Episode 9

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FGO Babylonia EP 9


The soldiers of Uruk were busy rebuilding the damaged wall, moving debris and the dead. Ana woke up, her injured side bandaged.

"She's okay," Summer sighed in relief.

"A hole through the side and she wakes up in a day," Qrow said as he shook his head.

"What can I say, Servants are tough," Zack said. "Why, some of them can still fight for a short while despite having their hearts destroyed."

"Say what?" Sun said.

"Servants aren't flesh and blood, despite what you've seen," Zack said. "Their bodies are composed entirely of energy and are just mimicking biology. A spear through the heart is just a flesh wound for some."

"That's oddly specific," Neptune said.

"Though the mechanics of their bodies is confusing," Zack admitted. How did Archer's arm stick around when he had it transplanted on to his younger self?

"That's all I have to report," Fujimaru said to King Gilgamesh.

"Hmm," Gilgamesh said. "Sacrifices are unavoidable in war. As king, I will prepare the memorial for the lost, and compensate those left behind. You've been through a lot, Ritsuka Fujimaru."

"Yes," Fujimaru said.

Gilgamesh smiled before becoming serious again. "Our enemy is the goddess Gorgon, wielder of the Authority of Tiamat! We shall now talk of possible countermeasures!"

"Time to plan," Ironwood said.

"They're in a bad place," Glynda said. "They just lost two of their best fighters and one more left for the wilds. Not to mention the casualties taken by the normal soldiers."

"And their enemy is a goddess that's proven to be nigh unkillable," Ozpin said.

"So, like fighting Salem but instead in the open instead of in the shadows," Qrow said.

"Oh, you flatter me," Salem said. She knew she wasn't as dangerous as Gorgon.

"I think it's an apt comparison," Tyrian said.

"Suck up," Cinder said.

"First, let's review what we know so far," Merlin said. "We'll start with Gorgon."

"Gorgon is the monster known for killing heroes in Greek mythology," Ozpin said. "This refers to three sisters. Stheno, the oldest; Eurayle, the middle sister; and Medusa, the youngest."

"She's here either because of the King of Mages' Holy Grail or due to some twist of fate," Merlin said.

"Whichever it is," Ozpin said, "she has restored her former appearance and power. From the looks of when you guys faced her, the Authority to give birth to Demonic Beasts, Potnia Theron, must have come from the Holy Grail."

"Indeed so," Da Vinci said. "I've never heard of anecdotes where Gorgon herself gives birth to other monsters."

"Precisely, Da Vinci!" Merlin said. "In Gorgon's case, the tragedy began...when the youngest sister Medusa angered the great goddess Athena of Olympus."

A picture of three purple-haired women were shown.

"In her wrath, Athena transformed Medusa into a monster," Merlin continued. "Medusa's sisters took pity on her, and the three moved to a remote island called the 'Shapeless Isle'. The people, influenced by Athena, saw all three sisters only as monsters. So, they sought to kill them."

A picture of Medusa standing over a mountain of skeletons was shown.

"After defeating many heroes who came to kill both her and her sisters, Medusa truly became a monster. She even devoured her beloved sisters."

"As the ceaseless violence," Da Vinci said, "the prejudice and persecution all drove her mad."

"That's how Gorgon, a primordial goddess who possesses the divinity of the three sisters, was created," Merlin finished. "Those events are probably the reason for her deep hatred of humans."

"The moral of this story is that the gods are cunts," Roman said.

"Language," Saphron said.

"What? I'm not wrong," Roman said.

"That's the truest thing I've ever heard," Salem said.

Ozpin sighed. He wanted to disagree with Salem, he really did. But the truth was that Salem's choices were at least in part their fault as well.

"Good thing their no longer around," Tai said.

"Hopefully," Raven said. Best that the Relics were never brought together, and the gods never returned.

"So, an exiled goddess returns as a goddess of vengeance, huh?" Gilgamesh said.

"And only as one of the three goddesses," Merlin said.

"What are you disappointed for?" Gilgamesh asked as he held back laughter. "This is where you should be laughing. Did Gorgon say humans have no chance?"

"Someone's not concerned," Emerald said.

"This isn't a laughing matter, Arc," Weiss said. "Your kingdom is in danger!"

"You don't say," Jaune replied drolly. "But it kind of is."

"Jaune?" Pyrrha asked.

"Gorgon said that humanity had no chance," Jaune said. "I'll like to prove her wrong."

"Heh, I like the way you think kid," Robyn said.

"Easier said than done," Winter said.

"But not impossible," Zack said. "At least, not impossible there."

"Oh?" Salem asked. "Are these gods weaker than the ones that used to walk on Remnant?"

"Considerably," Zack said. "They are here as Servants, and thus only possess a fraction of their true power. If they were here in all their godly glory, this war would have been over within minutes."

"So, winning against actual gods isn't possible?" Coco asked.

"You'll need a lot going for you to even have a chance," Zack said.

"Y-Yes," Mash said. "She said we humans are just an obstacle, and the goddesses are the only ones she needs to watch out for."

"That is where our chance for victory lies," Gilgamesh said. He began laughing. "Strife among enemies is the most entertaining weakness there is!"

"He's not wrong," Jacques said. Watching his board members squabble among one another was always entertaining. Until it wasn't.

"So, an alliance of convenience," Clover said. "But I don't believe turning the other goddesses to their side will be easy."

"Depends," Zack said. "You have a small fortune of jewels lying around somewhere?"

"What does that have to do with this?" Amber asked.

"Spoilers," Zack said.

"Oh, I see, I see," Merlin said.

"There is an order for defeating the three goddesses," Gilgamesh said.

"Order, you say?" Mash asked.

"Putting aside Gorgon," Gilgamesh explained, "the lump of wrath who won't listen to reason, and the still unknown Goddess of the Jungle..."

"Goddess Ishtar..." Fujimaru said.

"Well, that's what it ends up looking like," Gilgamesh said.

"Weiss is the weak link?" Blake said.

"Well, she does seem the least interested in destroying Uruk," Velvet said.

"And they actually know who she is," Penny said.

"Oh joy," Weiss said. "I doubt that I'll make it easy on them. They already lost their most powerful fighters. Can the others even take me on?"

"Didn't they already do that?" Oscar said.

"We do not talk about that incident!" Weiss said.

"My king, I cannot agree to that," Siduri spoke up. "No matter how much damage Ishtar causes, she is still Uruk's patron deity. To fight her would be..."

Gilgamesh sighed in disappointment. "How disappointing, Priestess Siduri. Even Fujimaru understands."

"What do you mean, he understands?" Siduri asked.

"Who said anything about defeating her?" Gilgamesh said.

"Huh?" Siduri said in confusion.

"Huh?" Whitley said. "I thought that was the plan?"

"So, their not going to beat Weiss up?" Nora said. "Aww..."

"Gee, glad that seeing me get knocked around amuses you," Weiss said.

"I'm sure you'll be fine dear," Willow said.

"We're going to bring her over to our side," Gilgamesh explained. "Like taming a wild beast."

Siduri clasped her hands in understanding.

"Bring the goddess Ishtar to our side?" Mash asked.

"And of course, that means that beast tamer..." Gilgamesh continued as he made a portal appear on the ground, "...is you, Ritsuka Fujimaru!"

"Huh?" Fujimaru said.

"I shall teach you a much-valued secret plan," Gilgamesh said in great amusement. "Now go forth, my hero!"

"I am no beast!" Weiss roared.

"My, my, look at her hiss," Cinder said in amusement.

"She is pretty hard to handle," Ruby said. "Think they can do it?"

"They just have to get on her good side," Yang said.

"Sounds like trying to tame a lion," Blake said.

"You guys are terrible friends," Weiss said.

Fujimaru's group walked out of the ziggurat, finding Ana who was walking towards them.

Ana noticed them.

"Ana!" Mash and Fujimaru exclaimed as they rushed over to her.

"Guys..." Ana said.

"I'm glad you're okay!" Fujimaru said.

"I'm sorry..." Ana apologized. "...I couldn't be of much help at Nippur."

"Not another word of that, Ana," Merlin said.

"But..." Ana said as Fou jumped onto her shoulder. "You are..." Fou began nuzzling her face. "Thank you very much."

"Cute and cuddly animals make everything better," Ruby said as she hugged Zwei.

"So true," Saphron said as she had Fou in her lap.

"As long as the mutt isn't anywhere near me," Blake said.

"You really are playing too much into the stereotype, dear," Kali said. She had no problem with dogs and didn't crave fish all the time.

"You seem to be okay physically," Merlin said. "We have no time to lose as we have a new mission. Will you come along with us?"

"Sure!" Ana said.

Fujimaru's group headed for a mountain, a donkey-drawn cart covered in a tarp behind them.

"What's in the cart," Mercury asked.

"The secret plan," Zack said.

"That's just asking to be attacked," Vernal said.

"I pity any bandit who's stupid enough to do so," Port said. "Or do you think your measly crew of miscreants stand a chance against even one of them?"

Raven grumbled. She could do it, maybe. But the rest of the tribe? They'll be slaughtered even worse than if they were up against actual huntsmen.

"You guys are headed towards Mt. Ebih," Ozpin informed. "It's a mountain that Ishtar seized by force and occupied in the past. Apparently, after Ishtar flew out of Uruk, she made herself a temple on Mt. Ebih that she claims as her territory."

"Interesting story that," Zack said. "Want to hear it?"

"Sure, why not," Oobleck said.

"Right," Zack said. "Mt. Ebih was a sacred mountain in Mesopotamian mythology that even the king of gods feared and respected. One day, Ishtar decided she wanted to destroy it 'just because I don't like it'. She forced her way into Mt. Ebih, increasing her divine might with each step, and in the end grabbed a hold of the mountain range's summit and thrusted a spear on the central part of its leyline, causing the Ebih mountain range to collapse."

"So, she destroyed it because she didn't like it?" Summer said. "That sounds a little petty don't you think?"

"Petty is a word that can be used to describe a lot of gods," Zack shrugged.

"And I'm hosting her, joy," Weiss said.

"She's not all bad," Zack said. "You bring out her better qualities."

"She has good qualities?" Adam said.

Ilia elbowed him. "Be nice now."

"But to think you have to persuade Ishtar of all people..." Da Vinci said. "Wouldn't it be easier to just defeat her? She's such a tomboy that she even surprises me."

"But this time, we have King Gilgamesh's secret plan," Fujimaru said.

"Yes," Mash said. "It's more productive than fighting!"

"Besides, I think Ishtar is a pain, but she's not a bad goddess," Fujimaru said.

"You mean the bit..." Ozpin said, "...about how her attacks on the ranches were to protect them from Demonic Beasts?"

"Yeah," Fujimaru said. "That, and the impression I got when we met her face-to-face."

"But you know..." Da Vinci said, "...the contradiction to destroy in order to defend is quite a stretch."

"Can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs," Weiss said.

"On top of that, she's confiscating the ranches' fortunes," Ozpin said.

"Well, I couldn't just do it for free now could I?" Weiss weakly defended.

"Mercenary, I like it," Roman said.

"Shut it, criminal," Winter said.

Fujimaru couldn't find a way to defend that.

"But there might be some justification is you think it was a reward for protecting them, right?" Da Vinci said.

"Huh?" Ozpin said. "I thought you were quite a character, but I didn't think you'd see it that way."

Da Vinci punished Ozpin for his cheek.

"What was that, sir?" Glynda asked dangerously.

"Nothing!" Ozpin quickly said.

"I'm not sure it was nothing," Glynda said, still smiling at her boss.

The men saluted Ozpin. May he survive what was to come.

"Well, it's true that her means are a bit awkward, but..." Fujimaru said.

"There's no doubt she had been protecting Uruk," Mash said.

Da Vinci put Ozpin in a headlock.

"So, if we can get by without fighting, I'd pick that," Fujimaru said.

"Roger that," Da Vinci said. "Best of luck! Oh? There's a signal nearby! Be careful!"

"Thanks, Da Vinci," Fujimaru said.

They reached Ishtar's temple, which the entrance's staircase was guarded by two golden luck cat charms for fortune.

"..." Weiss stared.

"That's tacky as hell," Watts said.

"That's your temple, seriously?" Sun asked.

"It's... pretty neat?" Ruby offered.

"It's an outrageous display of wealth," Ilia said. "Say it as it is."

"You like these kinds of things?" Winter asked.

"No," Weiss denied. "I would never!"

"But your other sure did," Hazel said.

"This place..." Fujimaru said.

"There's no doubt this is Ishtar's Temple!" Mash said. "It's very clearly an attempt to brag that 'I conquered Mt. Ebih!'"

"Mash..." Fujimaru said.

"Well now," Merlin said, "we gain nothing by standing here, so let's go."

From within the temple, Ishtar shot the ground around them.

"Weiss, is that how you greet your guests?" Nicolas said.

"I gave them warning shots, didn't I?" Weiss said.

"That's more than I'd give them," Tyrian agreed.

"So, you just waltz right through the front door like you're here on a sightseeing tour, huh?" Ishtar asked.

"Goddess Ishtar!" Mash said as Ishtar floated above them.

"You just lost to the Goddess of Demonic Beasts, and now you're visiting me?" Ishtar said. "You really underestimate me!"

"Ishtar, we just want to talk!" Fujimaru said.

"Talk, you say?" Ishtar said. "In the first place, whose permission did you get to climb Mt. Ebih and enter this temple?"

"Even if we wanted to knock," Merlin said, "there's no door, so there's nothing we could've done."

"Merlin, please stay quiet!" Ana said.

"I guess I gave you the wrong impression with our previous encounters," Ishtar said. "I'm not a friend or anything. I'm different from you humans."

But Ishtar, you are..." Fujimaru said.

"A goddess," Ishtar finished. "Any further collusion goes beneath my own dignity!"

"Guess they have to fight after all," Yang said.

"Oh well," Jaune said. "It was worth a shot."

"Weiss! Why do you have to be so mean!" Ruby wailed.

"Other me," Weiss said tiredly. She was getting tired of doing that.

They prepared to enact the plan they came up with Gilgamesh.

"I am the goddess of war and the goddess of Venus!" Ishtar proclaimed. "Taste the power of Ishtar, most fearsome of all goddesses!"

Ishtar summoned her sword and flew into combat.

Ana was the first to meet her in combat.

"Maana!" Ishtar yelled as her flying boat shot Ana. Mash jumped in front of her to block it.

Ana threw her chain at Ishtar, which missed and lodged itself in a pillar.

"Come on!" Ishtar said as she took out several gems. "We're going to keep this going!"

Ishtar shot at Mash, who blocked them all.

"What's with the gems anyway?" Melanie asked.

"The Weiss of that world practices jewel magecraft," Zack said. "It basically uses jewels as a medium to store Magical Energy which she can use later."

"Expensive," Robyn said. "Good thing she's a Schnee then."

"Actually, she's not as well off as your Weiss," Zack said.

"Oh?" Adam said. A poor Schnee? Now there's a sight he would love to see.

"Goddess Ishtar is as strong as we expected her to be," Merlin said as he and Fujimaru watched the fight. "Fujimaru, are you ready now?"

"Yep," Fujimaru said as he clenched a small sack. "I'm counting on you, Merlin!"

"That better be some plan," Miltia said.

"Probably has something to do with that sack," Cardin said.

"Ana!" Mash said.

"Let's go once more!" Ana said.

Ishtar laughed. "Now, I'm getting into this! I'm kicking it up a notch!" She crushed the gem in her hand, the Magical Energy stored inside going to her.

She looked at Fujimaru in surprise as he ran forward.

"Ishtar!" Fujimaru yelled.

"Are you still trying to cover for your Servants?" Ishtar asked. She took aim at him. "That's a bad habit you have, Mr. Master!"

"Master!" Mash said as she ran towards him.

Ishtar let loose a strong blast at him, but he disappeared into flowers.

"Flowers?" Ishtar said in surprise.

Fujimaru ran until he was close to her, throwing the sack in his hand into the air.

Out of the sack, many colourful gems flew out.

Ishtar looked at the gems, mesmerized.

"So pretty," Emerald said as she too stared.

Neo made grabbing motions as the jewels flew in the air.

Roman wiped a tear. "Beautiful."

Weiss kept her hands down, but her eyes were wide as she stared at the shiny.

"I forgot she liked jewels," Whitley said.

Winter shrugged. "It's not advisable to wear jewellery for huntresses. She left them at home."

The scene flashbacked to when they were in Gilgamesh's throne room.

"She goes crazy over gems," Gilgamesh explained.

"G-Gems?" Fujimaru asked.

"Furthermore, she loves gems but has no luck when it comes to obtaining them," Gilgamesh said.

Fujimaru looked down as out of the portal, a fortune of gems appeared.

"Gah!" Emerald gasped at the display of wealth.

"I know you said Gilgamesh was rich," Saphron said. "But how rich are we talking here?"

"Let's just say the GDP of all four kingdoms combined would barely rate as pocket change to him," Zack said.

"And I thought the Schnees were rich," Qrow mumbled.

"She lacks what's called the 'Golden Rule'," Gilgamesh said.

"Isn't that all too pitiful?" Mash asked.

"Until now, she's been getting her share by getting offerings, "Gilgamesh said, "but now there's nobody making offerings to her."

"Does that mean we should offer Ishtar some gems?" Fujimaru asked.

Gilgamesh huffed. "That's not good enough! That would only make her more conceited!"

Th-Then what?" Mash asked.

"You can just buy her off," Gilgamesh said. "That is the secret plan I'll entrust you with. I'll entrust you with 30% of the rare jewels in my treasury. With that, I want you to go buy me a Goddess."

"To be exact, that's approximately 100 billion lien," Zack said. "And only for the jewel related items."

(Got that number from an FGO fanfic I read. 50 billion USD for 15% of the jewels. I just doubled it)

"100 billion lien!" they screamed.

Jacques was having a crisis. He couldn't consider 100 billion lien a paltry sum. His net worth was barely higher than that. He was no longer the richest person he knew!

"He just threw away 100 billion lien like it was nothing," Ironwood muttered. "I could build several fleets of battleships and carriers with that sum, and he just gave it away!?"

"Say, Jaune," Sun said. "We're friends right?"

"He's my team leader!" Nora exclaimed as she spotted leaches approaching.

"I'm his first friend in Beacon!" Ruby said.

"I'm his sister!" Saphron joined in.

"And I'm not that rich," Jaune said.

"We know," Yang said. "And we are forever saddened by the fact. But we still have Weiss."

Ishtar snapped out of her daze and looked at the jewels lying about.

"What? What is this?" Ishtar said. "This is enough gems to power my Magecraft for a long time!"

"O-Oh no!" Fujimaru said. "The gems we were presenting Ishtar as offerings!"

"What was that?" Ishtar said as she was too distracted by the shiny to notice the bad acting.

"By the way..." Merlin said as he moved the cart forward.

Ishtar looked at him and gasped.

"This is supposedly just the deposit," Merlin said.

Emerald, Neo and Roman passed out, dreaming sweet dreams of swimming in money.

"It was just too much for them," Junior said.

"Can't blame them," Miltia said. "I want to join them too."

"Weiss, your shaking," Blake said.

"Am I now?" Weiss said.

"Your sweating a lot too," Pyrrha said.

"It's the heat!" Weiss said.

Zack wondered who she was fooling? The place was air-conditioned.

"The seven-jewelled crown?" Ishtar exclaimed as the entire cart was loaded with jewels. "All...of these?"

"Of course!" Fujimaru said. "We'll give you all of these!"

"Huh? No way!" Ishtar said. "What are you, a god? I'm getting all dizzy! Okay, calm down, me. Also calm down, Ishtar-me! There can't possibly be a deal this good!"

"We would like to hire you as a powerful member for combat!" Mash said.

"This is the wish of all the people of Uruk," Merlin said.

"King Gilgamesh promises to open the treasury of Babylon for you," Fujimaru said.

"He did?" Ishtar asked.

"Fujimaru, tell her the total sum," Merlin said.

"If you were to join us as an ally," Fujimaru said, "we offer you 20% of the treasury's jewels!"

"What..." Ishtar said as she heard the number, "...did you say?"

Fou barked as Ana looked unamused at how easy she was being bought.

"Didn't Gilgamesh say he would give 30%?" Coco said.

"Always start negotiations with a lower sum," Willow said. "Then work your way up."

"I taught you well," Nicolas said.

"Too bad she didn't take over," Ghira mumbled. She seemed like a nicer person that Jacques, which wasn't saying much. She probably wouldn't condone the working conditions that Jacques employed.

Ishtar panted as she summoned Maana to her. She sat on the flying boat.

"S-So, the treasury of Babylon..." Ishtar said. "You're talking about the treasury Gilgamesh is building for the future, right?"

Fujimaru's expression didn't change as Ishtar's began to crack.

"Once completed," Ishtar continued, "it's been touted to be bottomless. Or that it contains all mankind's treasures!"

Mash smiled, giving away nothing.

"How much are we talking here?" Mercury asked.

"What it says on the label," Zack said. "All of mankind's treasures. Past, present and future. And not just gold and jewels, but weapons and vehicles too. He has a fucking jet before powered flight was even a thing, thousands of years before the first powered flight even."

"That's ludicrous!" Oobleck said. "Do you know how much wealth has passed mankind throughout the ages!"

"Good thing he's not from Remnant," Robyn said. "Can you imagine the economic crash once the stock market finds out that much wealth exists?"

Ishtar cracked further but held strong. "Oh no, that sounds too good to be true!"

"How about 25% then?" Fujimaru raised.

"25%?" Ishtar exclaimed. "It's still going up? No, hold on, I'm the almighty Ishtar! I can't just... from such shameful conditions..."

"Damn, she didn't take it," Oscar said.

"Just wait," a recovered Roman said. "They'll pretend to leave, then Ishtar would beg them to stay and accept the deal."

"There's no way my sister would accept that, right?" Winter said.

Weiss was still too busy thinking about those jewels to hear her sister.

Whitley snapped his fingers in front of her. "She's not responding."

"Can't blame her," Sienna said.

"Mash..." Fujimaru said in false disappointment. "It's a shame but take the cargo back out."

Mash played along. "Okay, it's quite unfortunate, but we shall take it back as our own."

They walked away as Ishtar practically begged them not to leave.

"Oh, wait!" Ishtar cried. "No! Oh no! Don't do that! It would make me so sad I would die!"

"Then?" Fujimaru asked.

Ishtar thought about it before smiling, accepting that she was beaten.

"You win, Ritsuka Fujimaru!" Ishtar said. "I'll join you!"

Fujimaru sighed in relief.

"There we go," Roman said. "What did I say?"

"Such shameful conditions," Jacques scowled. "What do you have to say for yourself young lady?"

That snapped Weiss out of her daze. "I have 100 billion lien! I can do whatever I want!"

"Truer words have never been said," Cardin said.

"Don't spend it all in one place now," Summer said.

"Is that even possible?" Tai asked.

"Goddess Ishtar!" Mash said. "So, you'll fight to help the people of Uruk?"

"Just call me Ishtar," Ishtar said. "I think this is the start of a long relationship for us."

"Okay!" Mash said.

"Thank you, Ishta..." Fujimaru said but stopped when Ishtar pointed her foot at him.

"Okay, first start by kneeling and kissing the top of my foot," Ishtar said. "I'm still a Servant. I need to properly form a contract, you know!"

"Um..." Fujimaru said.

"N-No!" Mash said. "I refuse to allow that! That method of contracting isn't in the manual!"

Ana sighed as the entire confrontation turned into a comedy.

"So, do you want people to kiss your feet too, Weiss?" Coco asked.

"No," Weiss said. "Maybe only if they screw up and work for me."

"That doesn't bode well for her future lovers," Velvet said.

"Sounds like Glynda back during her hay day," Port said. "Demanding little queen she was."

"Peter!" Glynda exclaimed as Port let out details of her teenage years.

Inside Ishtar's temple, they hammered out the finer details of the contract.

"And so," Ishtar said, "even though it's only a temporary contract, I've honoured you by becoming your Servant. Nice to meet you!"

"Goddess Ishtar..." Ozpin said. "Let me go over the basics."

"All right," Ishtar said. "I'll allow you to question me."

"You're a Pseudo Servant, right?" Ozpin asked. "As in you use a human body as a vessel?"

"That's right," Ishtar said. "Divine Spirits like me can't normally become Servants. This is only a pseudo-formation."

"What's going on with the owner of the body you possessed?" Ozpin asked. "As Chaldea's representative... No. As a doctor, I have an ethical problem with this."

"Doctor..." Mash said.

"Mash is a Demi-Servant, isn't she?" Ishtar said. "And now, you want to talk to me about ethics?"

"What does that have to do with this?" Ozpin asked.

"It's a grim tale of Chaldea's history under its first director," Zack said. "Mash is a designer baby, an artificial human created for the sole purpose of hosting a Servant. As you can imagine, it wasn't too far off from what you'd see in a mad scientist lab."

"And I condoned this?" Ozpin said in disgust.

"That was before your employment there," Zack said. "You only found out about the demi-Servant experiments when you were told about it. You were the only one who cared for her afterwards too. He's a good man."

"I see," Ozpin said.

"Good to see you're still a good person there, Oz," Qrow said.

Salem rolled her eyes. As if Ozpin didn't have his fair share of skeletons in his closet.

"My mistake and your problem are different matters," Ozpin said. "And that's why I'm setting things aside and asking you."

"Hmm," Ishtar said. "That's a good answer. I've changed my opinion of you a little. So, I'll answer your question. If you're asking if I killed the owner of this body, then no. If you're asking if her mind can take control, that's a no, too. She and I have become one. Right now, it's about a 70/30 ratio with me as the majority. Well, the main personality is me, but neither of us is more important than the other. I'm always going to be me no matter what."

Mash gasped as she realized how different it was from her own circumstances.

"So, think of it this way..." Ishtar said. "It's not that this person was taken over by Ishtar. It's that she suddenly became Ishtar one day."

"Such a way of thinking!" Fujimaru said.

"Right," Mash said.

"Or like two personalities merged into one," Ishtar said. "It's not like this girl is asleep. Like that bit about the gems earlier, I was all over the place, wasn't I?"

"I-I see," Mash said.

"Anyway, I'm saying that I'm me!" Ishtar said. "You satisfied? Is it okay?"

"Okay," Ozpin said.

"So that bit with the gems was all Weiss?" Yang said.

"Looks like it," Ruby said.

"Does that make Ishtar a better person or the same as Weiss?" Blake asked.

"Ishtar with Weiss as a host in a better person by leagues," Zack said. "Gods don't understand humans. Merging with Weiss made her more human I suppose and tempered her worse tendencies. It even turned her from a yandere into a tsundere."

"How is that last bit important?" Weiss asked.

"It's the most important part of all!" Sage said.

"You don't attract the attention of a yandere if you can help it,
Scarlet agreed. "Bad for your life expectancy."

That night, they trekked back to Uruk. A tired Fou slept on the head of the donkey. Ishtar followed along on her flying boat.

"By the way," Merlin said, "have you ever had the experience of sleeping anywhere outside your bedroom, Ishtar?"

"Indeed," Mash said. "Today's camp will be in a ruined building, so we can't say it is quality bedding."

"Will it be all right?" Fujimaru asked.

"Thanks for worrying," Ishtar said. "But I've spent plenty of time outdoors."

"Is that so?" Mash asked.

"I used to sneak out behind my father's back all the time," Ishtar said. "If you want me to keep watch, I will!"

"Well, that's different," Weiss said. "I've never slept outside before our first mission."

"You handled it remarkably well for a first timer," Oobleck said.

"I know the feeling," Winter said. Bootcamp was very different from her bed in Schnee Manor.

"How trustworthy!" Merlin said. "Nothing less from our trump card against Gorgon."

"Yes!" Mash said. "We stand a chance now with Ishtar on our side!"

"Actually, I don't think you'll lose to anything at all!" Ozpin said. "She's not called 'the most powerful goddess in Mesopotamia' for nothing!"

Ishtar laughed. "Tell me more! Tell me more! Flattery will get you nowhere, but don't let that stop..."

Ishtar stopped.

"Ishtar?" Fujimaru asked.

"Wait," Ishtar said, "I don't think I've done anything amazing in front of you yet."

"Of course!" Mash said. "We haven't seen Gugalanna, the Bull of Heaven you have!"

Ishtar sat up in worry at the mention of Gugalanna.

"Gugalanna, the Bull of Heaven..." Merlin said. "The Divine Weapin you received from the god An! Even King Gilgamesh recognizes its strength, so you can use it to destroy Gorgon."

"For your information," Zack said. "This is Gugalanna."

Zack showed them a picture of a bull that towered over even mountains.

"That's one big bull!" Penny exclaimed.

"That thing is bigger than all of Vale!" Port exclaimed.

"I don't think there's a Grimm in existence that reaches even its knees," Ozpin muttered.

"There isn't," Salem confirmed.

"Magnificent," Cinder said. How she wished she had it. She could literally have it step on anyone who stood in her way.

"Since that doesn't count as fighting her yourself," Fujimaru said, "it shouldn't violate the pact of the alliance, I think."

"Well, I'm told that it's a devastating weapon that changes the very terrain itself," Merlin said, "so we'll keep it as a weapon of last resort."

"That's all the more reason we feel so reassured that you joined us, Ishtar," Fujimaru said.

Ishtar laughed nervously. "That's right! You guys get it! But really, it would be a weapon of last resort! By the way, I decided I'm going to be keeping a diary starting tonight! Bye! Have fun!"

She flew further away from them to avoid any questions.

"Okay!" Mash said. "Take care!"

"Hmm, did anyone else find Ishtar's behaviour suspicious?" Nora asked.

"I didn't notice anything," Sun said.

"Nope, nothing suspicious at all," Neptune said.

"Some junior detectives you are," Nora grumbled. There was so something off about how Ishtar was acting.

Fujimaru was on night watch as he sat by the campfire.

"Good evening," Ishtar greeted as she walked towards the fire covered in a blanket. "You're still keeping watch? You really care about your Servants as a Master."

"I want Mash to get as much rest as possible," Fujimaru said.

"Mash is the Servant with the shield, right?" Ishtar asked. "Have you had a contract with her for a long time?"

"Yeah, that's right," Fujimaru said. "Ishtar?"

"Um, well, can I sit next to you?" Ishtar asked. "I'd like to take this chance to have a little chat."

"Oh, go ahead," Fujimaru said.

Ishtar sat next to him on the log.

"What is it?" Fujimaru asked.

"Um..." Ishtar said. "I still can't believe you brought me to your side. Or what? Was it love at first sight?"

"L-Love at first sight?" Fujimaru asked.

"This I have to hear," Yang said.

"There is nothing to hear!" Weiss denied.

"This is a side to Weiss I never imagined existed," Whitley said.

"I never imagined she had this side too," Winter agreed.

"Is this a return of the blonde Ishtar?" Jaune wondered.

Right," Ishtar said. "Maybe that's why you brought me over to your side."

"Well..." Fujimaru said.

"I see," Ishtar said as Fujimaru hesitated. "You're not denying it."

"There's a misunderstanding!" Fujimaru said. "We want you to help us because at the rate we're going, there's no way we can win against Gorgon. I'm sorry, Ishtar, but..."

"I-I'm joking!" Ishtar said. "Sorry to trouble you! I was just teasing you."

"Yeah," Fujimaru said. "I'm sorry, too."

"You can tease people?" Blake asked in shock.

"I can be playful," Weiss huffed.

"Name one time," Ruby said.

Weiss made to answer but stopped as he mind came up blank.

"That's what I thought," Yang said. "Leave it to the professionals, Weiss. I've been doing it with Ruby for years."

Ruby grumbled in annoyance. Yang was such a tease!

Fou went back to sleep after being woken up by the two.

"That's right!" Weiss said. "I had something I wanted to talk to you about!"

Ishtar sneezed and turned blonde for a second.

"The return of the blonde Weiss!" Coco said.

"That explains the personality change at least," Glynda said.

"So, someone took over my other's body?" Weiss asked. "Like last time?"

"Yup," Zack answered. "Don't worry about it, they mean you no harm."

"It's connected to the night," Clover said. "It always happens at night."

"So, a goddess connected to Ishtar and night?" Emerald said.

"Spoilers," Zack said.

"I'm sorry," ?Ishtar said. "So anyway, back to what we were saying..."

Fujimaru has stood up and backed away a little upon seeing the brief change in Ishtar's appearance.

"What, you want to run away from me?" ?Ishtar asked.

"Um, no...Huh?" Fujimaru said in confusion.

"No, you did, didn't you?" ?Ishtar said sadly. "I saw you start to back away. I've seen it many times."

No, that's not it!" Fujimaru said.

"Are you scared of me, too?" ?Ishtar asked.

Fujimaru sat back down next to her. "I don't mean to look frightened. If I gave you a misunderstanding, I apologize. I'm sorry."

?Ishtar wasn't sure how to handle the heartfelt apology. "Really? You're not scared of me? You don't hate me because I'm a goddess?"

"I wouldn't hate you for reasons like that," Fujimaru said.

"I-I see!" ?Ishtar said as she blushed.

"This other person sounds very lonely," Penny said.

"She needs a hug!" Summer declared.

"Hugs can't cure everything, Summer," Raven said exasperatedly.

"Of course they can!" Summer said. "There's nothing that hugs and cookies can't make better!"

"Yeah!" Ruby agreed.

"She needs all the hugs she can get," Zack said. Poor Ereshkigal. Though she might just pass out if Fujimaru actually hugged her.

The two sat in companionable silence until ?Ishtar broke it.

"That's right!" ?Ishtar said. "There's no time, so I have to get to the point!" She began drawing on the ground with a stick. "You plan on fighting the Three Goddess Alliance. What do you really think about them, though?"

"What, you ask?" Fujimaru said.

"She's offering free information," Ironwood said in surprise.

"She already did so before," Ozpin said.

"Who wants to bet that she's involved in the alliance?" Tai said.

"No bet," Qrow snorted. "Though the free intel is nice. What are her intentions though?"

"It can't be bad," Amber said. "She seems like she just wants a friend and is using Ishtar to get to know Fujimaru."

"But we still don't know her true identity," Robyn said.

She drew a cartoonish monster on the ground. "The Goddess of Demonic Beasts will never make peace with you." She crossed out the monster.

"I don't know much about the Goddess of the Jungle." She drew a picture of the sun and a question mark. "Our cultures are very different. I have no idea what is good and what is evil in her eyes.

"And the third goddess... That's me obviously," ?Ishtar said. "I won't forgive Mesopotamia for what it's become."

Fujimaru looked at her.

"I refuse to accept that you humans abandoned the gods..." ?Ishtar said. "...and tried to make your own world."

"That's..." Fujimaru said.

"That's going to bring you nothing but misery," ?Ishtar said. "Human can't escape the suffering of life or the terror of death. You humans became smarter. And all so that you could come to accept the world for what it really is."

In a different place, a woman covered in a blue glow stood alone surrounded by balls of blue flames in cages.

"But in the Age of Gods, that pain can be lessened..." ?Ishtar said, "...because there are things there that humans can't understand. You can blame all the bad things and the crazy things in your life on the gods, and that makes life easier. I really thought that way of life was a good thing."

?Ishtar looked solemn. "I took that blame for tens of thousands of years. That's why I joined this alliance. So that your human world could become a world for both gods and humans. In other words, I'm not an enemy of humanity, but I'm an enemy of humanity's world."

"Ishtar..." Fujimaru said.

"She sounds very lonely," Sienna said. "As if she has been alone and not understood for a very long time."

"Would such a system even work?" Adam asked.

"No," Ghira said. "Ignorance is not bliss, no matter how it may seem so at times."

"People do seem to love blaming their troubles on others though," Kali said.

"That's human nature," Ilia said. "Always someone else's fault that things didn't go your way."

?Ishtar became embarrassed as she realized she just said all those things to Fujimaru. "I just thought I'd make you feel special and tell this inly to you. Th-That's all I wanted to say. So, well..."

Fujimaru smiled. "Thank you. For being kind to humans."

?Ishtar became embarrassed again.

"I'm going to bed!" she said as she got up. "Y-You should go to bed soon, too!"

"Oh, okay," Fujimaru said as ?Ishtar left.

"Good night," ?Ishtar said. "I'll see you later."

Fujimaru smiled. "Good night, Goddess."

"I can't wait to meet this goddess in person," Ruby said. "She seems nice, if misunderstood."

"Ruby, you can't just make assumptions after a few meetings," Qrow said. "What if she wants to keep you locked up forever?"

Zack raised an eyebrow. That was pretty close to how she planned to protect humans.

"Well, we'll know when they meet her in person," Tai said.

"I wonder if we'll meet the Goddess of the Jungle?" Yang said.

"Well, you won't have to wait too long," Zack said. "Next one is coming right up."

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