Fate/Apocrypha - Chiron vs Achilles

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Fate/Apocrypha - Chiron vs Achilles


Chiron - Ozpin

Achilles - Pyrrha Nikos

"Wait!" Zack said. "Forget the stockbrokers. Who wants to see Ozpin and the Invincible Girl fight?"

"Oh, that sounds highly unfair to Miss Nikos," Port said.

"Well, the odds are more even here," Zack said.

"I'll do my best, professor!" Pyrrha said.

"I'm certain you will, Miss Nikos," Ozpin said.

"So, what's different here?" Sun asked.

"Non-standard Holy Grail War," Jaune casually said. "Pyrrha and Professor Ozpin are on opposing sides. And Pyrrha was one of the professor's students back when they were alive."

"Interesting," Oobleck said.

"Oh, and Pyrrha is literally invincible here," Nora said. "As in normal arrows break off her skin invincible."

"Damn, you really are the Invincible Girl here," Yang said.

"Hurray..." Pyrrha cheered dully. She hated that title.

On top of an airplane, Ozpin and Pyrrha faced each other.

"Ozpin is a horse faunus here?" Yang asked.

"Technically, he's a centaur, half man, half horse," Jaune said. "He just decided that the horse legs and body were too identifiable so gave himself human legs."

"He kept the tail though," Sienna said.

"I wonder if he kept anything else from his horse body," Miltia said.

Ozpin coughed.

Ozpin took aim with his bow and shot an arrow. Pyrrha easily deflected it with her spear, flipping over Ozpin when he came in close.

"She knows I'm an Archer, yet she's keeping her distance..." Ozpin thought.

"What's your game, Pyrrha?" Ren asked.

"I don't know,' Pyrrha said.

"Hmm, I haven't used a bow in a while," Ozpin said.

"Nice spear she has there," Neptune said.

"Does it do anything?" Ruby asked.

"You'll see," Zack said.

"You'll use a Noble Phantasm," Ozpin deduced.

"Bingo," Pyrrha confirmed. "Archer of Black, the true power of this spear... I'll show it to you!"

"Go! My spear, my belief!" Pyrrha chanted. She threw it over Ozpin, who couldn't help but look at it as it flew overhead.

"Diatrekhōn Astēr Lonkhē! (Meteor Spear): Spear-tip of the Star Traversing the Skies"

"What the-" Ozpin looked as the spear caused the area around the plane he and Pyrrha were on to move to a different dimension.

The spear disappeared as if sinking into a pool of water as Ozpin took in the change in scenery.

"A way to force one on one combat," Glynda said.

"Fascinating," Watts said.

"Suddenly, polarity doesn't seem all that impressive," Pyrrha said.

"Amazing," Ozpin said. "It can overwrite the world? I'm genuinely impressed, Pyrrha."

"There's no Divinity at play here," Pyrrha said as she walked forward. "Luck doesn't work here, third parties can't interfere and time is stopped."

"I see," Ozpin said. "Only we and our innate strength exist here."

"Finally, until a winner is decided, we can't leave this world," Pyrrha said. "Do you agree with these conditions, Teacher?"

"So, no cheating," Sienna said.

"No divinity?" Oscar asked.

"If you're protected by divine enhancements, they're not going to work anymore basically," Zack said.

"I wonder..." Salem said.

"Once this fight is over, I want you to concede me one wish," Ozpin said.

"A wish?" Pyrrha asked.

"Yes," Ozpin said. "But if I die, you can ignore that wish. What do you think?"

Pyrrha thought about it for a moment.

"He's up to something," Cinder immediately said.

"What was your first clue?" Raven sarcastically said.

"You can't possibly be accusing the headmaster of trying to trick his student?" Glynda said.

"10 lien he does something just like that," Junior said.

"Deal," Roman said.

"I accept it, by the honour of my father," Pyrrha answered.

"Then I shall accept this duel not as Archer of Black, but as an ordinary warrior," Ozpin said.

"Thank you," Pyrrha said as she raised her fists.

"A fist fight?" Tai said. "I don't think I've ever seen the professor fight without his cane before."

"Oh, this will be fun," Ozpin said.

"Hmm, my pankration is a little rusty," Pyrrha said.

"Spar with you later," Yang said. "See if you're so invincible without your weapons."

"You're on," Pyrrha said.

"Bare-handed?" Ozpin said. "You think I won't use a Noble Phantasm?"

"This arena is my Noble Phantasm," Pyrrha said. "I don't think you can activate it even if you wanted."

"Wasn't I the one who always kicked your ass in pankration?" Ozpin said.

"Maybe you have the advantage, don't you think?" Pyrrha said.

"Well, I guess it works both ways," Ozpin said with a smile.

"Place your bets, people!" Coco called out. "The headmaster vs the Invincible Girl!"

"What are the odds, Barty?" Port asked as if he was commenting on the Vytal Tournament.

"Well, Miss Nikos accolades need no mention, but the headmaster did not rise to his position by being soft either," Oobleck said. "I'll say the odds are skewed towards the headmaster's favour though, by sheer experience alone."

The two bumped their fist.

"I am Pyrrha, daughter of the hero Peleus," Pyrrha said.

"I am Ozpin, son of the titan Cronus," Ozpin said.

"Let's have a fair fight!" the two said together as they got into their fighting stances.


Everyone looked at Neo, who somehow had a bell in her hands.

The two immediately got in close to each other, both managing to land a gutshot on the other. The two separated.

"Ooh..." Summer said.

"That had to hurt," Clover said.

Pyrrha chuckled as she wiped some blood from her mouth.

Ozpin was the one who initiated the next engagement, coming at Pyrrha with a flurry of punches, which Pyrrha blocked one after another. Not content to stay on the defence, she jumped into the air and landed several kicks on Ozpin's arms, kicking him off the plane's fuselage and onto one of the wings.

Ozpin quickly recovered and landed in a crouch, looking up as Pyrrha came down on him. The two rolled on the wing, before Ozpin threw Pyrrha off him. The fight continued, Pyrrha managing to blind Ozpin in one eye, but he grabbed her ankle and threw her away.

Both stood at the tip of the wing, facing each other.

"She managed to blind you in one eye," Ironwood said, impressed.

"Well, she's the best fighter in our year for a reason," Weiss said.

"You got me there," Ozpin said as he rubbed his right eye. "Really, that godspeed of yours. It already cost me an eye."

"And you Teacher are already aiming and striking so strongly at my heel," Pyrrha said as she rolled her left foot. "Merciless as always."

"So the heel is a weak point," Cinder said. "Have to remember that."

"Once you reach your opponent, be sure to destroy it," Ozpin said. "That's the basis of pankration, and I'm sure I told you so."

"Yeah, I remember vividly!" Pyrrha said before she charged at Ozpin, throwing a flurry of punches at him.

The two fought, Ozpin managed to send Pyrrha to the ground but she quickly pushed herself away and upright. However, Ozpin was able to knock her away till she was back to the plane's fuselage, then punched into the plane's fuselage.

"And the headmaster has Pyrrha on the back foot!" Fox said.

"He's the headmaster for a reason," Yatsuhashi said.

"And they're doing this with just their fist too," Velvet said.

Inside the plane, Pyrrha kicked Ozpin out of the fuselage to the other side of the plane.

Ozpin stood up, only to take a punch to the gut from Pyrrha. Blocking the follow-up, he uppercut his opponent and grabbed her by the leg, throwing her at the plane's fuselage where she rebounded and landed on top of it.

The two fighters were now bleeding and panting, the fight having taken its toll on them with their divinity neutralized. The two got back into their fighting stances and prepared to continue.

"Man, I wonder if this is what Yang and I will look like once she gets more experience," Tai said.

"Please don't spar on an airship, the damage would be expensive," Glynda said.

"Now I want to fight both of them," Yang said.

"Oh right, she's also a wrestling maniac goddess in this world," Blake muttered.

The two met in the middle, Ozpin launching a barrage of attacks so fierce that it was all Pyrrha could do to defend against it. He stepped on her scarf, pulling her close and landed another punch on her.

"Now that's a case of accessory malfunction right there," Melanie said.

"Maybe don't wear the very long scarf in a hand to hand fight," Clover said.

"I'll keep that in mind," Pyrrha said.

"This much..." Ozpin thought. "You have grown this much, Pyrrha. I finally understand... I want to... Win!"

"Someone is enjoying himself," Winter said.

"The joy of a good fight is something few can give me," Ozpin said.

Thinking he had an advantage, Ozpin tried to uppercut his student, only for her to lean back to dodge it.

"And that's the mistake that sealed the headmaster's fate," Tai said knowledgeably.

Ozpin realized too late the opening he had left with his last attack, which Pyrrha wasted no time in exploiting.

"Here I come, Ozpin!" Pyrrha yelled as she gave him the strongest punch she could, literally punching through his heart.

"This is... everything I have," Pyrrha thought.

"Well, everything you have was more than enough to win I see," Hazel said. Shame. He wanted to be the one to rip out Ozpin's heart.

"This will be a victory to savour," Pyrrha said.

"Well done, Miss Nikos," Ozpin merely said.

"She truly is invincible," Cardin muttered.

"Well done," Ozpin congratulated as he collapsed. The world around them returned to normal as the fight was decided in Pyrrha's favour.

"I'm very grateful, Teacher," Pyrrha said. "This power, this technique... is all thanks to you."

"Stop it with the 'Teacher'," Ozpin said. "I don't deserve to be referred as such anymore."

"Defeat or not, you'll always be our professor," Pyrrha said.

"Well, you'll always be the professor," Summer said.

"It's a hard habit to get out of," Tai said.

"But!" Pyrrha said.

"Come on, I'm still alive," Ozpin said. "As long as I live, I will be your enemy. You must deliver the finishing blow."

"But what about the condition about granting your wish after this fight?" Pyrrha asked.

"So that was it," Ozpin said. "Rider of Red, what will you do now that you defeated me?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Pyrrha said. "I will defeat the Servants of Black and survive this War."

"About that," Ozpin said. "Could you give one of your Noble Phantasms to the members of my Faction?"

"But, didn't she just use it?" Ruby asked.

"She has more than just the spear, Ruby," Zack said. "Granted, the invincibility can't be shared, the shield, spear and chariot are impressive enough as they are."

"Some people have all the luck," Sun said.

"Please... don't ask for the impossible," Pyrrha said.

"Can't you fulfil one of your Teacher's wishes before he dies?" Ozpin asked.

"I'll think about it," Pyrrha finally said.

"Thank you very much," Ozpin said. "Well then, I will also fulfil my last duty as a Servant."

"And here, the headmaster's treachery shall be revealed," Cinder said.

Ozpin pointed at the sky, Pyrrha looking at the constellation that was shining brighter than usual.

"The Sagittarius constellation in the sky," Ozpin said. "Based on it, I'm always with my bow ready to shoot. In other words, my Noble Phantasm is always active. And I don't need to call for its True Name... Because the arrow has already been released!"

A bolt of energy flew towards the earth at great speeds, striking Pyrrha in her legendary heel.

"Holy! Ozpin has a kill sat!" Ironwood said, feeling very jealous.

"Ha! Pay up!" Junior said.

Roman grumbled as he handed the lien to the information broker.

Pyrrha screamed in pain as she could only watch helplessly, having fallen for her Teacher's trick.

"My Antares clearly landed its shot where I wanted..." Ozpin said as the bolt of energy dissipated. "I have certainly deprived you of your immortality."

"Damn you, Archer!" Pyrrha cursed as the plane shook from the damage Ozpin's Noble Phantasm inflicted on it.

"Well, she's not dead yet," Adam said.

"She is severely weakened though," Penny said.

"Well, considering her base stats were already incredibly high, she has merely been brought down to badass," Jaune said.

Pyrrha could do nothing but jump onto another plane as Ozpin fell, content that he had done his duty.

"Master... at the end, I was able to fulfil my duty as a Servant," Ozpin thought as he fell.

In one of the remaining planes, a young woman looked at her hand as her Command Seals faded.

"As the last of my disciples, I wish for you to shine brightly like the stars in the night sky," Ozpin thought as he faded away.

On another plane, Pyrrha looked at the falling plane. "Teacher... you're too unfair..."

"Fairness is for the training ring," Ozpin said.

Pyrrha grumbled a little at the professor's cheap move at the end.

"You still won in the end," Blake said.

"Yeah!" Nora cheered. "Pyrrha's the best!"

"I always knew you could beat him," Jaune said.

"And not because you cheated and looked ahead?" Pyrrha asked.

"Maybe," Jaune said.

"Now it's time for something very different," Zack said. "The brotrip to end all brotrips."

"Ooh!" Nora said. "Will there be hugging involved?"

"Lots of back breaking hugs will be given, friend!" Zack said. "Now, say it with me."


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