Episode 5

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FGO Babylonia EP 5


In the Chaldean Embassy, Fujimaru, Mash and Ana were having breakfast. Fujimaru's face wore an expression of shock.

"K-King Gil..." Fujimaru said as he stood up.

"Lower your voice," King Gilgamesh ordered from where he stood in the doorway. "You want Siduri to come running over?"

Nora gasped. "Jaune! Are you avoiding your duties!?"

Jaune frowned. "Maybe? All work and no play makes Jaune a dull boy. A break never hurt anyone."

"He did seem to have been working very hard last we saw him," Pyrrha said.

"Good thing we're not team leader," Ren said. Team leaders had additional lessons and were the ones who did most of the paperwork for the team.

The other team leaders pouted. It was like the only reason their authority as team leader was never challenged was because they were the ones doing the paperwork.

"I-I'm sorry!" Fujimaru said.

"Um..." Mash said. "So, what can we, uh, do for you this morning? For Your Majesty to visit us is quite unusual."

"Fou?" Fou said from Mash's arms.

"It can't be!" Fujimaru said. "Did something happen?"

Merlin yawned.

"I figured I should mix things up," Gilgamesh said.

"What do you mean by that?" Fujimaru asked.

"I will personally give you your assignment this time," Gilgamesh said.

"Huh?" Fujimaru and Mash said as even Ana looked up from her food.

"Rejoice, Ritsuka Fujimaru," Gilgamesh said, as if it was a great honour. Which it kind of is.

"The big guy personally coming over to give a mission?" Clover said. "Must be a big deal."

Glynda shook her head. "He must be trying to get away from his duties. I know someones who do not hesitate to do the same."

Ozpin and Ironwood frowned at the accusation. Paperwork was a war crime as far as they were concerned and ranked higher than the Grimm in terms of which was worse.

Ozpin would know. He's been doing paperwork for millennia whenever he ended up in a position of governance or importance. Sometimes, he wished he could be a wandering mercenary. They never had to do paperwork, just kill Grimm and move on.

On the plains of Mesopotamia, a donkey-drawn cart travelled alone.

"King Gilgamesh's direct request is..." Fujimaru said, "Survey the water quality of the Persian Gulf."

"Yes," Mash said. "We are to head to the observatory at the Persian Gulf and gather some seawater to bring back. It's transport work."

"Ah, transport work," Tai said. "I remember those."

"Boring work," Raven said. "Unless Grimm or bandits attack that is." Safe to say, the Branwen tribe attacked many a trade caravan in Anima.

"Boring, but necessary," Summer said.

"Why water though?" Qrow asked. "There something wrong with the sea over there?"

'If you count a primordial goddess being sealed underneath the sea as merely 'wrong',' Zack thought.

"They say this road hasn't been attacked by any of the three goddesses, either," Fujimaru said. "And the weather's nice, too. It's rather calm."

"It's a shame that Merlin and Ana had to stay back," Mash said.

"Yeah," Fujimaru said. "We only had enough travel permits for two, right?"

"Yes," Mash said. "That's why it's just the two of us on this trip, Senpai."

"Yeah," Fujimaru said as he looked back into the cart. "Or so I thought."

Mash looked too. "Yes, so we both thought..."

"Jaune, you didn't" Saphron said.

"He did," Sun said.

"That's one way of getting away from work," Robyn said.

"Oh..." Gilgamesh said from inside the cart. "Such fine clouds by the Zagros Mountains. Here's a bit of wisdom... 'Far-off sea of clouds. 'Round atop the white peak hill. Mountain of cedar.' Hmm. That didn't sound quite the way I imagined. No, what about this?"

"Man, you're giving out old man wisdom now, kid?" Roman said.

"He's not called the Wise King of Uruk for no reason," Zack said. "Though the alternative title is Tyrant King of Uruk, so this is preferable."

"Indeed," Ozpin said.

"Say, if he's with them, why did they even need travel permits?" Coco asked. "I mean, he's the king. All he needed to do was issue extra permits, right?"

"She's not wrong," Winter said.

"Plot reasons," Zack said.

"For some reason," Mash said, "King Gilgamesh is together with us."

Earlier that day, the people of Uruk stop whatever they were doing to stare.

"Here in Uruk," Gilgamesh the object of their distraction said, "we use donkeys for transport. We'll have donkeys pull the cart and load the cart with water jugs."

"O-Okay," Fujimaru said.

"I've already made arrangements especially for you," Gilgamesh said. "Such excellent work! What consideration! You're such troublesome folk to make me go this far."

"Thank you very much!" Mash said.

"Everyone's stopped to stare at him," Oscar said.

"Not everyday a king graces the peasants with his presence," Jacques said.

"I'd have expected a more enthusiastic reaction rather than shocked silence," Cinder said. "Cheers or something like that."

"Must be rare for him to leave the palace then," Ironwood said. "With the war going on, he's too busy in there."

King Gilgamesh stopped and pointed to a vendor selling fruits. "All of you, keep your hands busy! Fill this city of Uruk with yet another day's worth of liveliness!"

The people immediately began to comply with the king's order.

"Not bad for a king," Salem said. She had seen some terrible ones and great ones. She was still unsure about Gilgamesh.

"A lively city," Port said. "Like Vale during a celebration."

"Yes," Willow agreed. "Not at all like Atlas."

Gilgamesh walked over to a group of children playing a game. "What kind of game is that?"

The little girl stood up. "Oh, Your Majesty!"

"Good Morning!" all three children greeted.

"And what is that?" Gilgamesh asked.

"A Hero's Race!" one of the boys answered.

"You don't know, Your Majesty?" the other boy asked.

"That's right," Gilgamesh said. "I don't know yet. Is this a recent fad?"

"Yep!" a boy answered.

"I see," Gilgamesh said. "So, you put this here..." he moved a piece, "and do this?"

"Amazing!" a boy exclaimed.

"Your Majesty is amazing!" the other boy exclaimed.

"It is a simple task," Gilgamesh said, "but well done for elementary matters. Keep playing well and keep striving! In time, you'll become valuable assets to this nation! And that is basically the same as my own wealth."

"Okay!" the children said.

Fujimaru and Mash smiled at the heart-warming scene.

"He's good with kids too," Weiss said with a smile.

"Did he really not know how the game was played?" Ruby asked.

"He cheated with his clairvoyance," Zack said.

"Now that's just not fair," Blake said. Imagine how she could swindle some poor fools of their money in poker.

"Good for you, Jaune," Yang said.

"Let us hurry!" Gilgamesh said to the two. "I'm accompanying you! Any tardiness will not be tolerated!"

"Accompanying?" the two said in surprise.

Back to the cart.

"Um..." Fujimaru said. "So, we'd like to hear why you decided to accompany us."

"Well," Gilgamesh said, "sometimes I want to just look at the sea. Nothing more."

"The sea?" Fujimaru said.

"Does that mean you're taking a vacation?" Mash asked.

"Fool!" Gilgamesh said. "I have no time to have fun! Precisely the reason I need to go on a trip like this!"

"That's no reason at all!" Glynda said. She glared at Ozpin, daring him to use that as a reason for slacking off.

Ozpin sweated. He would never do that! At least, not exactly like that.

"He used up his fun quota years ago," Zack said. "Now, he's going to work himself to death."

"You're exaggerating," Watts said.

"Am I?" Zack said.

"Th-That's preposterous!" Fujimaru said.

"Then," Mash said, "right about now, Siduri is..."

Gilgamesh huffed in amusement.

Back in Uruk, Siduri was staring down at piles of tablets Gilgamesh had thoughtful left for her.

"All too simple to deceive Siduri's eyes," Gilgamesh said.

"Fearless leader, how could you!" Nora cried with tears in her eyes. She hated paperwork!

"Suffer as I have to," Jaune said. This was for all the property damage forms he's had to fill out for her shenanigans.

"Tablet work," Ghira said. "The predecessor to paperwork!"

"Those were annoying," Ozpin said. At least paper was light.

The two and Fou stare at the king.

"Why are you making faces that gush out so much pain?" Gilgamesh asked.

"I may sound intrusive," Mash said, "but I don't think that's a good thing to be doing."

"You have quite the mouth, don't you?" Gilgamesh said.

"I'm sorry," Mash said.

"In any case," Gilgamesh said, "I'm not doing this because I'm exhausted from my duties. I'm definitely not doing this because I crave excitement! Now, entertain me with your tales of amusement!"

"Maybe he does crave excitement after all," Fujimaru said.

Mash nodded in agreement as Fou barked in agreement.

"So, he's doing this because he's bored?" Mercury said.

"Sounds like it," Emerald said.

"You would be too if all you did all day was sit and read paperwork," Salem said.

In Chaldea.

"The king sure makes quite an unreasonable request," Ozpin said.

Behind him, Da Vinci snuck up on him and stole the spotlight on the camera.

"You're hogging it, Ozpin! Not fair!" Da Vince said as Ozpin spat out the coffee he was drinking.

"Hot!" Ozpin exclaimed.

"I want to listen in, too!" Da Vinci said.

"A playful Glynda," Port said. "A rare sight indeed."

"Why, I believe it took several pints before she got like this," Oobleck said.

Glynda blushed. She wasn't like that, anymore.

"I am seeing a whole new side to the professor," Yang said, mystified.

"Ditto," Jaune agreed.

"Why are you so hyped up?" Ozpin asked.

"I mean," Da Vinci said, "the king might be in great abdominal pain after hearing an amusing tale, right? I totally have to monitor that!"

Ozpin sighed in exasperation.

With the cart.

They had stopped beneath a tree providing a nice shade as they rested.

"Then, I, Mash Kyrielight, will tell the first tale!" she said. "I believe I should be telling a tale of our journeys."

"Oh?" Gilgamesh said.

"And for that, I need to talk about how I first met Senpai," Mash said.

"Oh..." Gilgamesh said.

"The beginning is always a good way to start a story," Ozpin agreed.

"I wonder how this all started?" Pyrrha wondered.

"Depends on when you think the beginning is," Zack said. It could be either when the White Titan descended on Earth, or when the Holy Grail War Ritual was established.

"When I first met Senpai," Mash began, "he was sleeping in a hallway in Chaldea."

Gilgamesh began laughing. "Mash, you're embellishing, aren't you? Nobody would be sleeping in a hallway!"

"Well..." Fujimaru rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

Fou barked.

"Unless you just got back from a particularly bad mission," Winter said.

"I remember collapsing in the hallway," Sun said. "Not very comfortable but when you're exhausted, you can't really tell the difference."

"I can see that happening," Coco said. There was that mission in their first year which ended up with a twelve hours long hike back to Vale after they crashed their Bullhead. Not fun.

In Chaldea.

Da Vinci laughed as well. "Good going, Mash! You're good at choosing what to talk about!"

"And she's dead serious about it," Ozpin said, "so it's hitting the king on his funny bone."

"Senpai kept falling asleep after that, too," Mash said.

"Well..." Fujimaru said.

"The director got mad," Mash continued, "and he was finally kicked out of the room."

"Well..." Fujimaru said.

"You know," Ozpin said, "we're totally being voyeurs right now. Mash, Fujimaru, I'm sorry!"

"Oh, you don't need to apologize," Ruby said. "It's not like you use the cameras in Beacon to watch us, right?"

Ozpin whistled. Nothing suspicious there, not at all.

"He totally does," Watts said.

"Definitely," Hazel agreed.

"You really are a serious guy, aren't you?" Da Vinci said as she left. "Well, keep it in moderation."

"You're the one who spilled coffee earlier," Ozpin said, before resuming monitoring the two.

"So, we ended up having to eat wyvern meat," Fujimaru said.

Mash giggled. "You can imagine what it tasted like."

"Like extra spicy chicken," Zack said.

"Can we have some?" Sienna asked, curious.

"Sure," Zack said as he made some appear. They all took a piece to try.

"That's one spicy chicken," Adam said as he belched out fire.

"Is that normal?" Ilia asked.

"It is," Zack confirmed.

Fou napped as they finished their tale.

Gilgamesh sat upright. "That was truly boring!"

"Huh?" Mash said.

"Didn't that story suit you?" Fujimaru asked.

"Each and every story was about you guys having fun," Gilgamesh said.

"I guess that's true," Mash said.

"Stories where all the characters do is have fun are nice and all," Blake said. "But where's the action? The tragedy? The drama?"

"The hot dirty sex," Yang added.

"And the hot dirty sex!" Blake agreed before realising what she just said. "I-I-I mean... Uhh..."

"Should we be concerned with her choice in literature?" Weiss asked.

"It's fine," Ruby said. "It's not like it's all that interesting anyway."

"But I can see you've had a great journey," Gilgamesh said.

"Huh?" Mash said.

Gilgamesh explained. "Tales of journeys are most fun for the ones making the actual journeys."

"I see," Fujimaru said.

Gilgamesh continued. "And the ones on the journey seem to be enjoying it. It must've been a great journey."

"So true," Ghira agreed. He was long past his adventuring days, but the ones he had were memories he treasured.

"Truly," Port said. "When I was still a strapping young man, I had adventures all the time! Why blah blah blah..."

"Did those days ever exist?" Nora asked.

"Best we never find out," Velvet said.

"Do you have any, King Gilgamesh?" Fujimaru asked. "Memories of journeys or tales thereof?"

Gilgamesh sighed. "I remember it all."

In a place filled with glowing purple pods, Enkidu could be seen.

"Brilliant tales of heroism," Gilgamesh said, "the worthless travels and the warfare."

"His is literally the oldest tale of all," Zack said.

"Could I have a copy?" Oobleck asked.

Zack made a stack of stone tablets appear on him.

"Oof!" Oobleck said as he was buried in stone tablets.

"That right there is the complete version of the Epic of Gilgamesh," Zack said. He threw a book on the pile. "And here's a helpful Cuneiform to English dictionary."

"You alright down there, Bart?" Ozpin asked.

"Never better!" Oobleck answered as he began flipping through the dictionary.

They reached a tower overseeing the sea.

"So, this is the observatory," Fujimaru said.

"The water you'll carry back have been gathered by the researchers of this observatory," Gilgamesh said.

"You really are seriously studying the water quality," Mash said. "Is it because water is precious in this era?"

"Let's go," Gilgamesh said without explaining.

"He's not telling them something," Jaune realised.

"What are you hiding?" Salem wondered.

"I bet it's a vital plot point," Nora said.

"It's probably nothing important," Cardin said.

'Oh, nothing much,' Zack thought. 'Just the fact that there's a several dozen metres tall feme fatale of a mother goddess sleeping under the sea. Nope, nothing much at all.'

"King Gilgamesh?" one of the researchers exclaimed. "I did not expect Your Majesty to visit us himself! Are all government affairs taken care off?"

"He's reacting the same way you did, Senpai," Mash said.

Fujimaru laughed a bit.

"Yes, they are," Nora pouted. "By dumping them all on me!"

"You get used to it," Glynda sighed. She lost count when Ozpin had an important 'errand' to do and left her with the paperwork for Beacon.

'What genius!' Ironwood thought. 'I should dump it all on Winter next time!'

Winter felt the sudden urge to mutiny.

"Oh, I just had a small errand out here," Gilgamesh said.

"I thought you were just killing time!" Fujimaru said.

"You underestimate me, don't you?" Gilgamesh said. "Or you take me for a fool!"

"O-Of course not!" Fujimaru said.

"Senpai, Senpai!" Mash said. "I'm sure His Majesty looks like he's killing time, but actually is doing some very important business! Amazing!"

Gilgamesh laughed. "Good thinking, Mash! Praise me with reverence! You all should take after this girl, too."

"Don't let it all get to your head now, Jaune," Saphron said. "Wouldn't want you to get too arrogant now."

"Too late as far as I'm concerned," Zack said. "At least he can back it up."

"Well, so long as he isn't all hot air," Cinder said.

"Why did that comment feel like it was aimed at me?" Mercury said.

"But of course," one of the researchers said.

"However, if you could at least give us a word in advance," another researcher said, "we all would be able to work more calmly."

"Indeed," Fujimaru said. "A sudden appearance is bad for one's heart." He extended a hand which was accepted. "Nice to meet you. I'm Ritsuka Fujimaru."

Fujimaru and Mash loaded the jars of water onto the cart as Gilgamesh talked to the researchers.

Fou ran off into the sea.

"Fou!" Mash called out. "Don't wander off too far!"

"Fou!" Fou answered as he played in the water.

"Aww, he's just the cutest!" Kali cooed. "Dear, we should get a pet."

"Yes dear," Ghira said.

"So long as it's not a mutt," Blake mumbled.

"Bark!?" Zwei barked next to her.

"Gah!" Blake jumped on top of Yang. "How did he even sneak up on me!?"

"He's a ninja dog," Ruby answered, entirely serious.

"Time for a break," Fujimaru said. He handed Mash a cup.

"Senpai..." Mash said. "Thank you very much. Um, this is?"

"The researchers thanked us for our hard work," Fujimaru said.

"I see," Mash said.

"They said, 'It must be hard keeping up with the king's ideas'," Fujimaru said.

"That's not true!" Mash said. "Um, where is King Gilgamesh?"

"Actually, he said he had things to check out," Fujimaru said, "so he'll stay behind at the observatory."

Gilgamesh was looking thoughtful at what he was told by a researcher.

"So, we can take a little break," Fujimaru said.

"Okay," Mash said.

The two sat together, admiring the beautiful sunset by the beach.

"This looks like a scene ripped out of a romance movie," Summer said.

"It probably is," Raven said. "Those two are obviously in love."

"Yeah," Pyrrha sighed.

"It's a nice, peaceful day," Ozpin said. "If you'd only come here during your day off, you could be swimming in the sea. That's too bad."

"Doctor..." Fujimaru said.

"Thank you both for your hard work," Ozpin praised. "How does the Persian Gulf look to the naked eye? Isn't it quite different from what you experienced in Okeanos, the Third Singularity?"

Clips of a rough sea and a pink-haired ship captain could be seen.

"Yes," Mash said, "the thought that the vast Indian Ocean is beyond this point is quite exciting."

"Then, I'll give you an even more exciting tale," Ozpin said. "The scale of this Seventh Singularity us greater than any of the previous Singularities."

"The scale, you say?" Mash said.

"We're getting observation results of the Indian Ocean, far beyond the Persian Gulf," Ozpin said. "I'm sure that's because the ocean is an essential factor of life itself in Mesopotamia. And that's why things have taken shape in this way."

"How big were the other Singularities?" Robyn asked.

"Well," Zack said. "The smallest was about the size of a city, while there was one that was literally an endless ocean with small islands spread out in it."

"That's big," Clover said.

"Then there was the one that was about the size of a continent," Zack continued. "And that's not the half of it."

"Sounds exciting," Neptune said. "Not the endless ocean one, that sounds terrifying. But everything else?"

"This is turning into one extraordinary story!" Fujimaru said.

"No matter how far in the past," Mash said, "humans came face to face with the vast ocean and conquered it."

Fou shook water out of his fur.

"I..." Mash said.

"Mash?" Fujimaru said.

"Senpai, am I properly seeing things face to face?" Mash asked. "Will I see things face to face, and be able to know what I truly wish for?"

"Not a question of philosophy," Junior groaned.

"So lame," Melanie complained.

"Leave it to the grey beards," Miltia agreed.

Mash thought back to Okeanos, a conversation she had with the privateer turned Vice-Admiral.

"You already have a wish, Mash," Drake said as she laid on the deck of her ship. Her crew were unconscious as well, leaving just the two.

"Now that's a pirate!" Roman said.

Technically she's a privateer," Zack said.

"There's a difference?" Winter said.

"Well, a pirate works for himself while a privateer is basically a pirate working for a state," Ironwood said.

"So sailors playing pirate," Adam said with distaste.

"All humans have some kind of wish," Drake said. "You can't live without one."

"Humans..." Mash said. "But I am..."

"Sometimes, sinners do saintly deeds, while saints' sin," Drake said. "That's humans for you. That's us."

"That's humans..." Mash said.

"I'm sure you'll know in the end," Drake said. "You'll realize what you want to do, and why you continue to raise that shield to defend others."

Drake smiled as she and her crew disappeared, leaving Mash alone on the deck of the ship.

"That's humanity alright," Ozpin said.

"So varied and different," Salem said. "But they die all the same."

"And oh so messily!" Tyrian said.

"Well, that ruined the moment," Qrow said.

"In these journeys until now," Fujimaru said, "I've been your closest observer, Mash. Facing yourself seems easy, but it's difficult. What you should be doing, what you wish for... I want to ask you what answers you hold. Because I'm sure you'll be able to find them, Mash."

"Okay," Mash said.

"I'm sure it will turn out that way," Ozpin said to himself.

Fou barked in warning.

"Trouble," Raven said.

"Finally!" Vernal said. "I thought we would just be watching them have fun this whole time!"

"I wonder who's coming?" Whitley wondered.

Mash noticed what Fou was warning them about. "Doctor, something is beelining toward us from 9 o' clock!"

"I can see it on my end, as well!" Ozpin said. "A speed of 500 km/h, within the mana concentration of the Age of Gods?"

"It's going to make contact in 3, 2, 1!" Da Vinci said. "Mash, shield up!"

Mash raised her shield just in time to block a strong blow that sent clouds of sand flying.

"I don't know what to say," Enkidu said. "It seems you people have a real lack of a sense of danger. You'd even come to a secluded area like this without an escort? Either you're used to your own luck or you greatly underestimate us."

"It's Not!Ren!" Nora yelled.

"Their in trouble now," Mercury said.

"Why did it have to be him," Jaune groaned.

"It was nice knowing those two," Roman said as he tipped his hat.

"Enkidu..." Fujimaru said. "You should be already dead!"

"Master, I'm sensing the Mage King from this enemy!" Mash said. "The enemy in front of us is not Enkidu!"

"Yes," Enkidu said. "I suppose you're right. I am not the actual Enkidu.

"Then, who in the world..." Fujimaru said.

"It's because I've changed owners," Enkidu said. "Humans really are hopeless."

"Changed owners?" Fujimaru said.

"So, he's not actually Enkidu, just using his body and powers," Ruby said.

"More or less," Zack said. "It's a bit more complex than that, but that's basically it."

"How terrible," Penny said. She wouldn't like it if some other AI took over her body.

"So, he can use all of Enkidu's abilities," Ironwood said. "How extensive are those abilities?"

"Very," Zack said. "He's top tier as one of humanity's oldest."

"Interesting," Salem said.

Ren's fist tightened at the thought of his corpse being used in such a way. Did the enemy have no shame?

"But such things are all but trivial," Enkidu said. He crackled with electricity as many portals appeared behind him.

"Master, he's coming for us!" Mash said.

"I'm an enemy to humanity until I'm destroyed," Enkidu said. "Whatever happens, that'll never change. I'll prove that by ending your lives right now."

"Mash!" Fujimaru ordered as she ran to face Enkidu.

Out of the portals, blade-tipped chains were shot out.

Mash stopped and blocked the incoming chains with her shield, one of them grazing her shoulder. She began running, dodging chains and blocking the ones she could not.

"This fighting style is truly the specialty of the King of Heroes, Gilgamesh!" Ozpin said.

"So he creates a bunch of bladed chains and launched them?" Coco said. "Not very creative, is he?"

"If it works, it works," Yatsuhashi said.

"I wouldn't want to be on the wrong end of that barrage," Velvet said.

"Who would?" Fox asked. "That's basically charging an artillery strike!"

"Of course," Enkidu said as he kept up his assault. "Creating an inexhaustible number of blades and firing every single one of them at you. That is the optimal way to fight with this body."

A particularly strong shot knocked Mash to the ground.

"Mash!" Fujimaru said.

Mash got to her feet, only to see several chains coming for her. Fujimaru managed to tackle her away from them, a large crater forming where the chains struck.

"In fact," Enkidu said, "if he fights in a similar manner, he's the one imitating me!"

Enkidu sent one chain at them, knowing that Fujimaru would not be able to dodge. Mash pushed herself in front of him, ready to protect him with her body.

A golden axe flew through the air and landed in front of them, knocking the chain away.

"Saved, just in time," Saphron sighed.

"Who's axe is that?" Whitley asked.

"There's only one other person there who could have thrown that axe," Robyn said.

"Jaune..." Ren said, unsure about facing his friend, even if it was merely someone else using his body.

"Well..." Gilgamesh said as the axe disappeared, standing on top of the cliff looking over the beach "...isn't this a surprise? Surely, I'm misremembering, right?"

Enkidu stood up to face Gilgamesh as he landed on the beach.

"I recall the new tactic I thought up back then..." Gilgamesh said, "...was ridiculed as the 'ultimate waste of energy'."

"Not true!" Enkidu said. "Was that because you..." Enkidu stopped mid-sentence.

"Hmm," Ozpin said, "looks like there's still a bit of Enkidu in that body."

"That might be useful," Summer said.

"Will it though?" Kali asked.

"A moment of inattention is all it takes," Adam said.

"King Gilgamesh!" Mash said.

Enkidu took a few steps back. "You are..." He grabbed his forehead with his hand. "...Gilgamesh?"

"Who else would I be, you fool?" Gilgamesh said.

Enkidu gasped as Gilgamesh summoned his tablet.

"What happened to efficiency? What happened to being calm and collected as a weapon?" Gilgamesh said. "It's unlike you to enjoy the thrill of battle, Enkidu."

"That doesn't sound like Ren, does it?" Pyrrha said.

"Yeah, he's not one to charge into a fight," Jaune agreed. "That's Nora's job."

"Hey!" Nora said. "True, but still!"

"It'd fine, Nora," Ren said. "Yang does it too."

"Hey!" Yang said.

Enkidu sent a bolt of energy at him, which Gilgamesh blocked by summoning a wall of fire.

"King Gilgamesh!" Fujimaru said.

"That's an impostor!" Mash said. "Not the real Enkidu!"

Enkidu ran towards Gilgamesh while sending bolts of energy at him.

"I see," Gilgamesh said as he dodged the energy bolts. "Quite convincing nonetheless!"

Gilgamesh summoned four portals from which magical staffs appeared and shot beams at Enkidu.

Enkidu skid to a stop and raised an earth wall to block the magical beams. "Sh-Shut your mouth!"

Enkidu flew at Gilgamesh, turning his hand into a blade.

"You must have acquired fine Magical Energy," Gilgamesh said as he put away the tablet and summoned his axe. "Was it a gift from the three goddesses?"

"Shut your mouth!"

The two clashed, Gilgamesh not moving back an inch despite how fast Enkidu flew at him.

"This is quite a battle," Port said.

"Heart-breaking too," Amber said. "To have old friends fight against each other as enemies."

"Wouldn't be interesting otherwise," Junior said.

"I'm the most powerful creation on the planet!" Enkidu said. "There's no need for a defective demigod like you!"

He broke off the deadlock and forced Gilgamesh back with several swings.

Gilgamesh stopped as Enkidu didn't advance on him, remaining unfazed.

"Fool of a king..." Enkidu said. "Enemy of my mother... I will make sure to kill you!"

Enkidu summoned a large portal on the ground, the light reaching the heavens.

Gilgamesh put away the axe and re-summoned his tablet, making it float in the air as he prepared a counter.

In the sky, a gigantic portal appeared and from it, many magical staffs belonging to Gilgamesh appeared to counter Enkidu's chains.

"Holy shit!" Mercury exclaimed.

"They're going to destroy that place!" Emerald said.

"So this is what the heroes of old could do," Raven said. It was humbling to see how much stronger they were.

"How do we fight against them?" Jacques asked.

"You don't," Sienna said. "You just get out of the way."

"I will end this world and you along with it!" Enkidu yelled as he sent his chains forward.

Gilgamesh ordered his magical staffs to fire, many of the chains being destroyed but a few still headed for the king.

Gilgamesh summoned his axe and blocked the remaining chains. However, a small portal appeared near his feet and a chain appeared, holding him in place.

"What are you?" Enkidu yelled. He sent forth several chains at him, wrapped around each other as one big chain spear.

Gilgamesh didn't appear worried at all.

"King Gilgamesh!" Fujimaru yelled in worry.

"Jaune!" Saphron yelled.

"I wouldn't worry," Zack said. "He knows what he's doing."

"So standing there as a big old spear of chains comes at him is his plan?" Qrow sarcastically asked.

"Yes," Zack said.

"That's crazy!" Winter said.

"Not the craziest plan we came up with," Pyrrha shrugged.

Enkidu's mind froze for a second with the image of a younger King of Heroes.

The chains struck as a massive sand cloud was sent up.

Enkidu and Gilgamesh stared at each other, a massive crater next to Gilgamesh where the chains struck.

Many of them sighed.

"So close," Ren said. Just a few feet more and Jaune would be a hole in the ground.

"He missed," Tyrian frowned. He wanted to see carnage! Not this pansy ass bullshit!

"So, not all of Enkidu has been replaced by this imposter," Oobleck said.

"That was what Gilgamesh wanted to test," Zack said.

"Dangerous way to do so," Robyn said.

Enkidu clutched his heart and left, flying high into the sky then headed for his base.

Fujimaru and Mash watched in surprise at his sudden retreat.

Ozpin and Da Vinci sighed in relief as Enkidu's signature left the immediate area.

"Saved," Ozpin said. "It looks like Enkidu retreated towards northern Uruk. We can't trace him any further."

"Though I don't understand the reason for that retreat," Da Vinci said, "you can rest assured for now."

"Senpai, are you hurt anywhere?" Mash asked.

"I'm fine," Fujimaru said. "What about you, Mash?"

"I'm fine thanks to King Gilgamesh," she answered.

"I knew it was about time," Gilgamesh said softly, "but your bad luck is as impressive as ever."

"He knew!" Ruby exclaimed. "He knew Enkidu would be there! That's why he went with them!"

"To see with his own eyes that his old friend was now the enemy," Blake said.

"Well, he got his wish," Weiss said. "Now he has to live with that knowledge."

"Damn," Yang said. She didn't know what she would do if she had to fight her team as actual enemies and not in a friendly fight.

"Thank you very much!" Mash said.

"Fool," Gilgamesh said. "Even my help wouldn't balance the scales. You've been spared because if his whim. If he had intended to do so, I would've died alongside you."

"That's impossible!" Mash said in disbelief.

"Um, why did he look like he was in pain?" Fujimaru asked.

"Who knows?" Gilgamesh said as he began to walk away. "Maybe he was broken. Maybe some cessation of cardiopulmonary function. Those kind of things happen."

"He knows exactly what happened," Nicolas said with a frown.

"Burden of having clairvoyance," Zack said. "You don't always like what you see."

"Does that mean he already knows how this will end?" Oscar asked.

"Not really," Zack said. "The nature of this Singularity made both Gilgamesh's and Merlin's clairvoyance unreliable. They have to live through it like everyone else. Though they do have a glimpse of how it could end."

"Sounds incredibly useful," Ozpin said.

Gilgamesh kept walking as the two digested the information.

"Whatever it may be, it's over," Gilgamesh said. "Don't worry about it anymore."

"You say, 'Don't worry about it', but he clearly looked..." Fujimaru protested.

"Let's go back to Uruk," Gilgamesh said, not wishing to speak further. "I've done what I came here to do and saw what I came here to see. Also, there's something I now remember."

On top of a mountain range, Enkidu was on his knees with his hands on his head, "I'm stronger than them. I should be stronger than that damn king! So, why... Why did I retreat?"

He started to remember Enkidu's time with Gilgamesh.

"The recording is out of order, too. It's only giving me access to previous battle recordings."

"I don't understand," Enkidu said to himself. "Why is this heart defective?"

Fujimaru, Mash and King Gilgamesh are on their way back to Uruk.

"He is someone I should kill," Enkidu said. "But I want to talk. No, there's no room for conversation. I will only kill him. Kill him. I must kill him! I must kill him! I must kill him! For Mother's sake, I must kill him!"

Enkidu raised his head to gaze upon the stars. "That's right... For I am not truly Enkidu.

In Uruk, Gilgamesh does the same from atop his ziggurat.

"It's far from over," Ren said softly.

"I wonder if the next clash will end as indecisively as this one," Jaune said. "If Enkidu really wanted to, Gilgamesh would be dead."

"Let's find out, shall we?" Zack said.

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