy cruiser, like Yang but with bigger guns," Zack said.

"I did say they came in either hot onee-chan or cute loli," Nora said.

"Hmm, this makes deciding who is legal so difficult," Mercury said.

"You actually care about that?" Emerald asked.

"The dog is looking at me funny," Mercury said. "I don't want my legs to be used like fire hydrants."

Zwei was in fact watching everyone. He had to identify the lolicons after all.

Nora, HMS Javelin glided across the water, guns, torpedo tubes and javelin at the ready. "Javelin, going in full-power!"

Blake, USS Laffey, joined her. "Condition green... Let's go."

The two dealt with the remaining Siren aircraft.

"Yes!" Javelin cheered as Laffey sleepily looked on.

"Geez, you could be more awake for this," Nora said.

Blake yawned. "It's just some aircraft, no big deal."

"That kind of attitude gets you sunk," Winter warned.

"Yet another Nora not wielding a hammer," Ren said.

"How bizarre," Jaune agreed.

Cleveland stopped and smiled at the downed Siren aircraft, only to frown as Sakura flower petals started appearing around them.

"Yes, we were created by humanity to fight the Sirens..." Akagi's voice could be heard saying. "But a difference in beliefs split the four major camps into two factions."

Behind a storm of flower petals, two large ships could be seen approaching.

"One faction restricts itself to using only powers created by humankind," Kaga continued. "That's you, Eagle Union and Royal Navy."

"The other faction is..." The two ships could now be seen clearly. Two fleet carriers with a flower emblem.

Cleveland recognized just what ships they were. "That emblem..."

Akagi and Kaga stood on the flight decks of their respective ships as they looked down on the opposing shipgirls.

"The faction that will use Siren technology to defeat the Sirens," Akagi said. Behind her, several aircraft were on the flight deck, ready for take-off. "Iron Blood, and us, Sakura Empire."

Akagi and Kaga launched planes which began circling the shipgirls. They looked on in worry as the number of planes in the sky increased.

"Sakura Empire 1st Carrier Divisoin, Akagi!"

"Sakura Empire 1st Carrier Division, Kaga."

"Behold and tremble!"

"Traitors!" Yang pointed accusingly at the two.

"Hey, blame politics, not us!" Coco said.

"I'm pretty sure you're enjoying this," Adam said.

"If this was real life, you two would be in trouble," Clover said. "I mean, two carriers operating without escorts? That's just asking to be torpedoes and bombed."

"Shipgirls don't operate on real world logic," Amber pointed out.

"I know," Clover said. "If they did, those two would be out of gun range of the other ships, launching attack aircraft from a safe distance."

"Realism bows before looking cool every time my friend," Jaune said. Hmm, he wondered if he was the Commander here.

"Pretty sure there isn't one here," Zack said. This was the anime after all.

"Shame," Jaune said.

The shipgirls fired their anti-air armaments at the enemy planes, Norfolk toppling over after firing her main guns.

"There's no end to this!" Javelin said in worry.

"We could be in trouble," Laffey said, a tad bit of emotion in her otherwise sleepy voice.

Suddenly, a squadron of Supermarine Seafires flew in and began shooting down enemy aircraft.

"Interceptors?!" Cleveland found Ruby, HMS Unicorn, Royal Navy light aircraft carrier nearby with her flight decks deployed.

"Don't bully my friends!" Unicorn cried as the toy unicorn in her arms glowed and grew large enough for her to sit on its back as it flew. From her flight decks, Unicorn launched more Seafires to shootdown the Sakura Empire planes.

"Aww..." Summer cooed. "She's so cute! And that unicorn just makes her look even more adorable!"

"That's her name actually," Zack said. "HMS Unicorn, Royal Navy light aircraft carrier."

"And why can her toy grow and fly?" Robyn asked.

"Because why not?" Ruby said.

"Besides, those foxy ladies can fly unassisted," Roman said.

"Shipgirls are getting more bullshit by the second," Neo wrote.

Weiss glared at the screen in jealously. Even a younger Ruby was more well endowed than her. Life just wasn't fair.

"She's adorable," Tai said, remembering a younger Ruby. "Must protect."

"Amen," Qrow said.

Zwei barked. Anyone who lewd the mistress was getting their balls chomped off.

"That girl, she's an aircraft carrier," Kaga said from where she was flying. "Such a lean body, she's not much of a meal... But prey is a prey."

Kaga held up a kitsune mask that she ignited in a blue flame. Her ship transformed into a giant nine-tailed fox with several flight decks on it.

Cleveland and the other shipgirls looked upon it in shock.

"I shall devour you!" Kaga proclaimed.

"That is absolutely bullshit!" Watts yelled. His poor mind was being destroyed by all the shipgirl bullshit.

"You would think working for an immortal witch would desensitize him from magical bullshit," Oobleck said.

"I wonder if there are shipboys?" Port asked.

"Velvet, don't eat other ships!" Coco yelled. "I bet the other ships in our faction think you'll do that if they mess up."

"But, she's just so small and adorable," Velvet said. "I could literally just eat her up!"

"Never before had I thought being cute and cuddly would be a bad thing," Ruby trembled. She didn't want to be carrier chow!

Unicorn looked at the giant fox in worry and flew away from it. The fox's flight decks deployed several flights of fighters after her.

"Not on my watch!" Javelin said as she took aim at the enemy fighters, not noticing the spread of torpedoes coming her way.

"Nora, watch out!" Ren yelled.

"Torpedoes in the water!" Neptune yelled.

"Hard to starboard!" Sun ordered.

"Aye, captain, hard to starboard aye!" Sage replied.

"Why are we acting like we're on a destroyer?" Scarlet asked.

"Seemed like the thing to do," Sun said. "Neptune, I thought you were afraid of water."

"Doesn't mean I can't play games about warships," Neptune said.

"The day I let you onboard will be the day I get sunk," Nora said.

"Watch out!" Laffey pushed Javelin out of the way, taking the hit instead.

"Laffey!" Javelin cried.

Laffey coughed as the splash wave dispersed. "Laffey... Still combat capable."

Javelin sighed in relief then turned towards the one who sent the torpedoes, gasping in shock at who it was. "You...!"

"Sakura Empire, improved Fubuki-class destroyer Ayanami..." Emerald, IJN Ayanami, said before rushing towards Javelin, swinging her sword down at her as she blocked with her spear. "Taste the power of the Demon...!"

"But why..." Javelin asked.

"We are enemies, of course!" Ayanami answered as she aimed at her face with her guns. Javelin moved away as Ayanami fired and the two destroyers fought.

"Do they know each other?" Emerald asked.

"They met on the island," Zack said. "You were sent there to spy on them, made friends along the way and now you're fighting."

"Why do you two have melee weapons anyway?" Ilia asked. "You're ships! You have guns!"

"Why not?" Whitley asked.

"The boy assassin makes a good point," Hazel said.

"Not an assassin, yet," Whitley said.

"This is boring," Tyrian sighed. So far, no one was dead yet.

In the air, Unicorn launched several planes at the giant fox, only for it to rapidly shoot out fireballs that destroyed them and come after her.

Laffey watched on, helpless as her damage made her drop to her knees.

Unicorn cried as the fireballs came close to hitting her.

"Is that it?" Kaga asked. "Was I a fool to expect a challenge?"

"Oh, Kaga, you're enjoying this," Akagi said.

"A bit too much," Ozpin said.

"I guess she just needed a fight to make her express herself more," Salem said.

"Ruby!" Yang yelled in worry.

"No! How could you harm something so cute and adorable?" Willow asked.

"Being evil and crazy has its benefits," Tyrian said.

"With the downside of being evil and crazy," Ilia said.

"That's a downside?" Tyrian asked, confused.

Ruby shivered. "She's going to eat me!"

All around them, Azur Lane desperately fought the enemies but were slowly being overwhelmed. Ayanami fired a spread of torpedoes at Javelin, who jumped onboard one of the ships still present. Ayanami joined her on the deck of the ship.

"Please! If you continue, Unicorn will..." Javelin pleaded.

Ayanami didn't say anything, a bead of sweat dropping down her face.

"Someone's conflicted," Junior said.

"I wonder why that ship didn't sink from those torpedoes," Melanie wondered.

"Tough armour maybe," Miltia said.

One of the fireballs finally shot down Unicorn, the giant fox looming over her as it prepared to devour her.

"Stop!" Cleveland yelled.

Out of nowhere, a blue bird flew towards the fox, taking out three enemy planes before striking the fox. It flew past the fox, turning into a Grumman TBF Avenger torpedo bomber.

"What?!" Akagi said as she looked at the plane.

Out in the distance, a Yorktown-class aircraft carrier was steaming towards them. On the flight deck, a white-haired woman stood on the bow of the ship.

"What's this?" Nicolas said.

"The hero always arrives at the last minute," Jaune said.

"Yup," Sun agreed.

"Always," Yang nodded.

Normally, Ruby would agree, but... "I was about to be eaten!"

"Is that..." Ironwood said.

"I believe it is," Jacques said.

"That ship..." Cleveland said.

The white-haired woman wore a sleeveless white shirt with a tie and a captain's coat, leaving her shoulders bare. On her head was a captain's hat.

"An Eagle Union aircraft carrier..." Akagi said. "Is that who I think it is?"

More planes took off from the deck of the newly arrived carrier.

"That's her!" Cleveland said. "That's Eagle Union's strongest aircraft carrier!"

"The Grey Ghost, the Great E...!" Akagi said, biting her thumb in worry. She knew that carrier's reputation.

"So it's you!" Kaga said.

"Enterprise... engage!" Winter, USS Enterprise, ordered. The ship was covered in a blue light as it dematerialized into blue cubes that formed up on her. A flight deck was connected to Enterprise on her back as the bridge became a bow.

"Here I come." Enterprise skated over the sea, jumping onto one of the planes she launched earlier as she flew towards the battle.

"It's me!" Winter said in surprise.

"Someone has a reputation," Sienna said.

"Well, when you're literally the most decorated ship in the navy, people tend to hear about you," Zack said.

"Not to mention always coming back after being reportedly sunk," Nora commented wryly.

"I bet IJN captains and admirals stopped believing the reports after the second time they spotted her after being reportedly sunk," Jaune said.

"Well, she's a tough lady," Weiss said proudly, despite most of the conversation flying over her head.

She deftly avoided the Siren's anti-air fire as they took out her other planes, making her way towards the giant fox.

"Interesting!" Kaga launched several planes after Enterprise, who merely took out her bow and shot several of them down. The last three she got in close and took them down herself.

"Incredible..." Javelin said as she and Ayanami looked at the aerial fight.

"Again, carriers are supposed to be in the rear launching planes," Clover said.

"Again, shipgirls are bullshit," Jaune reminded him.

"I never did like being in the backlines," Winter said.

"It wouldn't be half as interesting if shipgirls fought like their real-life counterparts," Nora said.

Enterprise jumped off her plane as the giant fox destroyed it with its claw, firing an arrow that turned into three bombs at its head as she flipped through the air, setting it on fire.

Enterprise landed on the fox's back and ran towards Kaga.

"Entertain me, phantom!" Kaga yelled as she glowed with power.

"Wait, Kaga!" Akagi warned, realizing she was getting lost in the battle.

Kaga sent several fireballs at Enterprise, who either dodged or blocked them. She jumped up at Kaga, who couldn't get away.

"You..." Kaga said as they were face to face.

"You're mine." Enterprise shot Kaga in the chest at point blank range, causing her to scream in pain.

"Kaga!" Akagi yelled in worry.

Enterprise landed on the water, behind her, the giant fox disappeared.

"Damn, she just singlehandedly turned the battle in favour of her allies," Cardin said.

"Can't let my smaller cousin be eaten after all," Winter said.

"Cousin?" Vernal asked.

Winter shrugged. "Ruby's a carrier here. I'm a carrier. So, we're like family I guess."

She was instantly glomped by the red-cloaked girl. "Welcome to the family!"

Weiss glared at her. "You see what you did there? Now she'll never shut up about it."

"Aww, don't be such a Weiss queen," Yang teased.

"Prepare to endure endless puns," Blake said, feeling sorry for her.

Kaga recovered and glared at Enterprise. "How dare you injure my body! This body belongs to me dear sister!" She deployed her flight deck, prepared to continue fighting Enterprise despite her damage.

"Enough, Kaga," Akagi said.

"Dear sister! I can still fight!" Kaga said.

"I know," Akagi said. "But there's a right time for everything."

"Who would have thought she's the rational one," Raven said.

"Guess all it took was a fight to show off Velvet's irrational side," Fox said.

"I'm not like that," Velvet said.

"You're not," Yatsuhashi agreed. "You're other self on the other hand..."

"Good thing you have me to reel you in," Coco said.

The remaining Siren ships were destroyed by large calibre shell fire and bombs from aircraft.

The two Sakura Empire ships turned to see that Prince of Wales and Illustrious had joined the fight.

"Big sister!" Unicorn said as she spotted the fleet carrier.

"Sheesh, someone's late," Cleveland complained.

"Where were you like, fifteen minutes ago when we were fighting two enemy capital ships?" Yang complained.

"They're British," Jaune said.

"Meaning?" Amber asked.

"They had to show up fashionably late, I think?" Nora said.

"I can't actually think of a good joke for this," Zack mumbled. Tea? No, that made no sense.

Akagi held up the dark purple cube. "We've accomplished our goals, mostly. This mission is a success."

"Yes, dear sister," Kaga said. "If you say so."

"You think we're going to let you get away?" Enterprise asked, arrow still nocked and aimed at the two.

"Oh, what a scary glare," Akagi said. "I'm about to lose my composure."

A red paper figure flew in and hit Enterprise in her bow arm, knocking her off target. The paper figure floated to the sea and caught fire. Looking in the distance, Enterprise found a third Sakura Empire carrier.

"My seniors, it's time," Amber, aircraft carrier IJN Zuikaku said.

"A third enemy carrier," Winter said.

"It's me," Amber said in surprise.

"Well, it was bound to happen eventually," Summer said.

"Yes, everyone has shown up at least once so far," Tai said. "Or at least most of us."

"Yes, let us take our leave," Akagi said as she and Kaga left.

"Wait!" Enterprise yelled as they flew away.

Ayanami ran off the ship's deck and sailed towards her allies. Laffey looked up at her as she passed her.

Akagi and Kaga landed on Akagi's ship.

"Azur Lane, consider this a formal declaration of war," Akagi said.

"We, Sakura Empire, along with Iron Blood, will now crush your deception," Kaga continued as they started disappearing in a cloud of flower petals.

"The mighty must control the future. Heaven's will resides with us, the true conqueror of the seas. We are the alliance of crimson blood... We are Red Axis," Akagi proclaimed as they disappeared.

"What a way to declare war," Ironwood said.

"It was more impressive than how the Great War started at least," Ozpin said.

"Yes, a number of small battles before ambassadors handed over the war declarations," Oobleck said.

"Not to mention the combatants are way nicer to look at," Whitley said.

"They got away..." Prince of Wales said. "She really saved us."

"Enterprise, the mightiest warrior of the Eagle Union..." Illustrious said. "But there is so much pain..."

"What's wrong with my sister?" Weiss asked.

"Oh, she has a lot of issues," Zack said. "She needs therapy, lots of it."

"No time for that," Winter said. "War was just declared."

"Surely you can put aside some time to get help?" Willow asked.

"I could be needed at a moment's notice," Winter argued.

"Jeez, she really needs help, doesn't she?" Whitley said.

"Or a dedicated maid to make sure she eats right," Jaune said.

"Well, that's done," Zack said.

"An all girls world," Oscar said. "Not one of us guys were in it."

"Well, unless you're willing to be gender-bended..." Zack said.

"I'm good," Oscar said.

"So, what's next?" Hazel asked.

"A guy so ridiculously powerful that he can end any fight with one punch," Zack said.

"No way," Cinder said. "No one is that powerful."

"So, who will be the caped baldy?" Jaune asked.

"No idea," Zack said. "Unless you want to be him."

Jaune touched his hair. To be OP as hell or to keep his hair. This was a tough one.

"Well, let's start the next one," Zack said.

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