Mortal Kombat 11 Chapter 3 - Shaolin Monks

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Raiden - Ozpin

Johnny Cage - James Ironwood (Older-Ironwood/Younger-James)

Sonya Blade -Glynda Goodwitch

Cassie Cage -OC

Jax Briggs -Pietro Polendina

Jacqui Briggs -Penny Polendina

Liu Kang - Tai Yang Xiao Long

Kung Lao -Qrow Branwen

Scorpion -Lie Ren

Jade -Raven

Geras -Hazel Reinhart

Kronika -Salem

Kitana -Summer Rose

Shao Kahn -Adam Taurus

Sektor -Arthur Watts

Damn this one has a lot of characters. I'm doing this at a request and after watching the walk through for this chapter, I watched the whole thing. I liked it so much, I might even make a new story and make them watch the whole game. Probably during my semester break. I had to take some liberties with the fight scenes, that or make everyone here have Deadpools healing factor. For the cast, I was conflicted on whether to cast Raven or Kali Belladona as Jade. Jade being Kotol Kahn's love interest which I cast as Ghira, Kali would have been the best choice. However, I settled on Raven since I wanted to make all of Team STRQ be evil undead warlords. As usual, I don't own anything. Hope you enjoy.

The audience was still hyped by the previous world, but who wouldn't be with a Marvel movie.

"Oooh, I can't wait to get back and make my own suit!" says Ruby, looking over all the notes and additions she wanted to make on Iron Rose.

"Can you even afford that?" asks Weiss, thinking a cutting edge suit of flight capable power armour probably wasn't cheap.

Before Ruby could reply, a note appeared in front of them. It was a cost analysis of the Iron Rose armour.

"100 MILLION LIEN!!!" Ruby exclaims, looking at how much the suit costs to even build.

"Makes sense," says Blake, no way a regular person could afford to build a suit like that without boatloads of money.

"Weiss..." says Ruby pleadingly.

"No," Weiss replies, no way was she paying for a hundred million lien suit of armour, even if it was for Ruby.

Ruby pouts at that. Yang tries to cheer her up.

"Cheer up Ruby. I'm sure that you can upgrade Crescent Rose with what we saw earlier. Imagine riding on her like a flying broom."

Ruby bounced back at the thought. Not was it only doable, it was also within her weapons budget.

Ironwood and Winter were discussing budget requirements for increased research and development into power armour, debating if they should focus on power generation first or making the Paladins flight capable.

Watts was having a similar conversation with Salem. She was interested in creating a hybrid of a Grimm with machine parts. Imagine a Beringel (Gorilla Grimm) covered in armour and weapons, her army would be nigh unstoppable.

The adults and teachers were discussing the tactics and abilities displayed earlier. They believed that Ruby could have handled that fight better and only won due to Junior being inexperienced with combat himself. Granted having a big ass suit of weapons laden armour probably made up for it.

Adam was wondering if he should try to kidnap some scientist to build weapons for the White Fang. His enemies usually had the technological advantage and closing the gap would be great. Sienna and Ghira were warily watching him, Sienna starting to realize just how much of a liability Adam had become.

Junior was annoyed at having lost to a teenage girl, even if said teenage girl was a huntress in training, still stung. Didn't help that Roman was ribbing him about it.

Zack returned in a tornado of flames, startling everyone.

"We need to talk," he said to the adults, creating a soundproof barrier around them.

"What is it?" Ozpin asks for them, wondering what this was all about.

"The next world is a bit brutal, no make that very brutal," Zack tells them, cutting to the chase. "I want to ask if you all are alright with showing your students it."

Tai and Summer frowned at that, not wishing to expose their girls to the darker side of their profession. Qrow was more conflicted, having grown up as a bandit and knowing just how dangerous the world could be. He wanted them to be ready for it, even if that meant some pain now.

Raven was of a different mindset.

"Let them," she says, "It's about time we stopped coddling them."

Glynda angrily replies, "It's too soon! We usually start desensitizing training during fourth year!"

Raven scoffed at that. Beacons idea of desensitizing training didn't hold a candle to the real thing. Seeing a dead and dying man often freezes the inexperienced, causing them to die because their enemies took advantage of that weakness.

"How brutal are we talking about?" asks Ironwood, not happy at the thought of exposing the students to the hard truth. He walked through once busy settlements and towns that were devastated by Grimm or bandits, seeing a village full of bodies was not a pleasant experience.

"Dead and bloody bodies, the reality of how much they take Aura for granted and maybe some dismemberment," Zack answers. The world of Mortal Kombat was not for the faint of heart.

He also really wanted to show them this world. He had to fight with Liu Kang over the right to do so. That man, god now, was no pushover when he was mortal. He was stupidly overpowered as a god. He got his ass handed to him, only getting permission because Liu Kang was only looking for a good fight, winning not being a requirement to receiving permission. That and Kitana sweet talked him into agreeing. Bless her soul. She was still terrifying though.

After some prodding, and Port, Oobleck and Amber supporting the decision, believing they had to learn about it eventually, the adults agreed. Zack took down the barrier.

"What was that all about?" asks a curious Oscar.

"You'll see," Zack answers back. "The next world you will be watching consists of several interconnected realms existing in flux with one another. Naturally, some of them want to conquer and merge the other realms with theirs, either for resources, expansion or just because they felt like it."

"So just like Remnant then," Roman sarcastically says. The kingdoms before the Great War often competed with one another to reclaim more land from the Grimm. They still did, though through less violent methods.

"Not quite," Zack continues, "Here, the Elder Gods created a tournament called Mortal Kombat, with a 'K', to make the merging of realms both harder and easier. It's an elimination style tournament to the death between the greatest fighters of either realm."

"Elder Gods," asks Ozpin, wondering if they were like the Brother Gods that left Remnant oh so long ago. Salem too was intrigued, though she sneered at the thought of gods, remembering all her suffering at their hands.

"The supreme omnipotent beings of this universe," Zack answers, thinking 'or they used to be.' Continuing, " They created this tournament as a way for other realms to protect themselves after Outworld, one of the realms there, grew too powerful after successfully conquering and merging several realms."

"Are there any rules?" Cinder asks, not liking the thought of being restricted for being too powerful.

"Very few, but they are ironclad and non-negotiable," Zack answers. He tells them the rules.

1. Every generation, competing realms would send their best fighters in to a single-elimination martial arts tournament; the victor of the tournament is crowned Mortal Kombat Grand Champion. If a realm can garner ten straight victories via their Grand Champion or another representative of theirs, they earn the right to invade the opposing realm. The Grand Champion him/herself is granted stunted aging and immortality until the next tournament. This is the ONLY permissible way for a realm to invade and conquer another.

2. The defending realm's fighters cannot be attacked by the opposing realm's fighters until the tournament begins.

3. Mortal Kombat, once declared, cannot be refused by either party.

4. Special powers can be used in the tournament.

5. Any violation of the above rules is considered an act of treason against the realms and the Elder Gods themselves, and will be dealt with accordingly and swiftly.

"Not a lot of restrictions," Qrow notes, seeing the rules didn't say anything about illegal moves or weapons.

"With the fighters here, bringing a gun to a fist fight won't guarantee you victory," Zack retorts, laughing mentally at the thought of Raiden going down because of a gun.

"Anyway, this scene happens a few decades after the last tournament. Salem, the Elder God of Time, wants to rewrite history to suit her needs. She causes a time merger, bringing past warriors to the future. Those past warriors were in the midst of one of these tournaments to determine the future of Earthrealm, a Remnant like world and is like your own barring a few differences."

"I take it we win?" asks Amber, not commenting on the fact that Salem was the God of Time here apparently.

Tyrian was worshiping Salem, saying he always knew she was all powerful. Salem was just amused at the thought that she was one of these Elder Gods here.

"Earthrealm wins the tournament, saving it from merging with Outworld. Their troubles are far from over though, there are other hostile forces that oppose them, so they have to remand vigilant. Anyway, this starts after the time merger."

The scene opens with the inside of a military base. Two Ironwoods can be seen. One is younger and has an unzipped blue jacket, showing that he wasn't wearing a shirt underneath, showing off his well muscled body. He wore a large belt buckle with his name on it. His pants were of high quality and he had blue sneakers and leg pads on his feet. He was currently sitting with his feet up on a monitor station, wearing sun glasses and acting as if he owned the place.

The older Ironwood was dressed in a more militaristic outfit. He wore dark blue military cargo pants with knee pads, black military combat boots, a black shirt and greenish-brown vest. A large handgun was holstered on his side. He had the same belt buckle as his younger counterpart, being the only thing that made him stand out among the soldiers present.

The Ironwood in the room pales, seeing his early twenties self, remembering what a cocky little shit he was before the incident that literally cost him an arm and a leg.

Ironwood was currently hunched over, not believing what he was seeing. He says,

"I swear to God I'm losing it! Can't someone, anyone, explain to me what is going on?!"

"Right?!" says James, as if in agreement. "I've been in the future for a whole hour and I haven't seen one jetpack. Not one!"

"Is that General Ironwood?" asks Winter, not believing the cocky man on screen could be her general.

"Don't be too surprised," Port answers her, knowing James from their younger days. "James was quite different when he was younger. Why I remember he once challenged the entire class of Beacon's graduating class."

Winter looks as if she couldn't compute the thought of Ironwood doing something so brash. Qrow was having the day of his life, thinking of all the blackmail he now had on him.

Ironwood looked as if his patience was being tested, wondering if this was what his friends had to deal with when they were younger.

The Ironwood in the room was the same, wondering if this was his penance for his attitude during his youth.

The door opens, letting in two people. One is a middle aged man, wearing a white robe and blue vest, a straw hat on his head. He had glowing blue eyes that radiate with electricity and long white hair. This was Lord Ozpin, God of Thunder and Protector of Earthrealm.

The other is a young woman in her early twenties. She's dressed in a modified soldiers BDU, has long blonde hair in a ponytail and was wearing fingerless gloves. This was Cassandra 'Cassie' Ironwood, daughter of James Ironwood and Glynda Goodwitch, current commander of Earthrealm's Special Forces.

"You look quite different in this Ozpin," says Tai, looking at the new look Ozpin was sporting in this world.

"He's a god," says Zack, surprising everyone. "More specifically, Ozpin, God of Thunder. Like the title implies, he has control over lightning."

Ozpin looks quite shocked at the thought of his other being a god. Salem seethes at that, hating the fact that Ozpin was a god here as well.

Nora ran up to her headmaster.

"You never told us you had lightning powers! Ooh show me! Show me!" Nora pesters, quite excited at the thought of having lightning powers of her own.

"Miss Valkyrie," says Ozpin, having recovered his wits. "I do not have power over lightning," 'at least not anymore' he thinks, "My other self does."

At that, she deflates, returning to her seat beside Ren, eating her pancakes, disappointed.

"Who is the girl?" asks Glynda, noticing the resemblance she shares with her.

"You and Ironwoods daughter," Zack answers. Silence, then three, two, one...

"WHAT!" the two of them shout. One at the thought of having a child with Ironwood, the other at the thought of finally getting together with her.

'Maybe this isn't so bad after all,' thinks Ironwood, hiding a massive grin.

"So it is true," says Lord Ozpin, walking alongside Cassie, "I walked a darker path."

Cassie answers him,

"After Shinnok went down, you became a different person. Red lightning, black clothes. Authoritarian attitude adjustment."

"What happened to my other?" asks Ozpin.

"You were corrupted using dark powers to save Earthrealm," answers Zack, "Like the young woman said, you became far more ruthless in your protection of Earthrealm."

Ozpin frowns at that, not liking it. Raven wondered how much more dangerous Ozpin could be if he had less morals about dealing with his enemies, shivering at the thought. She might have stayed if she thought he had no problem hunting her down for betrayal.

They stop at where the two Ironwoods were, Ironwood asks Lord Ozpin,

"Yeah, about that. What happened to Dark you? How come you're an only child and I've got an evil twin?"

James spreads his arms out, insulted.

Lord Ozpin answers,

"As an immortal, I exist outside the normal laws of time. That could explain why I am affected differently."

"Oh that's bullshit!" exclaims Ironwood. How come Ozpin got a free past at seeing his younger self.

The scene changes to a young Glynda and a young Pietro, both coming from the past. Glynda was in her early twenties, dressed in similar BDUs to the soldiers. She wore knee pads, had a gun holstered at her side and was wearing an undershirt that exposed her toned stomach. She was wearing an unzipped jacket, had a head band and wore high tech gauntlets that looked like fingerless gloves.

Pietro was wearing a dark blue vest, currently unzipped showing off his physique and the dog tags around his neck. He wore dark blue pants and had a thigh guard on. He was clean shaven and had short black hair on his head. His most defining feature however, were the metallic prosthetics in place of where his arms should be.

"Nice look," compliments Qrow, taking in the sight of a young Glynda.

She doesn't reply, in shock over the fact she had a daughter and now at a sight she hadn't seen in over twenty years. She hasn't kept her hair that way since she turned thirty.

"Who's the man?" Ruby asks, looking at the man with robotic arms.

"That's my father," Penny answers, "Though I don't remember him ever looking so fit, nor having prosthetic arms."

"Unlike your father, Miss Polendina," Zack answers, "He is a soldier and part of the military. He is one of their best fighters and lost his arms while held in captivity by Earthrealms enemies. You are his daughter here, not his creation."

Penny is somewhat shocked at the thought of being born as a flesh and blood human, always wondering what it was like despite being a machine.

Ironwood grimaces at that, remembering how traumatizing losing his arm and leg was, then getting used to his prosthetics. No matter how advance they were, they just couldn't replace the sensation of flesh and blood limbs.

Mercury too grimaces, remembering when his father took his legs and replaced them, telling him they were better. Sure as hell didn't feel better.

"Thanks," says Glynda, thanking Pietro for the mug he gave her.

"Weird isn't it?" Pietro says, "Not being in charge."

"Being in charge?" asks Glynda, somewhat recovered from the shocking revelations, "Am I in the chain of command there?"

"Your were the commanding officer of Earthrealms Special Forces, the military organization formed by the governments there to protect Earthrealm. And your older self was General Goodwitch, their commander."

"Was?" she asks, worried at what that meant.

"Just watch," Zack says, not answering that last question.

"That's what's weird?" Glynda asks back, still not quite believing they were in the future.

"That. And having daughters our age." Pietro answers back.

They both look at where Cassie was talking with Lord Ozpin.

"Look at her," says Glynda, unsure how she had a daughter with James. "How do I have a kid? With him?" At that, she looks at James who was inspecting his fingernails.

Glynda agrees, wondering how she got together with Ironwood. Even though he was much better now than when they were younger, she still couldn't see herself with him.

Ironwood merely curses his attitude and personality during his youth, blaming them for colouring Glynda's view of him.

"Hmm," Pietro says, trying to find a bright side. "At least she's not an actress."

They look at the two Ironwoods who were walking past them, the younger testing his older self's patience.

"Come on, at least think about it," James pesters Ironwood, who looked like he wanted to hit his younger self in the face to shut him up.

"We each get points off the gross. Coming this summer... James Ironwood AND James Ironwood in 'Timequake'"

Ironwood's eye twitches, wondering how his friends ever tolerated him when he was younger. And at the thought of being an actor.

"I'm an actor?" he manages to get out.

"Yes," Zack answers, "You learned real martial arts to help your acts, doing your own stunts and not needing wires or special affects to do some of the riskier ones. You eventually participated in the Mortal Kombat tournament, then joining the Special Forces as a special consultant and joining them on missions."

This placates him somewhat, though he still hated the thought of him not being a part of the military. At least S.H.I.E.L.D. was a paramilitary intelligence organization dedicated to Remnant's protection.

"Rolling in the big bucks, aren't you tin man," Qrow quips at him, amused at this turn of events. This time Ironwood was the one getting grief for his other self.

Penny was leading Tai Yang and Qrow Lao into the room. Penny was dressed like most of the soldiers there. However, she had a green singlet on, her dog tags around her neck. Her arms were covered in mechanical powered gauntlets, helping her keep up with the opponents she often comes across.

Tai Yang has long blond hair that reaches his shoulders, a red headband around his head. His outfit consists of a white shirt, black vest, black and red pants with a red sash around his waist. He was also wearing black, comfortable shoes. He has a muscular physique and spiked gauntlets on his hands.

Qrow Lao was wearing a blue and red sleeveless tunic, showing off his muscular arms. On his right arm was a shoulder guard, along with gauntlets on bith of his hands. He had sandy brown pants and black shoes. He had armour on his legs from the knee down. His most unique accessory was his metallic round hat with a razor sharp edge.

"Looking good Tai," says Summer, blushing at the sight of Tai's muscular arms on display. "You too Qrow," she adds as an after note, noticing the Qrow on screen was far more buff then her friend.

"Oh my," says Kali at the sight, liking what she saw.

The other women in the room agreed, blushing at the sight of the two handsome muscular men.

Qrow looks at his arms, deciding that he should start working out once they get back. He wondered what the hat was for though.

"Any thoughts on what we do next?" Cassie asks Lord Ozpin, knowing he had some clairvoyance due to being a god.

Lord Ozpin however, was unsure. This was new to him as well. He says,

"For months, I have been receiving vague premonitions about the future. But none of them foretold this. I must confer with the Elder Gods. Tai Yang. Qrow Lao. Please assist the Special Forces while I am gone."

Lord Ozpin instructs his two followers.

"Yes Lord Ozpin," answers Tai Yang for the both of them.

"Follow me," says Penny, taking them elsewhere.

Glynda approaches Cassie, trying to get to know her future daughter.

"Oh this will be awkward," Glynda says.

"Commander," she greets.

"Yes, Mom. I mean , General. I mean..." Cassie stumbles over her words, unsure how to address this younger version of her mother.

"This is strange for me, too." Glynda tells her.

"You have no idea." Cassie says in a dark tone. Noticing it, Glynda asks her,


"Did something happen to me?" Glynda asks, also noticing how Cassie was avoiding the subject.

"Keep watching," Zack says, knowing it was about to explain.

"How do I say this?" Cassie struggles with herself, trying to figure out how to inform her of what happened just this morning. She settles for the truth.

"This morning, 'we' were on a mission and... And you gave your life to save it."

Cassie had tears in her eyes, the loss and pain still very fresh. Glynda is taken back, shocked at her death. She sits down on the nearby chair.

"Son of a bitch," she exclaims, "Seriously?"

Glynda was shocked as well, then felt anger at the thought that she left her daughter alone. She clenches her fist, only for someone to place a hand on her shoulder.

She turns around to find Ironwood, saying nothing. She accepts his companionship, needing it after the reveal.

Cassie looks at Glynda, somewhat resentful and angry at her appearance just after her mother's death. She says,

Yeah. And now here you are. Young enough to be my sister."

Glynda had nothing to say at that, her friends and colleagues staying silent, unsure how to comfort her.

Yang and Ruby are quiet, knowing what it felt like to lose a mother. Summer was sad at seeing that, wishing she never went on that fateful mission, her death having caused her family so much pain.

"Cass you need to see this!" calls Penny, dragging her out of her grief. She needed to be the commander now, not the grieving daughter.

The mother daughter duo approach the monitor where Penny, Tai Yang and Qrow Lao were.

"Sat feeds show a Netherrealm incursion at the Wu Shi Academy." Penny informs her.

"Netherrealm?" asks Cassie, "Taking out Shinnok's Temple was suppose to stop them." Cassie says, they had just destroyed it this morning after all.

"It's got to be the time anomaly," Penny theorizes.

Zack explains, seeing them look at him questioningly.

"The Netherrealm is the world of the dead here. Being the domain of Shinnok, Fallen Elder God of Death. Ozpin kills him, then lead a team of Special Forces soldiers including Cassie, Glynda and Penny to destroy the temple when he finds out his followers were planning an attack on Earthrealm, neutralizing the Netherrealm as a threat, at least until the time merger. In fact, this was the mission where Glynda dies."

Some of them were shocked after hearing Ozpin kill a god, wondering just how powerful this Ozpin was.

Glynda and Ironwood were upset, her sacrifice and orphaning of their daughter, all for nothing when Salem reset time.

Salem and her followers were worried, was this how powerful Ozpin was at his peak. Salem remembered their first time together, when he was still Ozma. How he defeated all her father's traps and then her father, their battle reshaping the earth of the tower she was trapped in.

Ozpin wondered if gifting his power to the Maidens was a mistake, having loss a significant amount of power to do so. He sighed, no point dwelling in the past.

"We must help our Shaolin masters," Tai Yang says, getting a nod of agreement from Qrow Lao.

"Why would the Netherrealm want to bust up your alma mater, Tai Yang?" Pietro asks, not seeing any purpose in it.

Tai Yang explains,

"The Dragon Grotto. It's underneath the academy. Earthrealm's Jinsei energy bubbles up in its springs."

Cassie was not happy, remembering earlier missions involving it. She states,

"That's no good. We've seen firsthand what happens when the Netherrealm screws with Earthrealms life force."

"We're monks here?!" says Qrow, "And what is Jinsei anyway?"

"Yes, the two of you are monks, warrior monks to be exact," answers Zack, "And Jinsei is like the young Miss Ironwood said, Earthrealms life force in a condensed, liquid form. In Remnant, it's life force crystallizes to form dust, having the qualities of different elements depending on where it is formed."

This amazes the residents of Remnant, never realizing that dust was in fact Remnant's life force in solid form.

Qrow Lao tries to reassure her, saying

"They will not reach the Grotto. It is protected by powerful magic. The deadliest traps. I am sure our counterparts from your era are already dealing with them."

Qrow Lao and Tai Yang are confident that their future selves could resolve the issue, not knowing their fates.

Penny winces, realizing no one has told them their status in the current time. Cassie tells them carefully,

"Qrow Lao. Tai Yang. You might one to sit down."

The two look at each other, wondering what happened to them in this future.

"Did something happen to us?" asks Tai, seeing where that conversation was going.

"Just watch," Zack says, the next scene explaining.

The scene changes to the academy's entrance, with a large gate and plant life at the side of the path. Qrow Lao and Tai Yang were currently walking towards the academy.

"I die in the Kolliseum?" says Qrow Lao to Tai Yang, "You on a rooftop, fighting Lord Ozpin? Our future Tai Yang. It is insane!"

"Obsessing over it will not change it," Tai Yang tells him, still keeping a calm demeanour despite learning what will become of him.

"Neither will accepting our destiny as evil undead warlords." Qrow Lao replies.

"WE'RE WHAT!!!" shout Qrow and Tai at the same time, first hearing that they were dead, then that they were evil undead warlords was a lot to take in.

Summer, Yang and Ruby rushes to their side, crushing them in a hug at hearing their fate. The two merely hug them back, looking at Zack for an explanation.

Sighing, Zack tells them.

"After you two died, Quan Zhi, a necromancer from the Netherrealm bring the two of you back as his minions. In fact, all of team STRQ were his undead minions. After his death, you all became the new masters of the Netherrealm."

This shocks team STRQ, even Raven. They all died and were resurrected there?! That was hard to accept.

"I am not," Tai Yang says, "But we can't change a future we don't fully understand. Lord Ozpin will guide us."

"Can we trust him?" Qrow Lao asks, his trust shaken after learning his fate. "It appears he got us both killed!"

Raven snorts at that, "You should have asked that a long time ago when Summer died."

The villains were elated at the revelation, hoping it would fracture Ozpin's faction apart.

Ozpin frowns at that, asking "Did I?"

"Well both yes and no." Zack answers. "They all knew what they were agreeing to and their deaths were in battle, not because of some treachery or trick."

That calms them down somewhat. Death in battle was something they could accept. They wouldn't blame Ozpin for that, in the chaos of a battle, anything could happen if you were not careful.

Hazel disagrees, still blaming Ozpin for the death of his sister.

They look at each other, neither saying a word after that. Until Qrow Lao notices a dead monk on the academy's stairs, drawing Tai Yang's attention.

They climb up the stairs to where the body was, horrified at what had happened to their home.

They continue onwards, seeing the doors smashed open and the bodies of dead Shaolin monks everywhere.

Jaune stops Saphron from covering his eyes, knowing he had to see this. Oscar had no such luck, his eyes being covered by Yang, not wanting him to see such a gruesome sight.

The students were green, bags appearing and some of them puking their snacks into them. They were still students, none of their missions taking them to see the aftermath of a Grimm attack or bandit raid. This was a first for many.

The adults grimaced, remembering walking through settlements once bustling with life reduced to this. The horrors of living in a world of Grimm.

"So many Shaolin!" Tai Yang says angrily, "They died defending our sacred ground. The Netherrealm will pay."

Both had hard looks on their face, in agreement.

"Hell yeah!" says Qrow, knowing he would be the same if Beacon or Patch ended up like that. Tai nodded as well, thinking what he would do if his daughters were lost.

They walk to the entrance of the Dragon Grotto. There is a series of swinging blades blocking the entrance.

"Whoever came here knew how to disarm these traps." Tai Yang says, looking at the blades.

"Do you know how?" Qrow Lao asks him, "The monks never taught me."

"More likely you didn't attend class," Tai Yang replies, remembering what their student days were like. He explains,

"Some things never change," says Raven. Summer sighs, remembering when they would get in trouble when he played truant. Qrow grumbles, but he doesn't rebuke them, knowing it was true.

"Watch for the pattern. And pick your moment."

Tai Yang runs towards the blades, at exactly the right moment, he jumps, getting to the other side unharmed.

He looks at Qrow challengingly, Qrow smirks back.

Qrow takes off his hat and throws it at a blade, jamming it and stopping the swinging blades.

"What is that thing made of?!" asks Verna;, surprised that there wasn't even a dent on it.

"It has supernatural properties that make it impervious to damage and always returns to Qrow." Zack answers.

He goes to retrieve it, saying

"Easy enough. What's next?"

"Everything," Tai Yang answers, "Poison gas, shooting spears, flame jets..."

"How about we avoid those," Qrow Lao says, jinxing them.

"Damn it Qrow!" says Tai Yang, knowing Qrow just jinxed them.

"Sorry Tai," apologizes Qrow, knowing just how bad his luck was.

Bars fall down on the windows and entrances, trapping them.

"I did not do that," Qrow Lao says, trying to deflect the blame.

"Don't try to deflect the blame Qrow," Summer admonishes.

Qrow says nothing, cursing his semblance.

Someone appears, launching a bladed chain at a pillar in front of them, catching their attention.

"I did," the person says, retracting the chain and stepping out of the shadows. He is wearing a black and yellow ninja outfit, with a black hood and yellow mask. This is Scorpion, also known as Lie Ren.

"Ren! You never told me you were a ninja!" exclaims Nora, excited at seeing Ren onscreen for the first time.

"I'm not Nora," he replies, curious about his other self.

"Scorpion," says Tai Yang, recognizing him. "Of course you survived the time-merger."

They approach each other verily, knowing that the other was a tough opponent.

"You will not stop Salem," Scorpion says, "from restoring my family and clan."

Ren noticeably drops at this, even in this world, he lost his family. Seeing Ren was sad, Nora hugs him, giving him what comfort she could.

"Can you stop the traps?" Qrow Lao asks Tai Yang, who nods and leaves to do so, leaving the fight to him.

Qrow Lao walks towards Scorpion, him doing the same.

"I learned my lesson fighting you at Shang Tsung's tournament," Qrow Lao says, starting the pre-fight banter, "This time I am prepared."

Scorpion stays silent and they both get into ready stances.

"Let's get ready for a DEATH BATTLE!" says Sun, excited at the first fight of the scene.

Qrow attacks first, throwing his hat at him. Scorpion dodges it easily, launching his bladed chain in retaliation. Qrow dodges the chain, his hat returning to him which he uses to block Scorpion's dagger.

"Ooh, and Mr Branwen blocks that in just the nick of time!" commentates Port, practicing for the Vytal Tournament.

The audience are watching the fight with interest, watching them fight with unique weapons then hand to hand.

Qrow goes for a leg sweep, but he dodges back. Using his fire powers, Scorpion launches fire balls at Qrow. Qrow moves away from them, none getting close enough to harm him.

Suddenly, Scorpion teleports behind him in a burst of flames, dagger poised to stab him in the neck. Qrow's instinct warns him of it, moving his head to block it with his hat.

"Ren has fire powers and can teleport here!" says Pryyha, shocked at the display, barely keeping up. 'Is this the difference between a real huntsman and one in training?'

Zack groans, remembering one irritating detail about the fighters in this world. "Yes he has fire powers. Almost everyone here has some kind of special ability and can teleport."

Qrow groans, remembering what a pain Raven was to fight with her semblance. Fighting others with the same power sounded like a nightmare.

Catching Ren's attention, Neo lifted a sign saying

'Welcome to the Teleporters Club.'

Going for a roundhouse kick, Qrow kicks Scorpion away from him. Scorpion tries to surprise him with his sword, but Qrow blocks using his gauntlet. They both disengage, creating some space between them.

Qrow suddenly throws his hat right at him, forcing him to dodge. Qrow is not done however, holding his hat in place using his powers, his hat floating in mid-air, still spinning like a power blade. Qrow gets in close to Scorpion, blocking his dagger and grapples with him, trying to push him into his spinning hat.

Some of the students wince at the brutal move, seeing how sharp the hat was, getting pushed into it would mean a death sentence for Ren.

Raven watches with interest, liking how much more brutal this Qrow was.

Scorpion, seeing the danger, teleports away. Unfortunately, Qrow predicted where he would appear next, sending a crushing right jab into his abdomen, knocking the air out of him and putting him down.

Qrow grins, remembering when he pulled a similar move on Raven.

Qrow Lao breathes deeply, still looking at Scorpion's downed form, wondering if he should finish him. Before he can do anything, Tai Yang returns.

"I can't stop the traps!" he says, "The locks have been changed!"

Scorpion gets up, recovering from Qrow's blow. He and the two look at the poison gas that was starting to fill the room.

Deciding discretion was the better part of valour, Scorpion uses his powers to teleport away.

Bars fall around Tai Yang and Qrow Lao, trapping them. They breathe in the gas, coughing and getting to their knees.

"Dad! Uncle Qrow!" Ruby says in worry, hugging Zwei to her chest.

"We'll get out of this squirt," says Qrow, not wanting her to worry.

Before they breathe in a lethal amount, the traps retract. The gas dissipates around them.

"It stopped," says Qrow Lao, "Why?"

The audience was asking the same thing, wondering why as well.

They both get up, vary of why the traps suddenly deactivated.

Their prison lifts back up, freeing them. A gate lifts up, Scorpion returning with another woman. She has greenish-grey skin and glowing orange eyes, showing that she was a revenant. She wore green and gold armour that looked like a one piece swimsuit and a black cape that was down. She had long black hair and sharp nails. Her mouth and nose was covered by a green mask. This was Raven, a revenant now in the service of Salem.

"Our plans require that you live," she says, walking towards them with Scorpion.

"Is that me!" says Raven in shock, looking at herself. Was this what being undead do to you.

The others were shocked as well. Salem however, was interested. She remembered how the pools of darkness turned her into what she currently was, wondering if it could the same to others. All of her test subjects died, the only reason she survived was because of her curse.

"Look upon her and see what being a revenant, a member of the undead turns you into," Zack say.

Tai Yang and Qrow Lao look at her warily, recognizing her as their friend from the current time.

"Raven," says Tai Yang, "What happened to you?"

"An untimely death," she answers, "Like yours, due to Ozpin's incompetence."

"You cannot turn us against him," Tai Yang states, eyes narrowing. "We know about our deaths. They were caused by our mistakes."

"You have been deceived, Tai Yang," Raven replies. "The truth is, Ozpin murdered you."

Qrow Lao and Scorpion move away to resume their earlier fight, leaving Tai Yang to fight Raven.

She continues, hoping to turn him.

"Ozpin killed you because you stood in his way."

"I would never do that!" says Ozpin, standing up, upset that anyone would think he would kill his own.

"We know Ozpin," says Ironwood, knowing that he wouldn't do something like that.

"You lie, Raven." Tai Yang says resolutely, not believing Ozpin would stoop so low. No more word were said, it was time to talk with their fists.

Raven summons her bo staff, using it to attack Tai Yang. He dodges it, counterattacking with a series of flying kicks that she blocks using her staff.

"Where did that staff come from?" Raven asks, watching herself fight Tai.

"It's collapsible," says Zack, "I assume you get it from where ever you keep it on you."

Landing, Tai Yang blocks a kick from Raven, using his own powers over fire to coat his fists with them. He jabs at her, causing great damage even when she blocks with her wrist. Disengaging, Raven suddenly disappears.

Eyes widening, Tai Yang moves away, barely dodging her dagger when she appears behind him. He back flips when she appears in front of him, her dagger slashing where his throat would have been. She used her teleportation abilities to great effect.

Raven makes a note of that move, knowing that if Tai's instincts weren't as good as they were, he would be dead.

Tai launches a fireball at her, catching her in the stomach, sending her back. He brings out his nun-chucks, using them to strike at her side.

"I can shoot fire and use nun-chucks?!" asks Tai at seeing that.

"Yes, you can create and control fire. The nun-chucks are just that, ordinary nun-chucks." Zack says, not mentioning he would become a God of Fire.

"Dad is so cool!" says Ruby. That brings a swell of pride in him. Finally, he was the cool one, not Qrow.

Raven was so preoccupied with Tai Yang's nun-chucks that she failed to stop a kick from him. The kick sends her flying, taking her down.

Tai Yang looks down at her, disgusted at what his friend had become.

"You will not test my faith," he tells her downed form.

"Really now?" Raven asks Tai dangerously, who was backing away from her nervously. She had tested his faith many, many times when they were students.

He goes to assist Qrow Lao, who is being matched blow for blow by Scorpion. He catches Scorpion by surprise, launching several quick jabs at his blocking hands, before breaking the block and delivering a solid left hook, knocking him down.

Scorpion, realizing defeat, teleports away using his fire powers. Tai Yang and Qrow Lao look at where Raven was suppose to be, finding nothing. She too has teleported away.

Knowing that there was nothing they could do about it, not being able to teleport themselves and not knowing where they went, they continued towards the Grotto.

"Damn that is annoying," says Yang. The teleporters in the room merely smirked, knowing how unfair teleporting was at times.

They stand in front of a tunnel with a half closed gate.

"The Dragon Grotto is through there," Tai Yang says.

"What if the next revenants we have to fight are... us?" Qrow Lao asks, not sure how he would handle fighting himself.

"Then we fight them, Qrow Lao," Tai Yang states, getting a nod from him. They lift up the gate and enter the tunnel.

Everyone there wonders what it would be like, fighting your future self. Could they do it, seeing what they have become and accept it?

The scene changes to a platform that reaches into the cosmos, surrounded by four giant thrones with dark silhouettes on them.

While they were in awe of the sight, Roman couldn't help but ask,

"Think they are compensating for something?"

The others there just look at him like he was an idiot, Neo hitting him on the head with a sign that said just that.

"Ouch! Neo!"

Lord Ozpin appears in a storm of lightning. Looking at the thrones, he says,

"Elder Gods. I have come to seek counsel! The realms are in crisis."

The Elder Gods materialize, appearing like ethereal blue giants before Lord Ozpin. He faces Cetrion, being the spokesman for them.

Looking at Cetrion, Ozpin and Salem had pained looks. She looked exactly like their eldest daughter from who knows how many lifetimes ago, her face along with her sisters seared into their memories.

In unison, the Elder Gods say,


Lord Ozpin realizes just how bad the situation is, and says,

"I will fight, Cetrion. But how?"

They even shared the same name. Salem glares at Ozpin, blaming him for the fight all those centuries ago, their daughters getting caught in the crossfire. She couldn't accept the fact that she was the one who escalated it to that point.


"It will be done," Lord Ozpin says. He hesitates on a question he wants to ask.

"SPEAK YOUR MIND OZPIN," they say, Cetrion looks over at him.

Lord Ozpin asks them, doubt in his mind,

"Since this time merger, I have learned about my future. That my champions fall. That I become a tyrant. If Salem is defeated, will I be consigned to this grim fate?"

Ozpin wonders as well. What would happen once he defeated Salem? Would he keep reincarnating, or would he finally move on, joining his daughters in the afterlife?


Lord Ozpin bows his head in thanks, accepting the answer.

The scene changes to a cave, Tai Yang and Qrow Lao are walking deeper into it. They come across the gate securing the Dragon Grotto, finding it destroyed. Someone had already broken into it.

They find someone at the Grotto, stealing the Jinsei stored there in vials.

He is a large man, bulkier than either of them. He was bald, his eyes glowed a bright blue. He was in some kind of exotic armour, coloured white, blue and gold. This was Hazel, one of Salem's followers.

Hazel looks at his other self in interest, Tyrian mad that such an important task wasn't assigned to him.

"Is there any point to us asking you to put those back?" Tai Yang asks, already knowing the answer.

"You already know the answer, so why do you always ask?" Roman asks the good guys.

They shrugged, politeness maybe?

Not stopping from his task, Hazel said,

"They said you would come."

"Who said?" asks Qrow Lao.

"Who do you think, Qrow Lao?" says a familiar voice.

They both turn to the speaker, not particularly surprised at finding their current revenant selves.

The revenants wore dark armour, dark red, blue and black being their colour scheme. Revenant Qrow's hat had edges like a chainsaw, no doubt increasing any damage done by it. Both of them had greenish-grey skin, glowing orange eyes and orange glowing veins on some parts of their body, an effect of being one of the undead.

"Nice armour," says Coco, trying to break the silence, "Clashes with your skin tone though."

"I'm sure everything clashes with that skin tone," says Neptune, looking at the revenants in disgust.

Revenant Tai says,

"Welcome to your future. Courtesy of Ozpin."

The two past warriors move to confront their future selves, Tai Yang saying,

"Our future may be tragic, but it is not Lord Ozpin's fault. You've both been warped by Shinnok's evil."

Revenant Qrow replies,

"Adam Kahn snapped my neck in the arena. Ozpin saw it coming and did nothing!"

Qrow Lao puts his hand on his neck, shocked at how he died.

Revenant Tai continues,

"I would have defeated Adam Kahn, but Ozpin wanted the glory. His lightning cut me down."

"No," says Tai Yang, not believing his future self's words. "I don't believe that!"

Revenant Tai merely retorts,

"One day Ozpin will betray you, then you will believe."

"Did that really happen?" Tai asks for both Qrow and himself, eying his undead self.

"Ozpin warned Qrow not to get cocky in his fight. He didn't listen." Zack says. "As for what happened to you, he did kill you, but that was because of the influence of a dark artefact he was using to empower himself to save Earthrealm."

Ozpin is shocked and horrified at what his other did, turning to them both, he says,

"Qrow, Tai. I would never..."

Qrow cuts him of, "We know Oz. We know."

Tai Yang and Qrow Lao separated, each confronting their future self.

"You spew Shinnok's lies," says Tai Yang to his future self. "You attacked Lord Ozpin, and he defended himself. He did what he thought right to protect Earthrealm."

"Protect?!" shouts back Revenant Tai. "Ozpin enslaves Earthrealm. How was I ever so blind as you?"

With the Qrow Laos, the younger immediately goes for a neck swipe, causing the older to move back, creating some distance.

"The thought of becoming you sickens me," says Qrow Lao, "but I won't blame Ozpin."

"You owe Salem," replies Revenant Qrow. "She saved your life by stopping time."

After that, no more words were exchanged between the four warrior, beginning the fight.

'This is not going as bad as I thought it would be,' thinks Tai Yang.

A thought mirrored by the two in the audience. They were analyzing the fight, seeing how their fighting styles had changed with age and being undead. They weren't particularly impressed.

The fight had gone on for about a minute and both sides found themselves matched blow for blow. Initially, the younger two thought their older selves would have an advantage, having lived over two decades more than they. Turns out being dead for a period of time and getting resurrected didn't benefit your fighting ability.

Their revenant selves weren't by any means pushovers, being more experienced. Skill was being matched by skill, power by power. If Tai Yang pulled out his nun-chucks, Revenant Tai would shoot out flame jets at him. Coating his fists in fire only caused him to do the same.

Qrow Lao wasn't faring any better or worse. He tried a hat throw attack only for his counterpart to throw his, deflecting both hats back at their owners. Qrow Lao would go for a leg sweep, only for his older self to see it coming and jump over it. Likewise, Revenant Qrow tried to surprise his younger self by teleporting behind him, only for Qrow to duck under his hat sweep, avoiding decapitation.

'That's new!' thinks Tai, dodging a fire dragon that appeared behind him. He makes a note to try to replicate it, wondering if it was copying if he was stealing a move his future self made.

Cinder does as well. Wondering if she could copy it. It looked both very powerful and versatile. She would gladly add it to her repertoire.

Revenant Tai was getting angrier. He was getting tired of fighting his younger, more naïve self and worst, he was getting matched by him. In his anger, he left an opening on his left side, one which Tai Yang immediately exploited.

Surprising his older self with a crushing right hook to the ribs, cracking a few, Tai Yang followed up with a one two combo, ending it with an almighty kick to the chin.

"How did I get so deluded?" Tai Yang asks himself, looking at his older self's downed form.

"The Netherrealm has a corrupting effect." Zack says, answering the unasked question. "Enough time there will corrupt even the most pure soul."

Salem was intrigued by that, wondering if she should restart her old experiments with the Pools of Darkness where Grimm are spawned.

Nearby, Qrow Lao was having similar success.

'I thought I would be better,' Qrow Lao thinks, dodging an angry swipe by his older self. Where was all the training their masters beat into him when they were students? The patience? Staying cool even in the heat of battle? All he saw in him was anger and hatred.

Qrow decided enough was enough, since there was yet to be any openings, he would make one. Throwing his hat to the ground at just the right angle, it bounced off it and into Revenant Qrow's chest.

His armour saved him, but the force of the throw still pushed him back, causing him to stumble.

Rushing forward, Qrow kicked him in the knee, causing him to fall and followed up with a barrage of punches to the stomach, one to the face, a few more at his stomach before finishing with a roundhouse kick, sending Revenant Qrow on his back, unconscious.

Qrow looks down on his older self in contempt, saying

"You shame our family name."

"Amen," says Qrow, agreeing with his other self.

Seeing that they had both finished their battle with their older self, the two join up.

"Is it me," asks Qrow, thinking over what their older selves said, "or could they be telling the truth?"

"Worry about it later," replies Tai Yang, seeing Hazel finish collecting his stolen vials of Jinsei. "We have bigger problems."

"Don't ignore it Tai," says Raven, remembering why she left.

Tai frowns at that, but decided to put it aside.

Qrow agrees, the both of them going to stop Hazel.

Hazel walks towards them, a sash of the stolen Jinsei in hand.

"You should have listened to your Revenant counterparts," says Hazel. "With this power, Salem will remake history."

Neither answer, Qrow throws his hat at Hazel, decapitating him with surprising ease.

Tyrian cackles madly, "Hahahha!!! You died so pathetically!"

Watts and Cinder merely chuckles, agreeing with Tyrian.

Hazel merely rolls his eyes, knowing that he wouldn't go down so easily.

Willing his hat back to him, Qrow puts it back on and says,

"That was easy."

Hazel's head dissolves into a pile of sand and moves towards the stump of his neck, reforming his head without even a scar. He gets up as if he wasn't just decapitated. He gloats,

"I, Hazel, am a fixed point in time. With every death and rebirth, I grow stronger."

"Now that's just unfair!" complains Mercury.

Tai Yang goes to punch him in the face, Qrow kicks him in the side. Hazel merely grabs Tai Yang's head and head butts him, then punches Qrow in the cheek, sending both back.

Tai Yang brings out his nun-chuck, using it to hit Hazel in the face, causing him to stumble back and drop the Jinsei.

"The vials," Tai Yang tells Qrow Lao. Understanding what he meant, Qrow Lao goes to secure them, leaning Tai Yang to hold off Hazel.

"Sizing me up?" Tai Yang asks, seeing Hazel look at him in interest.

"Salem has a keen interest in you," answers Hazel, "It's why she recruited your revenant self."

"Serve her," Hazel offers, "She will bless you."

"Not happening," Tai says, knowing what she offered was poison.

Tai Yang doesn't answer, having no intention of joining Salem. Hazel sighs, preparing to fight him.

Tai Yang starts off with a barrage of flying kicks, knocking Hazel back for a bit. Tai lands, before somersaulting away from where he was just standing, the ground there having turned to loose sand.

'He has power over earth' Tai Yang notes, sending a sharp piece of rock into Hazel's eye, which immediately regenerates. 'And regenerates from killing blows, making them useless.'

Hazel was impressed. His other was clearly powerful.

Tai has to move to the side, an earth wall having formed where his feet would have been. He doesn't have to kill Hazel, he having proved impervious to death, merely debilitate him.

Taking out his nun-chucks, Tai Yang delivers a jaw cracking blow to Hazels chin. Not stopping there, Tai coats his fist with fire, sending out a barrage of fire punches at Hazel's torso. Tai then Spartan kicks him in the chest, right at his solar plexus, knocking the air out of him and sending him back.

Qrow Lao returns, having secured the vials.

Hazel gets up, saying,

"You Shaolin monks exceed your reputation. I respect your spirit, but Salem's will must be done."

Done playing with them, Hazel uses Salem's gift of control over time to freeze the two warriors mid leap of attacking him, freezing them in that moment of time.

Jaws drop at the sight. How do you stop someone with control over time?

Hazel grins at Tyrian. "Who is Salem's favoured now?"

Tyrian glares at him for that, mumbling to himself how he would prove to his goddess that he was her most faithful follower.

Salem laments the fact that her options for followers were so limited. Being an immortal witch hell bent on humanities extinction didn't help recruitment apparently.

Hazel takes the Jinsei out of Qrow Lao's hand, walking away from their frozen forms.

Salem appears in a wave of sand, floating in mid air. She is a bald woman with a gold piece on her head. Her tunic is white and she has armour at the side of her arms and chest. She takes the sash of Jinsei from Hazel, looking most pleased.

Salem is in awe at her goddess other self. She exudes a power that everyone in the room could feel.

"So this is the power of an Elder God," says Cinder, awestruck by it.

"It's dangerous to let them live," advises Hazel, looking at the frozen Tai Yang and Qrow Lao.

Salem answers,

"If they die, their revenant selves will cease to exist. We need them to defend the Keep."

She flies towards Tai Yang, looking his frozen self over. She says,

"Yet again, Tai Yang, you've chosen the wrong destiny."

"Tell me that when you lose," snarls Tai. This shocks those who knew him, Tai rarely losing his cool.

Suddenly, the spell on Tai Yang and Qrow Lao ends, freeing the two of them. They fall on the ground, never knowing what had gone on in the few seconds they were frozen. They get up, looking at where Hazel was suppose to be and at where the Jinsei was suppose to be in Qrow Lao's hands.

The scene changes to Salem, in her Keep with the stolen Jinsei in hand. She meets up with three of her followers. One is a cybernetic being, his robotic body red with some black wiring exposed. This was Watts, a cyborg ninja.

The next was a large muscular male. He wore a helmet with skull like features and a long crest. His attire consisted of spiked shoulder pads, similarly designed knee pads and gauntlets, and a skull medallion embedded in two straps that intersect across his chest. His whole body has dragon-like features, with spikes protruding from his skin. This was Adam Kahn, warlord of Outworld.

The last was a revenant, evident by her greenish-grey skin, glowing veins on her body and glowing orange eyes. She looked in her early twenties, wore a backless leotard, spiked shoulder pads and wrist protectors all coloured a dull darkish blue. On her face was a similarly coloured mask, covering her face from the nose down. She also had a skull shaped and spiked mask on her forehead. This was Summer, Empress of the Netherrealm.

The audience take in the appearance of the three new characters. The only easily recognizable one was Summer.

"What happened to me?" asks Summer at the sight of her dark counterpart.

"Like the rest of your team, you died and was resurrected as a revenant. In the decades you were Quan Chi's slave, the corrupting effect of the Netherrealm began to settle in. Eventually, you stopped being a victim and began to enjoy it like Qrow, Tai and Raven. You became Empress of the Netherrealm after Quan Chi dies, too corrupted to be redeemed."

Summer collapses, getting caught by Tai. She holds onto him, horrified at what she becomes. Ruby, Yang and Qrow joins them, hugging her. Raven joins in too, though she only places a hand on Summer's shoulder.

"I now have the energy to resculpt the Sands of Time," Salem tells her followers. Looking at Summer, she continues, "The Netherrealms undead army will protect me the Keep as I work."

Turning towards Adam, she asks,

"Adam Kahn. When will you deliver the Outworld army?"

"Soon," he answers, "It will be mine once Ghira is killed."

"I'm in this?" Adam asks, very impressed by how intimidating his armour and mask is, wondering if he should make himself look more intimidating.

"You are a warlord, former leader of Outworld. You were defeated by Ozpin then punished by the Elder Gods for breaking the rules. You were succeeded as Kahn, title for leader in Outworld, by Ghira."

Adam clenches his fist at that, hating the fact a human defeated him.

Ghira frowns, wondering how he would do as a leader of a warriors. Kali smiles at him, thinking he would be just as good a leader there as he was on Menagerie.

Turning towards Watts, she asks,

"And what is your progress, Watts?"

He answers robotically, "The Cyber Lin Kuei factory is modified to specifications. Production exceeds projections."

"That is me!" asks a wide eyed Watts. He was shocked that the machine was him. "Am I a machine in this?!"

"Not quite," answers Zack. "You are a cyborg, having believed that your human body was holding you back, so you replaced them with mechanical parts, eventually becoming what you see here."

Penny couldn't help but draw parallels between them. The Watts on screen was a man who wanted to become a machine. She was a machine that wanted to know what being human meant.

Salem smiles, satisfied that all was going well.

Scene ends.

Salem smiles as well, thinking her other would succeed.

Seeing her smile, Zack thinks,

'If only she knew that her plans are once again thwarted by Ozpin and that Tai Yang becomes the new god of hat world.'

Ruby hesitantly speaks up, "So I think I speak for the rest of us students that let's not revisit that world for a bit. Too brutal."

The students and Oscar nod. They liked action movies, but you knew that the blood and injuries were fake. This world was rather realistic in its brutality.

Raven and Vernal scoff at that, thinking them soft.

The adults agreed. That was enough brutality for a lifetime.

"Sure," Zack agrees, knowing that he would have to fight Liu Kang again just to get approval for another scene. He wasn't doing that again.

"Why don't you all take a break?" he says, going off to get the next world. Maybe something more comedic and shorter? The last few were rather long.

I don't know why I torture myself writing such long chapters. This one is 10k words. Longest ever and will be for a while. The next few will be nowhere near this long.

If I got any of the Mortal Kombat lore wrong, I apologize. I never played it before or watched any of the movies before this.

If the fight scenes aren't to your liking, I don't apologize. Making them be realistic when most of the moves in the game should have killed them by the first punch isn't easy.

Next : Tag (movie)

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