Episode 11

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FGO Babylonia EP 11


It was night in an open space, far from any cities. Gilgamesh clad in only plate armour covering below the waist, tattoos on his chest, took a deep breath as Enkidu stood not far from him.

"Once, I used to have a friend," Gilgamesh narrated.

Enkidu sent chains after Gilgamesh, who jumped away from them. Smiling, he opened his Gates of Babylon and fired several weapons at him.

"My friend's name was Enkidu." Enkidu turned his hand into a blade and blocked the incoming weapons. "The man created by the gods in order to kill me, and the man who called me 'a star'."

Enkidu and Gilgamesh clashed blades, Gilgamesh laughing as he enjoyed the fight.

"They're enjoying themselves," Saphron said, happy to see her only brother having fun with his friend.

"Of course," Yang said. "Nothing like a spar to liven up your day!"

"Speak for yourself," Blake said.

"Maybe we should spar more," Ren suggested.

"Sure, why not," Jaune said. "We could make it a team thing."

"But he..." Gilgamesh woke up from his brief nap. "Enkidu..."

"A messenger from the Northern Wall is here!"

"We've received a petition from the eastern market!"

"We have a complaint from the brothel!"

"A request from the priestess academy has been delivered!"

"Your Majesty, regarding today's ceremonies, the Sacred Temple has..."

"Ah, I did not miss that," Ozpin said. It was like his time as King of Vale all over again. Petitioners every hour, this or that problem needing to be handled, an international crisis before tea, the usual.

"Good thing we can delegate the mundane tasks to underlings," Ironwood said.

"You don't say," Glynda said, being one of those underlings.

"Such petty requests are beneath me," Jacques said. "I pay underlings to handle them."

"I wonder how many of those underlings are actually competent?" Winter mumbled.

Gilgamesh slammed his gauntleted hand on the armrest of his throne, quieting the people in his throne room.

"Come now, line up single file, and I'll deal with you one by one!" Gilgamesh said.

"Y-Y-Y-Yes, sir!"

"At least he can keep them in line," Port said.

"I swear it's like dealing with school children," Tai said.

"The similarities are quite uncanny," Ozpin said. His experiences as an educator translated quite well in handling the Council of Vale.

"At least he's already blond," Robyn said. "Hides any grey hair he might have due to all the stress."

"He doesn't get grey hair," Zack said.

"Lucky him," those not blessed with a hair colour that could hide grey hairs said.

"Siduri, Fujimaru's group is about to reach the Axe, aren't they?" Gilgamesh asked.

"If things are going to plan," Siduri said as she consulted her tablet. "There are no flares to signal any changes, either."

"Damn mongrels," Gilgamesh said. "Why are they taking their time to do things according to plan?"

Zack suppressed the urge to point at the scene like it was a meme. He said the word!

"Jaune said a bad word!" Nora exclaimed.

"It just feels so right," Jaune said. "Mongrels!"

"He says it like he was born to say it," Ghira commented.

"I know," Kali agreed.

"My King!"

"Your Majesty!"

Gilgamesh suppressed a sigh and went to deal with his subjects.

"I get it!" Gilgamesh said. "The Northern Wall comes first! I've compiled reinforcement supplies on this clay tablet! Execute it exactly as written!"

"He's a remarkably good king," Amber said.

"You should see his teenage years," Zack said. "Then you would say otherwise. If you go even farther back to his child years, you would wonder how he grew up to become his adult self."

"He's that bad?" Roman asked.

"He's currently in his wise king phase," Zack said. "Before, he was in his tyrant king phase. You do not want to be in the firing line of his tyrant king phase.

Fujimaru's group and one weird goddess ran through the forest.

"Can you see it, Fujimaru?" Ozpin asked. "You should be able to see the Temple of the Sun right ahead!"

"Right ahead!" Fujimaru said.

"That's Quetzalcoatl's Temple of the Sun where the people of the area have been taken to as sacrifices!" Ozpin said.

A winged serpent roared as they were being kept occupied with Merlin.

"The winged serpents that follow are being held back by Merlin," Da Vinci said. "Take this opportunity to head to the temple!"

Merlin blasted a group of the winged serpents.

"Senpai, over there!" Mash said.

"That is..." Fujimaru said as they saw a giant pyramid like temple with a round stone on top. Next to it, is a giant axe.

"Th-This..." Ozpin said, "...size is bigger than expected!"

"I see," Da Vinci said. "So, that's the Axe of Marduk. Indeed, that may be able to kill a goddess."

"Right," Ozpin said.

"I'm pretty sure that axe would kill anything," Hazel said.

"Someone's compensating," Raven said.

"Actually, scaled to the size of the actual Tiamat, that axe is just about normal size," Zack said.

"How big is this goddess?" Roman asked incredulously.

"Remember Gugalanna?" Zack asked.

"Hard to forget," Mercury said.

"She's about maybe a third his size?" Zack estimated.

"That's still very big," Penny said. "Do gods normally appear as giants?"

"Sometimes, they even appear as animals," Zack said, remembering the number of times gods were depicted as appearing as animals. Then fucking some poor woman as an animal. Mythology was weird like that.

"Magical Energy Signal increasing!" a technician reported. "The noise is getting worse!"

"She's coming!" Ozpin told them.

"Quetzalcoatl!" Fujimaru said as she waited for them in front of the round stone monument.

"Kuku!" Jaguarman said.

"Hola!" Quetzalcoatl greeted. "Welcome to my Temple of the Sun! Fujimaru, mucho, mucho! It was worth believing and waiting, yes!"

"Sounds like a welcome Yang would give," Ruby said.

"Temple of the Sun..." Yang said. "I like it! My room from now on is officially the Temple of the Sun! And my bike is the Sun Chariot!"

"At least she hasn't claimed all of Beacon," Weiss said.

"Or us," Blake said.

"And Blake shall be my minion!" Yang said.

"I spoke too soon," Blake groaned.

"Oh my, what a great welcome!" Da Vinci said.

"You understand, right, Fujimaru?" Ozpin said. "Your goal is what you see on top of that temple."

"That is the great Sun Stone," Da Vinci said, "the Aztec Calendar, Quetzalcoatl's second Noble Phantasm."

"A monolith that's said to show the past, present and future according to the Aztecs!" Ozpin said. "In other words, it is the source of her power!"

"If we destroy it..." Fujimaru said.

"Oh, so you noticed it!" Quetzalcoatl said without a worry in the world. She began walking down the steps of the temple, wooden sword called a Macana in hand. "Very well! I'll accept any and every challenge! Because I find that to be fun! Humans are so fun to mess with in all aspects!"

"Yang in a nutshell," Pyrrha sighed.

"What, it's fun to mess with people!" Yang said.

"Depends on your definition of messing with people," Roman said. "For example, Cindy over there likes burning people to death for annoying her."

"Ah, poor Perry, he was ever so dumb," Cinder said. "And don't call me Cindy or you're joining him!"

"Temper, dear," Salem said.

Emerald and Mercury shuddered. They couldn't stand the thought of eating bacon again, the smell being similar to that of a burning human.

Adam growled. If she wasn't as powerful as she was, he would have never agreed to work with her.

"Fun to mess with?" Fujimaru said.

"Yes!" Quetzalcoatl said. "I love all of you guys! That's right, humans give purpose to our lives!"

"If humans give purpose to your lives," Fujimaru said, "why are you killing them?"

"That's not true," Ishtar said. "Purpose isn't just some hobby. It's what you have to do to love, to be you!"

"I'm a deity who can't exist without messing with humans," Quetzalcoatl explained. "I find joy in human evolution as a result of the threat known as yours truly."

"What a noble purpose!" Raven said.

"Really?" Qrow asked.

"Survival of the fittest, brother dear," Raven said. "If they can survive her, they can survive anything."

"We're going to get trashed, aren't we," Blake sighed.

"I could take her," Weiss said, trying to convince herself.

Ruby was shaking. "Protect me cloak!"

"I hope they have good insurance back in Uruk," Ilia said.

Yang flexed. "Time for you all to meet your maker!"

"And that's the true nature of you as a deity," Ana said.

"Yes!" Quetzalcoatl confirmed. "So, I have no intent on killing humans to begin with! Feel free to run away from the threat of yours truly!"

She leaped into the air and aimed to land on Fujimaru.

"Senpai!" Mash pushed him out of the way, Quetzalcoatl cratering the ground instead, causing a miniature earthquake.

"Trying to converse with her is a waste of time!" Ishtar said as she flew. She fired at Quetzalcoatl, who blocked them easily with her macana.

"We can understand each other through battle, yes!" Quetzalcoatl said cheerfully.

"Kuku is so ruthless!" Jaguarman said as she and Ana charged at her.

Quetzalcoatl easily handled the double team by the two Lancers, either moving away from their scythe and stick or blocking with her forehand guards and macana. She kicked Jaguarman into the air and Ana into a pillar.

"She's wiping the floor with them," Emerald said as she winced at how far Jaguarman was kicked.

"I know you said she was strong," Winter said. "But how strong is she?"

"Remember the big Axe," Zack said. "Quetzalcoatl can throw it as far as 30km with ease."

"That thing must weigh several tons!" Clover said. "And she can throw it that far!"

"Not to mention she can jump into lower orbit," Zack said.

Yang looked at her arms and legs. "I'm going to the gym once we get back! If I can't do at least half of that before I'm twenty, I'll cut my hair short!"

"Good luck with that," Vernal snorted. No way was she accomplishing that.

Zack wondered if he should give her the One Punch Man training routine. It would probably do the trick. Was Remnant ready for such a monster though?

"Yeah!" Quetzalcoatl said. "Now, let's enjoy this battle a lot more! You're having fun, too, right, humanity's final Master?"

"I'm not fighting for something like that at all!" Fujimaru said.

"You sure say strange things," Quetzalcoatl said. "You're not fighting for the sake of hatred, right?"

"Senpai..." Mash said as they stood up.

"That means you know the joy and excitement of understanding each other through battle!" Quetzalcoatl said.

"Not true!" Fujimaru said. "Battle is only part of a process for me!"

"Then, what are you saying you gain from it?" Quetzalcoatl asked. "Salvation of humanity to become a hero?"

"I don't care if I am a hero or not!" Fujimaru said. "It's just that... if everyone can be even a little bit happier after the battle, that becomes my reason to fight!"

Ana hid behind a pillar as she recovered.

"So, you're saying you can't enjoy the battle itself," Quetzalcoatl said. She smiled. "All right! Then, you need to admirably overcome me!"

"Overcome..." Fujimaru said.

"Yes!" Quetzalcoatl said. "Overcome...and head toward the Temple of the Sun!"

She threw her macana at his feet.

Punching her fists together, she continued, "If you overcome me and destroy the altar, you win! It's a simple game, yes!"

"Well, humanity is doomed," Neptune said. "No way is he overcoming her."

"Depends on how much she plays around," Glynda said. "And how serious she is."

"She also doesn't seem like she has any malicious intent against him," Oobleck noted.

"I won't just let them win, you know," Yang said.

"But I doubt you're trying your hardest to stop them either," Port said.

"So, it's either a test of strength or a test of character," Ozpin said.

She crouched down and launched herself at him.

"Mash!" Fujimaru ordered.

"Okay!" Mash blocked Quetzalcoatl's kick with her shield, getting sent back a good distance. Ana jumped from behind Mash, scythe ready to slice her up!

"Oh, I'm looking forward to this!" Quetzalcoatl said as she ran up the shield and used it as a launch pad to jump into the air. "This is so fun!"

Quetzalcoatl met Ana in mid-air, grabbing both Ana's scythe and chain mid-attack, then proceeded to slam Ana into the ground.

Ruby winced. Her other was going to feel that for a while.

"Quite rough on your own sister," Coco said.

"Tough love," Yang said.

"You know a normal human would be dead from that, right?" Velvet said.

"She's not exactly normal, is she?" Raven replied. "She can take more punishment than a normal human, she'll live. Besides, this builds character."

"I'm pretty sure all this build is bruises," Summer said.

"Same difference," Raven said.

"Oh, fun!" Quetzalcoatl said as she raised her hand towards Fujimaru, who was holding her macana. "This is so fun! You may be the humans that we gods have been waiting for!"

In the air above her, Ishtar charged an attack.

"Stop exaggerating the subject with every line!" Ishtar said as she let loose her attack.

Quetzalcoatl moved her head ever so slightly, dodging the energy blast. She turned towards Ishtar. "Now, show me... your courage!"

Quetzalcoatl ran as she dodged all of Ishtar's attacks. She ran up a pillar and used it to get above Ishtar, drop kicking her to the ground then body slamming her, laughing the entire time.

"A body slam into the ground," Yang said as she stared predatorily at Weiss. "Want to try it?"

Weiss gulped. "What about I treat you to a day at a hair salon instead? Maybe a spa?"

"Bribes won't save you kid," Junior said. "The violent beast won't rest until she pummels you to the ground."

The Malachite sisters nodded. They could still feel the phantom pains despite not receiving any permanent injuries from their last fight.

"My daughter is not a beast," Tai said.

"Tell that to anyone who ever damaged her hair," Cardin mumbled.

"Everyone's happiness that you seek may just be your arrogance," Quetzalcoatl said to Fujimaru.

"Even then, I trust my own decisions..." Fujimaru said as Ana got up, "...and everyone who have put their trust in me!" Mash stood up as well. "Because the answer will be obvious once everything is over!"

"Mucho!" Quetzalcoatl said.

Behind her, Jaguarman appeared with her stick poised to strike.

"Please don't be ignoring me!" Jaguarman said as she attacked.

Quetzalcoatl jumped away from the attack, landing a few paces away.

"If I have you in my sight," Quetzalcoatl said, "the only thing I can do is kill you, yes?"

"I thought that's what you'd say, Kuku!" Jaguarman said. "But today, I'm just a tad bit serious! You could say 60% less tiger! Diet Jet Tiger!"

"What's wrong with being a tiger?" Sienna asked.

"Uh..." Blake said sufferingly. "Just ignore my crazy counterpart, alright?"

"I think she's adorable," Kali said. "Like a bundle of comedy every walking day of her life."

"I'd go crazy if our Blake was like that," Adam said.

"You mean you aren't already that?" Vernal insulted.

"Shut it, human!" Adam growled. Damn violence restrictions.

The other Servants got ready to re-enter the fight.

"Wow, you really are popular, Fujimaru!" Quetzalcoatl said.

Zack thought about his relationship with female Servants. Yes, he was indeed Mr. Popular.

"Fou!" (I think he puts other harem protagonists to shame.)

"I'm pretty sure his competition were never confined to a single base in the middle of nowhere for years," Zack said.

"Fou!" (So long as Mash is in it.)

"Master, we'll hold it here for now!" Mash said.

"That's right!" Ozpin said. "While Quetzalcoatl is immobile, run up to the altar!" Fujimaru began running towards the temple. "Run up there! And destroy the Sun Stone!"

Quetzalcoatl gave a small smile as Fujimaru began running.

Jaguarman jumped in from behind her. "I got you, Kuku!"

She did not, in fact have her. Quetzalcoatl easily avoided the attack, disarm Jaguarman and kicked her into the air. Quetzalcoatl jumped after her and held her with her legs as she prepared to slam her into the ground.

"I'm going to die," Jaguarman realized before she was sent head-first into the ground. Quetzalcoatl looked over her handiwork as Jaguarman's body could be seen twitching in pain.

Ana and Ishtar looked at the scene, sweat dropping at how ridiculous it was.

"That must hurt," Ana said.

"She won't be standing for a while," Ishtar said.

The others sweat dropped as well.

"Quetzalcoatl really doesn't like other me," Blake said.

"How hasn't she broken her neck?" Tai wondered.

"Maybe it's like cartoon logic?" Summer suggested. "All damage is always superficial."

"I'm pretty sure she felt the full brunt of that," Ghira said.

"I don't think I've ever seen someone be buried head-first into the ground before," Port said.

"I might make that my new move," Yang said. "Which one of you villains wants to be the first that I try it out on?"

"No thanks," the villains said. They valued their necks, thank you very much.

"Let's go, Maana!" Ishtar said as the remaining Servants attacked.

Maana shot out several bolts of energy around Quetzalcoatl, kicking up a dust cloud to obscure her vision.

Mash and Ana emerged from the dust cloud, each appearing on a different side of Quetzalcoatl, hoping to hit her from both sides.

"Nice combination!" Quetzalcoatl said as she easily blocked both weapons with her hands. "This big sister's getting all worked up!"

"That was a good tactic," Ironwood said. "Too bad she's good enough to compensate for any lack of sight."

"Maybe we can incorporate it into a team move?" Ruby suggested. "Weiss using her Dust to disorient the enemy while the rest of us get in close from different sides?"

"Not a bad move," Jaune agreed. "But it won't really work on groups though."

"We can come up with something different for group targets," Coco said.

The team leaders analysed the fight, even Cardin chipping in now and then, trying to incorporate what they saw into their team dynamics.

"This is turning into quite a learning experience," Ozpin said.

"Quite," Glynda agreed.

"But what a pity..." Quetzalcoatl said as she kicked Ana away. "Defeating me with the power of good is just a tiny bit difficult!" She scratched her forehand guard on Mash's shield then slammed Mash to the ground, kicking up an enormous dust cloud. "You're all good kids!"

"This sucks," Ishtar said. "Now that I'm actually facing her, she's being a real pain in the butt!"

Quetzalcoatl turned to face Ishtar, the last Servant standing. "Now, as a fellow goddess of Venus, we shall fight to our heart's content!" She launched herself at Ishtar.

"You can do it, Weiss!" Ruby cheered.

"No she can't," Yang said. "But she's welcome to try."

"I'll have a medic ready to see you later, Weiss," Winter said amused.

"She's going to appear as one big bruise after this, isn't she?" Whitley said. "Our pale complexion does make us rather easy to bruise."

Weiss grumbled. Stupid fat-chested, overpowered blondes.

Across the multiverse, Rin felt as if she had a kindred spirit as someone who had to deal with annoying blondes.

It was sunset, and Fujimaru had finally climbed all the stairs to reach the top of the temple.

He gripped the macana in his hands. "So, I take this..."

He heard a loud noise and looked at the fight. Ishtar was moaning in pain as she laid on the ground.

"And that's the last one," Yang said.

"She doesn't even seem tired," Oscar said.

"Truly, a most dangerous opponent," Penny said.

"She didn't just wipe the floor with them," Sun said. "She cleaned the whole house with them!"

"I did say she was the second most powerful deity currently in Mesopotamia," Zack said amused. He looked at Fou. "Think you could have taken her?"

"Fou!" (As Primate Murder? Definitely. As Fou? I'm too cute to be crushed!)

"Sorry to make you wait, yes!" Quetzalcoatl said. She walked towards him at a casual pace.

"Hurry, Fujimaru!" Ozpin instructed. "This is our only chance to defeat the evil goddess who wants sacrifices!"

"Evil?" Fujimaru said as he realized something. He lowered the macana.

"Oh no," Glynda groaned. "I know that look."

"What look?" Tai asked.

"It's the look when a student is about to do something batshit insane," Oobleck said.

"Just do the sensible thing and smash the circle already," Amber said.

"Unfortunately, the sensible thing always seem to be the last thing on people's minds," Salem mused.

"What's wrong, Fujimaru?" Ozpin asked. "The only thing she seeks is a battle! Don't pay attention to her!"

"I don't think that's right, Doctor," Fujimaru said. "She doesn't simply want a victory!" He threw the macana down the steps as Quetzalcoatl smiled as she wondered what Fujimaru would do now.

"She wants a head-on battle of the soul!" Fujimaru said.

"Oh my, this is getting exciting!" Da Vinci said. "Is he going to fight against a deity with his bare hands?"

"That's ludicrous!" Ozpin said. "Stop it! If you fall, everything is over!"

"Considering he's literally humanity's last hope, that's an understatement," Zack said.

"But this is an all or nothing situation," Jaune countered. "He needs to win her over, otherwise their not going to last long in this Singularity either."

"It's do or die here," Clover said.

"Let's hope he knows what he's doing," Willow said.

"I want to show her!" Fujimaru said as he thought about everyone he had met throughout his journey. "Just how high humans can ascend! Just how courageous they are! I'll pound into her everything I've seen on this journey!"

"Good resolve!" Quetzalcoatl said. "But that's still not enough height or courage. You're quite a way from reaching the Sun!"

Fujimaru looked up at the sky.

"He wouldn't..." Winter paled, which was impressive considering her already pale complexion.

"He totally would!" Nora cheered.

"That's crazy!" Roman said.

"And something Yang would totally find admirable," Ruby sighed.

"That I do, if he makes the jump," Yang said.

"Help me..." Fujimaru said to a recovering Ishtar. "...Ishtar!"

"You sure work your goddesses hard!" Ishtar said. "Let's fly, Maana!"

She sat on Maana as she flew to the top of the temple. She gave Fujimaru her hand. "You're okay with this?"

Fujimaru nodded and accepted her hand. The two flew up into the sky.

"Hold on, Fujimaru!" Ozpin said as Da Vinci laughed at the proceedings. "Height and courage? It can't be that straight forward... Dammit! We got disconnected!"

"With Yang, it might just be," Ren said.

"Yup," Yang agreed.

"She better catch him," Pyrrha said.

"My, oh, my, this is a sight to see!" Da Vinci said as she wiped tears from her eyes.

"This is nothing to laugh!" Ozpin said.

"This is no time to scream hysterically, either," Da Vinci replied.

"My other isn't wrong," Glynda said.

"I am acting quite hysterically there," Ozpin agreed. "Though with good reason."

"This boy is crazy," Ironwood said.

"It's not crazy if it works," Qrow said.

"Yes it is," Robyn said. "But that just means you can try it again to see if it's a good plan."

Ishtar stopped Maana from very high up. They could see the entire jungle from how high they were.

"This is the point of no return," Ishtar told Fujimaru.

Mash got up and saw just where Fujimaru was. "Senpai!"

Quetzalcoatl looked at them in anticipation.

"I'm heading down!" Fujimaru said. Ishtar looked at him then smiled.

"Okay!" Ishtar gave him a pat on the back for good luck.

Fujimaru screamed as he dived down from above. "This is the determination of humanity!"

Fujimaru woke up.

"I'm so glad, Senpai!" Mash said.

"Fou, fou!" Fou agreed.

"I'm alive," Fujimaru said then realized where his head was.

"A suitable reward for the brave hero," Yang said.

The boys discreetly looked at Yang's bosom. That lucky bastard!

Zack shrugged. Not the biggest he'd seen.

"Why were you so reckless?" Quetzalcoatl asked. "Didn't you think I'd dodge?"

"I believed you'd take it head on," Fujimaru said.

"Why?" Quetzalcoatl asked.

"Because you love humans, right?" Fujimaru said.

Quetzalcoatl smiled and pulled him into a hug. "Oh, jeez! I lose! I lose this one! As of this moment, I'm leaving the Three Goddess Alliance!"

"That means..." Fujimaru said.

"Yes!" Quetzalcoatl confirmed. "Starting today, you are my Master!"

"He should be a diplomat once this is all over," Ozpin mused. "He seems quite good at making friends and allies."

"He is quite adept at making various clashing personalities and egos co-exist without turning the place into a crater," Zack said.

"I wonder how he'd do as a teacher," Tai said.

"He'd have the girls after him from day one," Neptune said.

Ishtar watched from above, still sitting on Maana.

"So, things ended up this way after all," Ishtar said.

"Congratulations on your new contract!" Merlin said as he arrived. "I hate to hurry things, but can we collect the Axe now?"

"But of course, yes!" Quetzalcoatl said. "I'll have the captured soldiers held in Eridu to assist, too!"

Mash stopped pouting as Quetzalcoatl kept Fujimaru's head close to her chest. "Everyone else is safe, as well?"

"It's no surprise that jaguar's explanations were impossible to comprehend, but everyone's fine," Quetzalcoatl said. "I did give them trials, but I didn't kill them!"

"I'm so glad!" Fujimaru said.

"See! Am I a great goddess or what!?" Yang said.

"You say that," Weiss groused, "but you just pounded us all into next Tuesday!"

"My poor other self," Blake said as Jaguarman was still sticking out of the hole, head-first.

"We'll have them fasten the Axe onto my winged serpents," Quetzalcoatl said, "and deliver it that way!"

"That'll help a lot," Merlin said.

"Well now," Quetzalcoatl said, "Jaguarman, you take care of supervising the winged serpents!"

Jaguarman dug herself out of her hole. "H-Hold in a second!" She ran to Quetzalcoatl. "You just demoted me to the B-team!"

"Being the backup unit is an important job, too!" Quetzalcoatl said.

"I wanna be next to Fujimaru where the main action is!" Jaguarman cried.

"Are you going to make me repeat myself?" Quetzalcoatl asked with a less than nice face on, scaring the life out of Jaguarman. "A skinner or a taxidermist. Which would you like to see?"

"Angry Goddess Yang is scary," Ruby said, shivering.

Blake gulped. "I guess being the B-team isn't so bad?"

"Glad we understand each other," Yang said. She had to look into practicing that face. The results spoke for itself.

"I personally prefer the stern teacher face," Glynda said. "It confers the appropriate amount of fear while feeling natural."

Her students and colleagues shivered. There was nothing natural about it!

"I think that face might be better than my own," Salem said. She needed to improve her scary face, to better scare the piss out of her subordinates and enemies of course.

Raven was very proud. Her daughter put the fear of well... god into her minion.

Jaguarman suddenly became very happy to be delegated to guarding the transportation of the Axe. "Okay, the winged serpents will be in good paws! Gladly done!"

The other sweat dropped at the comedy in front of them.

They watched as the Axe was secured by rope for the winged serpents to transport them.

"You have a moment?" Ozpin asked Fujimaru.

"Here comes the lecture," Nora said.

The rowdy students deflated. They were always lectured whenever they did something that was crazy but worked.

"It's for your own good," Glynda said. "Being reckless will see you disabled or worse when you become a huntsman."

Team STRQ carefully avoided attracting attention. Let's just say their track record made for interesting reading.

Ozpin smiled. Ah, too be young and stupid, something he got to experience over and over again.

"Oh, sure," Fujimaru said.

"I think your decision earlier was a bit too arbitrary," Ozpin said.

"I won't deny that," Fujimaru said.

"It's true the result was splendid," Ozpin said. "You earned the trust of Quetzalcoatl and seized control of the Axe of Marduk. But that's all-in hindsight. You ignored the direction from Chaldea and was one step away from ruining the restoration of humanity as a whole."

"Yes," Fujimaru acknowledged.

"You simply have to obey my orders," Ozpin said. "And that is..."

The connection was cut off.

"Disconnected," a technician said. "The Mana density is too thick. 600 minutes until restoration."

"I wish that would happen when it's us," Coco said.

"No such luck," Yatsuhashi said. "We actually get lectured face to face, not over a phone."

"At least it's ever only once or twice a month these days," Velvet said.

"Our first year was pretty crazy," Fox said.

The teachers sighed. Like teams RWBY and JNPR, team CFVY stood out even among their peers. Unfortunately, standing out usually meant that they were quite eccentric compared to normal students.

"Good for you, kid," Qrow said. "All the best huntsmen have their quirks."

"Like you and drinking I suppose," Winter said.

"Oh, brother," Ozpin said. "I screwed that up. See what happens when I try to go out of character and lecture him?"

"Do you want a shoulder massage or something?" Da Vinci asked. "If so, I have the latest model massager!"

"I'll pass," Ozpin said.

"Huh?" Da Vinci said.

"I believe I know what needs to be done and what needs to be followed through," Ozpin said.

"The communication has been severed," Mash said. "Senpai?"

"Before..." Fujimaru said as he flashbacked to the last Singularity, Camelot.

They were with Sherlock Holmes in the Atlas Institute, where Holmes was giving them his findings on the past Holy Grail War.

"What is that place?" Ironwood asked in wonder.

"The Atlas Institute," Zack said.

"Atlas?" Robyn said.

"Nothing to do with your Atlas," Zack said. "The Atlas Institute is an assembly of geniuses. In this place, there are no taboos and no penalties to prevent the creation of the most unethical of weapons. Their only one rule is that things which are created here must never leave. That is the founding principle of the Atlas Institute. They have observed this rule for over two thousand years. They feared people leaving more than they cared about visitors."

"How dangerous are these weapons?" Clover asked, unhappy with the thought of an organization of mad scientist able to create anything they wish without supervision.

"There is a saying in that world," Zack said. "'Lift not the seal of Atlas, lest ye destroy the world seven times over.' They were not exaggerating when that was said."

"Oh my," Penny said. "What about that structure we are seeing? What is it?"

"That is the TRI-HERMES: The Pseudo-Spiritronic Processor," Zack said. "It's basically an information storage device."

"That doesn't sound that impressive," Mercury said.

"It's been recording for thousands of years," Zack said. "It literally possesses all knowledge of events that have transpired in the world."

"I wonder how Jinn would react to having competition," Ozpin said. The Relic of Knowledge would probably be miffed that some device did what she did.

"The Holy Grail War?" Fujimaru asked.

"2004, Fuyuki City in Japan..." Holmes, who looked like Ironwood said. "It was where the final battle for the omnipotent wish granter Holy Grail was held. You should know the winner's name rather well."

"That means..." Mash said.

"The previous director of Chaldea," Holmes said, "Marisbury Animusphere. He was the winner of the Holy Grail War."

"The director had the Holy Grail?" Mash said in surprise.

"That's right," Holmes said. "Furthermore, he had an assistant. Ozpin."

"Dr. Ozpin was..." Fujimaru said.

"...part of the Holy Grail War?" Mash finished.

"Right," Holmes said. "He joined the staff of Chaldea in the following year. And his personal history before that is completely unknown."

Fujimaru and Mash took in the information.

"I suggest you not completely trust him," Holmes said. "He's hiding an important secret. Something concerning the Holy Grail War and the Incineration of Humanity..."

"So, Ozpin is hiding something," Raven said. "Typical."

"Is there anything you kept from us, Ozpin?" Ironwood asked. "Anything that could be crucial to winning against Salem?"

"It's not important," Ozpin said.

"That's not a no..." Qrow said.

The Ozluminati looked at each other. Yeah, the boss was hiding something.

"Right before we came to this Singularity..." Mash said.

Mash remembered the conversation she had with Ozpin right before the Rayshift.

"So humans..." Mash asked. "Rather... does life have any meaning at all?"

"That's a tough question," Ozpin said. "I mean, from a god's perspective, life might all seem equally meaningless. Well, really, life has neither meaning nor merit right up to the end."

"The end?" Mash asked.

"Humans are born, grow up and die all without meaning," Ozpin said. "It's only when a life is over that you finally see what it meant. That's what life is, Mash. We don't live in order to create meaning. We live so meaning can be found from our life."

"You should write that down," Nicolas said. "It's a wonderful saying. One for the books I'd say."

Oobleck had already written that down. It was a wonderful philosophy regarding life.

"We live so meaning can be found from our life," Summer repeated. "Sounds right to me."

Ozpin shrugged. You try living an eternal life without being philosophical. Half the works in Remnant were written by him after all, or he had a hand in creating them.

"I think what you told Quetzalcoatl and what the doctor told me is the same thing," Mash said.

Fujimaru remembered his words towards Quetzalcoatl earlier.

"That's why, I'm sure..." Mash said.

"Yeah, it's just like you say, Mash," Fujimaru said. "Even if the doctor is hiding something, there has to be some meaning behind it."

"Yes!" Mash said. "So, we should just plunge in head-on! I'll learn from your examples, Senpai!"

Fujimaru laughed, embarrassed. "I never want to do that again, though."

The two shared a laugh.

"Yes, please don't," Glynda said. "It's setting a bad example for the students."

"I'd say it's a perfectly good idea," Port said.

"As I said, bad example," Glynda said.

"I see no problem with this," Yang said.

"Me neither," Nora said.

"Oh dear," Tai said. "She did inherit my impatience."

"I'm pretty sure she got it from both of her parents," Qrow said.

"You say that again and I'll be having crow stew for dinner," Raven threatened.

"Isn't that cannibalism?" Summer asked.

"It's not cannibalism if it's a bird," Raven said.

That night, Fujimaru almost fell asleep as he took watch. Realizing he was not alone, he spoke up.

"It's not time to change watch yet," Fujimaru said to ?Ishtar.

"Your getting predictable," Neptune said to Weiss.

"She does come every night," Sun said. "Hard not to be aware of it."

"Oh, hush you," Weiss said.

"You have some good instincts," ?Ishtar said. "Or does it mean... you've become sensitive to my presence? If that's it, I wouldn't mind." She sat beside him. "That just means it's been worth teaching you proper manners when dealing with goddesses every night."

"Was that what we've been talking about?" Fujimaru said.

?Ishtar pouted at him. "Never mind. Tonight, I came to praise you."

"Thank you," Fujimaru said.

"It looks like you've befriended another new goddess," ?Ishtar said.

"Yep," Fujimaru said.

"It really is impressive," ?Ishtar said. "But for some reason, I'm miffed. Let me pinch your cheek a bit."

?Ishtar pinched Fujimaru's cheek.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!"

"Aww, she's jealous," Coco said teasingly.

"Someone's possessive," Emerald said.

"So cute," Willow said.

"You do realize it's someone else possessing my body, right mother?" Weiss said.

"Let me imagine, Weiss," Willow said.

?Ishtar suddenly let go. "Wait, you feel really hot! Have you come down with something?" She felt his forehead.

"Oh, I feel a little tired," Fujimaru said. "But I'm fine."

"You're fine?" ?Ishtar said. "Are you getting proper rest?"

"Since the Rayshift, I've been working nonstop," Fujimaru said. "So, it's been about a month or so now."

"You're taking the term hard work to the extreme!" ?Ishtar exclaimed. "Even hard labour in Kur lasts for three days!"

"What's Kur?" Adam asked.

"The Mesopotamian underworld," Zack said.

"Well, there's a hint," Ghira said.

"So, a goddess of the underworld?" Watts said.

"She's remarkably nice for the goddess of death," Cinder said.

"No, it's like this every time," Fujimaru said.

"I-I didn't know," ?Ishtar said. "You are investigating the Singularities after all. I suppose that's a difficult battle for you humans."

"But, it's been fun," Fujimaru said.

"Is that so?" ?Ishtar asked.

Fujimaru began telling her tales of his journey into the past Singularities.

Fujimaru struggled to stay awake as ?Ishtar kept him from falling over.

"All right," ?Ishtar said, "then I'll take the rest of your watch. You go lie down over there."

"Thank...you..." Fujimaru fell asleep.

?Ishtar stroked Fujimaru's hair as he slept in her lap.

"I swear by the name of Irkalla, no enemies shall come near," ?Ishtar said. "So, sleep and be at ease."

?Ishtar smiled as sunrise approached, no longer hiding her blonde hair and black clothes.

"I'd better get some sleep," ?Ishtar said.

"Sleep?" Fujimaru mumbled as he woke briefly. "H-Huh?" He saw the true appearance of the goddess who was possessing Ishtar.

"Well," ?Ishtar said, "that ends our nightly chat. You're a frail human, so get your rest now." She closed Fujimaru's eyes.

"All right!" Fujimaru exclaimed as they were on the way back to Uruk. "We're almost back at Uruk!"

"Senpai, you're so full of energy," Mash said.

"Yeah!" Fujimaru agreed. "I got a good amount of sleep in today's camp!"

"He got to experience the lap pillow," Jaune said.

"I'm so jealous," Neptune said.

"Is it really that good?" Oscar asked.

"Trust me kid," Scarlet said. "There are few things that are better than sleeping in the lap of a pretty girl."

"We'll be able to receive a reward from the king," Ana said.

"The Axe of Marduk and one goddess!" Merlin said. "This is a great achievement!"

"I am also looking forward to meeting the king, yes!" Quetzalcoatl said.

Ishtar noticed someone coming from the gates. "Isn't that, Siduri?"

A distraught Siduri ran towards them.

"Siduri!" Fujimaru caught her as she reached them. "Did something happen?"

Siduri cried. "It is a huge mess! King Gilgamesh..."

"What happened to Jaune!" Saphron said in worry.

"A most tragic thing," Zack said in all seriousness. Death by overwork was no laughing matter.

"Did he get in an accident?" Pyrrha asked. "Or was it an assassin from his enemies!"

"Let me show you," Zack said.

I know there's a bit more in this episode, but I moved it to the next one for better effect.

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