Episode 13

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FGO Babylonia EP 13


"Humans are foolish," someone said as a blue flame appeared.

A hand encompassed the blue flame and it reappeared inside a cage. Other cages soon lit up with blue flames of their own.

"Humans can't escape the suffering of life or the terror of death," Ereshkigal said as cages lit up all around her. "But in the Age of Gods, that pain can be lessened..." she walked through the path lit by cages, "...because there are things there that humans can't understand."

Ereshkigal sat in her palace, if it could be called that. "You can blame all the bad things and the crazy things in your life in the gods, and that makes life easier. I really thought that way of life was a good thing. And I...am not...kind to humans at all."

"That's not a good way to live at all," Nicolas said as he shook his head.

"Ignorance is not truly bliss," Ozpin agreed.

"But her heart's in the right place at least," Winter said.

"It's weird seeing a version of Weiss like this," Ruby said.

"Like what?" Weiss asked.

"So...caring?" Yang said. "Usually, you aren't so open about it."

"It takes some time for her to warm us to others," Blake agreed.

"I'm not that bad," Weiss mumbled.

Back to the present, Fujimaru's group was confronted by Ereshkigal who appeared before them as a giant skeletal ghost.

"So, that is..." Mash said.

"Ereshkigal," Fujimaru said.

"That's right," Ereshkigal said from where her real body resided.

"A tad dramatic, dear," Willow said.

"So, I have another sister now?" Whitley said. "And she's Weiss' twin?"

"Technically..." Clover said.

"Ishtar and Ereshkigal are two sides of the same coin," Zack said.

"Welcome to the twins club," Melanie said.

Fujimaru fell onto his knees, the environment taking its toll on him.

"Master!" Mash said in concern.

"So frail!" Ereshkigal said. "Simply revealing myself to you is enough to destroy you. You shall despair in your powerlessness!"

Fujimaru looked at her. "I'm not going to despair! Ereshkigal!" He stood up. "I want you to return King Gilgamesh to the world above! And...let's save Uruk together!"

"Hoh?" Gilgamesh said as the others looked at him questioningly.

"What is he doing?" Robyn asked in disbelief.

"Making use of his slick persuasion skills," Zack said.

"Fou!" (You mean seduction skills.)

"That basically," Zack nodded.

"I don't think she's in the mood to negotiate," Junior said.

"What gave it away," Watts said. "Was it the giant floating skeleton with a massive spear?"

"Because Ereshkigal..." Fujimaru continued, "...you're not an evil goddess!"

Ereshkigal slammed a golden double-sided spear into the ground.

"My choice will not change," Ereshkigal told him.

"Choice?" Fujimaru asked.

"Two more days until Gorgon assaults Uruk," Ereshkigal said. "Before that, I will conquer Uruk and seize its Greater Grail. I will kill every last human in Mesopotamia...and gather their souls in Kur."

"That can't be!" Mash said.

"Ereshkigal, you're..." Fujimaru said.

"And then, they will all become my property," Ereshkigal continued. "That is Ereshkigal's very first choice of her own free will."

"I'm too young and handsome to die!" Neptune cried.

"On the other hand, eternity with her," Sun said.

"That?" Scarlet said as he pointed at the giant floating skeleton.

"You've seen what she really looks like," Sun said. "Would you really object?"

"That is a difficult question," Sage said.

Living or an eternity with Ereshkigal. Decisions, decisions.

Ishtar narrowed her eyes at the declaration.

"I'm sure," Fujimaru said, "...you really don't wish for such a thing!"

"If you're going to stand in my way..." Ereshkigal said as starting from where the spear pierced the ground, the ground cracked towards Fujimaru.

"Master!" Mash blocked a pillar of earth that raised towards Fujimaru.

Ereshkigal's giant skeletal form raised her spear into the air, two pillars of earth raising from the ground. "...I will simply kick you aside!"

"Master! Your orders!" Mash said.

"Well, the negotiations were short," Roman said.

"Time for battle," Yang grinned.

"Well, I'm basically useless there," Weiss sighed. Why did her other have to shrink so much?

"A battle against a god in the heart of their domain," Ozpin said. "Why does this sound familiar?"

"Oh, shut up," Salem grumbled. So maybe trying to fight the gods in the very seat of their power was not the smartest thing she ever did. Sue her! She was wrecked with grief over losing Ozma.

"She's a pushover," Vernal said. "She'll hold back."

Others still looked at her as if she was crazy for even thinking that.

Ereshkigal sent one of the earth pillars towards them, Mash blocking it with her shield, Fujimaru empowering her. The earth pillar exploded.

"Fujimaru!" Ishtar said as she lifted Fou towards safety. "What will you do? Now that she's shown herself, you won't last long even if you're wearing a Mystic Code!"

"I..." Fujimaru said.

"Master..." Mash said. "No matter what, I am your Servant!"

"I want..." Fujimaru said as he clenched his fist in determination, "...one more chance to talk to Ereshkigal!"

"He's determined at least," Raven said.

"I'm pretty sure negotiations are over," Tai said.

"Who knows, maybe he'll get through to her," Summer said.

Ishtar smiled at his declaration.

"Mash!" Fujimaru ordered.

"Yes!" Mash said. "I'll make sure to secure your way!"

Ereshkigal sent three more earth pillars their way, each stacking up behind the one in front of it against Mash's shield. They exploded, sending them back.

"Since when do rocks explode?" Oscar asked.

"Since never!" Emerald said. "How did she even do that?"

"Goddess powers," Zack answered.

"That's bullshit," Melanie said.

"Gods are bullshit," Zack shrugged.

"Fou!" (So are we.)

"I never said we weren't," Zack replied.

Mash landed on her feet. "Master!" Mash turned to see if he was okay but quickly turned back towards Ereshkigal and saw that there were more projectiles coming her way.

The projectiles were quickly destroyed by blasts from magical staffs coming from golden portals.

"King Gilgamesh!" Mash said.

"I'll lend a hand!" Gilgamesh said. "Oh, it's only the fare to pass through to Kur. No, this is the treasure en route!"

"Ishtar?" Fujimaru said as Ishtar flew towards him, Fou still being carried by her. Fou landed on Fujimaru's shoulder.

"Fou!" Fou grumbled. He was a potential Beast of Disaster! He did not need to be carried about like some dead weight.

"Aww, your so cute!" Weiss said as she hugged him. "One good thing about my others size is that she can ride you like a pony!"

"Fou!" (Unhand me woman!)

The girls fawned over Fou as he struggled to get free without killing anyone.

Zack looked on and shook his head. How the mighty had fallen.

Zwei whined as he was forgotten.

Tai picked him up. "Don't worry, boy. We still love you."

"Jeez, you should help out from the beginning!" Ishtar complained. "I'll go, too."

"In your condition?" Fujimaru asked.

"To give a gripe or two," Ishtar said as she flew away. She stopped and turned back to him. "But you know, Fujimaru...I'm betting on you in the end!"

"Yeah!" Fujimaru replied.

Ereshkigal continued erecting earth pillars or sending them towards Mash, who either blocked or dodged them.

From above, a flying Gilgamesh provided covering fire, destroying any projectiles headed towards Mash. One headed for him, but cool as a cucumber, Gilgamesh merely summoned his axe and sliced it in half. The two halves exploded soon after.

"How does that work?" Watts wondered. "The blade on that axe is nowhere large enough to cut that rock perfectly in half."

"It's not just any axe," Zack said in all seriousness. "It's a magical axe."

"That's not an answer at all," Penny said.

"Sure it is," Jaune said. "It's a magical axe. Any argument you may have is invalid."

Winter looked like she was about to burst a blood vessel. That was not a valid answer!

"Makes sense to me," Whitley agreed.

"I thought flying was my thing," Weiss grumbled at seeing Gilgamesh fly.

"He's the king," Zack said. "And thus, all your powers are his as well."

Ereshkigal cackled as she continued sending projectiles at them, Gilgamesh meeting her assault with his magical wands while Mash dodged and blocked on the ground as she continued to advance towards Ereshkigal.

"I shall skewer you!" Ereshkigal declared.

"I can't get close to her!" Mash said as she dodged.

"It's that lance!" Ishtar told them.

"Oh?" Gilgamesh said as he landed.

"If you can deal with that thing somehow, you can get close to her!" Ishtar explained.

"None of you will be able to escape from here," Ereshkigal told them.

Ereshkigal was consumed by a fire storm, but it did no damage and she merely swept it aside. "How impudent!"

However, the fire was merely a distraction as Mash closed in on Ereshkigal. Spear and shield met as the two clashed.

"Good distraction," Oobleck said.

"But can the girl even match the goddess' strength?" Port said. "I don't know how strong that goddess is, but her size probably isn't just for show."

Mash dug her heels in but was being pushed back by Ereshkigal's superior strength.

"Mash!" Fujimaru yelled as he ran towards her.

Mash struggled as Ereshkigal kept pushing back.

"I shall crush you!" Ereshkigal said.

Several blasts from King Gilgamesh's magical staffs hit her and her spear.

Ereshkigal scoffed. "Attacks of the dead don't work against me." She looked as her spear cracked and chipped away. "Impossible!"

"Mwahaha! Rule Breaker!" Jaune cackled.

"Jaune?" Saphron said in concern.

"Sorry," Jaune said. "Just felt the urge for some reason."

"A certain witch might wish to have words with you," Zack said.

"I beg your pardon?" Glynda asked.

"Not you," Zack said. "An actual witch. Last I heard, she actually found a lawyer in the Throne of Heroes. Some guy named Phoenix Wright."

"That'll be an interesting court session," Junior said.

Fujimaru reached Mash and looked at Ereshkigal's cracked spear. "It worked?"

"Though I may be dead for the time being," Gilgamesh said with his Gates opened and magical staffs ready, "I can still convict you under my Royal Authority!"

"Fou!" (Otherwise known as Gilgamesh ain't bound by no rules. He is the rules!)

Gilgamesh's attack forced Ereshkigal to defend herself with her spear.

"Ereshkigal!" Gilgamesh said as he continued firing. "Why did you join the Three Goddess Alliance?"

Ereshkigal didn't answer.

"Have you forgotten your duty to protect Sumer's people and culture?" Gilgamesh asked.

Ereshkigal's real body gritted her teeth at the accusation.

"Make no mistake, King of Uruk!" Ereshkigal said as she swung her spear. "I am Ereshkigal," she said as her spear's tip broke off. "The one entrusted with the underworld! It's my destiny to manage all humans, all souls within the underworld! I have no regret or remorse for dedicating all I have to that task!"

Ereshkigal sent her spear fragments at Gilgamesh which exploded around him.

Unperturbed, King Gilgamesh didn't move an inch. "If so, your defeat will serve as punishment for your sins!"

Ereshkigal stilled as her spear vanished. "Punishment?"

Fujimaru and Mash looked on as Ereshkigal's put away her weapon.

"I was merely striving to fulfil my duties as a goddess," Ereshkigal said. She flared her power outwards. "And you punish me?"

"Well, you sure seem to have a talent for angering gods," Sun said.

"It's a gift," Jaune said.

"I'm pretty sure it's a curse," Neptune said.

Strong gusts of wind came from her direction as several pieces of rock broke off from the ceiling.

Ereshkigal's aura subsided. "Why..."

"And now she's sad," Robyn said.

"Sounds like the sorrows of the underappreciated worker," Ghira said.

"She does work very hard to make sure the underworld runs smoothly," Zack said. "Unfortunately, being the goddess of the dead doesn't usually inspire love and devotion."

"So, a misunderstood goddess who is feared for what she represents," Ozpin said.

Ishtar flew to her ear. "Ereshkigal! What was this about your very first choice of your own free will?" Ishtar kept shooting at Ereshkigal, which she didn't even react to. "Just because nobody came to visit, you cooped up down here!"

"Shut up," Ereshkigal said.

"I'm pretty sure you're not helping the situation here, Weiss," Blake said.

"Shut up," Weiss said. "She's my twin, someone has to knock sense into her."

"Even when to her, you're probably an annoying fly buzzing around her face?" Roman asked.

Neo mimed a fly swatter being swung. Splat goes the Ishtar bug.

"She does seem pretty squishable at the moment," Tyrian agreed.

"And now, you're just taking it out on others!" Ishtar continued. "To think you're my other half... There are limits to how pathetic you can be!"

"Shut up!" Ereshkigal yelled as a strong gust of wind sent Ishtar flying.

"Ishtar!" Mash said in concern, then saw Fujimaru running after Ishtar. "Master!"

Ereshkigal rose up, giant skeletal hand reaching out for Fujimaru. "Do you think so, too?"

Fujimaru ran faster as a giant fist just missed him.

Fujimaru scooped up a fallen Ishtar, saving her from the incoming fist that smashed the ground behind them.

Ereshkigal looked at Fujimaru with Ishtar in his hands.

"Am I mistaken?" Ereshkigal asked.

"Someone's heartbroken," Saphron said.

"Seriously, is there a book to learn how to get girls so effortlessly?" Mercury wondered.

"Don't bother," Emerald said. "Even divine intervention won't help you there."

"Ooh, burn," Vernal said.

"Ereshkigal?" Fujimaru said.

"Entertainment, joy, sadness, friends to call my own..." Ereshkigal said. "I didn't have any of those... while I've managed the souls of the dead here for a numbingly long time. I watched my other half fly freely through the heavens. You accuse me of a crime? After all this, you point your finger and say collecting souls is wrong? Is nobody going to commend me for all the work I've done? A job I did all this time by myself."

"Sounds like she's been alone for a long time," Willow said softly.

"It's a lonely life," Zack said.

"But to commend her for doing her job?" Salem said. "To do so might be the biggest insult she could ever receive."

"How so?" Hazel asked.

"To commend someone is to understand her struggles," Salem said. "How could a mortal man understand the plights of a goddess?"

"She makes a good point," Ozpin begrudgingly agreed.

Ereshkigal remembered her stolen moments with Fujimaru in Ishtar's body.

"Fujimaru..." Ereshkigal stretched her hand towards him.

"I cannot commend you," Fujimaru answered. "If I commend you, I will hurt your pride!"

Tears fell from the real Ereshkigal as her skeletal bodies hand crackled with red electricity. The ground moved like a wave towards Fujimaru.

"I thought commending her was the wrong option!" Coco said in alarm. "Why is she attacking him again?"

"I'm pretty sure she doesn't care at the moment," Velvet said.

"And here I thought he could make no mistake when talking to women," Fox said.

"Technically, what he said was the right thing to say," Yatsuhashi said.

"I'm pretty sure the goddess disagrees," Sun said.

"If you're not going to understand me..." Ereshkigal said as Mash leaped in and got Fujimaru out of danger. "If you're not going to commend me...Fujimaru...I will kill anyone, even you!"

"Mash, let's go!" Fujimaru said.

"Sure!" Mash answered.

"We're counting on you," Ishtar said as she watched with Gilgamesh and Fou.

Ereshkigal's giant skeletal hand reached for the skies. "A sky without light..."

The blue flames in the soul cages flared for a moment. "A surface without reflection..."

A red circle appeared around Ereshkigal. "Mud without budding flowers!"

Giant spires of red energy emerged from the circle. "There is nothing here! I don't even understand what the souls are saying!"

Tears flowed from Ereshkigal's eyes. "Even then, I will...create!" Ereshkigal raised a giant red spear in her hands, wind blowing from the power emitting from it. "A land of the dead that won't take a step back from any other world!"

"Is that why you dominate over humans?" Fujimaru asked.

"That is my choice!" Ereshkigal said.

"Ereshkigal, you are a liar!" Fujimaru said as the real Ereshkigal looked at him. "You actually are...trying to protect humans!"

"How is that protecting humans?" Nicolas said.

"She's safeguarding human souls in her underworld," Kali realized.

"So, safety but with no freedom," Sienna said. "Not an attractive option."

"She's not giving them much choice though," Ilia pointed out. "She just reaps their souls without asking."

"I'm sure Fujimaru will bring her to her senses," Summer shrugged.

Fujimaru raised his fist to his chest. "Mash...I order you with a Command Spell!" One of the Command Spells lit up. "Protect Goddess Ereshkigal's dignity..." a cape manifested around the skirt area of Mash's armour, "...her choice..." Mash's shield materialized, "...and her will..." Ereshkigal prepared to attack as Mash prepared to meet it head on, "...with all your might!"

Ereshkigal thrust her spear at them. "Nammu..."

Mash jumped towards the attack. "Lord..."


"...Camelot!" Mash slammed her shield into the ground, a white castle appearing as the barrier prepared to meet the might of a goddess.

"Gugalanna!" Ereshkigal yelled as her attack hit Lord Camelot.

"It's holding," Glynda said. "That is one strong barrier."

"It's strength is proportional to Mash's will," Zack said. "So, it's not cracking anytime soon."

"Impossible!" Ereshkigal said as Lord Camelot held strong against her attack.

"To protect you..." Mash said. "That is my Master's wish! And...I believe it is the right thing! Because that is...the path I have chosen!"

"My..." Ereshkigal said, "...resolve!"

Lord Camelot rebounded Ereshkigal's attack back towards her, a giant pillar of light appearing in the underworld.

"Bemoaning the obligations you chose to uphold dutifully is evil," Gilgamesh said, "and to praise that pain is an insult only to yourself."

"So, that's why Fujimaru will not commend," a back to normal Ishtar said.

"What should be praised is the triumph you achieved," Gilgamesh said. "The pain in your heart is for you alone."

"Well, I can see why you'd feel that longing to be understood, too," Ishtar said.

"Wise words," Ozpin said. "He seems to understand them better than most."

"Well, he might not be the first king, but he's a king nonetheless," Zack said.

The pillar of light vanished and in its place, stood Ereshkigal's real body.

"And finally, we officially meet Ereshkigal," Yang said. "Still digging the blonde hair, Weiss."

"I'll rather become bald!" Weiss said.

"Don't be upset that she looks prettier with golden locks," Yang replied.

"No she isn't," Weiss said. "Right?"

"I have to agree," Jaune said. "Blondes for life!"

"Yeah," Neptune nodded. "She does look nicer with blonde hair."

"Join us," Sun said. "We have cookies!"

"Gluten-free cookies at that," Saphron said.

Ruby gasped. Gluten-free? What blasphemy was this!

Fujimaru walked towards her.

"We finally meet again," Fujimaru said.

"So, you are..." Mash said, "...Ereshkigal?"

"Why did you think I was lying?" Ereshkigal asked.

"I mean, you were always so worried about humans," Fujimaru said. "So, maybe that's why. Besides, you came and visit me time and time again."

Ereshkigal became shocked at being discovered, which soon became an ever-increasing embarrassment.

"And you taught me a lot of things," Fujimaru continued. "So, I was sure that you weren't an evil goddess."

"Master, have you already met her before?" Mash asked.

"Well, yeah," Fujimaru said.

Ereshkigal turned beet red. "W-W-W-Wait! You knew all along that it was me?"

"I only had a hunch, but..." Fujimaru said.

"Then, how I was acting," Ereshkigal said, "about how I'm a fearful goddess..."

"I'm sure you had some sort of reason for it," Fujimaru said.

"Oh my goodness!" Ereshkigal said as she crouched down. "What a blunder! I can't be any more pathetic than this!"

"Isn't she adorkable?" Coco said.

"I wish our Weiss was so easy to fluster," Blake sighed. "Instead, we got the tsundere."

"Hey!" Weiss said. "I'm perfection!"

"We love you even if you are difficult at times," Ruby said.

"And what does that mean?" Weiss said as she looked at Ruby.

"Nothing!" Ruby quickly answered.

"She needs more dere to counter her overwhelming tsun," Blake muttered.

"Agreed," Yang said.

"Look here!" Ishtar said as she and Fou walked towards them. "Even if you tried to brush yourself up right now, it's obvious that you're an airhead!"

"I don't want to hear it from a greedy goddess blinded by jewels!" Ereshkigal shot back.

"What was that?" Ishtar said as she was insulted.

"Let's test that," Zack said as he threw a pretty gem to the ground.

"Ooh! Shiny!" Emerald said as she went to snatch it.

Too bad for her, Neo was faster. The mute girl smirked as she spun the gem on the tip of her finger like a basketball.

"That's my girl," Roman said proudly. Show that small timer who the better thief was.

"I could have sworn she would have leaped for it," Cardin said.

"You do remember I'm rich, right?" Weiss said. "I have plenty of jewels at home."

"Even ones you can't find anywhere in Remnant?" Zack asked.

Weiss hesitated. "Yes."

"Sure," Whitley said with a roll of his eyes. He'd seen her jewel collection. He was pretty sure she had every jewel in existence that naturally formed in Remnant. Ones literally out of this world would be something she could not resist.

"Have you wrapped things up?" Gilgamesh asked in a bored tone.

"Well, I think so," Mash said.

"I guess I got all twisted up..." Ereshkigal said, "...back when I first met you in Kutha and didn't kill you."

Fujimaru remembered Kutha.

"Yup," Cinder nodded. "Should have killed him first chance you got. Now, he's brought you over to his side."

"He should pursue a career in diplomacy after this," Ironwood said. "He would be an excellent diplomat."

"Before or after he accidentally seduces every female government official within a certain age range?" Qrow said.

"Oh, I don't know," Tai said. "Aren't most government officials in their 50s?"

"Not all of them," Summer said. "Plenty of young women who managed to reach a high government position before 40. Some of them might even be single."

"Hey, Fujimaru," Ereshkigal turned towards him. "I..."

Ereshkigal was bisected from behind as Fujimaru watched in shock as she collapsed to the ground.

Ziusudra stood behind her, sword pointed at the ground as if it had never moved.

Winter was immediately upon Qrow.

"Did you just kill my sister!?" Winter demanded as she strangled the older man. "Did you just kill my sister!?"

"Get off me woman!" Qrow screamed back. "It was the other me! You're making me spill my beer!"

Zack separated them. "Relax, she's fine."

"Wasn't she just cut in half?" Clover said.

"Who said anything about Ereshkigal being the one cut?" Zack replied.

Mash and Fou were shocked while Gilgamesh merely looked on.

"Ereshkigal!" Fujimaru ran towards her.

"Damn you!" Ishtar said as she did a flying kick towards Qrow. Her foot merely passed through him as if he were a hologram.

"You're kidding me!" Ishtar said as she landed.

"Calm yourselves," Ziusudra said. "Look and see."

Fujimaru realized that Ereshkigal was physically untouched.

"What this sword severed was not her bond to life," Ziusudra said, "but to this misbegotten alliance."

"He can do that?" Junior said.

"Well, he once cut off their communications with Chaldea, without any tech or magic, so I imagine yes," Zack said. He was King 'can kill anything' Hassan, what was a mere magical contract to him?

"Fou!" (He's still terrifying.)

"He is your natural enemy after all," Zack said.

"How do you cut off communications with a sword?" Oscar wondered.

"Magical bullshit obviously," Watts said.

"Can it be?" Mash said.

Ereshkigal woke up in Fujimaru's arms. "I'm stunned! Didn't you just cut me in half?"

"Ereshkigal!" Fujimaru said in relief.

"She's alright!" Ruby said in relief.

"But we literally just saw her being cut in half!" Weiss exclaimed.

Qrow puffed up. "I'm just that good."

"If only that transferred over to your luck," Raven said, getting Qrow to grumble in annoyance.

"Wha..." Ereshkigal realized how close she was to him and became embarrassed again. "What's up with this situation?"

"Is she all right?" Mash asked as she ran to them.

"Who are you, old man?" Gilgamesh asked, knowing full well that there was nothing ordinary about him.

"I've met you here before!" Fujimaru said.

"It seems fate connects us, Ritsuka Fujimaru," Ziusudra said.

"It really does," Zack said. "I'm surprised he didn't recognize him. Though he's probably suppressing his aura." No way would anyone mistake that sense of death as anything else.

"They've met before?" Coco asked.

"In the previous Singularity," Zack said. "Though he looked different then."

"Fou!" (Understatement.)

"What did he look like?" Amber asked.

"Spoilers," Zack said. No way was he spoiling the big reveal.

Ereshkigal stood up and faced the old man. "Why...did you free me?"

"A good question," Ziusudra said. "I have come from the Abyss to set events in motion. I appear here as a friend from another land. Mistress of the underworld...The goddess who loved all humans, each fated to die...Death was gentle. Not a terrible thing in your hands. You gave yourself to your duty in safeguarding the souls in your care. You cast your lot with the alliance meaning to safeguard as many souls as you could, protected here in your realm. Though none may understand. Though you may stand alone in a sea of souls."

"Yes," Ereshkigal said. "Protecting this silence was my pride as a goddess."

"I wish all gods were like that," Salem sighed.

"That's her new understanding of humans speaking," Zack said. "The human hosts make them ever so human."

"What's she normally like?" Velvet asked.

"Nothing like this, that's for certain," Zack said.

"Pride in your work is always good," Oobleck said. "How can you do well if you don't take pride in what you accomplish?"

"Too much pride is not good either," Sienna said, looking at Jacques.

"So, that is the real reason why you joined the Three Goddess Alliance," Gilgamesh said.

"That alliance has already been severed," Ziusudra said as he began to disappear. "You can do as you wish from here on."

Ziusudra disappeared.

"And he is now gone," Mash said. "Um, what happened just now was..."

"Damn, he's good," Roman said.

Neo nodded. Definitely an assassin. But was he the stab you in the back kind or the appear in front of you then stab you to death kind?

"I could take him," Mercury said.

"Sure you could," Cinder said.

Zack snorted as Fou rolled around laughing. Him? Take on the Grand Assassin? Now that would be a curb stomp battle if there ever was one.

"It means Ereshkigal has nothing to do with the Three Goddess Alliance anymore," Ishtar said.

"Ereshkigal..." Fujimaru said.

Ereshkigal looked unsure of what to do now.

"Let's save Uruk together!" Fujimaru offered once again.

Ereshkigal looked at him. "But there were so many that I..."

"The bodies of those who died from exhaustion are all stored away," Gilgamesh said. "The population of Kutha is 900, and there are 300 injured in Uruk. That's just 1,200 people in total. Such a small number could fit comfortably beneath the ziggurat."

"Then..." Ereshkigal said.

"If you release them from your soul cages, they'll all come right back to life," Gilgamesh confirmed.

Ereshkigal cried at how her blunder may have turned out were it not for Gilgamesh's foresight.

"That's fortunate," Jaune said. "So, she technically didn't kill anyone."

"Not all that many," Port said. "I thought there would be more."

"Those are the ones with bodies to return to," Zack said. "Plenty more died naturally."

"By naturally, you mean..." Saphron asked.

"Oh you know, the usual," Zack said. "Age, battle, disease, the usual stuff."

Fujimaru stretched his hand towards her. "I want you to fight Gorgon with me."

"After all, I am a goddess," Ereshkigal said. "I-I-I-I shall..." she shyly placed her hand in his, "...accept that responsibility."

They shook hands.

"It seems like I put you up for doing this to begin with, too!" Ereshkigal said.

She turned redder as Fujimaru held her hand with both of his.

"Thank you!" Fujimaru said.

Ereshkigal was embarrassed by the thank you.

"She's so bashful," Willow said.

"I just want to hug her and never let go," Winter said.

"Did you forget that she was just an angry all-powerful goddess a few moments ago" Hazel asked.

"Water under the bridge," Whitley said.

"It's official," Neptune said. "Ereshkigal is the best goddess there!"

"Amen!" several of them said.

Weiss was conflicted. On one hand, she was technically Ereshkigal's host as well. On the other hand, she still liked Ishtar better. Was she being insulted and complimented at the same time when they decided Ereshkigal was better than Ishtar?

"Then, will you help us, too, Ereshkigal?" Mash asked.

"W-Well yes," Ereshkigal said.

"Master, this means the end of the Three Goddess Alliance!" Mash said.

"Yeah," Fujimaru said.

"The end result is an achievement for you, Fujimaru," Gilgamesh praised.

"Wow, he broke the Alliance without killing the other members in it," Oscar said.

"It probably helped that the two other goddesses didn't want to kill humans in the first place," Ironwood said.

"Still quite an accomplishment," Ozpin said. "Turning your enemies into allies."

"Yes, the power of the Talk-no-Jutsu is quite overwhelming," Zack agreed.

"The what?" Robyn said.

"It's an ability where the hero convinces the villain to side with them via a combination of talking while beating the shit out of them," Zack said. "It's a ninja technique, believe it or not?"

"What kind of ninja does that?" Blake said in disbelief. "Do they wear bright orange as well?"

"You would know, ninja girl," Ilia said.

"So, does that mean you're going to form a contract with Fujimaru as a Servant?" Ishtar asked.

"I won't do that for now," Ereshkigal said.

"Really?" Fujimaru asked.

"A contract should deal with both parties equally, in a fair manner," Ereshkigal said. "So, I have to repay your kindness first."

"Repay my kindness?" Fujimaru said.

"To sum up," Ishtar said, "she'll make a cool entrance when Fujimaru and the others are in a bind and repay his kindness first."

"Yes!" Ereshkigal nodded. "So, when the time comes, I hope to do well on that occasion."

"Yeah! We'll love to have you!" Fujimaru said.

"Yes, such is the way a goddess should appear," Weiss agreed.

"So, basically like the hero appearing at the last minute to save the day," Yang said.

"Everyone knows the hero shows up at the last minute," Sun said.

"Like yours truly during the Breach," Coco grinned.

"I'm pretty sure that was the Atlesians," Jaune said.

The huntsmen in training there grumbled. Stupid Atlas and their toys stealing all their glory. Oh, they were grateful to be sure, but teenager will be teenagers.

They began the long trek back to the tunnel Ishtar dug.

"We somehow got through all that!" Ishtar said.

"Ishtar, you're back to your normal guise," Mash said.

"The underworld is somewhere I shouldn't visit after all!" Ishtar said.

"You helped us a lot by being our guide!" Fujimaru said.

"Now, what should I ask for in return?" Ishtar wondered.

"Wow, and here I thought you did it out of the kindness of your heart," Nora said.

"She has a heart?" Adam said.

"It's there," Ruby said. "Just buried under several layers of ice. You have to melt through her first."

"Ice queen," Yang smirked. "Good thing you have the goddess of the Sun here to melt through your ice-cold heart!"

"Oh, shut it," Weiss grumbled.

"As you can see," Blake said. "It's still a work in progress."

"Hmm..." Zack said as he really looked at Weiss. Maybe she would be a better fit as Anastasia or Skadi. Or should that be Winter?

"I've always wondered about this," Gilgamesh said, "but Ishtar..."

"What?" Ishtar asked.

"I'm sure you couldn't help but notice Ereshkigal had a grudge against you."

"Well, yeah," Ishtar said.

"So, knowing that, why did you come?" Gilgamesh asked.

"That's true," Fujimaru said.

"Because I didn't like the situation, of course," Ishtar said. "It was the story of how the gods ordered her to never leave the underworld. I had to do something after hearing a sorry story like that. I wanted to tell her, 'Just drop your duties in the underworld and leave!' That's why I went to meet her. To give her that advice. The same can be said for this time. I was able to say what I wanted, so I'm satisfied."

"She does care!" Pyrrha said.

"At least she has some good qualities," Sienna admitted.

"And she got skewered for it, too," Kali said.

"See what I get for trying to help," Weiss said. "Sisters are such a pain."

"I beg your pardon," Winter said.

"Twins are such a pain," Weiss corrected.

"Amen," Raven and Qrow said, then glared at each other.

"Glad we're not like that," Melanie said.

"Yeah," Miltia agreed.

Gilgamesh laughed at her.

"Wh-What?" Ishtar said.

"That's so like you, Ishtar!" Fujimaru said.

"Huh?" Ishtar said.

"Yes," Mash agreed.

Ishtar turned away from them, embarrassed.

"I'm sure she told you something like, 'Easier said than done!'" Gilgamesh said.

"Was that before or after she stabbed her multiple times?" Tyrian asked.

"Why do you want to know?" Zack asked, knowing he would probably regret asking that.

"It's all about presentation," Tyrian lectured. "Depending on the situation, the villain's reaction must be suitably dramatic to fit the situation at hand."

"I'm sorry, what?" Tai said.

Zack looked around in worry. Did he have to worry about some fourth wall breakers showing up? He thought his anti-Deadpool field was up to date.

"Fou, fou, fou!" (Don't worry. He was sniffing about, so I kicked him off to My Little Pony before coming here.)

"I'm not sure if that's cruel or not," Zack said. Deadpool, in a world full of sunshine and rainbows? Sanity must have gone out the window a long time ago.

"So what?" Ishtar said. "No matter what form, she decided to leave the underworld! Hey, wait! Hey, you! What's up with you there?"

Gilgamesh's body had become semi-transparent and floated into the air.

"It seems Ereshkigal has released her hold on my soul," Gilgamesh said.

"So, King Gilgamesh, will you return straight to Uruk?" Fujimaru asked.

"Yeah!" Gilgamesh said. "Make sure you return, as well, without taking any detours!"

"Isn't it unfair that only you get the easy way back?" Ishtar said.

"Fool!" Gilgamesh said. "This is nothing more than the difference in virtue between us!"

"Please be careful!" Mash said.

"We'll see you in Uruk again!" Fujimaru said.

Gilgamesh's floating soul smiled at them, before turning serious and turned to look at an area of the underworld. A small cordoned off area by empty cages and chains had been disturbed, a hole in the middle.

"So, it's not here after all," Gilgamesh said.

"What is that," Summer said.

"Looks like something was dug out," Amber said.

"Not something, someone," Clover said. "Wasn't Enkidu buried here?"

"Grave robbing," Nora said with a frown. "So, that's how they got not!Ren's body."

"Should have cremated it then," Ren said.

"Doubt that it would work," Zack said. "That would have to be some fire to cremate that body."

Gilgamesh remembered Enkidu's final moments.

"I am a weapon," Enkidu told him as he laid in his arms. "I'm nothing more than one of your countless treasures. In the future, you will encounter treasures more valuable than me."

Gilgamesh grieved as his friend died in his arms.

"Well, that was depressing," Roman said.

"So that was how I died there," Ren said. "Sorry that I died in your arms."

"It's fine," Jaune said quietly. He had never known lost before, so was unsure how to deal with it.

Pyrrha held his hand. "Let's make sure that never happens to us."

"Yeah," Jaune said.

Gilgamesh woke up on his throne.

A clay tablet was dropped.

"King Gilgamesh!" Siduri exclaimed.

"That was my third descent into the underworld," Gilgamesh said. "How about you get used to it by now?"

Siduri looked very relieved at seeing the king back on the throne.

"We have no time to stand still!" Gilgamesh said. "I surely have many duties piled up!"

"Yes!" Siduri said.

"Work!" Saphron said. "You just returned to life and the first thing you do is work!"

"Think about the backlog!" Jaune said. "It might take me days to get back on schedule! Besides, it's obvious that not even death can stop me!"

"Backlog..." Ozpin shuddered. The only thing more horrid than regular paperwork. The backlog that resulted in not being around for a day to combat the never-ending menace.

"Good work ethic," Glynda nodded approvingly.

"That would not be the first thing I do if I was brought back to life," Qrow said.

"Let me guess, alcohol?" Winter said.

"Got it in one!" Qrow said. "Well, maybe after seeing my family first."

"So I see," Siduri said as Gilgamesh put down a tablet he finished reading. "Then, Your Majesty, you confirmed it for yourself that it was nowhere to be found."

"Yeah," Gilgamesh said as he stood up and walked down from the throne. "Enkidu's corpse that should've been buried in the graveyard of the underworld...The relationship between Enkidu and Ereshkigal was not a bad one. He supposedly had been buried with much courtesy."

Siduri followed him. "But that corpse was gone. Which means...It can't be that Kingu is Enkidu himself, right?"

"No," Gilgamesh said. "Enkidu's soul was destroyed by the gods. Even if the physical body was actually his, that thing is not Enkidu."

"So, someone is definitely walking around using my body as a meat suit," Ren said.

"Does that mean it's alright for us to hit you?" Ruby asked. "Since it's not really you anymore."

"Sure, knock yourself out," Ren said.

"I'm pretty sure she just might," Emerald said. Kingu was crazy strong.

"Right, on to the next one," Zack said. "We're once more going against Gorgon!"

"Yeah, let's skin that snake!" Yang said.

'Oh, you won't be thinking that once you know the truth,' Zack thought as he showed the next one.

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