Red vs Blue - The Heist

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Red vs Blue – The Heist


Director – James Ironwood

Councillor – Arthur Watts

Team A:

Carolina – Pyrrha Nikos

Maine – Nora Valkryie

Washington – Jaune Arc

York – Lie Ren

"Right, before we start," Zack turned toward Pyrrha. "Miss Nikos, do you think you have any psychological issues?"

"Eh?" Pyrrha looked at him in surprise.

"Pyrrha, with issues?" Weiss blinked in surprise.

"She's the sanest person I know," Ren said.

"Unlike someone," Roman whispered to Neo, discreetly looking at Cinder.

"I don't think so," Pyrrha said.

"Well, you are the best fighter of our age group," Yang said.

"I wonder what would happen if a challenger appears," Nora said.

"Nothing good," Jaune mumbled.

"What was that?" Blake asked.

"Want to see her develop an inferiority complex?" Zack asked.

"Her, develop an inferiority complex?" Sun pointed disbelievingly at the red head.

"I don't know man," Neptune said. "If someone just showed up and made her second best at everything, how would she take it?"

"I don't know," Pyrrha said. Her? Second best? She had honestly never experienced that.

"Oh boy," Ironwood said. He knew a few officers who got all worked up when a more talented junior officer appeared. All signs of said officers being ill-suited to promotion of course.

"Well, off to space first," Zack said.

"Weren't we just watching one?" Saphron asked.

"Different one without space wizards," Zack said.

The Mother of Invention was seen hovering in space. Cut to debriefing room, where the Director is standing alone.

"Okay!" Alpha reported. "Well, I just ran everything again. All calculations are up to date, taking into account standard delays for communication and response time. Our window looks good!"

"I agree," the Director, Ironwood said.

"Well, you should...I'm sure you'd make the same calculations I did. Just, you know...more slowly," Alpha retorted.

"Arrogance is a rather unbecoming trait, Alpha," Ironwood replied.

"Are you...seriously giving me a lecture on arrogance right now? Pfft. Heads up, you've got a visitor," Alpha told him.

"You, lecture someone about arrogance?" Qrow laughed.

"I agree with the drunkard," Glynda said.

"I'm not arrogant," Ironwood denied. "Merely sure of myself."

"Sure you are, James," Ozpin said. "I just hope that doesn't affect us later."

"You sure it won't?" Salem smirked. She had plans!

"Oh dear," Hazel said. He knew that smirk. His life sucked.

Carolina, Pyrrha walked towards the Director. "Director?"

"Log off," the Director told Alpha quietly.

"Yeah, yeah. Way ahead of ya, bud." Alpha logged off, going to do whatever AI did in their spare time.

The Director turned around. "Yes, Agent Carolina?"

"The team is ready, sir," Carolina told him.

"Excellent. Let us begin."

"P-money looking good in armour," Yang said.

"Cyan armour," Pyrrha mused. "I still like my bronze look."

"Interesting armour design," Watts said.

"Iron Rose is still better," Ruby pouted.

"No, this one is just bullshit," Nora said.

"That's the alien tech talking," Zack said. "It's not Ruby's fault hers can't make her go superfast, has a stealth mode, energy shields and who knows what else."

Ruby was both drooling and enraged. How dare her Iron Rose be upstaged like this! She needed a workshop, materials, power tools and a hundred chocolate chip cookies stat!

"Ruby, calm down," Summer said. "You can build something later."

Ruby grumbled but did so. No way was Iron Rose being upstaged by some alien tech.

The Director approached the holotable where several Freelancers and soldiers were waiting.

"Agents!" the Director began. "Your mission today is by far the most important you have undertaken to date. As our Number One, Carolina will be leading from the field."

"Number one, nothing new there," Cardin said.

"Well, it is to be expected," Yatsuhashi said. "Though being the best doesn't necessarily make her the best leader."

"True," Port agreed. "Though let's wait and see before making an evaluation."

"Yes," Oobleck agreed. "Hmm, for some reason, I can feel my intellect decreasing as we watch this. Concerning."

"If he starts turning into Caboose, kill him," Zack whispered to Jaune. He did not need the disaster that was Caboose in here!

"Are you sure that'll stick?" Jaune whispered back. "I mean, he survived all 17 seasons of that show after all."

"It has too!"

Carolina took her position at the front of the screen. She pressed a few buttons that activated a holographic sphere onto the screen.

"Okay, here's what we have," Carolina began. "As you may have heard, there is suspected Insurrection activity in this area."

Fade to six ODSTs walking in formation down a highway.

"Our intel says that members of the UNSC loyal to the Insurrection have acquired a high-level asset and are holding it in this secure location."

Holograms formed into buildings, the tallest one in the centre. The actual buildings were seen afterward.

"It's a hundred and ten-story building in the middle of an urban environment."

"What does security look like?" Wyoming asked.

"They have enough troops to fill a hundred and ten story building," Carolina replied.

"So, that's a lot of security," Wyoming stated.

"We're up to it," Carolina dismissed.

"What does it say when a group has enough members to fill up a building that tall?" Clover said.

"That they'll need an army to get them all," Robyn said.

"And they're up to it?" Adam said in disbelief. "What are they? Super soldiers?"

Nora scoffed. Spartans would chew these Freelancers up and spit them back out. Well, Spartan IIs at least. And any surviving IIIs as well.

A red line cut through the tallest building and formed a dot at a specific point inside. Maine (Nora), Washington (Jaune), and Carolina were seen taking positions inside the building. An Insurrectionist guard screamed as he was smashed down into an abyss by Carolina.

"I always wanted to kick someone down an abyss," Pyrrha said.

"That's the Leonidas in her showing," Zack said.

"No fair!" Nora whined. "Why don't I get to kick someone down an endless abyss?"

"You got thunder god powers," Penny reminded her.

"That's barely a fair trade!"

"What I wouldn't do to do the same to some people," Sienna mumbled, looking at Jacques. Oh, seeing him fall into an endless abyss would be glorious!

"Our job is to infiltrate the building, work our way up to the floor where the Sarcophagus is being held, and secure it," Carolina finished.

"The Sarcophagus?" North Dakoda asked.

"That is what we are calling the primary objective," the Director explained.

"But since this is a high-level asset, we need to access a key code to open the Sarcophagus," Carolina continued.

"I'm guessing they don't keep that just taped to the side," Washington, Jaune joked.

"Ah, there you are," Mercury said.

"At least he isn't the main hero here," Emerald said.

"He could be," Jaune said.

"The fact that you are one of two who live till the end should be good enough for you," Nora pointed out.

"Oh yeah, you're died here when a bunch of idiots stabbed you, tied you up to a car and pushed it off a cliff," Jaune said.

"I call bullshit on that!" Sage yelled.

"We don't care," Zack said.

Fade to an ODST handing a briefcase to an Insurrectionist official.

"It's held by an official of the program who will be moving in a vehicle along the freeway between inspections. That's when we'll hit the facility," Carolina said.

Holograms displayed a freeway and several moving vehicles. One of them flashed red and stopped in the middle, and an image of the official's face appeared above it.

"We need to acquire targets within minutes of each other. We fail that, the remaining target will enter lockdown and we miss our window."

"We will not have another chance at this," the Director reminded.

"So that means two teams," Washington said.

Carolina nodded. "Two teams. Team A will consist of me, Wash, and Maine. We will work infiltration on the Package's storage facility. York is still in the infirmary, so Wash, you will have to pull off picking duty."

"Um...okay. Guess I'll re-read my field manual on the transport," Washington said, being a bit rusty when it came to picking locks.

The door slid open and York, Ren entered.

"Hey, don't be so quick to give away my job," York said, announcing his arrival.

"York?" Washington said.

"I thought you were in the hospital," Carolina said.

"According to their records, I am," York said.

"You should have stayed there," Nora said, worried.

"It's just an eye," Ren said. "The gods saw fit to give me a spare."

"Doesn't sound as impressive when you aren't mostly naked and wearing a cape," Jaune commented.

"Where did that come from?" Willow asked.

"It was a badass world where 300 barely clothed men who apparently never heard of armour held the line against thousands of enemies," Zack said.

"Sounds like they were a bunch of badasses," Vernal said.

"How's your eye?" Carolina asked.

"It's okay. Docs will let me out tomorrow," York said.

"Tomorrow, huh?" Washington said, realizing that he broke out of the med bay.

"Sounds like someone we know," Glynda said.

"You break out one time," Tai groaned.

"You jumped out of a window," Summer reminded him.

"Hospitals are evil!" Tai replied. "And the food is terrible!"

"It's that way on purpose," Ozpin said. "As encouragement to not end up there."

York walked towards the Holotable.

"Look, I couldn't let you guys have all the fun without me. Besides, you need someone to get you in," York said.

Washington turned to Carolina. "Listen, I'm happy to see him too, but this mission...I don't know..."

"Hey, if York says he's good, then he's good," Carolina said.

"It's your call, boss," Washington conceded.

Carolina approached York. "You're good, right?"

"Okay, look, I said I was okay. Good might be overselling it a little—" York said.

"It's settled, then," the Director said. "York will join Team A and get them in the facility."

"Thank you, sir," York thanked.

"Something tells me I should have stayed in the med bay," Ren said.

"What did?" Ilia asked.

"Experience with the bastard called Murphy," Zack said.

"Oh, I hear ya," Qrow said. Murphy was a bastard who was owed a punch in the face when he got to him.

"Transport will be two lightly-equipped Pelican dropships," Carolina said.

The pilot, Four Seven Niner spoke up. "We're rigged for fast running only, people. No heavy armaments."

"Team B will be North, Wyoming, and C.T." Caroline continued. "You will act as recon for Team A, and once we enter the building, you will disengage to attack the target on the freeway. North will lead Team B."

"Got it," North said.

"What about Agent South?" C.T. asked.

"Agent South will not be accompanying you on this mission," the Director said.

South watched the Freelancer teams board the Pelican. North hesitated for a moment but followed the others wordlessly. South turned and left the docking bay.

"Poor South," Velvet said.

"This is a very dangerous mission," Winter said. "Only the best should be on it."

"Hmm, guess the world's a tough place when you move down a rank. And where's our new recruit? Will she be joining us?" C.T. asked.

"That's enough questions, Connecticut," the Director said, ending her questioning.

"Notice he didn't say no..." C.T. said to Washington.

"New recruit?" Watts asked.

"Ooh, is this Pyrrha's mysterious rival?" Blake said.

"It might be," Ruby said."

"A rival..." Pyrrha wasn't sure how to feel about that.

"Team B should be simple," Carolina said. "Stop the vehicle and grab the case. Team A? You have more of a challenge. Mainly, the Sarcophagus is an unknown."

"How unknown are we talking?" Washington asked.

"Unknown in that we don't know its size, or its weight, or its dimensions. We just know it will have these markings somewhere on the exterior."

Carolina pressed a few buttons and a large red insignia appeared above the screen.

"That's very unknown," Whitley said. "What if it's the size and weight of a tank?"

"Then we have Nora carry it," Jaune answered easily.

Nora flexed. "Nora strong!"

"I saw those same markings on the oil platform," North Dakoda said.

"Correct," the Director said. "That facility created the primary objective."

"Do we know what's inside it?" Washington asked.

"Yes, we know," the Director said.

"How do we know what's in it, but not how big it is?" C.T. asked.

The Director turned to C.T. silently.

"Sorry, sir."

"Ah yes, need to know," Clover said. "I always hated those missions."

"You don't need to know, so you don't," Ironwood said.

"Seems risky," Ghira said. "What if its fragile and they break it?"

"Fragile isn't the word I'd used for the package," Zack said.

"We have a job to do, people," Carolina said. "Let's do it right and come home safe."

"That is all. You are dismissed!" the Director said.

Everyone in the room stood to attention. "Yes, sir!"

Cut to space, where the Mother of Invention opened its docking bay and released two Pelicans from its clamps. The Pelicans activated their thrusters and flew towards the planet's surface.

The two Pelicans encroach upon a city. The Pelicans separated towards their drop off point.

"Team A, you look clear. Window is open. Start your clocks. On my mark. Mark," North Dakoda said.

"Sync. Roger that. Team A is moving," Carolina reported.

Team A's Pelican moved out.

"Copy that Carolina. Good luck Team A," North said.

"Thanks. We won't need it," Carolina replied.

Cut to the inside of Team B's Pelican.

"Alright, Bravo, let's move out," North said. "We have 3 minutes until first alert. Let's have our target in hand by 2."

Team A entered the building. Washington and Maine were on look out.

"So far so good," Nicolas said.

"That can change anytime," Junior said.

"Often when it's most inconvenient," Miltia said.

"We're in," Carolina reported. "York get up here. How long to crack that lock?"

"Should take about 60 seconds. You can give me 15." York holstered his gun and looked at the lock.

"Wow, it's a holographic. That's high-end," York said as he got to work.

"I can't understand a thing," Melanie said.

"It's not that complex," Ren said.

"Should we be concerned that you seem to be able to break high level encryption locks?" Penny asked.

"Nah, I only use it to get access to free cable," Ren said.

"Can you get through it?" Carolina asked.

"Of course I can," York said. "You didn't bring me along for my good looks, did you? Whoever designed this is a genius."

York accidentally tripped an alarm as he picked the lock.

"You were saying?" Carolina said.

"Ok, I take it back, whoever designed this is an asshole. There."

York successfully picked the lock, opening the doors to the Vault.

"Nice, but next time, do it without tripping the alarm," Pyrrha said.

"You do it then," Ren grumbled.

"She'd just use her magnet powers to force it open," Nora said.

"Hardly subtle," Jaune said.

"We don't do subtle," Yang said.

"Everybody in," York said.

"Thanks York but do something about that alarm system," Carolina said. "We don't need any more surprises."

"Does saying sorry count as something?" York asked.

Carolina gave York a glare.

"Hmm. Guess not," York said.

"We'll secure the package. Set some trackers, then find us a way out of this," Carolina told York.

"Moving," York said, leaving to complete his task.

Carolina, Washington, and Maine entered the Vault.

Cut to another part of the building, where two Insurrectionists were seen inside.

"What the?" one of the soldiers said.

"Looks like we got an alert on Sector 7. That's the vault. Take a team up there now," Demo man ordered.

"Well, there went surprise and stealth," Oscar said.

"It was bound to happen anyway," Kali said.

"Especially with this team," Glynda sighed.

Maine, Carolina, and Washington entered the Vault, filled with Covenant weapons and Banshees.

"Alright everyone, spread out," Carolina ordered. "What we need is here somewhere. It's probably something small, easy to miss. Take as many scans as possible, there may be other things we can use."

Maine picked up a Brute Shot and growled questioningly. Washington walked by and paused to compliment Maine.

"That's a good look," Washington said.

"Ooh, Nora like!" Nora drooled.

"Is that a knife or a grenade launcher?" Mercury asked.

"Both?" Emerald suggested.

"Looks like a brutal weapon," Amber said.

"It's glorious!" Ruby said.

Cut to York on the radio talking to Carolina in a different room

"Carolina, Motion Trackers indicate you got an enemy team outside the door," York warned.

Cut back to Carolina in the other room with Washington and Maine

"Well, let's hope they're not as good at picking locks as you are, York," Carolina said. "Alright team, we're about to have company."

Washington jogged up to her. "Boss, I've got good news and bad news."

"Isn't it always?" Tyrian sighed.

"With you, it's always bad news," Cinder grumbled.

"How was I supposed to know he was so squishy?" Tyrian demanded.

"You kicked him into a pit full of Grimm," Salem reminded him.

"He was looking at me funny!" Tyrian defended himself.

"Hit me," Carolina said.

"We found the markings we're looking for. The bad news is...They're on that."

Cut to a shot of a container with the markings that were described in the briefing, revealing it to be the Sarcophagus.

"Well, that's going to be hard to get to the roof," Whitley said.

"We'll figure something out," Pyrrha said.

Nora pre-emptively punched Pyrrha in the shoulder.

"What was that for?" Pyrrha asked as she rubbed her shoulder.

"You'll see," Nora said. That was for kicking her out of a window! Sure karma got to her later, but still!

"That?" Carolina asked, wondering how they were going to get it out.

"Team A, I got us an exit up here," York reported over the comms. "Straight up the stairwell, door to the roof, helipad."

"Copy, I'll radio air support," Carolina replied. "Now, how are we going to get that thing up to the roof?"

Maine shrugged her shoulders and growled.

"York, I saw a window-washing unit on our way into the facility," Carolina said. "Can you find where it attaches to the building?"

Cut to York on the roof next to where the window-washing unit was attached to the building

"I don't know, that's a tough one. Lemme see what I can do," York replied sarcastically.

"Such a hardship," Ilia said.

"Indeed," Ren nodded.

"Can that thing even lift it up all the way?" Nicolas asked.

"With a sufficient counter-balance, probably," Ironwood said.

Nora grumbled something about not being that heavy. Sure her other self was big, but she was not heavy!

Cut back to the rest of Team A

"What're you up to?" Washington asked.

"Improvising. Come 'ere Maine," Carolina said.

"Improvising? I hate it when we do that," Washington complained.

"Yet we do it all the time," Jaune sighed.

"Well, it wouldn't be interesting otherwise," Zack said. "That, and sudden character death."

Pyrrha and Yang felt a chill go up their spines.

"That's ominous," Adam said.

Outside the Vault, the Insurrectionist soldiers were cutting the door that led into the Vault

Cut back to Team A, where Carolina pushed the Sarcophagus on a lift connected to the window-washer unit.

Washington looked at the door in concern. "Better hurry!"

"Maine, it should work fine. You're the only one heavy enough to counterbalance," Carolina said, explaining her plan.

"Too high," Maine said, still holding onto to the cable.

"Oh, don't be a baby." Carolina kicked Maine out the window and shot the cable holding up the window-washer platform. Maine free-fell down the building, past two Insurrectionist Soldiers.

"I don't know when, I don't know where, but I will get back at you for that!" Nora said.

"Oh, don't be such a baby," Pyrrha said, copying Carolina.

"Falling off high places seems to be a recurring experience for us," Ren remarked.

"Let's hope that we don't end up somewhere that doesn't have a ground," Ruby said.

Jaune's clairvoyance kicked in. Fuck Cinder. He was killing her later. That and getting everyone jetpacks.

"Hey, did you hear that noise?" Soldier 1 asked.

"Only the sound of you being an idiot," Soldier 2 replied.

"Oh, you're probably right...dick-biscuit," Soldier 1 said.

"At least they aren't contemplating why they're there," Winter said.

"Hey," Oscar said.

"Yeah?" Ozpin replied.

"You ever wonder why we're here?" Oscar asked.

"It's one of life's great mysteries isn't it?" Ozpin said. "Why are we here?"

"In this case, it's because it amuses me and the people reading this," Zack answered for them.

Maine stopped near the bottom of the tower and the Sarcophagus launched up to the roof where York was.

"Package is here," York reported.

Cut back to Maine. He glanced up to the top of the building, growling.

"Stop right there or we'll...shoot?" an Insurrectionist soldier said.

Maine turned towards the squad of soldiers before him

"We-we're gonna need bigger handcuffs. Is-is that a knife? Rifle? Kni-knifle? Aah...!"

Maine approached them menacingly and pulled out her newly acquired Brute Shot while the soldiers screamed in terror.

Cut back to Carolina and Washington looking down at where Maine landed.

"Well that ought to buy us some time," Carolina commented.

"I almost feel bad for the people down there," Washington said.


"What? I said 'almost.'"

"A moment of silence, for those poor soldiers," Clover said.

"They're rebels," Ironwood said. "Don't bother."

"And a broken leg for you, a ruptured spleen for you, a dislocated shoulder for him, a broken 'leg' for that guy," Nora mumbled.

"I agree with my other self," Jaune said. "I almost feel sorry for those guys."

"Same," Cardin said. "At least it isn't us."

CRDL shivered. Yes, a very good thing it wasn't them.

The Insurrection soldiers weld through the door and bust it open. Washington and Carolina opened fire and killed all of the soldiers in seconds, except for one. The last soldier walked in dramatically, holding a flamethrower.

"What the fuck is with this guy?" Washington said.

'This guy' fired his flamethrower and the two Freelancers dove for cover.

"Whoa, that's hot!" Washington exclaimed.

Washington and Carolina opened fire at the soldier. The soldier's armour was thicker than the other soldiers however and was unaffected by their gunfire.

"So, you took out every soldier there in seconds before they even let out a shot except for the guy with the flamethrower," Robyn said.

"Flamethrowers deserve special attention," Oobleck said.

"At least his doesn't double as a thermos," Port said.

"Well, they can't all be as good as mine," Oobleck said. It kept his coffee at the right temperature of hot enough to burn Grimm.

Washington jumped away from the flames and threw a grenade at the soldier, only for the grenade to be engulfed in flames and blew up prematurely.

"I've got this," Carolina said, getting up to return fire only for the Covenant weapons on the block she was taking cover behind to explode from the heat, sending her flying back. "What The-? Ahh!"

A fuel rod cannon landed in the middle of the floor in front of Washington. He dove for it and fired it at the soldier. However, the shot bounced off the floor and missed him.

"What the hell?" Ghira said.

"It bounces?" Mercury said.

"Who the hell designs a gun that bounces?" Summer said.

"That is the worst gun ever, of all time," Ruby said.

"But think about the trick shots you could manage with that thing," Sun said.

"Hmm..." Nora had a look in her eye.

Glynda glared at Sun. Why did he have to give her ideas?

"What the hell?" Washington exclaimed as he looked at the weapon. "It bounces?! Who designs a gun that bounces? This is the worst gun ever... of all- ah!"

Carolina tackled him out of the way from the oncoming fire and they took cover.

"Stay. Low," Carolina ordered him.

Carolina ran across the room, ducked under a burst of fire, hopped over a table, ran up the wall and flipped, swinging onto a hanging Banshee. She shot the flame soldier who, in return, burned the ship's cables. Carolina tossed a grenade into the cockpit and jumped off as the grenade exploded and hurled the plane at the flame soldier, knocking him over. As he got up, Carolina javelined a Gravity Hammer at him, knocking him out.

"Whoa," Neptune said.

"That was just showing off," Fox said.

"If it works, it works," Pyrrha shrugged.

"Since when could you run up walls?" Raven asked.

"Magnetic boots?" Penny suggested.

"How the hell did she calculate the trajectory for that plane to hit him?" Watts said.

"By the power of bullshit alien tech?" Neo signed.

"Sounds about right," Zack said.

Washington walked up to Carolina. "That guy was a dick!"

"Come on. Let's get moving, Wash!" Carolina said as they made their way out of the destroyed Vault.

"That bit with the purple plane? That was just showing off," Washington said.

They arrived at the roof where York was waiting.

"Come on, come on, hurry!" York smashed the control panel to the door, closing it shut. "There, that oughta hold 'em for a while."

Soldiers immediately began to weld through the door.

"O-kay, maybe not," York said as he ran over to Wash. "Hey, where's Maine?"

"Downstairs, keeping our hosts occupied," Washington replied.

"Man, I almost feel bad for them," York said.

"That's what I said!"

"Don't," Pyrrha said.

"You're right," Mercury said. "We should be holding funerals for them."

"Here lies Private Jones," Emerald said. "He died fighting a girl with a knife/grenade launcher."

"Four-Seven Niner, this is Team Alpha," Carolina said over the comms. "We need evac on the roof of the tower!"

"Roger that, I'm on it," Four-Seven-Niner replied.

"Come on, it's up... here," York said, only for them to stop.

"You!" Carolina said.

Tex was seen kneeling on the rooftop, setting up an unknown device.

"Ah, the rival," Tai said.

"She seems familiar," Pyrrha said. "I don't know why."

Jaune whistled. Mother daughter issues were not something he touched with an infinitely long pole. He had seven sisters. He knew how bad that could go.

Saphron glared at her brother, knowing what he was thinking.

Carolina confronted her. "What are you doing here? Is that a bomb? I knew it. It was you who blew up the oil platform!"

"That thing blew up?" Washington asked.

"Somebody's been covering our tracks," Carolina told Washinton. "You're on the roster too, but they hid your name. Why did they send you?"

"Hey, hate to bust up your reunion here, but we've got a problem," York told the two alpha females.

Insurrectionists busted open the door.

"Let's go, go, go, now! Get into position! Completely surround them!" Demo man ordered.

Hornets and soldiers with jetpacks surrounded the area.

"Well, you're in trouble now," Salem chuckled.

"We can take them," Ren said.

"Aren't you recovering from an eye injury there?" Sienna said.

"Meh, it's only an eye," Ren said.

"No one get behind me! Drop your weapons!"

The Freelancers did so.

"You, dickhead!" He pointed his gun at York. "Disarm the bomb!"

"Easy, easy," York said. "No reason to get all dramatic! Okay, let me take a crack."

"Just fuckin' do it already!" Demo man yelled.

"Easy, easy, man." York picked up the 'bomb'. "Uh... this isn't a bomb. It's a transmitter."

Demo Man sighed in relief. "Alright, it's not a bomb! Wait, a transmitter? What's it transmitting?"

"Our location," York answered.

"Why would it do that?" Demo Man asked.

Everybody looked up. Cut to the Mother of Invention in orbit.

"Oh, they're fucked," Yang grinned.

"Did you forget that we're still there?" Pyrrha reminded her.

"Talk about a danger close fire mission," Clover said.

"There's danger close, then there's orbital danger close fire support," Winter said.

"Is this where the collapsing skyscraper part kicks in?" Saphron said.

"Looks like it," Amber said.

"System online, Director. Awaiting your command," P.E.N.N.Y. reported.

"If I may Director, I think it would be wise if we..." Councillor tried to council.

"Shut up, Councillor," the Director said.

"Of course, sir."

"Is it wrong that I enjoyed that greatly?" Ironwood asked.

"No," Cinder answered.

"Not at all," Tyrian said.

"I wished we had a camera," Hazel said.

"I hate all of you," Watts grumbled.

Lasers began homing in on the transmitter, while a beeping sound got louder and closer together until it sounded like one continuous sound.

Demo Man noticed someone missing. "What the hell? There were four of them here! What the fuck is going on?!"

Carolina deactivated her adaptive camouflage and began to beat the crap out of soldiers. Tex used her active camouflage to also take out some soldiers, getting more and more camouflaged until it looked like people were being beat up by air.

"See, we could take them," Pyrrha said.

"I'll be more worried about the incoming orbital strike," Raven said.

"I'm sure they won't miss," Ren said.

"Why's that?" Sun asked.

"What did I say?! I said one thing! Keep them in front of me!" Demo Man yelled, not noticing the beat down behind him.

"Hey man. You mind holding this for me for a sec?" York asked, realizing that they might need to run soon.

"What?" Demo Man asked, confused but accepted the transmitter anyway.

"Thank you." York began walking away from him.

Demo Man, hearing the beeping, looked up. Cut back to the Mother of Invention. It was turning toward the target.

"That's why," Ren said.

"Well, ever heard of splash damage?" Neptune said.

"I wonder if we can survive that," Pyrrha wondered.

"Target locked," P.E.N.N.Y. reported.

"Fire," the Director ordered.

"Firing main cannon."

The "Mother of Invention" fired its MAC cannon.

"Oh, son of a..." Demo Man was hit straight on by the MAC round. The glass on the building exploded outwards as everyone flew back from the explosion, even the Hornets. The blast also created a large gaping hole on the roof, which was expanding. Tex spotted a Pelican in the sky, grabbed a jetpack from a dead soldier and used its momentum to kick the Sarcophagus off the building. She then flew off. York, Wash and Carolina also saw the Pelican flying towards them. The three began to run towards the edge of the building as the hole crumbled down behind them.

Carolina vaulted over a piece of the crumbling roof. "This must be karma for kicking Maine out the window!"

"I don't wanna do thiiisss!!!" York yelled.

"SON OF A BIIIIIIIITCH!!!" Washington yelled.

"Well, karma sure works fast there," Nora said.

"Kick someone out a window one time," Pyrrha said.

The three jumped off the building, with the Pelican rushing down behind them. The three Freelancers freefall down the building in diving positions, avoiding oncoming debris and other falling soldiers.

Carolina reached for the Sarcophagus and stood on it. Pilot Four Seven Niner tried to get the Pelican in position with Carolina.

"Line it up! Come on! Come on! Stay on target!" Four Seven Niner told Carolina.

Four-Seven Niner opened the Pelican's back hatch and began to slow it down. Washington and York also positioned themselves to board the Pelican.

"Those are some rad skills," Coco said.

"I mean, it's not like you can train for this, can you?" Velvet said.

"I'm just surprised they're air time is lasting so long," Yatsuhashi said.

"Just how tall was that building?" Fox said.

"Very," Oscar said.

Suddenly, two Hornets appeared and began to fire at them. Carolina hopped off the Sarcophagus and Washington took her place on it.

He fired his rifle at a Hornet and managed to make it crash into the building. Tex appeared, flying on her jetpack and pushed the Sarcophagus and Washington into the Pelican.

"WAAAHHH!!!" Washington cried as he landed in the Pelican. Tex's jetpack sparked blue as she landed.

"Hold on!"

Four Seven Niner balanced the Pelican and flew off.

"Get the package back to Command, now!" Tex told Four Seven Niner.

"On it!"

"That voice sounds like I should know it," Pyrrha said.

"Hey, I survived," Jaune said.

"And we're still falling," Ren said.

York and Carolina were still in freefall as they saw the Pelican depart. They were falling closer and closer to the ground.

"Well, there goes our ride," York said.

"You think maybe we should've had a fallback plan?" Carolina asked.

"Hey, what happened to Maine?" York asked.

Maine suddenly appeared, catching the two in a Warthog.

"Whoa!! Are we in a car?!" York cried.

"How the hell did that work?" Watts cried.

"You should be pancakes, even if that car caught you!" Penny said.

"Pancakes!" Nora yelled.

"The laws of physics only selectively apply for us," Jaune reminded them.

"Yup," Ruby nodded.

"No fault in that logic," Yang agreed.

The Warthog entered a tunnel. In the background, the 110-story building slowly crumbled down to the ground. The Warthog then exited the tunnel, with Maine quickly swerving through traffic and dodging oncoming cars. York was riding shotgun and Carolina was on the turret.

"Command, this is Four Seven Niner," she reported. "The Sarcophagus is secure, I repeat, the Sarcophagus is secure, we are inbound. I managed to get two agents aboard, remaining team's status is unknown."

Back in the hangar, Tex's jetpack sparked.

"So, jetpacks, huh?" Washington commented.

Tex placed the damaged jetpack on top of the Sarcophagus and jumped out of the Pelican.

"That was interesting," Washington said as the Pelican closed its back hatch and flew away.

"Well, my part in this is done," Jaune said. He even met the mother-in-law and lived.

"Save some action scenes for the rest of us," Ren said.

"Oh, if it's action scenes you want..." Zack said.

"You can never have too much action," Nora said.

Team A was seen driving on the freeway. York was driving, Maine was riding shotgun and Carolina was manning the turret.

"Team B report. Team B!" Carolina called into her comms.

Team B was in a bad situation. They were taking cover behind a car that was flipped over and on fire. Wyoming was wounded and being treated by C.T.

"Team B is down!" North reported. "We have wounded and are taking fire."

"We'll be right there," Carolina replied.

"Negative, get the package. Get it out of the city," North said.

"Roger that."

"Poor Team B," Melanie said.

"They just weren't awesome enough to finish the mission," Miltia said.

"Unlike Team A, who's bullshit enough to succeed despite having to deal with a collapsing skyscraper too," Junior said.

"We're awesome," Pyrrha said.

"Pretty sure Tex was the reason we got the package in the Pelican," Ren said.

Pyrrha glared at him. No newcomer was upstaging her.

"Reading Team B's tracker... okay, there he is I got him," York told her.

"We'll cut 'em off at that overpass, go, go!" Carolina said.

Tex ducked behind a wall as a patrol looking for her walked by.

"Come in, Mother of Invention," Tex said into her comms.

"We read you Agent Texas. Go ahead," P.E.N.N.Y. replied.

"PENNY, I need you to fire ordinance pod zero-four-zero-one to my position," Tex said.

"I am sorry, but I cannot verify the contents of that pod. Protocol dictates that all..." P.E.N.N.Y. replied.

"Just fire it, PENNY," the Director said, overriding her concerns.

"Acknowledged. Safety protocol override. Firing pod zero-four-zero-one."

The pod was launched towards Tex. It landed and opened to reveal a motorcycle and a rocket launcher.

"Hello there," Tex said as she walked up to it.

"Why does she get a bike and rocket launcher?" Pyrrha asked, envious.

"Cause she asked?" Cinder sarcastically replied.

"Good point," Ren said.

"I wonder if she's up for a race?" Yang wondered.

"Not in the city," Tai warned.

"Did you fucking hear that?" one of the soldiers asked.

"No man, no..."

"You didn- it was like..."

Tex crashed through the window above them and drove off.

"How 'bout that, did you hear that?"

"Yeah, yeah I heard it."

The soldiers got into their vehicles and chased after Tex.

"Well, at least they're not all complete idiots," Ironwood said.

"Odds are they'll crash sooner than later," Penny said.

"Another car chase, great," Winter sighed.

"I hope they don't cause too much damage," Robyn said.

"Not going to happen," Sienna said.

The Insurrectionist official with the case was driving under an overpass just ahead of Tex. Team A was revealed to be watching him. As he approached them, Maine jumped on the hood of his car and prepared to stab him with the bayonet of her brute shot.

Maine carried a white suitcase back to Team A's Warthog.

"Brutal," Ilia winced.

"Imagine, the last thing he ever saw was several hundred pounds of muscle and armour coming at him with a giant knife/ grenade launcher thing," Saphron said.

"Poor guy," Neptune said. "I mean, he's working for the bad guys, but still..."

"You don't mess with Nora," Nora grinned.

"Nice work Maine," Carolina said.

"Thanks," Maine grunted.

"Yeah, subtle as always," York said. "Response team is probably on the way."

"Let's get the hell out of here." Carolina said.

"Hold on!" York said.

York drove the Warthog down the highway, swiftly passing by several random cars. Two Insurrection Hornets were in pursuit.

"Comin' through! Excuse me! Look out!" York yelled as he drove through traffic.

"Mr Ren, it would seem that we need to discuss your driving skills," Glynda said.

"I haven't hit anyone yet," Ren said.

"That's better than nothing," Clover said.

"Anyone thing that car looks like a cat?" Emerald said.

"It kind of does," Adam said.

"Here they come!" Carolina warned.

The Hornets closed in on Team A. Three Insurrection soldiers (a muscular sleeveless soldier, a sniper soldier, and a female soldier) with jetpacks hopped off their Hornets and flanked the Warthog.

"Behind us!" York yelled.

As Team A battled two of the Insurrection soldiers, the Sniper Soldier speeded ahead and took aim on a truck in front of Team A. The other two Insurrectionists continued to fire.

"Maine! Protect the briefcase!" Carolina ordered her.

Maine noticed a sniper laser pointing at Carolina's spine and looked behind her. The sniper fired a shot at Carolina, but Maine intercepted the shot, causing it to hit her chest and render her unconscious.

"Maine? Sniper!" Carolina ducked, a sniper bullet whizzed past Carolina's head, hitting the turret.

"Nora!" her friends yelled.

"She's fine," Blake said. "She has armour after all."

"Right, armour," Jaune said. Said armour unfortunately seemed to do everything but protect the wearer from damage.

"Thanks," Pyrrha said.

"Aww... I'll take a bullet for you anytime," Nora said.

"Please don't make that a habit," Ren said.

Tex riding on her motorbike was being pursued by some Insurrectionists in Warthogs. Tex narrowly avoided the chaingun rounds and swerved around. She grabbed her rocket launcher and shot the Warthog closest to her, causing it and the one behind it to crash. She spotted the Hornets chasing Team A.

"Gotcha!" Tex exclaimed.

She jumped off a ramp, fired a rocket at the Hornet and threw the rocket launcher away. She then brought out her SMG and fired at some Insurrectionists on Mongooses.

"Agent Tex is a badass," Oscar said.

"This is almost as amusing as watching her lay a beatdown on a bunch of idiots," Zack said.

"When did that happen?" Miltia asked.

"Quite some time after the events here," Zack said.

"How bad a beatdown are we talking about here?" Melanie asked.

"Grif's poor balls," Zack said solemnly.

Jaune winced. No man deserved that.

Team A was still fleeing from the Insurrectionist. Carolina ducked down.

"Punch it!" Carolina yelled.

"It's punched!" York replied.

The female Insurrectionist landed in front of the Warthog and had a brief hand to hand battle with Carolina. Maine stirred, but the female Insurrectionist planted her foot on Maine's back, keeping her down. She stole the briefcase off Maine's back but Carolina managed to retrieve it back. As the briefcase flew in the air Carolina struggled to get a grip of it; eventually she managed to.

"Here's an idea, magnetic gloves," Watts said.

"That's actually sounds useful," Weiss said.

"What? For climbing buildings?" Blake said. "Huh, that does sound useful."

"Got it," Carolina said, only for the sleeveless Insurrectionist to kick Carolina down to the front bumper of the Warthog and retrieved the briefcase. Carolina attempted to climb back on the Warthog, while the sleeveless Insurrectionist prepared to shoot her.

"Hold on!" York swerved the Warthog to the left, flinging Carolina and the sleeveless Insurrectionist off it, rousing Maine in the process.

They landed on a nearby truck platform with oil drums, with Carolina grabbing the briefcase in the process. The female Insurrectionist began to fire at Carolina, forcing her to take cover. At the same time, the sleeveless Insurrectionist tossed an oil drum at Team A's Warthog, knocking off its turret.

"Would you quit throwing shit!" York yelled. "On your left! On your left!"

The sniper soldier fired at York and Maine from a neighbouring truck. York rammed the Warthog into the truck, knocking the sniper off. The sniper used his jetpack to gain back his balance and accelerated towards the Warthog, until Maine punched him in the face, knocking him down to the road. York and Maine sped up next to the oil truck.

"And this is why you avoid fighting on a moving vehicle on a busy highway," Ozpin said.

"Like they had a choice," Tai said.

"Those guys are good," Ruby said.

"I wonder what the collateral damage for all this will look like," Amber said.

"They already destroyed a skyscraper," Saphron said. "Hard to top that."

"They could always take the rest of the city with them," Vernal said.

"Good point," Robyn said.

"Watch it! Watch it!" York said.

Maine jumped out of the Warthog and onto the oil truck platform, in order to assist Carolina who was still fighting the two Insurrectionists. Maine battled the female soldier but was kicked back with Carolina. As Carolina and Maine were back to back the two switched opponents, Carolina fighting the female soldier and Maine fighting the sleeveless soldier, with Maine now in possession of the briefcase.

"On the right!" York tossed the Brute Shot to Carolina. Carolina Matrix jumped in the air, dodging incoming bullets. She stabbed the female soldier with the Brute shot.

"Come on!" Carolina said as she realized the Brute Shot was out of ammo.

The female Insurrectionist tossed her pistol to her sleeveless companion, who caught it. The sleeveless soldier battled with Maine, even managing to shoot Maine's throat. He then threw Maine to the floor and shot her throat repeatedly.

"Nora!" her friends yelled again.

"Yikes, no getting back up from that one," Roman said.

"Are you sure about that?" Junior said.

They noticed Maine was still breathing.

"Holy shit!" Mercury said.

"What does it take to put her down for good?" Hazel wondered.

"A bunch of idiots, a cable, a cliff and a car," Zack answered.

"Now, where can I find those," Tyrian mumbled.

"NOOO!" Carolina yelled and quickly tackled the soldier and nearly stabbed him with the Brute Shot. The sleeveless Insurrectionist kicked Carolina off and the two battle. As Carolina began to overcome the two soldiers, Maine reloaded her Brute Shot, with blood pouring down her throat. She aimed at the two Insurrectionists, but the female Insurrectionist fired at Maine, causing her aim to go awry. Maine fired at the truck's rear, causing it to swerve. The truck hit a car and the four soldiers flew through the air, the female Insurrectionist flying off the highway. Carolina reached for the briefcase, still on Maine's back, but failed to reach it. She landed in York's Warthog. Maine, however, bounced off the road twice and was hit by a speeding truck and was completely knocked off the road. The sleeveless Insurrectionist retrieved the briefcase and flew up to his Hornet. Tex appeared on her motorbike and fires at the Hornet. The Hornet entered a tunnel and damaged the tunnel door controls. Tex followed in pursuit.

"I take back anything I ever said about my luck," Qrow said.

"Nora's unlucky here," Yang commented.

"There's unlucky then there's what we just saw Nora get," Ruby said.

"It must be the lack of hammers," Nora said at once. "This all happened because I betrayed the hammer for the Brute Shot."

"That makes no sense," Jacques said.

"Makes perfect sense to me," Summer said.

"Don't let her grab it first!" Carolina told York, her competitive streak rearing its ugly head.

"Who cares who gets it first!" York yelled.

"I do!" Carolina said.

"Pyrrha, now isn't the time for your rivalry," Jaune said.

"I know, it's just..." Pyrrha chewed her lips.

"The after-action report for this is going to be a great read, I can already tell," Ironwood groaned.

"Oh, all of them are," Zack said.

"Just another day in office," Ozpin said.

The tunnel doors slowly began to close.

"Bail out!" Carolina told York.

"Bailing!" York hopped out of the Warthog and rolled down the road. Carolina rode on the Warthog and was catapulted into the tunnel before the doors closed, wheels of the Warthog flying every which way. She activated her speed unit enhancement and zoomed off.

York got up and looked at the destroyed Warthog. "Man, I've got to quit jumping off stuff today."

"You only did so twice," Willow said.

"Yeah, of a collapsing building and then a car," Ren said.

"At least you didn't actually end up getting knocked who knows where," Raven said.

Carolina kept running, spotting the Hornet. Using her speed unit to avoid multiple cars, Carolina managed to catch up with Tex, and the two began to race for the Hornet in order to obtain the briefcase.

"Fall back Agent Carolina. I've got this!" Tex told Carolina.

"You fall back!" Carolina retorted.

"And they're off!" Port announced.

"Who shall be the first to retrieve the package?" Oobleck continued.

"Tune in to find out, here on Rooster Teeth!" they finished together.

"Eh?" the others looked at them weird.

"Why did we do that?" Oobleck asked.

"I don't know," Port said. "Practice for the Vytal Festival?"

Tex accelerated. The Hornet exited the tunnel and began to ascend. Tex leaped off her motorbike and launched it towards the Hornet, managing to take it out. The sleeveless Insurrectionist used his jetpack to escape. He regained his balance and flew off with the briefcase.

Tex landed on the road and Carolina sprinted past her. She leaped off the road and used her grappling hook to keep up with the sleeveless soldier. She landed on a building and quickly jumped off of it. She landed on another building and sprinted towards the soldier. She tackled the Insurrectionist in mid-air and the two landed on the road. She punched the soldier and the two began to tumble all around the street, with Carolina sliding on the road. The soldier hit a truck and the briefcase detached from his back. Carolina saw a truck coming and curled up to slide underneath it. Part of her armour scraped against the underside of the truck, and she was sent flying through the air and her back hit a wall on the street. As Carolina got up, her helmet fell off, revealing her red hair and green eyes. She saw the briefcase across from her, where Tex picked it up.

"Command, the package is secure. Heading home," Tex reported.

"Excellent work Agent Texas," the Director complimented.

"Thank you sir," Tex looked at Carolina across the street. "Better luck next time, Carolina."

Tex hopped off the road. A Pelican approached Carolina and descended. The back hatch opened where the other Freelancers were seen inside. York lent out his hand to Carolina in which she took it.

"Damnation!" Pyrrha yelled.

"Oh, you poor dear," Salem mocked. "To be showed up like that after all that running."

"Who is this Tex?" Pyrrha asked through gritted teeth.

"Your mom," Jaune answered. Noticing the looks of shock, he elaborated. "Technically, an AI based on her mom."

"Your mom is a badass," Coco said.

"Mom..." Pyrrha was wondering how she should take that. On one hand, she was beaten. On the other hand, it was technically her mom who did it.

"Well, a package retrieved, a skyscraper destroyed and a whole lot of other damages," Zack said. "Just another mission for Project Freelancer."

"And I'm in charge of them," Ironwood groaned.

"There, there, James," Glynda said.

"I'm sure most of the galaxy is still intact," Ozpin said.

"But the space time continuum is a bit funky," Nora whispered.

"Well, that's over," Sun said. "What's next?"

"A conflict between two secret societies," Zack said.

"What, like us?" Hazel asked.

"Well, yes, but with less magic and more alien tech," Zack said.

"Interesting," Ozpin said.

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