Judge Dredd

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Judge Dredd

"How did you break free from that duct tape anyway?" Nora said as Ren slowly broke apart the quick hardening containment foam with a sledgehammer. It was slow going.

"It was rated for brute strength," Jaune said. "But you never tested it against Godzilla's Atomic Breath. Then again, you taped his tail onto his head. No way for his Atomic Breath to reach it anyway."

Nora pouted. "Work harder Ren!"

"So pushy," Ren grumbled as he heaved the sledgehammer again. "You know, this would go faster if you gave me the solvent for this stuff."

"Where's the fun in that?" Jaune said.

Pyrrha looked at him. "Please..."

Jaune caved. "Fine."

A golden portal opened up above Nora and doused her in some liquid, which promptly dissolved the containment foam.

"Freedom!" Nora proclaimed.

"That wasn't so hard now was it?" Saphron said.

"Speak for yourself," Jaune grumbled.

"Now, what was this about Jimmy being the law?" Qrow said.

"In this world, the role of policeman, judge, jury and executioner are all combined into one roll," Zack explained. "Judges are what they're called and they're job is to enforce the law in their cities."

"Sounds like a brutal system," Glynda said.

"I like it," Ironwood said.

"It does sound efficient," Ozpin said. "Prone to abuse though."

"So, you mean to say we have a bunch of trigger happy coppers out on the street," Junior said.

"More or less," Zack said.

"I wouldn't want to live in that neighbourhood," Melanie said.

"They'll have to catch me first," Emerald said.

"They just might," Miltia said.

"How tough can they be?" Roman said.

"Oh, you'll regret that," Ironwood said.

Two Street Judges were taking cover behind their motorcycles as gangs fired at each other.

"Rose and Xiao Long in position outside Heavenly Haven!" Summer said into her comms. "We're under fire from the upper floors. Request backup. Help immediately. Cell B in Heavenly Haven, on the corner of Abbot and Costello. Request backup."

"Oh look, it's us," Summer said.

"And we're under fire from what seems to be a gang war," Tai said.

"See," Roman said. "These Judges don't seem so tough."

"Oh, say that again, I dare you," Tai said.

"I double dare you," Summer said. "In fact, I triple dare you."

"Your mom is weird," Weiss said.

"You get used to it," Yang said.

Her transmission was heard by another Judge on motorcycle. Upon receiving the request, he revved his motorcycle and was on his way.

The two Judges on the scene looked as Judge James "Dredd" Ironwood arrived. He parked his vehicle and calmly dismounted, looking at the two Judges as he stood in the middle of the street.

"Oh look, it's the general," Watts said.

"Hopefully someone will get a lucky shot in," Sienna said.

"You're remarkably calm for someone in the middle of a fire fight," Ozpin said.

"Well, I'm sure he's confident in his body armour," Ironwood said.

"Or maybe he's just too badass to care," Cardin said.

"Maybe," Oscar said.

"He does look tough as nails," Ilia said.

"Holy crud!" Tai said. "He's a sitting duck out there."

"He knows what he's doing," Summer said.

"Are you sure?" Raven said.

"Well... he just looks so sure of himself," Summer said.

"Don't lead us to our deaths now," Tai said.

"I know what I'm doing," Ironwood said.

"How sure are you?" Port said.

"Very," Ironwood said.

"I hope you screw up in the bloodiest and goriest way possible," Tyrian said.

"Don't bet on it," Adam said.

Dredd looked up at the block war and his helmet's mic came up.

"I am... the Law!" Dredd announced.

"Wow," Amber said. "You straight up said it."

"Well, aren't I?" Ironwood said.

"You can't be the law!" Robyn said.

"If he can be the rules," Cinder pointed at Jaune, who smirked. "I don't see why the general can't be the law. Of course, I'll be queen."

"Excuse me?" Salem said.

"Nothing," Cinder said.

"I'm pretty sure there was something," Hazel said.

"You're hearing things," Emerald said.

"You're quick to back her up," Mercury mumbled.

"Drop... your weapons! These blocks... are under... arrest! This is your final warning!"

"You know, that's usually when someone snipes the idiot who does that so boldly," Clover said.

"Are you calling the general an idiot?" Winter said, scandalized.

"Well, he is standing out in the open when they are armed men who have the high ground," Penny pointed out.

"The high ground is very important," Oobleck said.

"I know what I'm doing!" Ironwood said.

Several people gave him a look that aptly expressed their doubt.

From one of the blocks, someone looked down at Dredd with a telescope. "That's Judge Dredd, man!"

"I thought your name was Ironwood," Jacques said.

"He's so infamous here that people started calling him the Dreaded," Zack said. "It kind of stuck and people don't even know his real name is James Ironwood."

"General Dredd," Ironwood said. "I like it."

"Dredd it, run from it, the law comes all the same," Nora said.

"Don't get carried away, Thanora," Jaune said.

"Hey! You wanna be afraid of somebody? Be afraid of me!" Mercury threatened the grunt.

"I got it!" another grunt said. "Why don't I run down there and surrender? Sort of throw 'em off guard!"

Mercury cocked his gun.

"Bad idea," the grunt immediately said.

"It's so hard to find competent henchmen these days," Roman sighed.

Neo nodded.

"It doesn't help that getting beaten up by little girls is an occupational hazard," Junior said.

Said little girls smirked.

"Now, if only you don't sneak out to do that," Glynda said. "Or cause massive amount of collateral damage when you do."

Said little girls lost their smirk.

"Hey Dredd! Come and get us!" Mercury and his men began firing down at him.

Dredd, without a shred of worry, just stood there. "I knew they'd do that."

"Judge Dredd, take cover!" Tai said.

Dredd walked over to them. "They're firing 20mm caseless flechette rounds at 300 metres. The effective lethal range is 200 metres. You're safe. What are you doing down there, Judge Rose?"

"Because just standing there and taking their bullets is an idiotic move unless you're invincible," Summer said.

"Yeah, that is a bit crazy," Ironwood admitted. "At least he knows that they aren't lethal at that range."

"Still ballsy as hell though," Ghira said.

"It would be nice to be able to just stand there and laugh as they shoot at you impotently, bullets bouncing off your perfectly chiselled chest," Kali said.

"That's basically any superhero with invincibility," Sun said.

"So it is," Neptune said.

The two Judges got up, realizing Dredd was right.

"Waiting for backup," Summer said.

Dredd turned towards the block. "It's here. Let's move it out. Keep it simple. Single file. Standard relay. I'm point. You're last."

The three Judges prepared to breach the building.

"Grenade," Dredd requested.


Judge Dredd took aim and fired at the door, blowing it down.

"Ooo, it shoots grenade bullets!" Ruby said.

"Ingenious!" Nora said. "Ren! We're making bullet grenades!"

"Oh, hell no!" Pyrrha said.

"That's nice," Ironwood said. "But I already have a gun."

"That's some loyalty to your weapon," Nicolas said.

"They and I have been through a lot," Ironwood said.

"I thought the Roses were the weapons nuts," Watts said.

"Enthusiasts!" said Roses corrected.

"Same difference," Adam said.

"Well, they've been with me for most of my career," Ironwood said. "And they're reliable."

"Can't fault you for that," Ozpin said, remembering his trusty cane.

"Nice shot, sir!" Tai said.

"You two meet me on the 40th," Dredd ordered.

Mercury and his men were still firing away at the other block.

"Hey, you need to get some more ammo!" Mercury told the idiot who recommended that he surrender earlier.

Said idiot turned to do so, being distracted by a robot that was passing by.

Mercury face palmed. "Idiot."

"Know my pain," Cinder said.

"Are you calling us idiots?" Roman said, outraged.

"Yes," Cinder stated.

Neo gave her a thumbs down. 'Worst boss ever!'

"What about me?" Emerald asked.

"You're ok," Cinder said.

"Favouritism," Adam said.

"Hey, you guys with us?" Mercury yelled to his men in the other room.

"Yeah! All right! Let's rock n roll!" The men in the next room broke the windows and fired away at the other block.

Suddenly, the roof of their room had multiple bullets fired a down from the top in a perfect circle. Said circle collapsed and Judge Dredd came down with it.

"Dredd!" one of the men yelled.

Before any of them could do anything, Dredd took them down with a quick burst of rapid fire.

Summer and Tai burst in, only to find Dredd and three bodies.

"This room has been pacified," Dredd stated.

"Just like that?" Sienna said, shocked.

"He's good," Qrow said.

"I wonder how he compares to that assassin version of you," Winter said.

"Depends on the equipment on hand I think," Glynda said. "You must admit what Dredd has is quite advanced compared to what that Qrow uses."

"Even he can't survive a shotgun to the face," Ilia said.

"Who knows," Oscar said.

"Now there's a Death Battle I'd like to see," Jaune said.

"Next one's mine!" Tai said as he went to the next room.

"No! Rookie, hold on!" Dredd yelled.

Tai kicked open the door to the next room. "This room is under arrest!"

Mercury and his men turned and open fired on him, sending Tai flying back.

"No!!!" Summer cried and went to get Tai out.

"Damn it Tai!" Team S_RQ said.

"Oh, no Aura, right," Tai said sheepishly.

"Rookies," Winter sighed.

"Always so hot-headed," Clover agreed.

"That's a fatal wound right there," Penny said. "Flechette rounds are very lethal up close."

"Yeah, I kind of got that after seeing it go through body armour like wet paper," Vernal said.

"Die, Judges! Die!" The men yelled as they fired at them. Summer pulled Tai away from the field of fire, Tai trailing blood on the wall from where he was shot.

"You're under arrest," Dredd yelled. "Throw down your weapons and prepare to be judged!"

"Judgement time!" Coco said.

"At least it isn't Judgement Day," Jaune said.

"We don't have a good cast for that yet," Zack admitted. "Or a good scene."

"But... there's the obvious choice right there!" Nora pointed at Ironwood.

"What?" Ironwood asked.

"Oh, like there was ever a different choice," Zack said. "It's everyone else that's difficult."

"You guys are doing that 'knowing things we don't' thing again," Velvet said.

"So we are," Zack said. "Sorry, we got off track."

"Judge this, Lawgiver man!" one of Mercury's men grabbed Tai's Lawgiver.

"No, don't!" Mercury warned. "They're booby-trapped!"


The Lawgiver electrocuted the man.

"Holy drok!" one of them cursed.

"That's a nice feature," Robyn said. "We should incorporate that."

"Sounds hackable," Watts said.

"That'll be a nightmare and a half," Willow said. "Suddenly, your entire law enforcement personnel are incapacitated by their own guns."

"Yeah... let's not do that," Cardin said.

"Drats," Watts said.

"That's my line," Winter said.

"I don't care," Watts said.

"Full auto. Rapid fire," Dredd said.


Dredd got out of cover and fired into the room, taking down a few of the men before returning to cover.

"Armour piercing," Dredd said.


Dredd took down another man by shooting him through his gun with the armour piercing round.

"Did you just shoot a man through his gun?" Whitley said.

"He did," Hazel said.

"When he said armour piercing, I thought he was going to shoot through the wall," Saphron said.

"Yeah, me too," Pyrrha said.

"Maybe he just wants to show off," Blake said.

"That must be it," Yang said.

"I'm not a show off," Ironwood mumbled.

"Drop dead, Dredd!" one of the remaining three men yelled as they fired.

Dredd returned to cover and prepared to finish this.

"Double whammy," Dredd said.


Dredd got out of cover and fired, two shots coming out and hitting the two men, dropping them dead.

"Ok, that's just bullshit," Roman said.

"You're just jealous," Ironwood said smugly.

"Great, I'm the last man standing," Mercury groaned.

"Think they'll be lenient if you plead guilty?" Junior said.

"With him as judge, jury and executioner?" Mercury said incredulously.

"You'll be lucky if you get a life sentence," Salem said.

Mercury backed up as he was the last man standing, raising his hands as Dredd walked in.

"Atlas City municipal code 213: Wilful destruction of property. That's two years," Dredd stated.

One of the men was still alive and saw a gun in front of him.

"James, we've been over this," Ozpin said. "Make sure everyone else is dead or helpless before starting the monologue."

"I'm not monologing," Ironwood said. "I'm dispensing the law!"

"Well, dispense it more thoroughly," Robyn said.

"Come on, get a lucky shot it," Mercury prayed.

"You're not that lucky," Emerald said.

"Code 310: Illegal possession of assault weapons, five years."

"Code 457: Resisting arrest, 20 years!"

The surviving man grabbed the gun and was about to fire at Dredd, only for Summer to shoot him first.

"Thank you, Rose," Dredd thanked.

"Well, good thing you have me to watch your back," Summer said.

"Yeah... thanks," Ironwood said.

"He thanked someone," Jacques said, shocked.

"He can do that?" Sienna said.

"What? I can thank people," Ironwood said.

"We know," Ozpin said. "It's just that it's such a rare occurrence that we're shocked when it happens."

"When was the last time?" Qrow said.

"You were too drunk to remember," Glynda said.

"Sounds about right," Winter said.

Dredd turned and walked away from Mercury. "And code 3613: The first-degree murder of a Street Judge."

Mercury reached for the gun in his back pocket. "Let me guess. Life."

Mercury tried to fire at Dredd, only for Dredd to turn around and fire shoot first. "Death. Court's adjourned."

"This is a kangaroo court! I demand a retrial!" Mercury demanded. "And a lawyer! I know my rights!"

"If we do this, your defence attorney will be him," Zack pointed at Tyrian.

"The way I see it, your options is to plea innocent and kill everyone, or plea guilty and kill everyone," Tyrian said seriously.

"Hell no," Mercury said. "That'll make things worse!"

"Worst lawyer ever," Cinder said.

"You do realize lawyers terrorize people, legally, for a living," Salem said.

"They do?" Tyrian said, perking up.

"What have you done?" Ozpin said, horrified.

"Unleashed a horror that this world cannot handle," Salem said solemnly.

"This is payback for the Incident, isn't it!" Ozpin accused.

"Damn right it is!" Salem yelled.

"Ah, old married couple fights," Zack said. "When you're not in the crossfire, highly entertaining."

"Not for us," Glynda said.

"That's because all of Remnant has been in the crossfire for millennia," Zack said.

"That explains so much," Amber said.

"So, we're going back to an old universe here," Zack said.

"Star Wars again, really?" Jaune said.

"Hey, you of all people can't diss the classics," Zack said. "Besides, it's a Jedi fight. Who doesn't love that?"

"Good point," Nora said. "Only true blasphemers claim to not like lightsaber battles."

"Well, off we go then," Zack said.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Qrow said.

"So do I," Tai said.

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