Episode 16

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FGO Babylonia EP 16


"A doll with no life nor name?" Kingu said as he stood on the beach, watching the Lahmu make it to shore. "Me? Nonsense. Even if I weren't born from Mother, she still gave me life as Kingu. This body... I don't know anything about Enkidu. I have no records. But what of it? I'm just a puppet made of mud who works for Tiamat. All I need is such a reason to exist."

Tiamat sang as she made her way to land, still kilometres away.

"I am..." Kingu said, "...her son."

Blood dripped as a rather large hole was made in Kingu's chest, courtesy of a Lahmu.

"Mother..." Kingu said.

"Kingu!" Fujimaru said in surprise.

The Lahmu began laughing.

"Wow, so they backstabbed him the first chance they had," Roman said.

"Why would they do that?" Penny asked.

"Number of reasons," Sienna said. "Probably because his purpose has been fulfilled and they no longer need him."

"It happens all the time," Junior said.

"What's so funny?" Kingu asked, trying to dislodge himself from the Lahmu's spear like limb.

"It. Obvious," the Lahmu who speared him said.

"Because. Watching. You. Funny. Because. This. Is. Fun!" another Lahmu said.

"Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!" a different Lahmu said. "Killing. Humans. Really. Fun!"

"These things sure are terrifying," Ruby said.

"I don't know, I like them," Tyrian said.

"Of course you do," Cinder sighed. Of course the homicidal maniac would like other homicidal maniacs.

"You. Too!" the Lahmu let Kingu go, extracting something golden from his body.

"That light..." Fujimaru said.

"It's the signal of the Holy Grail!" Mash said.

"So, Kingu was the one storing the Holy Grail after all!" Ishtar said as Kingu collapsed onto his knees. "Gorgon was receiving the power of the Grail through him!"

"And now we know why they backstabbed him," Qrow said. "Is that thing his heart?"

"It is," Zack said.

"How does one function without a heart?" Penny asked.

"Backups?" Watts said. "Maybe he has redundancies."

"This was not how I envisioned having my heart stolen," Ren said.

"How did you envision it?" Nora asked.

Ren coughed in embarrassment and avoided the question.

"But why would the Lahmu..." Fujimaru asked.

The Lahmu ate the Holy Grail. "You. No. Need. Anymore." It began mutating. "It. Is. Our. Job. To. Wake. Mother. You. Are. Obsolete." The Lahmu grew wings and flew. "Now. Die. Here."

"Ability to fly?" Mash said in surprise.

"Ishtar!" Fujimaru ordered.

"I won't let it escape!" Ishtar said as she fired a shot at the flying Lahmu, but the attack just bounced off its skin.

"Be careful!" Quetzalcoatl warned. "That thing has a Magical Reactor Core within its body!"

"Go Weiss!" Yang cheered.

"This has to be the weirdest chase ever," Neptune said.

"Just you wait, no way is some monster going to outrace me!" Weiss boasted.

"How is it flying anyway?" Salem said. "Even Grimm need to obey the laws of physics."

"It's the Age of Gods," Zack said. "Physics are just mere suggestions as far as people there are concerned."

The flying Lahmu flew away, but Ishtar quickly flew pass it and blocked its path, preparing an attack.

"In. My. Way," the Lahmu said as it flew away, laughing while dodging Ishtar's attack, starting the weirdest aerial battle ever seen.

"This is no time to laugh!" Ishtar said as she gave chase.

"Ok, so maybe it's faster than I thought," Weiss said.

"Remarkably agile for something that just started flying a few seconds ago," Ironwood said.

"More instinct than experience," Winter said.

"Whatever it is, it's getting away," Clover said.

"Like I'm going to let that happen," Weiss said.

Kingu ran for Quetzalcoatl's temple as the Lahmu chased after him. With his back to the Sun Stone, Kingu tried to fight back, but was too weak to do any damage.

"No. Use! No. Use!" the Lahmu said. "No. Holy. Grail. No. More. Mother's. Voice. Can't. Hear!"

"You. Useless! Kingu. Useless!" the other Lahmu repeated. "Kingu. Pitiful! Pitiful!"

"Shut up!" Kingu said as he made four portals appear, launching four chains at them. The chains just bounced off the body of the first Lahmu.

"Pitiful! Is. Amusing!" the Lahmu said. "Pitiful. Is. Amusing! Ludicrous. And. Amusing! Kingu. Fun! Obsolete. Kingu!"

"Why... you mass-produced little..." Kingu said as he launched himself at the lead Lahmu again, only to be push back with contemptuous ease.

"What happened to the army killer?" Adam said.

"He did just have his heart ripped out," Ilia said.

"That and much of his power actually came from the Grail," Zack said. "The normal Enkidu was powerful and could decimate those Lahmu with ease, even without the Grail."

"Looks like not even he can walk off having his heart ripped out," Amber said.

"The fact that he's still alive after that is impressive itself," Raven said.

"This wasn't how it was supposed to be!" Kingu said with his back to the Sun Stone. "I am the ultimate weapon of this era!"

Kingu, seeing no other choice, ran.

"He. Ran! He. Ran!" the Lahmu said. "Hunt! Hunt!"

The flying Lahmu continued to dodge Ishtar's attacks, but couldn't avoid Quetzalcoatl. It managed to push her away and proceeded to send Ishtar crashing to the ground.

"Ooh, and Weiss was just shot down!" Sun said.

"I'm pretty sure I was physically sent down," Weiss grumbled. "What is that thing, a flying tank?"

"You can't fly a tank, fool," Cardin said.

"Sure you can," Ruby said.

"I'll believe it when I see it," Whitley said.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to make you eat those words," Zack said.

Fujimaru, Mash and Quetzalcoatl regrouped at Ishtar's crash site.

"Weak," the flying Lahmu said.

"That pisses me off!" Ishtar said.

The Lahmu flew away as Ishtar got up.

"Are you trying to outrace me?" Ishtar said as she began glowing with unleashed energy. "Bring it on. I'll take you on!"

Ishtar quickly resumed pursuit of the escaping Lahmu.

"Someone's competitive," Willow said.

"Just never let her organize a race," Zack said.

"Oh, why not?" Nicolas asked.

"The one and only race Ishtar ever organized ended up with most of the racers in prison, then they had to stage a breakout, lets not even get into the ending," Zack said.

"Fou!" (Stupid oversized bull!)

"So, going overboard is something they share in common," Blake said.

"I don't go overboard," Weiss said.

"The budget for the dance says otherwise," Glynda said.

"Come, my Quetzalcoatlus!" Quetzalcoatl ordered. Two Quetzalcoatlus landed and Quetzalcoatl mounted one. "Get on!" she told Fujimaru and Mash.

"Did she name her pets after herself?" Hazel said.

"A fine name," Yang said.

"We couldn't keep calling them winged serpents forever," Tai shrugged.

"We lost sight of Kingu," Fujimaru said.

"Senpai..." Mash said.

"It's too late," Quetzalcoatl said. "Forget him. We have limits on how far we can reach. This is all we can do. Right now, we have to go after that winged Lahmu. If we lose it, the Holy Grail will become the possession of the Primordial Mother, and everything ends."

"Why does she need it anyway?" Summer asked.

"She doesn't really," Zack said. "She alone possesses more power than several Grails combined. She just needs it to kickstart the process."

"Like a spark to start a fire," Saphron said.

"How powerful is this Tiamat?" Vernal asked.

"Not even your Brother Gods can compare," Zack said.

"Now that I'll have to see to believe," Salem said.

Kingu continued running through the forest.

"This wasn't how it was supposed to be!" Kingu said as he ran. "Mother created me as part of the new human race! Even without any experience, any memory or any love in this body, I believed Mother had hopes for me!"

"Over. There! He. Ran. Over. There!" the pursuing Lahmu said as they closed in on Kingu. "Corner. Him! Capture. Him! Break. Him! Break. The. Defect!"

"This can't be..." Kingu said as he continued running. "There was nothing! This land had nothing!"

Kingu remembered his terrible past. "I was expendable from the start." He remembered his slaughtering of humans. "I was just a fake from the beginning! No future, no hopes, no will, not even friends... I had nothing. The only thing I had was that I was Mother's only child. And that was the only thing I could cling to."

Penny wondered what she would do if she had no purpose? Would she become a homicidal AI hell-bent on world domination and human extinction?

"Penny, you alright?" Ruby asked.

"I'm fine, friend Ruby!" Penny said cheerfully.

Penny had decided that if she ran out of objectives, she could always spend time with her first friend. She just had to find a secured room first.

Zack was getting Hal vibes out of Penny for some reason. He shrugged. It was better than getting Skynet vibes.

Kingu stopped running, letting the Lahmu to catch up to him. Kingu turned to face them.

"Found. You," the Lahmu mocked.

"So, this is where it ends," Kingu said as he leaned against a tree trunk for support, too weak to even stand. "Disappointing... Just like the old humans."

The four Lahmu approached him as Kingu accepted his end.

"If only I'd known..." Kingu said.

"So, this is how I die," Ren said. "Betrayed and alone."

"That's going to be you someday," Qrow said to Raven.

"No, you'll be the one to kick the bucket first as long as you stay on as Ozpin's lackey," Raven retorted.

"Oh great, this again," Tai groaned.

"They do this often?" Summer asked.

"Qrow always complains to me about it after he meets with her on those not so secret meeting of theirs," Tai said.

"Right, portals," Summer said.

The lead Lahmu raised its limb to kill Kingu, and the sound of flesh being pierced was heard, but it wasn't Kingu's.

Kingu opened his eyes to see that the two Lahmu in the front was killed by another one.

"Oh?" Jaune said. "Looks like Nora's returned."

"How do you know it's her?" Coco asked.

"Who else could defy expectations and retain their mind despite being turned into a monster?" Jaune replied.

"Nora to the rescue!" Nora exclaimed.

"That was fortunate," Pyrrha said.

"Very," Ren agreed.

"You. You. You. Gone. Insane?" another Lahmu went to attack the traitor.

The Lahmu was killed as well, but not before managing to land a fatal blow to the traitor.

"You... saved me?" Kingu said in disbelief to his saviour.

"Enkidu," the dying Lahmu said.

Kingu realized who this Lahmu was. "You are..."

"At least he knows who it is," Ren said.

"Not how I wanted to go, but I'll take it," Nora said.

"How did you plan to go, kid?" Robyn asked.

"In a palace of pancakes drowning in maple syrup!" Nora answered in utmost seriousness.

"A magnificent way to go," Port agreed, patting his great girth.

"That can't be healthy," Kali said.

"If pancakes was homework, she'd be an honour student by now," Glynda mumbled.

"Thank. You," the Lahmu said.

"Why do this for me?" Kingu asked.

The dying Lahmu raised its limb to Kingu's face. "Find. Happiness. Please. Dearest. Friend. Enkidu. You. Gave. The. Lone. King. A. Life. You. The. Path."

Kingu began recalling Enkidu's memories of happier times involving him, Gilgamesh and Siduri. "There. Was. No. One. Who. Did. Not. Grieve. Your. Death. No. One. Forgot. Your. Death. I. Too. That. Is. Why. Find. Happiness. Enkidu."

The Lahmu began breaking apart. "Beautiful. One. Of. Green." The Lahmu sighed in relief as its death approached. "So. Glad. Thank. You. I. Was. Able. To. Tell. You. Thank. You. Thank. You. Thank. You."

Kingu reached out to grab the Lahmu, but all he grabbed was dust as the body disintegrated.

Many of them there started crying.

"That was so sad!" Nora cried.

"I know!" Ruby cried.

"So heart breaking," Blake said as she blew her nose.

Tears fell down Kingu's face. "What... is this? I didn't even know you." Enkidu's memories began to surface once again. "How come... How come... I know your name and face, though?" Kingu's tears fell without stop. "Why are you... thanking me?" Kingu fell to his knees as he grieved for reasons he knew not. "I don't have any right to receive your gratitude." Kingu cried as emotions he never knew began to surface.

"Guess the doll has a heart after all," Clover said.

Penny felt a real kinship with the other version of friend Ruby's friend Ren. She wanted to be a real girl too!

"Boo!" Tyrian said. "What happened to the murder machine? Bring him back!"

"You do realize he'd probably kill you without breaking a sweat right?" Watts said.

"That makes it better!" Tyrian grinned.

"I'd never understand how he's not Remnant's Most Wanted," Hazel said.

"It takes hard work to be on the Most Wanted List," Roman said. "Last I checked, I was just number two."

Neo pouted. Despite their efforts, the number one spot eluded them.

"Who's number one?" Oscar asked.

The Atlesians turned to look at Adam, who just smirked.

Back to the chase, Fujimaru's group was still on the tail of the escaping winged Lahmu.

"The Lahmu with the Holy Grail seems to be headed for the centre of the Persian Gulf!" Mash said. "That's probably where..."

"...Tiamat is!" Fujimaru finished.

"Quetzalcoatlus, this is the last push!" Quetzalcoatl said. "Blast that Lahmu with a plancha at max speed!"

The Quetzalcoatlus pushed forward with more speed as further in front, Ishtar had caught up to it.

"I got you now!" Ishtar said as she began shooting at it. "That cheeky speed and endurance must be... because you consolidated the Holy Grail's Magical Energy into your wings! If that's the case..." Ishtar physically grabbed the Lahmu around the waist. "...we pummel the torso! Coatl!"

"We got it!" Quetzalcoatl said as her mount caught the Lahmu in its mouth. "We'll keep going and slam it into the shore!"

The Quetzalcoatlus spat it towards the ground, where assisted by Ishtar, it was slammed with great force. Quetzalcoatl's mount pinned the Lahmu down with its claws.

"A splendid luchadora!" Quetzalcoatl complimented after dismounting.

"Who are you calling a luchadora?" Ishtar said as she caught her breath after her harrowing move.

"That was amazing, Ishtar!" Mash said as her and Fujimaru's shared mount landed.

Neo held up a 7 sign.

"I'll give it a nine," Yang said. "A splendid move Weiss!"

"A six from me," Tai said.

"Six!" Weiss said. "Why not a ten?"

"Dust cloud was too small!" Tai explained. "If you were just a little bulkier, we could have had a dust cloud twice that size!"

"Indeed!" Port agreed. "Why, I remember that time I supplexed a Beringel and the crater I created!"

"We could have made a small swimming pool with it," Oobleck remembered.

"This is unfair, I demand a re-evaluation!" Weiss said.

"The technique was pretty good," Winter agreed.

"Let's collect the Holy Grail," Ishtar said. She turned to face the sea as she sensed someone approaching, the others doing the same.

"This presence is that of a Servant!" Mash said as she materialized her shield.

"The Wandering Tales of Shana-oh, Act II... Usumidori: Steps of Heaven!" a familiar voice said.

"Oh," Coco said. "So that's what happened to me."

"You joined the enemy?" Cardin said.

"Not willingly," Velvet said.

"I wonder how they turned me?" Coco said.

"It wasn't with the promise of head pats, that's for certain," Zack said.

The leg of the Quetzalcoatlus that was keeping the Lahmu pinned was sliced, forcing it to let go.

The Lahmu wasted no time in escaping, laughing as it got away.

"Jeez! We were nearly there!" Ishtar said.

"Who are you?" Quetzalcoatl asked.

Fujimaru and Mash's eyes widened as a familiar person walked out of the water.

"It can't be," Mash said.

"Ushi... waka?" Fujimaru said as a darkened Ushiwakamaru stood before them.

"Black is not the skin tone for you," Yatsuhashi said.

"I know," Coco grimaced. "I look awful!"

"Who said being evil made you look good?" Jaune said.

"Depends I guess," Cinder said.

"Evil Ushiwakamaru looks kind of like what'd you expect a human Grimm to look like," Ruby said.

"Nah," Salem said. "It'll make you an albino."

"Like you?" Robyn asked.

"Yes, like me," Salem sighed. Who ever said being evil made you look better?

"Did you simply think I had perished?" Ushiwakamaru asked. "Indeed. Ushiwaka has already found herself in Hell. The Holy Grail will be delivered to Mother. You humans are not worthy of it. However, is you want to catch up to it, I'll grant your wish. I'll bring your heads back to the black sea with me! Just your heads!"

"Ushiwaka!" Fujimaru said as he tried to rationalize what he was seeing.

"I see," Ishtar said. "You've mutated. Or rather, Darkened. That thing is the same as the Lahmu on the inside... Tiamat's offspring!"

"Exactly!" Ushiwakamaru confirmed. She drew her blade. "I've never felt better. I've never felt more like myself from before."

"Is she faster than before?" Glynda asked.

"Not really," Oobleck said. "More ruthless, perhaps. But I don't think she's any stronger than before her mutation."

"So, what's her new gimmick?" Mercury asked.

"Gimmick?" Emerald said.

"There's always an upgrade when people turn evil or get mutated," Sun said. "That's a fact."

"There is something new she can do," Zack confirmed. "You'll see it soon."

She laughed as she launched herself at Fujimaru, being intercepted by Mash.

"Master!" Mash said as she held back the Darkened Servant.

"Defeat the enemy Servant, and we'll chase after the Holy Grail!" Fujimaru ordered, setting aside his grief to complete the mission.

"Okay!" Mash said as Ushiwakamaru jumped back.

She tried to attack Fujimaru again but was faced by Quetzalcoatl this time. "A sword for a sword!"

"I'm leaving you with the rest, Coatl!" Ishtar said. "I flew at full speed too much, and I'm all out of Magical Energy!"

"As a fellow being of Venus, I have been relied upon!" Quetzalcoatl said as she fought Ushiwakamaru.

"I'll pound the black out of her!" Yang yelled.

"That's racist!" Ilia said.

"Is it?" Sienna said.

"Don't know," Ilia said. "Just felt like saying it."

"A sword fight, eh?" Weiss said. "Joining the club are you?"

"Does that thing even count as a sword?" Melanie said.

"It looks like a bat with nails to me," Miltia said.

"Steel wasn't something her worshippers had figured out before getting wiped out," Zack said. "Though that thing is surprisingly sharp for being made of wood and rock."

The Darkened Servant was actually strong enough to give her some trouble, kicking her away and once again headed for Fujimaru.

Mash once again stood in her way.

"Mash! We'll tag team for this!" Quetzalcoatl said.

"Sure!" Mash replied.

The two of them tag teamed against Ushiwakamaru, forcing her back.

Out of the dust cloud, Quetzalcoatl came in for a powerful blow but Ushiwakamaru just smirked as she used her superior speed to get around them.

She once again headed for Fujimaru, now undefended, or so it seemed.

"Shit!" Qrow cursed. "He's wide open!"

"Did you forget who else was there?" Winter said.

"I thought she was out of juice," Jaune said.

"No one is ever truly empty," Ozpin said. "She's probably just didn't have enough left to catch up to the Lahmu."

"Flying at those speeds for so long must have drained her," Ironwood agreed.

A strong magical blast sent her away from Fujimaru.

"So, do you get a bit duller when you Darken?" Ishtar asked. "There's no way I'd ever be completely depleted!"

"Ushiwaka?" Fujimaru said.

The Darkened Servant crumbled into dust.

"That's too easy," Amber frowned.

"Remember when I said she gained new abilities," Zack said. "You'll see what it is now."

"Our plan worked!" Quetzalcoatl said.

"Are you all right, Master?" Mash asked.

"Let's chase after the Holy Grail!" Fujimaru said.

"Oh no," Ushiwakamaru said.

To their shock, Ushiwakamaru stood before them on the coast once again.

"I thought I killed her," Weiss said.

"I'm hard to kill," Coco said. "Though that might not be a good thing right now."

"How?" Yang said. "We saw her turn to dust!"

"Instant cloning?" Blake suggested.

"That's actually pretty close," Zack said.

"You're going to die here," Ushiwakamaru said.

"She's restored? No," Quetzalcoatl said.

"That was nothing like restoration or regeneration," Ishtar said.

"Die," Ushiwakamaru said. "Die like the swarming ants you are."

She walked forward, leaving a clone behind with every step.

"Those who survive on the battlefield..." Ushiwakamaru said with every step. "Those who forget it... Those who avoid the battlefield! Those... who abandoned me there. All of them must die. I'll kill them. I'll kill every single human. And then, Yoritimo... That fool Yoshitsune... I'll rip the entire Genji Clan apart!"

An army of Ushiwakamarus stood against them.

"Multiple enemy Servants!" Mash said.

"What is this?" Fujimaru asked.

"You ripped us off!" Sun and Blake complained.

"And doing it better too," Cinder said.

Sun and Blake grumbled about how everyone else seemed to have better cloning powers than them.

"How many of them are there?" Ruby asked.

"Twenty? More?" Clover said.

"This will be annoying," Yang said.

"She's multiplying," Ishtar said. "Just like the Lahmu! She probably won't die."

"Are all of you really Ushiwaka?" Fujimaru asked.

"Who knows?" one of them said with a tilt of her head.

"We have our analysis!" Ozpin told them. "As long as a finger or single strand of hair survives, a new Servant will grow from it! You might be able to endure it for now if you can simultaneously evaporate all of the Cores!"

"So, she's unkillable," Salem said.

"Those types are annoying to deal with," Ozpin said.

"More like impossible," Summer grumbled.

"Fou!" (Like Deadpool!)

"Don't say his name!" Zack hissed. "Do you want him to show up?"

"Oh yoohoo!"

Zack slammed the dimensional door shut and proceeded to have it locked with chains and welded shut.

"And stay out!" Zack yelled.

"What are you yelling at?" Raven asked.

"A nuisance," Zack said. "I knew that anti-Deadpool security was a scam!"

"I'll be back!" Deadpool yelled from wherever he was now. "Ooh, a bunch of people who are just asking to be unalived!"

Zack sighed. "He's going to show up again, isn't he?"

"Fou..." (I'm sorry...)

"I did tell you," Ushiwakamaru said as she drew her sword. "I'm going to kill you. I multiply by borrowing just a fraction of Mother's powers. You lot cannot kill me... nor can you kill Mother unless you burn the entire ocean away."

"We'll see, right?" Quetzalcoatl said. "But first, I'm going to smash your face in with my macana, yes!"

"Shut up, false goddess!" Ushiwakamaru said. "I shall smash that pathetic wooden sword of yours to pieces!"

"Don't be hating on my sword now," Yang said.

"It's not even a proper sword," Jaune said.

"At least I can use it," Yang said.

"He's getting better," Pyrrha said. "Though Crocea Mors is a bit dated, it's a good weapon."

"It doesn't turn into a gun though," Ruby said. "We can fix that."

"No tampering with grandpa's sword!" Saphron said.

Quetzalcoatl faced off against the multiple Ushiwakamarus, holding her own easily but recognized that she wouldn't be able to do much else but defend.

"This is endless!" Quetzalcoatl exclaimed.

"She's keeping them from chasing after the Lahmu," Winter said.

"Can they even catch up anymore?" Ghira asked.

"Unlikely," Adam said. "Its had too much of a head start."

"So, screwed wither way," Ilia said.

"I'll be honest," Ishtar said to Fujimaru. "Actually, when I shot that big burst, I completely ran out of Magical Energy. So, please..."

Ishtar looked at him, and Fujimaru nodded in understanding of what she was asking.

"Ishtar, lend us your powers!" Fujimaru said.

"That's my line!" Ishtar said as Fujimaru placed his hand on her shoulder.

Fujimaru began channelling his Magical Energy into Ishtar.

"Hehe, Mana Transfer," Zack chuckled.

"What's so funny about it?" Sienna asked.

"Usually Mana Transfer is best done using tantric rituals," Zack said.

"Fou!" (Right... Mana Transfer.)

"I'm sorry what?" Kali said with a blush.

"Oh...oh!" Winter said as she turned red.

The ones who got it turned red as well.

"What's that?" Weiss asked.

"I thought you knew all words," Ruby said, confused as well. Yang was too busy grinning like a loon to answer.

Blake coughed, then whispered something to Weiss.

"I'm too young for that!" Weiss shouted.

"What?" Ruby, Oscar and Whitley asked.

"Maybe when you're older dear," Willow said.

"I'd say his about the right age," Jacques said.

"I said, when he is older," Willow said.

"The path has been connected!" Ishtar said as blue circuits began appearing on her body as she received Fujimaru's Magical Energy. "Transfer all the Magical Energy you've got over here!"

Ishtar pointed at the Ushiwakamarus. "Here goes!"

Multiple strong lasers shot out of her hand as Quetzalcoatl jumped out of the way, the lasers clearing them all out. Even the one fighting Mash was hit, albeit not instantly fatal.

"Instant KO!" Neptune said.

"That's some fine shooting there," Sun said.

"Now, if only I could do that," Weiss said, looking at her fingers.

"Hmm..." Cinder said. "Interesting."

"That does seem useful," Raven said.

"Maybe I should start experimenting," Amber said.

"Twice against the same tactic," the remaining Ushiwakamaru said. "It seems I was the one who was underestimating!"

"But you can't win anyway," Ushiwakamaru said.

The winged Lahmu had already reached Tiamat. It disintegrated, leaving just the Holy Grail in front of Tiamat.

"Just now, the Grail was delivered to Mother!" Ushiwakamaru said.

"They're too late!" Ironwood said.

"Oh? What a nice gift," Salem said. The things she could do with so much Magical Energy.

"Damn," Coco said. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry."

"Don't be," Ren said. "It's not like it's actually us anyway."

"Still, to think the end is coming," Velvet said.

"There's still hope," Jaune said. "We're still alive. We can still fight."

"You better be able to back that up, kid," Robyn said.

"We couldn't stop it?" Mash said.

"Ushiwaka, how could you..." Fujimaru asked.

"Perhaps, I always had this in me," Ushiwakamaru said as she began to disappear. She turned to face the sea. "There was a black, inhuman part of me that hated the world of man, and wanted to kill more than anything."

The sea was filled to the brim with Lahmu as they approached shore.

"S-So many!" Mash exclaimed. "Uruk isn't in any state to handle this many!"

Ushiwakamaru laughed and said her final words. "Farewell, survivors of Chaldea! I'm sure my next self will kill you all!"

Fujimaru clenched his fist at the situation he was facing.

"And the invasion force arrives," Clover said.

"We've seen how normal humans fared against them," Watts said. "What hope does Uruk have?"

"They still have the Dingirs," Nora said. "I'm sure not even they can stand against heavy bombardment!"

"I'm not sure how much ammunition they have," Jaune said.

Zack snorted. With how deep Gilgamesh's treasury was, the problem was rate of fire and the energy required to fire them, not ammunition.

They moved to the observatory where they contacted Gilgamesh.

"You're late, Chaldeans!" a holographic Gilgamesh berated.

"Oh? Magecraft for remote communications?" Ishtar said.

"I made a communication system for this very moment!" Gilgamesh said. "As I made it in a rush, overlook the fact that it may be similar to something else."

"Yeah, yeah," Ishtar said.

"So, he basically ripped off Chaldea's design," Saphron said.

"Well, he was in a rush," Zack said. "And I'm pretty sure patents didn't exist yet."

"We should fix that," Nicolas said.

"This is going to make my day," Jaune said sarcastically. "I just know it."

"Nothing like an impending apocalypse to liven up your day," Roman agreed.

"About Eridu..." Fujimaru said, "...and Siduri..."

"No matter now," Gilgamesh said.

"U-Um, how is Uruk doing?" Mash asked.

"We are repelling the Lahmu from all directions using 360 large bows," Gilgamesh said. "We can hold off for an hour or so. But we won't last any longer than that! Not the soldiers nor my Magical Energy!"

"I don't doubt that," Ishtar said.

"So they're still holding out," Junior said.

"But not for long," Hazel said. "They'll be overrun sooner or later."

"Time to plan then," Ozpin said.

"They better come up with a very good one," Glynda said.

Gilgamesh sighed. "But yes, I see. So, Kingu's heart was the actual Holy Grail. And now, the Holy Grail has been recovered by Tiamat. They got us. I will not berate you! Time is precious! We'll start by sharing information. First! The black seawater is Tiamat's Authority itself."

The jug near Gilgamesh was bubbling, likely filled with the seawater collected so long ago. "It infects those who touch it, copies the Authority into their cells, and makes them into her slaves. No one, Servant or human, shall touch that black mud!"

"Mother's..." Ishtar said. "I mean Tiamat's Authority includes self-modification, multiplication and bio-fusion. But her most powerful one is the 'Amini Geas' or cell compulsion. Once they're inside that mud, it's the end of you. No ifs, ands or buts. You become an enemy to humanity. You will Darken!"

"Good thing the Grimm pools can't move," Ozpin said.

"I can change that," Salem said.

"Just what we need," Qrow said. "Grimm spawning in our own backyard."

"Second!" Gilgamesh said. "The water levels are abnormal!"

"The water levels of the sea?" Quetzalcoatl asked.

"Yes," Gilgamesh said. "From the moment the Grail was supposedly stolen from you, the black sea started to rise by the minute! The observation post will be swallowed in three hours, and the black sea will overflow onto land. What we're going to see is something even worse than the great flood... that once destroyed Mesopotamia. It'll be a black sea of mud that turns all life it touches into monsters!"

"That's not good," Kali said. "Climate change is a serious concern!"

"What does the ice caps have anything to do with this?" Sienna asked.

"Water levels don't rise that fast!" Oobleck said. "At least, not naturally."

"Maybe Tiamat just displaces that much water," Ironwood said.

"Are you calling me fat?" Salem asked dangerously.

"No!" Ironwood answered immediately. He may be willing to stand against Salem, Queen of Grimm. But Salem, Offended Woman? There were faster ways to be turned into scrap metal.

"Good answer," Ozpin said.

"If that happens, Uruk and all of human history are finished!" Ozpin said.

"Yes," Ishtar said. "If Mesopotamia, the great civilization and basis for urban society, turns into Tiamat's world, the Foundation of Humanity will collapse!"

"We will not..." Fujimaru said, "... let that happen! Never!"

"Right!" Mash agreed. "Doctor, give us a plan!"

"I have one, but this is..." Ozpin said.

"Doctor!" Mash pushed.

"It doesn't matter!" Gilgamesh said. "Tell me!"

"At this point, any plan will do," Amber said.

"I pray that they succeed," Saphon said.

"Well, considering that there are two goddesses there, I don't think your prayer matters," Vernal said.

"It still helps," Saphron said.

"Divine intervention doesn't seem to be coming," Cardin said.

"Oh, it'll come," Zack said. In the form of one revived snake goddess and later, one dick Caster and the scariest Assassin of them all. Now that was some divine intervention!

"Oh, fine! I'll tell you!" Ozpin said. "I just observed a Spirit Origin signature at the centre of the Persian Gulf! It's a Holy Grail, with an ultra-ultra-ultra-class Magical Reactor Core...with more energy that seven times the Magical Energy of a Grail. We assume this Spirit Origin is that of the Primordial Demonic Beast...who birthed the world of Mesopotamia, Tiamat!"

"Then, it's been decided!" Gilgamesh said. "If this abnormality, this sea, is an Authority, the mud should abate if we defeat Tiamat herself! Fujimaru... Can you do it?"

"I'm ready!" Fujimaru answered.

Fujimaru's group prepared to head out and face their toughest foe yet.

"Once more, into the breach," Oobleck said.

"It's just one thing after another," Sun said. "I don't think they've stopped to rest in the past few days."

"World's at stake," Ruby said. "They can rest when they meet Ereshkigal."

"Isn't that they can rest when they're dead?" Whitley asked.

"Same difference," Ruby said.

"One primordial deity," Gilgamesh said. "She's on a completely different level than the Demon Gods you fought before. Are you willing to do it anyway?"

"I'm still going to do it!" Fujimaru answered. "That's what I came here for! Everyone, let's do this!"

The Quetzalcoatlus took off for the sea.

"Then go forth!" Gilgamesh said. "Your enemy is the primordial creature called 'Tiamat'! The very source of Demonic Beasts that threatens human history!"

The Lahmu had reached the shore as in the Persian Gulf, the clouds parted briefly to let the sun light shine down on Tiamat. The Primordial Goddess looked up and sang her eery song.

Near the coast, Kingu watched as the end of the world happened before his very eyes, a hole where his heart should be.

"Tiamat..." Kingu said. "Mother..."

"So, a few brave souls against the Mother of all Life," Jaune said. "Just another Tuesday for him isn't it?"

"You're remarkably calm about this," Weiss said. "You do realize that if they lose, your city is next right?"

"The way I see it, win or lose, Uruk's days are numbered," Jaune shrugged.

"Their entire civilization has taken a beating," Ozpin agreed. "It won't survive as it is."

"It'll be revived as something new," Zack said. "But yes, the current dynasty is finished, and Gilgamesh knows it too."

"Well, time to kill a goddess, again," Yang said.

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