The Amazing Spider-man - Spider-man vs Lizard (School fight)

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Spider-man – Jaune Arc

Gwen Stacy – Weiss Schnee

Lizard – Arthur Watts

Right, I'm reducing the size of the audience by a bit here. Remaining audience: RWBY, JNPR, SSSN, CVFY, STRQ, Ozpin, Glynda, Ironwood, Winter, Amber, Roman, Neo, White Fang, Belladonas, Salem's faction. These are the characters whose reactions I am most comfortable with anyway.

"Right due to 'reasons' I am sending a few of you back to Remnant." Zack tells them.

He teleports all the unwanted people to another room, leaving the remaining audience behind.

"Where did they go?" Ruby asks.

*In another room*

Zack is wearing black sunglasses as he holds up his neuralyzer.

"Now if you would all look right here..."

*Back with the audience*

"No idea." Yang said. "But wasn't my Bumblebee just the coolest! The way that he had machineguns on his hood! And he makes puns as well!"

"Well my Iron Rose is way cooler! It can fly!"


"Iron Rose!"


"Iron Rose!"


"Iron Rose!"

That went on for a while as their friends watch on, well use to the sisters antics.

"Your friends sure are interesting Jaune." Saphron says.

"Yeah..." Jaune sighs at the sight, glad that Nora hadn't joined in yet. He wouldn't trade his friends or team for the world, but they could get exhausting.

"Well the room's a little less crowded now." Roman says, "Too bad the remaining company isn't all that better."

Neo nods along with him, eating ice cream out of a bowl that was larger than her.

"You're not much better either Roman." Cinder replies, privately annoyed that Tyrian was still around.

Zack returns in a flash of light, looking around to make sure they hadn't tried to murder each other in horrific ways.

"Where are the others?" Neptune asks.

"I sent them back home. Don't worry about it. They were sent back at the exact moment they left, as if nothing had happened."

Scene start

A toilet floor is shown shaking, as if an earthquake was happening. The toilet and a large chunk of the floor sunk into the earth, revealing a tunnel was dug underneath it.

Out of it, comes a large humanoid lizard like being. This was Dr. Arthur Watts, former Varsillecorps employee and now a human-lizard hybrid known as the Lizard. He was around 3 metres tall, had scales covering his entire body and a tail.

"ARGHH! It's the monster from the 'Swampmares'!" Nora screams as she shakes Ren. Ruby was hanging onto Yang, suffocating her with the strength of her hug.

"H-h-help me!" Yang cried out to Blake and Weiss, who were trying to ply Ruby off her sister before she died from lack of air.

"Nora, please let Ren go." Pryyha asks politely, ready to physically pull her off if needed. Ren looked quite green, and that wasn't because of his shirt either. Nora let him go, hugging a big plate of pancakes as if they were monster repellent.

Jaune was remarkably calm at the sight of a 3 metre tall lizard man, but that might have something to do with his sister shielding his eyes as if he was still a kid.

"Jaune, don't look!" Saphron says.

"Sis, I'm not a kid anymore! Besides, I've seen that costume Joan made for Halloween!"

Both siblings shudder at the memory, mentally suppressing it again. Their sister had a knack for making terrifying costumes.

"Hahaha! Look at you! You look more animal than actual faunuses!" Tyrian cackles madly at Watts appearance. Cinder and Hazel were better at hiding it, but they were grinning as well at their colleagues lizard-like look.

"What happened to me!" Watts screams at the sight of his monstrous self, wondering what experiment turned him into that.

"You injected yourself with a serum incorporating lizard genes to give yourself a healing factor to regenerate your amputated arm. It worked too well." Zack explains.

Sienna, Adam, Blake and Ilia remembered that time a lizard faunus literally regenerated his entire leg after having it crushed in a failed raid. It wasn't pretty.

Ironwood looked at his robotic arm, wondering if that was a line of research Atlas should pursue. Despite what the idiots in Remnant thought, faunus did have a few advantages over humans thanks to their heritage.

"Jimmy, I know what you're thinking. It's not worth it. Look at lizard man over there!" Qrow says.

"Qrow's right James. Besides, this is something many have tried before. I'm sure you remember some of Merlot's old experiments into both faunus and Grimm." Ozpin reminds his friend.

Ironwood grimaces, Merlot was a sore spot among them all. He experimented with humans, faunus and Grimm in his quest for the perfect being. They were mostly sure he was involved in the disaster that was Mountain Glenn. To this day, they weren't sure that he was dead.

The Lizard bursts out of the toilet by destroying the wall, scaring all the students there. All the students scream and run from the monstrous looking villain.

"GO!" Jaune tells Weiss, seeing that the not so good doctor had come for him. Weiss follows the other students running away from Lizard, looking back at Jaune in worry.

Jaune, unlike the other students, move towards the Lizard, determined to face him.

"Jaune, why are you running at the big lizard man instead of running away from it like everyone else?" Saphron asks, worried for her little brother.

"I'll be fine Saph." Jaune answers.

Seeing the hallway is empty now, Jaune runs at the Lizard. He slides down to avoid a claw strike, pulling the Lizard off his feet using his web-shooters.

"Interesting devices," Blake says, looking at the web-shooters with interest. Her fighting style mainly involved being mobile and they looked like they could enhance hers greatly.

Jaune jumps on the Lizard, about to punch his head but is thrown off. Jaune rolls back up, his backpack getting ripped off him in the process.

However, the Lizard is able to grab Jaune, slamming him into the nearby lockers.

Jaune is then thrown through a trophy case and a wall, ending up in a chemistry lab.

"Jaune!" His friends shout, watching their friend get thrown about.

"Well someone's in trouble." Ilia says, getting thrown through a wall hurt, even if it was a thin wall that was more plaster than concrete.

The Lizard pins him down to the floor, however Jaune is able to break free.

"Nowhere to hide Jaune." Lizard says as Jaune ducks away from another claw strike. He tries to push him off balance but the Lizard doesn't budge.

"Someone's been hitting the gym." Mercury remarks.

"Blond boy can't be that strong." Emerald says. Sure Jaune was agile, but he must have sacrificed some strength in exchange. And Lizard was huge.

"Actually, this Jaune can bench press around 10 tons if he tries." Zack says, getting looks of shock. Sure some of them could do the same, but that was due to their semblances. That made them wonder just how strong Lizard was in comparison.

Jaune looks back to the hole they just made and spots his backpack. He webs it to himself and gets kicked through another wall by the Lizard in the process.

"Why did you go for the backpack?" Sun asks Jaune, who shrugs in return.

"Maybe it has his gear in it?"

The Lizard grabs two chemicals, mixing them together then throws it at the new hole in the wall he made, creating a makeshift smoke bomb.

"All these souls. Lost and alone. I can save them! I can cure them! There's no need to stop me Jaune." Lizard tries to get Jaune to see things his way.

"Does that ever work?" Velvet asks.

"Not really, more of a courtesy than anything." Roman replies. He couldn't count just how many times some crime lord tried it on him. The only reason Cinder managed to convince him was because she did it with a fireball held next to his balls.

Salem inwardly smiled, remembering how she 'convinced' Lionheart to turn on Ozpin without him knowing.

All he gets in response is a thrown shoe to his face. He roars on anger at that as Jaune jumps out of the hole, now clad in his costume.

Jumping onto the table, Spider-man now faces the Lizard for the third time. He wears a red and blue full body spandex with a black web motive.

"Hmm," Coco was analyzing Jaune's costume. "The red and blue work well together, the black web motive too. The eye lens though... White lens with black frames might work better."

"Spandex, really? And I thought the bunny suit was bad!" Ruby laughs at the memory of Jaune's pyjamas.

"What bunny suit?" Neptune asks. Now this he had to hear.

"Nothing! That was a one off! It'll never happen again!" Jaune immediately denies.

"You actually wore that?" Saphron asks. She had one too, but she never actually wore it after that once to keep Janna happy.

"I had a lapse of judgement OK?" Jaune says.

"Still, spandex isn't actually practical combat attire Mr. Arc." Glynda says.

"She's right." Zack says. "It's not even bullet resistant. All it does is protect your identity and give you free range of motion." 'Unlike the one Ruby made for her intern. Damn that suit was over-equipped!'

Using his web-shooters, he pulls two fluorescent lights at Lizard, distracting him.

When the Lizard looks back, Spider-man is no longer on the table. Having jumped onto the ceiling, Spider-man manages to sneak up on Lizard, jumping on him.

"So he can stick to surfaces as well." Ozpin notes.

Blake and Ilia think how useful that would be coupled with their stealth. They could already sneak into most places undetected, one because of her ability to change skin colour to match her environment, and the other because of her ninja skills.

"You're not thinking straight doc!" Spider-man says as he webs the Lizard's hands and blinds him. Spider-man rides him like a rodeo bull, taking the fight back out into the hallway.

Watts seethed at the sight of this miscreant riding on him as if he was some kind of animal. His colleagues though, were greatly amused by it. Even Salem was hiding a smile at the sight.

"Stop this! This isn't you!" Spider-man continues to try and direct Lizard, before Lizard back slams him into the lockers.

Slightly dazed, Spider-man nonetheless manages to jump onto the ceiling, away from Lizard's claw strike, the claws leaving deep gashes on the metal locker doors.

"Sharp claws." Jaune winces at the near miss. Most Grimm had claws of some kind, so he wasn't unused to being attacked by them. Didn't mean he had to like it.

"Let's talk this out!" Spider-man tries to reason with Lizard, but he isn't interested. Jumping onto the ceiling, Lizard shows that he can wall climb like him, chasing him, destroying several lamps in the process.

"So he can do that too." Amber says.

"It's not going to be all that useful in an open field, but in an urban environment..." Winter thinks about the applications of both the webs and wall climbing ability in a city.

Lizard tries to grab Spider-man with a jump, but misses. Both are now back on the ground.

As Lizard gets up, Spider-man webs his right hand to the locker, hoping to immobilize him. Lizard merely rips the locker door out on its hinges.

"Oh boy!" Spider-man says, unwittingly giving Lizard a makeshift sword.

"That could have gone better." Jaune says. The plan was a sound one, but he should have webbed Lizard to a more solid surface, rather than a locker door. Then again, odds were that Lizard could have just freed his arm with a piece of the webbed surface in toll.

Spider-man back flips away from Lizard's clumsy swings, before using his webs to slide away on the floor.

"Alright, so you don't want to talk!" Spider-man says as merely Lizard roars at him in reply.

"There you go." Spider-man webs Lizard's mouth.

"Hahahahaha!" The audience laugh at how Spider-man shut Lizard up.

"Why can't you be this funny Jaune?" Yang asks in between laughs.

"Because the Grimm usually have a grimm sense of humour." Jaune replies. His eyes widen at what he has done.

"Damn it Jaune!" RWB_ scream. Apparently, Yang's bad puns was contagious.

"Jaune-Jaune," Nora says eerily.

"Yes Nora?" Jaune asks nervously at how calm Nora suddenly was.

"Never again." Nora says. Ren and Pryyha agree with her. Yang's joke was their limit, they didn't need their leader to join in as well.

"Never again." Jaune agrees. Saphron sighs, she didn't need to explain to her family how Jaune suddenly had a terrible sense of humour.

"Hey!" Yang says, offended. That was a great pun. No one else agreed.

"No!" Summer says to Tai, shutting him up before he could say anything.

"But I..." Tai tries to say before he gets shut up by his entire team.

"NO!" They suffered through his bad puns enough as it was when they were still team STRQ. They didn't need a refresher.

Ripping the web off his face, Lizard snarls as he uses his tail to slam Spider-man.

Catching the tail, Spider-man then tries to pull Lizard around with his strength.


Lizard uses his tail to slam him into a wall.

"make me"

He gets slammed into a notice board.

"have to"

Lizard then throws him out the door.

"hurt you!"

Jaune winces at each slam. That had to hurt.

Spider-man is still holding onto Lizard's tail, having detached as he was thrown onto the bridge. Lizard is already rapidly regenerating a new tail as he approaches Spider-man.

"Eww, gross!" Emerald says at the sight of the detached tail.

Ghira grimaces at Lizards regenerating tail. He remembered that one time he watches a lizard faunus regenerate his tail. Kali was decidedly green around the cheeks at the memory.

"Ughh! Disgusting!" Spider-man throws off the detached and still moving tail. Getting up, he uses his webs to slingshot him into Lizard feet first.

Unfortunately for him, Lizard was ready for it. Grabbing him by the head, the reptile slams the arachnid into a window, breaking it.

"Ughh!" Weiss hits Lizard with a trophy, having not evacuated the building like all the other students.

"What are you doing Weiss!" Winter shouts at the sight of her sister. Why didn't she evacuate the school with the other students!

"Well someone had to save Arc!" Weiss replies.

"Aww! I didn't know you cared!" Ruby says.

"Silence!" Weiss says, red in the face at being caught.

"Still, Ice Princess is in trouble there." Qrow says.

"Weiss," Lizard says as he turns his attention towards her. Weiss backs off, seeing that she at best only annoyed him.

Fortunately for her, Spider-man recovers and immediately uses his webs to make an improvised straight-jacket, wrapping him up not unlike an actual spider.

"How strong is that web?" Ironwood asks.

"Stronger than steel and far lighter." Zack answers.

Ironwood was interested in it. Those webs could be useful for capturing criminals.

Having immobilized the Lizard and knowing that it wouldn't last long, not with his strength, Spider-man uses his web to pull Weiss to him, trophy first.

He then throws the trophy at the window, shattering it. Pulling her to him, he says

"I'm going to throw you out the window now."


"What!" Weiss yells.

He then does so, shooting a web at her to slow her fall. She hangs there by the web, swinging in the air.

"Arc!" Weiss screams at him.

"Other me! Other me!" Jaune defends. Winter glares at him as well.

The Lizard has freed himself by now, turning towards Spider-man. Police sirens can be heard approaching the school.

"Uh ohh! Somebody's been a bad lizard." Spider-man mocks as he crouches down, ready for round 2.

"Round 2!" Sage says.

Classical music plays as they take the fight to the school library. Oobleck is stamping some books as he listens to music. He doesn't hear the fight going on behind him with sound cancelling headphones on.

"Of course he doesn't notice." Glynda and Ozpin sigh at their scatterbrained professor. Some students got in a fight once just like this one, and Oobleck didn't notice a thing since he was listening to music.

Spider-man barely catches a table thrown his way, before throwing it back at Lizard. Oobleck is oblivious to it all, having finished his work, grabs his lunch bag and leaves the library, avoiding being hit by a thrown Spider-man by a few seconds.

"So close." Blake says, glaring at the two on screen. How dare they ruin the sanctum that was the library.

Spider-man groans as he hits the floor. Taking a few seconds to get back up, he sees that the Lizard is gone.

Spider-man, with his mask off showing the bruises and cuts on his face, searches for Lizard. The police shout warnings from outside the school, generally being useless.

"Jaune..." Saphron says, very concerned for her brother.

"I'm fine. I barely get injured in actual fights now." Jaune reassures his sister. It was true too. Aura protected him from the worst and Pryyha's training made it less likely he was injured.

Spider-man finds the tunnel Lizard made into the school, finding only a torn lab coat belonging to Varsillecorps. Lizard has escaped him again.

"Damn he got away!" Nora says. "Ren, can we..."

"No Nora, we're not going hunting in the sewers!" Ren says, knowing what Nora was thinking.

"Think about it. We could get new lizard skin clothes and bags!"

"Hmm" Coco hummed at the thought of lizard skin accessories. She was thinking about it, much to the worry of her team.

"NO!" J_PR yell, causing Nora to sulk into her pancakes. Party poopers.

"Right, next one." Zack says.

Next one won't come out until after the 21st April 2020. I have an assignment that's suppose to replace my Final Exams that day.

Next: The Greatest Showman – Rewrite the Stars

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