Game of Thrones - End of House Frey

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Game of Thrones – End of House Frey

Zack was frantically updating his security. "No more openings. I swear it!"

"You do realize that he'll find a way in if he really wants to, right?" Jaune said.

"Over his dead body," Zack declared.

"Is that even possible?" Nora asked.

"Well, there's a first time for everything," Zack said.

"So, he's not going to get in here again, is he?" Jacques asked nervously.

"No, you poor excuse of humanity," Zack said. "Deadpool shouldn't be able to enter again."

"Shouldn't?" Saphron said.

"Shouldn't," Zack said.

"So, this next one is about Ruby?" Yang asked.

"It is," Zack said. "Her and Jacques in fact."

"Me?" Jacques said.

"You're a lord here," Zack said. "A rather powerful one at that."

Jacques smirked. As it should be. The only way it could be better was if he was a king.

"Wipe that smirk off your face," Zack said. "Or don't. Ruby will do it for you."

"What did I do?" Ruby asked.

"You'll see," Zack said.

In a dining hall lit only by candles, an elderly Lord Jacques Frey was dining alone as a servant girl came in with a tray.

"The years have not been kind to you," Nicolas said.

"That's father?" Whitley said. "But he's so old."

"Well, good thing our hair was already white," Winter said.

"He's not balding though," Weiss said. "Or maybe that's something he's trying to avoid by hiring the best hair care specialists money can buy."

The servant put down the pie and sliced a piece for the old lord.

"You're not one of mine, are you?" Jacques asked.

"No, my lord," she said as she placed the slice on his plate.

"Didn't think so. Too pretty." He slapped her on the arse.

The servant girl didn't say anything.

"Well, that's new," Willow said.

"An old lecher," Sienna said. "Well, age certainly made him bold."

"How despicable," Glynda said.

"If that was me, I'd have broken his hand," Coco said.

"I'd give him a knuckle sandwich to go with his meal," Yang said.

"Break his leg!" Nora said.

"Where are my damn moron sons?" Jacques asked. "Black Jack and Lothar were supposed to be here by midday."

"They're here, my lord," the servant girl said.

"Well, what are they doing?" Jacques asked. "Trimming their cunt hairs? Tell them to come here, now."

"Language," Ozpin said.

"Aren't you suppose to be a noble?" Cinder said. "Since when did noblemen use suck language?"

"The ones that don't give a damn, obviously," Cardin said.

"Still, someone his age should learn to watch their words," Ghira said.

"Would you rather hear Councilmen with their political back talk and hidden barbs?" Ironwood said.

"Sometimes, you wish you had a translator for that," Robyn said.

"They're already here, my lord," the servant girl answered.

Lord Frey took a drink of his wine and looked around for his sons.

"Here, my lord." The servant girl pointed her hands towards the pie she had brought him.

"The pie?" Pyrrha said.

"Well, at least it isn't a cake," Sun said.

"What do you mean?" Ren asked.

"Cause the cake is a lie," Neptune said.

"Oh dear," Blake said, having a bad feeling about this.

Lord Jacques Frey looked at her strangely, then looked at his pie. Noticing something strange about it, he took off the crust, seeing that it was merely pie crust over carved human flesh.

Several of them turned green around their gills.

"Hmm, should have left it in the oven for a few more minutes," Ruby said. "Pies crust looks a bit soft."

"I'm sorry, but what the fuck!" Roman yelled.

"I'm pretty sure not even mob bosses do that," Junior said.

"You're ok with putting the head of a man's horse in his bed, but human pie disgusts you?" Raven said.

"Imagine if he took a bite out of it," Oscar said.

Several of them made use of the conveniently there buckets.

"Pansies," Vernal said.

"They weren't easy to carve," the servant girl said. "Especially Black Jack."

Jacques started panicking and looked at the servant.

Said servant grabbed the skin of her face and pulled it off, revealing the face of Ruby Stark underneath it.

"Nice trick," Salem said.

"Something tells me that isn't a rubber mask," Emerald said.

"Looks like genuine human skin to me," Mercury said.

"It is," Zack said. "It's part of her super assassin powers. She can take on the face of others."

"As if dealing with illusionists that could do the same wasn't hard enough," Qrow said.

"My name is Ruby Stark," Ruby said. "I want you to know that. The last thing you'll ever see is a Stark smiling down at you as you die."

Ruby took out a knife and Jacques tried to run away. Only for Ruby to pull him back into his seat and slit his throat.

Ruby held him there, smiling as he drowned in his own blood.

"That smile scares me," Ruby said.

"Yeah, this isn't like her at all," Weiss agreed.

"What could possess sweet Ruby Rose to murder someone like that?" Oobleck wondered.

"Losing your family to treachery would do that," Zack said.

"Oh, my poor Ruby," Summer said.

"I got killed by a little girl!" Jacques said.

"Said little girl has a father," Tai said.

"You can't hurt me, I'm Jacques Schnee!" Jacques said.

"Names and titles don't matter when fists are doing the talking," Qrow said.

Jacques quieted down.

Later that day, most of the Freys were feasting in the dining hall, Jacques looking over them from the high table.

"Those are all Schnees?" Ilia asked, noticing the Schnee features.

"This Jacques got around a lot, had many wives," Zack said. "Then his sprogs had sprogs of their own, then those sprogs had some of their own. You can figure out how this goes."

"Monty Oum, that's a lot of relatives," Port said. "Family reunions must be eventful."

"So, we have lots of relatives now," Whitley said.

"None of them look like people I'd like to associate with," Weiss said.

"What I wouldn't give to be there," Adam said. "With Wilt and Blush. Maybe some grenades too."

"Wait, I thought Jacques had his throat slit," Sienna said.

"And Ruby can steal faces," Melanie said.

"Oh, I see where this is going," Miltia said.

Adam smirked. He was going to enjoy this.

He grabbed his goblet and banged it on the table twice, getting the hall to quiet down.

Jacques stood up. "You're wondering, why I brought you all here. Afterall, we just had a feast. Since when does Old Jacques give us two feasts in a single fortnight?"

The Freys chuckled at that.

"Well, it's no good being lord of the Riverlands if you can't celebrate with your family. That's what I say."

The Freys shouted out their agreement and banged the tables. Jacques snapped his fingers and the servants got to work, pouring wine into the cups of the many Freys there.

"Ten lien says that those decanters have poison in them," Emerald said.

"No bet," Mercury said.

"I've gathered every Frey who means a damn thing, so I can tell you my plans for this great house, now that winter has come," Jacques said. "But first, a toast. No more of that Dornish horse piss. This is the finest Arbor Gold. Proper wine, for proper heroes."

The Freys cheered.

Jacques raised his goblet. "Stand together."

"Stand together!" the Freys toasted then drank.

Noticeably, Jacques didn't even sip from his cup as the others did.

His poor young wife Willow went to take a sip herself.

"Not you," Jacques said. "I'm not wasting good wine on a damn woman."

Willow put her cup down.

"Rude," Willow said.

"You do know your life was probably just spared, right?" Clover said.

"Well, if you have to sleep with a man many decades your senior, you'd drink yourself to death to," Willow said.

"I'm only a few years older than you," Jacques said.

"Well, the other you looks a hundred," Nicolas said.

"He's in his nineties," Zack said. "Well, was."

"Someone so repulsive that Death took her sweet time collecting him," Sienna said.

"Maybe, I'm not the most pleasant man," Jacques said. "I'll admit it, but I'm proud of you lot. You're my family, the men who helped me slaughter the Starks, at the Red Wedding."

The Freys cheered and drank some more.

"They did what?" Kali said.

"Killed a king and his retinue while he was in their castle, under Guest Rights too," Zack said. "That was this Ruby's family."

"They violated Guest Rights?!" Oobleck said. "But, that's sacred, especially during medieval times!"

"There's a reason not even their allies like them," Zack said.

"Well, looks like their getting what they deserve," Saphron said.

"Yes, cheer," Jacques said. "Brave men. All of you. Butchered a woman, pregnant with her babe."

The Freys started to quiet down as they realized something was not right.

"Cut the throat, of a mother of five."

Willow looked around, noticing some of the Freys didn't look well.

"Slaughtered your guests, after inviting them into your home."

Freys started coughing and grabbing their throat.

"Looks like the poison is taking effect," Ozpin said.

"I would pity them," Ironwood said. "Then I heard their extensive list of crimes."

"You ever think that being a lord is like being a mob boss?" Qrow said. "I mean, you have border disputes with other lords, try to get the favour of bigger fish while secretly plotting to usurp them, and occasionally threaten your enemies."

"Huh, that does sound like being a mob boss," Junior said.

"We would fit right in," Roman said.

"But, you didn't slaughter every one of the Starks. No, no. That was your mistake."

More Freys started coughing, some coughing out blood.

"You should have ripped them all out, root and stem."

Freys started dropping.

"Leave one wolf alive, and the sheep are never safe."

The gathered Freys started dropping like flies while Jacques smiled at the scene.

"And so ends the line of House Frey," Zack said. "They will not be missed."

"So, are the people going to be throwing celebrations and parties?" Sun asked.

"They don't have the luxury," Zack said. "Winter is upon them and their lands have been ravaged by years of war."

"Well, doesn't matter," Adam said. "We'll be drinking to this for a long time."

"Amen," Ilia said.

"That's going to be a rough winter," Ozpin said, remembering surviving them in medieval times.

The servants and Willow looked in horror as the last Frey died. They looked at Lord Jacques, who grabbed at his face and pulled it off.

Ruby Stark turned towards Willow. "When people ask you what happened here, tell them the North remembers. Tell them, Winter came for House Frey."

Ruby walked down the hall, pass terrified servants as she observed her work with a smile. She had in one night, ended House Frey's entire lineage.

"This Ruby is ruthless," Neptune said.

"Well, she did go through a lot to become the assassin she currently is," Zack said.

"My poor girl," Tai said.

"Well, at least his seed won't be polluting the world any longer," Adam said, pointing at Jacques.

Jacques grumbled, something about getting better security and taste testers.

"So, what's next?" Oscar asked.

"Nora will love this," Zack said. "She's going to be bringing the thunder next."

"Oh boy," Ren said.

"It's god me!" Nora cheered.

"Yes, with the hammer that shoots lightning," Pyrrha said.

"That thing isn't going to fly in and wreck the place, is it?" Blake said.

"It better not," Jaune said.

"Well, it's time to be thunderstruck," Zack said.

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